
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Blue Brain Nexus - A knowledge graph for data-driven science

knowledge-graph nexus provenance scala shacl

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

Deprecated in favor of scalameta/nvim-metals

language-server-client lsp metals neovim scala tooling vim

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

Automatically generated diagrams and animations for Scala data structures

animation data-structures diagram scala visualization

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

Safe direct-style concurrency and resiliency for Scala on the JVM

channels concurrency goroutines jvm loom scala structured-concurrency virtual-threads

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

:ship: Docker image for Apache Spark

docker hadoop java scala spark

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

A GraphQL JVM Client - Java, Kotlin, Scala, etc.

graphql graphql-client java kotlin scala

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

NewMotion implementation of common endpoints of the OCPI protocol, using Scala

akka-http circe ocpi scala spray-json

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

Yet another Scala lens macro

lenses scala scala-macros

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

A wrapper for Hadoop in Scala

hadoop mapreduce scala

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

Protocol buffer compiler for Scala.

protocol-buffers scala scalapb

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

Complete 2022 to 2015 entries for the annual Advent of Code challenge, written in concise idiomatic functional Scala.

advent-of-code advent-of-code-2015 advent-of-code-2016 advent-of-code-2017 advent-of-code-2018 advent-of-code-2019 advent-of-code-2020 advent-of-code-2021 advent-of-code-2022 scala scala3

Last synced: 30 Jun 2024

🎄 My solutions to the 2023 edition of "Advent of Code".

advent-of-code advent-of-code-2023 adventofcode adventofcode2023 scala

Last synced: 30 Jun 2024

OrientDB scala reactive-streams (akka streams) library for non-blocking and live queries.

akka orientdb reactive-streams scala

Last synced: 30 Jun 2024

Scalus - DApps Development Platform for Cardano

cardano compiler plutus scala

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

Comprehensions for Arrows and Monoidal categories

arrows comprehension linear-types macros scala symmetric-monoidal-categories

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

Polars for Scala & Java projects!

arrow big-data dataframe dataframe-library java jni polars rust scala

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

Support for generating Swagger REST API documentation for Akka-Http based services.

akka akka-http scala swagger swagger-akka-http

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

:microphone: Micro Web framework to build Servlet applications in Scala, the core part of Skinny Framework 2

jackson jetty json json4s scala scalate web-framework

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

Fast, testable, Scala services built on TwitterServer and Finagle

finagle framework guice http microservices scala slf4j testing thrift twitter-server

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

A federated, open-source data catalog for all your big data and small data

elasticsearch kubernetes nodejs open-data postgresql scala

Last synced: 28 Jun 2024

The Scala 3 compiler, also known as Dotty.

compiler dotty epfl scala scala3

Last synced: 28 Jun 2024

A series of RISC-V soft core processor written from scratch. Now, we're using all open-source toolchain (chisel, mill, verilator, NEMU, AM and difftest framework, etc) to design and verify.

chisel cpu processor riscv rt-thread rtl scala softcore verilator

Last synced: 28 Jun 2024

A library for shared code for Sponge Plugins

minecraft plugin scala sponge

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

Bytecode to source converting Java & Kotlin code into JavaScript, C++, D, C#, PHP, AS3, Dart and Haxe and run it everywhere. Also use JVM code in your favourite language as a library.

as3 compiler cpp csharp d dart haxe java javascript jtransc jvm kotlin php scala

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

BigDL: Distributed TensorFlow, Keras and PyTorch on Apache Spark/Flink & Ray

analytics-zoo apache-spark bigdl deep-neural-network distributed-deep-learning keras-tensorflow python pytorch scala

Last synced: 26 Jun 2024

Scala rules for Bazel

bazel bazel-rules scala scalatest

Last synced: 26 Jun 2024

JWT support for Scala. Bonus extensions for Play, Play JSON, Json4s, Circe, uPickle, Spray and Argonaut

jwt jwt-scala scala

Last synced: 25 Jun 2024

ArangoDB client written in Scala

arango arangodb arangodb-client asynchronous restful scala

Last synced: 25 Jun 2024

DEPRECATED Runtime for Rugs

atomist rug scala

Last synced: 25 Jun 2024

Chisel: A Modern Hardware Design Language

chip-generator chisel chisel3 firrtl rtl scala verilog

Last synced: 25 Jun 2024

Convert YouTube playlists to audio-only RSS feeds for podcast apps to consume.

akka-http itunes podcast quill rss scala swagger tapir youtube youtube-dl yt-dlp zio

Last synced: 25 Jun 2024

Toolkit for Apache Spark ML for Feature clean-up, feature Importance calculation suite, Information Gain selection, Distributed SMOTE, Model selection and training, Hyper parameter optimization and selection, Model interprability.

apache-spark feature-engineering machinelearning ml pyspark scala spark

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

A fictional scenario implemented in multiple languages in order to compare language paradigms.

clojure erlang haskell python ruby scala smalltalk toy-problems

Last synced: 23 Jun 2024

twitter, kafka,spark-streaming, mongodb,scala

kafka mongodb scala twitter-api

Last synced: 22 Jun 2024

Data Lineage Tracking And Visualization Solution

bigdata hadoop lineage scala spark tracking visualization

Last synced: 21 Jun 2024

:snowflake: :whale: Awesome tools and libs for AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Data Science, Data Analytics and Cognitive Computing that are baked in the oven to be Native on Kubernetes and Docker with Python, R, Scala, Java, C#, Go, Julia, C++ etc

ai analytics big-data cognitive-science data-science docker kubeflow kubernetes kubernetes-ai kubernetes-analytics kubernetes-data-science kubernetes-ml ml pachyderm python-ml scala seldon-core spark spark-kubernetes spark-ml

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

❱ 🐇 URL shortener service is written in Scala using Akka-Http and Redis ❰

akka-http redis scala url-shortener

Last synced: 19 Jun 2024

Shared Scala libraries for the OpenLaw project.

ethereum flow legaltech library markup-language oracles parser scala smart-contracts vm webpack

Last synced: 18 Jun 2024

Search everything, instantly.

react rust scala scalajs slinky tauri

Last synced: 18 Jun 2024

A complete example of a big data application using : Kubernetes (kops/aws), Apache Spark SQL/Streaming/MLib, Apache Flink, Scala, Python, Apache Kafka, Apache Hbase, Apache Parquet, Apache Avro, Apache Storm, Twitter Api, MongoDB, NodeJS, Angular, GraphQL

angular apache-flink apache-spark avro big-data docker graphql hadoop hbase kafka kops machine-learning mongodb nodejs parquet python scala spark-sql spark-streaming twitter-api

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

TSK - The Scripting Kit

linux-shell macos scala scripting shell

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

Repository with a simple Microservice demonstrating some Functional Patterns

akka-http cats circe doobie functional-programming scala

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

A sample project of a microservice using http4s, doobie, and circe.

circe doobie fs2 h2-database http4s pureconfig scala

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

NewTypes for Scala with no runtime overhead

newtype scala tagged tagged-types

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

Abstractions from Category theory with simple description & implementation, links to further resources.

category-teory functional-programming patterns scala

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

Integration between cats-effect and test frameworks

cats cats-effect minitest scala scalatest specs2 utest

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

Use the world of Python from the comfort of Scala!

python scala scala-native

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

Composable, purely functional healthchecks in Scala.

cats cats-effect fp functional functional-programming health healthcheck scala typelevel

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

Run spark calculations from Ammonite

ammonite scala spark

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

The pure asynchronous runtime for Scala

asynchronous effects fp scala typeclasses

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

Data Quality Monitoring Tool

data-quality monitoring scala spark

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

Form generators leveraging semantic web standards (RDF(S), OWL, SPARQL , ...

database dbpedia form javascript jena ldp lod owl rdf scala sparql

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

:relieved: Simple and Robust Accounting

accounting cli cross-platform gui ledger less-is-more scala

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

Beaker Extensions for Jupyter Notebook

clojure groovy java jupyter kotlin notebook scala sql

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

Open source machine learning accelerators

artificial-intelligence asic fpga hdl machine-learning scala silicon

Last synced: 15 Jun 2024

Visual Studio Code extension for Metals

hacktoberfest language-client lsp scala vscode vscode-extension

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

GAPT: General Architecture for Proof Theory

herbrand-disjunction proof proofs sat-solver scala tactics theorem-proving

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

SonicBOOM: The Berkeley Out-of-Order Machine

berkeley boom chisel riscv riscv-boom rocket-chip rtl scala

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

A Scalafix plugin for Mill build tool

mill-module mill-plugin scala

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

Chisel library for Unum Type-III Posit Arithmetic

chisel chisel3 firrtl floating-point fpu posit rtl scala unum verilog

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

A CI-friendly Scalafix semantic rule for organizing imports

scala scalafix scalafix-plugin

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

Code formatter for Scala

formatter scala

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

Library to compile Chisel circuits using LLVM/MLIR (CIRCT)

chisel circt mlir scala

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

SpinalHDL - Cryptography libraries

aes crc crypto cryptography des fpga hmac md5 rtl scala sha spinalhdl verilog vhdl

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

Blade is a powerful build system from Tencent, supports many mainstream programming languages, such as C/C++, java, scala, python, protobuf...

build-system build-tool cplusplus java monorepo multilingual ninja protobuf python scala

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

Lectures for the Agile Hardware Design course in Jupyter Notebooks

agile-hardware chisel3 jupyter scala

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

Automated, multi-region container deployment

cicd containers datacenter deployment reasonable scala

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

WebAssembly engine in Scala

cats cats-effect fs2 scala scodec wasm wast webassembly

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

购买 :point_right: 在线阅读 :point_right:

grokking haskell monad scala

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024

PhpStorm plugin that adds code completion in composer.json file

composer intellij-plugin phpstorm-plugin scala

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024


honkit scala

Last synced: 12 Jun 2024

A list of useful resources to learn Data Engineering from scratch

cloud-providers data-engineering data-pipeline distributed-systems scala

Last synced: 12 Jun 2024

A free tutorial for Apache Spark.

jupyter scala spark tutorial

Last synced: 12 Jun 2024


appium appium-app crawler diff scala xpath

Last synced: 11 Jun 2024

The code examples used in Programming Scala, 2nd and 3rd Editions (O'Reilly)

programming-scala repl sbt scala scala-metals scala3

Last synced: 11 Jun 2024

An sbt plugin that integrates Eta into Scala projects.

eta functional-programming sbt sbt-plugin scala

Last synced: 11 Jun 2024

Extensible records for Scala

data-types records scala scala3

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

Simple & Efficient data access for Scala and Scala.js

cats concurrency data data-fetching monads monix parallelism scala scala-js sequencing

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

Assist in organizing your piles of documents, resulting from scanners, e-mails and other sources with miminal effort.

dms docspell document document-management document-management-system edms elm nlp ocr pdf personal-document-system scala self-hosted spa stanford-corenlp webapp

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024

Overlapping community detection in Large-Scale Networks using BigCLAM model build on Apache Spark

apache-spark bigclam bigclam-model community-detection graph-mining graphx large-scale latex machine-learning scala scale-networks spark

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024

Gradle plugin for JVM projects written in Java, Kotlin, Groovy, or Scala; and Android projects written in Java or Kotlin. Provides advice for managing dependencies and other applied plugins

android gradle-plugin groovy java jvm kotlin scala

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024

The Neovim REPL.

neovim repl rpc scala

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024