An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.
List of the repositories published by Larry
Last synced: 3 days ago
JSON representation
- ddosify - performance load testing tool, written in Golang. For distributed and Geo-targeted load testing: Ddosify Cloud - �ス�ス
- nff-go - Go -Network Function Framework for GO (former YANFF)
- talos
- smocker
- gltf-go
- languishable
- GoBooks
- gocolors
- CodeInGame
- obj-loader
- MyDatabase
- cosmic-error - system
- nvm-windows
- xray_processing_phase1 - ray images collected from cores
- go-mailer - mail sender for Go Programming Language
- amass - depth Attack Surface Mapping and Asset Discovery
- Tigo - like API with better performance. Tigo�ス閾ュ�ス逕域寇鄕�o髴ょ央�ス謦伉�ス﨣ュ�スweb鞫ィ鄧�怛迯「�咋エオ蝴暦丙PI�ス蟇楪謚呈自髫。貎費ソスTornado謦溷裡�ス�ス莠、�ス逖・都登rnado�ス貂ク譛ォ�ス�督謇ッ�搾ソス�ス
- kismatic - Automated, Production-Grade Kubernetes Operations
- Sophy
- can-it-http-2
- N-Queens_Problem - Queens problem solvers and solution counters implemented using a constrained DFS algorithm
- arcelioeperez
- thoruh - style (and DOS-style) command-line options (inspired by the awesome argtable2 C library).
- project-euler
- openblockchain
- lets-go-wwg
- GoC-Protobuf
- checksumo
- zqc-server-demo
- tune - player for the AudioAddict web radio's such as Digitally Imported ( and RadioTunes.
- go-schemax
- bigslice
- egoshop - shop is written by Go
- sqlf
- ddsv-go
- vibora - line interface CLI) desenvolvidos com o framework Cobra adicionando uma interface grafica de ...
- wavelib
- api-rest-golang
- knative-demos
- fzshell
- bpembed
- jwt-poc - Security awareness ep.2
- MyExtApp
- m3rger - layer YAML configuration merging tool
- golang-docker-build-tutorial
- go-todo-list
- scany
- gce-cache-cluster
- zju-bs-project-backend
- circl
- cdsi-tp - CDSI class, includes 3 suggested solution for TP: 2 (Go), 3 (Scala), 4 (Solidity).
- golab
- rvda - V Disassembler
- rektangle-resistance
- link-preview-api - prevue vue component
- urlook
- date-manipulator
- gotodo
- tarjan
- fastget
- go-dbus - Bus message bus system.
- vault-ai - term memory using the OP Stack (OpenAI + Pinecone Vector Database). Upload your own custom knowledge base files (PDF, txt, etc) using a simple React frontend.
- go-acme
- go-shopping - commerce website that displays product lists, details, and can run payment gateways to process purchase transactions. Equipped with an administrator page that can be use ...
- BiliBili
- freeboard
- notionapi
- xdvoke
- gomoku-go
- go-hill-climbing - Queens problem solution using Hill-Climbing algorithm rewritten from Common Lisp to Go (
- dipper
- Go-Basic
- gopath
- Desafio-Tecnico
- LearnGoLang
- go-redis
- go_studies
- whatsmeow
- high-performance-lang-comparison
- SublimeLinter-gotype
- alta-store - commerce service.
- sorm
- simplebank
- gophish-client
- curso-go-master
- gizmo
- TShirtGoAPI - Shirt Go API is a web-based application programming interface (API) designed to provide access to a wide range of T-shirt-related information and functionalities. The API enables developers to retrieve information about T-shirt categories, brands, sizes, colors, materials, and products.
- codewars-katas
- duck
- PokeData
- relearning-laravel
- gofmt.vim
- go-concurrency-test
- Udemy_Python_Camp - 1.Python for graphical applications. 2.Tkinter - for building desktop applications and actually user interface. 3.Turtle graphics - for learning graphical design using python and to learn controlling objects in computer using keyboard. 4.Databases - for learning that how you can store the data of your games, apps and programs. 5.Python for datascience. 6.Numpy - Learn to create data in form of datasets and analysing data using python. 7.Pandas - To create data frames and analyse them and to visualise data in form of 3-D graphs and 2-D graphs. 8.Matplotlib - To create data visualisations. 9.Seaborn - To create animated plots. 10.Plotly and cufflinks - To create interactive plots. 11.Geographical plotting - To create global scale plots. 12.Python date and time functions. 13.File handling 14.Controll objects using keys. 15.Creating infinite graphical designs. 16.Functions and methods in python 17.Loops and conditionals. 18.Basics and datatypes in python. What you are going to build in this course(Better if you see in the preview videos): 1.Caterpillar game with proper interface and keyboard control. 2.Smart calculator - Did not need to add symbols just give numbers and ask for any operation. 3.Your own routine database application with proper intrface. 4.An egg catcher game with graphical interface and keyboard control. 5.your own screen pet with gestures. 6.Match maker project. 7.Robot graphics. 8.Kaliedo spiral and modified kaleidoscope spiral(graphical design). 9.An automatic data plotter with more than 30 Types of plots. 10.A geographical baseman plot. 11.Big data analysis project(more than 60+ million data). 12.Artificial inteligent Tic Tac Toe(play against computer). 13.A Dictionary. 14.Hangmen game. 15.Dice rolling simulator.
- Arrays-Competency
- bibliomaniacs.js - and-coming:: bibliomaniacs.js ( so far planning to use CloudFlare as CDN for selectize.js,turn.js, idiomatic.js, nd jsPDF with a Yeoman generator I'm sure to make reading books online easier and enable you to make notes on a sidebar; analytics are taken in this process and the results will appear of Parse, Ink. as to general population worldwide by country, area, etc. as to what is being read the most. This is a javacript framework that you can download as a program from github (COMING SOON) and it will have an icon representing the tooling as you read anything online. All you'd have to do is click on the icon for the tooling to enable and open and the source of text you are reading will go into pdf format with a sidebar and a save button as well as a bookmark this page option, so you can go back to look up words or to refer to the information or to share it later with someone else, or....:<Online library with links to free e-literature (short stories, novels, novellas, and poems) of Classics and many, many great new to present-day authors and true to present-past-few eras authors who have written some of the greatest works ever. Now all-in-one site, research and time has enabled the making of this site for anyone to use to read for free any of the literature of their choosing anytime; that is, on an ever-growing list of awesome books to read(any e-mail suggestions for add-ins are highly recommended--you can start now: e-mail me at [email protected]. Amcii Cullum @mc112014, LLC. There are more features available related and extra, however: a blog you can post with issues or essays about books you've read and would like to critique or how your day went or how you feel, you get the point. It is there for you as a signed up user to do what you please with it. The blog could be a doorway where you propose an interesting issue that perhaps begins a conversational bit for our forum where people can talk about reading, writing, favorite music, this era today and how it is difference from the baby boomers children, religious issues, anything theme-related to talk about and hopefully learn from. This is a learning library to have fun with and use with no library card required and no late fees ;)! It is crucial for the site to grow, so I will continue to look for great literature as it is recommended (though please e-mail me on any topics that are of interest to you concerning this site; i.e. add-on links to free literature on the web, things you'd like to see added or removed from the site and why, topic that you'd like me to bring forth in the forum rather than you having to do it, though you may want to participate later, anything at all. Since Heartbleed and NSA et al maintaining an appearance whereby we feel there is no security in our input on the web, I want this to be a liberal arts explosion of ideas coming forth with taboo-topics and a feeling of freedom to talk(1st amendment right, right?!) I am very excited at the potential for what can be done with an online library where the books are always on the shelf for everyone even at the same time. There is a personal profile you can fill out once you register and sign in as a user agent. I am wondering if I should include check boxes next to authors works with -read, -want-to-read,-currently reading,-highly recommend, -do not recommend to others, with a block to type in reason why, a -like block with rating of 1-5 for you to input and it will be saved to your account profile. There will also be a template for you to keep notes on: words you want to look up from the text you're reading, comments you have on literary devices or metaphors used that you liked and why, extrapolation of obscured realities; that is, your take on what the book is trying to say really, and so on. You could even keep a list of books you recommend others to read on the front HOME Page which will be posted for all to see and maybe later after some analytics of what people are reading most etc. I can put lit that's trending now up on the site. There are planned weekly updates to be made to the site for as long as I can do so requiring that I find new literature to post. MY stack so far is planning to run node.js, twitter bootstrap 3.1.1, html5, css and less.js for styling, glyphicons, perhaps meteor.js, history.js, mocha, reveal.js, ember.js, jQuery, list.js, and kraken.js
- wordle-solver
- gomanual
- GoTwitter - end del curso de "Aprende lenguaje Go desde 0" - creando una red social como Twitter de Pablo Tilotta en Udemy
- zookeeper_client_design_manual
- cloudgo1
- delta-illusion - illusion is a tool to get 64 passwords with 1(0.5 + 0.5) password.
- trey-learns
- golearn
- spaceInvadersWithGoRoutines
- game-of-go
- go-bible
- watcher
- protoc-gen-doc
- go-systemd - Bus, and unit files
- prom-top
- lolz
- concourse - based continuous thing-doer written in Go.
- cli
- go-study-index
- jupiter
- goproxy
- minishift
- caddy - platform web server with automatic HTTPS
- q
- gopass
- primitive
- cloud-on-k8s
- comply
- azure-sdk-for-go
- vg
- trdsql
- crawlab
- gorsy-cache - safe in-memory k/v cache store implemented by Golang that supports the lru, lfu, arc algorithm etc.
- 30-Days-of-Code
- hiprtc
- channels
- elsa
- etcd - value store for the most critical data of a distributed system
- gmri_capstone_go_be - G103
- goboy - platform Nintendo Game Boy Color emulator written in Go
- chronos
- robotgo - platform GUI automation @vcaesar
- kafka-go
- golang-cheat-sheet
- termshark
- api-server
- kubedoom
- golang-for-nodejs-developers
- dockerize
- ottosocial
- lile
- golang-tls
- what-anime-cli
- nps - performance, powerful intranet penetration proxy server, with a powerful web management terminal.
- hisi-initregtable-go-parser - Boot initial register table parser into human readable format
- qmgo - The Go driver for MongoDB. It�ス鈆ヲ based on official mongo-go-driver but easier to use like Mgo.
- pixterm
- asciigraph
- go-findfont - match`).
- gorsk
- proteus
- go-gin-example
- z-run - run -- lightweight Go-based scripts library tool
- go-cshared-examples
- csvutil
- go-flutter - based on Flutter Embedding, Go and GLFW.
- go-nsq
- worker
- logrus
- walk
- msgpack
- hev-cli - E-V: Here Everyone's Vaccinated - This tool is intended to help those who qualify for the COVID-19 vaccine at H-E-B find an appointment.
- gorgonia
- env - dependencies library to parse environment variables into structs.
- mawt
- flannel
- gormt
- gev - blocking TCP network library / websocket server based on Reactor mode. Support custom protocols to quickly and easily build high-performance servers.
- smartcrypto
- rqlite
- gobuster
- octo-cli
- gorbac - based access control (RBAC) implementation in Golang.
- Go-Conditions-Cycles - Condiciones y ciclos.
- engine
- golang-gin-realworld-example-app
- go-oauth2-server - compliant, OAuth2 server written in Golang.
- cronsun - Tolerant Cron-Style Job System.
- spaghetti-cutter
- 1m-go-tcp-server
- gitea - hosted git service
- fission
- the-way-to-go_ZH_CN
- kcl
- errwrap
- go-pagseguro
- caddy-docker
- imersao-fullcycle-desafio-1 - Webserver com Docker e Golang
- gopl.exercises
- iris
- ml-rfm - mean) for generate Cluster of RFM Model (Recency, Frequency, Monetary)
- leaktest
- ultimate-go
- gofakeit
- devops-api
- xstrings
- go-fuzz
- go-cloud
- NeoAlgo
- certificates
- gocaml
- konmari
- godo
- rudder-server - alternative, in Golang and React
- gorram
- discordgo
- immudb - immutable database based on zero trust, SQL and Key-Value, tamperproof, data change history
- cds
- p9
- circuitbreaker
- solid-go
- gorose
- yaegi
- mimetype
- retry
- gogs - hosted Git service
- go-pwd
- go-github
- chain33
- retry-go
- fx
- jira-cli - rich interactive Jira command line.
- comcast
- jsonrpc - RPC 2.0
- gogradle
- goreplay - source tool for capturing and replaying live HTTP traffic into a test environment in order to continuously test your system with real data. It can be used to increase confidence in code deployments, configuration changes and infrastructure changes.
- goHackTools
- DuelingClubBot
- gods
- PasteMe
- nats.go
- mergestat
- bosun
- under-the-hood - the-hood
- apo - "Authorized Personnel Only" is a minimalist OAuth IAM written in Go
- tfs-go-hw
- go-chart
- LeetCode-in-Go
- whatsapp - WhatsApp puppeting bridge
- freegeoip
- srv-verification-api
- fastjson
- vecty
- gocyclo
- lindb
- vegeta
- tyk
- soundscape - a personal music streaming server
- sudo
- ozzo-validation - prone struct tags.
- nfpm - a simple deb, rpm and apk packager written in Go
- golang-playground
- course-golang
- c2go
- gosnmp
- go-swagger
- GoExpertProgramming
- pongo2 - syntax like template-engine for Go
- ugolibev3
- slashr_bot
- trojan-go - go/
- memviz
- delve
- tendermint
- gfast
- wg-ui - serve client configurations, with optional auth.
- colly
- s5cmd
- moby - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems
- go-guerrilla
- GoSublime - like features.
- sx - to-use network scanner
- sshpool
- justonecanvas
- cryptopals - 6)
- wblog
- gpuz-reader - Z sensors. It uses Shared Memory under the hood.
- dartagnan - tracking turret
- tsuru
- spicedb - critical application permissions.
- decimal - precision fixed-point decimal numbers in go
- bombardier - platform HTTP benchmarking tool written in Go
- go-concurrency-patterns
- gopher-lua
- go-stbi
- api_rest_go_mysql
- horizon - minimalist WEB-server for data transfer via HTTP. The project is intended to replace the 'python3 -m http.server' command.
- elasticsql
- meetup-golang-httpexpect
- tableflip
- katas
- go-json
- rtlamr - sdr receiver for Itron ERT compatible smart meters operating in the 900MHz ISM band.
- kcli - cli
- goawk - compliant AWK interpreter written in Go
- vEB
- SONiC-On-Demand
- nucular
- coredhcp
- gotags - compatible tag generator for Go
- cayley - source graph database
- nuclio - Performance Serverless event and data processing platform
- CloudflareSpeedTest
- godb
- zabbix-raidstat
- dotweb
- bee
- thunder
- vfsgen
- paginate
- tracerr
- go-database
- uuid
- twirp
- goplayspace
- goqu
- diagram
- crlfuzz
- ngrams - gram indexer for natural language processing with modular tokenizers and data stores
- protoreflect
- gopsutil
- terraform-switcher
- sessions
- awgo
- zstack - Stack, written in Go.
- gormigrate
- concurrent-map - safe concurrent map for go
- adlr
- dasel
- base32flex
- parrbot
- pixel - crafted 2D game library in Go
- overlord
- agones
- todayilearned
- golangci-lint
- containers-from-scratch
- guide
- govcl - platform Go/Golang GUI library.
- ispend
- golang-samples
- gabs
- logkit - to-use web console.
- go-critic
- gnomock
- gonum
- go-sql-sample
- aws-sdk-go-v2
- akutan
- goplantuml
- stargazer
- webdav
- nosurf
- next-terminal
- xorm
- gccgo_vs_gc
- kdtree - d tree implementation in Go.
- countries - ISO 3166 (ISO3166-1, ISO3166, Digit, Alpha-2 and Alpha-3) countries codes and names (on eng and rus), ISO 4217 currency designators, ITU-T E.164 IDD calling phone codes, countries capitals, UN M.49 regions codes, ccTLD countries domains, IOC/NOC and FIFA letters codes, VERY FAST, NO maps[], NO slices[], NO init() funcs, NO external links/files/data, NO interface{}, NO specific dependencies, Databases/JSON/GOB/XML/CSV compatible, Emoji countries flags and currencies support, full support ISO-3166-1, ISO-4217, ITU-T E.164, Unicode CLDR and ccTLD standarts.
- gfile
- httpcache
- stats
- go-queryparser
- btree - tree.
- seahawks-cli
- alice
- alipay
- roger
- ebiten
- gpuz-influxdb-exporter - Z metrics
- go-algorithms
- dnsanalyzergo
- goplts - Alan A. A. Donovan, Brian W. Kernighan" during 2017.
- Email-Dashboard
- php-parser
- golang-examples - (explain the basics of #golang)
- compose - container applications with Docker
- archiver
- fabio - Balancing made simple
- LeetCode-Go
- eagle
- boulder - based certificate authority, written in Go.
- schema
- buffalo
- go-web-foundation
- jwt - go
- glab
- lakeFS - like capabilities for your object storage
- Advent-of-Code-2018
- ipc
- alpaca
- go-now-example
- status-go - ethereum
- goscan
- soup
- pget
- anko
- liteide - platform Go IDE.
- rtreego - Tree library for Go
- janusec
- coredns
- opencensus-go
- testify
- rendora - side rendering using headless Chrome to effortlessly solve the SEO problem for modern javascript websites
- go-mod-outdated - mod-outdated provides a table view of the go list -u -m -json all command which lists all dependencies of a Go project and their available minor and patch updates. It also provides a way to filter indirect dependencies and dependencies without updates.
- golang-crypto-trading-bot - based trading bot for cryptocurrency exchanges
- typhon
- kube-score
- kite - service framework in Go
- auxpi
- go-awesome
- shortuuid - safe UUIDs
- go-tooling-workshop
- youtube
- stackoverflow
- aah
- gopherjs
- etree
- gotestsum
- wal-g
- dockertest
- vuls - less vulnerability scanner for Linux, FreeBSD, Container, WordPress, Programming language libraries, Network devices
- wtf
- casbin
- kolpa
- quorum
- efm-langserver
- git-lfs
- wuzz
- kmap - maps based on user input.
- m2cgen
- protobuf-go
- fake-sms
- go-micro-services
- ugo-compiler-book
- gosoft
- go-i18n
- hero
- dataframe-go - learning, and data manipulation/exploration
- sql-migrate
- dockviz
- wego
- store-db
- watermill - driven applications the easy way in Go.
- go-jose
- dubois-data-portraits
- hugo-type-moon-theme
- stash
- redigo
- video-srt-windows - GUI 鬆ァ閾ュ霎」謦御コ呻��ス�ス
- go-skynet
- go-gcore - Core CDN API
- jobber - reporting and error-handling
- gophernotes
- Yearning
- go-ais - R M.1371-5) packet decoder and encoder written in Go
- jcscpu
- jennifer
- pgmetrics
- custom-memory-cache
- go-is-not-good
- testfixtures
- manspreading
- jid
- subjack
- flake - sortable 64-bit unique flake ids.
- gocity
- mongodb_exporter
- pangu
- One_More_Step_To_Go
- govaluate
- hmq
- KomodoEdit - language code editor. Written in JS, Python, C++ and based on the Mozilla platform.
- sharedsecret
- Go42
- go-money
- netlink - level access to Linux netlink sockets. MIT Licensed.
- Coding-Projects
- units
- Lista_Tareas_En_Go
- go-randomdata
- errcheck
- wemall
- web-dev-golang-anti-textbook
- go-chassis - system
- machinery
- fgprof - CPU as well as Off-CPU (e.g. I/O) time together.
- high-performance-go
- uksuid - Sortable Universally Unique ID.
- nats-server - Performance server for, the cloud and edge native messaging system.
- Qix
- project-layout
- Go-Package-Store
- goleveldb
- vssh
- aether-app - end and P2P back-end
- hoverfly
- im_service
- tail - f)
- go19-map-bench - 1.9.beta2
- jiacrontab
- topk
- go-exptable
- community
- athens
- go-pry
- vim-go
- golang101
- plenti
- json-to-go
- ftp
- hashmap - free thread-safe HashMap optimized for fastest read access.
- progressbar - safe progress bar for Golang applications
- hdfs
- skylark
- sprig
- kratos - native era.
- mtail
- ful.go
- MIT-6.824-2017
- tinyrouter
- gziphandler
- zinx
- go-clean-arch
- aws-xray-sdk-go - Ray SDK for the Go programming language.
- rclone - Google Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Wasabi, Google Cloud Storage, Yandex Files
- mow.cli
- structures-in-go
- kala
- k3d
- gowatch
- go-gmp
- process-exporter
- pangolin
- gemax
- sugoku - workings.
- athenapdf - in replacement for wkhtmltopdf built on Go, Electron and Docker
- go-gtk
- go-web-framework-stars
- crud-projects
- readline - Readline kind library
- go-sdl2
- dnscontrol
- go-extend
- free-gophers-pack
- TorBot
- httprouter
- slack - community-maintained fork created by the original author, @nlopes
- octosql
- goose
- MediaServer
- inbucket
- cloud-game - based Cloud Gaming service for Retro Game
- elasticsearch_exporter
- go-vagrant
- statsviz
- slug - friendly slugify with multiple languages support.
- 1backend
- gpay - service of China online payments, e.g. Alipay, UnionPay & WeChatPay
- go-interview
- go-pingbot
- vugu
- HeadFirstGo
- go-mdbm - lang) interface for Y! MDBM, Golang MDBM Wrapper
- roaring
- b0pass
- memguard
- weather
- signedvalue
- gost - a simple tunnel written in golang
- errorx
- grpc-ssl-example - c++ w/ self-signed certificates
- radon - native MySQL database for building global, scalable cloud services
- sftp
- govalidator
- go-astilectron
- richgo
- kong - line parser for Go
- understanding-golang
- ProgrammingLanguage-Series
- proxypool
- The-Golang-Guide - Z Guide for Simple, Reliable and Efficient - Golang Programming
- drpc - in replacement for gRPC
- dap-mode
- api2go
- vault
- gomodifytags
- go-modemmanager - Bus API
- clical
- go-best-practice
- v8go
- goraph
- minio
- leetcode-master
- redix
- dragonboat - group Raft library in Go.
- learning-golang
- jnr-demo
- go-restful - style Web Services using Go
- interval - range).
- gojq
- macaron
- frangipanni
- go-recipes
- fauxgl - only 3D renderer written in Go.
- ebiten8 - 8 emulator written with Go and Ebiten.
- go-sqlbuilder - config ORM.
- gonvey - proxy (don't use it, this was just a coding challenge)
- gin-vue-admin
- eggos
- terraform-inventory
- y2j2y
- watermarkGo
- gowalker
- playwright-go
- Tutorial
- gmailctl
- cel-go - Turing complete expression evaluation with gradual typing (Go)
- weave - host containers networking and more.
- grpc-client-transcode
- Go-WFC
- eventhorizon
- free-programming-resources
- toxiproxy
- wire - time Dependency Injection for Go
- fuzzy
- grype
- sniper
- litter
- grocksdb
- minio-go
- gohack
- oak
- pbgopy
- certmagic - managed TLS certificate issuance and renewal
- awesome-go-education
- skipper
- lets-go
- aliyungo - Golang API for ECS, OSS, DNS, SLB, RDS, RAM, MNS, STS, SLS, MQ, Push, OpenSearch, DM, Container Service etc.
- glauth
- learn-go-with-tests - driven development
- oreilly-trial
- go-rss
- pterm - platform compatible.
- ishell
- gocql
- sinar-arco - Commerce that provides material goods and construction tools made with Golang (Fiber), Redis, and MySQL (Gorm).
- gocui
- line-bot-sdk-go
- geoip2-golang
- revive - in replacement for golint
- update-golang - golang is a script to easily fetch and install new Golang releases with minimum system intrusion
- trivy
- barcode
- scipipe - efficient pipelines using Go and the commandline
- cointop
- Go-1-2-Proposal---Immutability
- powerline-go - latency prompt for your shell, written in go
- kingpin
- rsrc
- SimpleCache - way set associative cache implemented in Go
- clean-go-article
- rexray - Ray is a container storage orchestration engine enabling persistence for cloud native workloads
- minikube
- rabbitmq-go-hello
- levant
- pingrobot
- studygolang
- go-toml
- Introduccion-a-Go
- learn-golang-with-stephen
- gocache
- goda
- go-cluster - modes and k-prototypes clustering algorithms implementation in Go
- cumulus
- go-zero
- grmon
- shuttle
- docker-machine-driver-xhyve - machine/minikube/minishift driver plugin for xhyve/hyperkit (native macOS hypervisor.framework)
- ninjabot
- goconvey
- golang-notes - cn)
- LeapMotionGo
- shiori
- jocko - in coordination (No ZK dep, single binary install, Cloud Native)
- the-evolution-of-a-go-programmer
- research
- senml
- cobra
- clipboard
- brew-on-tap
- inframap
- eaopt
- aws-doc-sdk-examples
- gobetween
- exatorrent
- eris
- atlantis
- vm-operator-api
- advanced-go-programming-book
- distribyted
- go-app
- go-importlist - list -z tools.go returns url list from tools.go for go install, split by NULL.
- mtproto - native go implementation of Telegram API
- kots - party Kubernetes applications, a.k.a. Kubernetes Off-The-Shelf (KOTS) Software.
- go-patterns
- freedom
- uniqush-push
- glhf - A Go package that makes life with OpenGL enjoyable.
- awesome-go-China
- z-scratchpad - run -- notes / wiki lightweight Go-based tool
- webapp-example
- go-endian - byte big/little endian data.
- nodebook - Multi-Lang Web REPL + CLI Code runner
- sandbox-lol
- gmail-attachments - suite account
- libsmb2-go
- clair
- goflow - based and dataflow programming library for Go (golang)
- go-mud
- beep - processing.
- pulumi - Developer-First Infrastructure as Code. Your Cloud, Your Language, Your Way �ス�ス
- curl-to-go
- building-microservices-youtube - IFdreyh6EUfevBcbiuCKzFk0EW_
- learngo - Crafted Go Examples, Exercises, and Quizzes
- katrain
- unioffice
- vim-vgo
- syncd
- liftbridge - tolerant message streams.
- webgo
- meetup-golang-embed
- go-internals
- google-cloud-go
- sshtron
- go.uuid
- user_agent
- xcp
- Reverse-Engineering - bit ARM & 64-bit ARM architectures.
- pie
- manul
- syft
- ftok
- goone
- configor
- compiler-explorer
- go-sniffer
- taskq - memory backends
- BoomFilters
- go-selfupdate
- go_spider
- terracognita
- ferret
- jsonco - style comments
- lastbackend
- gocryptotrader
- dependabot-core - feedback
- cosmos-sdk
- grpc-go
- rvdbg - V Debugger
- go-githubrepos - repos -z -search "org:yourorg archived:false"
- FileSystem-LWH
- rnadna - DNA for FASTA/Q
- go-api-boilerplate
- web-scraper - scraper is a small library for parsing and scraping the html. It is built on top of
- uber_go_guide_cn
- go-ast-book
- bild
- go-flakeid - ordered id generation library in Golang
- tidb
- lipgloss
- aptly - Debian repository management tool
- Go-Strings-Files-Sort
- goreportcard
- pirsch - in, server-side, no-cookie, and privacy-focused analytics solution for Go.
- Go-Gorutines
- webhook
- frp
- automi
- go-playground
- resize
- govim
- datadog-agent
- mengpo
- generativeart
- go.diff
- mop
- project_finder
- miniredis
- objectbox-go - of-the-box Data Sync
- popeye
- crossing-api
- roguelike-tutorial
- go-shorten
- massren - easily rename multiple files using your text editor
- bluemonday
- mailslurper - based mail server application. Slurp mails into oblivion!
- awesome-web-scraping
- go-swagger3 - source library to auto-generate open-API 3.0 spec file from comments.
- llvm
- curlconverter
- MIT6.824-2017-Chinese
- ghorg - Supports GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and more �ス�ス
- gotail - f equivalent for go
- semver
- Language_Codes
- go-gin-api
- goarea
- Halfrost-Field - Field �ス蝨茨ソス驫具幅鉧オ
- pikapika
- reddit-place-clone-server
- teleport
- CryptDrive
- introducing_go - O'Reilly authored by @calebdoxley
- sftpgo - S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob
- geacon
- golang-hacktiv8-project1
- fri-go
- scs
- tfsec
- email-webtools - service to ensure that Camdram can send & receive emails 24/7/365
- fc2-sonarcloud-go - 2.0-T9
- gesa - SQL Agent for Grafana and more written in Golang
- go-colorful
- tns-restful-json-api
- writefreely - based publishing platform made for writers. Write together, and build a community.
- pogreb - value store for read-heavy workloads written in Go
- fs2 - List - File Structures 2 - Memory Mapped File Structures for Go
- apidoc
- open-match
- emitter - subscribe platform.
- lefthook
- reviewdog
- asouldocs
- go-http-tunnel
- go-sqlmock
- opensmtpd-go-filter-prepend
- fortio - per-second load and record latency histograms and other useful stats.
- jackal
- exercism-go
- go-whatsapp
- GOFamily
- rethinkdb-go
- geopattern
- xurls
- GoJustToolc
- gopher-reading-list
- kubernetes-ingress
- douyin
- cc65
- githubv4
- statsd_exporter
- docconv
- rmq
- go-streams
- copier
- kubenav
- fbptree - slice keys and values
- weapp
- libprotocol
- riscv_sim - V core to run with the binary file.
- terraboard
- qor - commerce systems.
- weather-predictor
- flogo - driven capabilities to simplify building efficient & modern serverless functions, microservices & edge apps.
- gobyexample
- learning-go-lang
- hugo-michaelmallari
- spotamon - NO LONGER MAINTAINED - Submit Pokemon/Raid/Stop/Quest spots to a db and store in a sortable table/map, supports webhooks. Import gyms from or :D (Crowdsourced Map) -> Check out:
- docker-gen - data
- gorocksdb
- gitql
- timeago
- go-generics-cache
- gin_tutorial
- correioscalc
- gofeed
- statik
- al-go-rithms -
- boilr
- APIRest_go
- Open-IM-Server
- golang-set
- pomerium - aware access proxy.
- transporter
- go-vue-blog
- telnet
- nutsdb
- gaia
- anaconda
- geziyor
- osmedeus
- brainfC
- Golang_Puzzlers - 36 lessons"
- bitset
- go-daemon
- glider
- Damerau-Levenshtein
- kinesis-tailf - f command for Amazon Kinesis Stream
- treasure_hunt - Bonds
- dgraph
- go-ruler - Phoen/rulerz which is written in PHP
- go-generics-example
- melonnotifier
- go-resiliency
- StreamingAlgorithms
- k3sup
- gowebapp
- go-base
- gift
- kube-monkey
- fyne
- danser-go
- gosseract
- redis_exporter
- gobot
- pagina-web-go-1-15
- example.v2
- simulated-evolution - 141).
- go-clean-template
- logfmt
- mouthful - hosted alternative to Disqus
- go-mega - Mega Tutorial for Go Web Develop | Demo:
- goworkshopdevops
- stockrecorder
- lesser
- coleoptera
- sshesame
- goatcounter
- go-cmp
- codeforces-go
- go2cpp
- go-binance
- excelize
- flaggio
- jsonparser
- snowflake
- 100-go-mistakes
- webrtc
- vue-go-example
- memdb - memory database with O(1) insert, delete and search.
- go-hardware
- tiedot
- qlbridge
- intro2py
- rate-limiter - memory, etc.).
- cfilter
- email.v2 - Mail Interface for Nerds
- go-sdk
- shortener
- chroma
- go-quicksort
- go-dura
- tengo
- go-cache - memory key:value store/cache (similar to Memcached) library for Go, suitable for single-machine applications.
- go-yaml
- draw2d
- asm
- gortsplib
- realize
- gojson
- casdoor - Sign-On (SSO) platform with web UI supporting OAuth 2.0, OIDC, SAML and CAS, QQ group: 645200447
- xvi-wiek-yaml2latex -
- gocat
- trytryagain
- kotlin_e-commerce_MVVM - Commerce using Kotlin MVVM
- imgui-go
- sls-chat-app - time serverless chat application with Go and Vue 3
- fast-skiplist
- go-profiler-notes
- go-crud-api
- bubbletea
- gcache - memory cache library for golang. It supports multiple eviction policies: LRU, LFU, ARC
- heximage
- go-shellcode
- rules_webtesting
- bifrost - platform modular communications library & daemon for Go w/ flexible protobuf+yaml config. Supports transports, links, pubsub (NATS), quic-over-websocket, libp2p & drpc, crypto, simulations, and more. Browser supported with GopherJS and Wasm.
- Design-Patterns
- getty
- ristretto - bound Go cache
- go-codegen-tutorial
- buildkit - efficient, and Dockerfile-agnostic builder toolkit
- mastering-bitcoin
- rmake
- brewhousery
- go-ngram - gram is a contiguous sequence of n items from a given sequence of text or speech.
- ejemplos-go-gorilla-mux
- go-dockerclient
- goreman
- zerrors
- golang-berlin
- passwall-server
- pcaplay
- elvish
- pachyderm
- lz4
- mogo
- Golang-Interview
- glfw
- The-Golang-Standard-Library-by-Example
- students-api
- phrase
- lib-examples
- backup
- hostctl
- go-sqlite3
- llbl
- manba
- night
- argument-liveness.go
- DS-Algo-Point
- estudos-golang
- go-aop-agent
- Go-Struct-Interface
- pty
- _playground_string
- murex - like shell and scripting environment with advanced features designed for safety and productivity (eg smarter DevOps tooling)
- file.d
- cockroach - the open source, cloud-native distributed SQL database.
- ebpf - Go library to read, modify and load eBPF programs and attach them to various hooks in the Linux kernel.
- tfgo
- flash-driver-search - based package Govent
- inverterlogger
- dolarhoje
- flatbuffers
- deej
- godis
- golangweekly
- bmfmt
- badger - value DB in Go.
- go-design-pattern - 髴域寐諱」迺�穐�ス驫具福�ス �ス�費ソス髴茨ソス
- broxy
- goInception
- goterminal - platform Go-library for updating progress in terminal.
- http-ctx-cancellation
- 30daysofcode-go-cpp-java
- go-php
- firebase-admin-go
- themekit
- leopard
- lancet
- dexxt
- modern-go-application
- php-go
- numgo - dimensional array implementation in Go.
- serve-dir - m SimpleHTTPServer" but FAST
- Entitas-Go - Go is a fast Entity Component System Framework (ECS) Go 1.17 port of Entitas v1.13.0 for C# and Unity.
- http2d
- chainquery
- xpathparser
- null
- guia-directorio-tap
- go-linq
- dtm - phase message, outbox patterns.
- cgotchas
- go_command_tutorial
- gpks - v storage with in-memory index
- go-pinyin
- syncthing
- cloudtrailbeat - > SNS -> SQS
- 4-in-a-row
- snpt
- go-lang-pos-graduacao-webdev - Trabalho do curso de P邀s-Gradua逋溽投o em Desenvolvimento Web e Dispositivos M邀veis.
- go-forward-list
- goseaweedfs
- Go-environment-install
- wg-gen-web
- go-testparallel
- Golang-Regex-Tutorial - Regular Expression Tutorial
- create-read-update-delete-in-go - based forms and reports.
- yamlenums
- go-advice
- clang-v12
- sendgrid-go
- cghttp
- mindoc
- discord-slowmode-bot
- pythonbrew
- twiutil - twitter.
- go-mac-notifier
- dockle - Practice Docker Image, Easy to start
- gospider - Fast web spider written in Go
- fastcache - safe inmemory cache for big number of entries in Go. Minimizes GC overhead
- momoclo-channel
- fsm
- xvi-wiek-bot -
- usql - line interface for SQL databases
- fq
- machine-learning-classification - Nearest Neighbour algorithm.
- leaps
- colossus
- ZenQ - safe queue faster and more resource efficient than golang's native channels
- tinygo-webgl-fundamentals-lesson-3
- NQueen - Queen" Problem. I added mix of humor to the code. Sounds like "The King" wanted date all "The Queen" :)
- darch
- covid-19API - 19 por paises.
- lfu-cache
- algernon - contained pure-Go web server with Lua, Markdown, HTTP/2, QUIC, Redis and PostgreSQL support
- kops - Production Grade k8s Installation, Upgrades and Management
- Sabaki
- reform - empty interfaces and code generation.
- goldmark
- restic
- crane - Lift containers with ease
- knnGo - Nearest Neighbor Algorithm using Go language. Initially, this project is for my assignment but I decided to publish it.
- awesome-go-cn
- FlyingCarpet
- fastmath
- parse-efd-fiscal
- practice-go
- dht
- redpanda
- dnspod
- language-x
- go-data-structures - Tree, heap and Self-balancing tree implemented in Go
- automaxprocs
- gofuck-interpreter
- Go-Function
- go-collection
- gocloc
- curry
- member-app-using-go-gin - compose.
- diagio
- PrimeFinder
- olivia
- gofumpt
- gdlv
- rules_go
- go-battleship - server support (1:PC 1:1)
- himayihelpyou
- asynq
- taocommerce - commerce platform on cloud.
- TheGoProgrammingLanguage
- bit-ranges
- feedposter
- listenyt - dl (with extra commands) to download the m4a file.
- go-python - API
- gonic
- grv
- gojay
- Restaurante-GO
- rakuten
- clean-architecture-go-v2
- FinderGo
- gorazor
- mira
- gomongo
- keploy
- integer-interval-expressions-go - 5,7-'
- dynamo
- graphics-go - go
- curlie
- fzf - line fuzzy finder
- lcom4go
- ble-sensor-mqtt
- natsctl
- gospline - spline curves in Go
- automuteus
- xserver
- go-blockchain - of-concept blockchain in golang (w/ consensus algorithm, wallets, merkle trees, derived blocks, mining, etc)
- gotty
- panicparse
- atreugo
- Hacking-with-Go
- connect-go
- alibaba-cloud-sdk-go
- gowebhello - m SimpleHTTPServer'.
- gosstrak
- botkube
- waxmoth - B aggregator for parsing multiple different data streams
- fibonacci-memoization-in-go
- hertz - performance and strong-extensibility Go HTTP framework that helps developers build microservices.
- wild-workouts-go-ddd-example
- hprose-golang - language RPC. This project is Hprose for Golang.
- SudokuGo
- rethinkdb_exporter
- Sonarqube_Go
- mgmt - driven, parallel config management!
- turbocookedrabbit
- gospin
- rotina-sabium-portal-fatura
- faas-sam-lambda-go
- API-Albums
- go-plugserver
- plua
- gobrew
- amazon-ecs-agent
- hostname-docker
- GoLevel2 - 3
- monstache
- question-site
- oauth2-go - first OAuth 2.0 Server w/ OpenID Connect support in Go?
- gotesting
- grafana
- dir605reboot - Link DIR-605 router ;-)
- Go-Code
- chef - name combinations from extinfo and provides a web interface to search them.
- go-activiti-rest
- go-colproximate
- go-wkhtmltopdf
- sudoku-solver
- gorouter
- clang-v9
- dasarpemrogramangolang - book Dasar Pemrograman Golang
- imagick
- gopack
- nftables
- ghostunnel - TLS services
- gubrak
- golang-api-http-gin-goninc
- go-a-b
- kompose
- go_printf_for_v
- go-dev - dev/)
- go-importconst
- go-trace-example
- Data-Structrues-And-Algorithms
- encore
- gojenkins
- tun2socks - powered by gVisor TCP/IP stack
- portmaster - �ス�ス Block Mass Surveillance
- go-apns2
- buffalo-wkhtmltox - lang). Just `pull ghostzali/buffalo-wkhtmltox`. Registry:
- ZeroBot-Plugin
- Go_Goland_Practica
- kube-fledged
- uptime
- go-concurrency-guide
- workshop_21-12-19
- carrot
- technical_books
- golang-fundamentals
- sshutils
- captcha
- gedcom
- meteor
- movies-app
- participle
- thelper
- go-quartz - dependency scheduling library for Go
- goxygen
- GoGuide
- koanf
- SearchProxy - no more four-o-four!
- go-tsne - Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) in Go
- grpc-gateway
- fuzzysearch
- echoip
- slack-channel-notification
- ginkgo
- sqldb-logger
- kaitai_struct
- wombat
- pingu
- k9s
- tdigest - digest in Go.
- arikawa
- rest-layer
- devdash
- go-styleguide
- comby
- nri-zipkin
- armstrong
- socketio
- imigrate - driven migrations in Go. A simple tool to run database migrations for sql drivers that don't conform to database/sql.
- resty
- blockchain-document-horodateur
- shop-api - shop write by go.
- go-proto-validators
- minigo
- graphql-go
- che-edo-api
- clang-v3.9
- Calc_Go_Antlr4
- benthos-helm-chart
- ethermint
- IdGenerator
- termtron - 4 player terminal game based on BMTron
- wsify - time self-hosted pub/sub messaging service
- matrixone - edge native database
- pandas
- qgram - gram Go library
- LinuxManagementConsole
- flagr - driven OSS effort of advancing the development of Flagr.
- ddd-in-go
- programming-III
- gsheets
- go--
- fiber
- copper
- packagesx
- gatus - Automated service health dashboard
- go-chronos
- go-importer - bound problem.
- wrapcheck
- kitex - performance and strong-extensibility Go RPC framework that helps developers build microservices.
- learning-tools
- - to-date; see
- go-pop3 - Version 3.
- emuromcleanup
- credstore
- botnet
- gldap
- thumbnailer
- nginx-load-balancer
- Cpp-Go-Zig-Odin
- chronograf
- go-web-app
- syslog-send
- php2go - in functions.
- goyave
- gopractrand - number-generators (RNG) and random-data testing tools written in Go, powered by the public-domain PractRand testing suite (C++).
- protobuf-project - proto, twirp, starpc.
- information-security
- TypeR
- combinatorics
- codis
- named-api
- ACsv - platform and powerful csv parsing library, includes: js, ts, haxe, php, java, python, c#, go
- go-get-ssh - v -u" using ssh git clone. Useful if you setup github 2FA and don't want to deal with global git config to make "go get" works.
- mockery
- k8s_awesome_document
- graceful
- jsonpatch
- greenlight
- riddle-solver
- distributed-payment
- raft-badger - based backend for Hashicorp's raft package
- CS-Base
- jsonassert
- sql2struct - friendly tool for transfering sql statement to go struct.
- go-crude-rest-api-example
- directoryscanner
- grvemu - V emulator for CLI written in Go.
- plugtest
- wails-solid-template
- go-elasticsearch
- gomplate
- teamgram-server
- try-ebiten-with-travis
- calenDaggerbill
- mixtool
- m-m-1-ininity-go
- confd
- lattice_paths - equivalent lattice paths in combinatorics.
- gn-api-sdk-go-pix
- calculator-echo
- thanos
- winmb - v
- wazero
- go-url-shortener
- Hello-World
- gomponents
- kaamelott-soundboard-telegram-bot
- tinygo-webgl-fundamentals-lesson-2
- go-libs
- social-media
- aplicacao-exemplo-kafka-go-fc
- MicroGO - safe, web applications written in this language are typically much faster and far less error-prone than an equivalent application, like Laravel, written in PHP.
- protoactor-go - Ultra fast distributed actors for Go, C# and Java/Kotlin
- diskio
- wally
- jsmu - pass encoding into a single pass similar to encoding/gob.
- jqp
- go-cruise-control
- manioc
- beancount-bot-tg
- sqlboiler
- vindicator
- jsonschema - 12, draft 2019-09, draft-7, draft-6, draft-4) Validation using Go
- fprot - protd daemon) client library
- lockless-generic-ring-buffer - reader lockless ring buffer in go using generics from the go 1.18.x release. It is significantly faster than channels with the added type safety of generics compared to ring buffers using interfaces.
- dark-omen
- gargoyle
- project-live-app
- watched
- s3copy
- trufflehog
- go2o
- onair-bot - t chat.
- clickvisual
- linux-update-go-script
- transliterator - > Muenchen)
- gobar
- go-service-mvp - based web application as a service in Golang. Uses the patterns and architecture presented in ArdanLabs Service 2.0 training (which I must say is definitely worth it!)
- tunny
- golcli
- wat-pah-photiyan
- go-chainable - handling
- wtc
- git-chglog
- methodoverride
- easy-tips
- frankenphp
- go-b-plus-tree
- gosphinx
- zxsq_sgfview
- goreleaser-live
- go-demo
- inam
- go-docker-scratch
- fsnotify - platform file system notifications for Go.
- kendohelper
- OpenBiohazard2 - implementation of the original Resident Evil 2 / Biohazard 2
- gock
- memos - hosted knowledge base that works with a SQLite db file.
- x-amzn-trace-id - ray Service map
- uds-proxy - proxy provides a UNIX domain socket that acts as HTTP(S) connection-pooling forward proxy
- paopao-ce
- Kirtasite
- gruberdev
- armor-ingress-controller
- abi-stable-node-research - API Bindings
- cov-commit-parser
- nala
- kamoro
- instaScrape
- google-api-go-client - generated Google APIs for Go.
- goc8 - 8 emulator written in Golang.
- ecommerce-backend - commerce website using GO
- Pagamentos
- spinner
- grpcfuse - fuse/fuse#RawFileSystem, so you can choose from multiple server-side implementations (e.g. pathfs#FileSystem, nodefs#Node or sugguested fs )and convert to RawFileSystem.
- clang-v3.6
- go-template-edge
- taskctl
- golang-interview-questions
- jolokiago
- old-swedish-dictionary-go
- go-ovirt - Code for oVirt 4.x, generated by ovirt/ovirt-engine-sdk-go.
- go-mapreduce
- gin-request-id - Request-ID` header to all request and responses for easy tracking.
- gh-dash
- color-matching-dice
- ppath - line tool to pretty print your system's PATH environment variable.
- header2go
- t3
- openapi
- nerf-controller
- go-tagexpr
- GolangTraining
- jrpc - RPC 2.0
- mcrover
- chip8 - 8 emulator (golang)
- contratos-gin
- RxGo
- mysqlx
- openbooks
- allure-go
- modelfox
- disenchant
- monitor_process_out
- xteam-bootcamp-go - Team Go Course by Juliano Silva
- FastestSumOfSquares
- WindowsMakefile
- carbon - friendly golang package for datetime
- tsuru-client - client is a tsuru command line tool for application developers.
- Slice-Helper
- wasm4-docker
- cerbos - agnostic, scalable authorization solution that makes user permissions and authorization simple to implement and manage by writing context-aware access control policies for your application resources.
- LearningGoBook
- mcp2221a
- ratelimit
- pyside-lang-comparison-graph
- franz-go - go contains a feature complete, pure Go library for interacting with Kafka from 0.8.0 through 3.3+. Producing, consuming, transacting, administrating, etc.
- oauth-showcase
- go-kik
- genqlient - safe Go GraphQL client
- kubeshark - invented for Kubernetes
- batch
- azuretexttospeech - to-speech API.
- featurebase - time analytical database built on bitmaps. Learn more at:
- go-8 - 8 emulator written in Go
- devops-resources - Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP
- shissue
- goebpf
- testcontainers-go
- bitcask
- Go-Web-Attack-Log-Simulation
- golinkedlist
- mi-beego
- mergestat-lite
- ToyLanguage
- gcommerce
- crc32a
- terraform-provider-godaddy
- RocketShipCountDown - sourced named "RocketCountDown". A space-inspired countdown tracker built in Go. For new Coders, and fellow Developers to please join this exciting project for a chance to submit PR's.
- interval-based-time-predicates - based temporal logic based on James F. Allen's work. This code can be used to implement scheduling/pl ...
- go-binary-buildpack
- simpleoauth
- amqp
- blockchain-document-validateur
- smhi-api-client
- homework8 - 1 test
- clamav-facade - API
- flamingo-commerce - Commerce Framework on top of Flamingo. Used to build E-Commerce "Portals" and connect it with the help of individual Adapters to other services.
- svgo
- go_webserver
- blog-wc-go
- c8y-swmigration
- full-cycle-docker-d1
- gluon
- simple-gzip
- pdfcpu
- mosint - mail OSINT tool
- gotgproto
- pngtoansi - 8
- juno-go-sdk
- injest-delivery
- dynamic-backend - Com Plus Storefront dynamic backend with Go and Redis
- ubuntu-cppmf - installed softwares will working on C++ / Go / Node / ... project
- iso639-3 - 3 database for Go
- gowebssh
- gorequest - - Simplified HTTP client ( inspired by nodejs SuperAgent )
- zkillredisqo
- apns-proxy
- first-go-api
- grabbit
- dlx
- safelinks - based tooling to manipulate (e.g., normalize/decode) Microsoft Office 365 "Safe Links" URLs
- secp256k1
- startup
- go-chip-8 - 8 Emulator written in Golang
- go-excel
- comet
- go-cross - compile Go projects with C dependencies
- ecspresso
- melody
- propagationgcp - Cloud-Trace-Context
- colette
- zstdpool-syncpool
- psx
- DevOps-Roadmap
- advent-of-code
- go-jsonschema
- chip-8-go - 8 emulator written in Go.
- floattest
- tvd - a pipeline utility leveraging tenable api to check you haven't introduced new vulnerabilities into your deployment.
- Grab - commerce using Go microservices, GRPC, Protobuf, Postgresql, Elastic search, Docker and GraphQL
- go-freenas
- diversify
- juicefs
- go-simple-chart-project
- gdgberlin
- keeper-cli
- gotk3-samples
- ndp
- go-backend-clean-architecture
- hrobot-go -
- blazewall - Sign-On and Access Management platform built in microservice architecture
- go-log - platform color support, with 3 different levels of logs (info, warn, error)
- awsarn
- atomix
- gocover-cui - html for display terminal
- goshs
- simple-dictionary
- debitinho
- gridgg
- golang-vs-php-vs-node-vs-python
- pdflib
- awesome-cs-course
- redisqueue
- wsjtx - X
- libplctag - Bradley and Modbus PLC data over Ethernet.
- sonic-ios-bridge
- bpbanner
- search-ips-host-cli
- pumpkin-pi - o-lantern via servo motor and PIR motion sensors
- cli-calc
- golang-stringbuilder
- rerr
- GoGracefulReusePort
- gohttpserver
- openwechat
- mfsng
- ergo-lib-go - rust
- FerretDB
- pifabric - Pi4 utilizing Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain v1.4.4 on latest high performing Linux 64-bit ARM Kernel 5.3.0- ...
- chopper - 8 emulator written in Go with SDL
- xpm
- homework9 - smooth numbers, the quadratic sieve, and the number field sieve
- protoconfig
- dockerfiles
- gofilego
- murmur
- go-twitter-bot - twitter. This is a Go client library for the Twitter API.
- picofeed
- Learn-Go-from-Youtube
- x-go-binding - go-binding: x11 API for go lang
- retos-programacion-2023
- resend-go
- GoLangJourney
- idealingua-v1
- topn
- Algorithms-LeetCode
- fixtory - safe, DRY, flexible test fixture factory based on Go 1.18+ Generics
- gin-api-boilerplate
- artvu-ansi-gallery - skool, and new-school, BBSs (like Mystic, Talisman, WWiV, ENiGMA 1/2, etc.). Supports 80 and 132 terminal widths.
- go-rate-limiter
- awesome-latam -
- wordsmith
- samil - line interface for Samil Power inverters (SolarRiver TD, TL-D and SolarLake TL series)
- cwrap
- go_call_cxx_so
- discordo - rich Discord terminal client
- aws-xray-yasdk-go - Ray SDK for Go
- Go-API_Rest
- go-rest-api-example - stack example, using JWT, SQLC, Cursor Pagination, Vue 3 and Tailwind
- work-flow-go-23 - flow-go
- coraza
- moonquakes
- vic2-multi-proxy
- advent-of-code-2020
- weather-predictor-go
- raisin
- ifj-compiler - up assembly like language that can be interpreted by
- GoWebDAV - to-use WebDAV server
- rv2llvmSBT - V to LLVM IR
- amt
- TodayBing
- gocrafty
- goneovim
- svix-webhooks - ready webhooks service �ス�ス
- myapp
- opennative
- glc
- eShop - Commerce project using Hexagonal Architecture (Ports-and-adapters) as a proof-of-concept applying DDD in Go
- sorting-algorithms_Golang
- triviago
- fly-old - commerce solution for the Go language(STILL IN DEVELOPMENT).
- dbmate - agnostic database migration tool.
- variance - pass variance computation with D. H. D. West improved methods which features merging of several multiple sets of statistics and adding weighted values.
- osx-builder
- strife
- ddns - hosted Dynamic DNS solution similar to DynDNS or NO-IP
- chord
- lmdb-go
- fullcycle-arquitetura-hexagonal
- tycoon
- central-park
- DevWeekly
- ElasticView
- Go_Concurrency_Patterns_2012
- dbresolver - slave replication database, cross-region application, and for separated ReadWrite (RW) and Rea ...
- Go-Concurrency
- easeprobe
- gmtls
- go-shortener
- golang-for-csharp-developers
- godotenv
- go-ibft
- go-monero
- chalmers-chop
- vscode-ac-ts-extension
- flipt - hosted feature flag solution
- bucketeer
- flick - tool written in Go for generating boiler-plate code for Web Scraping projects. I'm beginning with Python boiler-plates and would love to extend it to Go and Rust in a while with idiomatic paradigm of thos ...
- veryfi-go - 7lvY5J9E read:
- golang-tutorials - Let's get our hands really dirty by writing a lot of Golang code
- amqpx
- leetcode-solutions
- slava - performance�ス錥-V Cloud Database.
- viacep
- go.nvim
- ipatool - line tool that allows searching and downloading app packages (known as ipa files) from the iOS App Store
- go-react-todos - stack Go, React todo application. I've made it with help of Go's Fiber web framework, React with Vite on client, TS, swr and UI library
- hashtagCatcher
- godog_test
- go4noobs
- datbox
- gojsonrpc - RPC 2.0 package
- kenny-u-pull-go-sdk - Pull's API.
- ecommerce-api - commerce web application
- shadiaosocketio
- Gosture - wide customizable mouse gestures as well as keyboard shortcuts.
- pgstore
- dr_quine
- go-parkhub-logger
- pcisio-backend-demo
- logspout-logstash
- toutf8 - 8
- go-d3d
- OAuth2Bin
- idk
- rebecca
- anybase - n
- aoe4elobot
- go-tic-tac - Tac-Toe written in Golang and Fyne framework. For 2 local (human) players.
- scribble - file database, using codecs. Based on Apache-2.0 license.
- daily-encyclopedia
- Transpilation_Frame3DD
- discordgo-template
- github-actions-golang
- MetaGrabAPI
- unimport
- gopaapi5
- logstreamer
- fullcycle-challenge-go
- gonet
- go-dev-guide
- go-openai - 3, GPT-4, DALL郢哘, Whisper API wrapper for Go
- jsonfilter
- go2linq
- go-github-stats
- flappy-bird-go-lua
- plumbing
- grupo-estudos-golang
- zfxtop
- go-ienumerable
- Term_ChatGPT - 3 chatbot in Goland
- optional.go
- pgrok - a multi-tenant HTTP/TCP reverse tunnel solution through SSH remote port forwarding
- saturn
- codeium.vim
- gpkg
- oreilly_kindle_book
- golang-projects
- yubikey-touch-detector
- cl30
- sentinel-golang
- cloudquery
- riscv_disasm_long - V disasembler in long format
- tree-palette - d tree for fast color lookups. Also rank a palette against an image to identify prominent colors.
- oberon-compiler
- unew
- tetris
- books_api_with_golang
- medusa
- extism - in System. Extend anything with WebAssembly (wasm).
- advent-of-code-2021
- truauth - ish oauth 2.0 authentication service for 3rd party service authentication
- relay
- ChatGPT-API - 3, ChatGPT-API for go,ChatGPT in bash shell command line
- gox509inspector
- sandbox-gin
- mailpit
- z-run - run -- lightweight Go-based scripts library tool
- NeoAlgo
- evmos
- macdriver
- kowl
- kmap - maps based on user input.
- hugo-type-moon-theme
- pilosa
- datav
- livekit-server - performance WebRTC SFU. SDKs in JS, React, Flutter, Swift, Kotlin, Go, Ruby and Node.
- go-pingbot
- 7_days_of_go
- oreilly-trial
- go-rss
- gocql
- vm-operator-api
- go-capnproto2
- estudos
- Algoritmos-e-Estruturas-de-Dados
- melonnotifier
- AutoSpotting - demand instances.
- prisma-client-go - generated and fully type-safe database client
- http2d
- 4-in-a-row
- go-lang-pos-graduacao-webdev - Trabalho do curso de P邀s-Gradua逋溽投o em Desenvolvimento Web e Dispositivos M邀veis.
- create-read-update-delete-in-go - based forms and reports.
- spaceInvadersWithGoRoutines
- Application-Gateway
- go-apnsmock - configurable emulator of Apple Push Notification HTTP/2 service written in Go �ス�ス embeddable server and command line utility.
- golang-crud - capable backend application using Go. The REST API is built using the "gorilla/mux" HTTP Router, and I have integrated the application with a ...
- mergo
- quic-go
- sarama
- benthos
- mizu - invented for Kubernetes
- GolangAlura - Go: Orienta逋溽投o a Objetos e Go: Fundamentos de uma aplica逋溽投o web
- glamour - based markdown rendering for your CLI apps �ス�ス�ス譿�ソス�費ソス蜆ュ�ス
- prest - code, simplify and accelerate development, �ス�ス instant, realtime, high-performance on any Postgres application, existing or new
- awesome-cheatsheets - 陜サ釭セ�ス髴ょ央�ス�ス錡シ�ス�ス蝸�ソス謦伉�ス﨣ォ讌オ�ス迹橸ソス�ス鋕ゐキ�慣蜑�ソス�ス釗櫁揃�ス�ィ霎」�ス�ッ賴秘茅ツ�ス�ィ�ス�スツ髢ャ錡ス﨧�ソス郞ァ�ス驫晟ーュ豁」 :zap:
- gout - --> gout �ス逍イttp client諞ク�鯉ソス�ス�費ソス諞ッ諤�ス�スツ蝴暦亮�ス謦梧隼�ス謦倡ョ丈ケ句囓�シ�ス�ス謚シツ錞假�髮ソ郞ァ鄕��釗溥晶�ス�橸ソス迯「�ス�ス諞悌ソ苓撕�ス蛻サ阨呻ソス﨣ャ�ス�ス�ュPI�ス蜈ク�ス驫晢囮�橸ソス雉「譓サ�ス賰エssues
- googletrans - safe, Free and Unlimited google translate api for Golang. �ス鄕ゑソス�壽匕�ス錡シ�ス�ス贒個錡サ蜒趣ソス﨣ォ�ス�ス蜃ス�ス髱夂臓�ス陜ァ鬢会ソス�ス�ス
- jsonrpc4go - jsonrpc provides a client and server implementation of JSON-RPC 2.0�ス�ス
- signoz - source APM. It helps developers monitor their applications & troubleshoot problems, an open-source alternative to DataDog, NewRelic, etc. �ス鄕 �ス釞シ. �ス�ス Open source Application Performance Monitoring (APM) & Observability tool
- gnet - performance, lightweight, non-blocking, event-driven networking framework written in pure Go./ gnet �ス閾ュ�ス驫晁換�ス�ス謇ッ�搾ソス錡セ陜�ス譿ウ貍」�ス錡ソ�ス�ス鬢�ソス�ス�托ソス髫槫恍蠎暦ソス�ス Go 陜オ﨣ュ�ス迯「�咋エオ�ス�ス
- LearnGolang - �ス闃」�スGo髴ょ央�ス�ス�夲″�ス蟄オ�ス驫晟。セ�ス�ス�ゥnly Golang Can Change The World.
- hypercube - performance decentralized computing platform. HyperCube has powerful computing capabilities to provide high-performance computing power and large-scale data storage support for VR, AR, Metaverse, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Financial Applications.�ス鉑
- BDB - Tree鞫ー鋙ヲ諸滂ソス�釘
- awesome-counter - 襍イ驛 襍イ�ス驛玖ソ霑。霑ョ驛�た驍ソ �ス�ス�ス驛矩ヵ驍ス "Go" 襍イ �ス霑ョ驛�ソョ 驛具ソス襍イ霑ョ�ス險. �ス驛矩ュ驍ス�ス霑ョ�ス�ス襍イ驛 霑」驛具ソス�ス�ス驍ス驛 驛�ソョ 驛茨ソス霑ョ襍イ�ス�ス險�ソョ�ス 5.
- go-fastdfs - fastdfs �ス閾ュ�ス驫晁寛�ス�ス釗。�ス�ス�鯉ソス謦偃栖�ス髫槫律鬆り搶�ス(陜偃シシ�ス驤ュ﨣ォ�ス�ス�ス)蝴暦亮��ソス�、�ス驫晏塩�ス�ス錡ソ�ス�ス謇ッ�榊囓�セ�ス�ス闊ォ�ス蝴暦亮�ス陜乗ケ費汰陜托世�ス�ス蟆搾ソス�ス闊�ス�ス蜑誹セャ陜丞㈲�ス蝴暦亮�ス�ス釥假ソス髫。鋓ィ�ス謦譿イ�ス髫槫羅�ス謦溷。夲ソス�ス闃ク��ソス�サ驛雁囓�ス�ョ�ス蜈カ閠ィ諞ュ�閉鋻徙-fastdfs is a simple distributed file system (private cloud storage), with no center, high performance, high reliability, maintenance free and other advantages, support breakpoint continuation, block upload, small file merge, automatic synchronization, automatic repair.(similar fastdfs).
- go-doudou - doudou蝴暦県oudou pronounce /d�スud�スu/蝴暦初s OpenAPI 3.0 spec based lightweight microservice framework. It supports monolith service application as well. Currently, it supports RESTful service only. 驫晏奥�ス�ス�ェ�晢ソス蝠」�ス蝴齢ェ付tps://
- hello-api - Learn Go Programming by Building 11 Projects �ス�ス Full Course (
- Alerta-de-Campeonatos-WCA - mail quando h迯コ um campeonato novo na WCA. A script which send an e-mail when there's a new WCA competition. Integrates the WCA's and the Google Sheets API, the subscription is made by the Google Forms.
- posta-tracking - based client for Albanian Post tracking service / Klient n遖ア terminal p遖アr sh遖アrbimin e gjurmimit t遖ア Post遖アs Shqiptare
- xoq - learning algorithm �ス�ス
- awesome-go-zh
- awesome-golang-algorithm
- pouch - class Container Engine
- goss
- react-ipfs-proxy-api-manager-go - compose.yml that built everything but for some reason the proxy didn't work correctly within the container and I didn't want to spend much time findin ...
- the-financial-crisis-of-2022 - 200 years. A good is mutually decided by the population and is agreed upon as an exchange of value. This is what defines a currency. A unit of exchange for goods and services. In our current day and age, it is typically denoted in paper money. Good old fiat currency. Cheddar, scratch, benjamins, green, bread, stacks, racks, etc. you get the point. Although the dollar, particularly the US dollar has been a global leader for quite some time, over recent years it has become pretty evident that this current financial system is on the verge of collapse. At the rate at which we are going, financial collapse is inevitable. A time that will be way worse than the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis. The worst part about it is, no one seems to know or even care. This is why our government, the federal reserve, and banks have to come to an agreement on what the next move is and very quickly. Ever hear of hyperinflation? Just google hyperinflation and tons of historic accounts with pop up of countries such as Brazil, Germany, Hungary, etc. The currencies for these countries basically become worthless in a short period of time due to irresponsible money printing. Sounds familiar right? The whole quantitative easing that the US government introduced a few years back was designed to help the country in times of a crisis. In theory it sounds like a good idea, a way to bring new money into the economy and to offer new invests and loans to people at very low interest rates. Sounds almost too good to be true. Well usually in life, things that are too good to be true, never end well. Just look around to what is happening in our everyday lives. Let's say you have been working at the same job for 10 years. Over the first couple years, you got pretty decent pay raises because you advanced up the ranks. But now as you have reached the top, you aren't receiving that significant pay raise over the first term of employment, because you have hit your max rank. The only way to advance in position is if someone leaves. That is okay though, you love your job and are promised a 3-5% raise every year moving forward. As long as the company is in the positive in. terms of revenue and you are still doing well at your day-to-day tasks, why wouldn't you get a raise. Well that is all great, but let's look at the price of goods. Gas has gone up so much over the course of a decade. Even over the past two years, gas have more than doubled. Food has also gone up substantially, what might have cost you $100 at the grocery store, now costs you $120. Don't even get me started about house prices and the cost of rent. These massive prices are not good for the economy at all. Every ten or so years, we see this happen in the housing market. The prices should always raise in real estate, but at a reasonable level. At the rate they have been going lately, no average person can afford to buy a house. You may have bought a house for $200,000 two years ago and now are sitting on a property that is literally double. Now short term, that is good for the seller. But in the long term, it doesn't help anyone at all. At the end of the day, the rate at which our inflation is impacting the purchase power, it doesn't matter really what you are being paid. For money to be successful for a long term currency, it has to be backed or pegged to a deflationary asset. Gold is a perfect example of this. While gold technically isn't deflationary, because 2% of the total gold supply is increased every year through mining, it is recognized as the OG in terms of value. For many times in history, gold along with other precious metals were used as mediums of exchange. But as societies advanced, and needs changed, so did the currency. The problem with gold or anything physical as a medium of exchange is transporting it. You walk around your city in today's world with gold bars or coins hanging out of your pockets, there is no doubt you will have all eyes on you. You shouldn't have that much anxiety when you are just trying to pay somebody or simply go to the bank. So what was the solution? In the early 1900s we came up with fiat currency (us dollar). For a very long time it was backed by gold, or known as the gold standard. It actually was great, we had debt as a nation, but it was manageable. It also kept us somewhat limited to what we could do as a nation. Which can be argued as both good and bad. But at the end of the day, times were good in terms of finances. Well unfortunately, that was all taken away in the 70s. So what happens then? What gives our currency value? Some people argue our currency is a P.E.T.R.O dollar. A fiat currency that is backed by our oil reserves and the trading of oil reserves from other countries. It also carries the theory of military protection. That majority of countries need to transact with the US dollar being the global standard. In return, a partnership (alliance) is developed. And in the event of global conflict, the United States military will be there to help your country out. Ever wonder why the US is involved in almost ever single war? That in itself is an eye opening topic that we can cover for days. We will come back to that. So essentially the only thing that gives our current US dollar, which is the global leader in currency, is it is backed by the good faith of the people. That it is recognized as a standard across the globe for a medium of exchange. Okay, cool so we all agree that one green piece of paper with some faces, numbers, and symbols is what has value. But other than that, the dollar has zero value. Literally zero intrinsic value, it isn't backed by anything. Good luck going back to the gold standard now. That would be way too hard to try to accomplish. The gold standard was great, but it also had its flaws. One being that ones reserves could be stolen easily. Also a massive black market for illegal gold had a massive value, and unless you were an expert or had the tools up front to detect fake gold, it was very easy to pull a scam on someone. So the dollar did fix the problem of carrying heavy gold bars around, but you would have the problem of having huge wads of cash stuff in wallet. So what came out and solved this problem? The issuance of debt and credit cards. A way to have your bank account balance and purchase power, without having to have the physical cash on hand. So where does this leave us? Well clearly a new asset is needed.
- effective-winner - Winner by Charles C. Cook (1861-19??) When Paul was writing the second letter to Timothy, he summed up the practical purpose of Scripture in the words, "All Scripture ... is profitable ... that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works" (2 Tim. 3:16, 17). The greatest vocation under the sun is that of the soul-winner, and we ought to give serious consideration to the preparation for it. In Great Britain, in every department of life, there is an increasing demand for efficiency. The slacker is in for a hard time, and a man or woman in business or in a profession must be completely furnished for his or her life purpose. Ought we to be content with a lower standard in the service of Christ? I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has a right to demand the very best that we can offer Him, and I am perfectly sure that we shall never be truly yielded in His sight unless we offer to Him all the potentialities of our ransomed personality-body, mind and spirit. You remember what Paul says: "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth" (2 Tim. 2:15). That was Charles Alexander's watchword, and it is engraved on his tombstone in Birmingham, England: "Study to shew thyself approved unto God." Be Sure of Your Conversion Let me remind you of a few essentials if you are to be an effective winner of souls. First of all, and needless to say, we must be very sure of our own conversion. And yet, I wonder, is it needless to say it? Two hundred and fifty years ago, Richard Baxter declared, "Many a preacher is now in hell that hath an hundred times called upon his hearers to use every care and diligence to escape it." When I first read that I was inclined to think it was an exaggeration, but in the light of further and wider experience, I am inclined to think that Richard Baxter was right. Yes, it is possible to warn men to flee from the wrath to come and yet not to have fled from it oneself. And then I suggest that we try to keep the freshness and the wonder of our conversion experience. God forbid that we should ever come to regard it as one of the commonplaces of life. A friend of mine years ago whimsically said to me, "I was converted to God forty years ago, and I never got over it!" It is a great thing to live with a constant sense of wonder that the grace of God has reached us and saved us. In the second place, if we are to be effective soul-winners we must have a pure and unselfish motive. We must be "approved unto God." That is one of the picturesque expressions of the New Testament. It means being subjected to drastic tests. I found an illustration of that in Saturday's Daily News. Here is a picture of a worker in a foundry taking molten steel from the furnace. From there it goes to the laboratory where it is subjected to the close scrutiny of metallurgical experts. The fire will try every man's work. Study give diligence-says Paul, to be approved unto God—to be bright metal cleansed from every bit of dross, effective for its purpose. Oh, let us beware lest there is any alloy mixed with our motive! Beware of trying to gain a reputation for ourselves as a soul-winner instead of seeking the glory of Christ. I think the most outrageous example I ever came across was when a man actually advertised himself after this fashion: "I will gain for you fifteen church members in a week, or I will give you twenty pounds." Fancy a man making a bet as to how many souls he was going to win for Christ in a week! All reputations of that character are bubbles that will soon burst and disappear. When D. L. Moody was asked upon one occasion how many converts he had made, he answered, "I don't keep the Lamb's book of life." We can leave the results to God! Make Large Use of the Bible Then, in the third place, we must be men and women of the Book. In the story of the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8), three essential things are mentioned: (1) There is an anxious inquirer; (2) there is a copy of the Scriptures; (3) there is a man on the lookout to win a soul for Christ. Philip could have done very little with the eunuch if he had not had a copy of the Scriptures before him. From the Scriptures, Philip "preached unto him Jesus." Have you noticed what a large place the Scriptures occupied in our Lord's ministry? His whole personal life was nourished and built up upon the Word of God. And in all His public work it was to the Word of God that He turned again and again. When He met the tempter in the wilderness, He vanquished him by quotations from the Word of God. It was the same with the apostles and in the experience of the early Church. What a wonderful regard Peter, Paul, John and the rest of the apostles had for the Scriptures! We might follow on through the whole history of the Church of Christ and find the same thing repeating itself. Some of the mightiest soul-winners were the Puritans. What was the secret of their success? It was because they were men who from morning to night steeped themselves in the Word of God. I remember reading somewhere that Dr. R. A. Torrey said, "There are four reasons why every Christian worker should know his Bible: First, to show men their need of a Savior; second, to show them that Jesus is the Savior they need; third, to show them how to make this Savior their Savior; and finally, to deal with specific difficulties that stand in the way of their accepting Christ." I suppose you know everything about D. L. Moody in the Institute, but may I remind you how Henry Moorhouse taught Moody this secret? Moorhouse said to him, "You are making a mistake in giving people your own words. Give them the Word of God, and you will learn the secret of power. " And about thirty years earlier Robert Murray McCheyne, of Dundee, had said a similar thing: "It is not our comments upon the Word that bring life; it is the Word itself." Our comments are like the feathers of an arrow which guide the arrow of the Word to its mark, but it is the Word itself that gets home. A Personal Testimony It is a great delight to see so many young faces before me, and it is for their sake in particular that I mention these things. Some of you may say, "How can I gain this facility in the Word of God? How can I know instantly where to turn for an appropriate passage?" I suppose there are various methods. I will give you a little bit of my own experience. In my early Christian life I was greatly helped by reading everything I could lay my hands on that D. L. Moody wrote. Later on, Dr. Torrey came on the scene, and I began to read his books. I remember that he brought out what was called The Vest Pocket Companion. It was a very simple arrangement of Scripture verses under various topics so that one could very readily find an appropriate text on a given topic. That book was very useful to me as an inexperienced beginner. There are others who have adopted the method of underlining specified passages of Scripture with different colored inks: underlining in black references to sin and condemnation; underlining in red references to the death of Christ and the efficacy of the shed blood, and so on. I have not followed that method, but I know others who have found it useful. But let me say this: Such methods are all right to begin with, but you have not developed much if after ten years of Christian work in soul-winning you are still as dependent upon such aids as you were at the beginning. I am quite sure Dr. Torrey never meant his book to be more than an introduction, a method of guidance in the use of Scripture for the beginner. You ought to become so expert in the Word of God that without even the need of colored inks you can turn to the passage that you know is appropriate to the point under discussion. Dr. Handley Moule, late Bishop of Durham, used to say that every Christian should know his Bible as much as a Londoner knows his London. London is a huge city, spread out much more than Chicago or New York. I do not know every street, but I know whether a particular district is north or west or south or east. I know the main thoroughfares and many of the side streets, and that is how we ought to be able to know our way about the Scriptures. We ought to know the large areas of the Word of God. We ought to know the theme of every book and the main lines of the history or the argument of an epistle. Whatever method you begin with, aim at least at that, and use all the aids that will enable you to become proficient in the knowledge of the Word of God. Make much use of concordances, as Moody used to urge us to do, and the other helps that in these days are so abundant. Value of Hard Work Perhaps you say, "If I am going to do this, it is going to involve much time and labor. " Well, my friends, what else do you expect? If you are going to enter trade or industry-if you are going to be a lawyer, a medical man, an army officer or a nurse-in order to become proficient, you have to study hard. You have to live laborious days and pass the most severe examinations and gain a diploma before you even begin your career. As I said at the beginning, there is no higher or more important vocation upon earth than to be a soul-winner. Do you imagine that to save a soul from eternal death is one of the unskilled occupations? Thank God, He can and He does use the humblest and the least instructed believer. The Lord will make you a soul-winner from the beginning if all your heart goes out in desire for the salvation of men and women. But the more you understand the significance of your work, the more you will come to realize that a man who is going to become skilled in the winning of souls is the man who must give diligence to the task and attention to methods by which the Lord can make him more helpful to those in need. Beware of the man who comes to you and says, "Never mind about such things. After all, the apostles were untrained men. " I do not believe that a greater untruth has ever been uttered than that. The apostles attended the finest theological college the world has ever known. For three years they had personal tuition in the things of God by none other than the infallible Son of God Himself. There never was such a college as that in Galilee, when Peter, James and John and the others followed the Lord. In the New Testament we have recorded for us the lessons that those men were taught, so that as we read the Gospels and ponder the things our Lord said to His disciples and the object lessons He gave them in the miracles, we, too, are attending the Bible school of Christ. And when we read Paul's thirteen epistles, we join the apostle Paul's correspondence school. Yes, we have the same curriculum as the men our Lord commissioned at the first to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. Value of Bible Training Though some here may not have opportunity to attend a Bible school, you have the Word of God in your hand, and you have the Spirit, who gave the Word, as the interpreter. Even though you have no other help, yet with the Word itself and prayer and dependence upon the Holy Spirit, you can become wise in the things of Christ. I have known men who have acquired a liberal education simply because they have steeped themselves in the Bible. Sometimes I have listened to an eloquent message from a simple, unlettered, working man, made eloquent because he has given years to the reading of the Word of God so that it is stored in his memory and has transformed his whole vocabulary. Such is the power of the Word of God to edify and to build up. Remember also that though we may acquire technical efficiency, yet if we lack a passion for souls, our labor will be in vain. We must see to it that our intellectual training does not outpace our growth in the Spirit. As we seek to know how to find the appropriate Scripture to fit every case, so also we must keep flaming in our hearts the fire of a great love and compassion for those who are perishing. I should like to add: A Word of Encouragement We are apt to associate soul-winning with those engaged in pulpit ministry. It may be that I am speaking to some Sunday School teacher, and the thought uppermost in that teacher's mind may be, "If I could be like some of these world-famed evangelists and preachers; if only I could be used of God and see scores coming out for Christ in the public assembly-then, indeed, I feel that my life would be lived for some purpose. But I cannot speak on the public platform. I can only teach a few children." Now, my brother, my sister, remember that you can be as effective a soul-winner where God has placed you as the man who is used by Him to bring about hundreds and thousands of public decisions. Whatever our gifts and whatever our opportunities, we can all have an equal measure, if we will, of the passion for souls. And our special God-given work can be as truly directed to a soul-winning end as that of any other. Among the books that have been of great inspiration to me in past years is The Life of William Carey. Now I venture to say that when year after year William Carey was toiling at translating the Scriptures into Sanskrit and other languages of the East, his literary labor was as truly directed to a soul-winning purpose and was inspired by as true a passion for souls as was the evangelistic work of D. L. Moody on the public platform. Moody would have been the first to acknowledge that. At the end of his forty years in India, how many souls could Carey reckon he had won directly to Christ through his instrumentality? Nothing like the number Spurgeon or Moody saved from their preaching. But Carey placed the Scriptures in the hands of missionaries and native workers, an how many souls have been won since because of the labor of William Carey to give the Scriptures to the East? How Christian Businessmen Help Those splendid businessmen who rallied around D. L. Moody and gave him money to establish his institutions were men who labored in business for the glory of Christ and with a soul-winning purpose. I emphasize this fact for the encouragement of anyone who may imagine that because his own gifts a inconspicuous, therefore, his life is less effective than the lives of others. What value do we attach to a human soul? That is the test by which to examine our lives. If we can move among men who are careless and indifferent, perhaps openly skeptical and unbelieving, and yet not be stirred to the depths of our being, there is something wrong with us. It is so easy to become professional in our work. May God save us from being professional preachers or professional pastors, or professional editors! May God give us fire and passion! Do we value souls? Oh, that men and women may become impressed with the fact that we are in dead earnest! Bishop Phillips Brooks quoted a man who said to a preacher, "I am not really convinced by what you say. I am not sure but what I could answer every argument you have presented, but one thing puzzles me and makes me feel that there is power in your message. I cannot understand why you go to so much trouble and why you labor with me in this way, as if you cared for my soul! " That is it! Many a skeptic has been won to Christ, not so much by argument as by realizing that the preacher believed what he said. A Jewish millionaire went to the Royal Opera House, London, to hear D. L. Moody. One of his friends said to him, "You don't believe what he preaches, do you?" And the reply was to the point, "No, I don't; but he does. And that is why I go to hear that man." Alexander Duff said, "I would stand on a street comer in India, and I would clap two shoes together if thereby I could claim the attention of the people to the things of Christ." When, after 25 years in India, Dr. Duff's health broke down and he had to come home, he was so enfeebled that when he addressed the General Assembly, half way through his address he sank down fainting on the platform. As soon as he revived, he said, "I haven't finished my speech. Take me back again!" Once more he faced that assembly. This is what he said: "Mr. Moderator, if it is true that Scotland has no more sons to give to the service of the Lord in India, then old man that I am, having lost my health in that land and having come home to die, I will be off tomorrow to let them know that there is one old Scotsman who is prepared to die for them. Gladly will I lay down my life on the shores of the Ganges, if only I can plead once more with India to come to Christ. " That is the passion for souls. May God give it to us! An Address Delivered at the 1937 Moody Founder's Week Conference.
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- sqlc - safe code from SQL
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- semgrep
- rosedb - v storage in pure Golang, supports string, list, hash, set, sorted set. 驫敖驫晢ソス Go 髴ょ央�ス鞫ー鋙ヲ諸滂ソス�堤ソー�ス﨧ソツ錡ス霑�族鉎ョツ錡サ�ス謦具両�ス k-v 鞫ョ鈐カ﨨帶著釗�ス�ス�ス
- small-workflows
- drone - Native, Continuous Delivery Platform
- lxd
- ProgrammingLanguage-Series
- goenv
- carvel-ytt
- naml
Useful books
- Network Programming with Go: Code Secure and Reliable Network Services from Scratch
- Head First Go
- Black Hat Go: Go Programming For Hackers and Pentesters
- Hands-On Software Architecture with Golang: Design and architect highly scalable and robust applications using Go
- Mastering Go: Create Golang production applications using network libraries, concurrency, machine learning, and advanced data structures, 2nd Edition
- Network Programming with Go: Code Secure and Reliable Network Services from Scratch
- Pro Go: The Complete Guide to Programming Reliable and Efficient Software Using Golang
- Learning Go: An Idiomatic Approach to Real-World Go Programming
- Cloud Native Go: Building Reliable Services in Unreliable Environments
- The Art of Go - Basics: Introduction to Programming in Golang - Beginner to Intermediate
- Build Systems With Go: Everything a Gopher must know
- Head First Go
- Distributed Services with Go: Your Guide to Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems
- Pro Go: The Complete Guide to Programming Reliable and Efficient Software Using Golang
- Mastering Go: Create Golang production applications using network libraries, concurrency, machine learning, and advanced data structures, 2nd Edition
- Cloud Native Go: Building Reliable Services in Unreliable Environments
- Network Programming with Go: Code Secure and Reliable Network Services from Scratch
- Head First Go
- Hands-On Software Architecture with Golang: Design and architect highly scalable and robust applications using Go
- Cloud Native Go: Building Reliable Services in Unreliable Environments
- Build Systems With Go: Everything a Gopher must know
- Black Hat Go: Go Programming For Hackers and Pentesters
- Build Systems With Go: Everything a Gopher must know
- Distributed Services with Go: Your Guide to Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems
- The Art of Go - Basics: Introduction to Programming in Golang - Beginner to Intermediate
- Distributed Services with Go: Your Guide to Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems
Programming Languages
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