
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Intelligent Stimulus tooling for Visual Studio Code and Neovim

hacktoberfest hotwire language-server language-server-protocol lsp stimulus stimulusjs

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

fzf :heart: coc.nvim

coc coc-fzf fzf lsp neovim-plugin

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

💡Language Server Protocol client for Vim.

language-server-protocol lsp nvim nvim-plugin vim vim-plugin

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024


lsp mathematica wolfram-language

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

Deprecated in favor of scalameta/nvim-metals

language-server-client lsp metals neovim scala tooling vim

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

Copilot LSP implementation in Rust

copilot github-copilot lsp lsp-server rust

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

🎨 Newpaper colorscheme for NeoVim written in Lua with built-in support for native LSP, TreeSitter and many more plugins

color-scheme colorscheme dark dark-colorscheme latex light light-colorscheme lsp lua neovim neovim-colorscheme neovim-lua neovim-theme newpaper nvim ruby treesitter treesitter-colorscheme vimtex yorik1984

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

A simple neovim plugin that use treesitter to find resource in context and open the url on your favorite web browser.

lsp neovim neovim-plugin plugin terraform

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

Elixir language server extension based on elixir-ls for coc.nvim

coc elixir lsp neovim vim

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

TypeScript Compiler Macros - experimental function-like macros for TypeScript with IDE & type-checking support (deprecated)

lsp macros typescript

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

intelephense (PHP language server) extension for coc.nvim. intelephense’s various LSP features and this extension's additional features are available.

artisan coc coc-extensions coc-nvim composer intelephense laravel lsp neovim pest php phpunit vim

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

Regal is a linter for Rego, with the goal of making your Rego magnificent!

code-quality language-server lint linter linters lsp magnificent opa open-policy-agent policy-as-code rego static-analysis

Last synced: 25 Jun 2024

A language server for lua written in rust

lsp lua rust

Last synced: 25 Jun 2024

Language Server backed by LSIF file. Includes LSIF protocol Rust crate.

language-server-protocol lsif lsp lsp-server rust

Last synced: 25 Jun 2024

LSPServer is a package that implements the Language Server Protocol for Wolfram Language and allows a Wolfram Language kernel to run as an LSP server.

editor ide language-server-protocol lsp lsp-client lsp-server mathematica sublime-text visual-studio-code wolfram wolfram-language wolfram-mathematica

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

A Lua implementation of lighthaus-theme/vim-lighthaus

hacktoberfest lighthaus lighthaus-theme lsp lua neovim neovim-plugin neovim-theme nvim nvim-cmp

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

Neovim plugin for toggling the LSP diagnostics.

lsp neovim neovim-lsp neovim-plugin nvim-plugin plugin

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

Common library for using in neovim plugins

library lsp lua neovim

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

VImScript language server, LSP for vim script

autocomplete lsp neovim vim viml vimscript

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

Nodejs extension host for vim & neovim, load extensions like VSCode and host language servers.

autocompletion language-client lsp neovim-plugin nvim vim vim-plugin

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

jq language server

emacs jq lsp neovim vscode

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

Basic config to transform your NVIM in a powerful Clojure IDE using fennel, clojure-lsp and conjure.

aniseed clojure fennel lsp nvim nvim-cmp packer

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

Language support for Jolie in Visual Studio Code

intellisense jolie lsp vscode

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

Let's record your consciousness! Bring your own text editor! Implemented as a language server compatible with any text editor, Markdown-Oxide is attempting to be the best PKM system for software enthusiasts.

language-server-protocol lsp lsp-server markdown obsidian obsidian-md rust rust-lang rust-language-server vscode-language-support vscode-languageserver

Last synced: 21 Jun 2024

Emacs LSP performance booster

eglot emacs lsp lsp-mode rust

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

Coding assistance for JupyterLab (code navigation + hover suggestions + linters + autocompletion + rename) using Language Server Protocol

autocompletion ipython julia-language jupyter jupyter-lab jupyter-notebook jupyterlab jupyterlab-extension language-server-protocol linter lsp notebook notebook-jupyter r

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

Client implementation of the Language Server Protocol for Sublime Text

language-client language-server-protocol lsp sublime-text

Last synced: 19 Jun 2024

F# language server using Language Server Protocol

emacs fsharp language-server language-server-protocol lsp vim visual-studio-code

Last synced: 19 Jun 2024

LuaHelper is a High-performance lua VSCode plugin, Language Server Protocol for lua.

language-server-client language-server-protocol lsp lua luahelp luahelper vscode

Last synced: 19 Jun 2024

Vim configuration in the 21st century

coc-nvim dashboard lsp neovim nvim thinkvim vim vimrc

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

A Lua plugin, written in TypeScript, to write TypeScript (Lua optional).

lsp neovim neovim-lsp neovim-plugin typescript

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

lsp codeaction UI for neovim

lsp neovim

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

Example language server (LSP) implementation for a toy language

haskell language-server language-server-protocol lsp

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

A quick neovim setup.

completion lsp neovim nvim vim

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

Neovim plugin providing an attempt to « hack around » the lack of support (in clients & servers) for the type hierarchy LSP protocol.

lsp neovim-plugin

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

Extension to mason.nvim that makes it easier to use lspconfig with mason.nvim.

hacktoberfest lsp lspconfig mason neovim nvim nvim-lspconfig

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

A language server to lint and format markdown files with remark

language-server lsp remark

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

⎈ Language server for Helm ⎈

helm helm-lint helm-lint-ls helm-ls helm-lsp language-server lsp nvim nvim-lsp

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

LSP completion source (via ALE) for asyncomplete.vim

asyncomplete completion editor lsp neovim vim

Last synced: 15 Jun 2024

Language Server Protocol support for Atom (the basis of Atom-IDE)

atom ide json-rpc language-server-protocol lsp

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

Visual Studio Code extension for Metals

hacktoberfest language-client lsp scala vscode vscode-extension

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

The language service that powers VS Code's Markdown support, extracted so that it can be reused by other editors and tools

lsp markdown vscode

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

Language Server for htmx

htmx lsp lsp-server

Last synced: 12 Jun 2024

A Language Server Protocol implementation in C++

language-server-protocol lsp lsp-client lsp-cpp lsp-server

Last synced: 12 Jun 2024

A Rust library for parsing org-mode files.

cli lsp org-mode parser

Last synced: 11 Jun 2024

The engine for haskell ide-integration. Not an IDE

ghc haskell haskell-ide ide language-server-protocol lsp

Last synced: 11 Jun 2024

DBML code intelligence through the Language Server Protocol.

dbd dbdiagram dbml language-server-protocol lsp

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

LSP-AI is an open-source language server that serves as a backend for AI-powered functionality, designed to assist and empower software engineers, not replace them.

ai auto-completion developer-tools ide language-client llama llamacpp llm lsp mistral openai self-hosted

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

Language server for the Nix language (WIP)

language-server-protocol lsp nix nixos

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024

fortls - Fortran Language Server

fortls fortran language-server-protocol lsp

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024

Current dotfiles and scripts

arch bash dotfiles dwm linux lsp neovim neovim-lsp vim vim-plug zsh

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024

Bash support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through bash-language-server.

lsp sublime-lsp-plugin sublime-text

Last synced: 08 Jun 2024

neovim configuration. :cherry_blossom:

lsp lua neovim neovim-config

Last synced: 08 Jun 2024

Just echo the LSP progress, its that simple

lsp neovim neovim-plugin

Last synced: 08 Jun 2024

Very simple and minimal autocompletion for cmdline and buffer using LSP and Tree-sitter with signature help

completion lsp neovim neovim-plugin tree-sitter

Last synced: 08 Jun 2024

A superior code reading & auto-completion tool with pluggable backends.

code-completion ctags emacs emacs-lisp lsp

Last synced: 07 Jun 2024

The language server for Elixir that just works. Ready for early adopters!

elixir lsp

Last synced: 05 Jun 2024

A brand-new language server for Typst, plus a VS Code extension

lsp lsp-server typst vscode-extension

Last synced: 04 Jun 2024

VS Code plugin for connecting with the Ruby LSP

lsp ruby

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

Useful tools for Sorbet enthusiasts

coverage lsp sorbet typing

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

An opinionated language server for Ruby

lsp ruby

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

Example dApp showcasing UniversalProfiles and the new Token and NFT LSP7 and 8

dapp examples lsp solidity

Last synced: 01 Jun 2024

Repo hosts npm packages for monaco-languageclient, vscode-ws-jsonrpc, monaco-editor-wrapper, @typefox/monaco-editor-react and monaco-languageclient-examples

language-server language-server-protocol lsp monaco monaco-editor vscode

Last synced: 01 Jun 2024

Language Server Protocol implementation written in Rust

language-server-protocol lsp rust service tower

Last synced: 01 Jun 2024

🦀 A LSP-based interative call graph generator

c callgraph cpp go java javascript language-server-protocol lsp python rust static-analysis typescript vscode

Last synced: 01 Jun 2024

Kakoune Language Server Protocol Client

kakoune language-server-protocol lsp plugin rust

Last synced: 31 May 2024

Write Markdown with code assist and intelligence in the comfort of your favourite editor.

emacs language-server language-server-protocol lsp markdown neovim note-taking notes

Last synced: 31 May 2024

Neovim Lua configuration pre-configured for Java, JavaScript, Typescript etc...

coc dotfiles lsp lua neovim neovim-config neovim-configuration neovim-dotfiles neovim-lua nvim treesitter

Last synced: 30 May 2024

An opiniated neovim config, written almost is Lua but set up with Nix!

lsp lua neovim nix

Last synced: 30 May 2024

Lean mean Neovim machine, carefully crafted with :heart: Use with latest Neovim.

css dotfiles golang html ide javascript language-server-protocol lsp neovim nvim nvim-lsp nvim-lua nvim-telescope php python vim vimrc

Last synced: 30 May 2024

A starting point to setup some lsp related features in neovim.

language-server-protocol lsp neovim nvim

Last synced: 30 May 2024

My Neovim configuration written in Lua

config lazynvim lsp lua lualine neovim neovimfiles nvim telescope tpope vim vimfiles

Last synced: 30 May 2024

lsp-mode :heart: haskell

emacs-lsp haskell hie lsp lsp-haskell melpa

Last synced: 30 May 2024

A blazingly fast LSP client for Emacs

codeium copilot elisp emacs lsp

Last synced: 29 May 2024

Populate diagnostics for all projects files, not just the opened ones.

lsp neovim neovim-plugin

Last synced: 25 May 2024

IDE tools for writing pest grammars, using the Language Server Protocol for Visual Studio Code, Vim and other editors

extension ide language-server language-server-protocol lsp pest vim vscode vscode-extension

Last synced: 25 May 2024

🏡 /.dotfiles | Includes configs for neovim, tmux, zsh, alacrity, kitty, and more | Managed by GNU stow

alacritty bash config dotfiles fzf kitty linux lsp lspconfig lua neovim nvim scripts shell stow terminal tmux zinit zsh

Last synced: 21 May 2024

:moon: Neovim configuration written primarily in lua

dotfiles lsp lua nvim

Last synced: 21 May 2024

language server protocol client for the vis editor

language-server-protocol lsp

Last synced: 21 May 2024

Language Server Protocol SDK for GLib

language-server language-server-protocol lsp

Last synced: 14 May 2024

Nix language server that evaluates code

lsp nix

Last synced: 14 May 2024

VS Code extension for Haskell, powered by haskell-language-server

haskell haskell-language-server language-server lsp visual-studio-code vscode vscode-extension

Last synced: 13 May 2024

A language server that offers Lua language support - programmed in Lua

hacktoberfest language-server lpeg lpeglabel lsp lsp-server lua

Last synced: 13 May 2024

⚡ Tact language server (of LSP specification), extracted and re-packaged from its official VSCode extension.

language-server lsp lsp-server tact the-open-network ton ton-blockchain

Last synced: 13 May 2024

svelte support for (Neo)Vim

autocomplete lsp neovim svelte vim

Last synced: 11 May 2024

A language server for Dockerfiles powered by Node.js, TypeScript, and VSCode technologies.

docker dockerfile dockerfiles language-server language-server-protocol lsp moby

Last synced: 11 May 2024

A frontend-independent IDE "smartness" server for Elixir. Implements the "Language Server Protocol" standard and provides debugger support via the "Debug Adapter Protocol"

debug-adapter-protocol elixir language-server language-server-protocol lsp

Last synced: 10 May 2024