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WTC is a simple utility you can use to watch files and execute commands.

go golang hacktoberfest utility watch-files

Last synced: 2 months ago
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WTC is a simple utility you can use to watch files and execute commands.

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WTC is a simple utility you can use to watch files and execute commands.

## Install

From master branch
`$ go install`

You can also install by release(linux64 only);
`$ curl -sfL --silent | tar -xzv && mv wtc $(go env GOPATH)/bin/`

Or just head to the [releases page]( and download the latest version for you platform.

## Compile from source

Before you begin, ensure you have installed the latest version of Go. See the [Go documentation]( for details.

`$ go get -u`

## Usage

$ wtc --help
wtc [[flags] [regex command]]
e.g.: wtc
// will read [.]wtc.y[a]ml
e.g.: wtc -r -sfmt "_test\.go$" "go test -cover {PKG}"

wtc [flags]] [rule-name]
e.g.: wtc -t rule-name
wtc --no-trace "rule ruleb"
wtc -arg-pkg any/path rule
wtc -arg-file path/to/file.ext rule
-arg-file string
wtc -arg-file path/to/file rule-name
-arg-pkg string
wtc -arg-pkg path/to/folder rule-name
-debounce int
global debounce (default 300)
-f string
wtc config file (default try to find [.]wtc.y[a]ml)
-ignore string
-ignore-rules string
ignore one or more rules (e.g.: -ignore-rules "ruleA,ruleB"
or export WTC_IGNORE_RULES=ruleA,ruleB)
disable messages.
-r run on start
simple format(stderr red)
-t string
trig one or more rules by name
e.g.: wtc -t ruleA
wtc -t "ruleA ruleB"

## Usage with [.]wtc.y[a]ml

You can configure WTC by creating an YAML file with your own rules.

Example with all options:

no_trace: false
debounce: 300 # if rule has no debounce, this will be used instead
ignore: \.git/
kill_signal: 2 # SIGINT (default: 9 SIGKILL)
kill_timeout: 3 # how many seconds we wait for the applicaton to exit before we send SIGKILL(9)
time: "15:04:05" # golang format
ok: "\u001b[38;5;244m[{{.Time}}] \u001b[38;5;2m[{{.Title}}]\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;238m{{.Message}}\u001b[0m\n"
fail: "\u001b[38;5;244m[{{.Time}}] \u001b[38;5;1m[{{.Title}}] \u001b[38;5;238m{{.Message}}\u001b[0m\n"
command_ok: "\u001b[38;5;240m[{{.Time}}] [{{.Title}}] \u001b[0m{{.Message}}\n"
command_err: "\u001b[38;5;240m[{{.Time}}] [{{.Title}}] \u001b[38;5;1m{{.Message}}\u001b[0m\n"
trig: [start, buildNRun] # will run start and after buildNRun
trig_async: # will run test and async concurrently
- test
- async
- name: PORT
value: 2000
- type: file
name: ./base.env
- name: start
- name: buildNRun
match: \.go$
ignore: _test\.go$
command: go build
- name: ENV
value: development
- name: %{BASE_FILE}% # replace from environment
type: file
- done build
- run
- test
- name: done build
- name: run
command: ./$(basename `pwd`)
- name: test
- name: ENV
value: test
- name: %{BASE_FILE}%
type: file
match: _test\.go$
command: go test -cover {PKG}
- name: async
command: echo async

Example base.env

export PORT=3000

# will be replaced by the environment variable

You can also trig a rule using `wtc -t`, example;
`wtc -t "start buildNRun"`
`wtc --no-trace buildNRun`

## Dev

`$ make` will watch for changes and run `go install` or just run `$ go run main.go`
debounce: 100
ignore: "\\.git/"
trig: install
- name: install
match: "\\.go$"
command: "go install"