
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A workshop for learning how to test JavaScript applications

e2e-tests end-to-end-testing integration-testing javascript kcd-edu testing unit-testing workshop

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

Code template for workshop "Building eDSLs in functional TypeScript"

dsl edsl fp fp-ts free-monad tagless-final typescript workshop

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

Interactive exercises to get familiar with TypeScript's most advanced features

course tutorial type-level-programming types typescript workshop

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

Learn the foundational concepts of building web applications

kcd-archive kcd-edu workshop

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

👨‍🏫 Mike & Steve's Progressive Web Fundamentals Course

course javascript mobile-web progressive-web-app pwa service-worker web-performance workshop

Last synced: 26 Jun 2024

A workshop format for rmarkdown. Releases contain locations in chronological order

r rmarkdown workshop workshop-materials

Last synced: 25 Jun 2024

Generative design workshop (Clojure/ClojureScript)

agent cellular-automata clojure clojurescript design generative l-systems svg workshop

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

Content of the workshop to discover new software and methods to better organize.

open-source organization workshop

Last synced: 21 Jun 2024

💪 Azure Bicep Workshop: Deploy a full stack application to Azure using Bicep templates. The goal of the workshop us to learn Azure Bicep lang deploying azure landing zone and infrastructure for full stack application. The workshop starts with creation of a management group structure followed by RBAC as code and policy as code concept (custom roles, policies as code and its assignments). Then we’ll explore three tier application that includes python / flask API, PostgreSQL and client based on vue.js. For each tier we’ll provision resource(s) such as web app and service plan for API, static site for client and managed Postgres Flexible Server integrated in virtual network with private links for database-server communication. On top of it we will deploy load balancer with WAF to protect our application agains security threats. We will use additional resources for deployment such as container registry, managed identity and more. Workshop includes DevOps works, best practices and common patterns. It is possible to follow alone, also suggestions are welcome! Good luck!

azure bicep infrastructure-as-code workshop

Last synced: 21 Jun 2024

ARCHIVED: Contains historical course materials/Homework materials for the FREE MOOC course on "Creative Applications of Deep Learning w/ Tensorflow" #CADL

deep-learning dockerfile jupyter-notebook machine-learning mooc neural-network tensorflow tutorial workshop

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

A workshop covering all the tools gophers use in their day to day life

go performance tooling workshop

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

Counter-Strike Global Offensive Dedicated Server Launcher

counter-strike csgo docker game-server linux steamcmd workshop

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

Docker, Kubernetes and Gravity Trainings by Gravitational

docker gravity kubernetes training workshop

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

A step-by-step workshop for learning React fundamentals while building an app

benmvp-edu fundamentals react workshop

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024

Workshop introductorio a React

react workshop

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024

Workshop and demo for improving API quality, stability, and observability.

apis aws demo learning observability quality security serverless stability workshop

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024

Model and query your data with confidence

epicweb-dev kcd-edu workshop

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024

In few hours, quickly learn how to effectively leverage various AWS services to improve developer productivity and reduce the overall time to market for new product capabilities.

aws-codepipeline aws-devops devops devops-workshop-architecture workshop

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024

🎸 A workshop in building a GraphQL API

api bandsintown graphql graphql-api graphql-workshop itunes music workshop

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024

Learn Serverless for Kubernetes with OpenFaaS

docker hands-on labs openfaas serverless workshop

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024

Know How Guide and Hands on Guide for AWS

amazon-ec2 aws-regions china-region know-how lambda sagemaker workshop

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024

How to write a Python GRASS GIS 7 addon

addon gis grass-gis ipython-notebook python workshop

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024

Developing custom GRASS tools (FOSS4G 2022 workshop)

foss4g foss4g-2022 grass-gis grass-gis-addons workshop

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024

An amazing workshop about AWS and Serverless where you have the chance to build a time-travel music business! 😱

aws aws-api-gateway aws-lambda aws-s3 nodejs serverless training training-materials workshop workshop-materials

Last synced: 12 Jun 2024

Material for my Relay Workshop

graphql relay workshop

Last synced: 12 Jun 2024

This is the repo for Serverlesspresso workshop. Questions? Contact @jbesw or @benjamin_l_s on GitHub or Twitter.

aws eventbridge serverless stepfunctions workshop

Last synced: 12 Jun 2024

Keycloak integration with OpenFGA (based on Zanzibar) for Fine-Grained Authorization at Scale (ReBAC)

access-management api auth0 authorization fine-grained-authorization keycloak oauth2 openfga rebac roles user-identity workshop zanzibar

Last synced: 12 Jun 2024

⚙️ Workshop Publishing Utility for Garry's Mod, written in Rust & Svelte and powered by Tauri

billy garrys garrys-mod garrysmod gmad gmod gmpt gmpu gmpublish gmpublisher publisher publishing utility workshop

Last synced: 12 Jun 2024

🚂✋📖 - Learn the choo framework through a set of exercises

book choo framework frontend guide handbook markdown tutorial workshop

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

Creating reproducible reports using R Markdown

literate-programming reproducibility rmarkdown workshop

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

This project offered free activities to practise reproducible data presentation. Pablo Bernabeu organised these events in the context of a Software Sustainability Institute Fellowship.

academic binder binder-environments binderhub citizen-science data-dashboards datathon flexdashboard free-workshops open-workshops opendata pagedown r reproducible-documents rmarkdown shiny webdevelopment workshop

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

Introduction to the 'shiny' package

french introduction presentation-slides r shiny shiny-app slides workshop

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

Confidently ship your full-stack app with automated tests

epicweb-dev kcd-edu workshop

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024

Material for my React Fundamentals Workshop

epicweb-dev kcd-edu react workshop

Last synced: 06 Jun 2024

Library Carpentry Workshop Overview

carpentries english library-carpentry stable workshop

Last synced: 01 Jun 2024

Machine Learning in Condensed Matter Physics 2019 course repository

condensed-matter-physics course-materials machine-learning workshop

Last synced: 01 Jun 2024

Learn the foundational skills of building full stack web applications.

epicweb-dev kcd-edu workshop

Last synced: 01 Jun 2024

This is the latest advanced react patterns workshop

epicreact-dev kcd-edu react react-components react-patterns workshop

Last synced: 31 May 2024

Material used for Deep Learning related workshops for Machine Learning Tokyo (MLT)

cnn-keras convolutional-neural-networks deep-learning keras workshop

Last synced: 31 May 2024

This workshop will teach you ASP.NET Core by building a complete conference management website from scratch.

aspnet-core dotnet-core workshop

Last synced: 31 May 2024

Pre-installed Kubernetes Lab for your browser with VSCode

k3s kubernetes vm vscode workshop workshop-automation

Last synced: 30 May 2024

A self-led workshop to demonstrate the power of go templates and how much fun you can have while using them with OpenShift!

gotemplate gotemplate-engine kubernetes openshift workshop

Last synced: 28 May 2024

Some incremental examples suitable to host an AWS Lambda Functions workshop

aws aws-lambda lambda lambda-calculus serverless tutorial workshop

Last synced: 28 May 2024

The course material for our React Hooks workshop

course react training workshop

Last synced: 26 May 2024

How-to implement the API Gateway pattern with GraphQL

api-gateway graphql how-to microservices tutorial vertx workshop

Last synced: 23 May 2024

How-to implement the API Gateway pattern with GraphQL

api-gateway graphql how-to microservices tutorial vertx workshop

Last synced: 23 May 2024

Blueprint for a full featured DSC project for Push / Pull with or without CI/CD

automatedlab azuredevops cicd dsc dsc-artefacts dsc-pipeline dsc-reporting infrastructure powershell psconf psconfeu workshop

Last synced: 23 May 2024

Red Hat Single Sign-On Labs

jboss keycloak lab redhat sso workshop

Last synced: 20 May 2024

:wrench: Use dplyr to analyze Big Data :elephant:

databases dplyr r rstudio spark sparklyr workshop

Last synced: 20 May 2024

Learn to build an interactive web map to display spatial data

data-science geospatial-visualization teaching-materials ucdavis ucdavis-datalab workshop

Last synced: 19 May 2024

Slides and code samples for training, tutorials, and workshops about Docker, containers, and Kubernetes.

compose docker dockerfiles elk helm kubernetes labs slides stern swarm training workshop

Last synced: 19 May 2024

A workshop about OpenComponents

opencomponents workshop

Last synced: 18 May 2024

🎮 Advanced Script Engine for Overwatch Workshop with Typescript

game javascript nodejs overwatch overwatch-workshop ows ruleset typescript typescript-interface workshop workshop-functions

Last synced: 16 May 2024

A workshop to create awesome games with Phaser Framework 🎮

client-prediction games multiplayer-online-game phaser phaser-framework phaser-workshop workshop

Last synced: 16 May 2024

🗣 Code for APIs/React/Docker talks at HackFromHome

api docker hackfromhome react talk workshop

Last synced: 15 May 2024

👷🏽‍♀️ Code for How to build an API workshop at UPC-CN

api flask rest-api talk upc workshop

Last synced: 15 May 2024

🍺 Code for API 101's workshop at HackNight 1x04

api hacknight introduction talk workshop

Last synced: 15 May 2024

workshop, tutorial, oral, and poster with notes in cvpr2022

awesome cvpr2022 paper tutorial workshop

Last synced: 14 May 2024

Learn how to build simple and flexible React Components and Hooks using modern patterns

epicreact-dev kcd-edu react react-components react-patterns workshop

Last synced: 10 May 2024

Material for my React Fundamentals Workshop

epicreact-dev kcd-edu react workshop

Last synced: 10 May 2024

Improved productivity 💯 with the practical 🤓 use of the power 💪 of Abstract Syntax Trees 🌳 to lint ⚠️ and transform 🔀 your code

abstract-syntax-tree asts babel codemod eslint javascript kcd-edu workshop

Last synced: 09 May 2024

Ready to go Domain-Driven Design workshop.

ddd domain-driven-design hexagonal rest sample spring-boot workshop

Last synced: 06 May 2024

A meta-repository to help navigate the many lessons and repos of the Software Carpentry Community

carpentry training-materials workshop

Last synced: 02 May 2024

Workshop for Org-mode with focus on todo-, project- and workflow-management

education emacs orgdown orgmode pim workshop

Last synced: 02 May 2024

A workshop, 'Open data and reproducibility: R Markdown, dashboards and Binder', led by Pablo Bernabeu and Eirini Zormpa at the UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference (

binder binderhub dashboards flexdashboard mybinder r-shiny rmarkdown workshop

Last synced: 28 Apr 2024

Little ML'er in F#

fsharp workshop

Last synced: 27 Apr 2024

🎓Flutter TodoList tutorial

flutter todolist tutorial workshop

Last synced: 26 Apr 2024

Python 🐍 Workshop on Language Basics, Constructs and introduction in Data Structures & Algorithms 👨‍💻 @WhatAfterCollege 🎓.

dictionary lists programming python python3 strings tuples workshop

Last synced: 23 Apr 2024

Guidance for mollusks (WIP)

shell tutorial unix workshop

Last synced: 21 Apr 2024

Advanced topics to take advantage of zsh 👩‍💻👨‍💻

shell workshop zsh

Last synced: 20 Apr 2024

MeetAI - machine learning workshop

machine-learning ods open-data-science workshop

Last synced: 17 Apr 2024

Showcasing a bare-metal multi-platform kubeadm setup with persistent storage and monitoring

custom-metrics kubeadm kubernetes monitoring multi-platform persistent-storage raspberry-pi rook workshop

Last synced: 17 Apr 2024

Wardley Maps Battle Camp - workshop, rules, cards, materials

climatic-patterns gameplay market marketshare product-cost wardley-maps workshop

Last synced: 14 Apr 2024

JavaScript ES(6|2015) generators workshopper. Learn in practice. :metal:

es6-generators generators javascript nodeschool tutorial workshop workshopper

Last synced: 13 Apr 2024

Learn to use in this self guided workshop

async javascript looking-for-contributors looking-for-maintainer node rvagg workshop

Last synced: 13 Apr 2024

Frida Boot 👢- A binary instrumentation workshop, with Frida, for beginners!

beginner frida instrumentation training workshop

Last synced: 12 Apr 2024

[workshop] GoWayFest 2017: Production-ready microservices: write in Go. A workshop.

golang heroku microservices production-readiness workshop

Last synced: 12 Apr 2024

This document forms the basis of several workshops/talks that get into everyday programming with R, but also includes mirrored code in Python as Jupyter notebooks.

data-processing data-science datatable dplyr ggplot2 htmlwidgets jupyter-notebooks machine-learning model-criticism modeling numpy pandas programming programming-exercises python r tidyverse visualization workshop workshops

Last synced: 10 Apr 2024

A workshop showing how to build a basic app using OrbitDB

orbit orbitdb web3 workshop

Last synced: 09 Apr 2024

Deploying Netlify Functions powered by Rust, serving data up from PlanetScale MySQL

rust workshop

Last synced: 09 Apr 2024

Material for Kubernetes and Istio workshop

istio kubernetes service-mesh workshop

Last synced: 08 Apr 2024

This repository contains materials for workshops about the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model (RAP).

abap abap-restful rap rap-workshop sample sample-code workshop

Last synced: 08 Apr 2024

Repository with source code for "Learn Elixir The Hard Way" workshop.

elixir elixir-examples elixir-phoenix erlang erlang-otp workshop

Last synced: 05 Apr 2024

Source of our Workshop given at DevFest Berlin 2017

android android-things workshop

Last synced: 03 Apr 2024

Exercises to learn how to fuzz with American Fuzzy Lop

afl fuzzing training workshop

Last synced: 29 Mar 2024

My fuzzing workshop from PHDays9

afl afl-fuzz fuzzing phdays workshop workshop-materials

Last synced: 29 Mar 2024

Wye is a workshop collaboration software

django django-framework education opensource python teaching workshop

Last synced: 29 Mar 2024