
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.


Awesome list of various tools for doing science

  • Aquarel - Library for templating and styling Matplotlib.
  • brokenaxes - Nifty package for making plots w/ broken axes, which is a major PITA otherwise in mpl.
  • MSM-WE - Tools for building history-augmented Markov state models from WESTPA weighted ensemble data.
  • Deeptime - Python library for analyzing time series data, and the successor to PyEmma. Includes a hefty Markov analysis library.
  • CuPy - Python CUDA bindings for NumPy/SciPy.
  • WESTPA - The best weighted ensemble implementation in town!
  • SigOpt - Outstanding tool for hyperparameter optimization + managing data and parameters for many analysis runs.
  • magic-wormhole - Simple Python tool for easily sending documents between computers.
  • git-rr - Script for showing filenames in interactive rebases
  • Gum - Library for pretty-fying shell scripts.
  • Rich - Incredible library for gorgeous output in Python scripts. Useful for logging, progress bars, formatted output, live-updating tables.
  • GitBook - Nice alternative to readthedocs for making pretty docs pages.
  • Alacritty - Fast, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator.
  • Kitty - Blazing fast, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator - but a little more fragile than Alacritty.
  • Byobu - Clean wrapper around tmux that provides nicely formatted multiplexing.
  • i3 - Tiling window manager.
  • PyCharm - Needs no introduction.