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Swift Reactive Programming.

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Swift Reactive Programming.




ReactKit [![Circle CI](](

Swift Reactive Programming.

## How to install

See [Wiki page](

## Example

For UI Demo, please see [ReactKit/ReactKitCatalog](

### Key-Value Observing

// create stream via KVO
self.obj1Stream =, "value")

// bind stream via KVC (`<~` as binding operator)
(obj2, "value") <~ self.obj1Stream

XCTAssertEqual(obj1.value, "initial")
XCTAssertEqual(obj2.value, "initial")

obj1.value = "REACT"

XCTAssertEqual(obj1.value, "REACT")
XCTAssertEqual(obj2.value, "REACT")

To remove stream-bindings, just release `stream` itself (or call `stream.cancel()`).

self.obj1Stream = nil // release stream & its bindings

obj1.value = "Done"

XCTAssertEqual(obj1.value, "Done")
XCTAssertEqual(obj2.value, "REACT")

If you want to observe changes in `Swift.Array` or `NSMutableArray`,
use `DynamicArray` feature in [Pull Request #23](

### NSNotification

```swift ="MyNotification", obj1)
|> map { notification -> NSString? in
return "hello" // convert NSNotification? to NSString?

(obj2, "value") <~

Normally, `NSNotification` itself is useless value for binding with other objects, so use [Stream Operations](#stream-operations) e.g. `map(f: T -> U)` to convert it.

To understand more about `|>` pipelining operator, see [Stream Pipelining](#stream-pipelining).

### Target-Action

// UIButton
self.buttonStream = self.button.buttonStream("OK")

// UITextField
self.textFieldStream = self.textField.textChangedStream()

^{ println($0) } <~ self.buttonStream // prints "OK" on tap

// NOTE: ^{ ... } = closure-first operator, same as `stream ~> { ... }`
^{ println($0) } <~ self.textFieldStream // prints textField.text on change

### Complex example

The example below is taken from

- [iOS - ReactiveCocoaをかじってみた - Qiita]( (well-illustrated)

where it describes 4 `UITextField`s which enables/disables `UIButton` at certain condition (demo available in [ReactKit/ReactKitCatalog](

let usernameTextStream = self.usernameTextField.textChangedStream()
let emailTextStream = self.emailTextField.textChangedStream()
let passwordTextStream = self.passwordTextField.textChangedStream()
let password2TextStream = self.password2TextField.textChangedStream()

let allTextStreams = [usernameTextStream, emailTextStream, passwordTextStream, password2TextStream]

let combinedTextStream = allTextStreams |> merge2All

// create button-enabling stream via any textField change
self.buttonEnablingStream = combinedTextStream
|> map { (values, changedValue) -> NSNumber? in

let username: NSString? = values[0] ?? nil
let email: NSString? = values[1] ?? nil
let password: NSString? = values[2] ?? nil
let password2: NSString? = values[3] ?? nil

// validation
let buttonEnabled = username?.length > 0 && email?.length > 0 && password?.length >= MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH && password == password2

// NOTE: use NSNumber because KVO does not understand Bool
return NSNumber(bool: buttonEnabled)

// REACT: enable/disable okButton
(self.okButton, "enabled") <~ self.buttonEnablingStream!

For more examples, please see XCTestCases.

## How it works

ReactKit is based on powerful [SwiftTask]( (JavaScript Promise-like) library, allowing to start & deliver multiple events (KVO, NSNotification, Target-Action, etc) continuously over time using its **resume & progress** feature (`react()` or `<~` operator in ReactKit).

Unlike [Reactive Extensions (Rx)]( libraries which has a basic concept of "hot" and "cold" [observables](, ReactKit gracefully integrated them into one **hot + paused (lazy) stream** `Stream` class. Lazy streams will be auto-resumed via `react()` & `<~` operator.

Here are some differences in architecture:

| | Reactive Extensions (Rx) | ReactKit |
| Basic Classes | Hot Observable (broadcasting)
Cold Observable (laziness) | `Stream` |
| Generating | Cold Observable (cloneability) | `Void -> Stream`
(= `Stream.Producer`) |
| Subscribing | `observable.subscribe(onNext, onError, onComplete)` | `stream.react {...}.then {...}`
(method-chainable) |
| Pausing | `pausableObservable.pause()` | `stream.pause()` |
| Disposing | `disposable.dispose()` | `stream.cancel()` |

### Stream Pipelining

Streams can be composed by using `|>` **stream-pipelining operator** and [Stream Operations](#stream-operations).

For example, a very common [incremental search technique]( using `searchTextStream` will look like this:

let searchResultsStream: Stream<[Result]> = searchTextStream
|> debounce(0.3)
|> distinctUntilChanged
|> map { text -> Stream<[Result]> in
return API.getSearchResultsStream(text)
|> switchLatestInner

There are some scenarios (e.g. `repeat()`) when you want to use a cloneable `Stream.Producer` (`Void -> Stream`) rather than plain `Stream`. In this case, you can use `|>>` **streamProducer-pipelining operator** instead.

// first, wrap stream with closure
let timerProducer: Void -> Stream = {
return createTimerStream(interval: 1)
|> map { ... }
|> filter { ... }

// then, use `|>>` (streamProducer-pipelining operator)
let repeatTimerProducer = timerProducer |>> repeat(3)

But in the above case, wrapping with closure will always become cumbersome, so you can also use `|>>` operator for `Stream` & [Stream Operations](#stream-operations) as well (thanks to `@autoclosure`).

let repeatTimerProducer = createTimerStream(interval: 1)
|>> map { ... }
|>> filter { ... }
|>> repeat(3)

## Functions

### Stream Operations

- For Single Stream
- Transforming
- `asStream(ValueType)`
- `map(f: T -> U)`
- `flatMap(f: T -> Stream)`
- `map2(f: (old: T?, new: T) -> U)`
- `mapAccumulate(initialValue, accumulator)` (alias: `scan`)
- `buffer(count)`
- `bufferBy(stream)`
- `groupBy(classifier: T -> Key)`
- Filtering
- `filter(f: T -> Bool)`
- `filter2(f: (old: T?, new: T) -> Bool)`
- `take(count)`
- `takeUntil(stream)`
- `skip(count)`
- `skipUntil(stream)`
- `sample(stream)`
- `distinct()`
- `distinctUntilChanged()`
- Combining
- `merge(stream)`
- `concat(stream)`
- `startWith(initialValue)`
- `combineLatest(stream)`
- `zip(stream)`
- `recover(stream)`
- Timing
- `delay(timeInterval)`
- `interval(timeInterval)`
- `throttle(timeInterval)`
- `debounce(timeInterval)`
- Collecting
- `reduce(initialValue, accumulator)`
- Other Utilities
- `peek(f: T -> Void)` (for injecting side effects e.g. debug-logging)
- `customize(...)`

- For Array Streams
- `mergeAll(streams)`
- `merge2All(streams)` (generalized method for `mergeAll` & `combineLatestAll`)
- `combineLatestAll(streams)`
- `zipAll(streams)`

- For Nested Stream (`Stream>`)
- `mergeInner(nestedStream)`
- `concatInner(nestedStream)`
- `switchLatestInner(nestedStream)`

- For Stream Producer (`Void -> Stream`)
- `prestart(bufferCapacity)` (alias: `replay`)
- `times(count)`
- `retry(count)`

### Helpers

- Creating
- `Stream.once(value)` (alias: `just`)
- `Stream.never()`
- `Stream.fulfilled()` (alias: `empty`)
- `Stream.rejected()` (alias: `error`)
- `Stream.sequence(values)` (a.k.a Rx.fromArray)
- `Stream.infiniteSequence(initialValue, iterator)` (a.k.a Rx.iterate)

- Other Utilities
- `ownedBy(owner: NSObject)` (easy strong referencing to keep streams alive)

## Dependencies

- [SwiftTask](

## References

- [Introducing ReactKit // Speaker Deck]( (ver 0.3.0)

## Licence
