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Unity package to easily pass data at scene transition.

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Unity package to easily pass data at scene transition.

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# Uni Scene Data Transfer


Unity package to easily pass data at scene transition.

## Usages


The name of the scene and the name of the component that controls the scene must be the same.

public class ResultData
public int Score;
public int Rank;

Define the data class to be passed to the scene.

using UnityEngine;

public class ResultScene : MonoBehaviour

MonoBehaviour to control the scene,

using KoganeUnityLib;
using UnityEngine;

public class ResultScene : SimpleSceneBase

Change to inheritance SimpleSceneBase.

- Add `using KoganeUnityLib;` .

using KoganeUnityLib;
using UnityEngine;

public class ResultScene : SimpleSceneBase
private void Start()
Debug.Log( entryData.Score );
Debug.Log( entryData.Rank );

Then, the passed data can be referenced by entryData property.

var data = new ResultData
Score = 5000,
Rank = 3,
ResultScene.Load( data );

After that, by writing the above code in another scene, you can transition the scene while passing data.

## Remarks: Awake, OnEnable

public class ResultScene : SimpleSceneBase
// Cannot
private void Awake()
Debug.Log( entryData.Score );
Debug.Log( entryData.Rank );

// Cannot
private void OnEnable()
Debug.Log( entryData.Score );
Debug.Log( entryData.Rank );

- entryData property is not available for Awake, OnEnable.

## Remarks: Launch directly

When launching the scene directly, entryData is null.

public class ResultScene : SimpleSceneBase
private void Start()
var data = entryData ?? new ResultData();

Debug.Log( data.Score );
Debug.Log( data.Rank );

Therefore, by writing the above code,
When the scene is started directly, the dummy data can be used.

using System;

public class ResultData
public int Score;
public int Rank;

Alternatively, by applying the Serializable attribute to the data class,


entryData used when launching the scene directly can be set in Unity Inspector.