
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A plugin system that runs like a browser, but instead of load web pages, it load apk plugins which runs natively on Android system.

android fragments plugin

Last synced: 06 Jul 2024

A handy collection of most commonly used Kotlin extensions to boost your productivity.

android fragments kotlin-extensions textview viewgroup

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

Extract Information from web corpus using Open Information Extraction.

extract-information fragments sentence web-corpus

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

vertical slide to switch to the next fragment page, looks like vertical viewpager

fragments slide taobao

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

[ACTIVE] Simple Stack, a backstack library / navigation framework for simpler navigation and state management (for fragments, views, or whatevers).

android backstack fragments navigation simple-stack single-activity-pattern state-persistence

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

Declarative client-side web fragment merger using web component APIs

fragments microfrontend web-components

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

Makes it easy to create beautiful about screens for your apps

about android card fragments library material

Last synced: 15 Jun 2024

轮盘样式的 Fragment 选择菜单,可转动轮盘切换 Fragment

android fragments manager

Last synced: 15 Jun 2024

ExpandingPager is a card peek/pop controller

card-peek fragments viewpager

Last synced: 15 Jun 2024

A tool that allows you to backup your secrets using your trusted social circle.

fragments react secrets shamir-secret-sharing

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024

With MVVM Architecture pattern using Android Architecture Components This is a sample app demonstrating Youtube player animation using constraint layout

android animation buildsrc constraint-layout dagger fragments google kotlin mvvm-architecture ui youtube

Last synced: 06 Jun 2024

🚦 Cicerone is a lightweight library that makes the navigation in an Android app easy.

android bottom-navigation cicerone fragments jetpack-navigation multistack navigation

Last synced: 06 Jun 2024

A simple helper library for constructing GraphQL queries.

fragments graphql mutations queries

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

How to do reveal a fragment with a circular reveal

android animations fragments

Last synced: 26 May 2024

👺 Fragment based orm request generator for Hasura with built in auto-table lookup and base fragment builder

automatic-api fragments graphql graphql-api graphql-client graphql-js graphql-schema graphql-server graphql-subscriptions graphql-tools hasura hasura-orm microservice nodejs orm orm-framework postgres

Last synced: 19 May 2024

A streaming layout service for front-end microservices

fragments layout-service microservice mosaic nodejs streams tailor web

Last synced: 27 Apr 2024

AboutLibraries automatically collects all dependencies and licenses of any gradle project (Kotlin MultiPlatform), and provides easy to integrate UI components for Android and Compose-jb environments

aboutlibraries android android-development android-library android-ui compose fragments hacktoberfest kotlin kotlin-multiplatform kotlin-multiplatform-library libraries mikepenz multiplatform

Last synced: 24 Apr 2024

animated slides in a fragmented look 🐞🌳✡️📐

carousel fragments images piece slider slides vue

Last synced: 12 Apr 2024

A clean architecture approach (modular) using MVVM, Dagger2, LiveData and RxAndroid

android android-navigation dagger2 espresso fragments jetpack jetpack-android ktx-library livedata mockwebserver modular mvvm rxjava-android

Last synced: 18 Mar 2024

A small navigation library for Android to ease the use of fragment transactions & handling backstack (also available for Jetpack Compose).

android animations backstack bottom-navigation fragment-transitions fragments jetpack-compose navigation process-death single-activity-pattern state-persistence tablayout-navigation

Last synced: 18 Mar 2024