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A curated list of awesome ggplot2 tutorials, packages etc.
Last synced: 5 days ago
JSON representation
Data and models
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- distributional
- GGally
- ggDoE
- gginnards
- ggkegg
- ggmice
- ggpmisc
- ggsurvfit - To-Event Figures
- interactions - friendly toolkit for visualizing and analyzing statistical interactions
- jtools
- mlr3viz
- SBC - based Calibration
- survminer
- Data Visualization: A practical introduction
- Fundamentals of Data Visualization
- ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis
- Cookbook for R: Graphs
- R for Data Science: Data visualisation
- Modern Statistics for Modern Biology: High Quality Graphics in R
- Quantitative Politics with R: Introduction to ggplot2
- Data Science: Visualization
- ggplot2 extensions
- The R Graph Gallery
- a ggplot2 grammar guide
- A Simple Introduction to the Graphing Philosophy of ggplot2
- Aesthetics, Geoms, Mappings, Scales, What?
- An Introduction on How to Make Beautiful Charts With R and ggplot2
- ggplot2 Quickref
- Beautiful plotting in R: A ggplot2 cheatsheet
- Top 50 ggplot2 Visualizations - The Master List (With Full R Code)
- A ggplot2 Tutorial for Beautiful Plotting in R
- Statistical tools for high-throughput data analysis: ggplot2 - Essentials
- Efficient and beautiful data synthesis: Taking your tidyverse skills to the next level
- The Ultimate Guide to Get Started With ggplot2
- Tips and tricks for ggplot2
- Data visualization using ggplot2 (intermediate)
- Iterative visualizations with ggplot2: no more copy-pasting
- 3 alternatives to a discrete color scale legend in ggplot2
- 10 Levels of ggplot2: From Basic to Beautiful
- 10 Tips to Customize Text Color, Font, Size in ggplot2 with element_text()
- 15 Tips to Customize lines in ggplot2 with element_line()
- A complete guide to scales
- Adding social media icons to charts with {ggplot2}
- Alternatives to Simple Color Legends in ggplot2
- Bar plot checklist
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Creating and using custom ggplot2 themes
- Custom colour palettes for {ggplot2}
- Five Steps to Improve Your Chart Quickly
- Getting started with theme()
- How to build a Tufte-style weather graph in R using ggplot2
- How to make any plot look better
- Jazz up your ggplots!
- Making a ggplot theme
- Creating corporate colour palettes for ggplot2
- Label line ends in time series with ggplot2
- Data Viz with Python and R: ggplot2
- The Evolution of a ggplot (Ep. 1)
- ggplot2 Theme Elements Demonstration
- Quick and easy ways to deal with long labels in ggplot2
- Understanding text size and resolution in ggplot2
- Variations on a ggtheme: Applying a unifying aesthetic to your plots
- What we learned from creating a custom graphics package in R using ggplot2
- A Quick How-to on Labelling Bar Graphs in ggplot2
- Annotated Forest Plots using ggplot2
- Creating a cracked egg plot using {ggplot2} in R
- Creating flowcharts with {ggplot2}
- Creating typewriter-styled maps in {ggplot2}
- Exploring ggplot2 boxplots - Defining limits and adjusting style
- Exploring other {ggplot2} geoms
- Heatmaps in ggplot2
- How to add annotations in ggplot: should you use geoms or annotations?
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Recreate a FiveThirtyEight Chicklet Stacked Bar Chart in ggplot2
- geom_paired_raincloud(): A {ggplot2} geom for visualizing change in distribution between two conditions
- Plot moving average in R using ggplot2
- Pyramid Plots in ggplot2
- Radial Patterns in ggplot2
- Storytelling in ggplot using rounded rectangles
- Visualizing Distributions with Raincloud Plots (and How to Create Them with ggplot2)
- Visualizing ordinal variables
- Waffle charts with svg images
- Plot Prediction Interval in R using ggplot2
- Sexy up your logistic regression model with logit dotplots
- 6 easy ways to map population density in R
- Adding context to maps made with ggplot2
- Bivariate maps with ggplot2 and sf
- How to fill maps with density gradients with R, {ggplot2}, and {sf}
- How to make fancy road trip maps with R and OpenStreetMap
- Inset maps with ggplot2
- Making Middle Earth maps with R
- Plot RGB satellite imagery in true-color with ggplot2 in R
- Visualising the 2022 Australian federal election with geom_sugarbag
- Creating interactive visualizations with {ggiraph} (with or without Shiny)
- Align multiple ggplot2 plots by axis
- Annotated equations in ggplot2: Importing latex into ggplot2
- Combining plots in ggplot2
- Designing ggplots: making clear figures that communicate
- How to use natural and base 10 log scales in ggplot2
- Layered Presentation of Graphics with +aes() in ggplot2
- Reordering and facetting for ggplot2
- Save space in faceted plots
- Self-documenting plots in ggplot2
- Summary statistics
- Demystifying stat_ layers in {ggplot2}
- ggplot2 workshop part 1
- ggplot2 workshop part 2
- A short introduction to grammar of graphics (via ggplot2)
- How to fix the sizes in your ggplots
- How to make Boxplots in R More Informative (ggplot2 and Extension Packages)
- Perfect Bar Charts in 150 Seconds
- Recreate a real-world, complex dataviz with R & ggplot
- Create Raincloud Plots with ggplot2 | A Step by Step Guide
- Building a ggplot2 rollercoaster: Creating amazing 3D data visualizations in R
- esquisse: ggplot2 builder with Tableau Drag-and-Drop Interface
- How to Plot Statistical Group Comparisons in R: ggstatsplot
- Make Your Charts Interactive With the {ggiraph} Package
- All hail ggplot2—The code powering all those excellent charts is 10 years old
- Comparing ggplot2 and R Base Graphics
- Most upvoted ggplot2 questions on Stack Overflow
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Custom themes in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- 5 Powerful ggplot2 Extensions
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Three Ways to Include Images in Your ggplots
- FunnelPlotR
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Coloured text in {ggplot2}: {ggtext} vs {marquee}
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Combining maps and patterns with {ggplot2}
- lets-plot
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- 6 Common ggplot2 Mistakes
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Quantitative Politics with R: Introduction to ggplot2
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- ggmugs - Wide Association Study Summary Statistics
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Quantitative Politics with R: Introduction to ggplot2
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- ggfixest
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Correlation heat maps with {ggplot2}
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Modern Data Visualization with R
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Creating upset charts with ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- How to create diverging bar plots
- ggplot2 101
- Drawing waterlines with ggplot2 in R
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Make Multi-point “dumbbell” Plots in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- The Evolution of a ggplot (Ep. 1)
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Designing ggplots: making clear figures that communicate
- Layered Presentation of Graphics with +aes() in ggplot2
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Fundamentals of Data Visualization
- An overview of ggplot2 themes
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Quantitative Politics with R: Introduction to ggplot2
- Changing Glyph in legend in ggplot2
- Real Emojis in ggplot2
- Annotated area charts with plotnine
Plot layers
- econocharts
- ganttrify
- ggasym - left and bottom-right triangles and the diagonal of a symmetric matrix
- ggchicklet
- ggcorrplot
- ggpcp
- ggdag
- ggmsa
- ggnormalviolin
- ggpubr
- ggquiver
- ggraph
- ggrepel
- ggrgl
- ggridges
- ggtern
- patternplot
- treemapify
- visdat
- biscale
- calendR
- complex-upset
- corrmorant
- dbplot
- deeptime
- directlabels
- donutsk
- easyalluvial
- effectclass
- geomtextpath
- ggalignment
- ggspectra
- ggscidca
- flowmapper
- ezplot
- swimplot
- gg1d - Dimensional Graphics
Themes and aesthetics
- colorBlindnessSafe
- ggpomological
- ggsci - fi themed color palettes for ggplot2
- NatParksPalettes
- PrettyCols
- rcartocolor
- rockthemes
- urbnthemes
- ThemePark
- jcolors
- unhcrthemes
- ggtea
- ggthemeUL
- wsjplot
- stevethemes
Presentation, composition and scales
Icons, patterns and images
Programming Languages
Sub Categories