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✏︎ Curated list about digital typography 🔥
Last synced: 6 days ago
JSON representation
- color-emoji - Tool to build color fonts using Google color-font format (CBDT/CBLC).
- Flat - Library for creating and manipulating digital forms of fine arts.
- Flat - Library for creating and manipulating digital forms of fine arts.
- fontTools - Library for manipulating fonts, written in Python.
- fontmake - Compile fonts from sources (UFO, Glyphs) to binary (OpenType, TrueType).
- FontReport - Tool to create PDF files containing glyph images and information about a font.
- fontdiff - Tool for finding visual differences between two font versions.
- kern-dump - Scripts for working with and analyzing kerning information (ATypI 2013).
- cu2qu - Cubic-to-quadratic bezier curve conversion.
- Font Bakery - Tools to prepare font families for inclusion in
- glyphNameFormatter - Generate list of glyphnames from unicode names.
- woffTools - Library for working with WOFF files.
- RoboFab - Library with objects that deal with data usually associated with fonts and type design.
- pyfontaine - Python tool to check font files for language/character set support.
- Glyph Nanny - Live report about potential drawing issues in your glyph.
- Kernagic - Semi-automatic font spacing tool.
- Huerta Tipográfica Letterspacer - HT Letterspacer is a tool for spacing fonts.
- OpenType-SVG Tools - Tools and sample files for making OpenType-SVG fonts.
- - Python script to draw all the box drawing characters and block elements based on parameters.
- scfbuild - Create OpenType-SVG color fonts from a set of SVG source files.
- - Convert variable-pitch fonts to monospace (useful for unicode and indentation-friendly programming).
- edf825/SVG-OpenType-Utils - SVG in OpenType Utils (!Old: 2013).
- Icon Font to PNG - Python script (and library) for exporting icons from icon fonts (e.g. Font Awesome, Octicons) as PNG images.
- Compositor - Basic OpenType GSUB and GPOS layout engine.
- UFO Extractor - Tools for extracting data from font binaries into UFO objects.
- Noto Tools - Noto fonts support tools and scripts.
- compreffor - CFF table subroutinizer for FontTools.
- font-line - OpenType vertical metrics reporting and font line spacing adjustment tool.
- PageBot - Scripted page layout program, as application inside Drawbot generating high quality typographic documents that support high quality fonts.
- pyftfeatfreeze - With pyftfeatfreeze, you can “freeze” some OpenType features into a font.
- fontmake - Compile fonts from sources (UFO, Glyphs) to binary (OpenType, TrueType).
- fontdiff - Tool for finding visual differences between two font versions.
- cu2qu - Cubic-to-quadratic bezier curve conversion.
- compreffor - CFF table subroutinizer for FontTools.
- PageBot - Scripted page layout program, as application inside Drawbot generating high quality typographic documents that support high quality fonts.
- pyfontaine - Python tool to check font files for language/character set support.
- scfbuild - Create OpenType-SVG color fonts from a set of SVG source files.
- Noto Tools - Noto fonts support tools and scripts.
- bdfparser - BDF (Glyph Bitmap Distribution) format bitmap font file parser library in Python.
- Compositor - Basic OpenType GSUB and GPOS layout engine.
- UFO Extractor - Tools for extracting data from font binaries into UFO objects.
- FontReport - Tool to create PDF files containing glyph images and information about a font.
- Font Bakery - Tools to prepare font families for inclusion in
- scfbuild - Create OpenType-SVG color fonts from a set of SVG source files.
- FreeType - Freely available software library to render fonts.
- otfcc - Parses & writes SFNT structures.
- AFDKO - Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType. See [AFDKO Overview](
- Raqm - Library for complex text layout.
- SheenFigure - Implementation of advanced typographic tables of OpenType specification.
- SheenBidi - SheenBidi is the world's most sophisticated implementation of latest unicode bidirectional algorithm.
- freetype-gl - OpenGL text using one vertex buffer, one texture and FreeType.
- WOFF - WOFF conversion reference code.
- SheenBidi - SheenBidi is the world's most sophisticated implementation of latest unicode bidirectional algorithm.
- QuesoGLC - free implementation of the OpenGL Character Renderer.
- sfntly - A Library for Using, Editing, and Creating SFNT-based Fonts.
- Sluggish - Toy CPU and GPU implementations of the Slug rendering algorithm
- picasso - Picasso is a high quality 2D vector graphic rendering library. It support path , matrix , gradient , pattern , image and truetype font.
- fcft - A simple library for font loading and glyph rasterization using FontConfig, FreeType and pixman.
- sway - This is a fork of that replaces pango with for font rendering.
- ttf - TrueType/OpenType Font Library.
- mcufont - A font rendering library for microcontrollers.
- libparsepsf - PC Screen Font parsing library.
- libparsepcf - Portable Compiled (font) Format parsing library.
- libtracebitmap - Bitmap tracing library.
- libglitter - Subpixel-rendering library.
- libfonts - Library for font listing, searching, and configurations.
- RREFont - Fast RRE Font rendering library.
- TeensieFont - A tiny font library intended for use on Arduino and other similar platforms.
- craftmicro-fonts - Pixel/bitmap font library for Craft Micro SDK.
- libint10h_fonts - The bitmap font collection as a library of C structs.
- ttf2mesh - Standalone library for TrueType font tessellation. Allows to load ttf-file and convert its glyphs to 2D or 3D mesh objects without rasterization.
- otf2ttf - convert an OTF font to TTF.
- psftools - a simple textfile based psf font editor suite.
- font-config-info - Print Linux font configuration.
- hamza - C Unicode/OpenType Library.
- libparsesfnt - SFNT parsing library.
- stb_truetype - Parse, decode, and rasterize characters for TrueType fonts. Single header file.
- SheenFigure - Implementation of advanced typographic tables of OpenType specification.
- HarfBuzz - HarfBuzz OpenType text shaping engine.
- font to svg - Render characters from font files into an SVG path.
- LCDF Typetools - Utilities for manipulating OpenType, PostScript Type 1, and Multiple Master fonts.
- Text rendering tests - Test suite for text rendering.
- FTGLES - TrueType font rendering library for OpenGL ES on iOS devices (iPad and iPhone).
- TTFPatch - Mirror of TTFPATCH by Wolfram Esser, modified to support fonts conforming to newer OTF specifications, built for modern versions of Windows.
- stb-truetype-opengl-examples - Examples of TrueType font rendering in C++11 using stb_truetype library and OpenGL 3+.
- FontView - Demo app that displays fonts with a free/libre/open-source text rendering stack: FreeType, HarfBuzz and Raqm.
- bmfont - Bitmap font generator.
- psfmaker - Tool for making linux console fonts. Output psf files and c header files.
- gpu-font-rendering - GPU font rendering from vector outlines demonstration.
- font - FreeType/HarfBuzz Node for Elixir.
- vectorfontstorm - C++ vector font rendering library for OpenGL 3D text rendering, by VoxelStorm Resources
- Slug library - Dynamic GPU Font Rendering and Advanced Text Layout (Minimum $1500 for a license and access to the source code, a demo is available, only for Windows)
- trex - Font rendering, atlas generation and text shaping library written in C++
- ascii-art - A C++ library to make everyday alphabets look much better on the terminal , this project uses OOPS concepts to make unique fonts and display letters on command line.
- DigiFont - Library for nice, scalable digit rendering using any Arduino GFX libraries.
- artery-font-format - Artery Atlas Font format library.
- scalable-font2 - Scalable Screen Font 2.0 renderer and file format specification.
- Microsoft's Documentation
- Apple's Documentation
- Adobe's Documentation
- the-cff-table - Markdown conversion of the Adobe Tech notes 5176 and 5177 about CFF.
- Adobe's Documentation
- OpenType: let's learn how modern fonts actually work
- The OpenType Cookbook - Introduction to OpenType features for type designers. [(Source)](
- The OpenType Cookbook - Introduction to OpenType features for type designers. [(Source)](
- A bit of font generation - Brief excursion into OpenType.
- font - Parse OTF/TTF file format directory from buffers for metadata.
- GitHub Font Preview - Adds a preview for fonts & glyphs on GitHub with OpenType.js.
- ideohint - Optimized hinter for Ideographs.
- Typefont - First open-source library that detects the font of a text in a image.
- custom-fonts-in-emails - Extremely easy way to use custom fonts in emails without having to use art software.
- custom-fonts-in-emails - Extremely easy way to use custom fonts in emails without having to use art software.
- opentype-layout - Experimental word-wrapping and layout for OpenType.js.
- canvas-text-opentypejs-shim - Consistent text rendering for <canvas> (backed by OpenType.js).
- CharacterMap - Online Character Map / Glyph / Icon / Font Viewer.
- fontkit - Advanced font engine for Node and the browser.
- cubic2quad - Aproximates cubic bezier curves with quadratic ones.
- SVG font creator - Create SVG font from separate images.
- Minimal-font-generator - Font's Hello world.
- simple-cff-builder - Simple CFF builder for testing fonts with different Type2 charstrings.
- ttf2woff - Convert TTF to WOFF, for Node.js.
- sfnt2woff - Convert TTF or OTF to WOFF, support Node.js and Browsers.
- ttf2eot - Convert TTF to EOT for Node.js.
- node-sfnt - SFNT parser and generator for Node.js.
- node-unicode-data - JavaScript-compatible Unicode data generator.
- fontwr - Font manager for web projects.
- Open Type playground - Playground for Open Type experiments with CSS.
- ChromaCheck - Feature test for color font support in browsers.
- Font Face Observer - Font load events, simple, small and efficient [](
- Web Font Loader - Web Font Loader gives you added control when using linked fonts via @font-face.
- localFont - Implement localStorage web font caching in seconds.
- Fontello - This tool lets you combine icon webfonts for your own project.
- unidata - Unicode Character Database for JavaScript.
- UCD - Unicode Character Database for JavaScript.
- Character Set Inspector - Unicode Character Database for JavaScript.
- OpenType - OpenType font parser in JavaScript.
- opentype-geometry - Convert Text from OpenType font to three.js 3D.
- Plumin.js - Create and manipulate fonts in the browser.
- Typr.js - Process fonts in JavaScript.
- fonteditor-core - Read, write, transform fonts in JavaScript.
- fontmin - Minify font seamlessly.
- OpenType-SVG Workshop - OpenType-SVG Workshop Web application.
- A-binary-parser-generator - This project aims to create a tool that can turn a spec file into a parser skeleton for binary data files such as OpenType fonts, PNG images, etc.
- fontfacegen - Browser font-face generator for creating browser usable fonts from TTF's or OTF's.
- NType - 4D Type Extruder.
- node-emoji - 😏 simple emoji support for Node.js projects.
- Google Fonts Infos - Extract info out of the Google Fonts archive.
- Hyphenopoly.js - JavaScript polyfill for client-side hyphenation.
- Hyphenator.js - JavaScript that implements client-side hyphenation of HTML-Documents.
- Hypher - Fast and small JavaScript hyphenation engine.
- Typeset.js - HTML pre-processor for web typography (hanging punctuation, soft hyphen insertion, optical margin outdents, small-caps conversion and punctuation substitution).
- Typeset - TeX line breaking algorithm in JavaScript.
- otfcc-cubic2quad - Losslessly turn CFF OTF to TTF using otfcc.
- caryll / shapeops - Boolean operations and overlap removal for curves.
- font-spider - Smart webfont compression and format conversion tool.
- Brotli.js
- subfont - Command line tool to inject Google font subsets used glyphs into your page.
- webfont - Awesome generator of webfont, WOFF2, WOFF, EOT, TTF and SVG.
- grapheme-splitter - JavaScipt library that breaks strings into their individual user-perceived characters.
- unicode-properties - Provides fast access to unicode character properties.
- fontblast - Give me an icon-font, and I'll create individual SVG/PNG files for all icons in it.
- fontplop - Fast, Simple, & Free Open Source Webfont Converter.
- svgfont2svgicons - Extract SVG icons from an SVG font.
- glyphhanger - Your web font utility belt. It shows what unicode-ranges are used on a web site (optionally for a font-family or for each font-family). It can also subset web fonts.
- code-point-at - ES2015 String#codePointAt() ponyfill.
- node-fonttools - Native bindings to fonttools to decompile and compile fonts.
- font-toolkit - Font file manipulating in TypeScript.
- variableFont.js - Handles variable fonts through OpenType.js
- unicode-tr51-emoji - Emoji data extracted from Unicode Technical Report #51 v1.0 – v5.0.
- opentype-layout - Experimental word-wrapping and layout for OpenType.js.
- CharacterMap - Online Character Map / Glyph / Icon / Font Viewer.
- node-unicode-data - JavaScript-compatible Unicode data generator.
- fontwr - Font manager for web projects.
- fontfacegen - Browser font-face generator for creating browser usable fonts from TTF's or OTF's.
- custom-fonts-in-emails - Extremely easy way to use custom fonts in emails without having to use art software.
- Punycode.js - Robust Punycode converter that fully complies to RFC 3492 and RFC 5891.
- ttf2woff2 - Convert TTF files to WOFF2.
- unicopedia-plus - Developer-oriented set of Unicode, Unihan, Unikemet & emoji utilities wrapped into one single app, built with Electron.
- bdfparser-js - BDF (Glyph Bitmap Distribution) format bitmap font file parser library in TypeScript (JavaScript).
- OpenType.js - Read and write OpenType fonts.
- Font::TTFMetrics - Fast & easy-to-use parser for true-type font (TTF) file.
- ufoNormalizer - Tool that will normalize the XML and other data inside of a UFO.
- ufo2ft - UFO to FontTools.
- ufoJS - JavaScript API for the Unified Font Object.
- ufo-spec - The official Unified Font Object specification source files.
- ufoLib - Low-level UFO reader and writer.
- ufo2ft - UFO to FontTools.
Tools with GUI
- Fontself
- Robofont - UFO based (Mac only).
- Glyphs - Font editor (Mac only).
- FontLab Studio - Font editor for font professionals. Version 5 for Mac and Windows.
- DTL OTMaster - Highly sophisticated application for reviewing, editing and altering tables and contours of fonts with a snft file structure, as there are CFF and TTF flavored OpenType fonts, TrueType fonts and TrueType Collection fonts.
- 010 Editor - Professional text and hex editing with Binary Templates technology. [OpenType template](
- Synalyze It! - Reverse Engineering and Binary File Analysis made easy. [OpenType template](
- TransType 4 - Universal font converter.
- Robofont - UFO based (Mac only).
- Prototypo - Web based font generator with a parametric approach.
- Metapolator - Web-based GUI for creating UFO and Metafont fonts.
- Glyphr Studio - Free, web-based font editor, focusing on font design hobbyists.
- FontArk - based font editor, font creator (BETA), featuring the most versatile real-time multiple glyph editing system.
- TTFEdit - TrueType fonts editor. Allows for editing vector-based glyphs.
- FontForge - Free (libre) font editor for Windows, Mac OS X and GNU+Linux.
- TruFont - UFO3 font editor. À l’ancienne.
- Birdfont - Font editor which can generate fonts in TTF, EOT, SVG and BF format.
- fonteditor - Web-based TTF font editor, live at [](
- OpenType-SVG-Font-Editor
- SdfFontDesigner - A generator of bitmap font, based on ttf & otf, rendered with custom shaders in glsl
- DTL OTMaster Light - In the Light editions of dtl OTMaster only the saving of files is disabled. Checking fonts and exporting OpenType Layout features files, be and ik formats, and Character Layout (.cha) files is possible though.
Font Validator
- WOFF Validator - Online WOFF Validator.
- Font Validator - Font Validator is a tool for testing fonts prior to release. See [Install post for Mac](
- OpenType Sanitiser - The OpenType Sanitiser (OTS) parses and serialises OpenType files (OTF, TTF) and WOFF and WOFF2 font files, validating them and sanitising them as it goes.
Font Testing Websites
- Axis-Praxis - Axis-Praxis is a website for playing with OpenType variable fonts in modern browsers.
- Bulletproof Font Tester - Test your local or remote fonts with the proofing tool developed by a type designer, for type designers. Check out kerning, OpenType features, and language coverage. Explore and animate variation axes in variable fonts.
- Font Testing Page - The Font Testing Page is a tool primarily intended for type designers to 'Drag and Drop' and quickly test their fonts into a browser (active fork of Impallari's testing page).
- Font Gauntlet - The Dinamo Font Gauntlet is a tool for proofing, generating and animating fonts.
- TypeNetwork TypeTools - Layout tools for exerimenting with variable fonts in various ways.
- Wakamai Fondue - The tool that answers the question “what can my font do?”
- TypeDrawers - Discussion forum for professionals and enthusiasts in the fields of typeface design, lettering, and typography.
- Font Squirrel Webfont Generator - Upload OTF or TTF fonts, receive webfonts.
- UseModify - Open Source typefaces.
- Ressources
- Drawing good paths Tutorial - Badly drawn outlines can cause headache. Your letters may look mangled or not appear at all. You can avoid these difficulties if you keep a few basic rules in mind.
- Deep Into OpenType Features - What are OpenType features?
- The A-Z of typographic terms - Typography terms in images.
- Emoji Wrap Monthly Newsletter - Bite-sized summary of what's happening in the world of emoji and Unicode.
- UnicodeChecker - Explore and convert Unicode.
- Method of Action - Method of Action is a collection of tools, games and articles to help you learn design.
- Encodings and character sets for Programmers - What every programmer absolutely, positively needs to know about encodings and character sets to work with text.
- Typography Supply
- The Terrible Secret of OpenType Glyph Substitution
- You, Me And The Emoji: Character Sets, Encoding And Emoji
- Emoji Rolodex - Resourceful links to emoji-related sites, plug-ins, and apps.
- W3C - Fonts on the Web - Fonts on the Web.
- W3C - WebFonts Working Group
- No @font-face Syntax will ever be Bulletproof, Nor Should It Be
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Letterpress Digest - The new podcast about letterpress.
- fontspeed - Newsletter on font loading by @zachleat.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Encodings and character sets for Programmers - What every programmer absolutely, positively needs to know about encodings and character sets to work with text.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- fontspeed - Newsletter on font loading by @zachleat.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- The State of Web Type - "Can I Use" for typography.
- ofont - Web interface for font collections (used by
- Git for Type Designers
- - Book about how to design new typefaces with FontForge. See [](
- FontTesting Page - Webpage for testing typefaces.
- CSS Utility OpenType - Simple, CSS utility classes for advanced typographic features. See it [here](
- Alfred Special Characters - Typefacts Special Characters Workflow for Alfred 3.
- Emoj - Find relevant emoji from text on the command-line 😮 ✨ 🙌 🐴 💥 🙈.
- FDBP - Font Development Best Practice documentation.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- JavaScript has a Unicode problem - The way JavaScript handles Unicode is… surprising, to say the least.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- The A-Z of typographic terms - Typography terms in images.
- Typography is impossible - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- Aerial Bold
- Monotype Variable Font Demo
- Open Emoji - Will provide open and free access to visual communications technology, namely emoji, for the entire universe.
- awesome-fonts
- Bixa Color - Building Bixa Color, a color font for the web [](
- Bixa Color - Building Bixa Color, a color font for the web [](
- Truetype font software - List (Big!) with descriptions [here](
- Fonts & Encodings - From Advanced Typography to Unicode and Everything in Between [Google Books Preview](
- Unicode Explained - There are hundreds of different encoding systems for mapping characters to numbers, but Unicode promises a single mapping. [Google Books Preview](
- NRasterizer - Simple and clean TrueType font renderer written purely in c#.
- Typography - C# Font Reader (TrueType / OpenType / OpenFont), Glyphs Layout and Rendering.
- SixLabors.Fonts - Font loading and drawing library.
- SharpFont - Pure managed TTF / OTF reader and renderer.
- sfntly - Library for Using, Editing, and Creating SFNT-based Fonts.
- Tehreer-Android - Library that gives full control over text related technologies such as bidirectional algorithm, open type shaping engine, text typesetting and text rendering.
- sfntly - Library for Using, Editing, and Creating SFNT-based Fonts.
- Emoji-Tools - Multiple useful tools to help Android and iOS/OSX developers with creating and modifying Emoji Font files.
- emoji-extractor - Extracts high-resolution emoji pngs from Apple Color Emoji.ttf.
- font - Command-line font manager.
- font-rs - The fastest font renderer in the world.
- font-kit - A cross-platform font loading library.
- RustType - Pure Rust alternative to libraries like FreeType.
- Pathfinder - Fast, practical GPU rasterizer for OpenType fonts.
- Font toolbox
- Parser for OpenType fonts
- Parser for PostScript fonts
- Parser for TrueType fonts
- freetype-rs - Rust bindings for FreeType library.
- freetype-sys - Low level bindings for the FreeType font library.
- truetype - Library for reading fonts from the TrueType format.
- font-rs - The fastest font renderer in the world.
- font-generator - A genetic algorithm for fonts.
- bdfreader - BDF font format reader.
- PHP Font Lib - Library to read, parse, export and make subsets of different types of font files.
- JoliTypo - Microtypography fixer for the web.
- PHP SmartyPants - SmartyPants is a free web typography prettifyier tool for web writers. It easily translates plain ASCII punctuation characters into "smart" typographic punctuation HTML entities.
- PHP Font Lib - Library to read, parse, export and make subsets of different types of font files.
- opentype.clj - A simple API over OpenType.js for Clojure. Runs on the JVM.
- gb-vwf - A very powerful Variable-Width Font engine for the Game Boy & Game Boy Color.
- protracker-font - 8x8 pixel font reconstructed as TTF from the Protracker v2.3D/v2.3E assembly source.
- x86-Assembly-Fonts - Use different bitmap fonts in your Real Mode OS using bitmaps and pixel routines.
- atari-font as assemlby source
- Atari-Font-To-Code - An over-engineered linux tool to convert an Atari 8-bit font to BASIC, C, and Assembly source.
- Atari-Binary-To-Code - Over-engineered linux utility to output binary data as text source for Atari 8-bit BASIC, 6502 Assembly, C, or text.
- xfnt - Fontes gráficas para Hexagon/Hexagon graphic fonts.
- cracker - Text, graphics and font ripper for the ZX Spectrum.
- Fontraption - A tiny but powerful VGA text mode font editor for DOS
- CGA-font-compare - DOS tool to check if your CGA card uses the same ROM font as the original IBM CGA
- x86-Assembly-Font-Renderer - Bootloader that draws characters from a 5x7px font.
- persian-assembly-font - Design and implementation of Persian alphabet letters in Assembly.
- again - My custom DirectX/Assembly/Raster-font PC Intro engine (2005).
- amigafonts - Faithfully remade multi platform Amiga fonts in Amiga aspect.
- font-topaz-ng - Amiga's system font, vectorized for modern systems.
- NerdFetch - A POSIX *nix (Linux, macOS, Android, BSD, etc) fetch script using Nerdfonts (and others).
- Crimson Pro - The Crimson Text typeface.
- fontpreview-tui - Minimal command line tool that allows to visualize fonts inside the terminal and copy the selected font to the clipboard.
- font_awesome_icons - An OCaml library for Font-Awesome SVG icons.
Programming Languages
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