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A curated list of my GitHub stars!

Last synced: 4 days ago
JSON representation

  • Batchfile

    • elasticsearch-rtf - elasticsearch中文发行版,针对中文集成了相关插件,方便新手学习测试.
  • C

    • disque - Disque is a distributed message broker
    • no-more-secrets - A tool set to recreate the famous "decrypting text" effect as seen in the 1992 movie Sneakers.
    • wrk - Modern HTTP benchmarking tool
    • redis-3.0-annotated - 带有详细注释的 Redis 3.0 代码(annotated Redis 3.0 source code)。
    • netdata - Real-time performance monitoring, done right!
  • C++

    • tensorflow - Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
    • QConf - Qihoo Distributed Configuration Management System
    • hardseed - SEX IS ZERO (0), so, who wanna be the ONE (1), aha?
    • RedisDesktopManager - :wrench: Cross-platform GUI management tool for Redis
    • WizQTClient - 为知笔记跨平台客户端
    • electron - Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
  • CSS

    • tcc-transaction - tcc-transaction是TCC型事务java实现
    • You-Dont-Need-Javascript - CSS is powerful, you can do a lot of things without js.
    • Skeleton - Skeleton: A Dead Simple, Responsive Boilerplate for Mobile-Friendly Development
    • material-design-icons - Material Design icons by Google
    • material_design_zh - Material Design 中文协同翻译 -
    • gotgithub - GotGitHub: an open source E-book about GitHub in Chinese
    • hackerweb - A simply readable Hacker News web app
    • bounce.js - Create beautiful CSS3 powered animations in no time.
    • furatto - It's a flat, fast and powerful front-end framework for rapid web development.
    • animate.css - A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.
    • card - :credit_card: make your credit card form better in one line of code
    • - A directory of direct links to delete your account from web services.
    • hackathon-starter - A boilerplate for Node.js web applications
    • startup-demo - Demo Version of Startup Framework
  • CoffeeScript

    • dynamics.js - Javascript library to create physics-based animations
    • chinese-copywriting-guidelines - Chinese Copywriting Guidelines/中文文案排版指北/統一中文文案、排版的相關用法,降低團隊成員之間的溝通成本,增強網站氣質。
  • Emacs Lisp

    • o-blog - Standalone orgmode blog exporter.
  • Go

    • jvm.go - A JVM written in Go
    • hugo - A Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator built with love in GoLang
    • wukong - 高度可定制的全文搜索引擎
    • ngrok - Introspected tunnels to localhost
    • codis - Proxy based Redis cluster solution supporting pipeline and scaling dynamically
    • goji - Goji is a minimalistic web framework for Golang that's high in antioxidants.
  • HTML

    • skill-map - StuQ 技能图谱
    • walle-web - A Web Deployment Tool (web代码部署工具)
    • AdminLTE - AdminLTE - Free Premium Admin control Panel Theme That Is Based On Bootstrap 3.x
    • github-contributions - :octocat: A tool that generates a repository which being pushed into your GitHub account creates a nice contributions calendar.
    • EasyAndroidAnimations
    • frozenui - FrozenUI的CSS组件库,基于腾讯手Q样式规范
    • intro.js - A better way for new feature introduction and step-by-step users guide for your website and project.
  • Java

    • elasticsearch-jdbc - JDBC importer for Elasticsearch
    • gumshoe
    • jvm-tools - Small set of tools for JVM troublshooting, monitoring and profiling.
    • TranslationPlugin - IntelliJ IDEA/Android Studio 翻译插件,支持中英互译、单词朗读
    • weixin-java-tools - 微信企业号和公众号(包括服务号和订阅号) Java SDK开发工具包
    • zuul - Zuul is a gateway service that provides dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, security, and more.
    • TProfiler - TProfiler是一个可以在生产环境长期使用的性能分析工具
    • pinpoint - Pinpoint is an open source APM (Application Performance Management) tool for large-scale distributed systems written in Java.
    • disconf - Distributed Configuration Management Platform(分布式配置管理平台)
    • malmo - Project Malmo is a platform for Artificial Intelligence experimentation and research built on top of Minecraft. We aim to inspire a new generation of research into challenging new problems presented by this unique environment. --- For installation instructions, scroll down to *Getting Started* below, or visit the project page for more information:
    • disruptor - High Performance Inter-Thread Messaging Library
    • WechatSportCheat - 手把手教你当微信运动第一名 – 利用Android Hook进行微信运动作弊
    • RippleEffect - Implementation of Ripple effect from Material Design for Android API 9+
    • http-request - Java HTTP Request Library
    • greys-anatomy - Java诊断工具
    • Nicole - 一个轻量级框架(Java Web,Nicole取自我女朋友英文名)
    • zookeeper - 分布式系统服务ZooKeeper的学习历程
    • WeChatLuckyMoney - :money_with_wings: WeChat's lucky money helper (微信抢红包插件). An Android app that helps you grab red packets in WeChat groups.
    • Android-Iconics - Android-Iconics - Use any icon font, or vector (.svg) as drawable in your application.
    • spring-data-elasticsearch - Spring Data Elasticsearch
    • spring-data-elasticsearch-sample-application - Spring Data Elasticsearch Sample Application
    • elasticsearch-analysis-ik - The IK Analysis plugin integrates Lucene IK analyzer into elasticsearch, support customized dictionary.
    • android-topeka - A fun to play quiz that showcases material design on Android
    • Notes - Material Design Notes App
    • StickerCamera - This is an Android application with camera,picture cropping,collage sticking and tagging.贴纸标签相机,功能:拍照,相片裁剪,给图片贴贴纸,打标签。
    • aerosolve - A machine learning package built for humans.
    • DanmakuFlameMaster - Android开源弹幕引擎·烈焰弹幕使 ~
    • Euclid - User Profile Interface Animation
    • sweet-alert-dialog - SweetAlert for Android, a beautiful and clever alert dialog
    • android-Ultra-Pull-To-Refresh - Ultra Pull to Refresh for Android. Support all the views.
    • materialish-progress - A material style progress wheel compatible with 2.3
    • MaterialDesignLibrary - This is a library with components of Android L to you use in android 2.2
    • LollipopShowcase - A simple app to showcase Androids Material Design and some of the cool new cool stuff in Android Lollipop. RecyclerView, CardView, ActionBarDrawerToggle, DrawerLayout, Animations, Android Compat Design, Toolbar
    • LDrawer - Android drawer icon with material design animation
    • android-menudrawer - *DEPRECATED* A slide-out menu implementation, which allows users to navigate between views in your app.
    • RedisClient - Java Redis Client GUI Tool
    • Android-CleanArchitecture - This is a sample app that is part of a series of blog posts I have written about how to architect an android application using Uncle Bob's clean architecture approach.
    • android-app - eoe的Android客户端源码
    • ExpandableLayout - Implementation of ExpandableListview with custom header and custom content.
    • Dribbo - Dribbble客户端
    • snakerflow - 简单、轻巧、灵活的工作流引擎
    • AndroidSwipeLayout - The Most Powerful Swipe Layout!
    • retrofit - Type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java by Square, Inc.
    • PushTalk - 推聊是一个基于极光推送 (JPush) 的手机聊天系统。支持群聊与点对点聊天。当前包括 Android客户端、iOS客户端与 Java服务器端。3分钟就可以整套系统跑起来。
    • FineDay - simple weather
    • AndroidImageSlider - An amazing and convenient Android image slider.
    • StartupNews - An Android Startup News Client!
    • rubychina4android - Ruby-China的Android客户端
    • AndroidCnblogs - cnblogs android client
    • play-android - Play Android App
    • afinal - Afinal是一个android的ioc,orm框架,内置了四大模块功能:FinalAcitivity,FinalBitmap,FinalDb,FinalHttp。通过finalActivity,我们可以通过注解的方式进行绑定ui和事件。通过finalBitmap,我们可以方便的加载bitmap图片,而无需考虑oom等问题。通过finalDB模块,我们一行代码就可以对android的sqlite数据库进行增删改查。通过FinalHttp模块,我们可以以ajax形式请求http数据。详情请通过以下网址查看。
    • redmine-java-api - Redmine Java API
    • Memcached-Java-Client - Information about this project lives on the wiki
    • android_waterfall - Android版的瀑布流布局
    • androiddev - Quick tips/tutorials for Android developers
    • Android-Bootstrap - Bootstrap style widgets for Android, with Glyph Icons
    • facebook-android-sdk - Used to integrate Android apps with Facebook Platform.
    • coursera-android - Source Code for Android Course Example Applications
    • android - :phone: The ownCloud Android App
    • android-demos - Examples of Android applications
    • PocketHub - PocketHub Android App
    • mongo-java-driver - The Java driver for MongoDB
    • java-apns - Java Apple Push Notification Service Provider
    • scribejava - Simple OAuth library for Java
    • fresco - An Android library for managing images and the memory they use.
    • Calligraphy - Custom fonts in Android the easy way...
    • leakcanary - A memory leak detection library for Android and Java.
  • JavaScript

    • vue2-demo - 从零构建vue2 + vue-router + vuex 开发环境到入门,实现基本的登录退出功能
    • testcafe - Automated browser testing for the modern web development stack.
    • wechat-turntalbe-canvas - 用微信小程序开发的Canvas绘制可配置的转盘抽奖。
    • http-server - a simple zero-configuration command-line http server
    • awesome-wechat-weapp - 微信小程序开发资源汇总 wechat weapp
    • cat - Central Application Tracking
    • toilet - 一款快速帮你找到附近卫生间的神奇App
    • f8app - Source code of the official F8 app of 2016, powered by React Native and other Facebook open source projects.
    • 500lines - 500 Lines or Less
    • ZhiHuDaily-React-Native - A Zhihu Daily( App client implemented using React Native (Android and iOS).
    • github-todos - Git hook to convert your TODOs into Github issues
    • ReactNativeDayAndDay - A self-taught project to learn React-Native.
    • react-native-douban - 基于 React-Native & 豆瓣Open API
    • ReactNativeHackerNews - React Native Hacker News app
    • react-web - A framework for building web apps with React Native compatible API.
    • react-native-material-design - React Native UI Components for Material Design
    • electronic-wechat - :speech_balloon: A better WeChat on macOS and Linux. Built with Electron by Zhongyi Tong.
    • front-end-collect - 分享自己长期关注的前端开发相关的优秀网站、博客、以及活跃开发者
    • fullPage.js - fullPage plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create full screen pages fast and simple
    • parse-server - Parse-compatible API server module for Node/Express
    • FreeCodeCamp - The open source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code and help nonprofits.
    • loopback-angular-admin - Quickly create admin interfaces on a Loopback 2.x API
    • ng-admin-demo - Source of the ng-admin angular.js demo, using a dummy REST service powered by FakeRest
    • keystone - node.js cms and web app framework
    • nodejs - node.js mongodb Demo
    • mysql - A pure node.js JavaScript Client implementing the MySql protocol.
    • hexo-theme-next - Elegant theme for Hexo.
    • node-express-mongoose-demo - A simple demo app using express, mongoose, passport for beginners
    • ranaly - Ranaly是一个简单易用的数据统计工具,只需要在项目中加入几行代码就可以生成可视化的图表。
    • shipyard - Composable Docker Management
    • GMU - 基于zepto的ui组件库,适用于移动端
    • octotree - Code tree for GitHub and GitLab
    • react - A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
    • - Resumes generated using the GitHub informations
    • node - Node.js JavaScript runtime :sparkles::turtle::rocket::sparkles:
    • koa - Expressive middleware for node.js using generators
    • materialize - Materialize, a CSS Framework based on Material Design
    • pagePiling.js - pagePiling plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create a scrolling pile of sections.
    • then.js - 史上最快,与 node callback 完美结合的异步流程控制库!
    • nodePPT - This is probably the best web presentation tool so far!
    • responsive-design-bookmarklet-generator - Generates custom bookmarklets for testing responsive layouts to show how they look in different viewports sizes.
    • node-lessons - :closed_book:《Node.js 包教不包会》
    • Blueprint-FullWidthImageSlider - A very simple 100% width slider that scales down to mobile.
    • HomeSite - This is the source code of home page for Erealm Info & Tech
    • DeerResume - MarkDown在线简历工具,可在线预览、编辑和生成PDF。功能更全的Online服务请点这里
    • breach_core - A Browser written in JS. Free. Modular. Hackable.
    • PushPlugin - This repository is deprecated head to phonegap/phonegap-push-plugin
    • p5.js - p5.js is a JS client-side library for creating graphic and interactive experiences, based on the core principles of Processing. —
    • angularjs-socket-node-chat - A chat server/client using AngularJS, Socket.IO and NodeJS
    • todomvc - Helping you select an MV* framework - Todo apps for Backbone.js, Ember.js, AngularJS, and many more
    • cylon - JavaScript framework for robotics, drones, and the Internet of Things (IoT)
    • mario-cards
    • allmighty-autocomplete - Simple to use autocomplete directive in a module for AngularJs!
    • angular-musicbrainz - A simple music album search web app built with AngularJS
    • commander.js - node.js command-line interfaces made easy
    • elasticsearch-head - A web front end for an elastic search cluster
    • geddy - Web framework for Node.js
    • browserhacks - An extensive list of CSS/JS browserhacks from all over the interwebs.
    • grunt-contrib-compass - Compile Compass to CSS.
    • beeplay - Write A Song In JavaScript
    • sails - Realtime MVC Framework for Node.js
    • webSlide - 用js实现的网络版幻灯片
    • engine - JavaScript game engine built on WebGL and WebVR.
    • Semantic-UI - Semantic is a UI component framework based around useful principles from natural language.
    • reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework
    • HTML5-Minesweeper - Minesweeper game using jQuery and HTML5 canvas
    • d3 - Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. :bar_chart::chart_with_upwards_trend::tada:
    • Rumpetroll - Rumpetroll is a massive-multiplayer experiment. It's purpose was to try out new open web technologies like WebSockets and Canvas.
    • fks - 前端技能汇总 Frontend Knowledge Structure
    • the-node-way - Design patterns and best practices for building scaleable, maintainable and beautiful Node.js applications. Now with website! -->
    • express - Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
    • connect - Connect is a middleware layer for Node.js
    • session - Simple session middleware for Express
    • NJBlog - express+mongodb+bootstrap blog system
    • nodeclub - :baby_chick:Nodeclub 是使用 Node.js 和 MongoDB 开发的社区系统
    • weixin-robot - 微信公共帐号自动回复机器人 A Node.js robot for wechat.
    • node-readability - Server side readability with node.js
    • react-native-macos - React Native for macOS
    • react-native-vector-icons - 3000 Customizable Icons for React Native with support for NavBar/TabBar/ToolbarAndroid, image source and full stying.
    • StarCraft - HTML5 version of StarCraft game
    • gifshot - JavaScript library that can create animated GIFs from media streams, videos, or images
    • app - Instant mobile web app creation
  • Jupyter Notebook

  • Lua

    • luastar - 一个用lua实现的基于openresty的接口(api)开发框架
    • orange - OpenResty/Nginx Gateway for API Monitoring and Management.
    • ABTestingGateway
  • Objective-C

    • ActivatePowerMode - ActivatePowerMode is a plugin for Xcode. This plugin will make your code powerful.
    • RxWebViewController - 实现类似微信的 webView 导航效果,包括进度条,左滑返回上个网页或者直接关闭,就像 UINavigationController
  • Others

    • QConShanghai2016 - QCon上海2016幻灯片
    • Lee-VR-Source - VR developers necessary resources(VR 开发者必备资源汇总)
    • awesome-lua - A curated list of awesome Lua frameworks, libraries and software.
    • openresty-best-practices
    • java-route - Java成神技术路线
    • howto-get-users - How to Get Your Users
    • howto-make-more-money - 程序员如何优雅的挣零花钱
    • react-native-guide - React Native指南汇集了各类react-native学习资源、开源App和组件
    • IoTNotes - Internet of Things Notes in Chinese
    • tuiblogs - 优秀的计算机编程类博客和文章 share excellent blogs and sites
    • better-java - Resources for writing modern Java
    • go-study-index - Go 语言学习资料索引
    • Awesome-MaterialDesign - Collection of material design libs and res.
    • Qix - Machine Learning、Deep Learning、PostgreSQL、Distributed System、Node.Js、Golang
    • My-blog - 马云云在Github的学习片段
    • android-tech-frontier - 一个定期翻译国外Android优质的技术、开源库、软件架构设计、测试等文章的开源项目
    • Create-a-More-Flexible-App - 《程序员》杂志2012年9月撰稿,WaxPatch和AndroidDynamicLoader项目介绍。
    • yeoman - Yeoman - a set of tools for automating development workflow
    • node123 - node.js中文资料导航
    • android-open-project - Collect and classify android open source projects 微信公众号:codekk
    • NodeJS-Learning - This page contains collection of curated links to blog posts, articles, videos, tutorials, books, frameworks, modules, IDEs, testing tools, hosting providers, etc. to help you learn Node.js and keep up to date.
    • free-programming-books - :books: Freely available programming books
    • free-for-dev - A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
    • awesome-android-ui - A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries
    • awesome-ios-ui - A curated list of awesome iOS UI/UX libraries
    • awesome-artificial-intelligence - A curated list of Artificial Intelligence (AI) courses, books, video lectures and papers
    • frontend-dev-bookmarks - Manually curated collection of resources for frontend web developers.
    • github-cheat-sheet - A list of cool features of Git and GitHub.
    • Seashell-app - (Deprecated)贝壳单词 APP Android 客户端。下载地址: 【开源的是初期版本,已经不推荐】
  • Shell

    • docker - Docker official jenkins repo
    • nginx-proxy - Automated nginx proxy for Docker containers using docker-gen
    • useful-scripts - :snail: useful scripts
    • githug - Git your game on!
    • elasticsearch-definitive-guide-cn - Elasticsearch权威指南中文版
    • ionic-box - Ionic Box: The easiest way to get your hybrid development environment up and running. A Vagrant install for Android, Cordova, and Ionic.
  • PHP

    • esoTalk - Fat-free forum software.
    • - is an documentation generator that uses a simple folder structure and Markdown files to create custom documentation on the fly. It helps you create great looking documentation in a developer friendly way.
  • Python

    • wechat-deleted-friends - 查看被删的微信好友
    • wooyun_public - 乌云公开漏洞、知识库爬虫和搜索 crawl and search for public bug(vulnerability) and drops
    • neural-doodle - Turn your two-bit doodles into fine artworks with deep neural networks, generate seamless textures from photos, transfer style from one image to another, perform example-based upscaling, but wait... there's more! (An implementation of Semantic Style Transfer.)
    • WeixinBot - 网页版微信API,包含终端版微信及微信机器人
    • jumpserver - 开源跳板机(堡垒机):认证,授权,审计,自动化运维(Open source springboard machine ( fortress machine ): Authentication, authorization, audit, automated operation and maintenance).
    • reality-of-Dream-of-Red-Mansions - Comparision analysis of words use between 1~80 chapters and 80~120 chapters of 《A Dream of Red Mansions》.
    • ideas - Ideas of Phodal
    • CommonMark - CommonMark spec, with reference implementations in C and JavaScript
    • ShortURL - A URL Shortener Site 短网址生成网站(
    • iOSBlogCN - 中文 iOS/Mac 开发博客列表
    • shadowsocks
    • mailin - Artisanal inbound emails for every web app
    • CommonMark - CommonMark spec, with reference implementations in C and JavaScript
    • Hack - A typeface designed for source code
  • Ruby

    • dryrun - :coffee: Try the demo project of any Android Library
    • ruby - The Ruby Programming Language
    • genghis - The single-file MongoDB admin app
    • json_resume - Generates pretty HTML, LaTeX, markdown, with biodata feeded as input in JSON
    • awesome-react-native - An "awesome" type curated list of React Native components, news, tools, and learning material
  • Rust

    • redox - Redox: A Rust Operating System
  • Scala

    • HouseMD - HouseMD is an awesome diagnosing tool better than BTrace
  • Swift

    • SwiftGuide - 这份指南汇集了Swift语言主流学习资源,并以开发者的视角整理编排。
    • 30DaysofSwift - A self-taught project to learn Swift.
    • GDWebViewController - WKWebview browser view controller in Swift
    • LxGridView-swift - Imitation iOS system desktop icon arrangement and interaction by UICollectionView!
    • SwiftWeather - SwiftWeather is an iOS weather app developed in Swift 2. The app has been actively upgrading to adopt the latest features of iOS and Swift language.
    • Material - Material is an animation and graphics framework that is used to create beautiful applications.
    • LiquidLoader - Spinner loader components with liquid animation
    • SwiftWeather - SwiftWeather is an iOS weather app developed in Swift 2. The app has been actively upgrading to adopt the latest features of iOS and Swift language.
  • TypeScript

    • growth - Growth - App to help you Be Awesome Developer & Awesome Hacker
    • satellizer - Token-based AngularJS Authentication
    • ionic - Build amazing native and progressive web apps with Angular and open web technologies. One app running on everything 🎉
  • Vue

    • vue-bulma - 轻量级高性能MVVM Admin UI框架,Charts Collaopse Modal NavMenu Pagination ProgressBar Rating Timeline Toast