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非常常用的设置界面条目 very useful setting item

android setting

Last synced: 15 Jun 2024

【rime 小狼毫\trime 同文】手机/PC一站式配置【简约皮肤\拼音搜狗词库\原创trime同文 四叶草 九宫格 拼音方案\四叶草拼音\四叶草地球拼音\小鹤双拼\极品五笔\QQ五笔\徐码\郑码】

config configs configuration opencc pinyin rime rime-trime setting settings sougou terra tongwen wubi xuma zhengma

Last synced: 08 Jun 2024

Setting.App (AV TV) is a Free App provides the ability to aggregate multiple internet resources. Let users have a one-stop experience. Provide multimedia functions, such as: Video, Comic, Anime, Live, VR, Playground. Provide AI functions, such as: Image Search. Provide cloud functions, such as: Favorite System.

android avtv ios setting

Last synced: 31 May 2024

A library to access system setting, and change it easily. eg: volume, brightness, wifi

airplane bluetooth brightness location react-native setting system volume wifi

Last synced: 25 Apr 2024

Global settings for your Rails application.

config configuration rails setting

Last synced: 10 Apr 2024