An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.
A curated list of awesome Android packages and resources.
Last synced: 6 days ago
JSON representation
Understand How Your Android App is Doing with Real-Time Contextual Insights From Your Users
- AChartEngine - Charting Engine.
- EazeGraph - Chart and graph library.
- WilliamChart - Chart library with good motion capabilities.
- HelloCharts - Chart and graph library with support for scaling, scrolling and animations.
- MPAndroidChart - An Android chart and graph library supporting scaling and dragging by gesture.
- ArcChartView - Draw Creative Statistic Arc Charts.
- AnyChart - Data visualization library, Interactive charts.
- EazeGraph - Chart and graph library.
- ArcChartView - Draw Creative Statistic Arc Charts.
- EazeGraph - Chart and graph library.
- ArcChartView - Draw Creative Statistic Arc Charts.
Cloud Services
Data binding
- Anvil - A small library to create reactive UI components, inspired by React. Provides data binding and event listener binding, fits well for MVVM.
- Data Binding Library - Official Android Data Binding Library to write declarative layouts and minimize the glue code necessary to bind application logic and layouts.
Dependency Injection
- Dagger 2 - A fast dependency injector for Android and Java.
- Butter Knife - View "injection" library for Android.
- ActivityStarter - Android Library that provide simpler way to start the Activities with multiple arguments.
- AndroidAnnotations - Java annotations with dependency injection at compile time.
- Toothpick - A scope tree based Dependency Injection (DI) library for Java.
Android Services
- Remoter - An alternative to Android AIDL for Android Remote IPC services using plain java interfaces.
- Service Connector - Bind Android services and callbacks to fields and methods.
Game Development
- Libgdx - Cross-platform game engine and SDK. [Open Source](
- Vuforia - Augmented Reality library.
- Unity - Cross-platform game creation system.
- Rajawali - Android OpenGL ES 2.0/3.0 Engine
- Cocos2d-x - Cross-platform 2d game framework.
- JustWeEngine - An easy open source Android Native Game FrameWork.
- Vuforia - Augmented Reality library.
- libsignal-protocol-java - A ratcheting forward secrecy protocol that works in synchronous and asynchronous messaging environments.
- Themis - Multi-language framework for making typical encryption schemes easy to use: data at rest, authenticated data exchange, transport protection, authentication, and so on.
- Pull to refresh - A swipe refresh layout is available in the v4 support library.
- Cardslib - Android Library to build a UI Card.
- AndroidStaggeredGrid - Grid view which supports multiple columns with rows of varying sizes.
- Flow - Library that helps with describing an app as a collection of moderately independent screens.
- SortableTableView - An Android library containing a simple TableView and an advanced SortableTableView providing a lot of customisation possibilities to fit all needs.
- MaterialProgressBar - Material design ProgressBar with consistent appearance.
- AndroidFillableLoaders - Fillable progress view working with SVG paths. Nice option too for creating interesting app logos.
- NexusDialog - Allows you to easily and quickly create forms in Android with little code.
- Snap RecyclerView Utils - Populate Single or multiple Layout RecyclerView without creating an Adapter.
- MultiSnapRecyclerView - Android library for multiple snapping of RecyclerView
- SwipeableCard - Implementation of swipe card like StreetView!!
- ElasticProgressBar - Beautiful loading bar.
- EntryScreenManager - Intro/Entry/Walkthrough/Starting Screens.
- EasyIntro - The flexible, easy to use, all in one app intro library for your Android project.
- Material-Calendar-View - Material Design Calendar compatible with API 8+
- CrunchyCalendar - A material calendar widget with infinite scrolling, date range selection and color customization.
- SmoothOverscrollableScrollView - Small custom view with smooth overscroll. You can add header with scale background
- SectionedRecyclerViewAdapter - An Adapter that allows a RecyclerView to be split into Sections with headers and/or footers.
- DragListView - Drag and drop to reorder items in a list, grid or board.
- Animated Expanding ListView - Animated Expanding ListView provides a fancy animation on expanding or collapsing the content of a listview item.
- TastyToast - Toasts with icons and color.
- DotLoader - A customizable loading animation with Dots.
- PodSlider - A customizable slider widget adhering to material design specs.
- TapTargetView - An implementation of tap targets from the Material Design guidelines for feature discovery.
- ShowCaseView - The ShowcaseView library is designed to highlight and showcase specific parts of apps to the user with a attractive and flat overlay.
- MaterialIntroScreen - Material Intro Screen implementation with easily extensible API.
- FloatingView - FloatingView can make the target view floating above the anchor view with cool animation.
- Timecon - Easy-to-use animated clock icon
- Audiogram - Lightweight audiowave progressbar
- Bubbles for Android - Facebook like chat bubble library
- Litho (By Facebook) - A declarative framework for building efficient UIs on Android.
- MultiViewAdapter - Recyclerview Adapter library to create composable view holders.
- LGSnackbar - An easy to use and customisable wrapper of the native Android Snackbar which stays visible across multiple activities.
- ShimmerLayout - Memory efficient shimmering effect for Android applications.
- CircleProgressBar - A simple library for creating circular progressbars for Android.
- Easy-Signature-Android - An simple ui library that provides a plugable signature view.
- Flashbar - A highly customizable, powerful and easy-to-use alerting library for Android.
- YuanaItemSettingView - Customizable Item Setting View for Android.
- Gradients - A curated collection of splendid gradients.
- OneAdapter - RecyclerView Adapter with multiple modules and hooks to simplify and enhance the use while preventing common mistakes.
- NoPaginate - Simple Android pagination library
- ActionBarSherlock - ActionBar for older Android versions.
- FadingActionBar - Fading action bar effect that can be seen in the new Play Music app.
- SlidingMenu - Library to create applications with slide-in menus.
- SlidingTutorial - Simple library that helps to create awesome sliding android app tutorials.
- PagerSlidingTabStrip - An interactive indicator to navigate between the different pages of a ViewPager.
- Page View indicator - Support for horizontally scrolling ViewPager.
- RecyclerTabLayout - An efficient TabLayout library implemented with RecyclerView.
- MaterialDrawer - Simple take on a material design navigation drawer.
- Debug-Artist - Debug menu to enable leakcanary, scalpel and others easy.
- Floating-Navigation-View - A simple Floating Action Button that shows an anchored Navigation View.
- Rebound - Rebound is a Java library that models spring dynamics.
- Android View Animations - Cute view animation collection.
- Android-Transition - Allows the easy creation of view transitions that react to user inputs.
- Android-View-Actions - Makes creating complex animations for views easy.
- Swipper - Android library for swipeable gestures to control volume , brightness and seek .
- Spotlight - Android Library that lights items for tutorials or walk-throughs etc...
- Crescento - Explore new style in material design by adding curve below image view.
- android-crop - Library project for cropping images.
- CircularImageView - Custom view for circular images while maintaining the best draw performance.
- Android-Image-Filter - Library project for applying image filters easily.
- Compressor - Compressor is a lightweight and powerful android image compression library.
- ShapeImageView - Library to display images in different shapes.
- FloatingLabel - FloatingLabel Allows you to create a blow kind of EditText. *Doesn't have Gradle or Maven Support.*
- MaterialEditText - Supporting Floating Labels, Single Line Ellipsis, Max/Min Characters, Helper Text and Error Text with Custom Colors.
- EmojiCompat - Adds emoticons to your app
- MaterialSearchBar - Material Design Search Bar for Android
- InputMask - Pattern-based user input formatter, parser and validator.
- SweetPassword - Password EditText that allows to custom toggle button
- VoiceOverlay - An overlay that gets your user’s voice permission and input as text in a customizable UI.
- Material Dots Indicators - Three Material Dots Indicators styles for View Pagers.
- Picasso - A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android.
- Universal Image Loader - Asynchronous, out of the box loading and caching of images.
- Glide - An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling, Recommended by Google.
- Fresco - An Android library for managing images and the memory they use.
- Glide Bitmap Pool - Glide Bitmap Pool is a memory management library for reusing the bitmap memory.
- Coil - Image loading for Android backed by Kotlin Coroutines.
- MediaPicker - Android Library that lets you to select multiple images, video or voice for Android
- Android Image Picker - A library that makes images and videos selection from gallery feels easy. It also support GIF and simple camera action
- ijkplayer - Android/iOS video player based on FFmpeg n3.2, with MediaCodec, VideoToolbox support.
- Exoplayer - ExoPlayer is an application level media player for Android, allow playing audio and video both locally and over the Internet.
- VideoPlayView - Custom Android view with video player, play/stop, loader and placeholder image.
- MagicalCamera - Simple way to take or select photos of your gallery, with other features for manage pictures.
- Camera - Use Android camera to take pictures and videos, based on camera2 api.
- Convalida - A simple and annotation-based way to validate your input fields.
- ActionBarSherlock - ActionBar for older Android versions.
- Rebound - Rebound is a Java library that models spring dynamics.
- Swipper - Android library for swipeable gestures to control volume , brightness and seek .
- Gson - Gson is a Java library used for serializing and deserializing Java objects from and into JSON.
- Jackson JSON Processor - High-performance JSON processor.
- Moshi - A modern JSON library for Android and Java.
Crash monitoring
- Fabric Crashlytics - Easy crash reporting solution.
- HockeyApp - Distribution, Crash Reports, Feedback and Analytics
- Splunk MINT - Monitoring, Crash Reports, Real time data, Statistic.
- Bugsnag - Cross platform error monitoring. Free tier. Support for SDK & NDK. Error reports include data on device, release, user, and allows arbitrary data.
- Catcho - No Force Close any more.
- Instabug - Bug reporting, Crash Reporting, In-app Feedback.
- Fabric Crashlytics - Easy crash reporting solution.
- Instabug - Bug reporting, Crash Reporting, In-app Feedback.
- Fabric Crashlytics - Easy crash reporting solution.
- Instabug - Bug reporting, Crash Reporting, In-app Feedback.
- Ion - Good networking library for android.
- OkHttp - An HTTP+SPDY client for Android and Java applications.
- RoboSpice - Library that makes writing asynchronous network requests easy.
- IceNet - Fast, Simple and Easy Networking for Android
- Android Volley - Official Android HTTP library that makes networking for easier and faster.
- IceSoap - Easy, asynchronous, annotation-based SOAP for Android.
- node-android - Run Node.js on Android.
- HappyDns - A Dns library, user can use custom dns server, dnspod httpdns. Only support A record.
- RESTMock - HTTP Web server for mocking API responses in Android Instrumentation tests.
- Fast-Android-Networking - A Complete Fast Android Networking Library that also support HTTP/2.
- Android Volley - Official Android HTTP library that makes networking for easier and faster.
- logger - Simple, pretty and powerful logger for android
- timber - A logger with a small, extensible API which provides utility on top of Android's normal Log class.
- LoggingInterceptor - An OkHttp interceptor which pretty logs request and response data.
- Bugfender - Upload your logs and check them online, specially made for mobile
- EzyLogger - Simple Lightweight logger
- Logback Android - Logback port to Android which provides a highly configurable logging framework for Android apps.
- android-remote-notifications - Pulls notifications from a remote JSON file and shows them in your app.
- Android HeartBeat Fixer - Way to set heartbeat interval and users receive PushNotifications from GCM.
- Cupboard - Access the sqlite easily via direct database access or through the ContentProvider framework.
- DbInspector - Provides a simple way to view the contents of the in-app database for debugging purposes.
- SQLite Asset Helper - manage database creation and version management using an application's raw asset files.
- Realm - The alternative to SQLite and ORMs: Simple, modern and fast! Object oriented API and multi platform support.
- Realm Asset Helper - Copies a realm database from the apk assets folder. Efficiently handles versioning of read-only realm databases.
- RestorableSQLiteDatabase - A wrapper to replicate android's SQLiteDatabase with restoring capability.
- Nitrite Database - A NoSQL embedded document store for Android with MongoDb like API.
- requery - Compile time ORM and SQL query library for Java & Android.
- GreenDAO - Light & fast ORM solution.
- ORMLite - Lightweight ORM Java package for JDBC and Android.
- ActiveAndroid - Active record style ORM.
- Sugar ORM - Insanely easy way to work with Android Databases.
- DBFlow - Fast and powerful ORM with compile-time annotation processing.
- NexusData - Object graph and persistence framework for Android.
- SimpleNoSQL - A simple NoSQL client for Android. Meant as a document store using key/value pairs and some rudimentary querying. Useful for avoiding the hassle of SQL code.
- RxSimpleNoSQL - Reactive extensions for SimpleNoSQL. Manipulate entities using Observables.
- Nitrite Database - A NoSQL embedded document store for Android with MongoDb like API.
- GreenDAO - Light & fast ORM solution.
- ORMLite - Lightweight ORM Java package for JDBC and Android.
- ActiveAndroid - Active record style ORM.
- Retrofit - Retrofit turns your REST API into a Java interface.
- Spring for Android - Rest Template - A Rest Client for Android.
- Spring for Android - Rest Template - A Rest Client for Android.
- Robotium - Test automation framework for black-box UI tests.
- Roboletric - Unit test framework to run tests inside the JVM on your workstation, not in the emulator.
- AssertJ Android - AssertJ assertions geared towards Android.
- Green Coffee - Run your Cucumber tests in your Android instrumentation tests.
- Roboletric - Unit test framework to run tests inside the JVM on your workstation, not in the emulator.
- MobileAppTracking - Tracking your marketing campaigns across multiple ad networks.
- Mixpanel - Analytics platform to analyze the users.
- Countly - Open source mobile & web analytics, push notifications and crash reporting platform, based on Node.js, MongoDB and Linux.
- CleverTap - Analytics platform and user-engagement platform with 1 million free events
- Countly - Open source mobile & web analytics, push notifications and crash reporting platform, based on Node.js, MongoDB and Linux.
- CleverTap - Analytics platform and user-engagement platform with 1 million free events
- Countly - Open source mobile & web analytics, push notifications and crash reporting platform, based on Node.js, MongoDB and Linux.
- CleverTap - Analytics platform and user-engagement platform with 1 million free events
- Google-Directions-Android - Allows you to calculate the direction between two locations and display the route on a Google Map using the Google Directions API.
- Android Maps Extensions - Extending capabilities of Google Maps Android API v2, adding marker clustering among other things
- MapScaleView - Scale bar for Google Maps Android API
- GLMap - Crossplatform offline vector map with MapCSS styling. Offline search and offline navigation are included.
- GLMap - Crossplatform offline vector map with MapCSS styling. Offline search and offline navigation are included.
- Conceal SharedPreferences - Secured Preferences using Facebook Secure Encryption called Conceal.
- EventBus - EventBus is a library that simplifies communication between different parts of your application.
- Otto - Event Bus for Android.
- Weak handler - Memory safer implementation of android.os.Handler.
- Byte Buddy - Runtime code generation library with support for Android.
- Secure Preference Manager - Secure Preference Manager for android. It uses various Encryption to protect your application's Shared Preferences.
- LeakCanary - Catch memory leaks as they occur.
- Drekkar - An Android event bus for WebView and JS.
- Androl4b - A vm for assessing android applications.
- DroidMVP - Android library to help you incorporate MVP along with Passive View and Presentation Model patterns into your app.
- EasyDeviceInfo - Get device information in a super easy way.
- Shutter-Android - Capture photos/videos from device camera or get photos/video from gallery app with no runtime permissions needed.
- Validator - An utilities class to validate text inside TextInputLayout.
- Keyboard Visibility Event - A DSL to handle soft keyboard visibility change event.
- TimeIt - A stopwatch library for android which makes it easy to start, pause, display and maintain multiple stopwatches in an app.
- Reactor - Reactor is a fast and secure key-value library for Android.
- Byte Buddy - Runtime code generation library with support for Android.
- Reactor - Reactor is a fast and secure key-value library for Android.
Debugging Tools
- Linx - Show logcat inside the device for debug builds
- Scalpel - View the entire hierarchy in 3d in the phone.
- Android Debug Database - Android Debug Database is a powerful library for debugging databases and shared preferences in Android applications.
- Android Debug Bridge - ADB - a command-line tool to assist in debugging Android-powered devices
- ADB Enhanced - a command-line wrapper around ADB for developers, so that, developers don't have to remember esoteric version-dependent commands
- Pidcat - a colored command-line ADB wrapper that only shows log entries for a specific application package
- AppSpector - Remote Android and iOS debugging and data collection service. You can debug networking, logs, SQLite and mock device's geo location.
- Stetho - Debug hierarchy and network from chrome.
- AppSpector - Remote Android and iOS debugging and data collection service. You can debug networking, logs, SQLite and mock device's geo location.
- Stetho - Debug hierarchy and network from chrome.
- SmartGattLib - Simplifies the work with Bluetooth SMART devices (a.k.a. Bluetooth Low Energy in Bluetooth 4.0).
Chat & Messaging
- Applozic Android Chat SDK - Android Chat and Messaging SDK for adding real time chat and in-app messaging into your android application.
- Qiscus SDK - Qiscus SDK is a lightweight and powerful android chat library. Qiscus SDK will allow you to easily integrating Qiscus engine with your apps to make cool chatting application.
- Kommunicate Live Chat SDK - Kommunicate provides open source live chat sdk in android. Kommunicate lets you add real time live chat and in-app messaging in your mobile (android, iOS) applications and website for customer support.
- CometChat Voice, Video and Text Chat SDK with UI - Add voice, video and text chat to your app (and website) in minutes using CometChat. CometChat's SDK includes a complete ready UI so that you don't have to spend any time building one! That's not all, CometChat has out-of-the-box support for real-time translation, whiteboards, screen sharing, friends sync, role based access control, credits deduction and more.
- Build a one-on-one Android chat app using Kotlin - Build a one-one-one Android chat app in Kotlin within few minutes using CometChat Pro. This tutorial discusses the features such as login, getting list of contacts, user presence indicators, sending/receiving messages etc.
- Stream Chat - Comprehensive SDK & Components for real-time chat, powered by [Stream](
- Add Push Notifications to Your Android Chat App Using Kotlin - Add push notifications in your Android chat apps in Kotlin with the help of CometChat Pro and Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).
- MediaRecorderDialog - Custom Dialog to record audio, store it and play it in your phone.
- HijriDatePicker - offers a hijri (Islamic Calendar) Date Picker designed on Google's Material Design Principals For Pickers.
- Noty - A simple library for creating animated alerts/dialogs/warnings.
- Build a one-on-one Android chat app using Kotlin - Build a one-one-one Android chat app in Kotlin within few minutes using CometChat Pro. This tutorial discusses the features such as login, getting list of contacts, user presence indicators, sending/receiving messages etc.
- Add Push Notifications to Your Android Chat App Using Kotlin - Add push notifications in your Android chat apps in Kotlin with the help of CometChat Pro and Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).
Version Checking
- AppUpdater - comprehensive and feature rich library, including support for checks at Amazon and FDroid.
- Gandalf - comprehensive features and a "companion" iOS solution.
- Siren - focused feature set that mimicks the popular iOS library of the same name. Supports Play and Amazon.
- Fit - version checking callback framework with no UI.
Date & Time
- ThreeTen Android Backport - An adaptation of the JSR-310 backport for Android.
- Joda-Time Android - Joda-Time library with Android specialization.
- True Time - Android NTP time library. Get the true current time impervious to device clock time changes.
Runtime Permissions
- Permission Dispatcher - Simple annotation-based API to handle runtime permissions.
- RxPermissions - Android runtime permissions powered by RxJava.
- NoPermission - Simple Android library for permissions request. Consists of only one class.
- Ask-Permission - Simple RunTime permission manager.
- Gota - Simplifying Android Permissions.
- EasyPermissions - EasyPermissions is a wrapper library to simplify basic system permissions logic when targeting Android M or higher.
- Square In-App Payments for Android - Integrate Square payments into your mobile app with Digital wallet and stored card support for quick checkout.
- Android Support library - The Android Support Library package is a set of code libraries that provide backward-compatible versions of Android framework API.
- Google Play Services - Library to access Google services, such as account syncing, Google+ (sharing, single sign-on), Google Maps, Location APIs, Google Play Games, Cloud Messaging, Android Device Manager, and others.
- Tape - A lightning fast, transactional, file-based FIFO for Android and Java.
- Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java - Collections, caching, primitives support, concurrency libraries, common annotations, string processing, I/O, and so forth.
- Android Scripting - Allows to run scripting languages on Android.
- Android Priority Job Queue - Implementation of a Job Queue to easily schedule jobs (tasks) that run in the background, improving UX and application stability.
- RateMeMaybe - Asks the user if (s)he wants to open the Play Store to rate your application.
- Easy Rating Dialog - Lib provides a simple way to display an alert dialog for rating app.
- ZXing Android-Integration - Integration with Barcode Scanner via Intent.
- Gradle Retrolambda Plugin - Java 8 Lambdas on Android!
- RxJava - RxJava – Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM.
- RxAndroid - Adds minimum RxJava bindings for easy writing of reactive Android java code.
- RxBinding - RxBinding – RxJava binding APIs for Android UI widgets from the platform and support libraries.
- Caffeine - A collection of utility classes that help make Android development faster.
- AboutLibraries - Automatically generates an About this app section, with a list of used libraries.
- AudioPlayerView - A view that loads audio from an url and have basic playback tools.
- andle - command line tool help you sync dependencies, sdk or build tool version.
- Typography - An Android library that makes it easy to use custom fonts in views.
- Calligraphy - Custom fonts in Android an OK way.
- transai - command line tool help you manage localization string files.
- Android-Link-Preview - It makes a preview from an url, grabbing all the information such as title, relevant texts and images.
- Sensey - Detecting gestures in a snap.
- UserAwareVideoView - A customized video view that will automatically pause video is user is not looking at device screen!
- Flexbox Layout - FlexboxLayout is a library which brings the similar capabilities of CSS Flexible Box Layout Module to Android.
- Agile Boiler Plate - The boiler plate is based on MVP architecture and it is fully based on Dependency Injection design pattern using Dagger2.
- Gradle buildSrcVersions - A kotlin dsl to simplify dependencies management
- Teller - Teller facilitates the downloading, saving, and reading of the cached data of your app. Keep your user's data fresh and remove those annoying loading screens!
- Gradle buildSrcVersions - A kotlin dsl to simplify dependencies management
- Programming Community Curated Resources for Learning Android Development - Android Tutorials & Courses submitted and voted by the programming community.
- Vogella Tutorials - Very good tutorials by Lars Vogel.
- Android Design in Action Video series
- Android DevBytes Video Series - It is the technical counterpart of Android Design in Action series.
- Developing for Android - A series of articles from Googler Chet Hasae and others, answering most commonly asked question: "What are some of the important rules to keep in mind when developing Android applications?".
- Android Weekly - Newsletter with weekly information about android.
- Android Action Bar Style Generator
- Device Art Generator - Wraps app screenshots in real device artwork.
- Android UI design resources - Gives you wide variety of design resources form a Google Developer Expert in UI/UX.
- Pencil Project - An open source prototyping software.
- How to Make Android Apps - Video tutorials by Derek Banas.
- android-blogs - List with blogs about Android.
- Future Studio - Extensive Android tutorials on Retrofit, Picasso, Glide & Gson.
- Android Tips & Tricks - Cheatsheet about tips and tricks for Android Development.
- Associate Android Developer Certification Materials - A collection of materials for getting ready for the test.
- Mindorks - Become a complete and happy Android developer.
- AndroidVille - Become a better Android Engineer. A website dedicated to Android Development covering advanced topics such as RxJava, Android Zygote and much more.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Design in Action Video series
- Android DevBytes Video Series - It is the technical counterpart of Android Design in Action series.
- Android Weekly - Newsletter with weekly information about android.
- How to Make Android Apps - Video tutorials by Derek Banas.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
- Android Stack Weekly - A weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Android universe.
Code examples
- Android Architecture Blueprints - The Android Architecture Blueprints project demonstrates strategies to help solve or avoid common android problems.
- Kotlin MVVM example - Example about MVVM (Model View ViewModel) Pattern.
- Kotlin VIPER example - Example about VIPER (View Interactor Presenter Entity Router) Pattern.
- Complete-Google-Map-API-Tutorial - Learn How to use Google Map API for Android from Basic to Advance with complete examples.
- Android Modular Architecture - Android Sample App using modular, clean, scalable, testable Architecture written in Kotlin following the best practices with Jetpack.
- Kotlin VIPER example - Example about VIPER (View Interactor Presenter Entity Router) Pattern.
- Android Modular Architecture - Android Sample App using modular, clean, scalable, testable Architecture written in Kotlin following the best practices with Jetpack.
- Fragmented
- Android Developers Backstage - depth discussions and interviews with engineers on the Android team at Google.
- Android Dialogs - sized conversations with people from the Android community.
- The Context
- Talking Kotlin - A Podcast on Kotlin and more.
- Android Authority
- Android Central - is a weekly Android podcast hosted by the Android Central team.
- Android Dialogs - sized conversations with people from the Android community.
More lists of libraries
- The Android Arsenal - Large list of android libraries
- Square libraries - Multiple high quality libraries by square.
- Awesome Android @LibHunt - Your go-to Android Toolbox.
- Android Store - Search Android Libraries, Projects, and Tools.
- Awesome Android @LibHunt - Your go-to Android Toolbox.
Development Alternatives
- Xamarin - Framework to create native iOS, Android, Mac and Windows apps in C#.
HTML, CSS and Javascript
- Titanium - Open-source framework to create 'native' cross platform apps using JavaScript.
- NativeScript - An open-source framework to build native iOS and Android apps with JavaScript from a single code base.
- React Native - A framework for building native apps with React by Facebook.
- Ionic Framework - A framework to build hybrid apps with mobile-optimized HTML, CSS and JS with AngularJS.
- Apache Cordova - Cordova based applications are, at the core, applications written with web technology: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
- Capacitor - Build cross-platform Native Progressive Web Apps for iOS, Android, and the web. Very promising Cordova alternative.
- NativeScript - An open-source framework to build native iOS and Android apps with JavaScript from a single code base.
- Ionic Framework - A framework to build hybrid apps with mobile-optimized HTML, CSS and JS with AngularJS.
- Corona SDK - Framework to create native iOS and Android Apps (especially Games).
- Groovy on Android - Introduction to Groovy on Android.
- Groovy Language Support for Android - Gradle Plugin for Compiling Groovy for Android.
- SwissKnife - A multi-purpose Groovy library containing view injection and threading for Android using annotations.
- SwissKnife - A multi-purpose Groovy library containing view injection and threading for Android using annotations.
- Anko - DSL for Android written in Kotlin by JetBrains.
- Kotterknife - Android view injection written in Kotlin based on ButterKnife
- Android Kotlin Samples - Some basic Android code samples written in Kotlin.
- Kotlin coding puzzles - Set of programming challenges thats helps to improve whiteboard coding and problem-solving skills.
- KAndroid - Lightweight library providing useful extensions to eliminate boilerplate code in Android SDK.
- RxKotlin/Pocket - This app help user to save links easily, and can export to Evernote as weekly.
- Android Clean Architecture - Kotlin - A base project using the Uncle Bob's clean architecture with Kotlin language and the latest Android technologies.
- Koin - Lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin
- Kotlin coding puzzles - Set of programming challenges thats helps to improve whiteboard coding and problem-solving skills.
- Flutter - Google's mobile app SDK for high-quality native interfaces for Android and iOS in very quick time.
- awesome-android-performance - A list of awesome Android tutorials, videos and tools for performance optimization.
- Booster - Booster is an optimization toolkit for Android applications.
- awesome-awesomeness
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