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A collection of some awesome public machine learning framework, tutorial, blogs, library and applications for .NET.

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      • - defined types, and any other information related to calling Win32 and other unmanaged APIs from managed code (written in languages such as C# or VB.NET).
      • Math.NET
      • HTTP123-A/HumanDetection_Yolov5NET - A/HumanDetection_Yolov5NET?style=social"/> : YOLOv5 object detection with ML.NET, ONNX.
      • ClassifyBot - source cross-platform .NET library that tries to automate and make reproducible the steps needed to create machine learning pipelines for object classification using different open-source ML and NLP components.
      • quangdungluong/object-detection-form - detection-form?style=social"/> : YOLOv5 using ML.Net, C# and WinForm.
      • vladkol/CustomVision.COCO
      • SynapseML - source library that simplifies the creation of massively scalable machine learning (ML) pipelines. SynapseML provides simple, composable, and distributed APIs for a wide variety of different machine learning tasks such as text analytics, vision, anomaly detection, and many others.
      • ML.NET - platform machine learning framework for .NET.
      • TorchSharp
      • TensorFlow.NET
      • DlibDotNet - takeuchi/DlibDotNet?style=social"/> : Dlib .NET wrapper written in C++ and C# for Windows, MacOS, Linux and iOS.
      • DiffSharp
      • KelpNet
      • Bright Wire
      • SharpNet - source Deep Learning library in C# with CUDA and BLAS support.
      • MyCaffe
      • Torch.NET - GPU/CPU support.
      • Keras.NET - level neural networks API for C# and F#, with Python Binding and capable of running on top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano.
      • MxNet.Sharp
      • ConvNetSharp
      • xin-pu/Machine-Learning - pu/Machine-Learning?style=social"/> : Deep learning Tool by C#.
      • LibSvmDotNet - takeuchi/LibSvmDotNet?style=social"/> : .NET wrapper for LIBSVM written in C#.
      • System.AI
      • DeOldify.NET
      • NeuralNetwork.NET
      • AForge.NET - image processing, neural networks, genetic algorithms, machine learning, robotics, etc.
      • Accord.NET - net/framework?style=social"/> : Machine learning, computer vision, statistics and general scientific computing for .NET.
      • MLOps.NET
      • Microsoft AI Lab
      • Microsoft SynapseML
      • Microsoft ML.NET Samples - samples?style=social"/> : Samples for ML.NET, an open source and cross-platform machine learning framework for .NET.
      • TorchSharp Examples
      • .NET Interactive Notebooks - notebooks?style=social"/> : .NET Interactive Notebooks for C#. Get started learning C# with C# notebooks powered by .NET Interactive and VS Code. [kinfey/csharp-notebookss](
      • Hands-On-Machine-Learning-With-ML.NET - On-Machine-Learning-With-ML.NET?style=social"/> : Hands-On Machine Learning with ML.NET, published by Packt.
      • jeffprosise/ML.NET - learning library.
      • PInvoke
      • CppSharp
      • ClangSharp
      • Python.NET
      • C2CS
      • Diplomat - diplomat/diplomat?style=social"/> : Experimental Rust tool for generating FFI definitions allowing many other languages to call Rust code.
      • Silk.NET - speed OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenAL, OpenXR, GLFW, SDL, Vulkan, Assimp, and DirectX bindings library your mother warned you about.
      • Vortice.Vulkan - Cross and shaderc.
      • OpenTK - level C# wrapper for OpenGL, OpenAL & OpenCL. It also includes windowing, mouse, keyboard and joystick input and a robust and fast math library, giving you everything you need to write your own renderer or game engine. OpenTK can be used standalone or inside a GUI on Windows, Linux, Mac.
      • ComputeSharp
      • ILGPU - mt/ILGPU?style=social"/> : ILGPU is a JIT (just-in-time) compiler for high-performance GPU programs written in .Net-based languages.
      • Barracuda - Technologies/barracuda-release?style=social"/> : Unity Barracuda is a lightweight cross-platform Neural Networks inference library for Unity. Barracuda can run Neural Networks both on GPU and CPU.
      • ManagedCUDA
      • Amplifier.NET
      • vk - level Vulkan bindings for .NET.
      • VulkanCore
      • ImageSharp - platform, 2D graphics API.
      • OpenCvSharp
      • SharpCV
      • FFmpeg.AutoGen - B/FFmpeg.AutoGen?style=social"/> : FFmpeg auto generated unsafe bindings for C#/.NET and Core (Linux, MacOS and Mono).
      • Sdcb.FFmpeg
      • Math.NET Numerics - numerics?style=social"/> : Math.NET Numerics is the numerical foundation of the Math.NET initiative, aiming to provide methods and algorithms for numerical computations in science, engineering and every day use. Covered topics include special functions, linear algebra, probability models, random numbers, statistics, interpolation, integration, regression, curve fitting, integral transforms (FFT) and more.
      • Math.NET Spatial - spatial?style=social"/> : Math.NET Spatial is an opensource geometry library for .Net, Silverlight and Mono.
      • Math.NET Filtering - filtering?style=social"/> : Math.NET Filtering is a digital signal processing toolkit, offering an infrastructure for digital filter design, applying those filters to data streams using data converters, as well as digital signal generators.
      • Numpy.NET - a fundamental library for scientific computing, machine learning and AI.
      • NumSharp - D Tensors in .NET, similar API to NumPy.
      • AngouriMath - community/AngouriMath?style=social"/> : New open-source cross-platform symbolic algebra library for C# and F#. Can be used for both production and research purposes.
      • Deedle
      • Pandas.NET - dim array in DataFrame.
      • LiveCharts2 - rodriguez/LiveCharts2?style=social"/> : Simple, flexible, interactive & powerful charts, maps and gauges for .Net, LiveCharts2 can now practically run everywhere Maui, Uno Platform, Blazor-wasm, WPF, WinForms, Xamarin, Avalonia, WinUI, UWP.
      • OxyPlot - platform plotting library for .NET.
      • ScottPlot - source plotting library for .NET that makes it easy to interactively display large datasets.
      • Plotly.NET
      • swharden/Csharp-Data-Visualization - Data-Visualization?style=social"/> : Resources for visualizing data using C# and the .NET platform.
      • ROS2 for .NET - dotnet/ros2_dotnet?style=social"/> : This is a collection of projects (bindings, code generator, examples and more) for writing ROS2 applications for .NET Core and .NET Standard.
      • Ros2 For Unity - for-unity?style=social"/> : ROS2 For Unity is a high-performance communication solution to connect Unity3D and ROS2 ecosystem in a ROS2 "native" way.
      • Ros2cs
      • dotnet-state-machine/stateless - state-machine/stateless?style=social"/> : A simple library for creating state machines in C# code.
      • Unity ML-Agents Toolkit - Technologies/ml-agents?style=social"/> : The Unity Machine Learning Agents Toolkit (ML-Agents) is an open-source project that enables games and simulations to serve as environments for training intelligent agents using deep reinforcement learning and imitation learning.
      • AR Foundation Samples - Technologies/arfoundation-samples?style=social"/> : Example content for Unity projects based on AR Foundation.
      • MRTK-Unity - Unity?style=social"/> : Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK) provides a set of components and features to accelerate cross-platform MR app development in Unity.
      • SVL Simulator - robot Simulator for Autonomous Vehicles. LG Electronics America R&D Lab has developed an HDRP Unity-based multi-robot simulator for autonomous vehicle developers.
      • BotSharp
      • chatGPTLineBot
      • Kengxxiao/Himari.ChatGPT
      • wieslawsoltes/ChatGPT
      • IronWarrior/ChatGPT-2DPhysics - 2DPhysics?style=social"/> : This repository contains a simple 2D Physics engine in C#, with code written by ChatGPT. It uses the console for graphics.
      • PolarisAI
      • Stanford.NLP.NET - tihon/Stanford.NLP.NET?style=social"/> : Stanford NLP for .NET.
      • Catalyst - ai/catalyst?style=social"/> : 🚀 Catalyst is a C# Natural Language Processing library built for speed. Inspired by spaCy's design, it brings pre-trained models, out-of-the box support for training word and document embeddings, and flexible entity recognition models.
      • doughtmw/HoloLens2-Machine-Learning - Machine-Learning?style=social"/> : Using deep learning models for image classification directly on the HoloLens 2.
      • NsfwSpy
      • Microsoft-Rocket-Video-Analytics-Platform - Rocket-Video-Analytics-Platform?style=social"/> : A highly extensible software stack to empower everyone to build practical real-world live video analytics applications for object detection and counting with cutting edge machine learning algorithms.
      • Alturos.Yolo - time object detection).
      • ivilson/Yolov7net
      • sangyuxiaowu/ml_yolov7
      • keijiro/TinyYOLOv2Barracuda
      • derenlei/Unity_Detection2AR
      • died/YOLO3-With-OpenCvSharp4 - With-OpenCvSharp4?style=social"/> : Demo of implement YOLO v3 with OpenCvSharp v4 on C#.
      • mbaske/yolo-unity - unity?style=social"/> : YOLO In-Game Object Detection for Unity (Windows).
      • BobLd/YOLOv4MLNet
      • keijiro/YoloV4TinyBarracuda - tiny object detection model on the Unity Barracuda neural network inference library.
      • zhang8043/YoloWrapper
      • maalik0786/FastYolo
      • Uehwan/CSharp-Yolo-Video - Yolo-Video?style=social"/> : C# Yolo for Video.
      • Celine-Hsieh/Hand_Gesture_Training--yolov4 - Hsieh/Hand_Gesture_Training--yolov4?style=social"/> : Recognize the gestures' features using the YOLOv4 algorithm.
      • lin-tea/YOLOv5DetectionWithCSharp - tea/YOLOv5DetectionWithCSharp?style=social"/> : YOLOv5s inference In C# and Training In Python.
      • MirCore/Unity-Object-Detection-and-Localization-with-VR - Object-Detection-and-Localization-with-VR?style=social"/> : Detect and localize objects from the front-facing camera image of a VR Headset in a 3D Scene in Unity using Yolo and Barracuda.
      • CarlAreDHopen-eaton/YoloObjectDetection - eaton/YoloObjectDetection?style=social"/> : Yolo Object Detection Application for RTSP streams.
      • TimothyMeadows/Yolo6.NetCore
      • mwetzko/EasyYoloDarknet
      • cj-mills/Unity-OpenVINO-YOLOX - mills/Unity-OpenVINO-YOLOX?style=social"/> : This tutorial series covers how to perform object detection in the Unity game engine with the OpenVINO™ Toolkit.
      • thisistherealdiana/YOLO_project
      • oujunke/Yolo5Net
      • wojciechp6/YOLO-UnityBarracuda - UnityBarracuda?style=social"/> : Object detection app build on Unity Barracuda and YOLOv2 Tiny.
      • RaminAbbaszadi/YoloWrapper-WPF - WPF?style=social"/> : WPF (C#) Yolo Darknet Wrapper.
      • fengyhack/YoloWpf
      • hanzhuang111/Yolov5Wpf
      • MaikoKingma/yolo-winforms-test - winforms-test?style=social"/> : A Windows forms application that can execute pre-trained object detection models via ML.NET. In this instance the You Only Look Once version 4 (yolov4) is used.
      • SeanAnd/WebcamObjectDetection
      • Devmawi/BlazorObjectDetection-Sample - Sample?style=social"/> : Simple project for demonstrating how to embed a continuously object detection with Yolo on a video in a hybrid Blazor app (WebView2).
      • Soju06/yolov5-annotation-viewer - annotation-viewer?style=social"/> : yolov5 annotation viewer.
      • 0Kirby/ThrowObjectDetectionWinUI
      • davide-cas/HoloHelp - cas/HoloHelp?style=social"/> : HoloHelp: HoloLens Object Detection for a Guided Interaction.
      • aliardan/RoadMarkingDetection
      • yangzhongke/ApplyMasksForWorldCup
      • takuya-takeuchi/FaceRecognitionDotNet - takeuchi/FaceRecognitionDotNet?style=social"/> : The world's simplest facial recognition api for .NET on Windows, MacOS and Linux.
      • ViewFaceCore/ViewFaceCore
      • FaceONNX
      • mesutpiskin/face-detection-and-recognition - detection-and-recognition?style=social"/> : C# Face detection and recognition with EmguCV. Eigenfaces, Fisherfaces and LBPH algorithms.
      • georg-jung/FaceAiSharp - jung/FaceAiSharp?style=social"/> : State-of-the-art face detection and face recoginition. Cross-platform, local, no cloud dependencies, MIT-licensed, onnx-based.
      • georgj-jung/ExplainFaceRecognition - <img src=""/> Beginner friendly interactive face detection & recognition tutorial with hands-on code samples. State-of-the-art local face AI showcase. Blazor Server & Hybrid - Web, Windows, Android.
      • Neurogame Fighters
      • Microsoft ML.NET - platform machine learning framework. ML.NET 开放源代码的跨平台机器学习框架。
      • NatML - platform machine learning for Unity Engine. Register at
      • natml-hub/YOLOX - hub/YOLOX?style=social"/> : High performance object detector based on YOLO series.