
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A golang based redis operator that will make/oversee Redis standalone/cluster/replication/sentinel mode setup on top of the Kubernetes.

crd-controller golang hacktoberfest hacktoberfest-accepted helm kubernetes monitoring openshift operator-framework opstreesolutions prometheus redis redis-cluster redis-operator redis-setup

Last synced: 07 Jun 2024

RedisShake is a Redis data processing and migration tool.

redis redis-cluster redis-proxy

Last synced: 07 Jun 2024

A high performance and fully featured proxy for redis, support redis sentinel and redis cluster

codis corvus redis redis-cluster redis-sentinel twemproxy

Last synced: 06 Jun 2024

OneDrive public directory listing, powered by Vercel and Next.js

nextjs onedrive react redis tailwindcss upstash vercel

Last synced: 06 Jun 2024

This tool generates gopher link for exploiting SSRF and gaining RCE in various servers

fastcgi github-rce gopher memcache mysql postgresql rce redis smtp ssrf zabbix

Last synced: 06 Jun 2024

High-performance, low-cost microservice governance platform. Service Discovery and Configuration Service | 高性能、低成本微服务治理平台

cloud cloud-native configuration configuration-management dashboard eureka kotlin microservice microservices nacos native redis service service-discovery service-registry spring spring-boot spring-cloud spring-cloud-config spring-cloud-eureka

Last synced: 06 Jun 2024

RBAC-based And Policy-based Multi-Tenant Reactive Security Framework | 基于 RBAC 和策略的多租户响应式安全框架

authentication authorization cloud-native gateway identity java jwt kotlin microservice multi-tenant oauth2 policy project-reactor rbac reactive redis security spring-boot spring-cloud spring-cloud-gateway

Last synced: 06 Jun 2024

A little Tips in my Code Career with Go&PHP 🥳🥳🥳

go go-patterns golang linux-commands mysql pattern php php-patterns redis sql

Last synced: 06 Jun 2024

Redis-backed full page caching plugin for WordPress

cache performance plugin redis wordpress

Last synced: 06 Jun 2024

🔱 Nepxion Aquarius is a list of distribution components based on Redis + Zookeeper with Nepxion Matrix AOP framework, including distribution lock, cache, id generator, limitation 分布式锁、缓存、全局唯一主键、限流

distributed-cache distributed-id-generator distributed-limit distributed-lock redis redisson zookeeper

Last synced: 06 Jun 2024

Redis manager for laravel-admin

laravel laravel-admin manager redis

Last synced: 06 Jun 2024

Fast job queuing and RPC in python with asyncio and redis.

async asyncio concurrency concurrent distributed msgpack queue redis tasks worker

Last synced: 05 Jun 2024

Default password scanner. 默认密码扫描器

brute-force bug-bounty hacking password password-cracker pentesting redis scanner security snmp ssh telnet

Last synced: 05 Jun 2024

Java 开发相关技术栈(大中厂)高频面试问题收录。

docker java microservice mybatis mysql nocas redis spring spring-boot spring-cloud

Last synced: 05 Jun 2024

C/C++ server and network library, including coroutine,redis client,http/https/websocket,mqtt, mysql/postgresql/sqlite client with C/C++ for Linux, Android, iOS, MacOS, Windows, etc..

coroutine cplusplus database fiber http http-client http-server https memcached-clients mqtt-client mqtt-protocol network redis redis-client smtp websocket

Last synced: 05 Jun 2024


aop dao distributed druid game ioc ioc-container java mmo mmorpg-server mvc netty orm protobuf quartz redis rpg server server-framework summer

Last synced: 05 Jun 2024

Efficient and reliable background processing for Go

background-jobs background-worker go golang redis

Last synced: 05 Jun 2024

Fast Raft framework using the Redis protocol for Go

distributed-computing golang raft redis

Last synced: 05 Jun 2024


adnc consul dapr ddd dotnet6 efcore fluentvalidation grpc microservices rabbitmq redis refit restful skywalking

Last synced: 05 Jun 2024

🎯 Queue background jobs inspector

bull redis

Last synced: 04 Jun 2024

Replace LokiJS with MongoDB and Redis

hacktoberfest mod mongo redis screeps screeps-modules screepsmod

Last synced: 04 Jun 2024

A transparent Javascript interface to Redis.

es6 es6-proxies nodejs redis redis-database

Last synced: 04 Jun 2024

:floppy_disk: :bow: Example Flask project for implementing Flask-Session with Redis.

flask flask-login flask-session python redis tutorial tutorials

Last synced: 03 Jun 2024


java javascript mysql netease netease-cloud-music netease-music oss redis spring-boot springboot uni-app uniapp vue

Last synced: 03 Jun 2024


redis spring-boot spring-data-jpa websocket wechat wechat-pay

Last synced: 03 Jun 2024

cronlock lets you deploy cronjobs cluster-wide without worrying about overlaps. It uses Redis to keep track of locks.

cron-jobs locking redis shell

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

Ruby wrapper around RediSearch that can integrate with Rails

rails redis redisearch ruby search search-engine

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

A Ruby ORM like Active Record, but for Redis.

orm rails redis

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

A tiny JSON storage service. Create, Read, Update, Delete and Search JSON data.

api fastjson json json-api postgresql rack-attack rails redis rest-api ruby storage

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

A Redis ORM for reactive applications. Quacks just like Active Record. 🦆

activemodel activerecord rails redis stimulusreflex

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

ActiveModel + Redis

activemodel-redis modis redis ruby

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

Redlock is a redis-based distributed lock implementation in Ruby. More than 20M downloads.

distributed-locks lock redis redlock ruby

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

RedisHashStore extends ActiveSupport's RedisCacheStore to provide the ability to easily use Redis hashes for caching.

cache caching rails redis ruby

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

Unique jobs for ActiveJob. Ensure the uniqueness of jobs in the queue.

activejob distributed-locks lock rails redis uniqueness

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

AI generated captions for your images.

nextjs redis tailwindcss typescript upstash vercel

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

🏠 A web application written in FastAPI and a console application for scraping and parsing data enabling the collection of offers for apartments, houses and other premises for both rent and purchase

alembic celery docker docker-compose fastapi flower postgresql redis sqlite webscraping

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

:cherry_blossom: HTTP REST API caching middleware, to be used between load balancers and REST API workers.

cache ddos dos http infrastructure performance redis rest rust scale speed

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

[UNMAINTAINED] A transactional and deduplicating virtual file system

acid deduplication encryption filesystem fuse rclone redis rust s3 sftp sqlite storage

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

Backtest 1000s of minute-by-minute trading algorithms for training AI with automated pricing data from: IEX, Tradier and FinViz. Datasets and trading performance automatically published to S3 for building AI training datasets for teaching DNNs how to trade. Runs on Kubernetes and docker-compose. >150 million trading history rows generated from +5000 algorithms. Heads up: Yahoo's Finance API was disabled on 2019-01-03

algorithmic-trading backtesting deep-learning deep-learning-tutorial deep-neural-networks docker helm helm-charts iex iexcloud jupyter keras kubernetes minio options redis s3 stocks tensorflow tradier

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

URL Shortener written in Golang using Bolt DB or Redis. Provides features such as Deletion, Expiration, OAuth and is of course Dockerizable.

bolt boltdb docker-compose golang oauth redis sharex url-shortener

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

a very simple pure key => value storage system that speaks Redis protocol with Postgres as storage engine and more

badgerdb boltdb database go golang key-value key-value-store nosql redis redis-server

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

Web-based music player for the cloud :cloud: :notes: Play music from YouTube, Dropbox, etc.

backbone coffeescript dropbox jakubroztocil lastfm mongodb music music-player musicbrainz python redis spa web webapp websocket youtube

Last synced: 01 Jun 2024

Backend of Community build by go & docker & websocket & OAuth & JWT & mysql & redis

docker go jwt mysql nginx oauth redis websocket

Last synced: 01 Jun 2024

The high-performance kv storage engine based on bitcask paper made in golang

database flydb go golang key-value kv-store raft redis

Last synced: 01 Jun 2024

FlashDB is an embeddable, in-memory key/value database in Go (with Redis like commands and super easy to read)

database embedded flashdb go golang in-memory in-memory-database key-value key-value-store kv-store redis

Last synced: 01 Jun 2024

Elastic Key-Value Storage With Strong Consistency and Reliability

distributed-database distributed-systems golang key-value raft redis

Last synced: 01 Jun 2024

An Efficient ProxyPool with Getter, Tester and Server

flask http proxy proxypool redis webspider

Last synced: 01 Jun 2024

A Flask extension for using Redis

flask python redis

Last synced: 01 Jun 2024

🐳 Docker 快速搭建 LEMP 开发环境

alpine caddy docker lemp lnmp mysql nginx php redis

Last synced: 01 Jun 2024

【Go 学习路线图】涵盖业内 Go 面试题和所需要掌握的 Go 核心知识大全

go mysql redis rocketmq

Last synced: 01 Jun 2024

📡 P3X Redis UI is a very functional handy database GUI and works in your pocket on the responsive web or as a desktop app

dark database desktop donation electron gui internationalization ioredis light p3x redis redis-cluster redis-desktop redis-desktop-manager redis-gui redis-gui-client redis-ui tree web

Last synced: 01 Jun 2024

Simple Redis work queue with added features (priorities, pop multiple items at once)

lua queue redis redis-queue

Last synced: 31 May 2024

RedisTimeSeries python client

python redis redis-client timeseries

Last synced: 31 May 2024

🍱 Bentocache is a robust multi-tier caching solution for Node.js applications

cache caching multi-tier mysql postgresql redis sqlite upstash

Last synced: 31 May 2024

HTTP based Redis Client for Serverless and Edge Functions

redis serverless upstash

Last synced: 31 May 2024

后端 (Java Golang)全栈知识架构体系总结

emsp go java keepalived mongodb mqtt mysql netty redis rocketmq spark spring springboot springcloud tomcat tutorial

Last synced: 31 May 2024

基于C#/.NET8的 masuit.org个人博客站项目源码, ,供参考、学习、引用、非商业性质的部署。

angularjs blog cms hangfire ip2region-maxmind lucene masuit mvc myblogs net6 redis

Last synced: 31 May 2024

⚡️ Advanced in-memory caching for JavaScript.

cache in-memory-caching javascript key-value memcached node-cache redis

Last synced: 31 May 2024

【Java面试+Java学习指南】 一份涵盖大部分Java程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。

interview java java8 jvm mysql redis rocketmq system zookeeper

Last synced: 31 May 2024


algorithms interview java jvm mvc mysql rabbitmq redis spring springboot springcloud sql

Last synced: 31 May 2024

Redis on Kubernetes as StatefulSet

kubernetes redis statefulsets

Last synced: 31 May 2024


java mybatis mysql redis spring-boot

Last synced: 31 May 2024


java redis spring-mvc

Last synced: 31 May 2024

spring boot 实践学习案例,是 spring boot 初学者及核心技术巩固的最佳实践。

dubbo elasticsearch jpa mybatis redis springboot webflux

Last synced: 31 May 2024


docker elasticsearch mongodb mybatis mysql rabbitmq redis springboot springcloud

Last synced: 31 May 2024

mall-swarm是一套微服务商城系统,采用了 Spring Cloud 2021 & Alibaba、Spring Boot 2.7、Oauth2、MyBatis、Docker、Elasticsearch、Kubernetes等核心技术,同时提供了基于Vue的管理后台方便快速搭建系统。mall-swarm在电商业务的基础集成了注册中心、配置中心、监控中心、网关等系统功能。文档齐全,附带全套Spring Cloud教程。

docker elasticsearch java k8s kubernetes mongodb mybatis mysql rabbitmq redis spring-boot spring-cloud springboot springcloud

Last synced: 31 May 2024

推荐免费ChatGPT网站: 点此领取7天VIP会员: 《大厂面试指北》——包括Java基础、JVM、数据库、mysql、redis、计算机网络、算法、数据结构、操作系统、设计模式、系统设计、框架原理。

algorithms backend code-interview data-structures guide interview interview-practice interview-preparation interview-questions interviews java java-interview jvm leetcode leetcode-java mysql redis spring star system-design

Last synced: 31 May 2024

😱 从源码层面,剖析挖掘互联网行业主流技术的底层实现原理,为广大开发者 “提升技术深度” 提供便利。目前开放 Spring 全家桶,Mybatis、Netty、Dubbo 框架,及 Redis、Tomcat 中间件等

dubbo mybatis netty redis sourcecode-analysis spring

Last synced: 31 May 2024

mall项目是一套电商系统,包括前台商城系统及后台管理系统,基于SpringBoot+MyBatis实现,采用Docker容器化部署。 前台商城系统包含首页门户、商品推荐、商品搜索、商品展示、购物车、订单流程、会员中心、客户服务、帮助中心等模块。 后台管理系统包含商品管理、订单管理、会员管理、促销管理、运营管理、内容管理、统计报表、财务管理、权限管理、设置等模块。

docker elasticsearch elk java mongodb mybatis mysql rabbitmq redis spring spring-boot spring-cloud spring-security springboot springcloud swagger-ui

Last synced: 31 May 2024

✍️ Java 工程师必备架构体系知识总结:涵盖分布式、微服务、RPC等互联网公司常用架构,以及数据存储、缓存、搜索等必备技能

algorithms elasticsearch java jvm kafka linux mysql redis s3 zookeeper

Last synced: 31 May 2024


antd docker guava hibernate-validator jpa jwt k8s kafka linux mapstruct mybatis-plus mysql prometheus redis service-mesh springboot springcloud vue3

Last synced: 31 May 2024

☀️ Nepxion Discovery is a solution for Spring Cloud with blue green, gray, route, limitation, circuit breaker, degrade, isolation, tracing, dye, failover, active 蓝绿灰度发布、路由、限流、熔断、降级、隔离、追踪、流量染色、故障转移、多活

apollo blue-green-deployment cloud-native consul etcd eureka gray-release hystrix jaeger nacos opentelemetry opentracing redis sentinel skywalking spring-cloud spring-cloud-alibaba spring-cloud-gateway zookeeper zuul

Last synced: 31 May 2024

flink learning blog. 含 Flink 入门、概念、原理、实战、性能调优、源码解析等内容。涉及 Flink Connector、Metrics、Library、DataStream API、Table API & SQL 等内容的学习案例,还有 Flink 落地应用的大型项目案例(PVUV、日志存储、百亿数据实时去重、监控告警)分享。欢迎大家支持我的专栏《大数据实时计算引擎 Flink 实战与性能优化》

clickhouse elasticsearch flink hbase influxdb kafka loki mysql opentsdb rabbitmq redis rocketmq spark stream-processing streaming

Last synced: 31 May 2024

《Spring Boot基础教程》,2.x版本持续连载中!点击下方链接直达教程目录!

dubbo jdbctemplate log4j mybatis redis spring-boot spring-cloud spring-data-jpa

Last synced: 31 May 2024

Redis replication tool. support sync, psync, psync2. can parse rdb, aof, mixed rdb and aof files. support redis-7.2

aof parser psync2 rdb redis redis-replication replication

Last synced: 31 May 2024

Redis rdb CLI : A CLI tool that can parse, filter, split, merge rdb and analyze memory usage offline. It can also sync 2 redis data and allow user define their own sink service to migrate redis data to somewhere.

analyze cli dashboard memory migrate rdb redis

Last synced: 31 May 2024


docker dockerfile elasticsearch html5 javacript jquery mybatis mycat mysql rabbitmq redis spring springboot springcloud springmvc

Last synced: 31 May 2024


cache cache-proxy go memcache memcached redis redis-cluster

Last synced: 31 May 2024

🔥 cool-admin(midway版)一个很酷的后台权限管理框架,模块化、插件化、CRUD极速开发,永久开源免费,基于midway.js 3.x、typescript、typeorm、mysql、jwt、vue3、vite、element-ui等构建

bull docker egg element-plus jwt koa2 midway mysql redis serverless typeorm typescript vite vue vue3-typescript

Last synced: 31 May 2024