
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.


  • Sejima - User Interface Library components for iOS.
  • Eureka - Elegant iOS Forms in pure Swift.
  • XLActionController - Fully customizable and extensible action sheet controller written in Swift.
  • FlourishUI - Framework for modals, color exensions and buttons.
  • SwiftColors - HEX color handling as an extension for UIColor.
  • FontAwesome.swift - Use FontAwesome in your Swift projects.
  • SwiftOverlays - GUI library for displaying various popups and notifications.
  • ios-charts - A powerful chart / graph framework, the iOS equivalent to [MPAndroidChart](
  • TagCellLayout - UICollectionView layout for Tags with Left, Center & Right alignments.
  • TagListView - Simple but highly customizable iOS tag list view.
  • SwiftyButton - Simple and customizable button in Swift
  • Swiftstraints - Powerful auto-layout framework that lets you write constraints in one line of code.
  • PagingMenuController - Paging view controller with customizable menu in Swift
  • GaugeKit - Customizable gauges. Easy reproduce Apple's style gauges.
  • Hokusai - A library for a cool bouncy action sheet
  • LNRSimpleNotifications - Simple Swift in-app notifications
  • GoogleMaterialIconFont - Google Material Icon Font for Swift and ObjC.
  • CozyLoadingActivity - Lightweight loading activity HUD
  • VideoSplash - Video based UIViewController
  • EZAlertController - Easy Swift UIAlertController
  • EZSwipeController - :point_up_2: UIPageViewController like Snapchat/Tinder/iOS Main Pages
  • ImagePicker - A nicely designed and super easy to use ImagePicker. :camera:
  • Notie - In-app notification in Swift, with customizable buttons and input text field.
  • Whisper - Break the silence of your UI, whispering, shouting or whistling at it
  • HTYTextField - A UITextField with bouncy placeholder in Swift.
  • SwiftPasscodeLock - An iOS passcode lock with TouchID authentication written in Swift.
  • SlideMenuControllerSwift - iOS Slide Menu View based on Google+, iQON, Feedly, Ameba iOS app. It is written in pure swift.
  • Hue - Hue is the all-in-one coloring utility that you'll ever need.
  • SAHistoryNavigationViewController - SAHistoryNavigationViewController realizes iOS task manager like UI in UINavigationContoller.
  • WobbleView - Implementation of wobble effect for any view in app.
  • SimpleAlert - Customizable simple Alert and simple ActionSheet for Swift
  • Interactive Side Menu - Customizable iOS Interactive Side Menu written in Swift 3.0.
  • NFDownloadButton - Revamped Download Button.
  • EFQRCode - A better way to operate quick response code in Swift.
  • SendIndicator - Yet another task indicator.
  • SectionedSlider - Control Center Slider.
  • Cupcake - An easy way to create and layout UI components for iOS.
  • PinLayout - Extremely Fast views layouting without auto layout. No magic, pure code, full control and blazing fast. Concise syntax, intuitive, readable & chainable.
  • Gemini - Gemini is rich scroll based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift.
  • Hero - Hero is a library for building iOS view controller transitions.
  • CrispyCalendar - CrispyCalendar is the calendar UI framework.
  • Ribbon - 🎀 A simple cross-platform toolbar/custom input accessory view library for iOS & macOS.
  • FileKit - Simple and expressive file management in Swift.
  • SwiftyJSON - The better way to deal with JSON data in Swift.
  • json-swift - A basic library for working with JSON in Swift.
  • Argo - JSON parsing library for Swift, inspired by Aeson.
  • ObjectMapper - JSON Object mapping written in Swift.
  • Alamofire-SwiftyJSON - Alamofire extension for serialize NSData to SwiftyJSON.
  • SWXMLHash - Simple XML parsing in Swift.
  • AEXML - Simple and lightweight XML parser for iOS written in Swift.
  • Starscream - WebSockets Library
  • JASON - JSON parsing with outstanding performances and convenient operators.
  • Fuzi - A fast & lightweight XML/HTML parser with XPath & CSS support in Swift 2.
  • Tailor - A super fast & convenient object mapper tailored for your needs.
  • SwiftyJSONAccelerator - Generate Swift 5 model files from JSON with Codeable support.
  • Realm - A mobile database that runs directly inside phones, tablets or wearables.
  • SQLite.swift - A pure Swift framework wrapping SQLite3. Small. Simple. Safe.
  • SwiftData - A simple and effective wrapper around the SQLite3 C API written completely in Swift.
  • Squeal - A Swift wrapper for SQLite databases.
  • SQLiteDB - Basic SQLite wrapper for Swift.
  • SwiftMongoDB - A Swift driver for MongoDB.
  • ModelAssistant - Elegant library to manage the interactions between view and model in Swift.
  • PostgresClientKit - A PostgreSQL client library for Swift. Does not require libpq.
  • Quick - A behavior-driven development test framework for Swift and Objective-C.
  • Sleipnir - A BDD-style framework for Swift.
  • Nimble - A Matcher Framework for Swift.
  • Fakery - Swift fake data generator.
  • SwiftRandom - Generator for random data.
  • MockFive - A mocking framework for Swift with runtime function stubbing.
  • jazzy - A soulful way to generate docs for Swift & Objective-C
  • Caravel - A Swift event bus for UIWebView and JS
  • EmitterKit - An elegant event framework built in Swift
  • Swift-Custom-Events - A very simple way to implement Backbone.js style custom event listeners and triggering in Swift for iOS development.
  • Kugel - A glorious Swift wrapper around NSNotificationCenter
  • TaskQueue - A Task Queue Class developed in Swift.
  • Dispatcher - Queues, timers, and task groups in Swift
  • GCDKit - Grand Central Dispatch simplified with Swift.
  • Alamofire - an HTTP networking library written in Swift.
  • ReactiveAPI - Write clean, concise and declarative network code relying on URLSession, with the power of RxSwift. Inspired by Retrofit.
  • SwiftHTTP - Thin wrapper around NSURLSession in swift. Simplifies HTTP requests.
  • Net - HttpRequest wrapper written in Swift.
  • OAuthSwift - Swift based OAuth library for iOS
  • Moya - Network abstraction layer written in Swift
  • Just - HTTP for Humans (python-requests style HTTP library)
  • SocketIO-Kit - iOS/OSX Client compatible with v1.0 and later
  • SwiftWebSocket - High performance WebSocket client library for Swift.
  • AeroGear IOS Http - is a thin layer to take care of your http requests working with NSURLSession.
  • Nuke - Advanced framework for loading and caching images
  • Siesta - Ends state headaches by providing a resource-centric alternative to the familiar request-centric approach to HTTP.
  • Taylor - a web server library in Swift.
  • Perfect - a web framework tayin Swift.
  • Swifter - A Twitter framework for iOS & OS X written in Swift
  • Kingfisher - A lightweight and pure Swift implemented library for downloading and caching image from the web.
  • HanekeSwift - A lightweight generic cache for iOS written in Swift with extra love for images.
  • Carlos - A simple but flexible cache for iOS and WatchOS 2 apps, written in Swift.
  • CryptoSwift - Crypto related functions and helpers for Swift implemented in Swift programming language.
  • SHA256-Swift - Swift framework wrapping CommonCrypto's SHA256 methods.
  • SwiftSSL - An Elegant crypto toolkit in Swift.
  • SwiftyRSA - RSA public/private key encryption in Swift
  • QorumLogs
  • CleanroomLogger - A configurable and extensible pure Swift logging API that is simple, lightweight and performant.
  • XCGLogger - A debug log framework for use in Swift projects.
  • Swell - A logging utility for Swift and Objective C.
  • Log - A logging tool with built-in themes, formatters, and a nice API to define your owns.
  • NSLogger - A high perfomance logging utility which displays traces emitted by client applications running on Mac OS X, iOS and Android.
  • CommandCougar - An elegant pure Swift library for building command line applications.
  • AudioKit - Audio synthesis, processing, and analysis platform
  • MusicKit - Framework and DSL for creating, analyzing, and transforming music in Swift
  • WebMIDIKit - Simplest MIDI Swift framework
  • GooglePlacesAutocomplete - Simple Google Places address entry for iOS.
  • Swifter - A Twitter framework for iOS & OS X written in Swift
  • SwiftIB - An InteractiveBrokers API Library for OS X written in Swift. InteractiveBrokers is one of a few, if not the best, brokerage company provide Gateway+API solution for traders.
  • Dollar.swift - A functional tool-belt for Swift Language similar to Lo-Dash or Underscore in Javascript.
  • swiftz - A Swift library for functional programming.
  • ExSwift - JavaScript (Lo-Dash, Underscore) & Ruby inspired set of Swift extensions for standard types and classes.
  • Observable-Swift - Value Observing and Events for Swift.
  • PromiseKit - A delightful Promises implementation for iOS.
  • Promissum - Promise library with functional combinators like `map`, `flatMap`, `whenAll` & `whenAny`.
  • Promise - Simple promises library in Swift.
  • PureFutures - Futures and Promises library
  • SwiftTask - Promise + progress + pause + cancel, using SwiftState (state machine).
  • Pythonic.swift - Pythonic tool-belt for Swift – a Swift implementation of selected parts of Python standard library.
  • SWRoute - A tiny Swift wrapper. Allows you to route (hook) quite any function/method with another function/method or even a closure.
  • Euler - Swift Custom Operators for Mathematical Notation.
  • swix - Swift Matrix and Machine Learning Library.
  • Easy-Cal-Swift - Overload +-*/ operator for Swift, make it easier to use (and not so strict).
  • AlecrimCoreData - A simple Core Data wrapper library written in Swift.
  • Async - Syntactic sugar in Swift for asynchronous dispatches in Grand Central Dispatch.
  • SwiftState - Elegant state machine for Swift.
  • LlamaKit - Collection of must-have functional Swift tools.
  • ReactKit - Swift Reactive Programming.
  • Basis - A number of foundational functions, types, and typeclasses.
  • CAAnimation + Closure - Add start / completion closures for CAAnimation instances
  • SwiftyUserDefaults
  • Pluralize.swift - Great Swift String Pluralize Extension
  • SwiftSequence - A ÎĽframework of extensions for SequenceType in Swift 2.0, inspired by Python's itertools, Haskell's standard library, and other things.
  • BrightFutures - Write great asynchronous code in Swift using futures and promises.
  • EZSwiftExtensions - :smirk: How Swift standard types and classes were supposed to work.
  • BFKit-Swift - A collection of useful classes to develop Apps faster.
  • Sugar - Something sweet that goes great with your Cocoa.
  • ZamzamKit - A collection of micro utilities and extensions for Standard Library, Foundation and UIKit.
  • Bow - Companion library for Typed Functional Programming in Swift.
  • SwiftCoroutine - Swift coroutines for iOS and macOS.
  • acli - commandline tool to download curated libraries from github (very beta)
  • Compass - Compass helps you setup a central navigation system for your application.
  • R.swift - tool to get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images and segues in your Swift project
  • SwiftKVC - Key-Value Coding (KVC) for native Swift classes and structs
  • Tactile - A safer and more idiomatic way to respond to gestures and control events.
  • Swift 4 Module Template - An opinionated starting point for awesome, reusable Swift 4 modules
  • SwiftValidators - String validation for iOS developed in Swift. Inspired by validator.js
  • Versions - Helping you find inner peace when comparing version numbers in Swift
  • Swift 4 Module Template - An opinionated starting point for awesome, reusable Swift 4 modules
  • Official website - A home page of Swift programming language.
  • Official blog - Official Swift Blog.
  • Jameson Quave's blog - Tips for everyday work with Swift.
  • Swift Collection on Medium - Collection of blog posts about Swift on Medium.
  • Swift Collection on - Collection of blog posts about Swift on raywenderlich.
  • SwiftInFlux - An attempt to gather all that is in flux in Swift.
  • We ❤ Swift - Tutorials and guides.
  • Natasha The Robot - Nice blog about Swift by Natasha The Robot.
  • - A curated list of helpful resources to learn Swift. Tutorials, Code Samples, References.
  • Hacking with Swift - a complete Swift training course that teaches you app development through 36 hands-on projects, for free.
  • SwiftLang - a Swift Resource Center & Community.
  • WWDC-Recap - A collection of session summaries in markdown format, from WWDC 19 & 17.
  • Cocoacasts - Tutorials and videos about Swift and Cocoa development.
  • The Swift Programming Language
  • Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C
  • Swift Standard Library Reference
  • Learn to Program iOS and OS X with Apple Swift
  • TheSwiftLanguage youtube channel - Videos about the Swift programming language by Apple.
  • Brian Advent youtube channel - High quality Swift tutorials.
  • SkipCasts youtube channel - Skip Wilson's casts on Swift.
  • Developing iOS 8 Apps with Swift - Stanford course by Paul Hegarty.
  • Learn-swift playground - Learn Swift interactively through these playgrounds.
  • Design-Patterns-In-Swift - Design Patterns implemented in Swift.
  • SwiftStub - an online Swift playground and REPL.
  • awesome-awesomeness