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一个码农的毕生所学!笔记 & 教程。考研,就业,上学.语言篇,Android,C++,Java,JavaScript,Latex,MATLAB,NodeJS,PHP,Python,技术篇,docker,git,Linux,Maven,office,Spark,Spring,SVN,基础篇,编译原理,操作系统,单片机,计算机网络,计算机网络实验,架构模式,软件文档写作,设计模式,数据结构,数据库,算法,UML建模,Windows程序设计,数学篇,概率论与数理统计,微积分,线性代数,张量,机器学习篇,机器学习,pytorch,sklearn,TensorFlow

c java latex nodejs note php python

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

Vim + LaTeX snippets setup

latex python ultisnip-snippets ultisnips vim

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

LTeX: Grammar/spell checker :mag::heavy_check_mark: for VS Code using LanguageTool with support for LaTeX :mortar_board:, Markdown :pencil:, and others

coc grammar-checker languagetool latex ltex markdown neovim spell-checker vim vscode

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

Make Zotero effective for us LaTeX holdouts

bib biblatex bibtex citation-keys latex zotero

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

Render LaTeX and TikZ diagrams in your notes

latex obsidian obsidian-md obsidian-plugin tikz

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

Living Review of Machine Learning for Particle Physics

hep latex machine-learning papers particle-physics

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

A Tufte-inspired LaTeX class for producing handouts, papers, and books

bookdesigns document-design latex latex-class latex-template template template-latex templates tex tufte tufte-latex tufte-style

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

a simple script to assist in making a clean directory to upload to arxiv

arxiv latex python

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

A modern curriculum vitae class for LaTeX

hacktoberfest latex latex-class latex-package moderncv

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

A Latex style and template for paper preprints (based on NIPS style)

arxiv arxiv-org arxiv-style latex latex-style latex-template nips nips-styling paper preprints research-paper sty

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

:octocat: GitHub Action to run arbitrary commands in a TeXLive environment

github-actions latex texlive

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

A latex editor powered by vim, tabbed and zathura :)

dmenu latex posix vim zathura

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

将Typora伪装成LaTeX的中文样式主题,本科生轻量级课程论文撰写的好帮手。This is a theme disguising Typora into Chinese LaTeX style.

latex typora typora-theme typora-themes

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

pre-commit hooks to improve LaTeX writing.

ci latex lint pre-commit

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

Include Jupyter notebook cells in TeX documents

jupyer-notebook jupyter latex latex-package

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

Overleaf Two-Way Synchronization

hacktoberfest latex overleaf python sync tex

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

An unholy conglomeration of vim, evince, and friends for writing LaTeX

evince gtk latex neovim vim

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

Renders TeXy Math for Github Readmes

equation formula github latex markdown

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

Re-editable LaTeX/ typst graphics for Inkscape

extension inkscape latex plugin

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

📚 Import Bibtex publications and Jupyter Notebook blog posts into your Markdown website or book. 将Bibtex转换为Markdown网站

academic astrojs biblatex bibliography bibtex citations cli csl-json gatsby hugo hugo-theme jekyll latex markdown markdown-converter nextjs reference-manager static-site-generator wowchemy

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

An unofficial assembly reference for RISC-V.

asm berkeley isa latex reference riscv

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

📜 Papyrus: Pandoc integration for automatic file conversion in Vim!

latex markdown markdown-to-pdf neovim neovim-plugin pandoc vim vim-plugin

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

🎨 Newpaper colorscheme for NeoVim written in Lua with built-in support for native LSP, TreeSitter and many more plugins

color-scheme colorscheme dark dark-colorscheme latex light light-colorscheme lsp lua neovim neovim-colorscheme neovim-lua neovim-theme newpaper nvim ruby treesitter treesitter-colorscheme vimtex yorik1984

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

Lightweight markup processor to produce HTML, LaTeX, and more.

html latex markdown markdown-parsing mmd multimarkdown

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

An opinionated (and probably over-engineered) workflow to produce a fancy LaTeX, web or docx Curriculum Vitae document from a JSON data source using Jinja2 (a data-driven CV)

curriculum curriculum-vitae cv cv-template data-driven datadriven jinja2 json-schema latex latex-resume latex-resume-template latex-template-cv templating

Last synced: 01 Jul 2024

A LaTeX class for producing presentations and slides

beamer latex presentations

Last synced: 01 Jul 2024

A LaTeX class for books, reports or theses based on and

book kaobook latex latex-class latex-template thesis

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

LaTeX package and annotated examples for annotating equations using TikZ.

annotations equations latex

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

📝 A nicely formatted LaTeX preprint template

latex preprint

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

📚 A template to create invoices using Org mode clock reports

invoice latex org-mode

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

📖 A thesis LaTeX template that complies with the University of Aveiro's guidelines and provides a simple CLI workflow around make and compatibility with Overleaf.

dissertation latex latexmk msc phd thesis

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

collection of favorite TikZ graphics

hugo latex r rmarkdown rstats tex tikz

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

LaTeX book with examples, open-source eBook

ebook free-latex-book latex latex-book latex-books latex-pdf

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

A SwiftUI view that renders LaTeX.

latex mathematics mathjax swift swiftui tex

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

the statistics handbook open source repository

data-science latex mathematics statistics

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

📃 A compact guide to help you write professional LaTeX documents

latex latex-guide latex-tips

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

Convert julia objects to LaTeX equations, arrays or other environments.

equation julia julia-library latex latex-maths ode

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

Markdown and LaTeX online editor - create text for web with equations and diagrams

equation latex math

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

mathjax-node for pages

cli html latex mathjax mathjax-node nodejs svg tex

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

Bringing quick and beautiful math-typesetting to HTML5's canvas.

canvas createjs html5 javascript katex latex math mathml pixijs

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

Transform Latex Equation To Sympy

javascript latex sympy

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

CLI for document conversion for scientific documents, powered by Mathpix OCR

cli converter document-conversion format-converter html latex markdown pdf science static-site-generator

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

Write formal proofs in natural language and LaTeX.

forthel latex naproche

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

A workflow for creating and editing publication ready scientific reports and presentations, from one or more Jupyter Notebooks, without leaving the browser!

jupyter-notebook latex nbconvert python sphinx

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

TikZ figures for concepts in physics/chemistry/ML

latex machine-learning physics scientific-visualization svelte svelte-kit tikz tikz-gallery tikz-standalone

Last synced: 26 Jun 2024

Simple LaTeX parser providing latex-to-unicode and unicode-to-latex conversion

encoding latex parser python unicode

Last synced: 26 Jun 2024

An R Package for Building Books or Documents using pandoc

automation azw3 calibre continuous-integration docker ebooks epub3 html5 latex markdown pandoc pdf r texlive

Last synced: 25 Jun 2024

A python-based environment for the automated compilation of books from markdown.

e-books html latex markdown pandoc pdf python

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

Markdown text to a novel in ePub and PDF.

epub latex markdown pandoc pdf writing writing-tool

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

A port of Gilles Castel's UltiSnip snippets for LuaSnip.

latex luasnip neovim nvim nvim-plugin snippets

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

Pandoc Markdown Lecture Template: This project defines a skeleton repo for creating lecture slides and handouts including lecture notes out of Pandoc Markdown ( using a single source approach.

exams hacktoberfest handouts homework-sheets latex lecture-notes lecture-slides markdown oer open-educational-resources pandoc pandoc-filter pandoc-lecture teaching-materials

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

Publishing tools for papers, books, and presentations

haskell latex markdown pdf rendering

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

Produza e publique trabalhos com a linguagem popular Markdown. Escreva uma vez e crie livros digitais (e-book), artigos, trabalhos acadêmicos, relatórios, páginas web (site) --- PDF, EPUB, LaTeX, HTML, etc. --- Nheengatu é uma extensão da Pandoc.

epub html latex markdown pandoc pdf

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

Rendering LaTeX in Twitch Chat

extension extension-chrome latex math twitch

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

A fast DVI, EPS, and PDF to SVG converter

dvi latex metafont pdf postscript svg tex vector-graphics xetex

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

:page_facing_up: 适合中文的简历模板收集(LaTeX,HTML/JS and so on)由 @hoochanlon 维护

engineer html json latex resume

Last synced: 22 Jun 2024

Nearly Classless CSS file to give html a latex-like look

classless-theme css latex

Last synced: 22 Jun 2024

Templates for creating scientific, academic and technical documents using Markdown and Pandoc that support equations, code blocks, citations, Unicode symbols and vector graphics.

citations essay latex markdown pandoc scientific-writing slides template

Last synced: 22 Jun 2024

Display math in TeX with KaTeX and ReactJS

katex latex math reactjs tex

Last synced: 21 Jun 2024

GitHub Action for generating Doxygen documentation for your projects.

actions doxygen github-actions latex

Last synced: 21 Jun 2024

⌨ Importable dictionary for typing math symbols more easily on your Android phone by using keyboard shortcuts inspired by LaTeX

calculus dictionary gboard gboard-dictionary hacktoberfest keyboard keyboard-shortcuts latex latex-shortcuts math math-symbols shortcuts unicode

Last synced: 21 Jun 2024

Website and documentation for the xpcc microcontroller framework

latex markdeep mkdocs xpcc

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

A preprocessor for mdBook, rendering LaTex equations to HTML at build time.

katex latex mdbook rust

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

Simple automated LaTeX invoicing system

latex makefile pandoc pdf typesetting yaml

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

Fidus Writer is an online collaborative editor for academics.

academics biblatex bibtex citations docx jats jats-publishing jats-xml latex math opendocument text-editor word

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

Programmatic generation of high-quality CVs

latex makefile pandoc pdf typesetting yaml

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

Finest letter typesetting from the command line

latex makefile markdown pandoc pdf typesetting xetex yaml

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

A collection of knitr examples

examples knitr latex r r-markdown

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

Diagrams I made using the excellent TikZ package for LaTeX

diagram latex networking tikz tikz-diagrams

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

The web front end for Overleaf, a web-based collaborative LaTeX editor

editor javascript latex overleaf real-time sharelatex

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

Better typographic defaults for LuaLaTeX and XeLaTeX authors.

font latex lualatex luatex typography xelatex xetex

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

Typesetting jazz chord the Realbook way

fonts jazz latex latex-package typography

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

A package for drawing educational Git history graphs

git latex

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

上海交通大学 LaTeX 论文模板 | Shanghai Jiao Tong University LaTeX Thesis Template

latex latex-thesis-template overleaf shanghai-jiao-tong-university sharelatex sjtu sjtuthesis tex thesis-template xelatex

Last synced: 19 Jun 2024

A string diagram generator for LaTeX.

latex ocaml string-diagram

Last synced: 19 Jun 2024

Multitype expansions for easy templating

haskell heist html latex mustache pandoc template

Last synced: 18 Jun 2024

📖 view and generate static websites from your Org files (WIP).

ema haskell latex org-mode org-roam static-site-generator template zettelkasten

Last synced: 18 Jun 2024


cpp11 latex python3 sciences ucas ucas-course

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

A universal notepad. (WIP)

editor gist latex markdown plaintext

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

A beamer theme for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen

beamer beamer-theme latex

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

A dissertation template for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen (HITSZ), including bachelor, master and doctor dissertations.

dissertation dissertation-template latex latex-document latex-style latex-template

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

The Excel add-in for creating LaTeX tables

converter excel latex

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

The AWK Programming Language (AWK 程序设计语言, awkbook) 中文翻译, LaTeX 排版

awk awkbook latex

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

Dynamic Documents with R and knitr

book dynamic-documents knitr latex literate-programming lyx rmarkdown

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

My collection of R Markdown templates, as an R package.

latex markdown pandoc r templates

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

:scroll: My Data Driven CV written with R, YAML, & LaTeX

bryan-jenks curiculum-vitae cv data-driven-cv latex r resume vitae yaml

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

Templates to publish well-formatted documents both in HTML and PDF formats

article beamer bookdown gitbook latex template thesis

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024