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A curated list of awesome Nim frameworks, libraries, software and resources.

Last synced: 2 days ago
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  • Language Features

    • Package Repositories

    • Editors

    • Async IO

      • std/async - Async/await implementation in Nim's stdlib (aka asyncdispatch).
      • chronos - An efficient library for asynchronous programming.
      • cps - Continuation-Passing Style for Nim.
    • Functional Programming

      • cascade - Method & assignment cascades for Nim, inspired by Smalltalk & Dart.
      • pipe - Pipe operator for Nim, as seen in functional languages.
      • nimfp - Nim functional programming library.
      • nim-pipexp - Expression-based pipe operators with placeholder argument for Nim.
      • zero-functional - A library providing (almost) zero-cost chaining for functional abstractions in Nim.
    • Pattern Matching

      • gara - Macro-based pattern matching library.
      • glob - Pure library for matching file paths against Unix style glob patterns.
      • regex - Pure Nim regex engine with linear time match.
      • npeg - PEGs for Nim, another take.
      • patty - A pattern matching library for Nim.
      • ast_pattern_match - A library to do pattern matching on the AST.
      • awk - A library of awk functions in Nim.
      • tinyre - A tiny regex engine based on Rob Pike's VM implementation.
    • Implementations

      • Nim - Nim (formerly known as "Nimrod") is a compiled, garbage-collected systems programming language which has an excellent productivity/performance ratio. Nim's design focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, elegance (in the order of priority).
      • nlvm - LLVM backend for Nim.
    • Standard Libraries

      • cpython - Python standard library for Nim.
      • Node.js - Node.js standard library for Nim.
    • Threading

      • weave - A state-of-the-art multithreading runtime: message-passing based, fast, scalable, ultra-low overhead.
      • timerpool - Threadsafe timerpool implementation for event purposes.
      • taskpools - Lightweight, energy-efficient, easily auditable threadpools.
      • shared - A Nim library for shared types.
      • synthesis - A compiletime, procedure-based, low-overhead, no-allocation, state-machine generator optimized for communicating processes and threads.
      • sync - Useful synchronization primitives.
      • threadlogging - A thread safe logging library using Nim's own logging module
      • malebolgia - A powerful library in Nim that simplifies the implementation of concurrent and parallel programming.
    • Error Handling

      • result - Friendly, exception-free value-or-error returns, similar to Option[T].
      • questionable - Elegant optional types for Nim.
      • optionsutils - Utility macros for easier handling of options in Nim.
    • Contracts

      • contracts - Used to make contracts - elegant promises that pieces of code will fulfill certain conditions.
      • contra - Lightweight and fast self-documenting design by contract programming.
    • Object-Oriented Programming

      • oop_utils - Nim macros for building OOP class hierarchies.
      • interfaced - Interfaces for Nim.
      • traitor - A macro heavy trait library made from boredom.
      • classes - Python-style class system for Nim.
      • classy - Haskell-style typeclasses for Nim.
    • Iteration

      • iterrr - Macros-based functional-style, lazy-like, extensible iterator library.
      • itertools - Nim rewrite of a very popular Python module of the same name.
      • loopfusion - Iterate efficiently over a variadic number of containers.
      • looper - For loop macros for Nim.
      • mangle - Attempt at a streaming library.
    • Macros

      • macroutils - A package that makes creating macros easier.
      • nimacros - Documentation for Nim macros.
      • unpack - Sequence/object unpacking/destructuring.
      • with - The `with` macro for Nim.
      • memo - Memoization for Nim.
  • Operating System

    • IO

      • std/selectors - Epoll/Kqueue/Select implementation in Nim's stdlib.
      • ioselectors - The ioselectors plus for Nim.
      • wepoll - Windows epoll wrapper for Nim.
      • faststreams - Nearly zero-overhead input/output streams for Nim.
      • lockfreequeues - Lock-free queue implementations for Nim.
    • System API

      • winim - Nim's Windows API and COM Library.
      • serial - A Nim library for accessing serial ports.
      • tempdir - A Nim library to create and manage temporary directories.
      • nimbluez - Nim modules for access to system Bluetooth resources.
    • Processes

      • psutil - A port of Python's psutil to Nim.
      • shell - A mini Nim DSL to execute shell commands more conveniently.
      • schedules - A Nim scheduler library that lets you kick off jobs at regular intervals.
      • daemon - Cross-platform process daemonization library for the Nim language.
    • Date and Time

      • datetime2human - Calculate date & time with precision from seconds to millenniums. Human friendly date time as string. ISO-8601.
      • timezones - Nim timezone library compatible with the standard library.
      • chrono - A timestamps, calendars, and timezones library.
    • Randomization

      • random - Random number generation library for Nim, inspired by Python's "random" module.
      • sysrandom.nim - A Nim library to generate random numbers and random ranges of bytes using the system's PRNG.
      • alea - Define and compose random variables.
      • drand48 - Nim implementation of the standard Unix drand48 random number generator.
    • Scripting

      • nimcr - Running Nim code with Shebangs.
      • nimr - Run Nim programs like scripts.
  • Data

    • Serialization

      • nesm - NESM is a tool that generates serialization and deserialization code for a given object.
      • serialization - A modern and extensible serialization framework for Nim.
      • json-serialization - Flexible JSON serialization not relying on run-time type information.
      • protobuf-serialization - The nim-protobuf-serialization.
      • ssz-serialization - Nim implementation of Simple Serialize (SSZ) serialization and merkleization.
      • toml-serialization - Flexible TOML serialization `not` relying on run-time type information.
      • frosty - Marshal native Nim objects via streams, sockets.
      • protobuf-nim - Protobuf implementation in pure Nim that leverages the power of the macro system to not depend on any external tools.
      • flatty - Tools and serializer for plain flat binary files.
      • bingo - Binary serialization framework for Nim.
    • Database

      • nimongo - Pure Nim lang MongoDB driver.
      • asyncpg - Asynchronous PostgreSQL driver for Nim.
      • anonimongo - Another Nim pure Mongo DB driver.
      • redis - Official redis wrapper for Nim.
      • amysql - Async MySQL Connector write in pure Nim.
      • mycouch - Multisync CouchDB driver for Nim.
      • SQLiteral - A high level SQLite API for Nim.
      • asyncmysql - Asynchronous MySQL connector written in pure Nim.
      • sqlcipher - SQLCipher wrapper.
      • litestore - A lightweight, self-contained, RESTful, searchable, multi-format NoSQL document store.
      • rocksdb - Nim wrapper for RocksDB, a persistent key-value store for flash and RAM Storage.
      • ormin - Prepared SQL statement generator , A lightweight ORM.
      • allographer - A query_builder/ORM library inspired by Laravel/PHP and Orator/Python for Nim.
      • gatabase - Connection-Pooling Compile-Time ORM for Nim.
      • norm - Norm is an object-oriented, framework-agnostic ORM for Nim that supports SQLite and PostgreSQL.
    • Data Structures

      • BitVector - A high-performance Nim implementation of BitVectors.
      • rbtree - A Red/Black tree implementation in Nim.
      • quadtree - A Quadtree library for Nim.
      • kdtree - A pure Nim k-d tree implementation for efficient spatial querying of point data.
      • RTree - Generic R-tree implementation for Nim.
      • sorta - SortedTables in Nim, based on B-trees.
      • minmaxheap - A Nim implementation of a Minimum-Maximum heap.
      • BipBuffer - A Nim implementation of Simon Cooke's Bib Buffer
      • bloom - Bloom filter implementation in Nim.
      • binaryheap - Simple binary heap implementation in Nim.
      • faststack - Dynamically resizable data structure for fast iteration over large arrays of similar elements.
      • StashTable - Concurrent hash tables for Nim.
    • Data Processing

      • NimData - DataFrame API written in Nim, enabling fast out-of-core data processing.
      • Datamancer - A dataframe library with a dplyr like API.
      • nimdataframe - Dataframe for Nim.
      • nimhdf5 - Wrapper and some simple high-level bindings for the HDF5 library for Nim.
      • mpfit - A wrapper for the cMPFIT library for Nim.
    • Parsing

      • parsetoml - A Nim library to parse TOML files.
      • NimYAML - YAML implementation for Nim.
      • Binarylang - Extensible Nim DSL for creating binary parsers/encoders in a symmetric fashion.
    • Standards

      • isocodes - ISO codes for Nim (ISO 3166-1, ISO 3166-2, ISO 3166-3, ISO 15924, ISO 15924, ISO 639-2, ISO 639-5)
  • User Interface

    • Terminal

      • NimCx - Color and utilities for the Linux terminal.
      • pager - A simple command line pager library, written in Nim.
      • illwill - Simple cross-platform terminal library inspired by (n)curses.
    • GUI

      • NiGui - A cross-platform, desktop GUI toolkit.
      • nimx - Desktop, Mobile & Web GUI framework in Nim.
      • NiGui - A cross-platform, desktop GUI toolkit.
      • ui - Wrapper for libui. Beginnings of what might become Nim's official UI library.
      • uing - Wrapper & bindings for libui-ng, an updated and maintained fork of libui.
      • iup - Wrapper for IUP. Beginnings of what might become Nim's official UI library.
      • SDL2 - Official wrapper for SDL 2.x.
      • SDL2 - A wrapper for SDL 2.
      • Owlkettle - Declarative user interface framework based on GTK.
      • libtray - Nim wrapper for Tray (dmikushin's fork), a library to create system tray/menu bar icon with a popup menu.
      • wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework.
      • gintro - High-level GObject-Introspection based GTK3/GTK4 bindings for Nim.
      • nimqml - Qt QML bindings for the Nim programming language.
      • Neel - A library for making Electron-like HTML/JS GUI apps.
      • nimview - A Nim/Webview based helper to create desktop/server applications with Nim and HTML/CSS.
      • webgui - Web technologies based cross-platform GUI Framework with a dark theme.
      • fidget - Figma based UI library for Nim, with HTML and OpenGL backends.
      • nsciter - High-level and low-level Nim wrapper for
      • webview - Nim bindings and wrapper for Webview.
      • webui - Nim bindings and wrapper for WebUI.
      • imgui - ImGui bindings for Nim via cimgui.
      • nimAntTweakBar - Wrapper for AntTweakBar.
    • Design

      • chroma - Everything you want to do with colors, in Nim.
      • typography - Fonts, typesetting and rasterization.
      • trick - Library for GBA/NDS image conversion, and more!
      • HexToAnsi - Convert hexadecimal colors to ANSI colors.
    • Plotting

      • ggplotnim - A port of ggplot2 for Nim.
      • plotly - A plotly wrapper for Nim.
      • graph - A basic plotting library in Nim.
      • nimetry - Simple plotting in pure Nim.
      • nimgraphviz - A Nim library for making graphs with GraphViz and DOT.
  • Web

    • Protocols

      • jswebsockets - WebSockets optimized for JavaScript targets.
      • http-utils - HTTP helper procedures.
      • puppy - Puppy fetches HTML pages for Nim.
      • netty - Reliable UDP connection library for games in Nim.
      • json-rpc - Nim library for implementing JSON-RPC clients and servers.
      • nmqtt - Native Nim MQTT client library.
      • libp2p - A Nim implementation of the libp2p networking stack.
      • libp2p-dht - DHT based on the libp2p kademlia spec.
      • webdavclient - WebDAV client for Nim.
      • stomp - A pure-Nim client library for interacting with Stomp compliant message brokers.
      • presto - An efficient REST API framework.
      • gemini - Building blocks for creating Gemini servers and clients.
      • yahttp - Awesome simple HTTP client.
      • ndns - A pure Nim Domain Name System (DNS) client.
      • dnsprotocol - Domain Name System (DNS) protocol for Nim programming language.
      • quic - QUIC for Nim. This is very much a work in progress, and not yet in a usable state.
      • ngtcp2 - A wrapper around ngtcp2: an effort to implement IETF QUIC protocol.
      • ws - Simple WebSocket library for Nim.
      • websocket.nim - WebSockets for Nim.
      • news - Nim Easy WebSocket. Based on ws.
      • websock - An implementation of the WebSocket protocol for Nim.
      • telebot.nim - Async client for Telegram Bot API in pure Nim.
      • dimscord - A Discord Bot & REST Library for Nim.
      • nwaku - Implementation of the Waku v1 and v2 protocols.
      • status - Nim implementation of the Status protocol.
      • nimMulticast - UDP Multicast made simple.
    • HTTP Servers

      • jshttp2 - Async HTTPS 2.0 web server.
      • httpbeast - A highly performant, multi-threaded HTTP 1.1 server ([top 10 in FrameworkBenchmarks](
      • httpx - Cross platform web server for Nim. A fork of httpbeast adding Windows support.
      • GuildenStern - Genuinely multithreading integrated HTTP/1.1 + WebSocket v13 Server for POSIX-compliant OSes.
      • Mummy - A multi-threaded HTTP 1.1 server with first-class support for WebSockets.
      • netkit - Out-of-the-box, stable and secure network facilities and utilities written in pure Nim.
    • Gemini Servers

      • Nemini - A very simple Gemini server for serving static gemtext files.
      • Geminim - A Gemini server.
    • Template Engines

      • Nim Source Code filters - Nim's powerful built-in feature which can be used as a templating system or a preprocessor.
      • smalte - It is a dead simple and lightweight template engine. Specially designed for configure application before start in Docker.
      • html-dsl - Nim HTML DSL.
      • templates - A simple string templating library for Nim.
      • nimja - Typed and compiled template engine inspired by jinja2, twig and onionhammer/nim-templates for Nim.
      • mustache - A full implementation of v1.2.1 of the Mustache spec.
      • Tim - A high-performance template engine & markup language.
    • HTML Parsers

      • Nimquery - Library for querying HTML using CSS selectors, like JavaScript's `document.querySelector`.
    • Frameworks

      • Jester - The sinatra-like web framework for Nim. Jester provides a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Nim.
      • prologue - A fullstack web framework written in Nim.
      • whip - Simple and fast HTTP server for Nim based on httpbeast and nest for high performance routing.
      • basolato - A fullstack web framework for Nim based on Jester.
      • karax - A framework for developing single page applications in Nim.
      • happyx - A macro-oriented full stack asynchronous web framework written in Nim.
      • scorper - A micro and elegant web framework written in Nim.
      • starlight - Flask-like web framework written in Nim.
      • rosencrantz - DSL to write web servers, inspired by Spray and its successor Akka HTTP.
      • nim_websitecreator - Nim fullstack website framework - deploy a website within minutes.
      • nim-palladian - Palladian is a Nim front-end framework based on and wrapped around Preact.
    • Authentication

      • httpauth - HTTP Authentication library for Nim.
      • oauth - OAuth library for Nim.
  • Development Tools

    • Editor Integration

      • Editor Support - Official list of editor plugins for Nim.
      • nimlsp - The Language Server Protocol implementation for Nim.
      • nim.nvim - Nim plugin for NeoVim.
      • vscode-nim - Language support for the Nim programming language for VS Code.
    • REPL

      • INim - Interactive Nim Shell.
      • jupyternim - A Jupyter kernel for Nim.
    • Binding Generators

      • c2nim - c2nim is a tool to translate Ansi C code to Nim.
      • nimgen - nimgen is a helper for c2nim to simplify and automate the wrapping of C libraries. Superseded by nimterop.
      • nimterop - A Nim package that leverages tree-sitter to make C/C++ interop seamless. Superseded by Futhark.
      • Futhark - Automatic wrapping of C headers in Nim with libclang.
      • nimpy - Generate Python wrappers and call Python from Nim.
      • jnim - Nim - Java bridge.
      • rnim - A bridge between R and Nim. Currently this is a barely working prototype. -->
    • Build Systems / Package Management

      • ChooseNim - Installing and switching between Nim versions (à la rustup, pyenv).
      • Nake - Describe your Nim builds as tasks.
      • Nawabs - A build system that throws away version numbering in favor of git hashes.
      • Nimble - Nimble can be used as a build system.
      • nimph - Nim package hierarchy manager from the future.
      • nimby - A very simple and unofficial package manager for Nim.
      • nifty - A decentralized pseudo package manager and script runner.
      • nsis - Nim programming language setup tool.
      • nim-windows-container - A Windows Container with a complete Nim build environment.
    • Logging

      • chronicles - A crafty implementation of structured logging for Nim.
      • morelogging - Logging library for Nim.
    • Testing

      • faker - A Nim package that generates fake data for you.
      • balls - A unittest macro to save the world, or at least your Sunday.
      • einheit - A Nim unit testing library inspired by Python's unit tests.
      • asynctest - Complements the standard unittest module in Nim to allow testing of asynchronous code.
      • unittest2 - Fork of the "unittest" Nim module focusing on parallel test execution, test-level scoping and strict exception handling.
    • Fuzzing

      • drchaos - A powerful and easy-to-use fuzzing framework in Nim for C/C++/Obj-C targets.
      • libfuzzer - LibFuzzer's interface bindings.
    • Benchmarking

      • golden - A benchmark for compile-time and/or runtime Nim.
      • criterion - Statistic-driven micro-benchmark framework.
      • stopwatch - A fork of rbmz's stopwatch that adds extra features.
      • nimbench - A micro benchmark module for Nim.
    • Command-Line Interface Automation

      • cligen - Infer & generate command-line interace/option/argument parsers.
      • docopt.nim - Command-line args parser.
      • argparse - Argument parsing for Nim.
      • cliche - AutoMagic CLI argument parsing is so cliché.
      • loki - A small library for writing line-oriented command interpreters in Nim.
      • confutils - Simplified handling of command line options and config files
      • Cmdos - A simple way to process cli arguments and help messages.
  • Resources

  • Hardware

    • Backups

      • ftd2xx - Wrapper for FTDI ftd2xx library (USB to JTAG/SPI/I2C/Bitbang etc.).
      • nimvisa - Wrapper for NI-VISA instrument control library.
    • Embedded

      • ratel - Next-generation, zero-cost abstraction microconroller programming in Nim.
      • ardunimo - Nim wrapper for Arduino + LinkIt ONE SDK by Mediatek.
      • ardunimesp - Nim wrapper for Arduino ESP8266 framework + A tool for flashing, compiling and making a Nim project into an Arduino project.
      • msp430f5510 - Run Nim on MSP430f5510 micro-controller (6KB of RAM).
      • Nesper - Program the ESP32 using Nim. Library on top of esp-idf.
      • stm32f3 - Run Nim on STM32F3 micro-controller (16KB of RAM).
      • boneIO - GPIO implementation for the BeagleBone Black for Nim.
  • Science

    • Embedded

      • units - Statically-typed quantity units library for the Nim language.
      • unchained - A fully type safe, compile time only units library.
      • metric - A small library providing type-level dimensional analysis.
      • orbits - Orbital mechanics library for Nim.
  • Text

    • String Types

      • ssostrings - Small String Optimized (SSO) string implementation.
      • cowstrings - Copy-On-Write string implementation according to nim-lang/RFCs#221.
    • Translation

      • tinyslation - Text string translation from free online crowdsourced API.
    • Markdown

      • HastyScribe - Self-contained markdown compiler generating self-contained HTML documents.
      • markdown - A beautiful Markdown Parser in the Nim world.
      • lester - Create quick documents out of Markdown, into HTML.
  • Multimedia

    • Audio

      • paramidi - A Nim library for making MIDI music.
      • omni - A DSL for low-level audio programming.
      • wave - A tiny WAV sound module.
      • parasound - A library to provide Nim bindings for miniaudio and dr_wav.
      • jacket - A Nim wrapper for the libjack C library to write clients for the JACK audio server.
    • Images

      • pixie - A full-featured 2D graphics library for Nim.
      • nimpng - PNG (Portable Network Graphics) decoder and encoder written in Nim.
      • nimbmp - BMP decoder and encoder written in Nim.
      • nimsvg - A Nim-based DSL allowing generation of SVG files and GIF animations.
      • pnm - Library for PNM (Portable Anymap) in Nim.
    • Documents

      • nimpdf - PDF document writer, written in Nim.
  • Algorithms

    • Math

      • symbolicnim - A symbolic library written purely in Nim.
      • impulse - Impulse will be a collection of primitives for signal processing (FFT, Convolutions).
      • vectorize - SIMD vectorization backend.
      • vmath - Math vector library for graphical things.
      • neo - A matrix library.
      • manu - Nim MAtrix NUmeric package - a port of JAMA, adapted to Nim.
      • nlopt - A wrapper for the nonlinear optimization library Nlopt.
    • Deep Learning

      • Arraymancer - A fast, ergonomic and portable tensor library in Nim with a deep learning focus for CPU, GPU, OpenCL and embedded devices.
      • NimTorch - PyTorch - Python + Nim. A Nim front-end to PyTorch's native backend, combining Nim's speed, productivity and portability with PyTorch's latest implementations.
      • laser - Carefully-tuned primitives for running tensor and image-processing code on CPU, GPUs and accelerators.
      • flambeau - Nim bindings to libtorch. -->
    • Bigints

      • bigints - Bigints for Nim.
      • stint - Stack-based arbitrary-precision integers. Fast and portable with natural syntax for resource-restricted devices.
      • theo - An optimized bigint and number theory library for Nim.
    • Cryptography

      • nimcrypto - Nim cryptographic library.
      • nimaes - Advanced Encryption Standard, Rinjdael Algorithm written in Nim.
      • constantine - Constant time pairing-based of elliptic curve based cryptography and digital signatures.
      • bslcurve - Nim implementation of BLS signature scheme (Boneh-Lynn-Shacham) over Barreto-Lynn-Scott (BLS) curve BLS12-381.
      • bncurve - Nim implementation of Barreto-Naehrig pairing-friendly elliptic curve.
      • xxtea - XXTEA encryption algorithm library.
      • crc32 - CRC32 for Nim. Just pass the thing you want to do CRC.
      • rollinghash - High performance Nim implementation of a Cyclic Polynomial Hash, aka BuzHash, and the Rabin-Karp algorithm.
      • murmurhash - Pure Nim implementation of MurmerHash
      • des - DES/3DES, DUKPT and MAC in Nim.
      • shimsham - A collection of hash functions, including JH, SHA-2, SHA-3, SipHash, Tiger, and Whirlpool.
      • NiMPC - A secure multi-party computation (MPC) library for the Nim programming language.
    • Blockchain

      • eth - Common utilities for Ethereum.
      • nimbus-eth1 - An Ethereum 1.0 and 2.0 client for resource-restricted devices.
      • nimbus-eth2 - Efficient implementation of the Ethereum 2.0 blockchain.
      • evmc - Ethereum VM binary compatible interface.
      • ethash - A pure-Nim implementation of Ethash, the Ethereum proof of work.
      • contract-abi - Implements encoding of parameters according to the Ethereum Contract ABI specification.
      • web3 - The humble beginnings of a Nim library similar to web3.[js|py]. -->
      • abc - Experimental asynchronous blockchain. -->
      • nitro - Highly experimental implementation of the Nitro statechannels protocol in Nim. -->
    • Compression

      • zippy - Pure Nim implementation of deflate, zlib, gzip and zip.
      • supersnappy - Dependency-free and performant Nim Snappy implementation.
      • snappy - Nim implementation of Snappy compression algorithm.
      • zip - Wrapper for the zip library.
  • Game Development

    • Game Libraries

      • nimgl - NimGL is a Nim library that offers bindings for popular libraries used in computer graphics.
      • glm - Port of the popular glm C++ library to Nim.
      • GLAD - Multi-Language Vulkan/GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL Loader-Generator based on the official specs.
      • enu - 3D live coding with a Logo-like DSL for Godot, implemented in Nim.
    • Game Frameworks

      • nico - Nim Game Framework based on Pico-8.
      • natu - Toolkit for writing Game Boy Advance games in Nim.
      • naylib - safe Raylib wrapper.
      • c4 - Modular and extensible 2D and 3D game framework for Nim.
      • paranim - A game library based around carefully chosen abstractions.
    • Game Engines

      • NimForUE - Nim plugin for UE5 with native performance, hot reloading and full interop that sits between C++ and Blueprints.
      • nimgame2 - A simple 2D game engine for Nim.
      • norx - A complete wrapper of the ORX 2.5D cross platform game engine library.
      • godot-nim - Nim bindings for Godot Engine.
      • rod - Cross-platform 2D and 3D game engine.
      • frag - Cross-platform 2D/3D game engine.
      • semicongine - Cross-platform, (almost) dependency-free game engine.
      • saohime - An extensible 2D game engine for Nim, inspired by Bevy Engine.
      • alasgar - Pure nim 3D game engine based on OpenGL.
    • Rules Engines

      • turn_based_game - A game rules engine for simulating or playing turn-based games.
      • pararules - A RETE-based rules engine made for games.
  • System Tools

    • Backups

      • norg - A portable wrapper for borg and restic.