
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Menubar app to keep track of your Cryptocoins 💰

bitcoin coins crypto electron menubar money pwa rain vuejs

Last synced: 05 Jul 2024

ncurses rain effect

ascii ascii-art ncurses rain terminal

Last synced: 19 Jun 2024

Terminal based replica of the digital rain from The Matrix.

digital matrix ncurses rain terminal-based tmatrix

Last synced: 07 Jun 2024

Numerical model for simulating shallow water hydrodynamics on the GPU using an Adaptive Mesh Refinment type grid. The model was designed with the goal of simulating inundation (River, Storm surge or tsunami). The model uses a Block Uniform Quadtree approach that runs on the GPU but the adaptive/multi-resolution/AMR is being implemented and not yet operational. The core SWE engine and adaptivity has been inspired and taken from St Venant solver from Basilisk and the CUDA GPU memory model has been inspired by the work from Vacondio _et al._2017)

adaptive flood gpu inundation rain river storm surge tsunami

Last synced: 09 May 2024

The consequences of climate change, especially the dry and hot summers, are putting a strain on Berlin's ecosystem. Our urban trees are drying out and suffering long-term damage. Gieß den Kiez is made to enable coordinated citizen participation in the irrigation of urban trees.

berlin citylab-berlin community map open-data rain trees watering

Last synced: 08 May 2024

A forecast application using OpenWeatherMap API

forecast gtk rain sun temperature vala weather

Last synced: 03 May 2024

Show the weather effects onto view written in Swift4.2

carthage cloud cocoapods dust glsl-shaders hot image-kernel lightning lottie rain snow swift wavewarp weather

Last synced: 24 Apr 2024

An htmlwidget bringing D3 drip to R :sweat_drops: :sparkles: :bar_chart:

data-visualization drip htmlwidget rain rstats

Last synced: 23 Apr 2024

☀️🌧 Yet another weather app for Singapore

3d clouds humidity map rain rainfall singapore temperature weather wind

Last synced: 09 Apr 2024