
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.


A curated list of awesome curated lists of many topics.

  • all-human-knowledge - The catalogue of catalogues...
  • awesome-awesomewm - A curated list of awesome tools/scripts/configs for Awesome Window Manager.
  • awseome-console-services - A curated list of awesome console services (reachable via HTTP, HTTPS and other network protocols).
  • awesome-scalability - An up-to-date and curated reading list for designing high scalability, high availability, high stabilityback-end systems.
  • awesome-shell - Command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos.
  • awesome-sysadmin - Backups, configuration management, DNS, IMAP/POP3, LDAP, monitoring, SSH, statistics, troubleshooting, virtualization, VPN and more.
  • awesome-selfhosted - Applications that can be hosted on your own servers
  • awesome-storage - A curated list of storage open source tools. Backups, redundancy, sharing, distribution, encryption, etc.
  • awesome-bigdata - Big data frameworks, resources and other awesomeness.
  • awesome-hadoop - Hadoop ecosystem resources.
  • awesome-atom - A curated list of delightful Atom packages and resources.
  • awesome-emacs - A community driven list of useful Emacs packages, libraries and others.
  • awesome-jetbrains - A collection of awesome fonts and color schemes to be used in Jetbrains IDEs.
  • awesome-vim - Plugins are organized by section and ordered alphabetically.
  • awesome-vscode - A curated list of delightful VS Code packages and resources.
  • awesome-dojo - Dojo JavaScript Toolkit.
  • awesome-jquery - A curated list of jQuery plugins and resources.
  • awesome-react - A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem.
  • awesome-rest - Resources about RESTful API architecture, development, test, and performance.
  • awesome-http - A curated list of the best HTTP clients for various languages & libraries.
  • awesome-AutoIt - UDFs, example scripts, tools and useful resources for AutoIt.
  • awesome-clojure - Package management, audio, HTTP, database, websocket and testing.
  • awesome-c - C frameworks, libraries, resources and other cool stuff.
  • awesome-c-sharp - C# frameworks, libraries and software.
  • awesome-cpp - C/C++ frameworks, libraries, and resources.
  • awesome-cmake - CMake scripts, modules, examples and others - for C/C++ software.
  • awesome-cobol - Web frameworks, template engine, forms, authentication & OAuth, database, e-mail, messaging, imagery, text processing, machine learning, testing, audio, video and logging.
  • awesome-common-lisp - Common Lisp frameworks, libraries, resources and other shinies.
  • awesome-d - Build tools, compilers, IDE, GUI, database clients.
  • awesome-dotnet - .NET libraries, tools, frameworks and software.
  • awesome-elixir - Elixir libraries, resources and shiny things.
  • awesome-go - Go frameworks, libraries and software.
  • awesome-java - Build tool, code analysis, database, GUI, IDE, JSON, machine learning, PDF, science, testing and web crawling.
  • awesome-javascript - JavaScript libraries, resources and shiny things.
  • awesome-julia - List of Julia resources and packages.
  • awesome-perl - Benchmarks, databases, images, logging, profiling, testing, text processing and web frameworks.
  • awesome-php - Frameworks, templating, URL, e-mail, files, imagery, testing, security, documentation, geolocation, date, PDF, search and authentication.
  • awesome-python - Files, dates, text processing, NLP, imagery, audio, video, geolocation, web frameworks, OAuth, web crawling, networking, GUI, game development, testing, science and data analysis and machine learning.
  • awesome-R - packages, IDEs, learning courses.
  • @markets
  • @Sdogruyol
  • awesome-rust - A curated list of Rust code and resources.
  • awesome-scala - Scala frameworks, libraries and software.
  • awesome-swift - Swift documentation, projects, tutorials, updates, etc
  • awesome-haskell - A curated list of Haskell code and resources.
  • awesome-typescript - A collection of awesome TypeScript resources for client-side and server-side development. Write your awesome JavaScript in TypeScript
  • @lmmentel - A curated list of Python packages related to chemistry
  • @hsiaoyi0504 - A curated list of awesome Cheminformatics libraries and software.
  • awesome-materials-informatics - Curated list of known efforts in materials informatics
  • awesome-molecular-dynamics - A curated list of awesome Molecular Dynamics libraries, tools and software.
  • awesome-cryptography - Cryptography and encryption resources.
  • awesome-space - Jobs, Media, Rockets, Research, and other Space-related Open Source resources.
  • awesome-space-books - (mostly) offline reference books on space technology, science and history of spaceflight.
  • awesome-firefox - A curated list of resources for and about Mozilla Firefox.
  • awesome-github - Apps, tools, websites, browser extensions.
  • awesome-wikipedia - Datasets, frameworks, libraries and other software related to Wikipedia.
  • AI Collection - A Collection of Awesome Generative AI Applications
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - A helpful checklist / collection of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tips and techniques.
  • Vulnerability and Monitoring Tools - A collection of awesome software, libraries, documents, books, resources and cool stuff about security.
  • Information Security Resources - A curated list of awesome information security resources.
  • Web Security - Web application vulnerability List
  • OSX Security - OSX vulnerability List
  • awesome-community-detection - A curated list of community detection techniques.
  • awesome-decision-tree-papers - A collection of research papers on decision, classification and regression trees with implementations.
  • awesome-fraud-detection-papers - A curated list of data mining papers about fraud detection.
  • awesome-gradient-boosting-papers - A curated list of gradient boosting research papers with implementations.
  • awesome-graph-classification - A curated list of important graph embedding, classification and representation learning papers with implementations.
  • awesome-metric-learning - A curated list of awesome practical Metric Learning resources and its applications.
  • awesome-monte-carlo-tree-search - A curated list of important Monte Carlo tree search papers with implementations.
  • awesome-cryptocurrencies - A curated list of awesome cryptocurrencies 🎩
  • awesome-movies - Not yet! Do it yourself!
  • awesome-nostalgia - Nostalgia trigger links.
  • awesome-remote-job - Remote working: job boards, articles, communities, and other resources.
  • awesome-open-company - Companies that embrace values of openness and transparency.
  • awesome-opendata - A curated list of awesome opendata repositories.
  • awesome-os - A curated list of operating systems and their design.
  • awesome-community - A curated list of awesome programming, development, technical support and discussion channels, groups and communities
  • Internet of Things (IoT) - A curated list of awesome Internet of Things projects and resources.
  • awesome-static-analysis - A curated list of static analysis tools, linters and code quality checkers for various programming languages.
  • awesome-pentester - A curated list of pentesting resources.
  • awesome-unix - History of UNIX software and principles.
  • awesome-snips - A curated list of Snips assistants and resources.
  • awesome-public-datasets - A topic-centric list of HQ open datasets.