
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

FunctionalRx2 is a collection of constructs to simplify a functional programming approach to Java and Android [STABLE]

functional-programming java rxjava2

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

9*Porn Android 客户端,突破游客每天观看10次视频的限制,还可以下载视频

dagger2 mvp-architecture retrofit2 rxcache rxjava2

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

Implement pagination in just few lines with RxPagination

pagination recyclerview rx rxandroid rxjava rxjava2 rxkotlin rxpagination rxrelay

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

(Deprecated) SAF(Simple Android Framework)是一个简单的android框架,它为开发Android app提供了基础性组件。

android-framework rxjava2 saf

Last synced: 30 Jun 2024

:partly_sunny: [@Deprecated]RxJava+RxBus+Retrofit+Glide+Material Design Weather App

android-application material retrofit2 rxjava2 weather

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024


okhttp3 reader rxandroid2 rxjava2

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

📦 A complete android componentization solution, powered by MVPArms (MVPArms 官方快速组件化方案).

android android-application android-architecture android-component architecture arms armscomponent dagger2 mvp mvp-android mvp-architecture mvparms retrofit2 rxjava2 wiki-documentation

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

RxMQTT is a library for handle MQTT messages and for composing asynchronous and event-based operations by using observable sequences.

iot mqtt mqtt-client paho-mqtt rx-mqtt rxjava2

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

Event Bus By RxJava.

rxandroid rxbus rxjava rxjava2

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

The most beautiful SMS messenger for Android

android dagger2 kotlin material-design messaging mvi mvvm qksms rxjava2 sms

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

NYBus (RxBus) - A pub-sub library for Android and Java applications

android eventbus eventbus-library java-application pub pub-sub publisher pubsub rxbus rxbus2 rxjava rxjava-android rxjava2 subscriber

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024


parallel rxjava2 spring-boot

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

NetDiscovery 是一款基于 Vert.x、RxJava 2 等框架实现的通用爬虫框架/中间件。

coroutines crawler disruptor dsl htmlunit kafka kotlin lettuce middleware redis rxjava2 selenium spider vertx3

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

The target is to set up a high quality and real-time image process and machine learning library which is implemented in pure java. The framework can run application on java desktop and android platform.

android cv java kotlin rxjava2

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

你用不惯 RxJava,只因缺了这把钥匙 🔑

android operator reactive rxandroid rxjava rxjava-android rxjava2 rxjava3

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

一行代码解决RxJava 内存泄漏,一款轻量级别的RxJava生命周期管理库

lifecycle rxjava2 viewmodel

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVVM architecture using Dagger2, Room, RxJava2, FastAndroidNetworking and PlaceholderView

android android-architecture android-debug-database android-mvvm-architecture dagger2 dagger2-mvvm database fast-android-networking mindorks mvvm mvvm-architecture placeholderview room rxjava rxjava2

Last synced: 07 Jun 2024

MovieNight is a sample Android application that uses the clean architecture approach and is written in Kotlin.

architecture-components clean-architecture dagger2 kotlin-android rxjava2

Last synced: 06 Jun 2024

Dead simple EventBus for Android made with Kotlin and RxJava 2

android android-library eventbus kotlin kotlin-android kotlin-library rxjava rxjava-android rxjava2

Last synced: 06 Jun 2024

This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVP architecture in Kotlin using Dagger2, Room, RxJava2, FastAndroidNetworking and PlaceholderView

android-mvp-architecture android-mvp-kotlin dagger2 database fast-android-networking kotlin kotlin-android mindorks mindorks-mvp mvp mvp-android mvp-architecture placeholderview room rxjava rxjava-android rxjava2

Last synced: 06 Jun 2024


android operator rxjava rxjava-app rxjava2

Last synced: 04 Jun 2024

:fire: 基于Kotlin+MVP+Retrofit+RxJava+Glide 等架构实现短视频类小项目,简约风格及详细注释,欢迎 star or fork!

eyepetizer kotlin kotlin-android kotlin-glide kotlin-language kotlin-mvp kotlin-mvp-retrofit-rxjava kotlin-retrofit kotlin-rxjava-android mvp mvp-retrofit-rxjava mvp-rxjava-retrofit retrofit2 rxjava rxjava2 rxjava2-retrofit2

Last synced: 04 Jun 2024

Simple Dribbble Client using Dribbble API, fully written in Kotlin 😱 ❤️

android architecture-components clean-architecture dagger2 dribble kotlin mvp rxjava2

Last synced: 04 Jun 2024

OkGo - 3.0 震撼来袭,该库是基于 Http 协议,封装了 OkHttp 的网络请求框架,比 Retrofit 更简单易用,支持 RxJava,RxJava2,支持自定义缓存,支持批量断点下载管理和批量上传管理功能

http okgo okhttp restful rxjava rxjava2

Last synced: 31 May 2024


aac databinding glide lifecycle mvvm mvvm-library okhttp retrofit retrofit2 rxjava rxjava2

Last synced: 31 May 2024

🗡️ 云阅:一款基于网易云音乐UI,使用玩Android Api,Retrofit2 + RxJava2 + Room + MVVM-databinding架构开发的Android客户端

android app apps cloudreader databinding google-material kotlin kotlin-android mvvm mvvm-applications mvvm-databing netease-cloud-music reader retrofit2 room rxjava2 ui-gank wanandroid webview

Last synced: 26 May 2024

a toy project to play around with Vert.x

example-project rxjava rxjava2 vertx vertx-web

Last synced: 24 May 2024

Very simple project to show a collection of Movie from MovieDb with a minimalist design

binding clean-architecture dagger2 movie movie-database mvvm-architecture room rxjava2 testing

Last synced: 14 May 2024

Android library monitoring device hardware sensors with RxJava

android hardware rxandroid rxjava rxjava2 rxjava3 sensors

Last synced: 02 May 2024

Android library listening network connection state and Internet connectivity with RxJava Observables

android internet internet-connection network network-connection network-monitoring rxandroid rxandroid2 rxjava rxjava2 wifi

Last synced: 02 May 2024

WakaTime client written in Kotlin

gson koin kotlin retrofit2 rxjava2

Last synced: 26 Apr 2024

Reactive stubs for gRPC

grpc-java reactor rxjava2

Last synced: 25 Apr 2024

A set of very opinionated lint rules.

android kotlin lint rxjava2

Last synced: 13 Apr 2024

Starting a monolithic CRUD RESTful Web Service with Vert.x stack and postgreSQL

docker docker-compose gradle java8 postgresql reactive restful rxjava2 vertx vertx-web

Last synced: 10 Apr 2024

Vert.x Blueprint Project - A reactive todo-backend implementation using Vert.x and various persistence

asynchronous reactive-programming restful-api rxjava2 vertx

Last synced: 10 Apr 2024

Reactive Extensions for Vert.x

java rxjava rxjava2 rxjs vertx

Last synced: 10 Apr 2024

Non-Blocking Rxified Vertx aerospike client

aerospike reactive rxjava2 vertx

Last synced: 10 Apr 2024

A jOOQ-CodeGenerator to create vertx-ified DAOs and POJOs.

java jdbc jooq reactive rxjava2 rxjava3 vertx vertx-jooq

Last synced: 10 Apr 2024

🔥🔥🔥 Based on OkHttp encapsulation, support Kotlin Coroutines、RxJava2、RxJava3; 30s to get started.

andriod kotlin-coroutines okhttp-rxhttp okhttp3 retrofit2 rxhttp rxjava2 rxjava3

Last synced: 09 Apr 2024

A reactive extension to generate URL previews.

android reactive-extension rxjava2 unfurl

Last synced: 08 Apr 2024

This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVP architecture using Dagger2, GreenDao, RxJava2, FastAndroidNetworking and PlaceholderView

android-architecture android-mvp-architecture dagger dagger2 fast-android-networking greendao mindorks mvp mvp-architecture placeholderview rxjava rxjava-android rxjava2

Last synced: 06 Apr 2024

RxJava 2 Android Examples - How to use RxJava 2 in Android

android example examples migrations rxandroid rxjava rxjava2 sample samples tutorial tutorials

Last synced: 06 Apr 2024

Easier RxJava2 debugging with better stacktraces

android debugging-tool rxjava rxjava-android rxjava2

Last synced: 06 Apr 2024

An Android Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Library with RxJava3 interface

android-bluetooth android-library ble bluetooth-le bluetooth-low-energy rxjava rxjava2 rxjava3

Last synced: 06 Apr 2024

Android library listening available WiFi Access Points and related information with RxJava Observables

access-point android rxandroid rxandroid2 rxjava rxjava2 scanner wifi

Last synced: 06 Apr 2024

Using Kotlin to realize GankIOClient

flycotablayout gson kotlin kotlin-android retrofit2 rxjava2

Last synced: 22 Mar 2024


butterknife flycotablayout gankio gson retrofit2 rxjava2

Last synced: 22 Mar 2024

Android Clean Architecture + MVP Sample written in Kotlin

android-architecture clean-architecture coroutines dagger dagger2 kotlin mvp rxjava2

Last synced: 22 Mar 2024

Pet project using Clean Architecture + MVVM + Reactive Extensions + Android Architecture Components. The data are fetched from LondonTheatreDirect API. 🎭

android android-architecture-components clean-architecture dagger dagger2 dagger2-android data-binding kotlin mvvm reactive-extensions rxjava2 rxkotlin view-model viewmodel

Last synced: 22 Mar 2024

🔐 Open source app locker, vault, call blocker application

applock applocker browser callblock callblocker dagger dagger2 filecrypt kotlin mvvm rxjava2 vault

Last synced: 21 Mar 2024

:soccer: Football App using MVVM, LiveData, RxJava2, DI, Room, Repository Patern

dependency-injection football-app kotlin mvvm repository-pattern room-database rxjava2

Last synced: 21 Mar 2024

This repository contains simple COVID19 data monitoring with android stack MVVM, Live Data, Koin, RxJava, RxBinding, Offline first with simple caching, etc

covid19 koin kotlin livedata mvvm-architecture rxbinding rxjava2

Last synced: 21 Mar 2024

Android project template for Gradle Kotlin DSL + 100% Kotlin + Base module + Extensions = ❤️

android architecture-components gradle-kotlin-dsl koin kotlin project-template rxjava2 template

Last synced: 18 Mar 2024

Android library designed to greatly simplify the implementation process of an MVVM-based application by providing all the means necessary to solve the common problems and avoid the annoying boilerplate code.

android android-app android-application android-library android-mvvm android-mvvm-architecture clean-architecture dagger dagger2 databinding mvvm navigation-architecture-component okhttp retrofit room rxandroid rxjava rxjava2 solid sqlite

Last synced: 18 Mar 2024

An Android Library that provides social login for 15 platforms within by RxJava2, Kotlin and Firebase Authentication.

android kotlin-library rxjava2 social-login

Last synced: 18 Mar 2024

RxJava 2.x extension to provide meaningful Stack Traces

crash crash-reporting rxjava2 stack-traces stacktrace stacktrace-filtering stacktrace-generation

Last synced: 18 Mar 2024

A simple but complete project (in both Java & Kotlin) to demonstrate the Android application architecture with MVVM pattern, a client app for The Movie DB Web API. Dagger2 is used for dependency injection and RxJava is used for RFP (Reactive Functional Programming).

android android-application-architecture android-development application-architecture dagger2 databinding dependency-injection kotlin kotlin-android-extensions mockito mockito-kotlin mvvm retrofit2-rxjava2 rfp room-persistence-library rx-android rxjava2

Last synced: 13 Mar 2024

Aplicativo em Android para organização dos seus filmes favoritos.

android dragger2 facebook-login firebase google-login login mvp-architecture retrofit2 rotten-tomatoes rxandroid rxjava2 themoviedb tmdb

Last synced: 13 Mar 2024


android-component cc javbus kotlin mvp okhttp3 retrofit2 rxjava2

Last synced: 13 Mar 2024