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- 38 - Quick5-Setup?style=plastic) | ![]( | [JACKCHAN000/Rime-Quick5-Setup]( | RIME 速成輸入法配置整合 for Windows小狼毫 功能:速成連打、廣東話詞庫、中英混輸、顏文字、Lua腳本 |
- 10268 - ice?style=plastic) | ![]( | [iDvel/rime-ice]( | Rime 配置:雾凇拼音 \| 长期维护的简体词库<br><> |
- 9025 - ice?style=plastic) | ![]( | [iDvel/rime-ice]( | Rime 配置:雾凇拼音 \| 长期维护的简体词库<br><> |
- 429 - dict?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Iorest/rime-dict]( | RIME 词库增强<br><> |
- 338 - commit/Bambooin/rimerc?label=update) | [Bambooin/rimerc]( | rimerc: rimer's dictionary & config |
- 347 - commit/LufsX/rime?label=update) | [LufsX/rime]( | **Rime**<br>Rime(中州韵)全拼与双拼的自用配置方案 |
- 418 - dict?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Iorest/rime-dict]( | RIME 词库增强<br><> |
- 326 - commit/Bambooin/rimerc?label=update) | [Bambooin/rimerc]( | rimerc: rimer's dictionary & config |
- 313 - commit/LufsX/rime?label=update) | [LufsX/rime]( | **Rime**<br>Rime(中州韵)全拼与双拼的自用配置方案 |
- 185 - commit/alswl/Rime?label=update) | [alswl/Rime]( | Rime configuration for Squirrel \(macOS\) & fcitx-rime \(Linux\) |
- 245 - setting?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Iorest/rime-setting]( | **Rime 输入法配置指南**<br>rime 输入法配置<br><> |
- 183 - commit/alswl/Rime?label=update) | [alswl/Rime]( | Rime configuration for Squirrel \(macOS\) & fcitx-rime \(Linux\) |
- 135 - moran?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ksqsf/rime-moran]( | 自然碼雙拼+輔助碼 Rime 配置 |
- 121 - moran?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ksqsf/rime-moran]( | 自然碼雙拼+輔助碼 Rime 配置 |
- 118 - commit/vgist/RimeFiles?label=update) | [vgist/RimeFiles]( | **Rime 配置**<br>Rime 词库及配置<br><> |
- 118 - commit/vgist/RimeFiles?label=update) | [vgist/RimeFiles]( | **Rime 配置**<br>Rime 词库及配置<br><> |
- 111 - commit/ASC8384/myRime?label=update) | [ASC8384/myRime]( | 我的 Rime 配置,适用于朙月拼音/小鹤双拼/小狼毫 /ibus / MacOS |
- 106 - commit/ASC8384/myRime?label=update) | [ASC8384/myRime]( | 我的 Rime 配置,适用于朙月拼音/小鹤双拼/小狼毫 /ibus / MacOS |
- 98 - rime-dict?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Chernfalin/better-rime-dict]( | BetterRime词库增强包,贴吧: |
- 85 - commit/lippmann/lrime?label=update) | [lippmann/lrime]( | **中日英自然码(带辅码)双拼输入法**<br>自定义 Rime 带辅码自然码双拼输入法方案,由内置的「自然码双拼」、带辅码的「自然码 2000」 和「nihongo-r」日语输入方案综合而成。 |
- 58 - commit/huangyz0918/Rime?label=update) | [huangyz0918/Rime]( | **Rime 鼠须管配置**<br>Rime config of squirrel input method. |
- 57 - commit/huangyz0918/Rime?label=update) | [huangyz0918/Rime]( | **Rime 鼠须管配置**<br>Rime config of squirrel input method. |
- 56 - essay?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-essay]( | 【八股文】Essay - the shared vocabulary and language model |
- 54 - essay?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-essay]( | 【八股文】Essay - the shared vocabulary and language model |
- 44 - aca/schemata?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime-aca/schemata]( | Rime用戶自定義方案集 |
- 45 - aca/schemata?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime-aca/schemata]( | Rime用戶自定義方案集 |
- 43 - rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [jayknoxqu/ibus-rime]( | ibus-rime输入法配置文件及其词典文件 |
- 44 - rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [jayknoxqu/ibus-rime]( | ibus-rime输入法配置文件及其词典文件 |
- 40 - IME-for-iOS-iRime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [DreamAfar/Rime-IME-for-iOS-iRime]( | 这是个人的使用的iRime仓库,主要用于记录: iRime輸入法- 基于Rime输入法框架开发的iOS端Rime输入法 |
- 40 - sogou-dictionaries?style=plastic) | ![]( | [15cm/rime-sogou-dictionaries]( | **Introduction**<br>Rime 朙月拼音方案的扩充搜狗词库 |
- 40 - sogou-dictionaries?style=plastic) | ![]( | [15cm/rime-sogou-dictionaries]( | **Introduction**<br>Rime 朙月拼音方案的扩充搜狗词库 |
- 38 - sogou?style=plastic) | ![]( | [metowolf/rime-sogou]( | 📇 聰明的輸入法配聰明的詞庫 |
- 38 - sogou?style=plastic) | ![]( | [metowolf/rime-sogou]( | 📇 聰明的輸入法配聰明的詞庫 |
- 37 - configuration?style=plastic) | ![]( | [WithdewHua/rime-configuration]( | 自用 Rime 配置<br><> |
- 37 - configuration?style=plastic) | ![]( | [WithdewHua/rime-configuration]( | 自用 Rime 配置<br><> |
- 36 - commit/wzyboy/rime_config?label=update) | [wzyboy/rime_config]( | Rime config for Trime \(Android\)<br><> |
- 43 - commit/rwerplus/rime?label=update) | [rwerplus/rime]( | Rime(中州韵)集成小鹤音形、飞鹤快拼、小鹤双拼(包含繁體)、小鹤音形连打、虎码、等支持<br><> |
- 35 - config?style=plastic) | ![]( | [expoli/rime-config]( | Rime 、小狼毫、配置文件(朙月拼音、小鹤双拼、自然码双拼、五笔) |
- 31 - config?style=plastic) | ![]( | [expoli/rime-config]( | Rime 、小狼毫、配置文件(朙月拼音、小鹤双拼、自然码双拼、五笔) |
- 28 - commit/henices/rime?label=update) | [henices/rime]( | rime 输入法配置 |
- 28 - commit/yanyingwang/rime_custom?label=update) | [yanyingwang/rime_custom]( | 自定义化的Rime输入法以及输入方案和词库 |
- 28 - commit/yanyingwang/rime_custom?label=update) | [yanyingwang/rime_custom]( | 自定义化的Rime输入法以及输入方案和词库 |
- 14 - commit/toseesky/rime_dict.yaml?label=update) | [toseesky/rime_dict.yaml]( | **rime_custom**<br>rime 输入法 中文词频权重词库 |
- 18 - commit/yaocccc/rime?label=update) | [yaocccc/rime]( | **RIME 配置**<br>RIME方案 FOR 小鹤双拼、二笔辅助码、emoji混输、中英混输 |
- 13 - commit/toseesky/rime_dict.yaml?label=update) | [toseesky/rime_dict.yaml]( | **rime_custom**<br>rime 输入法 中文词频权重词库 |
- 12 - data?style=plastic) | ![]( | [IT1187541749/Rime-data]( | 个人输入法仓库-备份 |
- 9 - commit/shenyileirob/rime_schemata?label=update) | [shenyileirob/rime_schemata]( | A collection of shenyileirob's Rime schemata |
- 7 - flypy?style=plastic) | ![]( | [VSteveHL/Rime-flypy]( | 东拼西凑的Rime输入方案。官方小鹤双拼方案 + 四叶草输入方案词库 |
- 4 - A/rime-pure?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Direct-A/rime-pure]( | Package for Arch AUR【rime 中州韵】四叶草、小鹤双拼,输入法配置整合<br><> |
- 5 - ice-custom?style=plastic) | ![]( | [someok/rime-ice-custom]( | 针对 rime-ice 的一些自定义配置 |
- 4 - commit/loulazynote/Rime_Yitian_26Keys?label=update) | [loulazynote/Rime_Yitian_26Keys]( | **RIME 倚天26鍵輸入方案(CrossPlan)**<br>倚天26鍵方案 RIME |
- 4 - Z/rime-settings?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Jed-Z/rime-settings]( | **References**<br>用 Rime Squirrel(鼠须管)作为仿 Mac 原生输入法的增强(个人自用) |
- 4 - config?style=plastic) | ![]( | [15cm/rime-config]( | **Schemas**<br>My rime config for fcitx-rime and trime |
- 3 - rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [zeuxisoo/my-rime]( | My RIME files |
- 9 - custom?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-custom]( | Rime 自定義配置 |
- 8 - commit/shenyileirob/rime_schemata?label=update) | [shenyileirob/rime_schemata]( | A collection of shenyileirob's Rime schemata |
- 8 - commit/ScriptGo/rime?label=update) | [ScriptGo/rime]( | **ArchLinx 输入法配置**<br>如何在 Archlinux 环境中配置 fcitx5-rime |
- 7 - flypy?style=plastic) | ![]( | [VSteveHL/Rime-flypy]( | 东拼西凑的Rime输入方案。官方小鹤双拼方案 + 四叶草输入方案词库 |
- 4 - A/rime-pure?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Direct-A/rime-pure]( | Package for Arch AUR【rime 中州韵】四叶草、小鹤双拼,输入法配置整合<br><> |
- 4 - ice-custom?style=plastic) | ![]( | [someok/rime-ice-custom]( | 针对 rime-ice 的一些自定义配置 |
- 4 - commit/loulazynote/Rime_Yitian_26Keys?label=update) | [loulazynote/Rime_Yitian_26Keys]( | **RIME 倚天26鍵輸入方案(CrossPlan)**<br>倚天26鍵方案 RIME |
- 4 - Z/rime-settings?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Jed-Z/rime-settings]( | **References**<br>用 Rime Squirrel(鼠须管)作为仿 Mac 原生输入法的增强(个人自用) |
- 4 - config?style=plastic) | ![]( | [15cm/rime-config]( | **Schemas**<br>My rime config for fcitx-rime and trime |
- 3 - rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [zeuxisoo/my-rime]( | My RIME files |
- 3 - minecraft-dict?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Kimiblock/rime-minecraft-dict]( | Minecraft dict for Rime<br><> |
- 2 - commit/tickmao/Rime?label=update) | [tickmao/Rime]( | :hotdog: Rime Backup,小狼毫输入法个人设置 |
- 2 - misc?style=plastic) | ![]( | [szc126/rime-misc]( | 【】 |
- 2 - liangfen?style=plastic) | ![]( | [szc126/rime-liangfen]( | 【unapproved fork of LiangFen by Sim CheonHyeong】 |
- 2 - liangfen?style=plastic) | ![]( | [szc126/rime-liangfen]( | 【unapproved fork of LiangFen by Sim CheonHyeong】 |
- 2 - ayaka-v8?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ayaka14732/rime-ayaka-v8]( | 綾香思考用語輸入方案 Ayaka’s Thinking Language Input Schema |
- 2 - Rime-IME-Thesaurus?style=plastic) | ![]( | [aineer/My-Rime-IME-Thesaurus]( | **我的自用Rime简体词库**<br>自用的几个Rime词库 |
- 1 - dictionary?style=plastic) | ![]( | [swoiow/rime-dictionary]( | rime dictionary |
- 1 - Settings?style=plastic) | ![]( | [drganghe/Rime-Settings]( | **Rime 输入法配置指南**<br>Customize Squirrel Input with dicts. |
- 1 - commit/ayaka14732/MyRimeConfig?label=update) | [ayaka14732/MyRimeConfig]( | **My Rime Configuration**<br>Ayaka's rime config |
- 1 - commit/ayaka14732/MyRimeConfig?label=update) | [ayaka14732/MyRimeConfig]( | **My Rime Configuration**<br>Ayaka's rime config |
- 1 - conf?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Sorosliu1029/rime-conf]( | **我的小鶴雙拼客製化方案**<br>:pencil2: my rime confs<br><> |
- 1 - CHAN/rime-user-dir?style=plastic) | ![]( | [MISTER-CHAN/rime-user-dir]( | My custom schemas and scripts of RIME. |
- 1 - kb?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Cycatz/chemical-kb]( | **Chemical-Keyboard**<br>一個可以輸入中文化學名詞的Rime方案 |
- 0 - config?style=plastic) | ![]( | [towry/rime-config]( | Rime config, separate this from dotfiles so we can use it on Windows or other platform easily. |
- 0 - commit/qvshuo/squirrel?label=update) | [qvshuo/squirrel]( | 安静's RIME 自定义方案 |
- 0 - config?style=plastic) | ![]( | [towry/rime-config]( | Rime config, separate this from dotfiles so we can use it on Windows or other platform easily. |
- 0 - Rime-Bopomo-Revised?style=plastic) | ![]( | [sunsun8170/Onion-Rime-Bopomo-Revised]( | **洋蔥純注音修改版 與 洋蔥 Plus 輕量版**<br>基於電腦 Rime 洋蔥方案 《洋蔥純注音》的兩個修改版本:《洋蔥純注音修改版》與《洋蔥Plus輕量版》 |
- 0 - commit/qvshuo/squirrel?label=update) | [qvshuo/squirrel]( | 安静's RIME 自定义方案 |
- 0 - commit/odd256/rime_backup?label=update) | [odd256/rime_backup]( | **How to use**<br>rime config files, include: skin files, typing files, etc. |
- 0 - commit/gkzhb/rime.d?label=update) | [gkzhb/rime.d]( | **Rime 配置**<br>rime 小鹤双拼配置 |
- 0 - commit/entr0pia/rimerc?label=update) | [entr0pia/rimerc]( | 一个自然码双拼用户的Rime配置 |
- 0 - backup?style=plastic) | ![]( | [emptymalei/rime-backup]( | 【】 |
- 0 - commit/gkzhb/rime.d?label=update) | [gkzhb/rime.d]( | **Rime 配置**<br>rime 小鹤双拼配置 |
- 0 - commit/entr0pia/rimerc?label=update) | [entr0pia/rimerc]( | 一个自然码双拼用户的Rime配置 |
- 0 - backup?style=plastic) | ![]( | [emptymalei/rime-backup]( | 【】 |
- 0 - commit/ZmdnaHF0ZmFqYXZ0O/rimecbl?label=update) | [ZmdnaHF0ZmFqYXZ0O/rimecbl]( | RIME Chinese basic lexicon |
- 0 - Z/rime-config?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ONGOING-Z/rime-config]( | **Readme**<br>Rime input tool config. |
- 0 - pine-rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [0xffan/rose-pine-rime]( | Soho vibes for RIME |
- 0 - commit/ZmdnaHF0ZmFqYXZ0O/rimecbl?label=update) | [ZmdnaHF0ZmFqYXZ0O/rimecbl]( | RIME Chinese basic lexicon |
- 0 - Z/rime-config?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ONGOING-Z/rime-config]( | **Readme**<br>Rime input tool config. |
- 0 - pine-rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [0xffan/rose-pine-rime]( | Soho vibes for RIME |
- 0 - ice?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [wangsizhu0504/rime-ice]( | Rime 配置:雾凇拼音 \| 长期维护的简体词库<br><> |
- 0 - pin/rime-cloverpinyin?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [ha-pin/rime-cloverpinyin]( | **:four_leaf_clover:四叶草哈汉混合输入方案**<br>🍀️四叶草哈汉混合输入方案 |
- 0 - ice?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [wangsizhu0504/rime-ice]( | 自用 Rime 配置:雾凇拼音 \| 长期维护的简体词库,定时同步主分支<br><> |
- 0 - pin/rime-cloverpinyin?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [ha-pin/rime-cloverpinyin]( | **:four_leaf_clover:四叶草哈汉混合输入方案**<br>🍀️四叶草哈汉混合输入方案 |
- 4 - config?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [sheepduke/rime-config]( | Settings for Wubi input method |
- 5 - commit/chiahsien/RimeDayi?label=update) | [chiahsien/RimeDayi]( | 給中州韻輸入法用的大易字碼表 |
- 3 - commit/aaron2wh/Rime?label=update) | [aaron2wh/Rime]( | **Rime double pinyin plus**<br>RIME 鼠鬚管/ Mac + 小狼毫(Windows)配置: 全拼+雙拼自然碼(簡繁)+ emoj + 各種符號輸入 + 常用IT互聯網類簡寫輸入 |
- 4 - config?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [sheepduke/rime-config]( | Settings for Wubi input method |
- 4 - commit/chiahsien/RimeDayi?label=update) | [chiahsien/RimeDayi]( | 給中州韻輸入法用的大易字碼表 |
- 3 - commit/aaron2wh/Rime?label=update) | [aaron2wh/Rime]( | **Rime double pinyin plus**<br>RIME 鼠鬚管/ Mac + 小狼毫(Windows)配置: 全拼+雙拼自然碼(簡繁)+ emoj + 各種符號輸入 + 常用IT互聯網類簡寫輸入 |
- 3 - commit/Patricivs/lakyang?label=update) | [Patricivs/lakyang]( | 【】 |
- 2 - commit/khsing/Rime?label=update) | [khsing/Rime]( | **Rime 配置文件**<br>Rime输入法的配置文件 |
- 2 - commit/khsing/Rime?label=update) | [khsing/Rime]( | **Rime 配置文件**<br>Rime输入法的配置文件 |
- 2 - rime?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [andy0130tw/aarrr-rime]( | Another ARtistic Rime Repository \(for experiments\) |
- 2 - rime-config?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [amorphobia/my-rime-config]( | 我的 RIME 方案用户配置 |
- 2 - Rime?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [KhienghThenYang/my-Rime]( | something about Rime usage |
- 1 - pinyin-normal?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [xuthus5/rime-pinyin-normal]( | **README**<br>趋向普通化的rime拼音方案和词库 |
- 2 - rime?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [andy0130tw/aarrr-rime]( | Another ARtistic Rime Repository \(for experiments\) |
- 2 - rime-config?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [amorphobia/my-rime-config]( | 我的 RIME 方案用户配置 |
- 2 - Rime?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [KhienghThenYang/my-Rime]( | something about Rime usage |
- 1 - pinyin-normal?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [xuthus5/rime-pinyin-normal]( | **README**<br>趋向普通化的rime拼音方案和词库 |
- 1 - aca/rime-kmg?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [rime-aca/rime-kmg]( | 廣韻段毄攴字灋 |
- 1 - commit/renyijiu/rime?label=update) | [renyijiu/rime]( | **Rime Custom Configuration(Mac)**<br>Custom Rime config for Mac |
- 1 - commit/qdzhang/rime?label=update) | [qdzhang/rime]( | 自用 rime 输入法配置,适用于 Windows \(小狼毫\)和 Linux \(ibus-rime\) |
- 1 - commit/mikejensen21/RIME_iOS?label=update) | [mikejensen21/RIME_iOS]( | 【】 |
- 1 - aca/rime-kmg?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [rime-aca/rime-kmg]( | 廣韻段毄攴字灋 |
- 1 - commit/renyijiu/rime?label=update) | [renyijiu/rime]( | **Rime Custom Configuration(Mac)**<br>Custom Rime config for Mac |
- 1 - commit/qdzhang/rime?label=update) | [qdzhang/rime]( | 自用 rime 输入法配置,适用于 Windows \(小狼毫\)和 Linux \(ibus-rime\) |
- 1 - commit/mikejensen21/RIME_iOS?label=update) | [mikejensen21/RIME_iOS]( | 【】 |
- 1 - commit/billguocs/Rime?label=update) | [billguocs/Rime]( | **Rime自用配置**<br>personal rime config |
- 1 - commit/Schummacher/XHSJ?label=update) | [Schummacher/XHSJ]( | 【】 |
- 1 - commit/Schummacher/XHSJ?label=update) | [Schummacher/XHSJ]( | 【】 |
- 1 - of-Rime-IME?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [DaengGWokFook/Custom-of-Rime-IME]( | 自定義中州韻 |
- 1 - of-Rime-IME?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [DaengGWokFook/Custom-of-Rime-IME]( | 自定義中州韻 |
- 0 - Rime-squirrel-configuration?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [wwyqianqian/Personal-Rime-squirrel-configuration]( | A personal configuration file of the wonderful input method engine named Rime-squirrel |
- 0 - settings?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [taichunmin/rime-settings]( | **如何安裝**<br>rime settings |
- 0 - osu?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [mokurin000/rime-osu]( | rime的osu!词库 |
- 0 - commit/li012589/RimeConfig?label=update) | [li012589/RimeConfig]( | **Configuration of Rime**<br>Config folder for Rime input method |
- 0 - osu?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [mokurin000/rime-osu]( | rime的osu!词库 |
- 0 - commit/li012589/RimeConfig?label=update) | [li012589/RimeConfig]( | **Configuration of Rime**<br>Config folder for Rime input method |
- 0 - commit/hktkzyx/rime?label=update) | [hktkzyx/rime]( | My rime configuration |
- 0 - config?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [darth30joker/rime-config]( | 【】 |
- 0 - conf?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [cmal/rime-conf]( | config for Rime input method |
- 0 - commit/hktkzyx/rime?label=update) | [hktkzyx/rime]( | My rime configuration |
- 0 - config?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [darth30joker/rime-config]( | 【】 |
- 0 - conf?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [cmal/rime-conf]( | config for Rime input method |
- 0 - commit/ageback/rime_user_data?label=update) | [ageback/rime_user_data]( | 我的小狼毫用户配置 |
- 0 - module-rime?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [afeiship/ushell-module-rime]( | Some env or config for rime. |
- 0 - commit/Yiiff/Rime?label=update) | [Yiiff/Rime]( | 鼠须管个人配置 |
- 1 - squirrel.settings?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Waterstrong/rime-squirrel.settings]( | **个人输入法配置** |
- 0 - commit/Mintonmu/RimeConfig?label=update) | [Mintonmu/RimeConfig]( | My Mac rime config files |
- bs10081/Whos-Rime
- 0 - simplex?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [PokeGuys/rime-simplex]( | 【】 |
- 0 - commit/Mintonmu/RimeConfig?label=update) | [Mintonmu/RimeConfig]( | My Mac rime config files |
- 3 - flypy-xhfast?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | 🗃️<br>![]( | [boomker/rime-flypy-xhfast]( | Rime 输入法配置文件,小鹤双拼+小鹤双形辅助码/自然快手 |
- bs10081/Whos-Rime
- 33 - commit/fxliang/weasel_config?label=update) | [fxliang/weasel_config]( | my weasel configs |
- 23 - essay-simp?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-essay-simp]( | 简化字八股文 |
- 4 - user-config?style=plastic) | ![]( | [amorphobia/rime-user-config]( | Rime 用户配置 |
- 0 - commit/odd256/rime_backup?label=update) | [odd256/rime_backup]( | **How to use**<br>rime config files, include: skin files, typing files, etc. |
- 1493 - frost?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gaboolic/rime-frost]( | 白霜拼音:蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜。白霜拼音使用使用745396750字的高质量语料,进行分词,重新统计字频、词频,归一化,打造纯净、词频准确、智能的词库。白霜词库是目前rime方案下最好的开源词库,立志于打造不输于商业输入法的输入体验。 |
- 948 - pure?style=plastic) | ![]( | [SivanLaai/rime-pure]( | 【rime 小狼毫\trime 同文】手机/PC一站式配置【简约皮肤\拼音搜狗词库\原创trime同文 四叶草 九宫格 拼音方案\四叶草拼音\四叶草地球拼音\小鹤双拼\极品五笔\QQ五笔\徐码\郑码】<br><> |
- 139 - moran?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rimeinn/rime-moran]( | 自然碼雙拼+輔助碼 Rime 配置 / 自然码双拼+辅助码 Rime 配置 |
- 45 - commit/chwt163/mytrime?label=update) | [chwt163/mytrime]( | **myrime**<br>我的 rime 配置文件 & trime 同文输入法主题 |
- 0 - commit/ScriptGo/rime?label=update) | [ScriptGo/rime]( | **ArchLinx 输入法配置** |
- 2 - flypy-xhfast?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | 🗃️<br>![]( | [boomker/rime-flypy-xhfast]( | Rime 输入法配置文件,小鹤双拼+小鹤双形辅助码/自然快手 |
- 50 - config?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Jacobax/trime-config]( | trime同文自用配置备份及分享 |
- 39 - IME-for-iOS-iRime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [DreamAfar/Rime-IME-for-iOS-iRime]( | 这是个人的使用的iRime仓库,主要用于记录: iRime輸入法- 基于Rime输入法框架开发的iOS端Rime输入法 |
- 37 - Quick5-Setup?style=plastic) | ![]( | [JACKCHAN000/Rime-Quick5-Setup]( | RIME 速成輸入法配置整合 for Windows小狼毫 功能:速成連打、廣東話詞庫、中英混輸、顏文字、Lua腳本 |
- 36 - commit/wzyboy/rime_config?label=update) | [wzyboy/rime_config]( | Rime config for Trime \(Android\)<br><> |
- 12 - rime-dict?style=plastic) | ![]( | [appleshan/fcitx5-rime-dict]( | **由雾凇拼音修改而来的自用 Rime 配置** |
- 139 - Rime?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [bs10081/Whos-Rime]( | **柴的中州韻輸入法配置**<br>適配小鶴雙拼、全拼、五筆:支持部分中英混合輸入、Emoji輸入、簡繁轉換、傳承字標準字轉換、UTF-8 GBK編碼轉換、200萬詞庫覆蓋日常絕大多數場景。 |
- 3213 - commit/ssnhd/rime?label=update) | [ssnhd/rime]( | Rime Squirrel 鼠须管配置文件(朙月拼音、小鹤双拼、自然码双拼) |
- 1507 - settings?style=plastic) | ![]( | [wongdean/rime-settings]( | **Rime 鼠须管输入法傻瓜式配置指南**<br>接近原生的鼠须管 Rime 配置 |
- 51 - config?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Jacobax/trime-config]( | trime同文自用配置备份及分享 |
- 44 - Wang/rime-config?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Lucius-Wang/rime-config]( | 提供MacOS下Rime配置,支持中英文混合输入、最大化还原Mac原生输入法样式 |
- 12 - rime-dict?style=plastic) | ![]( | [appleshan/fcitx5-rime-dict]( | **由雾凇拼音修改而来的自用 Rime 配置** |
- 932 - pure?style=plastic) | ![]( | [SivanLaai/rime-pure]( | 【rime 小狼毫\trime 同文】手机/PC一站式配置【简约皮肤\拼音搜狗词库\原创trime同文 四叶草 九宫格 拼音方案\四叶草拼音\四叶草地球拼音\小鹤双拼\极品五笔\QQ五笔\徐码\郑码】<br><> |
- 560 - aca/dictionaries?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime-aca/dictionaries]( | Rime詞庫<br><> |
- 18 - commit/yaocccc/rime?label=update) | [yaocccc/rime]( | **RIME 配置**<br>RIME方案 FOR 小鹤双拼、二笔辅助码、emoji混输、中英混输 |
- 14 - 24bit/rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rgb-24bit/rime]( | Rime 输入法配置 |
- 5 - ice-ziranma-zhengma-huma?style=plastic) | ![]( | [impishian/rime-ice-ziranma-zhengma-huma]( | 【自然/虎形 输入法组合】1.以雾凇拼音为基础,增加一些搜狗词库,总计约220万词,自定义短语辅码方案,对候选字词的多种二次筛选方案。2.增加带双辅码的自然码。3.以不知郑码为基础,增加 CJK-E 的字。4.增加虎码 CJK-I 官方单字、字词、8105单字。 |
- 1502 - settings?style=plastic) | ![]( | [wongdean/rime-settings]( | **Rime 鼠须管输入法傻瓜式配置指南**<br>接近原生的鼠须管 Rime 配置 |
- 221 - fast-xhup?style=plastic) | ![]( | [boomker/rime-fast-xhup]( | 基于小鹤双拼加鹤形辅助码的 Rime 配置方案,内附多种特色功能:词条置顶,强制删词,隐藏词条,词条降频,手动造词\(中英\),全码唯一自动顶词上屏\(单字和部分词\), 长词优先\(成语短语简拼\),英文大小写多格式输入,中英自动加空格,上屏历史回溯,快捷启动与切换App应用,多格式日期星期时间输入,长期更新 800W 词库 |
- 3205 - commit/ssnhd/rime?label=update) | [ssnhd/rime]( | Rime Squirrel 鼠须管配置文件(朙月拼音、小鹤双拼、自然码双拼) |
- 559 - aca/dictionaries?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime-aca/dictionaries]( | Rime詞庫<br><> |
- 212 - fast-xhup?style=plastic) | ![]( | [boomker/rime-fast-xhup]( | 基于小鹤双拼加鹤形辅助码的 Rime 配置方案,内附多种特色功能:词条置顶,强制删词,隐藏词条,词条降频,手动造词\(中英\),全码唯一自动顶词上屏\(单字和部分词\), 长词优先\(成语短语简拼\),英文大小写多格式输入,中英自动加空格,上屏历史回溯,快捷启动与切换App应用,多格式日期星期时间输入,长期更新 800W 词库 |
- 92 - commit/amzxyz/rime_wanxiang_pro?label=update) | [amzxyz/rime_wanxiang_pro]( | Rime万象拼音输入方案增强版,词库基于AI筛选和语料辅助筛选精干高效,配合全新语言模型,输入不再纠结。支持全拼,7种双拼,8种辅助码,并且可以扩展更多,支持中英混输,内置超级注释lua,带调全拼输入码显示lua,快符与重复上屏lua等功能扩展,大大增强使用体验 |
- 14 - commit/amzxyz/rime_wanxiang_zrm?label=update) | [amzxyz/rime_wanxiang_zrm]( | 自然万象---随意码:一个Rime框架下的自然码双拼的纯净方案,支持辅助码、中英混输、部件拆字、计算器、农历、金额大写等,使用万象词库和万象语言模型构建 |
- 240 - setting?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Iorest/rime-setting]( | **Rime 输入法配置指南**<br>rime 输入法配置<br><> |
- 97 - rime-dict?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Chernfalin/better-rime-dict]( | BetterRime词库增强包,贴吧: |
- 85 - commit/lippmann/lrime?label=update) | [lippmann/lrime]( | **中日英自然码(带辅码)双拼输入法**<br>自定义 Rime 带辅码自然码双拼输入法方案,由内置的「自然码双拼」、带辅码的「自然码 2000」 和「nihongo-r」日语输入方案综合而成。 |
- 36 - Wang/rime-config?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Lucius-Wang/rime-config]( | 提供MacOS下Rime配置,支持中英文混合输入、最大化还原Mac原生输入法样式 |
- 31 - commit/rwerplus/rime?label=update) | [rwerplus/rime]( | Rime(中州韵)集成小鹤音形、飞鹤快拼、小鹤双拼(包含繁體)、小鹤音形连打、虎码、等支持<br><> |
- 28 - commit/henices/rime?label=update) | [henices/rime]( | rime 输入法配置 |
- 22 - essay-simp?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-essay-simp]( | 简化字八股文 |
- 12 - 24bit/rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rgb-24bit/rime]( | Rime 输入法配置 |
- 12 - data?style=plastic) | ![]( | [IT1187541749/Rime-data]( | 个人输入法仓库-备份 |
- 9 - custom?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-custom]( | Rime 自定義配置 |
- 4 - ice-ziranma-zhengma-huma?style=plastic) | ![]( | [impishian/rime-ice-ziranma-zhengma-huma]( | 【自然/虎形 输入法组合】1.以雾凇拼音为基础,增加一些搜狗词库,总计约220万词,自定义短语辅码方案,对候选字词的多种二次筛选方案。2.增加带双辅码的自然码。3.以不知郑码为基础,增加 CJK-E 的字。4.增加虎码 CJK-I 官方单字、字词、8105单字。 |
- 3 - user-config?style=plastic) | ![]( | [amorphobia/rime-user-config]( | Rime 用户配置 |
- 3 - minecraft-dict?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Kimiblock/rime-minecraft-dict]( | Minecraft dict for Rime<br><> |
- 2 - commit/tickmao/Rime?label=update) | [tickmao/Rime]( | :hotdog: Rime Backup,小狼毫输入法个人设置 |
- 2 - misc?style=plastic) | ![]( | [szc126/rime-misc]( | 【】 |
- 2 - ayaka-v8?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ayaka14732/rime-ayaka-v8]( | 綾香思考用語輸入方案 Ayaka’s Thinking Language Input Schema |
- 2 - Rime-IME-Thesaurus?style=plastic) | ![]( | [aineer/My-Rime-IME-Thesaurus]( | **我的自用Rime简体词库**<br>自用的几个Rime词库 |
- 1 - dictionary?style=plastic) | ![]( | [swoiow/rime-dictionary]( | rime dictionary |
- 1 - Settings?style=plastic) | ![]( | [drganghe/Rime-Settings]( | **Rime 输入法配置指南**<br>Customize Squirrel Input with dicts. |
- 1 - conf?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Sorosliu1029/rime-conf]( | **我的小鶴雙拼客製化方案**<br>:pencil2: my rime confs<br><> |
- 1 - CHAN/rime-user-dir?style=plastic) | ![]( | [MISTER-CHAN/rime-user-dir]( | My custom schemas and scripts of RIME. |
- 1 - kb?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Cycatz/chemical-kb]( | **Chemical-Keyboard**<br>一個可以輸入中文化學名詞的Rime方案 |
- 0 - Rime-Bopomo-Revised?style=plastic) | ![]( | [sunsun8170/Onion-Rime-Bopomo-Revised]( | **洋蔥純注音修改版 與 洋蔥 Plus 輕量版**<br>基於電腦 Rime 洋蔥方案 《洋蔥純注音》的兩個修改版本:《洋蔥純注音修改版》與《洋蔥Plus輕量版》 |
- 3 - commit/Patricivs/lakyang?label=update) | [Patricivs/lakyang]( | 【】 |
- 1 - commit/billguocs/Rime?label=update) | [billguocs/Rime]( | **Rime自用配置**<br>personal rime config |
- 0 - Rime-squirrel-configuration?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [wwyqianqian/Personal-Rime-squirrel-configuration]( | A personal configuration file of the wonderful input method engine named Rime-squirrel |
- 0 - settings?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [taichunmin/rime-settings]( | **如何安裝**<br>rime settings |
- 0 - module-rime?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [afeiship/ushell-module-rime]( | Some env or config for rime. |
- 0 - commit/Yiiff/Rime?label=update) | [Yiiff/Rime]( | 鼠须管个人配置 |
- 0 - squirrel.settings?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [Waterstrong/rime-squirrel.settings]( | **个人输入法配置** |
- 0 - simplex?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [PokeGuys/rime-simplex]( | 【】 |
- 789 - frost?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gaboolic/rime-frost]( | **白霜拼音**<br>白霜词库:蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜。基于雾凇拼音重制的,更纯净、词频准确、智能的词库。使用745396750字的高质量语料,进行分词,重新统计字频、词频,归一化。白霜词库是目前rime方案下最好的词库,在不使用智能模型的情况下可以超越使用智能模型的词库方案。目前使用白霜词库的方案有:墨奇音形(双拼辅) 、墨奇五笔整句 |
- 32 - commit/fxliang/weasel_config?label=update) | [fxliang/weasel_config]( | my weasel configs |
- 41 - commit/chwt163/mytrime?label=update) | [chwt163/mytrime]( | **myrime**<br>我的 rime 配置文件 & trime 同文输入法主题 |
- 21 - commit/oniondelta/Onion_Trime_Files?label=update) | [oniondelta/Onion_Trime_Files]( | 手機同文輸入法 Trime 洋蔥方案(注音、雙拼、形碼) |
- 1 - weasel?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ivu99/98wubi-weasel]( | 给任意安装的「小狼毫」添加完整的98五笔配置 |
- 0 - dict?style=plastic) | ![]( | [SenkiTK/Rime-dict]( | Rime 自定义拼音方案 && 高质量词库 |
- 1 - dict-1?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [ivu99/Rime-dict-1]( | 高质量词库 |
- 20 - commit/oniondelta/Onion_Trime_Files?label=update) | [oniondelta/Onion_Trime_Files]( | 手機同文輸入法 Trime 洋蔥方案(注音、雙拼、形碼) |
- 0 - wubi86-config?style=plastic) | ![]( | [chinliangwang/rime-wubi86-config]( | 【】 |
- rimeinn/rime-moran
- 15 - wechat-keyboard?style=plastic) | ![]( | [nobodysclown/rime-wechat-keyboard]( | 微信键盘风格 RIME 配色 |
- 94 - commit/nopdan/danjing?label=update) | [nopdan/danjing]( | **\[单静\]\[1\]**<br>An exquisite Trime theme. 一个精致的同文输入法主题. |
- 17 - theme-windows10?style=plastic) | ![]( | [danvim/rime-theme-windows10]( | Windows 10 theme for RIME \(RIME 輸入法 Windows 10 主題樣式\) |
- 16 - commit/catppuccin/squirrel?label=update) | [catppuccin/squirrel]( | 🖌 Soothing pastel theme for Squirrel \(Rime for MacOS\) |
- 17 - theme-windows10?style=plastic) | ![]( | [danvim/rime-theme-windows10]( | Windows 10 theme for RIME \(RIME 輸入法 Windows 10 主題樣式\) |
- 16 - commit/catppuccin/squirrel?label=update) | [catppuccin/squirrel]( | 🖌 Soothing pastel theme for Squirrel \(Rime for MacOS\) |
- 7 - rime-skin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Astrian/appso-rime-skin]( | AppSo Rime 皮肤 |
- 6 - Skin-Collection?style=plastic) | ![]( | [OscarXWei/Squirrel-Skin-Collection]( | 个人整理的Rime鼠须管皮肤收集大全 |
- 4 - theme-nord?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Xenapte/rime-theme-nord]( | 基於 Nord 配色方案的 RIME 小狼毫主題樣式 |
- 4 - denon-prime-skin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [jochenunger/vdj-denon-prime-skin]( | **Probably the Best Virtual DJ Skin for Denon PrimeGO and Prime4 Controllers**<br>VDJ Skin for Denon PrimeGo, Prime4 and more |
- 5 - commit/shaochenshi/rime_skin?label=update) | [shaochenshi/rime_skin]( | 仿制的一套Rime磨砂皮肤;来源 |
- 7 - rime-skin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Astrian/appso-rime-skin]( | AppSo Rime 皮肤 |
- 6 - Skin-Collection?style=plastic) | ![]( | [OscarXWei/Squirrel-Skin-Collection]( | 个人整理的Rime鼠须管皮肤收集大全 |
- 5 - theme-nord?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Xenapte/rime-theme-nord]( | 基於 Nord 配色方案的 RIME 小狼毫主題樣式 |
- 4 - denon-prime-skin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [jochenunger/vdj-denon-prime-skin]( | **Probably the Best Virtual DJ Skin for Denon PrimeGO and Prime4 Controllers**<br>VDJ Skin for Denon PrimeGo, Prime4 and more |
- 3 - commit/shaochenshi/rime_skin?label=update) | [shaochenshi/rime_skin]( | 仿制的一套Rime磨砂皮肤;来源 |
- 1 - Themes?style=plastic) | ![]( | [dearxs/Rime-Themes]( | Color schemes for Rime, a Chinese Input Method. |
- 1 - commit/cdc94/Rime_weasel_skin?label=update) | [cdc94/Rime_weasel_skin]( | **两款Rime小狼毫win11风格皮肤** |
- 1 - commit/cdc94/Rime_weasel_skin?label=update) | [cdc94/Rime_weasel_skin]( | **两款Rime小狼毫win11风格皮肤** |
- 0 - skin-yellowish?style=plastic) | ![]( | [thebaldingken/rime-skin-yellowish]( | A RIME skin, based on MelGeek Mojo60 Ember and default skin Lost Temple. |
- 0 - skin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [puddinging/rime-skin]( | Rime 鼠须管输入法皮肤效果展示 |
- 0 - skin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [puddinging/rime-skin]( | Rime 鼠须管输入法皮肤效果展示 |
- 0 - ?style=plastic) | ![]( | [a940727702/RimeSkins-]( | **RimeSkins 輸入法外觀皮膚**<br>Two cute Rime skins |
- 0 - Fae-Sorceress/Rime-weasel-skin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [The-Fae-Sorceress/Rime-weasel-skin]( | 一些自己做的小狼亳输入法皮肤。 |
- 0 - Fae-Sorceress/Rime-weasel-skin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [The-Fae-Sorceress/Rime-weasel-skin]( | 一些自己做的小狼亳输入法皮肤。 |
- 0 - Cat/Rime-skin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Lanlan-Cat/Rime-skin]( | Rime仿搜狗经典简洁皮肤 |
- 0 - Cat/Rime-skin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Lanlan-Cat/Rime-skin]( | Rime仿搜狗经典简洁皮肤 |
- 0 - theme-windows11?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [Rjlintkh/rime-theme-windows11]( | Windows 11 theme for RIME \(RIME 輸入法 Windows 11 主題樣式\) |
- 0 - theme-windows11?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [Rjlintkh/rime-theme-windows11]( | Windows 11 theme for RIME \(RIME 輸入法 Windows 11 主題樣式\) |
- 4 - theme-uji_kintoki?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [GJRobert/rime-theme-uji_kintoki]( | **「宇治金時」Rime 配色主題/skin/theme**<br>「宇治金時」Rime 配色主題 |
- 1 - theme-mango_de_toi?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [GJRobert/rime-theme-mango_de_toi]( | **「新鮮芒果感」Rime 配色主題/skin/theme**<br>"Mango de Toi" color scheme/theme/skin for Rime UI. 「新鮮芒果感」配色主題 |
- 1 - theme-mango_de_toi?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [GJRobert/rime-theme-mango_de_toi]( | **「新鮮芒果感」Rime 配色主題/skin/theme**<br>"Mango de Toi" color scheme/theme/skin for Rime UI. 「新鮮芒果感」配色主題 |
- 0 - imeskins?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [N4nnn/N4n-imeskins]( | **A skin for trime**<br>Skin for trime |
- 94 - commit/nopdan/danjing?label=update) | [nopdan/danjing]( | **\[单静\]\[1\]**<br>An exquisite Trime theme. 一个精致的同文输入法主题. |
- 15 - D/Astralwelkin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Wenti-D/Astralwelkin]( | A dark Trime theme. 一个暗色系同文输入法主题。 |
- 12 - wechat-keyboard?style=plastic) | ![]( | [nobodysclown/rime-wechat-keyboard]( | 微信键盘风格 RIME 配色 |
- 1 - Themes?style=plastic) | ![]( | [dearxs/Rime-Themes]( | Color schemes for Rime, a Chinese Input Method. |
- 0 - skin-yellowish?style=plastic) | ![]( | [thebaldingken/rime-skin-yellowish]( | A RIME skin, based on MelGeek Mojo60 Ember and default skin Lost Temple. |
- 0 - ?style=plastic) | ![]( | [a940727702/RimeSkins-]( | **RimeSkins 輸入法外觀皮膚**<br>Two cute Rime skins |
- 4 - theme-uji_kintoki?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [GJRobert/rime-theme-uji_kintoki]( | **「宇治金時」Rime 配色主題/skin/theme**<br>「宇治金時」Rime 配色主題 |
- 0 - imeskins?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [N4nnn/N4n-imeskins]( | **A skin for trime**<br>Skin for trime |
- 15 - D/Astralwelkin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Wenti-D/Astralwelkin]( | A dark Trime theme. 一个暗色系同文输入法主题。 |
更多配置(Github Gist)
- zzz67240/double_pinyin_flypy.custom.yaml
- zsakvo/squirrel-custom.yaml
- lotem/squirrel.custom.yaml
- lotem/luna_pinyin.custom.yaml
- lotem/default.custom.yaml
- zzz67240/double_pinyin_flypy.custom.yaml
- zsakvo/squirrel-custom.yaml
- lotem/squirrel.custom.yaml
- lotem/luna_pinyin.custom.yaml
- lotem/default.custom.yaml
- lotem/default.custom.yaml
- lewangdev/default.custom.yaml - like & Wechat-like Dark/Light Color Scheme For Rime】 |
- lembacon/luna_pinyin.emoji.dict.yaml - Emoji Dictionary for Squirrel】 |
- ipcjs/+Rime+小鹤双拼+颜文字+笔画混合输入方案.md
- AlephAlpha/greek.dict.yaml
- lotem/default.custom.yaml
- lewangdev/default.custom.yaml - like & Wechat-like Dark/Light Color Scheme For Rime】 |
- lembacon/luna_pinyin.emoji.dict.yaml - Emoji Dictionary for Squirrel】 |
- ipcjs/+Rime+小鹤双拼+颜文字+笔画混合输入方案.md
- AlephAlpha/greek.dict.yaml
- 2 - commit/tsauibusato/xintalng_pinyin?label=update) | [tsauibusato/xintalng_pinyin]( | 這是關於漢語拼音和國語羅馬字結合體的一種RIME方案,整理自1985年《新唐》雜誌,需配合terra_pinyin.dict使用 |
- 208 - luna-pinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-luna-pinyin]( | 【朙月拼音】輸入方案 |
- 157 - pinyin-simp?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-pinyin-simp]( | **袖珍简化字拼音**<br>【袖珍簡化字拼音】輸入方案 |
- 199 - luna-pinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-luna-pinyin]( | 【朙月拼音】輸入方案 |
- 148 - pinyin-simp?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-pinyin-simp]( | **袖珍简化字拼音**<br>【袖珍簡化字拼音】輸入方案 |
- 140 - terra-pinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-terra-pinyin]( | 【地球拼音】輸入方案 |
- 135 - terra-pinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-terra-pinyin]( | 【地球拼音】輸入方案 |
- 108 - commit/kahaani/dieghv?label=update) | [kahaani/dieghv]( | 潮语拼音输入法 \(Rime schema for Teochew dialect\)<br><> |
- 70 - aurora-pinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [hosxy/rime-aurora-pinyin]( | 【极光拼音】输入方案 |
- 71 - aurora-pinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [hosxy/rime-aurora-pinyin]( | 【极光拼音】输入方案 |
- 39 - bopomofo?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-bopomofo]( | 注音輸入方案 |
- 37 - aurora?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [LawssssCat/rime-aurora]( | 电脑 rime 极光方案(朙月拼音) |
- 37 - tupa?style=plastic) | ![]( | [nk2028/rime-tupa]( | rime 切韻拼音輸入方案 |
- 28 - linux?style=plastic) | ![]( | [maojunxyz/flypy-linux]( | flypy\(小鹤双拼)hooked under fcitx-rime、ibus-rime、yong\(小小输入法) Input Tool. |
- 26 - double_pinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [zaqzrh/Tone-double_pinyin]( | 帶聲調的雙拼方案 |
- 17 - commit/Papnas/shupin?label=update) | [Papnas/shupin]( | **RIME输入法——蜀拼** |
- 12 - bopomo-config?style=plastic) | ![]( | [copy0401/irime-bopomo-config]( | iRime 設定 新增注音輸入法 及 注音鍵盤主題 |
- 12 - us/lau_guoq_in?style=plastic) | ![]( | [jacob-us/lau_guoq_in]( | 【一種老國音的輸入灋方案】 |
- 10 - putonghua?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ayaka14732/rime-putonghua]( | rime 有声调普通话拼音方案 |
- 8 - commit/waveform/ziguang_shuangpin?label=update) | [waveform/ziguang_shuangpin]( | 紫光双拼方案 rime输入法配置文件 |
- 8 - romatzyh?style=plastic) | ![]( | [fuzy112/rime-romatzyh]( | **国语罗马字** |
- 37 - aurora?style=plastic) | ![]( | [LawssssCat/rime-aurora]( | 电脑 rime 极光方案(朙月拼音) |
- 35 - tupa?style=plastic) | ![]( | [nk2028/rime-tupa]( | rime 切韻拼音輸入方案 |
- 35 - combo-pinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-combo-pinyin]( | 【宮保拼音】輸入方案 |
- 28 - linux?style=plastic) | ![]( | [maojunxyz/flypy-linux]( | flypy\(小鹤双拼)hooked under fcitx-rime、ibus-rime、yong\(小小输入法) Input Tool. |
- 25 - double_pinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [zaqzrh/Tone-double_pinyin]( | 帶聲調的雙拼方案 |
- 16 - commit/Papnas/shupin?label=update) | [Papnas/shupin]( | **RIME输入法——蜀拼** |
- 12 - bopomo-config?style=plastic) | ![]( | [copy0401/irime-bopomo-config]( | iRime 設定 新增注音輸入法 及 注音鍵盤主題 |
- 12 - us/lau_guoq_in?style=plastic) | ![]( | [jacob-us/lau_guoq_in]( | 【一種老國音的輸入灋方案】 |
- 10 - putonghua?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ayaka14732/rime-putonghua]( | rime 有声调普通话拼音方案 |
- 8 - commit/waveform/ziguang_shuangpin?label=update) | [waveform/ziguang_shuangpin]( | 紫光双拼方案 rime输入法配置文件 |
- 8 - romatzyh?style=plastic) | ![]( | [fuzy112/rime-romatzyh]( | **国语罗马字** |
- 8 - triple-lishi15?style=plastic) | ![]( | [arsenali/rime-triple-lishi15]( | 李氏三拼方案,三码输入一个带调音节 |
- 8 - triple-lishi15?style=plastic) | ![]( | [arsenali/rime-triple-lishi15]( | 李氏三拼方案,三码输入一个带调音节 |
- 8 - tungdzih?style=plastic) | ![]( | [baopaau/rime-tungdzih]( | **通字羅馬字/Tung-dzih Lo-maa-dzih**<br>Rime schema: an IM implementation of General Chinese \(通字方案, Tung-dzih\) by Yuan Ren Chao \(趙元任\), 1983 |
- 6 - tupa-sp?style=plastic) | ![]( | [syimyuzya/rime-tupa-sp]( | **RIME 切韻拼音三拼輸入方案**<br>切韻拼音三拼輸入方案 |
- 6 - tupa-sp?style=plastic) | ![]( | [syimyuzya/rime-tupa-sp]( | **RIME 切韻拼音三拼輸入方案**<br>切韻拼音三拼輸入方案 |
- 6 - stenotype?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-stenotype]( | 【打字速記法】輸入方案 |
- 5 - td-pinyin-flypy?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gkovacs/rime-td-pinyin-flypy]( | 小鹤双拼输入法(带声调) Input method for typing Chinese using Flypy Double Pinyin \(Xiaohe Shuangpin\) with Tones, for RIME |
- 5 - td-pinyin-flypy?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gkovacs/rime-td-pinyin-flypy]( | 小鹤双拼输入法(带声调) Input method for typing Chinese using Flypy Double Pinyin \(Xiaohe Shuangpin\) with Tones, for RIME |
- 5 - guobiao-quick?style=plastic) | ![]( | [baopaau/rime-guobiao-quick]( | **国标三拼/双拼**<br>RIME输入方案:中国国家标准 双拼/三拼 \(GB/T 34947-2017,通称国标双拼/国标三拼\) |
- 5 - commit/qpng/tyungrua?label=update) | [qpng/tyungrua]( | 中華拼音輸入方案 |
- 5 - commit/qpng/tyungrua?label=update) | [qpng/tyungrua]( | 中華拼音輸入方案 |
- 4 - commit/elxy/meow_mspy?label=update) | [elxy/meow_mspy]( | Rime 猫颜双拼输入方案,结合了微软双拼与猫老师 @_ym 的猫颜文字词库的输入方案,同时支持英文输入与笔划反查。 |
- 2 - taerv?style=plastic) | ![]( | [osfans/rime-taerv]( | 泰如拼音輸入法rime |
- 1 - tongpin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lazyfoxchan/rime-tongpin]( | TongYongPinYin schema for Rime IME |
- 1 - commit/Sonner114514/huaipin?label=update) | [Sonner114514/huaipin]( | 基於rime的淮拼(全字/雙字)輸入法 |
- 0 - combo-pinyin-mod?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [zhanghaozhecn/rime-combo-pinyin-mod]( | **Combo_Pinyin_Modification**<br>宫保拼音输入方案的修改 |
- 0 - combo-pinyin-mod?style=plastic) | ![]( | [zhanghaozhecn/rime-combo-pinyin-mod]( | **Combo_Pinyin_Modification**<br>宫保拼音输入方案的修改 |
- 0 - kylinpinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [xhrzg2017/rime-kylinpinyin]( | 麒麟拼音输入方案,做最优的基于rime开源的简体拼音输入方案! |
- 0 - double-pinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [saeziae/rime-double-pinyin]( | 自用的 RIME 雙拼輸入法,含雙拼兩分方案,加雙拼兩分反查 |
- 0 - mps2?style=plastic) | ![]( | [baopaau/rime-mps2]( | Rime 輸入方案:國語注音符號第二式(注音二式/國音二式)MPS II |
- 0 - mps2?style=plastic) | ![]( | [baopaau/rime-mps2]( | Rime 輸入方案:國語注音符號第二式(注音二式/國音二式)MPS II |
- 0 - gorlor?style=plastic) | ![]( | [baopaau/rime-gorlor]( | Rime 輸入方案:三拼國羅/Xanpin Gorlor(設計者:黃挺 @inzoi) |
- 2 - aptx4869/rime-combo-pinyin?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [tony-aptx4869/rime-combo-pinyin]( | 【宮保拼音・皓月九指禪】輸入方案 |
- 1 - bopomofo-native?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [davix/rime-bopomofo-native]( | **原生注音**<br>注音輸入方案 |
- 0 - panics/rime-luna-pinyin?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | 🗃️<br>![]( | [kitty-panics/rime-luna-pinyin]( | \[PR\]【朙月拼音】輸入方案 |
- 0 - yale-mandarin?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [baopaau/rime-yale-mandarin]( | **國語耶魯拼音/Yale romanization of Mandarin**<br>Rime 輸入方案:國語耶魯拼音 \(Yale romanization of Mandarin\) |
- 0 - panics/rime-luna-pinyin?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | 🗃️<br>![]( | [kitty-panics/rime-luna-pinyin]( | \[PR\]【朙月拼音】輸入方案 |
- 0 - luna-pinyin-simp-native?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | 🗃️<br>![]( | [ayaka14732/rime-luna-pinyin-simp-native]( | 【朙月拼音·原生简化字】輸入方案 |
- baopaau/rime-rola-pinyin
- jakwings/rime-xyz - pinyin)、扩展拼音(pinyin-ext)、特殊字符(symbols)、化学离子式输入、平假名(hiragana)片假名(katakana)】 |
- baopaau/rime-rola-pinyin
- baopaau/rime-luormaazih
- baopaau/rime-luormaazih
- baopaau/rime-iac-mps
- baopaau/rime-iac-mps
- 106 - commit/kahaani/dieghv?label=update) | [kahaani/dieghv]( | 潮语拼音输入法 \(Rime schema for Teochew dialect\)<br><> |
- 402 - double-pinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-double-pinyin]( | 雙拼輸入方案 |
- 30 - combo-pinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-combo-pinyin]( | 【宮保拼音】輸入方案 |
- 389 - double-pinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-double-pinyin]( | 雙拼輸入方案 |
- 89 - double-bopomo?style=plastic) | ![]( | [imper0502/rime-double-bopomo]( | **雙碼注音輸入法**<br>Double bopomo\(ẑù-yīn\), A Chinese Input Method for Taiwanese, ẑù-yīn users.雙碼注音,給注音使用者的雙拼輸入法。不需要額外學習漢語拼音。如果覺得不錯請幫我多多推廣宣傳。(繁體、中文、雙拼、輸入法、臺灣、正體) |
- 55 - bpmf?style=plastic) | ![]( | [andy0130tw/iridium-bpmf]( | **Iridium-Bopomofo**<br>銥 \[Ir\] 注音 — \(又是一個\) 基於 RIME、參酌其它注音輸入法習慣、符合臺灣使用習慣為規準的注音輸入方案。 |
- 8 - tungdzih?style=plastic) | ![]( | [baopaau/rime-tungdzih]( | **通字羅馬字/Tung-dzih Lo-maa-dzih**<br>Rime schema: an IM implementation of General Chinese \(通字方案, Tung-dzih\) by Yuan Ren Chao \(趙元任\), 1983 |
- 55 - bpmf?style=plastic) | ![]( | [andy0130tw/iridium-bpmf]( | **Iridium-Bopomofo**<br>銥 \[Ir\] 注音 — \(又是一個\) 基於 RIME、參酌其它注音輸入法習慣、符合臺灣使用習慣為規準的注音輸入方案。 |
- 38 - bopomofo?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-bopomofo]( | 注音輸入方案 |
- 5 - stenotype?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-stenotype]( | 【打字速記法】輸入方案 |
- 5 - guobiao-quick?style=plastic) | ![]( | [baopaau/rime-guobiao-quick]( | **国标三拼/双拼**<br>RIME输入方案:中国国家标准 双拼/三拼 \(GB/T 34947-2017,通称国标双拼/国标三拼\) |
- 4 - commit/elxy/meow_mspy?label=update) | [elxy/meow_mspy]( | Rime 猫颜双拼输入方案,结合了微软双拼与猫老师 @_ym 的猫颜文字词库的输入方案,同时支持英文输入与笔划反查。 |
- 2 - taerv?style=plastic) | ![]( | [osfans/rime-taerv]( | 泰如拼音輸入法rime |
- 2 - commit/tsauibusato/xintalng_pinyin?label=update) | [tsauibusato/xintalng_pinyin]( | 這是關於漢語拼音和國語羅馬字結合體的一種RIME方案,整理自1985年《新唐》雜誌,需配合terra_pinyin.dict使用 |
- 1 - tongpin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lazyfoxchan/rime-tongpin]( | TongYongPinYin schema for Rime IME |
- 1 - commit/Sonner114514/huaipin?label=update) | [Sonner114514/huaipin]( | 基於rime的淮拼(全字/雙字)輸入法 |
- 0 - kylinpinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [xhrzg2017/rime-kylinpinyin]( | 麒麟拼音输入方案,做最优的基于rime开源的简体拼音输入方案! |
- 0 - double-pinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [saeziae/rime-double-pinyin]( | 自用的 RIME 雙拼輸入法,含雙拼兩分方案,加雙拼兩分反查 |
- 0 - gorlor?style=plastic) | ![]( | [baopaau/rime-gorlor]( | Rime 輸入方案:三拼國羅/Xanpin Gorlor(設計者:黃挺 @inzoi) |
- 2 - aptx4869/rime-combo-pinyin?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [tony-aptx4869/rime-combo-pinyin]( | 【宮保拼音・皓月九指禪】輸入方案 |
- 1 - bopomofo-native?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [davix/rime-bopomofo-native]( | **原生注音**<br>注音輸入方案 |
- 0 - yale-mandarin?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [baopaau/rime-yale-mandarin]( | **國語耶魯拼音/Yale romanization of Mandarin**<br>Rime 輸入方案:國語耶魯拼音 \(Yale romanization of Mandarin\) |
- 0 - luna-pinyin-simp-native?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | 🗃️<br>![]( | [ayaka14732/rime-luna-pinyin-simp-native]( | 【朙月拼音·原生简化字】輸入方案 |
- jakwings/rime-xyz - pinyin)、扩展拼音(pinyin-ext)、特殊字符(symbols)、化学离子式输入、平假名(hiragana)片假名(katakana)】 |
- 89 - double-bopomo?style=plastic) | ![]( | [imper0502/rime-double-bopomo]( | **雙碼注音輸入法**<br>Double bopomo\(ẑù-yīn\), A Chinese Input Method for Taiwanese, ẑù-yīn users.雙碼注音,給注音使用者的雙拼輸入法。不需要額外學習漢語拼音。如果覺得不錯請幫我多多推廣宣傳。(繁體、中文、雙拼、輸入法、臺灣、正體) |
- 24 - commit/amzxyz/rime_wanxiang?label=update) | [amzxyz/rime_wanxiang]( | 万象拼音:带声调的拼音词库,万象拼音系列方案基础版,全拼、8种双拼、中英混输、语言模型,支持同文输入法9键、14键、18键 |
- 66 - Who/rime-xuma?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Ace-Who/rime-xuma]( | **Rime 徐码输入方案**<br>徐码/爾雅:三重注解、双重反查、屏蔽词组、全码后置、顶功版本…… |
- 26 - commit/networm/Rime?label=update) | [networm/Rime]( | Rime 86五笔单字方案 for 鼠须管\(macOS\)、小狼毫\(Windows\)、中州韵\(Linux:Ubuntu\) 五笔输入法<br><> |
- 18 - commit/forFudan/xuma?label=update) | [forFudan/xuma]( | **Rime·徐码·尔雅输入法**<br>Rime·尔雅徐码输入法·CJK全汉字拆分·三重注解<br><> |
- 11 - loengfan?style=plastic) | ![]( | [CanCLID/rime-loengfan]( | Loengfan \(粵語兩分\) is the Cantonese version of the Liang Fen input method |
- 11 - sunman?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ywxt/rime-sunman]( | 山人输入方案 |
- 27 - stroke?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-stroke]( | 五筆畫輸入方案 |
- 25 - liur?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ianzhuo/rime-liur]( | 基於RIME輸入法設計的無蝦米方案 |
- 2 - commit/jacyl4/rime_wubi?label=update) | [jacyl4/rime_wubi]( | rime 五笔拼音 |
- 258 - wubi?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-wubi]( | 【五筆字型】輸入方案 |
- 247 - wubi?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-wubi]( | 【五筆字型】輸入方案 |
- 33 - YSY/one-hand_Rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [YQ-YSY/one-hand_Rime]( | 单手笔顺输入法(Rime版)Chinese stroke sequence \(one hand\) input method made with Rime |
- 27 - cangjie?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-cangjie]( | **倉頡輸入法**<br>【倉頡】輸入方案 |
- 26 - zhengma?style=plastic) | ![]( | [GongMu/rime-zhengma]( | Rime郑码输入方案 |
- 26 - stroke?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-stroke]( | 五筆畫輸入方案 |
- 26 - zhengma?style=plastic) | ![]( | [acevery/rime-zhengma]( | **郑码for Rime简介 #**<br>Zhengma for Rime |
- 25 - liur?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ianzhuo/rime-liur]( | 基於RIME輸入法設計的無蝦米方案 |
- 20 - zhengma?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Openvingen/rime-zhengma]( | **RIME郑码(rime-zhengma) -- Zhengma input method**<br>用于Rime(中州韵输入法引擎)平台的郑码输入方案自定义码表.Zhengma for Rime input method。 |
- 22 - KappaJP?style=plastic) | ![]( | [momijineko/Rime-KappaJP]( | Kappa Japanese Wubi Input Scheme for Rime - Rime 河童日本語五筆字型入力方法 \| 漢字直接入力 |
- 21 - Hower/rime-wubi86-ext?style=plastic) | ![]( | [LS-Hower/rime-wubi86-ext]( | (施工中)RIME 词库:86 五笔 Unicode C 至 H 区汉字 |
- 19 - zhengma?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Openvingen/rime-zhengma]( | **RIME郑码(rime-zhengma) -- Zhengma input method**<br>用于Rime(中州韵输入法引擎)平台的郑码输入方案自定义码表.Zhengma for Rime input method。 |
- 19 - KappaJP?style=plastic) | ![]( | [momijineko/Rime-KappaJP]( | Kappa Japanese Wubi Input Scheme for Rime - Rime 河童日本語五筆字型入力方法 \| 漢字直接入力 |
- 18 - Hower/rime-wubi86-ext?style=plastic) | ![]( | [LS-Hower/rime-wubi86-ext]( | (施工中)RIME 词库:86 五笔 Unicode C 至 H 区汉字 |
- 18 - array?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-array]( | **行列30**<br>【行列】輸入方案 |
- 17 - melody/rime-smyh?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lost-melody/rime-smyh]( | 吉旦餅:亂序字根,三碼定長,延遲頂字。<br><> |
- 13 - ms-quick?style=plastic) | ![]( | [philipposkhos/rime-ms-quick]( | 傳統速成 , rime 輸入法 的微軟傳統排位速成方案 |
- 13 - ms-quick?style=plastic) | ![]( | [philipposkhos/rime-ms-quick]( | 傳統速成 , rime 輸入法 的微軟傳統排位速成方案 |
- 13 - wubi98?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lotem/rime-wubi98]( | **五筆字型 98 版**<br>五筆98版 Rime 輸入方案 |
- 13 - uggx?style=plastic) | ![]( | [X1aomu/rime-uggx]( | 一个用于 RIME 的郑码输入方案 |
- 11 - commit/zeylei/ghcm?label=update) | [zeylei/ghcm]( | **矧码实战教学\(SM demystified\)**<br>矧码 |
- 13 - wubi98?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lotem/rime-wubi98]( | **五筆字型 98 版**<br>五筆98版 Rime 輸入方案 |
- 13 - uggx?style=plastic) | ![]( | [X1aomu/rime-uggx]( | 一个用于 RIME 的郑码输入方案 |
- 12 - zong?style=plastic) | ![]( | [zongxinbo/rime-zong]( | RIME方案 \(郑码、仓颉、四角号码和行列30\) |
- 12 - wubi98?style=plastic) | ![]( | [arzyu/rime-wubi98]( | **五笔字型**<br>Rime 五笔 98 输入方案,文章:五笔-98-配置指南.html |
- 10 - loengfan?style=plastic) | ![]( | [CanCLID/rime-loengfan]( | Loengfan \(粵語兩分\) is the Cantonese version of the Liang Fen input method |
- 10 - commit/zeylei/ghcm?label=update) | [zeylei/ghcm]( | **矧码实战教学\(SM demystified\)**<br>矧码 |
- 6 - Li/Newcj_rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Joey-Li/Newcj_rime]( | 大新倉頡-小狼毫版 |
- 7 - commit/Drgiceake/xklbDR?label=update) | [Drgiceake/xklbDR]( | 基于原版星空两笔和星空两笔右耍版制作的星空两笔单字版,使用根据网络聊天制定的字频 |
- 6 - Li/Newcj_rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Joey-Li/Newcj_rime]( | 大新倉頡-小狼毫版 |
- 7 - quick?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-quick]( | **速成輸入法**<br>【速成】輸入方案 |
- 6 - shanren3?style=plastic) | ![]( | [arpcn/rime-shanren3]( | rime-shanren3 |
- 6 - quick?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-quick]( | **速成輸入法**<br>【速成】輸入方案 |
- 6 - shanren3?style=plastic) | ![]( | [arpcn/rime-shanren3]( | rime-shanren3 |
- 5 - wubi?style=plastic) | ![]( | [roninro/rime-wubi]( | 鼠须管【五笔字型】输入方案 |
- 5 - zhengma?style=plastic) | ![]( | [vfreex/rime-zhengma]( | Zhengma support for RIME IME |
- 5 - scj?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-scj]( | 【快速倉頡】輸入方案 |
- 5 - wubi?style=plastic) | ![]( | [roninro/rime-wubi]( | 鼠须管【五笔字型】输入方案 |
- 5 - zhengma?style=plastic) | ![]( | [vfreex/rime-zhengma]( | Zhengma support for RIME IME |
- 4 - dict-editor-web?style=plastic) | ![]( | [KyleBing/wubi-dict-editor-web]( | 五笔码表助手 web 版,五笔工具<br><> |
- 4 - commit/cherrry/ | [cherrry/]( | Rime 用嘅「倉頡撈粵拼」 |
- 4 - commit/lvxingjia/092r?label=update) | [lvxingjia/092r]( | 09五笔第二代(Rinz自用版) |
- 4 - commit/cherrry/ | [cherrry/]( | Rime 用嘅「倉頡撈粵拼」 |
- 3 - rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [zekexiao/xtlb-rime]( | 小兔两笔 Rime 版本<br><> |
- 3 - rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [zekexiao/xtlb-rime]( | 小兔两笔 Rime 版本<br><> |
- 3 - norman?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Verf/wubi-norman]( | **Wubi - Norman**<br>wubi\(五笔\) table for Norman keyboard layout user |
- 3 - norman?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Verf/wubi-norman]( | **Wubi - Norman**<br>wubi\(五笔\) table for Norman keyboard layout user |
- 2 - guhuwubi?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lotem/rime-guhuwubi]( | **孤狐词库基于新世纪编码,并进行深度优化!**<br>孤狐五筆 Rime 輸入方案 |
- 2 - commit/jacyl4/rime_wubi?label=update) | [jacyl4/rime_wubi]( | rime 五笔拼音 |
- 0 - yustar?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ywxt/rime-yustar]( | **宇浩・星陳輸入方案**<br>宇浩輸入方案,三重註解、字集切換、雙重反查、全碼後置…… |
- 17 - commit/KyleBing/WubiBuddy?label=update) | [KyleBing/WubiBuddy]( | 《码表助手》鼠须管五笔用户词添加工具 \(macOS\) |
- 0 - wubi86-jidian?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [liaoheng/rime-wubi86-jidian]( | 极点五笔字86版 for Rime |
- 17 - commit/KyleBing/WubiBuddy?label=update) | [KyleBing/WubiBuddy]( | 《码表助手》鼠须管五笔用户词添加工具 \(macOS\) |
- 15 - commit/allencch/wubiluna?label=update) | [allencch/wubiluna]( | **wubiluna 五笔朙月流 #**<br>Wubiluna is the input method combining Pinyin and Wubi86 using Rime |
- 2 - wubi98char?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [runapp/rime-wubi98char]( | 小狼毫(rime) 五笔98单字方案 源于海峰五笔码表 |
- 10 - commit/byujiang/wubi06_rime?label=update) | [byujiang/wubi06_rime]( | **新世纪五笔 For Rime**<br>鼠须管 RIME 新世纪五笔 & 新世纪五笔拼音方案 & 简入繁出 方案 |
- 2 - wubi98char?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [runapp/rime-wubi98char]( | 小狼毫(rime) 五笔98单字方案 源于海峰五笔码表 |
- 1 - linguistic-wubi?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [lotem/rime-linguistic-wubi]( | Rime 輸入方案:學界專供大字符集五筆字型輸入法 |
- 1 - commit/dzyht/rime_xkyb?label=update) | [dzyht/rime_xkyb]( | 星空一笔:吅吅大山的星空一笔输入方案 for RIME |
- 1 - linguistic-wubi?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [lotem/rime-linguistic-wubi]( | Rime 輸入方案:學界專供大字符集五筆字型輸入法 |
- 1 - commit/dzyht/rime_xkyb?label=update) | [dzyht/rime_xkyb]( | 星空一笔:吅吅大山的星空一笔输入方案 for RIME |
- 1 - cjeb?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [THMonster/rime-cjeb]( | rime输入法平台 纯净两笔 |
- 1 - commit/Reniastyc/RIME_array30_ex?label=update) | [Reniastyc/RIME_array30_ex]( | 經過鄙人修改的用於RIME的行列30輸入方案 |
- 1 - commit/Reniastyc/RIME_array30_ex?label=update) | [Reniastyc/RIME_array30_ex]( | 經過鄙人修改的用於RIME的行列30輸入方案 |
- 0 - panics/rime-selfuse-tables?style=plastic) | ![]( | [kitty-panics/rime-selfuse-tables]( | \[IME\] RIME 自用纯单字码表 \(包含 "五笔98" 和 "仓颉5",支持输入 Unicode 13.0.0 中 93868 个汉字\) |
- 0 - wubi?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | 🗃️<br>![]( | [lilydjwg/rime-wubi]( | 【五筆字型】輸入方案 |
- 0 - bingchanquanxi?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [chengen12/rime-bingchanquanxi]( | 冰蟾全息码 |
- 0 - wubi?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | 🗃️<br>![]( | [lilydjwg/rime-wubi]( | 【五筆字型】輸入方案 |
- 0 - commit/jim60105/Newcj_rime?label=update) | [jim60105/Newcj_rime]( | 自由大新倉頡RIME輸入方案 \(碼表\) |
- 49 - commit/yanhuacuo/98wubi?label=update) | [yanhuacuo/98wubi]( | **中州韵98五笔简介**<br>具备码元提示功能的98五笔配置文件(for中州韵) |
- 14 - wubi-simp?style=plastic) | ![]( | [zhmars/rime-wubi-simp]( | Rime 五笔简体词库 |
- 4 - wubi86go?style=plastic) | ![]( | [hchunhui/rime-wubi86go]( | **谷歌五笔86版 rime版** |
- 14 - super?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lxgw/wubi86-super]( | 一款基于 RIME 的「王码五笔字型 86 版」单字输入方案,支持 Unicode 14.0 范围内 CJK 基本汉字区域至汉字扩展 G 区域超大字符集。 |
- 13 - zong?style=plastic) | ![]( | [zongxinbo/rime-zong]( | RIME方案 \(郑码、仓颉、四角号码和行列30\) |
- 12 - commit/raines1220/ghcm?label=update) | [raines1220/ghcm]( | **矧码实战教学\(SM demystified\)**<br>矧码 |
- 4 - xfsm?style=plastic) | ![]( | [yangzhaoyunfei/rime-xfsm]( | rime-西风瘦码输入方案 |
- rimeinn/rime-tiger
- 228 - dict-editor?style=plastic) | ![]( | [KyleBing/wubi-dict-editor]( | **五笔码表助手 for Rime**<br>五笔码表助手 for Rime \( Windows、macOS、Ubuntu \) 基于 electron 开发 |
- 12 - wubi98?style=plastic) | ![]( | [arzyu/rime-wubi98]( | **五笔字型**<br>Rime 五笔 98 输入方案,文章:五笔-98-配置指南.html |
- 1179 - wubi86-jidian?style=plastic) | ![]( | [KyleBing/rime-wubi86-jidian]( | 86五笔极点码表 for 鼠须管\(macOS\)、小狼毫\(Windows\)、中州韵\(Ubuntu\) 、仓(iOS)、同文(Android)五笔输入方案,五笔输入法,Rime 方案。Chinese wubi input method schema |
- 212 - dict-editor?style=plastic) | ![]( | [KyleBing/wubi-dict-editor]( | **五笔码表助手 for Rime**<br>五笔码表助手 for Rime \( Windows、macOS、Ubuntu \) 基于 electron 开发 |
- 116 - commit/xkinput/Rime_JD?label=update) | [xkinput/Rime_JD]( | 星空键道6是星空系列输入法中的一款双拼音形码中文输入法方案,「Rime键道」是该方案借助RIME开源输入平台的实现。<br><> |
- 4 - commit/mlzzz/092wb?label=update) | [mlzzz/092wb]( | 092五笔for 鼠须管\(macOS\)、小狼毫\(Windows\)、中州韵\(Linux\) 五笔输入法 |
- 1172 - wubi86-jidian?style=plastic) | ![]( | [KyleBing/rime-wubi86-jidian]( | 86五笔极点码表 for 鼠须管\(macOS\)、小狼毫\(Windows\)、中州韵\(Ubuntu\) 、仓(iOS)、同文(Android)五笔输入方案,五笔输入法,Rime 方案。Chinese wubi input method schema |
- 116 - commit/xkinput/Rime_JD?label=update) | [xkinput/Rime_JD]( | 星空键道6是星空系列输入法中的一款双拼音形码中文输入法方案,「Rime键道」是该方案借助RIME开源输入平台的实现。<br><> |
- 29 - huma?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ywxt/rime-huma]( | 虎碼輸入方案,三重註解、字集切換、雙重反查、全碼後置…… |
- 33 - hwang/Rime-tiger_code?style=plastic) | ![]( | [hertz-hwang/Rime-tiger_code]( | “胖虎”方案【单字(官方单字、五二顶、五三顶)、打词(官词、鬼虎)、智能模型虎单整句输入】。功能:计算器、临时英/日文、中英互译、部件内嵌、公历农历/大小写金额、当前时间、Emoji表情、拼音反查、简繁转换、火星文滤镜、四重注解 |
- 4 - wubi86go?style=plastic) | ![]( | [hchunhui/rime-wubi86go]( | **谷歌五笔86版 rime版** |
- 65 - Who/rime-xuma?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Ace-Who/rime-xuma]( | **Rime 徐码输入方案**<br>徐码/爾雅:三重注解、双重反查、屏蔽词组、全码后置、顶功版本…… |
- 44 - commit/yanhuacuo/98wubi?label=update) | [yanhuacuo/98wubi]( | **中州韵98五笔简介**<br>具备码元提示功能的98五笔配置文件(for中州韵) |
- 33 - YSY/one-hand_Rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [YQ-YSY/one-hand_Rime]( | 单手笔顺输入法(Rime版)Chinese stroke sequence \(one hand\) input method made with Rime |
- 31 - commit/omgredfog/98wubi?label=update) | [omgredfog/98wubi]( | the 98wubi tables for RIME |
- 27 - cangjie?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-cangjie]( | **倉頡輸入法**<br>【倉頡】輸入方案 |
- 26 - zhengma?style=plastic) | ![]( | [GongMu/rime-zhengma]( | Rime郑码输入方案 |
- 26 - zhengma?style=plastic) | ![]( | [acevery/rime-zhengma]( | **郑码for Rime简介 #**<br>Zhengma for Rime |
- 25 - commit/networm/Rime?label=update) | [networm/Rime]( | Rime 86五笔单字方案 for 鼠须管\(macOS\)、小狼毫\(Windows\)、中州韵\(Linux:Ubuntu\) 五笔输入法<br><> |
- 16 - array?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-array]( | **行列30**<br>【行列】輸入方案 |
- 16 - melody/rime-smyh?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lost-melody/rime-smyh]( | 吉旦餅:亂序字根,三碼定長,延遲頂字。<br><> |
- 16 - commit/forFudan/xuma?label=update) | [forFudan/xuma]( | **Rime·徐码·尔雅输入法**<br>Rime·尔雅徐码输入法·CJK全汉字拆分·三重注解<br><> |
- 13 - super?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lxgw/wubi86-super]( | 一款基于 RIME 的「王码五笔字型 86 版」单字输入方案,支持 Unicode 14.0 范围内 CJK 基本汉字区域至汉字扩展 G 区域超大字符集。 |
- 13 - wubi-simp?style=plastic) | ![]( | [zhmars/rime-wubi-simp]( | Rime 五笔简体词库 |
- 9 - sunman?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ywxt/rime-sunman]( | 山人输入方案 |
- 7 - commit/Drgiceake/xklbDR?label=update) | [Drgiceake/xklbDR]( | 基于原版星空两笔和星空两笔右耍版制作的星空两笔单字版,使用根据网络聊天制定的字频 |
- 5 - scj?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-scj]( | 【快速倉頡】輸入方案 |
- 5 - xfsm?style=plastic) | ![]( | [yangzhaoyunfei/rime-xfsm]( | rime-西风瘦码输入方案 |
- 4 - dict-editor-web?style=plastic) | ![]( | [KyleBing/wubi-dict-editor-web]( | 五笔码表助手 web 版,五笔工具<br><> |
- 4 - commit/lvxingjia/092r?label=update) | [lvxingjia/092r]( | 09五笔第二代(Rinz自用版) |
- 3 - commit/mlzzz/092wb?label=update) | [mlzzz/092wb]( | 092五笔for 鼠须管\(macOS\)、小狼毫\(Windows\)、中州韵\(Linux\) 五笔输入法 |
- 4 - mishi-wubi?style=plastic) | ![]( | [SkatingCN/rime-mishi-wubi]( | **米十五笔输入方案 for 小狼毫\(Windows\)、鼠须管\(macOS\)、中州韵\(Ubuntu\)**<br>米十五笔输入方案 for 小狼毫\(Windows\)、中州韵\(Ubuntu\) 、鼠须管\(macOS\)<br><> |
- 2 - guhuwubi?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lotem/rime-guhuwubi]( | **孤狐词库基于新世纪编码,并进行深度优化!**<br>孤狐五筆 Rime 輸入方案 |
- 0 - yustar?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ywxt/rime-yustar]( | **宇浩・星陳輸入方案**<br>宇浩輸入方案,三重註解、字集切換、雙重反查、全碼後置…… |
- 0 - wubi86-jidian?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [liaoheng/rime-wubi86-jidian]( | 极点五笔字86版 for Rime |
- 15 - commit/allencch/wubiluna?label=update) | [allencch/wubiluna]( | **wubiluna 五笔朙月流 #**<br>Wubiluna is the input method combining Pinyin and Wubi86 using Rime |
- 10 - commit/byujiang/wubi06_rime?label=update) | [byujiang/wubi06_rime]( | **新世纪五笔 For Rime**<br>鼠须管 RIME 新世纪五笔 & 新世纪五笔拼音方案 & 简入繁出 方案 |
- 1 - cjeb?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [THMonster/rime-cjeb]( | rime输入法平台 纯净两笔 |
- 0 - panics/rime-selfuse-tables?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [kitty-panics/rime-selfuse-tables]( | \[IME\] RIME 自用纯单字码表 \(包含 "五笔98" 和 "仓颉5",支持输入 Unicode 13.0.0 中 93868 个汉字\) |
- 0 - bingchanquanxi?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [chengen12/rime-bingchanquanxi]( | 冰蟾全息码 |
- 0 - commit/jim60105/Newcj_rime?label=update) | [jim60105/Newcj_rime]( | 自由大新倉頡RIME輸入方案 \(碼表\) |
- 31 - commit/omgredfog/98wubi?label=update) | [omgredfog/98wubi]( | the 98wubi tables for RIME |
- 4 - mishi-wubi?style=plastic) | ![]( | [SkatingCN/rime-mishi-wubi]( | **米十五笔输入方案 for 小狼毫\(Windows\)、鼠须管\(macOS\)、中州韵\(Ubuntu\)**<br>米十五笔输入方案 for 小狼毫\(Windows\)、中州韵\(Ubuntu\) 、鼠须管\(macOS\)<br><> |
- 53 - wubi-sentence?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gaboolic/rime-wubi-sentence]( | **说明**<br>rime 墨奇版 五笔整句输入方案 \| 虎码整句输入方案。墨奇五笔整句\|墨奇虎码整句\|基于墨奇音形和白霜词库<br><> |
- 53 - wubi-sentence?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gaboolic/rime-wubi-sentence]( | **说明**<br>rime 墨奇版 五笔整句输入方案 \| 虎码整句输入方案。墨奇五笔整句\|墨奇虎码整句\|基于墨奇音形和白霜词库<br><> |
- 29 - huma?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ywxt/rime-huma]( | 虎碼輸入方案,三重註解、字集切換、雙重反查、全碼後置…… |
- raines1220/ghcm
- 3 - flypy?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [sheepduke/rime-flypy]( | **Archived**<br>添加小鹤双拼音形码支持 |
- 0 - panics/rime-elaine?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [kitty-panics/rime-elaine]( | \[IME\] 蘭,一种使用仓颉五首尾码的音形码输入方案 |
- 0 - commit/s5unty/zdyx?label=update) | [s5unty/zdyx]( | **哲豆音形输入法\(弄堂版\)**<br>哲豆音形RIME版 |
- lanluoxiao/c42
- 268 - xhup?style=plastic) | ![]( | [brglng/rime-xhup]( | Rime 小鹤双拼音形输入方案 |
- 166 - commit/mutoe/rime?label=update) | [mutoe/rime]( | **Rime double pinyin plus**<br>Rime 双拼 + 自然码辅码 + English 混输方案 |
- 98 - commit/amorphobia/openfly?label=update) | [amorphobia/openfly]( | **开源小鹤**<br>词库开源的小鹤音形 Rime 配方<br><> |
- 267 - xhup?style=plastic) | ![]( | [brglng/rime-xhup]( | Rime 小鹤双拼音形输入方案 |
- 164 - commit/mutoe/rime?label=update) | [mutoe/rime]( | **Rime double pinyin plus**<br>Rime 双拼 + 自然码辅码 + English 混输方案 |
- 94 - commit/amorphobia/openfly?label=update) | [amorphobia/openfly]( | **开源小鹤**<br>词库开源的小鹤音形 Rime 配方<br><> |
- 86 - flypy?style=plastic) | ![]( | [cubercsl/rime-flypy]( | **小鹤音形 Rime 挂接 For Linux**<br>小鹤音形 Rime 挂接 / Fcitx5 码表 For Linux & Android |
- 56 - zrm?style=plastic) | ![]( | [bigshans/rime-zrm]( | **rime-zrm 配置**<br>自然码+辅码的 rime 配置方案,可以使用 ';' 应用辅码。 |
- 31 - keydo?style=plastic) | ![]( | [pingshunhuangalex/rime-keydo]( | **键道·我流**<br>键指星海,道化万物。<br><> |
- 15 - jiandao?style=plastic) | ![]( | [amorphobia/rime-jiandao]( | 🌟️星空键道输入方案 |
- 69 - hepy?style=plastic) | ![]( | [nlimpid/rime-hepy]( | 自用小鹤双拼rime配置 |
- 57 - zrm?style=plastic) | ![]( | [bigshans/rime-zrm]( | **rime-zrm 配置**<br>自然码+辅码的 rime 配置方案,可以使用 ';' 应用辅码。 |
- 35 - rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [wzxmer/xkjd6-rime]( | **方案下载链接🔗:**<br>键道简易入门教程+星空键道拓展方案/方案已内置iosAPP:仓输入法<br><> |
- 31 - keydo?style=plastic) | ![]( | [pingshunhuangalex/rime-keydo]( | **键道·我流**<br>键指星海,道化万物。<br><> |
- 15 - jiandao?style=plastic) | ![]( | [amorphobia/rime-jiandao]( | 🌟️星空键道输入方案 |
- 10 - zrlong?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Elflare/rime-zrlong]( | 自然龙 - 基于 Rime 的带调、双拼、音形输入方案 |
- 12 - flypy-xhup?style=plastic) | ![]( | [liming2013/rime-flypy-xhup]( | rime平台下的小鹤双拼(加形)配置方案<br><> |
- 10 - zrlong?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Elflare/rime-zrlong]( | 自然龙 - 基于 Rime 的带调、双拼、音形输入方案 |
- 10 - prac/ziranma_flyx_for_Rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [daya-prac/ziranma_flyx_for_Rime]( | 添加了鹤形的自然码,外挂于Rime输入法 |
- 10 - prac/ziranma_flyx_for_Rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [daya-prac/ziranma_flyx_for_Rime]( | 添加了鹤形的自然码,外挂于Rime输入法 |
- 11 - my-rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Yiklek/oh-my-rime]( | rime 输入法集合 |
- 9 - xkjd-docs?style=plastic) | ![]( | [pingshunhuangalex/rime-xkjd-docs]( | **星空键道**<br>大道三千,键道为一。浩瀚星辰,无所畏惧!<br><> |
- 11 - txjx?style=plastic) | ![]( | [wzxmer/rime-txjx]( | **反馈邮箱: 浮生**<br>星空键道6拓展版➡天行键<br><> |
- 9 - xkjd-docs?style=plastic) | ![]( | [pingshunhuangalex/rime-xkjd-docs]( | **星空键道**<br>大道三千,键道为一。浩瀚星辰,无所畏惧!<br><> |
- 9 - txjx?style=plastic) | ![]( | [wzxmer/rime-txjx]( | **反馈邮箱: 浮生**<br>星空键道6拓展版➡天行键<br><> |
- 8 - xkjd6alter?style=plastic) | ![]( | [flappybriefs/pantsu-xkjd6alter]( | **pantsu-xkjd6alter(胖次键道-星空键道6•改),又名磨道,折磨版键道**<br>星空键道6的个人魔改版 |
- 5 - commit/lyserenity/xkjd6_tc?label=update) | [lyserenity/xkjd6_tc]( | 星空鍵道6.0 -- 繁體字碼表 |
- 2 - commit/whjiang/zzdyx_rime?label=update) | [whjiang/zzdyx_rime]( | **如何在RIME中使用哲哲豆音形输入法**<br>哲哲豆音形RIME版 |
- 8 - xkjd6alter?style=plastic) | ![]( | [flappybriefs/pantsu-xkjd6alter]( | **pantsu-xkjd6alter(胖次键道-星空键道6•改),又名磨道,折磨版键道**<br>星空键道6的个人魔改版 |
- 5 - commit/lyserenity/xkjd6_tc?label=update) | [lyserenity/xkjd6_tc]( | 星空鍵道6.0 -- 繁體字碼表 |
- 2 - commit/whjiang/zzdyx_rime?label=update) | [whjiang/zzdyx_rime]( | **如何在RIME中使用哲哲豆音形输入法**<br>哲哲豆音形RIME版 |
- 2 - commit/dzyht/rime_xkyd?label=update) | [dzyht/rime_xkyd]( | 星空一道:星空一笔的音+星空键道的形,名之为星空一道。 |
- 1 - macos?style=plastic) | ![]( | [penjj/xiaoheyinxing-macos]( | **小鹤音形配置文件 For MacOS Rime 输入法**<br>Rime 小鹤双拼音形输入方案 for MacOS |
- 3 - commit/jqtmviyu/flypy?label=update) | [jqtmviyu/flypy]( | **小鹤飞扬 rime 开源配置**<br>小鹤音形/小鹤飞扬/flypy/ rime 配置文件 |
- 0 - commit/vitszeng/Rime_zrm_aux_lts?label=update) | [vitszeng/Rime_zrm_aux_lts]( | **自然码辅助码官方规则Rime-zrm-aux-lts**<br>Rime zrm aux lts |
- 0 - zrm2000?style=plastic) | ![]( | [vitszeng/rime-zrm2000]( | rime自然码双拼辅助码官方规则方案 |
- 0 - td-pinyin-flypy-display?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gkovacs/rime-td-pinyin-flypy-display]( | 小鹤双拼输入法(带声调) Input method for typing Chinese using Flypy Double Pinyin \(Xiaohe Shuangpin\) with Tones, for RIME |
- 10 - array?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [archerindigo/rime-array]( | Array 30 Chinese input method on RIME input engine \| RIME引擎上的行列30輸入方案 |
- 0 - moran-sc?style=plastic) | ![]( | [expoli/rime-moran-sc]( | 自然码+辅助码 Rime 配配置(简体优先版本跟随主方案更新) |
- 10 - array?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [archerindigo/rime-array]( | Array 30 Chinese input method on RIME input engine \| RIME引擎上的行列30輸入方案 |
- 1 - commit/s5unty/xstr?label=update) | [s5unty/xstr]( | **超强快码\(四二\)**<br>基于超强快码的兼具单字\(码表\)和词句\(双拼\)特点的混输方案 |
- 11 - chaizi?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [maxchang3/rime-chaizi]( | **⚠️DEPRECATED⚠️**<br>Rime(中州韵)输入法通过「反查(reverse lookup)」功能实现拆字输入,避免导入词库在其他拼音出现 u 时的卡顿情况。同时可以查看拼音。 基于「 chaizi 」词库,修改自「两分输入法」。目前只针对汉语拼音(朙月拼音等)。 |
- 3 - flypy?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [sheepduke/rime-flypy]( | **Archived**<br>添加小鹤双拼音形码支持 |
- 0 - panics/rime-elaine?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [kitty-panics/rime-elaine]( | \[IME\] 蘭,一种使用仓颉五首尾码的音形码输入方案 |
- 0 - commit/s5unty/zdyx?label=update) | [s5unty/zdyx]( | **哲豆音形输入法\(弄堂版\)**<br>哲豆音形RIME版 |
- lanluoxiao/c42
- 16 - flypyquick5?style=plastic) | ![]( | [JeffChien/rime-flypyquick5]( | **About**<br>小鶴雙拼的音碼+倉頡第五版速成的形碼的 Rime 繁體中文輸入方案。 |
- 15 - zrlong?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rimeinn/rime-zrlong]( | 自然龙 - 基于 Rime 的带调、双拼、音形输入方案 |
- 12 - td-pinyin-flypy-extra?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gkovacs/rime-td-pinyin-flypy-extra]( | **rime-td-pinyin-flypy-display**<br>小鹤双拼输入法(带声调) Input method for typing Chinese using Flypy Double Pinyin \(Xiaohe Shuangpin\) with Tones, for RIME |
- 35 - rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [wzxmer/xkjd6-rime]( | **方案下载链接🔗:**<br>键道简易入门教程+星空键道拓展方案/方案已内置iosAPP:仓输入法<br><> |
- 84 - flypy?style=plastic) | ![]( | [cubercsl/rime-flypy]( | **小鹤音形 Rime 挂接 For Linux**<br>小鹤音形 Rime 挂接 / Fcitx5 码表 For Linux & Android |
- 69 - hepy?style=plastic) | ![]( | [nlimpid/rime-hepy]( | 自用小鹤双拼rime配置 |
- 12 - flypy-xhup?style=plastic) | ![]( | [liming2013/rime-flypy-xhup]( | rime平台下的小鹤双拼(加形)配置方案<br><> |
- 10 - my-rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Yiklek/oh-my-rime]( | rime 输入法集合 |
- 2 - commit/dzyht/rime_xkyd?label=update) | [dzyht/rime_xkyd]( | 星空一道:星空一笔的音+星空键道的形,名之为星空一道。 |
- 1 - macos?style=plastic) | ![]( | [penjj/xiaoheyinxing-macos]( | **小鹤音形配置文件 For MacOS Rime 输入法**<br>Rime 小鹤双拼音形输入方案 for MacOS |
- 1 - commit/jqtmviyu/flypy?label=update) | [jqtmviyu/flypy]( | **小鹤飞扬 rime 开源配置**<br>小鹤音形/小鹤飞扬/flypy/ rime 配置文件 |
- 0 - commit/vitszeng/Rime_zrm_aux_lts?label=update) | [vitszeng/Rime_zrm_aux_lts]( | **自然码辅助码官方规则Rime-zrm-aux-lts**<br>Rime zrm aux lts |
- 0 - zrm2000?style=plastic) | ![]( | [vitszeng/rime-zrm2000]( | rime自然码双拼辅助码官方规则方案 |
- 0 - td-pinyin-flypy-display?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gkovacs/rime-td-pinyin-flypy-display]( | 小鹤双拼输入法(带声调) Input method for typing Chinese using Flypy Double Pinyin \(Xiaohe Shuangpin\) with Tones, for RIME |
- 0 - moran-sc?style=plastic) | ![]( | [expoli/rime-moran-sc]( | 自然码+辅助码 Rime 配配置(简体优先版本跟随主方案更新) |
- 1 - commit/s5unty/xstr?label=update) | [s5unty/xstr]( | **超强快码\(四二\)**<br>基于超强快码的兼具单字\(码表\)和词句\(双拼\)特点的混输方案 |
- 11 - chaizi?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [maxchang3/rime-chaizi]( | **⚠️DEPRECATED⚠️**<br>Rime(中州韵)输入法通过「反查(reverse lookup)」功能实现拆字输入,避免导入词库在其他拼音出现 u 时的卡顿情况。同时可以查看拼音。 基于「 chaizi 」词库,修改自「两分输入法」。目前只针对汉语拼音(朙月拼音等)。 |
- 528 - shuangpin-fuzhuma?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gaboolic/rime-shuangpin-fuzhuma]( | **说明**<br>墨奇音形,打造最强双拼辅助码rime输入方案,让天下双拼用户人人用得上辅助码。基于雾凇-白霜词库,支持小鹤双拼、自然码双拼、搜狗双拼、微软双拼等多种双拼,辅助码支持墨奇码(原创拆分开源支持4万字)、自然码部首辅、小鹤音形(鹤形辅)等,支持双拼和辅助码之间排列组合,支持整句/字词输入。不认识的字可以笔画、部件拆字、仓颉码反查。支持aw、aj模式输入英文、日文,支持双拼并击输入、emoji、快符、日期、大写数字、计算器等高级功能。雾凇鹤\|雾凇自然\|墨奇码\|墨奇音形<br><> |
- 61 - radical-pinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [mirtlecn/rime-radical-pinyin]( | **RIME 部件拆字 \| 拼音输入方案**<br>RIME 汉字部件拆字 \| 全拼双拼输入方案。笔画、部首、音调反查辅码 lua。 |
- 0 - wanglinkuaima?style=plastic) | ![]( | [vincentaxhe/rime-wanglinkuaima]( | Rime王林快码方案 音形码 大词库 |
- 50 - radical-pinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [mirtlecn/rime-radical-pinyin]( | **RIME 部件拆字 \| 拼音输入方案**<br>RIME 汉字部件拆字 \| 全拼双拼输入方案。笔画、部首、音调反查辅码 lua。 |
- 521 - shuangpin-fuzhuma?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gaboolic/rime-shuangpin-fuzhuma]( | **说明**<br>墨奇音形,打造最强双拼辅助码rime输入方案,让天下双拼用户人人用得上辅助码。基于雾凇-白霜词库,支持小鹤双拼、自然码双拼、搜狗双拼、微软双拼等多种双拼,辅助码支持墨奇码(原创拆分开源支持4万字)、自然码部首辅、小鹤音形(鹤形辅)等,支持双拼和辅助码之间排列组合,支持整句/字词输入。不认识的字可以笔画、部件拆字、仓颉码反查。支持aw、aj模式输入英文、日文,支持双拼并击输入、emoji、快符、日期、大写数字、计算器等高级功能。雾凇鹤\|雾凇自然\|墨奇码\|墨奇音形<br><> |
- 15 - flypyquick5?style=plastic) | ![]( | [JeffChien/rime-flypyquick5]( | **About**<br>小鶴雙拼的音碼+倉頡第五版速成的形碼的 Rime 繁體中文輸入方案。 |
- 12 - td-pinyin-flypy-extra?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gkovacs/rime-td-pinyin-flypy-extra]( | **rime-td-pinyin-flypy-display**<br>小鹤双拼输入法(带声调) Input method for typing Chinese using Flypy Double Pinyin \(Xiaohe Shuangpin\) with Tones, for RIME |
- rimeinn/rime-zrlong
- 10 - commit/fxliang/FontEnumeration?label=update) | [fxliang/FontEnumeration]( | FontEnumeration with directwrite, for weasel font setup |
- 7 - commit/fxliang/FontEnumeration?label=update) | [fxliang/FontEnumeration]( | FontEnumeration with directwrite, for weasel font setup |
- 5 - opencc-latest?style=plastic) | ![]( | [sgalal/rime-opencc-latest]( | Customize rime input schemata to use the latest OpenCC dictionaries |
- 5 - opencc-latest?style=plastic) | ![]( | [sgalal/rime-opencc-latest]( | Customize rime input schemata to use the latest OpenCC dictionaries |
- 0 - primer?style=plastic) | ![]( | [amorphobia/jiandao-primer]( | **星空键道初探**<br>给初学者的键道教程<br><> |
- 0 - primer?style=plastic) | ![]( | [amorphobia/jiandao-primer]( | **星空键道初探**<br>给初学者的键道教程<br><> |
- 0 - pin/ime-guide?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [ha-pin/ime-guide]( | **Welcome to Slidev!**<br>Hapin Rime 方案使用指南<br><> |
- 0 - opencc-32bit-latest?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [sgalal/rime-opencc-32bit-latest]( | Customize rime input schemata to use the latest OpenCC dictionaries \(32-bit\) |
- 2 - panics/awesome-rime?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | 🗃️<br>![]( | [kitty-panics/awesome-rime]( | **awesome-rime**<br>\[PR\] Rime 輸入法方案列表 \(A curated list of Rime IME schemata\) |
- 2 - panics/awesome-rime?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | 🗃️<br>![]( | [kitty-panics/awesome-rime]( | **awesome-rime**<br>\[PR\] Rime 輸入法方案列表 \(A curated list of Rime IME schemata\) |
- 639 - Tsaw/Rime_collections?style=plastic) | ![]( | [LEOYoon-Tsaw/Rime_collections]( | All collections for Rime IME |
- 521 - yata/marisa-trie?style=plastic) | ![]( | [s-yata/marisa-trie]( | MARISA: Matching Algorithm with Recursively Implemented StorAge |
- 507 - yata/marisa-trie?style=plastic) | ![]( | [s-yata/marisa-trie]( | MARISA: Matching Algorithm with Recursively Implemented StorAge |
- 281 - aca/corpus?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime-aca/corpus]( | 古典中文語料庫 |
- 275 - aca/corpus?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime-aca/corpus]( | 古典中文語料庫 |
- 96 - commit/ACsediment/RimeNewbie?label=update) | [ACsediment/RimeNewbie]( | Rime输入法新手入门“套餐”。目前主要针对windows平台(小狼毫)的简体中文用户。 A starter's kit for Open-source Chinese IME Rime. |
- 96 - commit/ACsediment/RimeNewbie?label=update) | [ACsediment/RimeNewbie]( | Rime输入法新手入门“套餐”。目前主要针对windows平台(小狼毫)的简体中文用户。 A starter's kit for Open-source Chinese IME Rime. |
- 92 - commit/halfmoonvic/Rime?label=update) | [halfmoonvic/Rime]( | **致第一次安装 Rime 的你**<br>致第一次安装Rime的你 |
- 45 - commit/kahaani/gatian?label=update) | [kahaani/gatian]( | 潮语拼音教程 \(A tutorial on Teochew phonology\). All rights reserved.<br><> |
- 91 - commit/halfmoonvic/Rime?label=update) | [halfmoonvic/Rime]( | **致第一次安装 Rime 的你**<br>致第一次安装Rime的你 |
- 49 - commit/lotem/rimeime?label=update) | [lotem/rimeime]( | Legacy codebase of Rime, automatically exported from |
- 44 - commit/kahaani/gatian?label=update) | [kahaani/gatian]( | 潮语拼音教程 \(A tutorial on Teochew phonology\). All rights reserved.<br><> |
- 13 - culture?style=plastic) | ![]( | [xunux/hakka-culture]( | 收集客家語言用字、短語、諺語、歌謠和客家語言拼音。 |
- 11 - commit/rime/artworks?label=update) | [rime/artworks]( | Rime::Artworks |
- 13 - culture?style=plastic) | ![]( | [xunux/hakka-culture]( | 收集客家語言用字、短語、諺語、歌謠和客家語言拼音。 |
- 11 - commit/rime/artworks?label=update) | [rime/artworks]( | Rime::Artworks |
- 882 - commit/ibus/ibus?label=update) | [ibus/ibus]( | Intelligent Input Bus for Linux/Unix<br><> |
- 8597 - commit/BYVoid/OpenCC?label=update) | [BYVoid/OpenCC]( | **Open Chinese Convert 開放中文轉換**<br>Conversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese<br><> |
- 5137 - classic-samples?style=plastic) | ![]( | [microsoft/Windows-classic-samples]( | **Windows classic samples**<br>This repo contains samples that demonstrate the API used in Windows classic desktop applications. |
- 1011 - rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ayaka14732/awesome-rime]( | **awesome-rime**<br>A curated list of Rime IME schemata and configs \| Rime 輸入方案和配置列表 |
- 510 - commit/sunpinyin/sunpinyin?label=update) | [sunpinyin/sunpinyin]( | A statistical language model based Chinese input method<br><> |
- 193 - commit/laubonghaudoi/Chinese_Rime?label=update) | [laubonghaudoi/Chinese_Rime]( | 收集非普通話漢語和古漢語的中州韻輸入法拼音方案 Collection of phonetic spelling schemas for Sinitic languages and dialects |
- 34 - forge?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lotem/rime-forge]( | Rime data collection and scripts |
- 8439 - commit/BYVoid/OpenCC?label=update) | [BYVoid/OpenCC]( | **Open Chinese Convert 開放中文轉換**<br>Conversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese<br><> |
- 19100 - org/Karabiner-Elements?style=plastic) | ![]( | [pqrs-org/Karabiner-Elements]( | Karabiner-Elements is a powerful tool for customizing keyboards on macOS<br><> |
- 8072 - commit/studyzy/imewlconverter?label=update) | [studyzy/imewlconverter]( | ”深蓝词库转换“ 一款开源免费的输入法词库转换程序 |
- 5021 - classic-samples?style=plastic) | ![]( | [microsoft/Windows-classic-samples]( | **Windows classic samples**<br>This repo contains samples that demonstrate the API used in Windows classic desktop applications. |
- 501 - commit/sunpinyin/sunpinyin?label=update) | [sunpinyin/sunpinyin]( | A statistical language model based Chinese input method<br><> |
- 186 - commit/laubonghaudoi/Chinese_Rime?label=update) | [laubonghaudoi/Chinese_Rime]( | 收集非普通話漢語和古漢語的中州韻輸入法拼音方案 Collection of phonetic spelling schemas for Sinitic languages and dialects |
- 34 - forge?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lotem/rime-forge]( | Rime data collection and scripts |
- 980 - rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ayaka14732/awesome-rime]( | **awesome-rime**<br>A curated list of Rime IME schemata and configs \| Rime 輸入方案和配置列表 |
- 630 - Tsaw/Rime_collections?style=plastic) | ![]( | [LEOYoon-Tsaw/Rime_collections]( | All collections for Rime IME |
- 49 - commit/lotem/rimeime?label=update) | [lotem/rimeime]( | Legacy codebase of Rime, automatically exported from |
- 3594 - commit/esbatmop/MNBVC?label=update) | [esbatmop/MNBVC]( | MNBVC\(Massive Never-ending BT Vast Chinese corpus\)超大规模中文语料集。对标chatGPT训练的40T数据。MNBVC数据集不但包括主流文化,也包括各个小众文化甚至火星文的数据。MNBVC数据集包括新闻、作文、小说、书籍、杂志、论文、台词、帖子、wiki、古诗、歌词、商品介绍、笑话、糗事、聊天记录等一切形式的纯文本中文数据。 |
- 19014 - org/Karabiner-Elements?style=plastic) | ![]( | [pqrs-org/Karabiner-Elements]( | Karabiner-Elements is a powerful tool for customizing keyboards on macOS<br><> |
- 8024 - commit/studyzy/imewlconverter?label=update) | [studyzy/imewlconverter]( | ”深蓝词库转换“ 一款开源免费的输入法词库转换程序 |
- 0 - pin/ime-guide?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [ha-pin/ime-guide]( | **Welcome to Slidev!**<br>Hapin Rime 方案使用指南<br><> |
- 0 - opencc-32bit-latest?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [sgalal/rime-opencc-32bit-latest]( | Customize rime input schemata to use the latest OpenCC dictionaries \(32-bit\) |
- 3491 - commit/esbatmop/MNBVC?label=update) | [esbatmop/MNBVC]( | MNBVC\(Massive Never-ending BT Vast Chinese corpus\)超大规模中文语料集。对标chatGPT训练的40T数据。MNBVC数据集不但包括主流文化,也包括各个小众文化甚至火星文的数据。MNBVC数据集包括新闻、作文、小说、书籍、杂志、论文、台词、帖子、wiki、古诗、歌词、商品介绍、笑话、糗事、聊天记录等一切形式的纯文本中文数据。 |
- 882 - commit/ibus/ibus?label=update) | [ibus/ibus]( | Intelligent Input Bus for Linux/Unix<br><> |
- 614 - commit/neolee/SCU?label=update) | [neolee/SCU]( | SCU \(Squirrel 配置工具\) |
- 4799 - commit/rime/weasel?label=update) | [rime/weasel]( | 【小狼毫】Rime for Windows<br><> |
- 582 - commit/fxliang/weasel?label=update) | [fxliang/weasel]( | 【小狼毫】Rime for Windows<br><> |
- 126 - Tsaw/squirrel?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [LEOYoon-Tsaw/squirrel]( | 【鼠鬚管】Rime for macOS<br><> |
- 424 - rime?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [fcitx/fcitx-rime]( | Rime support for Fcitx |
- 23 - without-CMake?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [tumuyan/trime-without-CMake]( | **TRIME:安卓同文輸入法without CMake版 /Android-rime**<br>安卓同文輸入法without CMake版 /Android-rime。把项目需要编译的c代码替换为了预编译的so文件(文件提取自官方原版APK),从而降低了编译难度。<br><> |
- 423 - rime?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [fcitx/fcitx-rime]( | Rime support for Fcitx |
- 129 - commit/stackia/XIME?label=update) | [stackia/XIME]( | XIME Input Method Editor - Yet another Rime Frontend for Mac OS X |
- 4770 - commit/rime/squirrel?label=update) | [rime/squirrel]( | 【鼠鬚管】Rime for macOS<br><> |
- 1363 - commit/EasyIME/PIME?label=update) | [EasyIME/PIME]( | Develop input methods for Windows easily with Python and node.js |
- 3235 - commit/osfans/trime?label=update) | [osfans/trime]( | 同文安卓輸入法平臺3.x/Android-rime/Rime Input Method Engine for Android<br><> |
- 3190 - android/fcitx5-android?style=plastic) | ![]( | [fcitx5-android/fcitx5-android]( | Fcitx5 input method framework and engines ported to Android<br><> |
- 1332 - commit/imfuxiao/Hamster?label=update) | [imfuxiao/Hamster]( | **「仓」输入法**<br>librime for iOS App |
- 1315 - auto-deploy?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Mark24Code/rime-auto-deploy]( | **Rime auto deploy**<br>Rime输入法安装脚本,让一切更轻松。Make using Rime easy. |
- 745 - rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/ibus-rime]( | 【中州韻】Rime for Linux/IBus<br><> |
- 152 - contrib/fcitx5-macos?style=plastic) | ![]( | [fcitx-contrib/fcitx5-macos]( | Fcitx5 macOS edition, currently public beta. 小企鹅输入法 macOS 公测 qq: 874450150 |
- 129 - commit/stackia/XIME?label=update) | [stackia/XIME]( | XIME Input Method Editor - Yet another Rime Frontend for Mac OS X |
- 47 - commit/amorphobia/rabbit?label=update) | [amorphobia/rabbit]( | 🐇️玉兔毫:由 AutoHotkey 实现的 Rime 输入法引擎前端 |
- 79 - gits?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lotem/rime-gits]( | Rime with Google Input Tools \(not actively developed\) |
- 323 - commit/LibreService/my_rime?label=update) | [LibreService/my_rime]( | **My RIME 梧桐输入法**<br>Free and Open Source online Chinese IME powered by RIME. 自由开源在线中文输入法 拼音 双拼 粤语 注音 五笔 仓颉 速成<br><> |
- 238 - rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [fcitx/fcitx5-rime]( | 【Linux】 |
- 60 - commit/forFudan/yuhao?label=update) | [forFudan/yuhao]( | **宇浩输入法方案發佈仓库**<br>宇浩繁简通打输入法·全汉字覆盖·四重注解·臺灣字形支持<br><> |
- ifgris/rime_to_gboard
- 3498 - commit/rime/librime?label=update) | [rime/librime]( | Rime Input Method Engine, the core library<br><> |
- 2849 - my-rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Mintimate/oh-my-rime]( | The Simple Config Template Of Rime By Mintimate. QQ Chat-Group: 703260572<br><> |
- 1843 - cloverpinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [fkxxyz/rime-cloverpinyin]( | 🍀️四叶草拼音输入方案,做最好用的基于rime开源的简体拼音输入方案!<br><> |
- 1790 - cloverpinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [fkxxyz/rime-cloverpinyin]( | 🍀️四叶草拼音输入方案,做最好用的基于rime开源的简体拼音输入方案!<br><> |
- 481 - rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [DogLooksGood/emacs-rime]( | RIME ㄓ in Emacs |
- 1463 - commit/rime/plum?label=update) | [rime/plum]( | 東風破 /plum/: Rime configuration manager and input schema repository |
- 473 - rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [DogLooksGood/emacs-rime]( | RIME ㄓ in Emacs |
- 369 - lua?style=plastic) | ![]( | [hchunhui/librime-lua]( | **librime-lua: Extending RIME with Lua scripts**<br>Extending RIME with Lua scripts |
- 1088 - commit/gurecn/YuyanIme?label=update) | [gurecn/YuyanIme]( | **雨燕输入法**<br>雨燕拼音输入法-一款基于Rime定制开发的九键、全拼、双拼、手写、火星文等方案、支持悬浮、单手、数字行等键盘模式的中文输入法 |
- 232 - dict?style=plastic) | ![]( | [zhangheng18/rime-dict]( | **Rime词库增强包**<br>RIME输入法 增强词库 |
- 198 - commit/rime/brise?label=update) | [rime/brise]( | Deprecated; check out /plum/ at |
- 260 - commit/jimmy54/iRime?label=update) | [jimmy54/iRime]( | **iRime輸入法 注:禁止代码原封不动打包上传到AppStore**<br>iRime |
- 259 - commit/gurecn/YuyanIme?label=update) | [gurecn/YuyanIme]( | **雨燕输入法**<br>雨燕拼音输入法-一款基于Rime定制开发的九键、全拼、双拼、手写、火星文等方案、支持悬浮、单手、数字行等键盘模式的中文输入法 |
- 231 - dict?style=plastic) | ![]( | [zhangheng18/rime-dict]( | **Rime词库增强包**<br>RIME输入法 增强词库 |
- 223 - commit/oniondelta/Onion_Rime_Files?label=update) | [oniondelta/Onion_Rime_Files]( | 電腦 Rime 洋蔥方案(注音、雙拼、拼音、形碼、行列30) |
- 198 - commit/rime/brise?label=update) | [rime/brise]( | Deprecated; check out /plum/ at |
- 194 - commit/lewangdev/scel2txt?label=update) | [lewangdev/scel2txt]( | 搜狗细胞词库转鼠须管(Rime)词库 |
- 213 - ls?style=plastic) | ![]( | [wlh320/rime-ls]( | A language server that provides input method functionality using librime 通过 LSP 代码补全使用 Rime 输入法 |
- 190 - commit/yanhuacuo/rimetool?label=update) | [yanhuacuo/rimetool]( | 中州韵助手(重构版) |
- 172 - Tsaw/Squirrel-Designer?style=plastic) | ![]( | [LEOYoon-Tsaw/Squirrel-Designer]( | Squirrel Theme Simulator |
- 118 - tool?style=plastic) | ![]( | [osfans/rime-tool]( | 開源 rime 碼表方案集 |
- 73 - commit/lotem/rimekit?label=update) | [lotem/rimekit]( | Rime Kit (已棄坑) |
- 113 - commit/qzly/RimeControl?label=update) | [qzly/RimeControl]( | 【】 |
- 96 - commit/FydeOS/fydeRhythm?label=update) | [FydeOS/fydeRhythm]( | **fydeRhythm(真文韵输入法)**<br>fydeRhythm \(真文韵输入法\): a redesigned CJK IME for FydeOS that also works on ChromeOS Flex and Chromebooks. |
- 72 - commit/lotem/rimekit?label=update) | [lotem/rimekit]( | Rime Kit (已棄坑) |
- 72 - commit/Ponpon55837/Squirrel?label=update) | [Ponpon55837/Squirrel]( | **Mac鼠鬚管洋蔥純注音安裝跟編輯**<br>鼠鬚管洋蔥純注音版簡化安裝與外觀設計 |
- 71 - commit/Ponpon55837/Squirrel?label=update) | [Ponpon55837/Squirrel]( | **Mac鼠鬚管洋蔥純注音安裝跟編輯**<br>鼠鬚管洋蔥純注音版簡化安裝與外觀設計 |
- 71 - octagram-data?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lotem/rime-octagram-data]( | 八股文(語法) |
- 68 - commit/merrickluo/liberime?label=update) | [merrickluo/liberime]( | A emacs dynamic module provide librime bindings for emacs |
- 64 - lua-select-character?style=plastic) | ![]( | [BlindingDark/rime-lua-select-character]( | Rime / 以词定字 |
- 60 - prelude?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-prelude]( | Essential files for building up your Rime configuration |
- 34 - Lua-GoogleTranslate?style=plastic) | ![]( | [JACKCHAN000/Rime-Lua-GoogleTranslate]( | GoogleTranslate Lua Plug-in in Rime輸入法 |
- 46 - contrib/fcitx5-macos-installer?style=plastic) | ![]( | [fcitx-contrib/fcitx5-macos-installer]( | **Fcitx5 macOS Installer**<br>Installer of Fcitx5 macOS 小企鹅输入法安装器 星星请点给主仓 |
- 32 - symbols?style=plastic) | ![]( | [fkxxyz/rime-symbols]( | 为rime输入法设计的中文转符号模块。 |
- 68 - commit/merrickluo/liberime?label=update) | [merrickluo/liberime]( | A emacs dynamic module provide librime bindings for emacs |
- 68 - commit/macroxue/shuangpin?label=update) | [macroxue/shuangpin]( | **输入法生成器**<br>双拼方案评测、优化和生成工具 - A keyboard layout optimizer for Chinese double-pinyin \(shuangpin\) input method.<br><> |
- 61 - lua-select-character?style=plastic) | ![]( | [BlindingDark/rime-lua-select-character]( | Rime / 以词定字 |
- 58 - prelude?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-prelude]( | Essential files for building up your Rime configuration |
- 56 - Resource?style=plastic) | ![]( | [jimmy54/iRime-Resource]( | **iRime内置方案**<br>iRime相关资源 |
- 32 - Lua-GoogleTranslate?style=plastic) | ![]( | [JACKCHAN000/Rime-Lua-GoogleTranslate]( | GoogleTranslate Lua Plug-in in Rime輸入法 |
- 32 - contrib/fcitx5-macos-installer?style=plastic) | ![]( | [fcitx-contrib/fcitx5-macos-installer]( | **Fcitx5 macOS Installer**<br>Installer of Fcitx5 macOS 小企鹅输入法安装器 星星请点给主仓 |
- 31 - symbols?style=plastic) | ![]( | [fkxxyz/rime-symbols]( | 为rime输入法设计的中文转符号模块。 |
- 29 - octagram?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lotem/librime-octagram]( | RIME〖八股文〗語法插件 |
- 28 - octagram?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lotem/librime-octagram]( | RIME〖八股文〗語法插件 |
- 30 - rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [tonyfettes/coc-rime]( | Rime input method source for coc.nvim<br><> |
- 28 - rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [tonyfettes/coc-rime]( | Rime input method source for coc.nvim<br><> |
- 27 - commit/jimmy54/iRimeLib?label=update) | [jimmy54/iRimeLib]( | **iRime輸入法** |
- 27 - commit/jimmy54/iRimeLib?label=update) | [jimmy54/iRimeLib]( | **iRime輸入法** |
- 23 - commit/whjiang/rime_table_bin_decompiler?label=update) | [whjiang/rime_table_bin_decompiler]( | decompile a rime xxx.table.bin file |
- 21 - commit/whjiang/rime_table_bin_decompiler?label=update) | [whjiang/rime_table_bin_decompiler]( | decompile a rime xxx.table.bin file |
- 21 - See-Me?style=plastic) | ![]( | [bennyyip/Rime-See-Me]( | Skin editor for Weasel\(Rime frontend on Windows\). All credit goes to<br><> |
- 19 - commit/imfuxiao/LibrimeKit?label=update) | [imfuxiao/LibrimeKit]( | librime to ios. use swift package manager. |
- 21 - commit/MapoMagpie/rimedm?label=update) | [MapoMagpie/rimedm]( | **Rime Dict Manager**<br>非常轻松地维护你的Rime码表 |
- 16 - commit/wzhd/rime?label=update) | [wzhd/rime]( | Rust binding for the Rime Input Method Engine. |
- 18 - commit/MapoMagpie/rimedm?label=update) | [MapoMagpie/rimedm]( | **Rime Dict Manager**<br>非常轻松地维护你的Rime码表 |
- 16 - commit/wzhd/rime?label=update) | [wzhd/rime]( | Rust binding for the Rime Input Method Engine. |
- 14 - cli?style=plastic) | ![]( | [puddinging/rime-cli]( | 关于小狼毫输入法的一个小工具 |
- 10 - commit/cgcel/rime_to_gboard?label=update) | [cgcel/rime_to_gboard]( | 将 Rime userdb.txt 转换为 Gboard 格式, 便于将词库导入 Gboard. |
- 10 - commit/cgcel/rime_to_gboard?label=update) | [cgcel/rime_to_gboard]( | 将 Rime userdb.txt 转换为 Gboard 格式, 便于将词库导入 Gboard. |
- 9 - commit/shitlime/RimeSpellTool?label=update) | [shitlime/RimeSpellTool]( | **RimeSpellTool/雾凇魔法工具**<br>RIME 输入法的拼写运算测试工具 |
- 8 - rime-lua?style=plastic) | ![]( | [tswwe/my-rime-lua]( | **Introduction**<br>一些自制的RIME强化脚本。 |
- 10 - commit/fxliang/RimeSeeMe?label=update) | [fxliang/RimeSeeMe]( | fork自,增加细节功能,预览功能 |
- 9 - commit/shitlime/RimeSpellTool?label=update) | [shitlime/RimeSpellTool]( | **RimeSpellTool/雾凇魔法工具**<br>RIME 输入法的拼写运算测试工具 |
- 8 - rime-lua?style=plastic) | ![]( | [tswwe/my-rime-lua]( | **Introduction**<br>一些自制的RIME强化脚本。 |
- 8 - sample?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/librime-sample]( | **A sample Rime plugin module** |
- 8 - commit/rime/rppi?label=update) | [rime/rppi]( | RIME Plum Package Index |
- 8 - sample?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/librime-sample]( | **A sample Rime plugin module** |
- 7 - commit/rime/rppi?label=update) | [rime/rppi]( | RIME Plum Package Index |
- 7 - ahk?style=plastic) | ![]( | [amorphobia/librime-ahk]( | **AutoHotkey Wrapper for librime**<br>AutoHotkey Wrapper of librime API |
- 7 - ahk?style=plastic) | ![]( | [amorphobia/librime-ahk]( | **AutoHotkey Wrapper for librime**<br>AutoHotkey Wrapper of librime API |
- 7 - schema-JoySchema?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Lantaio/Rime-schema-JoySchema]( | **😍惊喜输入方案**<br>惊喜输入方案,懂程序员和科研工作者心意的Rime输入法方案!|JoySchema, Rime schemas that understand the intentions of coders and researchers! |
- 5 - rs?style=plastic) | ![]( | [bczhc/librime-rs]( | Rust wrapper for librime \(rime_api.h\) |
- 6 - windows-bootstrap?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/plum-windows-bootstrap]( | /plum/ Windows bootstrap script |
- 6 - rs?style=plastic) | ![]( | [bczhc/librime-rs]( | Rust wrapper for librime \(rime_api.h\) |
- 5 - windows-bootstrap?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/plum-windows-bootstrap]( | /plum/ Windows bootstrap script |
- 5 - plum-go?style=plastic) | ![]( | [marguerite/rime-plum-go]( | RIME's plum configuration manager in golang |
- 8 - TswG?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Tsinswreng/rime-TswG]( | rime輸入法lua腳本及方案分享 |
- 4 - charcode?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/librime-charcode]( | 【】 |
- 2 - tui?style=plastic) | ![]( | [bczhc/rime-tui]( | TUI App for Rime |
- 5 - plum-go?style=plastic) | ![]( | [marguerite/rime-plum-go]( | RIME's plum configuration manager in golang |
- 5 - TswG?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Tsinswreng/rime-TswG]( | rime輸入法lua腳本及方案分享 |
- 4 - charcode?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/librime-charcode]( | 【】 |
- 4 - pinyim?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Fenzland/fungz-pinyim]( | **簡介**<br>一種基於 rime 平臺的輸入法 |
- 4 - pinyim?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Fenzland/fungz-pinyim]( | **簡介**<br>一種基於 rime 平臺的輸入法 |
- 3 - android?style=plastic) | ![]( | [bczhc/rime-android]( | Rime distribution for Android, only for physical keyboards |
- 3 - android?style=plastic) | ![]( | [bczhc/rime-android]( | Rime distribution for Android, only for physical keyboards |
- 3 - commit/whitewatercn/rimetool?label=update) | [whitewatercn/rimetool]( | **Rimetools**<br>一些rime使用工具<br><> |
- 2 - commit/whitewatercn/rimetool?label=update) | [whitewatercn/rimetool]( | **Rimetools**<br>一些rime使用工具<br><> |
- 3 - commit/bryan824/scel2rime?label=update) | [bryan824/scel2rime]( | **Usage**<br>A tool to convert sogou scel file into rime yaml file. |
- 2 - tui?style=plastic) | ![]( | [bczhc/rime-tui]( | TUI App for Rime |
- 3 - Wu/ime.nvim?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Freed-Wu/ime.nvim]( | auto switch IME for neovim.<br><> |
- 2 - Wu/ime.nvim?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Freed-Wu/ime.nvim]( | auto switch IME for neovim.<br><> |
- 1 - legacy?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/librime-legacy]( | Legacy module for Rime, with GPL-licensed components |
- 1 - legacy?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/librime-legacy]( | Legacy module for Rime, with GPL-licensed components |
- 1 - utils-python?style=plastic) | ![]( | [nk2028/rime-utils-python]( | Utilities for parsing Rime dictionaries<br><> |
- 1 - See-Me?style=plastic) | ![]( | [nb5p/Rime-See-Me]( | Mirror of Rime-See-Me\(RIME西米\).<br><> |
- 1 - utils-python?style=plastic) | ![]( | [nk2028/rime-utils-python]( | Utilities for parsing Rime dictionaries<br><> |
- 1 - See-Me?style=plastic) | ![]( | [nb5p/Rime-See-Me]( | Mirror of Rime-See-Me\(RIME西米\).<br><> |
- 1 - pinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Kimiblock/moeOS-pinyin]( | **moeOS 拼音**<br>RIME 全拼输入方案. 简洁, 现代. |
- 1 - Wu/pyrime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Freed-Wu/pyrime]( | ㄓ rime for python 🐍️<br><> |
- 0 - commit/Coloryr/RimeSharp?label=update) | [Coloryr/RimeSharp]( | librime的C#托管层 |
- 1 - pinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Kimiblock/moeOS-pinyin]( | **moeOS 拼音**<br>RIME 全拼输入方案. 简洁, 现代. |
- 1 - Wu/pyrime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Freed-Wu/pyrime]( | ㄓ rime for python, attached to prompt-toolkit keybindings for some prompt-toolkit applications such as ptpython.<br><> |
- 0 - commit/Coloryr/RimeSharp?label=update) | [Coloryr/RimeSharp]( | librime的C#托管层 |
- 0 - commit/zishuzy/rime_userdb_merger?label=update) | [zishuzy/rime_userdb_merger]( | Rime-ice User Dictionary File Merge Tool |
- 0 - commit/zishuzy/rime_userdb_merger?label=update) | [zishuzy/rime_userdb_merger]( | Rime-ice User Dictionary File Merge Tool |
- 0 - ext-rime-ls?style=plastic) | ![]( | [wlh320/zed-ext-rime-ls]( | **Zed Rime-ls Extension**<br>Rime language server for Zed editor |
- 0 - dict-utils?style=plastic) | ![]( | [kenchou/rime-dict-utils]( | Utilities for Rime Dictionary File. |
- 0 - rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Z572/guile-rime]( | 【Guile bindings for Rime.】 |
- 0 - commit/Yiklek/RimeTool?label=update) | [Yiklek/RimeTool]( | 【一个Rime工具箱,支持控制算法服务和方案部署。】 |
- 1 - rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [TimoLin/text2dict-rime]( | 一个可以根据中文文档生成Rime自定义词库的Python工具 |
- 0 - ext-rime-ls?style=plastic) | ![]( | [wlh320/zed-ext-rime-ls]( | **Zed Rime-ls Extension**<br>Rime language server for Zed editor |
- 0 - dict-utils?style=plastic) | ![]( | [kenchou/rime-dict-utils]( | Utilities for Rime Dictionary File. |
- 0 - rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Z572/guile-rime]( | 【Guile bindings for Rime.】 |
- 0 - commit/Yiklek/RimeTool?label=update) | [Yiklek/RimeTool]( | 【一个Rime工具箱,支持控制算法服务和方案部署。】 |
- 0 - rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [TimoLin/text2dict-rime]( | 一个可以根据中文文档生成Rime自定义词库的Python工具 |
- 0 - commit/Cassius0924/Scel2Rime?label=update) | [Cassius0924/Scel2Rime]( | 自动下载词库并转成yaml格式,自动部署Rime |
- 99 - commit/Techince/weasel?label=update) | [Techince/weasel]( | 【小狼毫】Rime for Windows<br><> |
- 35 - See-Me-squirrel?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [GJRobert/Rime-See-Me-squirrel]( | **Rime 鼠鬚管配色主題產生器**<br>Skin editor for Squirrel \(Rime frontend on macOS\)<br><> |
- 8 - wasm?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [zhangkaiser/librime-wasm]( | Part of librime with Emscripten, Rime Input Method Engine, the core library<br><> |
- 0 - commit/Cassius0924/Scel2Rime?label=update) | [Cassius0924/Scel2Rime]( | 自动下载词库并转成yaml格式,自动部署Rime |
- 98 - commit/Techince/weasel?label=update) | [Techince/weasel]( | 【小狼毫】Rime for Windows<br><> |
- 33 - See-Me-squirrel?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [GJRobert/Rime-See-Me-squirrel]( | **Rime 鼠鬚管配色主題產生器**<br>Skin editor for Squirrel \(Rime frontend on macOS\)<br><> |
- 21 - for-Android?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [tumuyan/Handwriting-for-Android]( | **Handwriting for Trime**<br>同文输入法的手写模块,也可以作为独立的手写输入法使用 |
- 8 - wasm?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [zhangkaiser/librime-wasm]( | Part of librime with Emscripten, Rime Input Method Engine, the core library<br><> |
- 4 - commit/lotem/librime?label=update) | [lotem/librime]( | Rime Input Method Engine, the core library<br><> |
- 6 - Wu/zsh-rime?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [Freed-Wu/zsh-rime]( | ㄓ rime for zsh<br><> |
- 75 - soak?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [pdog18/rime-soak]( | **rime-soak 「润笔」**<br>Rime 设置助手 |
- 2 - melody/hamster-tools?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [lost-melody/hamster-tools]( | **Hamster Tools**<br>倉輸入法佈局生成器 |
- 1 - commit/yangrq/windy_idiom?label=update) | [yangrq/windy_idiom]( | **WINDY IDIOM 大风成语输入法方案**<br>基于Rime的成语输入法方案 |
- 1 - config?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [binesiyu/rime-config]( | 【】 |
- 3 - Wu/zsh-rime?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [Freed-Wu/zsh-rime]( | ㄓ rime for zsh<br><> |
- 69 - soak?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [pdog18/rime-soak]( | **rime-soak 「润笔」**<br>Rime 设置助手 |
- 2 - melody/hamster-tools?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [lost-melody/hamster-tools]( | **Hamster Tools**<br>倉輸入法佈局生成器 |
- 1 - commit/yangrq/windy_idiom?label=update) | [yangrq/windy_idiom]( | **WINDY IDIOM 大风成语输入法方案**<br>基于Rime的成语输入法方案 |
- 1 - config?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [binesiyu/rime-config]( | 【】 |
- 0 - panics/rime-table-decompiler?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | 🗃️<br>![]( | [kitty-panics/rime-table-decompiler]( | **rime-table-bin-decompiler**<br>\[Binary\] Provide compiled binaries |
- 2 - quad?style=plastic) | ![]( | [amorphobia/rime-quad]( | 四格声笔:由四叶草拼音的强大词库、格道17键双拼布局、以及五笔画辅码共同驱动 |
- 19 - for-Android?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [tumuyan/Handwriting-for-Android]( | **Handwriting for Trime**<br>同文输入法的手写模块,也可以作为独立的手写输入法使用 |
- 259 - commit/jimmy54/iRime?label=update) | [jimmy54/iRime]( | **iRime輸入法 注:禁止代码原封不动打包上传到AppStore**<br>iRime |
- 57 - predict?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/librime-predict]( | librime plugin. predict next word. |
- 3350 - commit/rime/librime?label=update) | [rime/librime]( | Rime Input Method Engine, the core library<br><> |
- 2472 - my-rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Mintimate/oh-my-rime]( | The Simple Config Template Of Rime By Mintimate. QQ Chat-Group: 703260572<br><> |
- 1376 - commit/rime/plum?label=update) | [rime/plum]( | 東風破 /plum/: Rime configuration manager and input schema repository |
- 308 - lua?style=plastic) | ![]( | [hchunhui/librime-lua]( | **librime-lua: Extending RIME with Lua scripts**<br>Extending RIME with Lua scripts |
- 184 - commit/lewangdev/scel2txt?label=update) | [lewangdev/scel2txt]( | 搜狗细胞词库转鼠须管(Rime)词库 |
- 62 - commit/macroxue/shuangpin?label=update) | [macroxue/shuangpin]( | **输入法生成器**<br>双拼方案评测、优化和生成工具 - A keyboard layout optimizer for Chinese double-pinyin \(shuangpin\) input method.<br><> |
- 23 - commit/mengqi92/Rimebow?label=update) | [mengqi92/Rimebow]( | **元宝 Rimebow**<br>A Rime configuration assistant sit in VS Code to make life easier. |
- 5 - Wu/rime.nvim?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Freed-Wu/rime.nvim]( | ㄓ rime for neovim<br><> |
- 11 - commit/ifgris/rime_to_gboard?label=update) | [ifgris/rime_to_gboard]( | 将 Rime userdb.txt 转换为 Gboard 格式, 便于将词库导入 Gboard. |
- 8 - dict-creator?style=plastic) | ![]( | [crazywhalecc/rime-dict-creator]( | 一个简单的可以快速根据纯文本创建 Rime 输入法词库的转换脚本 |
- 23 - commit/mengqi92/Rimebow?label=update) | [mengqi92/Rimebow]( | **元宝 Rimebow**<br>A Rime configuration assistant sit in VS Code to make life easier. |
- 2 - Wu/rime.nvim?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Freed-Wu/rime.nvim]( | ㄓ rime for neovim<br><> |
- 215 - commit/oniondelta/Onion_Rime_Files?label=update) | [oniondelta/Onion_Rime_Files]( | 電腦 Rime 洋蔥方案(注音、雙拼、拼音、形碼、行列30) |
- 198 - ls?style=plastic) | ![]( | [wlh320/rime-ls]( | A language server for Rime input method engine 通过 LSP 代码补全使用 Rime 输入法 |
- 181 - commit/yanhuacuo/rimetool?label=update) | [yanhuacuo/rimetool]( | 中州韵助手(重构版) |
- 110 - commit/qzly/RimeControl?label=update) | [qzly/RimeControl]( | 【】 |
- 91 - commit/FydeOS/fydeRhythm?label=update) | [FydeOS/fydeRhythm]( | fydeRhythm \(真文韵输入法\): a redesigned Chinese IME for FydeOS that also works on ChromeOS Flex and Chromebooks. |
- 291 - commit/outloudvi/mw2fcitx?label=update) | [outloudvi/mw2fcitx]( | Fcitx 5 pinyin dictionary generator for MediaWiki instances. \(Releases for dict of / Check release list for latest releases\) |
- 173 - chou/rime-liur?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [hsuanyi-chou/rime-liur]( | **鼠鬚管\(RIME\) + 嘸蝦米 with 注音模式 + 拼音模式 + 讀音反查 + 簡繁轉換 + 中英混輸**<br>基於RIME輸入法設計的全功能嘸蝦米方案<br><> |
- 171 - chou/rime-liur?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [hsuanyi-chou/rime-liur]( | **鼠鬚管\(RIME\) + 嘸蝦米 with 注音模式 + 拼音模式 + 讀音反查 + 簡繁轉換 + 中英混輸**<br>基於RIME輸入法設計的全功能嘸蝦米方案<br><> |
- 161 - Tsaw/Squirrel-Designer?style=plastic) | ![]( | [LEOYoon-Tsaw/Squirrel-Designer]( | Squirrel Theme Simulator |
- 71 - octagram-data?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lotem/rime-octagram-data]( | 八股文(語法) |
- 56 - Resource?style=plastic) | ![]( | [jimmy54/iRime-Resource]( | **iRime内置方案**<br>iRime相关资源 |
- 52 - commit/forFudan/yuhao?label=update) | [forFudan/yuhao]( | **宇浩输入法方案發佈仓库**<br>宇浩繁简通打输入法·全汉字覆盖·四重注解·臺灣字形支持<br><> |
- 19 - See-Me?style=plastic) | ![]( | [bennyyip/Rime-See-Me]( | Skin editor for Weasel\(Rime frontend on Windows\). All credit goes to<br><> |
- 18 - commit/imfuxiao/LibrimeKit?label=update) | [imfuxiao/LibrimeKit]( | librime to ios. use swift package manager. |
- 12 - cli?style=plastic) | ![]( | [puddinging/rime-cli]( | 关于小狼毫输入法的一个小工具 |
- 9 - commit/fxliang/RimeSeeMe?label=update) | [fxliang/RimeSeeMe]( | fork自,增加细节功能,预览功能 |
- 7 - dict-creator?style=plastic) | ![]( | [crazywhalecc/rime-dict-creator]( | 一个简单的可以快速根据纯文本创建 Rime 输入法词库的转换脚本 |
- 7 - schema-JoySchema?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Lantaio/Rime-schema-JoySchema]( | **😍惊喜输入方案**<br>惊喜输入方案,懂程序员和科研工作者心意的Rime输入法方案!|JoySchema, Rime schemas that understand the intentions of coders and researchers! |
- 5 - pinyin-translating?style=plastic) | ![]( | [baopaau/rime-pinyin-translating]( | **漢語拼音系統轉寫**<br>基於 Rime 拼寫運算的拼音互譯輸入方案,可以將漢語拼音轉譯爲注音符號等其他形式。 |
- 2 - commit/bryan824/scel2rime?label=update) | [bryan824/scel2rime]( | **Usage**<br>A tool to convert sogou scel file into rime yaml file. |
- 1 - quad?style=plastic) | ![]( | [amorphobia/rime-quad]( | 四格声笔:由四叶草拼音的强大词库、格道17键双拼布局、以及五笔画辅码共同驱动 |
- 4 - commit/lotem/librime?label=update) | [lotem/librime]( | Rime Input Method Engine, the core library<br><> |
- 0 - panics/rime-table-decompiler?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | 🗃️<br>![]( | [kitty-panics/rime-table-decompiler]( | **rime-table-bin-decompiler**<br>\[Binary\] Provide compiled binaries |
- 826 - pinyin-zhwiki?style=plastic) | ![]( | [felixonmars/fcitx5-pinyin-zhwiki]( | Fcitx 5 Pinyin Dictionary from |
- 117 - tool?style=plastic) | ![]( | [osfans/rime-tool]( | 開源 rime 碼表方案集 |
- 53 - predict?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/librime-predict]( | librime plugin. predict next word. |
- 5 - pinyin-translating?style=plastic) | ![]( | [baopaau/rime-pinyin-translating]( | **漢語拼音系統轉寫**<br>基於 Rime 拼寫運算的拼音互譯輸入方案,可以將漢語拼音轉譯爲注音符號等其他形式。 |
- 286 - commit/outloudvi/mw2fcitx?label=update) | [outloudvi/mw2fcitx]( | Fcitx 5 pinyin dictionary generator for MediaWiki instances. \(Releases for dict of / Check release list for latest releases\) |
- 2 - old-nyingpo?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ionkaon/rime-old-nyingpo]( | 清末寧波話輸入方案 |
- 33 - wugniu_zaonhe?style=plastic) | ![]( | [NGLI/rime-wugniu_zaonhe]( | 上海吳語拼音輸入方案 · 上海吴语拼音输入方案 · Rime input schemas for Shanghai Dialects |
- 28 - middle-chinese?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-middle-chinese]( | 中古漢語(切韻音系)全拼及三拼 |
- 33 - martyr/rime-yahwe_zaonhe?style=plastic) | ![]( | [edward-martyr/rime-yahwe_zaonhe]( | 吳語協會式上海話輸入法/吴语协会式上海话输入法:以吳語協會式拼音爲基礎的 Rime 上海話輸入方案。 |
- 30 - wugniu_zaonhe?style=plastic) | ![]( | [NGLI/rime-wugniu_zaonhe]( | 上海吳語拼音輸入方案 · 上海吴语拼音输入方案 · Rime input schemas for Shanghai Dialects |
- 28 - middle-chinese?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-middle-chinese]( | 中古漢語(切韻音系)全拼及三拼 |
- 29 - middle-chinese?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-middle-chinese]( | 中古漢語拼音輸入方案 |
- 28 - middle-chinese?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-middle-chinese]( | 中古漢語拼音輸入方案 |
- 25 - commit/only3km/ciklinbekin?label=update) | [only3km/ciklinbekin]( | **平話字表 \(閩東語‣福州話\)**<br>電子化平話字音表。 戚林八音校注、 Dictionary of the Foochow Dialect。 校對中, 尚未完善, 請謹慎取用。<br><> |
- 24 - commit/only3km/ciklinbekin?label=update) | [only3km/ciklinbekin]( | **平話字表 \(閩東語‣福州話\)**<br>電子化平話字音表。 戚林八音校注、 Dictionary of the Foochow Dialect。 校對中, 尚未完善, 請謹慎取用。<br><> |
- 23 - wenzhounese?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ZWolken/rime-wenzhounese]( | **Rime 吳語-溫州話輸入方案**<br>基於Rime的溫州話輸入方案規則;基于Rime的温州话输入方案规则(采用沈克成先生-沈迦先生的拼音方案)<br><> |
- 20 - wugniu?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-wugniu]( | **吳語·上海話**<br>上海吳語輸入方案 |
- 16 - zhung?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lotem/rime-zhung]( | Rime 中原官話輸入方案 |
- 17 - commit/saeziae/rime_nguphing?label=update) | [saeziae/rime_nguphing]( | **RIME 標準吳語方案**<br>Standardized Wu Language Method for RIME<br><> |
- 16 - commit/saeziae/rime_nguphing?label=update) | [saeziae/rime_nguphing]( | **RIME 標準吳語方案**<br>Standardized Wu Language Method for RIME<br><> |
- 13 - 0/jyutsp?style=plastic) | ![]( | [MrCorn0-0/jyutsp]( | **jyutsp - 基於rime的粵語雙拼方案**<br>基於rime的粵語雙拼方案 |
- 11 - commit/Hulenkius/RIME_OC_collections?label=update) | [Hulenkius/RIME_OC_collections]( | RIME 上古漢語輸入方案集 |
- 12 - Languages?style=plastic) | ![]( | [DaengGWokFook/Asian-Languages]( | **漢字文化圈語言文字輸入方案**<br>製作漢字相關語音字典及輸入法,目的只爲保存各地區言語及文化。 |
- 11 - commit/Hulenkius/RIME_OC_collections?label=update) | [Hulenkius/RIME_OC_collections]( | RIME 上古漢語輸入方案集 |
- 11 - writing/rime-teochew?style=plastic) | ![]( | [hokkien-writing/rime-teochew]( | **rime-teochew(潮州話拍字方案)**<br>潮州話拍字方案\(Beta\),包含漢字佮白話字(Teochew Input Schema for Rime, including Chinese character and PUJ) |
- 9 - double-jyutping-extra?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gkovacs/rime-double-jyutping-extra]( | 粤语双拼输入法 Input method for typing Chinese using Cantonese pronunciations with 2-3 keys per character, based on RIME |
- 9 - Preservation-Community/Community-Min-Language-Rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Language-Preservation-Community/Community-Min-Language-Rime]( | 【闽南语】 |
- 11 - hoisanva?style=plastic) | ![]( | [pearapple123/rime-hoisanva]( | A RIME IME for Taishanese |
- 8 - shanghainese?style=plastic) | ![]( | [shinzoqchiuq/rime-shanghainese]( | **上海話輸入方案(錢拼、滬二、法吳、NRSS)**<br>非吳拼上海話輸入方案 · 非吴拼上海话输入方案 |
- 7 - commit/uliloewi/lang2jin1?label=update) | [uliloewi/lang2jin1]( | **南京話拼音输入法**<br>南京官話拼音輸入法 |
- 7 - commit/Yaryou/HinghuaFactory?label=update) | [Yaryou/HinghuaFactory]( | **莆仙话输入方案**<br>齐来写㑚莆仙话 zé-lih siâ nâh póu-seng-uā |
- 6 - commit/yuxifongfei/hubehua?label=update) | [yuxifongfei/hubehua]( | **湖北话百科**<br>咵一咵湖北话 |
- 6 - ma-ci?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ZySieng/Lo-ma-ci]( | **福州話教會羅馬字RIME輸入方案 Input Method of Foochow Romanized**<br>福州話羅馬字RIME輸入方案(Input Method of Foochow Romanized) |
- 6 - ma-ci?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ZySieng/Lo-ma-ci]( | **福州話教會羅馬字RIME輸入方案 Input Method of Foochow Romanized**<br>福州話羅馬字RIME輸入方案(Input Method of Foochow Romanized) |
- 8 - cantonese?style=plastic) | ![]( | [bingzheung/emoji-cantonese]( | Emoji Cantonese |
- 6 - cantonese?style=plastic) | ![]( | [bingzheung/emoji-cantonese]( | Emoji Cantonese |
- 6 - commit/arsenali/zianyinzi?label=update) | [arsenali/zianyinzi]( | **尖音字列表**<br>收集汉语方言中的尖音字,列出带调拼音,以补充地球拼音词库。 |
- 6 - commit/arsenali/zianyinzi?label=update) | [arsenali/zianyinzi]( | **尖音字列表**<br>收集汉语方言中的尖音字,列出带调拼音,以补充地球拼音词库。 |
- 6 - commit/CanCLID/Jyutsoeng?label=update) | [CanCLID/Jyutsoeng]( | **What is Jyutsoeng**<br>Jyutsoeng IME scheme based on RIME framework |
- 5 - commit/femkerr/dieghe?label=update) | [femkerr/dieghe]( | 潮語 潮汕話 潮州話RIME輸入方案 |
- 6 - commit/CanCLID/Jyutsoeng?label=update) | [CanCLID/Jyutsoeng]( | **What is Jyutsoeng**<br>Jyutsoeng IME scheme based on RIME framework |
- 5 - commit/femkerr/dieghe?label=update) | [femkerr/dieghe]( | 潮語 潮汕話 潮州話RIME輸入方案 |
- 5 - cantonese-schemes-editor?style=plastic) | ![]( | [CanCLID/rime-cantonese-schemes-editor]( | **中州韻粵語分歧拼音系統排版工具**<br>粵語分歧拼音系統排版工具 |
- 5 - cantonese-schemes-editor?style=plastic) | ![]( | [CanCLID/rime-cantonese-schemes-editor]( | **中州韻粵語分歧拼音系統排版工具**<br>粵語分歧拼音系統排版工具 |
- 5 - RIME?style=plastic) | ![]( | [jyutcitzi/jyutcitzi-RIME]( | RIME keyboard for realizing the Honzi-Jyutcitzi mixed script in Hong Kong Cantonese. |
- 5 - aca/rime-jyutping-compact?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime-aca/rime-jyutping-compact]( | 袖珍粵拼 |
- 5 - RIME?style=plastic) | ![]( | [jyutcitzi/jyutcitzi-RIME]( | RIME keyboard for realizing the Honzi-Jyutcitzi mixed script in Hong Kong Cantonese. |
- 5 - symbolic-simp?style=plastic) | ![]( | [sgalal/rime-symbolic-simp]( | Symbolic input for rime \(Simplified Chinese version\) \| rime 符號輸入(简化字版) |
- 4 - commit/syndict/hakka?label=update) | [syndict/hakka]( | **RIME HAKKA**<br>Hakka words database |
- 4 - commit/leimaau/naamning_jyutping?label=update) | [leimaau/naamning_jyutping]( | Rime Nanning Dialect Input Scheme \| 南寧話輸入方案 |
- 5 - symbolic-simp?style=plastic) | ![]( | [sgalal/rime-symbolic-simp]( | Symbolic input for rime \(Simplified Chinese version\) \| rime 符號輸入(简化字版) |
- 4 - commit/syndict/hakka?label=update) | [syndict/hakka]( | **RIME HAKKA**<br>Hakka words database |
- 4 - commit/leimaau/naamning_jyutping?label=update) | [leimaau/naamning_jyutping]( | Rime Nanning Dialect Input Scheme \| 南寧話輸入方案 |
- 4 - hokkien-poj?style=plastic) | ![]( | [yangwenbo99/rime-hokkien-poj]( | Type Hokkien \(Taiwanese\) Han-ji using POJ \(Pe̍h-Ōe-Ji, Church Romanisation\). |
- 4 - combo-jyutping?style=plastic) | ![]( | [tanxpyox/rime-combo-jyutping]( | **宮保粵拼:Rime 並擊輸入粵語方案**<br>並擊輸入粵語方案 |
- 4 - commit/leimaau/leimaau_jyutping?label=update) | [leimaau/leimaau_jyutping]( | Rime Leimaau's Cantonese Input Scheme \| 狸貓粵拼 |
- 3 - aca/rime-nieh-ched?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime-aca/rime-nieh-ched]( | 爾切羅馬字 |
- 3 - commit/leimaau/leimaau_jyutping?label=update) | [leimaau/leimaau_jyutping]( | Rime Leimaau's Cantonese Input Scheme \| 狸貓粵拼 |
- 3 - aca/rime-nieh-ched?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime-aca/rime-nieh-ched]( | 爾切羅馬字 |
- 3 - commit/LimTo/etaiBLG?label=update) | [LimTo/etaiBLG]( | 【閩南語拼音輸入方案(e mng khiuⁿ)】 |
- 3 - lomaji?style=plastic) | ![]( | [unsioer/rime-lomaji]( | **Rime Lô-má-jī(羅馬字)**<br>Rime Bân-lâm-gú Lô-má-jī su-ji̍p hong-àn. Rime 閩南語羅馬字輸入方案。 |
- 3 - gninpou-variant?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ionkaon/rime-gninpou-variant]( | 寧波話輸入方案(變體方案) |
- 3 - yunciu?style=plastic) | ![]( | [shinzoqchiuq/rime-yunciu]( | 永州官話輸入方案 · 永州官话输入方案 · A Rime input schema for Yongzhou Dialect |
- 3 - gninpou-variant?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ionkaon/rime-gninpou-variant]( | 寧波話輸入方案(變體方案) |
- 3 - essay?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ionkaon/gninpou-essay]( | 寧波話【八股文】 爲寧波話中含多音字的詞語標註讀音 |
- 3 - commit/LaiJoengzit/hamzau_jyutping?label=update) | [LaiJoengzit/hamzau_jyutping]( | **欽州粵拼**<br>欽州白話碼表 |
- 3 - commit/LaiJoengzit/hamzau_jyutping?label=update) | [LaiJoengzit/hamzau_jyutping]( | **欽州粵拼**<br>欽州白話碼表 |
- 2 - iuciou?style=plastic) | ![]( | [pearapple123/rime-iuciou]( | **wenzhounese-ime**<br>A RIME IME for Wenzhounese |
- 3 - commit/Hynuza/fengyo?label=update) | [Hynuza/fengyo]( | 汾阳话拼音输入方案 |
- 2 - iuciou?style=plastic) | ![]( | [pearapple123/rime-iuciou]( | **wenzhounese-ime**<br>A RIME IME for Wenzhounese |
- 2 - commit/m80126colin/yonh?label=update) | [m80126colin/yonh]( | A simple lookup table for Guangyun \(廣韻\). |
- 2 - toki-pona-munjan?style=plastic) | ![]( | [mkpoli/rime-toki-pona-munjan]( | A Rime Schema for toki pona \(言善\) in sitelen munjan \(書文言\). Classical-Chinese style Toki Pona.<br><> |
- 2 - commit/m80126colin/yonh?label=update) | [m80126colin/yonh]( | A simple lookup table for Guangyun \(廣韻\). |
- 2 - nantong?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gaozhiyan/rime-nantong]( | 南通话拼音输入法 An input method for Nantong Chinese using the RIME engine<br><> |
- 2 - ayaka-2021?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ayaka14732/rime-ayaka-2021]( | rime 中古漢語拼音(綾香 2021 版)方案 |
- 2 - Ngungei/Piauciuing-Ngungei-Shiunikfaeh?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Piauciuing-Ngungei/Piauciuing-Ngungei-Shiunikfaeh]( | 標準吳語輸入灋 |
- 2 - jienggong-cantonese?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Lumen01/rime-jienggong-cantonese]( | Rime 阳江话拼音输入方案 |
- 2 - Sautungva?style=plastic) | ![]( | [AlfredLouis00/rime-Sautungva]( | **RIME Inputting Method of Sautungva<br>基於rime平臺的邵東話輸入方案**<br>基於Rime平臺的湘語邵東話輸入方案 |
- 1 - wugniu_kashin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [NGLI/rime-wugniu_kashin]( | 嘉興(五縣兩區)吳語拼音輸入方案 · 嘉兴(五县两区)吴语拼音输入方案 · Rime input schemas for Jiaxing Dialects |
- 1 - custom?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [NGLI/rime-custom]( | 吳語學堂拼音輸入方案模糊音定製模板 · 吴语学堂拼音输入方案模糊音定制模板 |
- 1 - CHAN/rime-sg1pb3?style=plastic) | ![]( | [MISTER-CHAN/rime-sg1pb3]( | **SGPB 雙拼**<br>粵語雙拼輸入法編碼方案/粤语双拼输入法编码方案 |
- 0 - commit/uliloewi/guang2tong1zhong1gu3?label=update) | [uliloewi/guang2tong1zhong1gu3]( | 【廣通中古拼音】 |
- 0 - shichiuk?style=plastic) | ![]( | [saeziae/rime-shichiuk]( | RIME 越白方案\(高舉版\) |
- 0 - shichiuk?style=plastic) | ![]( | [saeziae/rime-shichiuk]( | RIME 越白方案\(高舉版\) |
- 0 - double-jyutping-display?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gkovacs/rime-double-jyutping-display]( | 粤语双拼输入法 Input method for typing Chinese using Cantonese pronunciations with 2-3 keys per character, based on RIME |
- 1 - double-jyutping?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gkovacs/rime-double-jyutping]( | 粤语双拼输入法 Input method for typing Chinese using Cantonese pronunciations with 2-3 keys per character, based on RIME |
- 0 - Yo-Hua/rime-piengyohua?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Pieng-Yo-Hua/rime-piengyohua]( | **平遙話 RIME 輸入方案**<br>平遙話RIME輸入方案 |
- 0 - commit/CinixChen/Rimin?label=update) | [CinixChen/Rimin]( | 壬寅官話(RIME輸入法) |
- 0 - double-jyutping?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gkovacs/rime-double-jyutping]( | 粤语双拼输入法 Input method for typing Chinese using Cantonese pronunciations with 2-3 keys per character, based on RIME |
- 0 - Yo-Hua/rime-piengyohua?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Pieng-Yo-Hua/rime-piengyohua]( | **平遙話 RIME 輸入方案**<br>平遙話RIME輸入方案 |
- 0 - commit/CinixChen/Rimin?label=update) | [CinixChen/Rimin]( | 壬寅官話(RIME輸入法) |
- 4 - kyonh?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [nk2028/rime-kyonh]( | rime 中古漢語拼音(古韻羅馬字版)方案 |
- 0 - wugniu_gninpou?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [ionkaon/rime-wugniu_gninpou]( | 寧波話吳語拼音輸入方案 · 宁波话吴语拼音输入方案 · A Rime input schema for Ningbo Dialect |
- 4 - kyonh?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [nk2028/rime-kyonh]( | rime 中古漢語拼音(古韻羅馬字版)方案 |
- 0 - wugniu_gninpou?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [ionkaon/rime-wugniu_gninpou]( | 寧波話吳語拼音輸入方案 · 宁波话吴语拼音输入方案 · A Rime input schema for Ningbo Dialect |
- 7 - soutzoe?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [rime/rime-soutzoe]( | 蘇州吳語輸入方案 |
- 7 - soutzoe?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [rime/rime-soutzoe]( | 蘇州吳語輸入方案 |
- 4 - commit/cryptogun/gaulau_jyutping?label=update) | [cryptogun/gaulau_jyutping]( | **Intro 简介**<br>勾漏粤拼输入方案。 Gaulau Cantonese, a Cantonese subdialect input schema based on Jyutping romanisation system. |
- 4 - commit/cryptogun/gaulau_jyutping?label=update) | [cryptogun/gaulau_jyutping]( | **Intro 简介**<br>勾漏粤拼输入方案。 Gaulau Cantonese, a Cantonese subdialect input schema based on Jyutping romanisation system. |
- 2 - yutlo?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [fuzy112/rime-yutlo]( | Rime 粵語羅馬字輸入方案 |
- 2 - cantonese-bpmf?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [CanCLID/rime-cantonese-bpmf]( | 粵語注音系統 |
- 2 - old-nyingpo?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [ionkaon/rime-old-nyingpo]( | 清末寧波話輸入方案 |
- 2 - jieny?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [iaoiezaon/rime-jieny]( | **嘉樂泉話拼音輸入方案**<br>嘉樂泉的拼音方案 基於中州韻輸入法引擎 |
- 1 - commit/tsauibusato/yihdjoouhuah?label=update) | [tsauibusato/yihdjoouhuah]( | 開源的棗莊話RIME碼錶 |
- 1 - aca/rime-dangrvond?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [rime-aca/rime-dangrvond]( | 唐韻(中古漢語)拼音方案 |
- 1 - aoyu?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [lotem/rime-aoyu]( | 樂清話拼音輸入法 |
- 1 - jyutping?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [jyutping/rime-jyutping]( | 開源、實用的 Rime 輸入法粵拼方案。(已暫停)依我所見,歪的不是字音,是人心,扭曲的野心。 |
- 0 - martyr/rime-qieyun_zaonhe?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [edward-martyr/rime-qieyun_zaonhe]( | 推導上海話 RIME 輸入方案.The modern Shanghainese readings are completely programmatically extrapolated from Middle Chinese. |
- 0 - wugniu_ghoqdaon?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [shinzoqchiuq/rime-wugniu_ghoqdaon]( | 上海吳語 學堂式吳語拼音 |
- 0 - trjuwngkux?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [shinzoqchiuq/rime-trjuwngkux]( | 中古漢語輸入方案(白一平轉寫) |
- 0 - jyutgaan?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [redchenjs/rime-jyutgaan]( | Jyutgaan \| 粵語簡拼 \| RIME粵語簡拼輸入方案 |
- 0 - cantonese-alt-dict?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [CanCLID/rime-cantonese-alt-dict]( | **粵語分歧系統專用詞表**<br>粵語工作組碼表 (分歧拼音系統) |
- i3thuan5/rime-taigi
- i3thuan5/rime-hakka
- baopaau/rime-jyuwtpinq
- i3thuan5/rime-hakka
- baopaau/rime-jyuwtpinq
- 25 - tw/rime-taigi-tps?style=plastic) | ![]( | [YuRen-tw/rime-taigi-tps]( | Taigi-TPS 台語方音輸入法(基於 RIME 引擎)<br><> |
- 1 - hakka?style=plastic) | ![]( | [hazukieq/rime-hakka]( | 客家话输入方案\(广西高峰乡\) |
- 3 - Cantonese?style=plastic) | ![]( | [leimaau/old-Cantonese]( | Rime Old Cantonese Input Scheme \| 《分韻撮要》音系及輸入方案 |
- 5 - combo-jyutping?style=plastic) | ![]( | [tanxpyox/rime-combo-jyutping]( | **宮保粵拼:Rime 並擊輸入粵語方案**<br>並擊輸入粵語方案 |
- 557 - cantonese?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-cantonese]( | Rime Cantonese input schema \| 粵語拼音輸入方案<br><> |
- 52 - thok/rime-hokkien?style=plastic) | ![]( | [a-thok/rime-hokkien]( | **RIME輸入法 - 閩南語輸入方案**<br>閩南語臺羅輸入方案,為RIME輸入法所設計 |
- 38 - moetaigi?style=plastic) | ![]( | [whyjz/rime-moetaigi]( | **rime-moetaigi 萌台語: 基於萌典 API 的 RIME 臺語輸入法**<br>萌台語:基於萌典 API 的 RIME 臺語輸入法,使用注音符號輕鬆輸入台語。 |
- 24 - cantonese-schemes?style=plastic) | ![]( | [CanCLID/rime-cantonese-schemes]( | 中州韻粵語拼音輸入法分歧拼音系統補丁 \| For users of alternative Cantonese romanisation schemes |
- 21 - wugniu_soutseu?style=plastic) | ![]( | [NGLI/rime-wugniu_soutseu]( | 蘇州吳語拼音輸入方案 · 苏州吴语拼音输入方案 · A Rime input schema for Suzhou Dialect |
- 538 - cantonese?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-cantonese]( | Rime Cantonese input schema \| 粵語拼音輸入方案<br><> |
- 51 - thok/rime-hokkien?style=plastic) | ![]( | [a-thok/rime-hokkien]( | **RIME輸入法 - 閩南語輸入方案**<br>閩南語臺羅輸入方案,為RIME輸入法所設計 |
- 37 - moetaigi?style=plastic) | ![]( | [whyjz/rime-moetaigi]( | **rime-moetaigi 萌台語: 基於萌典 API 的 RIME 臺語輸入法**<br>萌台語:基於萌典 API 的 RIME 臺語輸入法,使用注音符號輕鬆輸入台語。 |
- 53 - jyutping?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-jyutping]( | 粵拼輸入方案 |
- 21 - yahwe_zaonhe?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [wugniu/rime-yahwe_zaonhe]( | **rime-yahwe_zaonhe:<ruby>吳語協會式上海話輸入法<rt><ruby>Wunyu<rt>Ngnyu</ruby> <ruby>Yahweseh<rt>Yihweseh</ruby> <ruby>Zaonhegho<rt>Zanhegho</ruby> <ruby>Syzehfah<rt>Syuzehfah</ruby></ruby>**<br>吳語協會式上海話輸入法/吴语协会式上海话输入法:以吳語協會式拼音爲基礎的 Rime 上海話輸入方案。 |
- 41 - wugniu_gninpou?style=plastic) | ![]( | [NGLI/rime-wugniu_gninpou]( | 寧波話吳語拼音輸入方案 · 宁波话吴语拼音输入方案 · A Rime input schema for Ningbo Dialect |
- 2 - Hakka-TaibuShang?style=plastic) | ![]( | [huangjunxin/Rime-Hakka-TaibuShang]( | Rime Hakka \(Taibu\) Input Schema 大埔客家語拼音輸入方案 |
- 55 - jyutping?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-jyutping]( | 粵拼輸入方案 |
- 33 - martyr/rime-yahwe_zaonhe?style=plastic) | ![]( | [edward-martyr/rime-yahwe_zaonhe]( | 吳語協會式上海話輸入法/吴语协会式上海话输入法:以吳語協會式拼音爲基礎的 Rime 上海話輸入方案。 |
- 24 - tw/rime-taigi-tps?style=plastic) | ![]( | [YuRen-tw/rime-taigi-tps]( | Taigi-TPS 台語方音輸入法(基於 RIME 引擎)<br><> |
- 23 - wenzhounese?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ZWolken/rime-wenzhounese]( | **Rime 吳語-溫州話輸入方案**<br>基於Rime的溫州話輸入方案規則;基于Rime的温州话输入方案规则(采用沈克成先生-沈迦先生的拼音方案)<br><> |
- 22 - cantonese-schemes?style=plastic) | ![]( | [CanCLID/rime-cantonese-schemes]( | 中州韻粵語拼音輸入法分歧拼音系統補丁 \| For users of alternative Cantonese romanisation schemes |
- 20 - wugniu?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-wugniu]( | **吳語·上海話**<br>上海吳語輸入方案 |
- 20 - wugniu_soutseu?style=plastic) | ![]( | [NGLI/rime-wugniu_soutseu]( | 蘇州吳語拼音輸入方案 · 苏州吴语拼音输入方案 · A Rime input schema for Suzhou Dialect |
- 16 - zhung?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lotem/rime-zhung]( | Rime 中原官話輸入方案 |
- 13 - 0/jyutsp?style=plastic) | ![]( | [MrCorn0-0/jyutsp]( | **jyutsp - 基於rime的粵語雙拼方案**<br>基於rime的粵語雙拼方案 |
- 12 - Languages?style=plastic) | ![]( | [DaengGWokFook/Asian-Languages]( | **漢字文化圈語言文字輸入方案**<br>製作漢字相關語音字典及輸入法,目的只爲保存各地區言語及文化。 |
- 10 - writing/rime-teochew?style=plastic) | ![]( | [hokkien-writing/rime-teochew]( | **rime-teochew(潮州話拍字方案)**<br>潮州話拍字方案\(Beta\),包含漢字佮白話字(Teochew Input Schema for Rime, including Chinese character and PUJ) |
- 9 - double-jyutping-extra?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gkovacs/rime-double-jyutping-extra]( | 粤语双拼输入法 Input method for typing Chinese using Cantonese pronunciations with 2-3 keys per character, based on RIME |
- 9 - Preservation-Community/Community-Min-Language-Rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Language-Preservation-Community/Community-Min-Language-Rime]( | 【闽南语】 |
- 8 - hoisanva?style=plastic) | ![]( | [pearapple123/rime-hoisanva]( | A RIME IME for Taishanese |
- 8 - shanghainese?style=plastic) | ![]( | [shinzoqchiuq/rime-shanghainese]( | **上海話輸入方案(錢拼、滬二、法吳、NRSS)**<br>非吳拼上海話輸入方案 · 非吴拼上海话输入方案 |
- 7 - commit/uliloewi/lang2jin1?label=update) | [uliloewi/lang2jin1]( | **南京話拼音输入法**<br>南京官話拼音輸入法 |
- 7 - commit/Yaryou/HinghuaFactory?label=update) | [Yaryou/HinghuaFactory]( | **莆仙话输入方案**<br>齐来写㑚莆仙话 zé-lih siâ nâh póu-seng-uā |
- 6 - commit/yuxifongfei/hubehua?label=update) | [yuxifongfei/hubehua]( | **湖北话百科**<br>咵一咵湖北话 |
- 5 - aca/rime-jyutping-compact?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime-aca/rime-jyutping-compact]( | 袖珍粵拼 |
- 4 - hokkien-poj?style=plastic) | ![]( | [yangwenbo99/rime-hokkien-poj]( | Type Hokkien \(Taiwanese\) Han-ji using POJ \(Pe̍h-Ōe-Ji, Church Romanisation\). |
- 3 - commit/LimTo/etaiBLG?label=update) | [LimTo/etaiBLG]( | 【閩南語拼音輸入方案(e mng khiuⁿ)】 |
- 3 - lomaji?style=plastic) | ![]( | [unsioer/rime-lomaji]( | **Rime Lô-má-jī(羅馬字)**<br>Rime Bân-lâm-gú Lô-má-jī su-ji̍p hong-àn. Rime 閩南語羅馬字輸入方案。 |
- 3 - yunciu?style=plastic) | ![]( | [shinzoqchiuq/rime-yunciu]( | 永州官話輸入方案 · 永州官话输入方案 · A Rime input schema for Yongzhou Dialect |
- 3 - essay?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ionkaon/gninpou-essay]( | 寧波話【八股文】 爲寧波話中含多音字的詞語標註讀音 |
- 3 - commit/Hynuza/fengyo?label=update) | [Hynuza/fengyo]( | 汾阳话拼音输入方案 |
- 2 - toki-pona-munjan?style=plastic) | ![]( | [mkpoli/rime-toki-pona-munjan]( | A Rime Schema for toki pona \(言善\) in sitelen munjan \(書文言\). Classical-Chinese style Toki Pona.<br><> |
- 2 - Cantonese?style=plastic) | ![]( | [leimaau/old-Cantonese]( | Rime Old Cantonese Input Scheme \| 《分韻撮要》音系及輸入方案 |
- 2 - nantong?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gaozhiyan/rime-nantong]( | 南通话拼音输入法 An input method for Nantong Chinese using the RIME engine<br><> |
- 2 - ayaka-2021?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ayaka14732/rime-ayaka-2021]( | rime 中古漢語拼音(綾香 2021 版)方案 |
- 2 - Ngungei/Piauciuing-Ngungei-Shiunikfaeh?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Piauciuing-Ngungei/Piauciuing-Ngungei-Shiunikfaeh]( | 標準吳語輸入灋 |
- 2 - jienggong-cantonese?style=plastic) | ![]( | [Lumen01/rime-jienggong-cantonese]( | Rime 阳江话拼音输入方案 |
- 2 - Sautungva?style=plastic) | ![]( | [AlfredLouis00/rime-Sautungva]( | **RIME Inputting Method of Sautungva<br>基於rime平臺的邵東話輸入方案**<br>基於Rime平臺的湘語邵東話輸入方案 |
- 1 - Hakka-TaibuShang?style=plastic) | ![]( | [huangjunxin/Rime-Hakka-TaibuShang]( | Rime Hakka \(Taibu\) Input Schema 大埔客家語拼音輸入方案 |
- 1 - wugniu_kashin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [NGLI/rime-wugniu_kashin]( | 嘉興(五縣兩區)吳語拼音輸入方案 · 嘉兴(五县两区)吴语拼音输入方案 · Rime input schemas for Jiaxing Dialects |
- 1 - custom?style=plastic) | ![]( | [NGLI/rime-custom]( | 吳語學堂拼音輸入方案模糊音定製模板 · 吴语学堂拼音输入方案模糊音定制模板 |
- 1 - CHAN/rime-sg1pb3?style=plastic) | ![]( | [MISTER-CHAN/rime-sg1pb3]( | **SGPB 雙拼**<br>粵語雙拼輸入法編碼方案/粤语双拼输入法编码方案 |
- 0 - commit/uliloewi/guang2tong1zhong1gu3?label=update) | [uliloewi/guang2tong1zhong1gu3]( | 【廣通中古拼音】 |
- 0 - double-jyutping-display?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gkovacs/rime-double-jyutping-display]( | 粤语双拼输入法 Input method for typing Chinese using Cantonese pronunciations with 2-3 keys per character, based on RIME |
- 2 - yutlo?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [fuzy112/rime-yutlo]( | Rime 粵語羅馬字輸入方案 |
- 2 - cantonese-bpmf?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [CanCLID/rime-cantonese-bpmf]( | 粵語注音系統 |
- 2 - jieny?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [iaoiezaon/rime-jieny]( | **嘉樂泉話拼音輸入方案**<br>嘉樂泉的拼音方案 基於中州韻輸入法引擎 |
- 1 - commit/tsauibusato/yihdjoouhuah?label=update) | [tsauibusato/yihdjoouhuah]( | 開源的棗莊話RIME碼錶 |
- 1 - aca/rime-dangrvond?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [rime-aca/rime-dangrvond]( | 唐韻(中古漢語)拼音方案 |
- 1 - aoyu?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [lotem/rime-aoyu]( | 樂清話拼音輸入法 |
- 1 - jyutping?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [jyutping/rime-jyutping]( | 開源、實用的 Rime 輸入法粵拼方案。(已暫停)依我所見,歪的不是字音,是人心,扭曲的野心。 |
- 0 - martyr/rime-qieyun_zaonhe?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [edward-martyr/rime-qieyun_zaonhe]( | 推導上海話 RIME 輸入方案.The modern Shanghainese readings are completely programmatically extrapolated from Middle Chinese. |
- 0 - wugniu_ghoqdaon?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [shinzoqchiuq/rime-wugniu_ghoqdaon]( | 上海吳語 學堂式吳語拼音 |
- 0 - trjuwngkux?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [shinzoqchiuq/rime-trjuwngkux]( | 中古漢語輸入方案(白一平轉寫) |
- 0 - jyutgaan?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [redchenjs/rime-jyutgaan]( | Jyutgaan \| 粵語簡拼 \| RIME粵語簡拼輸入方案 |
- 0 - hakka?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [hazukieq/rime-hakka]( | 客家话输入方案\(广西高峰乡\) |
- 0 - cantonese-alt-dict?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [CanCLID/rime-cantonese-alt-dict]( | **粵語分歧系統專用詞表**<br>粵語工作組碼表 (分歧拼音系統) |
- ZySieng/Foochow-Romanization
- Piauciuing-Ngungei/Piauciuing-Ngungei-Shiunikfaeh
- 41 - wugniu_gninpou?style=plastic) | ![]( | [NGLI/rime-wugniu_gninpou]( | 寧波話吳語拼音輸入方案 · 宁波话吴语拼音输入方案 · A Rime input schema for Ningbo Dialect |
- 7 - Romanization?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ZySieng/Foochow-Romanization]( | **RIME输入方案:福州话教会罗马字(Input Method of Lò̤-mā-cê / Foochow Romanization)**<br>RIME输入方案:福州话教会罗马字(Lò̤-mā-cê / Foochow Romanization) |
- 21 - yahwe_zaonhe?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | ![]( | [wugniu/rime-yahwe_zaonhe]( | **rime-yahwe_zaonhe:<ruby>吳語協會式上海話輸入法<rt><ruby>Wunyu<rt>Ngnyu</ruby> <ruby>Yahweseh<rt>Yihweseh</ruby> <ruby>Zaonhegho<rt>Zanhegho</ruby> <ruby>Syzehfah<rt>Syuzehfah</ruby></ruby>**<br>吳語協會式上海話輸入法/吴语协会式上海话输入法:以吳語協會式拼音爲基礎的 Rime 上海話輸入方案。 |
- 292 - japanese?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gkovacs/rime-japanese]( | 日语输入法 Input method for typing Japanese with RIME |
- 265 - japanese?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gkovacs/rime-japanese]( | 日语输入法 Input method for typing Japanese with RIME |
- 81 - english?style=plastic) | ![]( | [sdadonkey/rime-english]( | **Rime English輸入方案**<br>Rime English:在西文模式下實現英文單詞輸入<br><> |
- 53 - script/rime-nushu?style=plastic) | ![]( | [nushu-script/rime-nushu]( | **女书输入法<br/>Nushu Input Method**<br>Nushu input method \| 𛆁𛈬𛈬𛇈𛊡 \| 女书输入法<br><> |
- 38 - nihongo-romaji?style=plastic) | ![]( | [m13253/rime-nihongo-romaji]( | Rime IME Japanese romaji input engine schema |
- 52 - jap-poly?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-jap-poly]( | poly日文 |
- 36 - nihongo-romaji?style=plastic) | ![]( | [m13253/rime-nihongo-romaji]( | Rime IME Japanese romaji input engine schema |
- 33 - english?style=plastic) | ![]( | [shewer/rime-english]( | **Rime English輸入方案** |
- 32 - kunyomi?style=plastic) | ![]( | [sgalal/rime-kunyomi]( | Input Chinese words by Japanese Kunyomi with Rime \| Rimeとともに中国語単語を日本語訓読みで入力 |
- 20 - latin-international?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-latin-international]( | Rime 拉丁字母混合輸入 |
- 30 - kunyomi?style=plastic) | ![]( | [sgalal/rime-kunyomi]( | Input Chinese words by Japanese Kunyomi with Rime \| Rimeとともに中国語単語を日本語訓読みで入力 |
- 25 - hangul?style=plastic) | ![]( | [einverne/rime-hangul]( | Rime 韩语输入方案<br><> |
- 20 - latin-international?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-latin-international]( | Rime 拉丁字母混合輸入 |
- 15 - vietnamese-pinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [JaplinChen/rime-vietnamese-pinyin]( | 越南語 拼音+Telex 輸入法 for Rime. 這是一個在學習越南語過程的自用小工具。 |
- 15 - vietnamese-pinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [JaplinChen/rime-vietnamese-pinyin]( | 越南語 拼音+Telex 輸入法 for Rime. 這是一個在學習越南語過程的自用小工具。 |
- 15 - esperanto?style=plastic) | ![]( | [arsenali/rime-esperanto]( | 世界语输入方案 |
- 13 - hanja?style=plastic) | ![]( | [sgalal/rime-hanja]( | Input Chinese words by Korean pronunciation |
- 11 - hieroglyph-mdc?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-hieroglyph-mdc]( | 埃及象形文字聖書體MdC轉寫 |
- 10 - korean?style=plastic) | ![]( | [LiGhauNgyan/rime-korean]( | Rime Korean input schema \| 韓國語輸入方案 |
- 8 - spanish?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gkovacs/rime-spanish]( | RIME keyboard layout for typing Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, and Hungarian. Supports QWERTY and colemak |
- 9 - tibetan?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-tibetan]( | Rime 藏文 |
- 8 - uyghur?style=plastic) | ![]( | [SteamedFish/trime-uyghur]( | 同文输入法维吾尔语插件 |
- 8 - uyghur?style=plastic) | ![]( | [SteamedFish/trime-uyghur]( | 同文输入法维吾尔语插件 |
- 8 - korean?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gkovacs/rime-korean]( | **rime-hapanese**<br>韩语输入法 RIME IME schema for typing Korean Hangul and Hanja |
- 8 - korean?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gkovacs/rime-korean]( | **rime-hapanese**<br>韩语输入法 RIME IME schema for typing Korean Hangul and Hanja |
- 7 - uyghur?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-uyghur]( | Rime 維吾爾語 |
- 7 - vietnamese?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gkovacs/rime-vietnamese]( | RIME IME schema for inputting Vietnamese |
- 7 - vietnamese?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gkovacs/rime-vietnamese]( | RIME IME schema for inputting Vietnamese |
- 7 - mongol?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-mongol]( | Rime 蒙古文 |
- 7 - mongol?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-mongol]( | Rime 蒙古文 |
- 6 - yeonbyeon?style=plastic) | ![]( | [saeziae/rime_korean-yeonbyeon]( | Korean transcription input method for RIME, romanization from Journal of Yanbian University \(연변대학\) |
- 6 - ime-han-nom-data?style=plastic) | ![]( | [miketvo/rime-ime-han-nom-data]( | Han Nom Telex schema and dictionary data for Rime Weasel/Squirrel IME |
- 6 - arabic?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-arabic]( | rime阿拉伯字母國際鍵盤 |
- 6 - arabic?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-arabic]( | rime阿拉伯字母國際鍵盤 |
- 5 - chunom?style=plastic) | ![]( | [pearapple123/rime-chunom]( | **Chu-Nom-IME**<br>An IME for Chu Nom |
- 5 - commit/tyotakuki/ejemedosirearga?label=update) | [tyotakuki/ejemedosirearga]( | **Purpose of This Project**<br>manju hergen-i ejeme dosire arga, RIME based |
- 5 - tv/rime-hangul?style=plastic) | ![]( | [picado-tv/rime-hangul]( | **도한글 Hangul**<br>한국어 Rime 입력기<br><> |
- 5 - pin/rime-kz-experiment?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ha-pin/rime-kz-experiment]( | 哈萨克语拼音化方案 |
- 4 - greek?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-greek]( | Rime 希臘文 |
- 4 - greek?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-greek]( | Rime 希臘文 |
- 4 - tv/rime-handarin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [picado-tv/rime-handarin]( | **韓官話 Handarin**<br>Use Korean Hangul to Write Chinese Mandarin! 한국한자음으로 중국어를 입력하는 가장 간단한 Rime 수입방안<br><> |
- 4 - siddham?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-siddham]( | Siddham for Sanskrit, Unicode 8.0 rather than using Devanagari block |
- 3 - devanagari?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-devanagari]( | Rime 天城體梵文 |
- 3 - shan/type-pinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [wu-shan/type-pinyin]( | A Rime scheme to type pīnyīn |
- 3 - slg-korean?style=plastic) | ![]( | [szc126/rime-slg-korean]( | **Soolegi \(SLG\) Korean Input / 쓰레기 한국어 입력**<br>Soolegi Korean Input \(쓰레기 한국어 입력\) |
- 3 - commit/scorpjke/VQuick?label=update) | [scorpjke/VQuick]( | **VQuick: type fast in Vietnamese**<br>VQuick: input method for fast typing in Vietnamese |
- 3 - commit/saeziae/rime_thai_naphukhau?label=update) | [saeziae/rime_thai_naphukhau]( | An input schema for RIME IME |
- 3 - commit/saeziae/rime_thai_naphukhau?label=update) | [saeziae/rime_thai_naphukhau]( | An input schema for RIME IME |
- 3 - thai-stupid?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-thai-stupid]( | Rime 泰文(笨) |
- 3 - tangut-poly4?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-tangut-poly4]( | Rime 西夏文【Poly四角】 |
- 2 - manju-alikali?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-manju-alikali]( | 滿文阿禮嘎禮,以藏文轉寫輸入 |
- 2 - hebrew?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-hebrew]( | Rime 希伯來語轉寫輸入 |
- 2 - koromaja?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lazyfoxchan/rime-koromaja]( | Korean romaja input schema for Rime IME |
- 2 - koromaja?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lazyfoxchan/rime-koromaja]( | Korean romaja input schema for Rime IME |
- 2 - kyril-international?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-kyril-international]( | Rime 基利爾字母混合輸入 |
- 1 - martyr/rime-Xdi8_Kana?style=plastic) | ![]( | [edward-martyr/rime-Xdi8_Kana]( | Input method for Xdi8 Kana |
- 1 - manju?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-manju]( | Rime 滿語轉寫輸入 |
- 1 - commit/saeziae/rime_tai?label=update) | [saeziae/rime_tai]( | Tai Tham input schema for RIME |
- 1 - uyghur?style=plastic) | ![]( | [saeziae/rime-uyghur]( | uyghur layout for RIME, common turkic transcription |
- 1 - Spanish-Input-Schema-and-Dict?style=plastic) | ![]( | [liberfr/Rime-Spanish-Input-Schema-and-Dict]( | 【】 |
- 1 - toongcuu?style=plastic) | ![]( | [baopaau/rime-toongcuu]( | **通古羅馬字/Toong-cuu La-meaa-dzyh**<br>RIME輸入方案:通古羅馬字,一種形似通字羅馬字的中古漢語(切韻音系)拼音 |
- 1 - tibetan?style=plastic) | ![]( | [arpcn/rime-tibetan]( | **Rime小狼毫輸入法安裝與使用**<br>rime-tibetan |
- 1 - tibetan?style=plastic) | ![]( | [arpcn/rime-tibetan]( | **Rime小狼毫輸入法安裝與使用**<br>rime-tibetan |
- 0 - pin/hapin-for-hamster?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ha-pin/hapin-for-hamster]( | 哈拼仓输入法适配方案 |
- 0 - pin/hapin-for-hamster?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ha-pin/hapin-for-hamster]( | 哈拼仓输入法适配方案 |
- 0 - nihongo-hybrid?style=plastic) | ![]( | [sncix/rime-nihongo-hybrid]( | A Japanese input scheme & dictionary for RIME. |
- 0 - pontifex/rime-avestan?style=plastic) | ![]( | [a-pontifex/rime-avestan]( | **Avestan input method for Rime** |
- 0 - pontifex/rime-avestan?style=plastic) | ![]( | [a-pontifex/rime-avestan]( | **Avestan input method for Rime** |
- 0 - PK66/Rime-Russkij?style=plastic) | ![]( | [K-PK66/Rime-Russkij]( | **Russkij 音導俄拼**<br>基於Rime中州韻輸入法引擎的俄文自動聯想輸入方案 |
- 2 - qyeyshanglr-hanja?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-qyeyshanglr-hanja]( | Rime 옛한글・漢字 |
- 2 - sawrauz?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [hienning/ime-sawrauz]( | 旧壮文输入法码表,适用于小狼毫输入法平台。 |
- 1 - kanas?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [HoengSaan/rime-kanas]( | For typing Kana \(かな/Japanese Syllabries\) |
- 1 - international?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [gkovacs/rime-international]( | RIME schema for inputting several languages based on the Latin alphabet |
- 1 - international?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [gkovacs/rime-international]( | RIME schema for inputting several languages based on the Latin alphabet |
- 1 - EX-for-Rime?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [AraragiHoozuki/FLAIS-EX-for-Rime]( | Full Latin Alphabet Input Schema Extension for Rime |
- 1 - EX-for-Rime?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [AraragiHoozuki/FLAIS-EX-for-Rime]( | Full Latin Alphabet Input Schema Extension for Rime |
- 0 - ugaritic?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [laubonghaudoi/rime-ugaritic]( | **Rime Ugaritic Cuneiform**<br>Ugaritic Cuneiform input schema for Rime |
- 0 - syriac?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-syriac]( | 敘利亞字母鍵盤 |
- 0 - syriac?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-syriac]( | 敘利亞字母鍵盤 |
- 0 - kartuli?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-kartuli]( | 格魯吉亞字母 |
- 0 - kartuli?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-kartuli]( | 格魯吉亞字母 |
- 0 - burmese?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-burmese]( | Rime 緬甸文 |
- 0 - burmese?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-burmese]( | Rime 緬甸文 |
- 0 - for-Rime?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [AraragiHoozuki/Tamil-for-Rime]( | 基於Rime的泰米爾文輸入法碼錶 |
- 0 - ipa?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | 🗃️<br>![]( | [szc126/rime-ipa]( | **國際音標 /IPA/**<br>IPA / 國際音標輸入方案 |
- sgqy/rime-russian - russian conversion】 |
- 0 - korean?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [baopaau/rime-korean]( | **korean.hanguge.schema.yaml**<br>A Rime Korean schema \(Romanized transliteration\) with Hanja and extended Hangeul support |
- 0 - for-Rime?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [AraragiHoozuki/Tamil-for-Rime]( | 基於Rime的泰米爾文輸入法碼錶 |
- 0 - ipa?style=plastic)<br>🎋 | 🗃️<br>![]( | [szc126/rime-ipa]( | **國際音標 /IPA/**<br>IPA / 國際音標輸入方案 |
- sgqy/rime-russian - russian conversion】 |
- 77 - english?style=plastic) | ![]( | [sdadonkey/rime-english]( | **Rime English輸入方案**<br>Rime English:在西文模式下實現英文單詞輸入<br><> |
- 9 - commit/oniondelta/Hangul_Rime_Files?label=update) | [oniondelta/Hangul_Rime_Files]( | **Hangul_Rime_Files(韓文方案)**<br>Three Hangul \( Korean alphabet \) input method for Rime Engine. |
- 5 - korean?style=plastic) | ![]( | [sgqy/rime-korean]( | 한국어 - 韓國語 on RIME / rime schema korean\(+ hanja\) romanize / 韩文(+汉字词)罗马音输入方案 |
- 0 - japanese?style=plastic) | ![]( | [MaikoTan/rime-japanese]( | AUR \(Arch User Repository\) package and Nix Flake to install rime-japanese, Japanese input method for rime. |
- 60 - ipa?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-ipa]( | **國際音標 /IPA/**<br>IPA / 國際音標輸入方案 |
- 32 - english?style=plastic) | ![]( | [shewer/rime-english]( | **Rime English輸入方案** |
- 5 - korean?style=plastic) | ![]( | [sgqy/rime-korean]( | 한국어 - 韓國語 on RIME / rime schema korean\(+ hanja\) romanize / 韩文(+汉字词)罗马音输入方案 |
- 58 - ipa?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-ipa]( | **國際音標 /IPA/**<br>IPA / 國際音標輸入方案 |
- 29 - jaroomaji?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lazyfoxchan/rime-jaroomaji]( | Japanese rōmaji input schema for Rime IME |
- 7 - aca/rime-hangyl?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [rime-aca/rime-hangyl]( | 한글 |
- 52 - script/rime-nushu?style=plastic) | ![]( | [nushu-script/rime-nushu]( | **女书输入法<br/>Nushu Input Method**<br>Nushu input method \| 𛆁𛈬𛈬𛇈𛊡 \| 女书输入法<br><> |
- 292 - easy-en?style=plastic) | ![]( | [BlindingDark/rime-easy-en]( | Rime / Easy English 英文输入法 |
- 20 - pinyin-jap?style=plastic) | ![]( | [tumuyan/rime-pinyin-jap]( | **李さんの日本語入力方法/小李的日本语输入法\(rime_pinyin_jap\)**<br>李さんの日本語入力方法。一個Rime日語方案,完全忽略音読訓読,使用漢語拼音录入日語漢字字形,使用羅馬音録入仮名。適用於基本不懂日語並且無意深入学習,但是又有一定日語書写的人。 |
- 9 - martyr/rime-hentaigana?style=plastic) | ![]( | [edward-martyr/rime-hentaigana]( | **rime-hentaigana: <ruby>仮名集<rt>Kana Syū</ruby>(変体仮名、台湾語仮名、アイヌかな等をサポート)**<br>Input method of the complete set of kana, including hentaigana and other less used kana sets, like those in 台湾語仮名. 變體假名輸入. 変体仮名を入力。 |
- 27 - jaroomaji?style=plastic) | ![]( | [lazyfoxchan/rime-jaroomaji]( | Japanese rōmaji input schema for Rime IME |
- 24 - hangul?style=plastic) | ![]( | [einverne/rime-hangul]( | Rime 韩语输入方案<br><> |
- 279 - easy-en?style=plastic) | ![]( | [BlindingDark/rime-easy-en]( | Rime / Easy English 英文输入法 |
- 51 - jap-poly?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-jap-poly]( | poly日文 |
- 17 - pinyin-jap?style=plastic) | ![]( | [tumuyan/rime-pinyin-jap]( | **李さんの日本語入力方法/小李的日本语输入法\(rime_pinyin_jap\)**<br>李さんの日本語入力方法。一個Rime日語方案,完全忽略音読訓読,使用漢語拼音录入日語漢字字形,使用羅馬音録入仮名。適用於基本不懂日語並且無意深入学習,但是又有一定日語書写的人。 |
- 14 - esperanto?style=plastic) | ![]( | [arsenali/rime-esperanto]( | 世界语输入方案 |
- 13 - hanja?style=plastic) | ![]( | [sgalal/rime-hanja]( | Input Chinese words by Korean pronunciation |
- 11 - hieroglyph-mdc?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-hieroglyph-mdc]( | 埃及象形文字聖書體MdC轉寫 |
- 10 - korean?style=plastic) | ![]( | [LiGhauNgyan/rime-korean]( | Rime Korean input schema \| 韓國語輸入方案 |
- 9 - spanish?style=plastic) | ![]( | [gkovacs/rime-spanish]( | RIME keyboard layout for typing Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, and Hungarian. Supports QWERTY and colemak |
- 9 - tibetan?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-tibetan]( | Rime 藏文 |
- 8 - commit/oniondelta/Hangul_Rime_Files?label=update) | [oniondelta/Hangul_Rime_Files]( | **Hangul_Rime_Files(韓文方案)**<br>Three Hangul \( Korean alphabet \) input method for Rime Engine. |
- 8 - martyr/rime-hentaigana?style=plastic) | ![]( | [edward-martyr/rime-hentaigana]( | **rime-hentaigana: <ruby>仮名集<rt>Kana Syū</ruby>(変体仮名、台湾語仮名、アイヌかな等をサポート)**<br>Input method of the complete set of kana, including hentaigana and other less used kana sets, like those in 台湾語仮名. 變體假名輸入. 変体仮名を入力。 |
- 7 - uyghur?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-uyghur]( | Rime 維吾爾語 |
- 6 - yeonbyeon?style=plastic) | ![]( | [saeziae/rime_korean-yeonbyeon]( | Korean transcription input method for RIME, romanization from Journal of Yanbian University \(연변대학\) |
- 6 - ime-han-nom-data?style=plastic) | ![]( | [miketvo/rime-ime-han-nom-data]( | Han Nom Telex schema and dictionary data for Rime Weasel/Squirrel IME |
- 5 - chunom?style=plastic) | ![]( | [pearapple123/rime-chunom]( | **Chu-Nom-IME**<br>An IME for Chu Nom |
- 5 - commit/tyotakuki/ejemedosirearga?label=update) | [tyotakuki/ejemedosirearga]( | **Purpose of This Project**<br>manju hergen-i ejeme dosire arga, RIME based |
- 5 - tv/rime-hangul?style=plastic) | ![]( | [picado-tv/rime-hangul]( | **도한글 Hangul**<br>한국어 Rime 입력기<br><> |
- 5 - pin/rime-kz-experiment?style=plastic) | ![]( | [ha-pin/rime-kz-experiment]( | 哈萨克语拼音化方案 |
- 4 - tv/rime-handarin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [picado-tv/rime-handarin]( | **韓官話 Handarin**<br>Use Korean Hangul to Write Chinese Mandarin! 한국한자음으로 중국어를 입력하는 가장 간단한 Rime 수입방안<br><> |
- 4 - siddham?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-siddham]( | Siddham for Sanskrit, Unicode 8.0 rather than using Devanagari block |
- 3 - devanagari?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-devanagari]( | Rime 天城體梵文 |
- 3 - shan/type-pinyin?style=plastic) | ![]( | [wu-shan/type-pinyin]( | A Rime scheme to type pīnyīn |
- 3 - slg-korean?style=plastic) | ![]( | [szc126/rime-slg-korean]( | **Soolegi \(SLG\) Korean Input / 쓰레기 한국어 입력**<br>Soolegi Korean Input \(쓰레기 한국어 입력\) |
- 3 - commit/scorpjke/VQuick?label=update) | [scorpjke/VQuick]( | **VQuick: type fast in Vietnamese**<br>VQuick: input method for fast typing in Vietnamese |
- 3 - thai-stupid?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-thai-stupid]( | Rime 泰文(笨) |
- 3 - tangut-poly4?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-tangut-poly4]( | Rime 西夏文【Poly四角】 |
- 2 - manju-alikali?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-manju-alikali]( | 滿文阿禮嘎禮,以藏文轉寫輸入 |
- 2 - hebrew?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-hebrew]( | Rime 希伯來語轉寫輸入 |
- 2 - kyril-international?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-kyril-international]( | Rime 基利爾字母混合輸入 |
- 1 - martyr/rime-Xdi8_Kana?style=plastic) | ![]( | [edward-martyr/rime-Xdi8_Kana]( | Input method for Xdi8 Kana |
- 1 - manju?style=plastic) | ![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-manju]( | Rime 滿語轉寫輸入 |
- 1 - commit/saeziae/rime_tai?label=update) | [saeziae/rime_tai]( | Tai Tham input schema for RIME |
- 1 - uyghur?style=plastic) | ![]( | [saeziae/rime-uyghur]( | uyghur layout for RIME, common turkic transcription |
- 1 - Spanish-Input-Schema-and-Dict?style=plastic) | ![]( | [liberfr/Rime-Spanish-Input-Schema-and-Dict]( | 【】 |
- 1 - toongcuu?style=plastic) | ![]( | [baopaau/rime-toongcuu]( | **通古羅馬字/Toong-cuu La-meaa-dzyh**<br>RIME輸入方案:通古羅馬字,一種形似通字羅馬字的中古漢語(切韻音系)拼音 |
- 0 - nihongo-hybrid?style=plastic) | ![]( | [sncix/rime-nihongo-hybrid]( | A Japanese input scheme & dictionary for RIME. |
- 0 - japanese?style=plastic) | ![]( | [MaikoTan/rime-japanese]( | AUR \(Arch User Repository\) package and Nix Flake to install rime-japanese, Japanese input method for rime. |
- 0 - PK66/Rime-Russkij?style=plastic) | ![]( | [K-PK66/Rime-Russkij]( | **Russkij 音導俄拼**<br>基於Rime中州韻輸入法引擎的俄文自動聯想輸入方案 |
- 7 - aca/rime-hangyl?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [rime-aca/rime-hangyl]( | 한글 |
- 3 - panics/rime-klingon?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [kitty-panics/rime-klingon]( | \[IME\] 克林贡语的 RIME 输入方案 \(RIME Schema For Klingon Language\) |
- 2 - qyeyshanglr-hanja?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [biopolyhedron/rime-qyeyshanglr-hanja]( | Rime 옛한글・漢字 |
- 2 - sawrauz?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [hienning/ime-sawrauz]( | 旧壮文输入法码表,适用于小狼毫输入法平台。 |
- 1 - kanas?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [HoengSaan/rime-kanas]( | For typing Kana \(かな/Japanese Syllabries\) |
- 0 - ugaritic?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [laubonghaudoi/rime-ugaritic]( | **Rime Ugaritic Cuneiform**<br>Ugaritic Cuneiform input schema for Rime |
- 0 - korean?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [baopaau/rime-korean]( | **korean.hanguge.schema.yaml**<br>A Rime Korean schema \(Romanized transliteration\) with Hanja and extended Hangeul support |
- 304 - emoji?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-emoji]( | Emoji / 繪文字輸入方案 |
- 293 - emoji?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rime/rime-emoji]( | Emoji / 繪文字輸入方案 |
- 72 - commit/shenlebantongying/rime_latex?label=update) | [shenlebantongying/rime_latex]( | Rime Latex 数学符号输入方案 \| Typing LaTeX symbols everywhere. |
- 71 - commit/shenlebantongying/rime_latex?label=update) | [shenlebantongying/rime_latex]( | Rime Latex 数学符号输入方案 \| Typing LaTeX symbols everywhere. |
- 43 - emoji-rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [hitigon/meow-emoji-rime]( | Mewo-emoji for Rime 中州韻之貓顏文字 |
- 43 - emoji-rime?style=plastic) | ![]( | [hitigon/meow-emoji-rime]( | Mewo-emoji for Rime 中州韻之貓顏文字 |
- 15 - commit/aoguai/rime_kaomoji_dict?label=update) | [aoguai/rime_kaomoji_dict]( | 一个颜文字 \(kaomoji\) 词库,同时可以生成适用 于Rime 的词库。A collection of kaomoji expressions, also capable of generating dictionaries suitable for the Rime. |
- 6 - commit/amorphobia/xmoji?label=update) | [amorphobia/xmoji]( | 可挂载于小鹤音形之下的 Emoji 输入方案 |
- 4 - symbolic?style=plastic) | ![]( | [sgalal/rime-symbolic]( | Symbolic input for Rime \| Rime 符號輸入 |
- 15 - commit/aoguai/rime_kaomoji_dict?label=update) | [aoguai/rime_kaomoji_dict]( | 一个颜文字 \(kaomoji\) 词库,同时可以生成适用 于Rime 的词库。A collection of kaomoji expressions, also capable of generating dictionaries suitable for the Rime. |
- 6 - commit/amorphobia/xmoji?label=update) | [amorphobia/xmoji]( | 可挂载于小鹤音形之下的 Emoji 输入方案 |
- 4 - symbolic?style=plastic) | ![]( | [sgalal/rime-symbolic]( | Symbolic input for Rime \| Rime 符號輸入 |
- 1 - zsyo/rime-apl?style=plastic) | 🗃️<br>![]( | [mg-zsyo/rime-apl]( | type APL glyphs with Rime |
- sncix/rime-emoji-english
- 1 - zsyo/rime-apl?style=plastic) | ![]( | [mg-zsyo/rime-apl]( | type APL glyphs with Rime |
- sncix/rime-emoji-english
- 1 - emoji-english?style=plastic) | ![]( | [sncix/rime-emoji-english]( | Yet another emoji / 絵文字 input scheme for RIME. |
- 63 - opencc_emoji_symbols?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rtransformation/rime-opencc_emoji_symbols]( | **Rime输入法Emoji与符号滤镜**<br>利用OpenCC做的Emoji和特殊符号滤镜,供Rime输入法使用者使用。 |
- aoguai/rime_kaomoji_dict
- 61 - opencc_emoji_symbols?style=plastic) | ![]( | [rtransformation/rime-opencc_emoji_symbols]( | **Rime输入法Emoji与符号滤镜**<br>利用OpenCC做的Emoji和特殊符号滤镜,供Rime输入法使用者使用。 |
Sub Categories