
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Extensions to store DataStore in EncryptedFile

android datastore encrypted encryption security tink

Last synced: 01 Jul 2024

✨ Transform gist into your personal key/value datastore. 💡Pair this with Next.js static sites and incremental static regeneration. Built with TypeScript.

datastore gist gist-data gist-database gist-db github-database key-value keyvalue

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

Fantasy Premier League Kotlin Multiplatform sample using Jetpack Compose, Compose for Desktop and SwiftUI (and Room for local persistence)

android compose-multiplatform datastore fantasy-premier-league ios jetpack-compose kmp koin kotlin kotlin-multiplatform kotlin-native room skie swift swiftui

Last synced: 28 Jun 2024

🔥基于 Kotlin 语言仿写「开眼 Eyepetizer」的一个短视频 Android 客户端项目,采用 Jetpack + 协程实现的 MVVM 架构。

android android-jetpack appstartup coroutines databinding datastore kotlin livedata-viewmodel mvvm mvvm-architecture paging3 vipyinzhiwei

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

Give your data the treatment it deserves with a framework-agnostic, datastore-agnostic JavaScript ORM built for ease of use and peace of mind. Works in Node.js and in the Browser. Main Site:, API Reference Docs:

data-mapper datastore javascript nodejs odm orm

Last synced: 21 Jun 2024

Batching and Caching layer using Redis as the Caching layer

batching dataloader datastore facebook-dataloader promise redis-cache redis-dataloader

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

🥰 A tool to record, search and manage stickers on your phone. ⭐️ Star to support our work! 一个在本地记录、查找、管理表情包的工具。基于 MVI 架构,使用 Jetpack Compose 编写,完全采用 Material You 风格。⭐️ 点个 Star 以支持此项工作!

android compose datastore genshin genshin-impact hilt jetpack kotlin material-you md3 mvi-architecture navigation room sticker webdav

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

🤗 Raca,一个在本地记录、查找抽象段落/评论区小作文的工具。基于 MVI 架构,使用 Jetpack Compose 编写,完全采用 Material You 风格。

android compose datastore genshin genshin-impact hilt jetpack kotlin material-you mvi-architecture navigation room webdav

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

A cloud-based learning management system intended for educational institutions. (Serverless Application) - AWS Amplify, React.js, GraphQL and DataStore.

amplify aws cloud datastore graphql react

Last synced: 12 Jun 2024

🔥🔥🔥 Kotlin + MVVM + LCE版玩安卓,暗黑模式、横竖屏、无网、弱网、无数据、加载失败等等各种情况,协程、Room、Hilt、DataStore、LiveData、Retrofit、屏幕适配、本地缓存、多语言切换、多 lib,你想要的我都有!!!

compose coroutines datastore hilt jetpack kotlin mvvm retrofit2 room

Last synced: 11 Jun 2024

An Embedded Implementation of Redis

c datastore embedded kv-store redis vedis

Last synced: 11 Jun 2024

DKAN Open Data Portal

datastore dkan drupal open-data php

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024

Fast data store for Pandas time-series data

dask database dataframe datastore pandas parquet timeseries

Last synced: 06 Jun 2024

Dynamode is a modeling tool for Amazon's DynamoDB

amazon aws data database datastore db document dynamo dynamodb model nosql schema

Last synced: 01 Jun 2024

The AI Datastore for Schemas, BLOBs, and Predictions. Use with your apps or integrate built-in Human Supervision, Data Workflow, and UI Catalog to get the most value out of your AI Data.

annotation annotation-tool annotations data data-analytics data-annotation data-science datasets datastore deep-learning image-annotation kubernetes labeling machine-learning training-data video-annotation

Last synced: 22 May 2024

A lightweight, self-contained, RESTful, searchable, multi-format NoSQL document store.

datastore fulltext-search jwt middleware nosql self-contained sqlite web-server

Last synced: 17 May 2024

GhostDB is a distributed, in-memory, general purpose key-value data store that delivers microsecond performance at any scale.

cache database datastore distributed-database golang in-memory-database

Last synced: 15 May 2024

A faster replacement for google-cloud-datastore

database-access datastore python3

Last synced: 13 May 2024

Base class for orbit-db data stores

database datastore orbitdb store

Last synced: 11 May 2024

Open Source alternative to Algolia + Pinecone and an Easier-to-Use alternative to ElasticSearch ⚡ 🔍 ✨ Fast, typo tolerant, in-memory fuzzy Search Engine for building delightful search experiences

algolia datastore elasticsearch enterprise-search faceting full-text-search fuzzy-search geosearch in-memory instantsearch merchandising pinecone search search-engine semantic-search similarity-search site-search synonyms typo-tolerance vector-search

Last synced: 07 May 2024

Simple JSON flat file data store with support for typed and dynamic data.

c-sharp database datastore dotnet-core dynamic flat-file json

Last synced: 05 May 2024

akka-persistence-gcp-datastore is a journal and snapshot store plugin for akka-persistence using google cloud firestore in datastore mode.

akka akka-persistence cloud cqrs datastore event-sourcing firestore gcp-datastore google java scala

Last synced: 30 Apr 2024

Example of encryption Jetpack Proto DataStore with Tink

android datastore tink

Last synced: 29 Apr 2024

An unofficial Google Cloud Platform Go Datastore wrapper that adds caching using memcached. For App Engine Flexible, Compute Engine, Kubernetes Engine, and more.

appengine appengine-flex cache compute-engine datastore datastore-wrapper go golang kubernetes kubernetes-engine memcache memcached

Last synced: 29 Apr 2024

pickleDB is an open source key-value store using Python's json module.

bsd-3-clause database datastore json key-value pickledb python python3

Last synced: 28 Apr 2024

A standalone web service that pushes data files from a CKAN site resources into its DataStore

ckan datastore

Last synced: 28 Apr 2024

A Deno 🦕 persistent, embeddable and optimized NoSQL database for JS & TS

async database datastore deno javascript json mongodb nosql persistent-storage

Last synced: 26 Apr 2024

An implementation of the exact same app in Firestore, AWS Datastore, PouchDB, RxDB and WatermelonDB

angular aws-amplify database datastore firebase firestore hacktoberfest indexeddb offline-first persistence pouchdb rxdb sync watermelondb

Last synced: 20 Apr 2024

Store your data in Gun DB by sending simple HTTP requests - based on :floppy_disk: :rocket:

api datastore gun gundb gunicorn jsonstore simple store

Last synced: 16 Apr 2024

A tiny embedded, lock free, redis-like, pub+sub, brokerless, key value datastore. ømq+sled

database datastore kv lock-free

Last synced: 01 Apr 2024

Kitbag is a content-addressed versioned tree-structured graph-based datastore.

collaboration datastore solidarity

Last synced: 01 Apr 2024

Distributed immutable data store with strong encryption and authentication

blockchain database datastore immutable immutable-objects immutable-store kafka materialized-view materialized-views quantum-algorithms

Last synced: 01 Apr 2024

equivalent to kafka-connect :wrench: for nodejs :sparkles::turtle::rocket::sparkles:

connect datastore etl framework kafka kafka-connect nodejs

Last synced: 26 Mar 2024

A simple (but quick) tool for backing up Elasticsearch documents

backup-utility command-line datastore elasticsearch performance

Last synced: 17 Mar 2024