
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A revolutionary internet infrastructure enabling a truly free Network, that offers Stability, Trust, Privacy, and Security

atopn canada email gateway http-protocol imap-protocol iopn javascript kaku nodejs opens opn point-to-point proxy proxy-server qtchat qtgate qtstorage vpn

Last synced: 04 Jul 2024

IoT DC3 is an open source, distributed Internet of Things (IoT) platform based on Spring Cloud. It is used for rapid development of IoT projects and management of IoT devices. It is a set of solutions for IoT system.

data-collection dcs device-management docker gateway iot iot-dc3 java mqtt multi-protocol opc-ua plc rpc rtsp socket spring-cloud tcp visualization vue

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

OpenWrt based gateway images including ChirpStack components.

chirpstack gateway iot lora lorawan openwrt

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

IBM API Connect Microgateway framework, built on Node.js & Nginx

api-management apiconnect gateway nginx nodejs

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

Gateway for secure & reliable communications with OpenAI and other LLM providers

cohere-ai gateway large-language-models llm ml openai

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

Docker compose deployment to run Tyk OSS Gateway

api-gateway gateway open-source opensource tyk tyk-gateway

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

AI Gateway - core infrastructure stack for building production-ready AI Applications

ai aistudio api gateway generative-ai grpc inference large-language-models llmops llms protobuf workforce

Last synced: 26 Jun 2024

Incoming Webhooks Gateway built with Go. Uses Redis for storage/queueing.

gateway golang redis webhook webhooks

Last synced: 26 Jun 2024

:rocket: A performance app engine to create web services and applications in minutes.Suitable for AI, IoT, Industrial Internet, Connected Vehicles, DevOps, Energy, Finance and many other use-cases.

ai aigc api chatgpt cloud dashboard flow-based-programming framework gateway go golang internal-tools low-code low-code-platform lowcode mircroservice self-hosted webserver webservice workflow

Last synced: 25 Jun 2024

🏰 Serving distributed Web Annotations from the decentralized web

annotation decentralization gateway hyperswarm ldp p2p w3c-web-annotations

Last synced: 21 Jun 2024

Instant API: Build type-safe web APIs with JavaScript

api api-gateway bun deno gateway javascript nodejs server

Last synced: 21 Jun 2024

微服务API聚合网关 An Aggregation API Gateway


Last synced: 19 Jun 2024

Make every API you use faster and more reliable with one line of code ⚡️

api data gateway http http-client observability proxy rest typescript

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

Amazon S3 HTTP Basic Auth Gateway: put your files into S3 bucket and make them accessible with a login/password through a browser

amazon-s3-bucket amazon-web-services aws aws-s3 gateway http-auth http-authentication java

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

Android SMS Gateway application for sending and receiving SMS via HTTP API in Kotlin

android gateway kotlin sms sms-api sms-messages smsgateway

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

Bring the power of pre-signed URLs to your apps. Signway is a gateway for redirecting ephimeral signed URLs to the requested API

api gateway llm openai rust rust-lang signature-verification signed-url

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

☁️ Cloud-native database gateway and framework for building data-driven applications ✨ Like API gateways, for databases ✨

cloud-native connection-pool data-driven database event-based framework gateway gatewayd microgateway plugin-system postgresql proxy

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

:honeybee: IoT Technical Guide --- 从零搭建高性能物联网平台及物联网解决方案和Thingsboard源码分析 :sparkles: :sparkles: :sparkles: (IoT Platform, SaaS, MQTT, CoAP, HTTP, Modbus, OPC, WebSocket, 物模型,Protobuf, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Spring Security, OAuth2, RuleEngine, Kafka, Docker)

coap gateway internet-of-things iot iot-platform jwt micorservice modbus mqtt multitenant nosql opc-ua real-time rule-engine thingsboard token tsl websocket

Last synced: 11 Jun 2024

A Kubernetes media gateway for WebRTC. Contact: [email protected]

gateway kubernetes webrtc

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

A high-performance Golang gateway that supports rapid development and plug-inization

gateway gateway-microservice golang

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024

Cloud Native GoLang Microservices - gRPC, GraphQL

cicd gateway go-micro golang grpc kubernetes micro microservices monorepo

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024

lamp-cloud 基于Jdk11 + SpringCloud + SpringBoot 开发的微服务中后台快速开发平台,专注于多租户(SaaS架构)解决方案,亦可作为普通项目(非SaaS架构)的基础开发框架使用,目前已实现插拔式数据库隔离、SCHEMA隔离、字段隔离 等租户隔离方案。

admin cloud eureka gateway hystrix java jwt mybatis nacos seata spring spring-cloud springboot springcloud xss zuul

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024

spring boot demo 是一个Spring Boot、Spring Cloud的项目示例,根据市场主流的后端技术,共集成了50+个demo,未来将持续更新。该项目包含helloworld(快速入门)、web(ssh项目快速搭建)、aop(切面编程)、data-redis(redis缓存)、quartz(集群任务实现)、shiro(权限管理)、oauth2(四种认证模式)、shign(接口参数防篡改重放)、encoder(用户密码设计)、actuator(服务监控)、cloud-config(配置中心)、cloud-gateway(服务网关)等模块

aop bio cloud-alibaba cloud-gateway data-redis gateway mybatis mybatis-plus netty oauth2 quartz redis shiro sign spring spring-boot spring-boot-demo spring-cloud spring-mvc spring-security

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024

A Blazing Fast AI Gateway. Route to 100+ LLMs with 1 fast & friendly API.

ai-gateway gateway generative-ai langchain llama-index llmops llms openai prompt-engineering router

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024

Automatically stitch multiple schemas together into one larger API in a simple, fast and powerful way.

federation gateway graphql microservices schema-extensions schema-stitching stitching type-merging

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024

This tool can easily make / build an emr cluster edge node / client node / gateway node

client edgenode emr gateway

Last synced: 08 Jun 2024

DavMail POP/IMAP/SMTP/Caldav/Carddav/LDAP Exchange and Office 365 Gateway - Synced with main subversion repository at

caldav carddav exchange exchange-server gateway imap ldap office-365 office365 outlook pop3 smtp sourceforge

Last synced: 07 Jun 2024

RBAC-based And Policy-based Multi-Tenant Reactive Security Framework | 基于 RBAC 和策略的多租户响应式安全框架

authentication authorization cloud-native gateway identity java jwt kotlin microservice multi-tenant oauth2 policy project-reactor rbac reactive redis security spring-boot spring-cloud spring-cloud-gateway

Last synced: 06 Jun 2024

Node.js framework agnostic library that enables you to forward an http request to another HTTP server. Supported protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP2

api fastify-library gateway http javascript js nodejs proxy rest server

Last synced: 05 Jun 2024

POC guide how we build an simple ASP.NET Core 2.2 API Gateway application with Ocelot.

aspnet-web-api aspnetcore aspnetcorewebapi best-practices csharp csharp-code dotnetcore gateway gateway-api microsoft ocelot ocelotsample

Last synced: 05 Jun 2024

This repo contains swagger extension for ocelot.

api-gateway dotnet gateway ocelot swagger

Last synced: 05 Jun 2024

:earth_africa: Official API Gateway service for Moleculer framework

api-gateway gateway hacktoberfest http-server microservices moleculer

Last synced: 04 Jun 2024

Tenso is an HTTP REST API framework

api api-gateway cqrs gateway microservice microservices rest

Last synced: 03 Jun 2024

Moved to:

elasticsearch gateway lightweight proxy reverse-proxy

Last synced: 03 Jun 2024

A configurable, high-performance routing runtime for Apollo Federation 🚀

apollo federated-graph federation gateway gateway-api graph-router graphql

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

Declarative API development platform. Build backend components with Typescript/Python/WASM, no matter where and how your (legacy) systems are.

api backend-for-frontend composition gateway graphql materializer meta policy rest runtime serverless types typesystem wasm

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

a Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) gateway

gateway netboot pxe vagrant

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

JANUSEC Application Gateway provides secure access, including reverse proxy, K8S Ingress Controller, Automatic ACME Certificate, WAF, 5-Second Shield, CC Defense, OAuth2 Authentication, Global Server Load Balance, and Cookie Compliance etc. JANUSEC应用网关,提供安全的接入,包括反向代理、K8S Ingress Controller、自动化ACME证书、WAF、5秒盾、CC防御、OAuth2身份认证、GSLB负载均衡与Cookie合规等。

acme application-gateway application-security cookie-banner cookie-compliance gateway golang gslb janusec janusec-application-gateway k8s-ingress-controller load-balance port-forwarding security sql-injection waf web-application-firewall web-application-security web-ssh

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

Remote Desktop Gateway in Go for deploying on Linux/BSD/Kubernetes

gateway golang-application rdp rdp-gateway remote-desktop remote-desktops xrdp

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

Docker builds for GraphQL Portal Gateway and Dashboard

docker gateway graphql graphql-dashboard graphql-gateway

Last synced: 01 Jun 2024

First-class support for Consul Service Mesh on Kubernetes

consul gateway gateway-api helm helm-chart ingress kubernetes service-mesh servicemesh vault

Last synced: 31 May 2024

A Powerful HTTP API Gateway in pure golang!Goku API Gateway (中文名:悟空 API 网关)是一个基于 Golang开发的微服务网关,能够实现高性能 HTTP API 转发、服务编排、多租户管理、API 访问权限控制等目的,拥有强大的自定义插件系统可以自行扩展,并且提供友好的图形化配置界面,能够快速帮助企业进行 API 服务治理、提高 API 服务的稳定性和安全性。

api api-gateway gateway goku microservices middleware proxy

Last synced: 31 May 2024

Up to date Discord API Typings, versioned by the API version

deno discord discord-api discord-bot discordjs gateway hacktoberfest rest typescript typings

Last synced: 30 May 2024

Open source API management platform

api api-keys authentication authorization gateway open-source

Last synced: 29 May 2024

面向Elasticsearch研发与运维人员,围绕集群、索引构建的零侵入、多租户的Elasticsearch GUI管控平台

beats elaticsearch es gateway lucene

Last synced: 29 May 2024

The Ultimate Open-Source VPN, Ad-blocker and DNS resolver :llama::shield:

adblock adguardhome dns firewall gateway privacy security vpn wireguard

Last synced: 28 May 2024

Full-featured, middleware-oriented, programmatic HTTP and WebSocket proxy for node.js (deprecated)

balancer forward forward-proxy gateway http-proxy microservice middleware proxy replay replay-requests

Last synced: 26 May 2024

AI Gateway - core infrastructure stack for building production-ready AI Applications

ai aistudio api gateway generative-ai grpc inference large-language-models llmops llms protobuf workforce

Last synced: 22 May 2024

Simple RF receive and send Docker images that translate MQTT to RF and vice versa for use in Home Assistant

433mhz gateway hass home-assistant home-automation mqtt python

Last synced: 21 May 2024

Adding standalone Arweave native URL support for Chromium-based browsers without installing Arweave on your machine. 📦🌐🌊

arweave arweave-permaweb arweave-web browser-extension chrome-extension decentralized decentralized-storage gateway hacktoberfest storage tool viewer web3

Last synced: 15 May 2024

XiaoMi Gateway Security plugin for HomeBridge.

aqara gateway homebridge homebridge-plugin security xiaomi

Last synced: 14 May 2024

a homebridge plugin for XiaoMi Aqara plugin.

aqara gateway homebridge homebridge-plugin xiaomi

Last synced: 14 May 2024

IRC gateway for slack, running on localhost for one user

cookie deb docker gateway irc irc-client irc-gateway irssi python3 slack slack-gateway systemd websockets

Last synced: 14 May 2024

Cloud Native API Gateway | 云原生API网关

api-gateway cloudnative gateway gateway-api ingress ingress-controller microservice

Last synced: 13 May 2024

Swarm Gateway website

decentralized ethereum gateway sharing swarm

Last synced: 13 May 2024

A OPC UA gateway which gives you access to your OPC UA values via MQTT or GraphQL (HTTP). If you have an OPC UA server in your PLC, or a SCADA system with an OPC UA server, you can query data from there via MQTT and GraphQL (HTTP). In addition, the gateway can also log value changes from OPC UA nodes in an InfluxDB, IoTDB, Kafka, and others.

cratedb gateway graphql influxdb iotdb java jdbc mqtt neo4j opc-ua opcua plc4x

Last synced: 11 May 2024

Configurable and distributed GraphQL Gateway. Convert your legacy data sources or monitor your existing GraphQL Services with a visual dashboard.

api gateway graphql graphql-gateway graphql-portal typescript

Last synced: 11 May 2024

The Graph of Everything - Federated architecture for any API service

gateway graphql grpc grpc-gateway odata openapi rest-api soap swagger thrift

Last synced: 10 May 2024

Implement GraphQL servers and gateways with Fastify

fastify federation gateway graphql hacktoberfest nodejs

Last synced: 10 May 2024

List of HTTP status codes and description for each of them, with reference when have.

gateway http http-status-code preconditions redirection request-uri status-codes

Last synced: 10 May 2024

Layer 4 Kubernetes load-balancer

ebpf gateway golang kubernetes operator rust

Last synced: 09 May 2024

A federated api gateway for graphql services.

gateway graphql graphql-gateway schema-federation schema-stitching

Last synced: 08 May 2024

Local development cluster with "now" path aliases syntax support. Allows running multiple microservices as one solid server.

cluster gateway http javascript js micro microservices now server

Last synced: 07 May 2024

PaoPao GateWay是一个体积小巧、稳定强大的FakeIP网关

clash fakeip gateway openwrt paopao paopaodns paopaogateway

Last synced: 07 May 2024

GraphQL Orchestrator stitches the schemas from multiple micro-services and orchestrates the graphql queries to these services accurately at runtime

federation gateway graphql graphql-gateway graphql-java graphql-server hacktoberfest hacktoberfest2023 orchestrator stitching

Last synced: 05 May 2024

The open-source solution to building, maintaining, and collaborating on GraphQL Federation at Scale. An alternative to Apollo Studio and GraphOS.

apollo apollo-federation federation gateway graphql

Last synced: 05 May 2024

Your go-to microservice framework for any situation, from the creator of Netty et al. You can build any type of microservice leveraging your favorite technologies, including gRPC, Thrift, Kotlin, Retrofit, Reactive Streams, Spring Boot and Dropwizard.

gateway grpc grpc-client grpc-server hacktoberfest http http-client http-server http2 micro-framework microservices netty rpc rpc-client rpc-framework rpc-library rpc-server thrift thrift-client thrift-server

Last synced: 05 May 2024

Ultra performant API Gateway with middlewares. A project hosted at The Linux Foundation

api-gateway apis backend-services gateway gateway-api go golang krakend load-balancer microservice middleware proxies router

Last synced: 05 May 2024

A complete payment library for Elixir and Phoenix Framework

billing elixir elixir-phoenix gateway gringotts payment payment-gateway payments stripe

Last synced: 01 May 2024

Cashier is an Elixir library that aims to be an easy to use payment gateway, whilst offering the fault tolerance and scalability benefits of being built on top of Erlang/OTP

elixir gateway payment payment-gateway paypal

Last synced: 01 May 2024

A payment processing library for Elixir

billing elixir gateway payment stripe

Last synced: 01 May 2024

Pomerium is an identity and context-aware access proxy.

beyondcorp gateway go iam identity identity-aware-proxy pomerium reverse-proxy vpn zero-trust

Last synced: 30 Apr 2024

A Cron gateway for Brigade

brigade gateway helm

Last synced: 29 Apr 2024

Welcome to the WSO2 API Manager source code! For info on working with the WSO2 API Manager repository and contributing code, click the link below.

api-gateway api-management apis gateway microservices rest synapse

Last synced: 26 Apr 2024


api api-gateway apigateway apinto dubbo2 gateway go goku golang grpc loadbalancer microservice middleware plugin proxy router servicemesh

Last synced: 26 Apr 2024 - OpenSource API Management

api api-gateway api-management gateway java microservices vertx

Last synced: 26 Apr 2024

MQTT gateway for ESP8266 or ESP32 with bidirectional 433mhz/315mhz/868mhz, Infrared communications, BLE, Bluetooth, beacons detection, mi flora, mi jia, LYWSD02, LYWSD03MMC, Mi Scale, TPMS, BBQ thermometer compatibility & LoRa.

arduino arduino-uno ble ble-beacons bridge esp32 esp8266 gateway home-assistant home-automation lora miflora mqtt nodemcu openhab2 platformio rcswitch wemos-d1 xiaomi

Last synced: 26 Apr 2024

ARP poisoning tool written in python with command line interface to add and remove targets on the fly

arp-poisoning arpspoof gateway penetration-testing python scapy spoofing

Last synced: 24 Apr 2024


gateway proxy raspberry-pi transparentproxy v2ray v2ray-gui v2ray-plugin

Last synced: 24 Apr 2024

Set Linux as router in one command. Support Internet sharing, redsocks, Wifi hotspot, IPv6. Can also be used for routing VM/containers 🛰️ (也欢迎关注B站 )

access-point create-ap gateway internet-sharing ipv6 ipv6-subnetting linux nat nated-wifi-access-point redsocks router transparent-proxy wifi-hotspot

Last synced: 24 Apr 2024

Container-based Tor access point (Anonymizing Middlebox).

accesspoint anonymizing-middlebox docker gateway tor transparent-proxy wifi

Last synced: 23 Apr 2024

ALB (Another Load Balancer) is a Kubernetes Gateway powered by OpenResty with years of production experience from Alauda.

gateway ingress ingress-controller kubernetes networking openresty operator

Last synced: 22 Apr 2024

🍿 Compose subgraphs into a Federation v1 supergraph at build-time with static composition to power a federated graph router at runtime.

apollo apollo-federation cloud-native composition federated-graph federation gateway gitops graph-router graphql kubernetes schema schema-checks subgraph supergraph

Last synced: 20 Apr 2024

IRC gateway for XMPP

c-plus-plus gateway irc xmpp

Last synced: 18 Apr 2024

OpenResty/Nginx Gateway for API Monitoring and Management.

api gateway lor monitoring nginx ngx-lua openresty proxy resty

Last synced: 17 Apr 2024

Simple CAN-over-IP gateway

can-bus can-fd canbus canfd gateway in-vehicle-network socketcan

Last synced: 16 Apr 2024