
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

🔷🌱 TypeScript Basic Skeleton: Bootstrap your new TypeScript project with the bare minimum dependencies

eslint jest skeleton ts tsconfig typescript typescript-boilerplate

Last synced: 06 Jul 2024

Template repository to start a Google Apps Script project using Typescript and some other helper dev stuff

babel clasp eslint gas google google-apps-script husky javascript jest lint-staged nodejs prettier rollup ts-jest typescript

Last synced: 05 Jul 2024

Single-command, zero-config tooling for Node.js projects

babel build-tool eslint javascript prettier webpack zero-configuration

Last synced: 04 Jul 2024

Eslint rule for MeteorJS to use only Meteor.Error constructor

error eslint eslint-meteor eslint-meteor-error meteor meteor-error meteorjs

Last synced: 04 Jul 2024


antd-design-pro eslint fabric stylelint typescript

Last synced: 04 Jul 2024

Enforcing best practices for Effector

effector eslint eslint-config eslint-plugin

Last synced: 04 Jul 2024

A full stack demo of file uploads via GraphQL mutations using Apollo Server and apollo-upload-client.

apollo babel eslint graphql koa mjs nextjs nodejs prettier react

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

esling plugin for aspida api definition

aspida eslint eslint-plugin

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

ESLint shareable config for Flow to be used with eslint-config-xo

eslint eslint-config eslint-rules flowtype nodejs npm-package xo

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

:collision: A boilerplate application for building RESTful APIs Microservice in Node.js using express and mongoose in ES6 with code coverage and JsonWebToken Authentication

authentication babel bluebird boilerplate coverage dotenv es6 eslint express jsonwebtoken mocha mongodb mongoose node yarn

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

This opinionated boilerplate was born because I always need to configure the same generic libs in order let my app production-ready.

boilerplate bootstrap commitizen create-react-native-app eslint flowtype husky javascript jest prettier react react-native reactjs sentry

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

This repo will include my previous AwesomeBook project but with new ES6 syntax and webpack bundle.

awesome book css es6-javascript es6-modules eslint html js json linter-config npm-package sass

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

Smart TypeScript speed bundle template

bundle eslint template tsup typescript

Last synced: 01 Jul 2024

Quickly start a new pre-configured Cypress project with only one command.

allure-report boilerplate boilerplate-template cypress e2e eslint github-actions mocha plugins qaautomation template typescript

Last synced: 01 Jul 2024

Stylelint org's shareable config for eslint

eslint stylelint

Last synced: 01 Jul 2024

✨ This is American Express' eslint config

eslint linting one-app style-guide

Last synced: 01 Jul 2024

ESLint plugin for Chakra UI

chakra-ui eslint eslint-plugin

Last synced: 01 Jul 2024

:sparkles: A plugin which allows you to run a full instance of TSLint within ESLint

eslint eslint-plugin-tslint plugin tslint typescript

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

ESLint rules for Web Components

eslint eslintplugin hacktoberfest wc webcomponents

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

My custom eslint rules in addition to the ones provided at

eslint lint rules

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

Fully extendable eslint plugin for JSON i18n translation files.

eslint eslint-plugin eslint-rules i18n icu internationalization intl json linter translation translations

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

📦Starter package to get up and running with lit-element, TypeScript and rollup

eslint lit-element prettier rollup typescript

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

A utility for composing ESLint rules from other ESLint rules


Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

Enforces that data-test-id attributes are added to interactive DOM elements (JSX) to help with UI testing. JSX only.

eslint eslint-plugin eslintplugin jsx lint plugin testing ui

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

Additional ESLint rules for Node.js

eslint eslint-plugin node nodejs

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

A plugin for ESLint that allows you to use project-specific rules

eslint eslint-plugin eslintplugin

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

Awesome Books project is a small application where you can save your favorite books title and author inside browser's local storage so you won't forget about them.

css es6 eslint html javascript modules pair-programming stylelint

Last synced: 28 Jun 2024

Delivering delightful digital solutions. Monorepo of monorepos of Open Source packages with combined ~100M/month downloads, semantically versioned following @conventional-commits. Fully powered ES Modules, @Airbnb @ESLint + @Prettier, independent & fixed versioning. Quality with @Actions, CodeQL, & Dependabot.

automation babel babel-preset conventional-commits eslint eslint-config freesoftware git javascript jest libraries modern monorepo opensource parse-commit-message parsing quality testing typescript utilities

Last synced: 28 Jun 2024

This is a complete App developed by React Native (Expo). It is a beautiful e-commerce shopping application. 这个是一个React Native(Expo) 开发的完整App应用,是一个精美的电商购物应用。

async-storage commitlint eslint expo husky jwt lint-staged nativewind prettier react-native react-redux rtk-query

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

:bento: Nuxt.js with TypeScript and Run with docker and docker-compose 🐶🦄🔥 visit:

docker docker-compose eslint gtm jest nuxtjs pug scss sentry typescript vee-validate vue-awesome-swiper vue-lazyload vue-scrollto vuejs vuex

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

Everything you need to get started with a basic React application

babel es6 eslint javascript react redux sass webpack

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

ESLint shareable config for TypeScript to be used with eslint-config-xo

eslint eslint-config eslint-rules nodejs npm-package typescript xo

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

React Starter Project with Webpack 4, Babel 7, TypeScript, CSS Modules, Server Side Rendering, i18n and some more niceties

babel css-modules eslint express hmr i18n postcss prettier react react-router redux reselect typescript webpack

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

hopefully the last eslint config you'll ever need - customizable & modern best practices for JS, TS, Node, React, Remix, Next, Jest, testing-library & storybook

best-practices eslint eslint-config esnext jest nestjs nextjs react remix-run rulesets storybook tailwind testing-library typescript

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

Extension for code linting, all in one package. New linters can be easily added through an extension framework.

eslint hadolint language-tool linter markdownlint php-code-sniffer proselint pylint reek rubocop ruby shellcheck sqlfluff stylelint swiftlint textlint vale vscode vscode-extension yamllint

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

Quickstart-friendly TypeScript template with comprehensive, configurable, opinionated tooling. 💝

ecmascript eslint hacktoberfest javascript node package prettier template typescript

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

Monorepo for ESLint Stylistic plugins and configs

eslint eslint-config eslint-plugin eslint-stylistic formatter

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

Provides several plugin types for eslint-define-config

eslint types

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

An ESLint config preset.

config eslint flat sxzz

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

Report errors for code which wont work in browsers without transpiling

babel browsers browserslist ecmascript2018 es6 eslint eslint-plugin

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

Support loading eslint.config.mjs and eslint.config.ts as flat config files for ESLint.

eslint eslint-flat-config

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

💡 philips hue sdk

eslint hue node philips prettier sdk typescript

Last synced: 26 Jun 2024

🐊 Pluggable and configurable JavaScript Linter, code transformer and formatter with built-in ESLint and Babel support for js, jsx typescript, flow, markdown, yaml and json. Write declarative codemods in a simplest possible way 😏

ast babel babel-plugin codemod codemods codeshift eslint eslint-plugin eslint-rules hacktoberfest javascript linter nodejs parser plugin putout putout-plugin recast static-code-analysis transform

Last synced: 25 Jun 2024

"Awesome books" is a simple website that displays a list of books and allows you to add remove books from that list.

css eslint javascript

Last synced: 22 Jun 2024

custom eslint rule for egg, especially for the RTFM issues

egg eslint eslint-plugin

Last synced: 22 Jun 2024

:seedling: starter template for a new node module

es6-modules eslint javascript node-module sauce-labs starter tap-spec tape travis-ci zuul

Last synced: 21 Jun 2024

(Deprecated) 🚀🚀🚀 This is a tool that helps programmers create Express & React projects easily base on react-cool-starter.

axios babel boilerplate code-splitting es6 eslint express flowtype jest mongodb npm-package prettier react react-router redux storybook template unit-testing universal webpack

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

Various ESLint rules tailored to the author's preferred style

eslint eslint-plugin

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

This plugin adds `TypeScript` support to `eslint-plugin-import`

eslint eslint-import-plugin eslint-import-resolver eslint-plugin-import typescript

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

Some eslint rules for working with NestJs projects

eslint eslint-plugin hacktoberfest nestjs nestjs-best-practices

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

a simple Node behavior import resolution plugin for eslint-plugin-import, supporting module alias

eslint eslint-plugin eslint-plugin-import import-resolver module-alias module-rename resolver-alias

Last synced: 19 Jun 2024

Centralized CLI for JavaScript and TypeScript developer tools.

babel beemo developer-tools eslint jest nimbus prettier webpack

Last synced: 19 Jun 2024

A template that includes Sapper for Svelte, TypeScript preprocessing, and a GraphQL server through TypeGraphQL

apollo-server eslint graphql sapper svelte typegraphql typescript

Last synced: 18 Jun 2024

Eslint your code with Danger

danger danger-plugin eslint linting

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

A Danger plugin for linting javascript with eslint.

danger danger-plugin emcascript eslint javascript linter

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

Production-ready app using Next.js 12 with TypeScript, powered by Vercel for building universal apps, with backend-focused configuration

boilerplate-template codeclimate eslint jest nextjs quickstart react sentry typescript universal-react zeit-now-integration

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

🚀⚡️ Free Boilerplate and Starter kit for Next.js 14+, Supabase, Tailwind CSS 3.2 and TypeScript. 🚀 Next.js 🔥 Supabase 💻 TypeScript 💚 ESLint 🎨 Prettier 🐶 Husky 🧹 Lint-Staged 🧪 Jest 🧪 Testing Library 🕹️ Playwright ✍️ Commitizen 💬 Commitlint 💻 VSCode 🌪️ Vercel 🎨 PostCSS 🍃 Tailwind CSS ⚛️ React Query

boilerplate boilerplate-code boilerplate-react eslint jamstack js-boilerplate nextjs nextjs-13 nextjs-boilerplate nextjs-starter nextjs-tailwind nextjs-template nextjs-typescript postcss saas-boilerplate seo starter-kit tailwindcss typescript

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

A series of composable ESLint rules for libraries and frameworks that use React as a UI runtime.

eslint eslint-plugin eslint-react jsx preact react tsx typescript

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

VS Code Extension that provides recommended extensions and templates for quality project development

codeowners configuration editorconfig eslint extension-pack formatters hack4impact linters markdownlint prettier templates vscode vscode-extension

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

ESLint + Prettier setup for VS Code by iJS

eslint ijs prettier-configs vscode

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

Budgeting - React + Redux + Webpack (tree shaking) Sample App

babel budgeting eslint prettier prpl react react-router redux sass service-worker tree-shaking webpack webpack2

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

This boilerplate repository is outdated and no longer maintained. Instead, I strongly recommend to use TypeScript.

boilerplate es6 eslint flow flowtype javascript jest nodejs project-template starter-template

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

💡✔ Wanna is an implementation of a 21st-century to-do list app.

create-react-app electron eslint material-design material-ui react react-router redux todolist wanna

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

The web extension boilerplate which helps setting up browser extension project quickly using typescript, svelte, jest, webpack, githook, prettier and github actions

chrome-extension cicd eslint firefox-addon githooks github-actions jest js-dom microsoft-edge-extension prettier stylelint svelte testing-library typescript webpack

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

基于React: v18.x.x/Webpack: v5.x.x//Vite: 4.x.x/React Router v6.x.x/ Antd: v5..x.x/Typescript: v5.x.x/Fetch Api/等最新版本进行构建的企业级中台前端基础模板...

ai antd antd-design antd5 chatpgt eslint i18n-react i18next jest prettier react react-hooks react-redux reactrouter6 stylelint typescript vite vitepress webpack webpack5

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

Command line tools for working with Fig autocomplete specs

autocomplete cicd cli eslint fig hacktoberfest helpers tools

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024

🗄🙅‍♀️ Deploy your next serverless JavaScript function in seconds

aws babel eslint jest labs lambda-functions prettier serverless starter-kit webpack

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024

🚦 Generate badges ( based on Lighthouse performance.

babel docker eslint gh-badges javascript jest lighthouse lighthouse-badges lighthouse-performance nodejs npm travis

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024

🚀🎉📚 Boilerplate and Starter for Serverless framework, ExpressJS, TypeScript, Prisma and MongoDB ⚡️ Made with developer experience first: Serverless framework + Live reload + Offline support + ExpressJS + TypeScript + ESLint + Prettier + Husky + Commitlint + Lint-Staged + Jest + Dotenv + esbuild + VSCode

airbnb-eslint aws backend boilerplate eslint express expressjs javascript lambda nodejs offline prettier serverless serverless-framework serverless-http starter starter-template templates typescript vscode

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024

They mostly come at night; mostly.

babel eslint express jest prettier puppeteer react webpack

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024

🔧 Collection of settings for frontend tools used in Brainly


Last synced: 13 Jun 2024

Typescript style guide, linter, and formatter using StandardJS

code-fixer code-style eslint linter standard standardjs ts tslint typescript typescript-standard

Last synced: 12 Jun 2024

Front-end template with nextjs, typescript, styled-componentes, jest react/testing libarary, prettier, ESLint, husky, pre-commit, pre-push, github actions and patterns

eslint front-end front-end-development frontend github-actions husky jest nextjs patterns pre-commit pre-push prettier react styled-components template template-frontend template-project testing-library typescript

Last synced: 12 Jun 2024

Uniform is a CLI tool - code linter and formatter for JavaScript and TypeScript. Works using eslint and prettier under the hood.

eslint linter prettier

Last synced: 12 Jun 2024

✨ ESLint GitHub Action with inline lint annotations for pull requests

action ci eslint

Last synced: 12 Jun 2024

ESLint rule for catching focused/only test blocks

eslint eslint-plugin eslint-rules jasmine jest mocha

Last synced: 12 Jun 2024

ESLint rules for Cybozu


Last synced: 12 Jun 2024

Boilerplate for React/Typescript, built on top of Vite ⚡️

boilerplate eslint prettier react reactboilerplate reactjs typescript vite vitejs vitest

Last synced: 12 Jun 2024

Front-End Boilerplate built with React + Babel + Webpack + SASS

babel boilerplate es6 eslint jest jest-tests react sass starter-kit travis-ci webpack webpack2 webpack3

Last synced: 12 Jun 2024

ESLint plugin to help enforce a configurable order for import statements

eslint eslint-rules eslintrc import imports

Last synced: 12 Jun 2024