An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.
A curated list of awesome packages, articles, and other cool resources from the Wagtail community.
Last synced: 2 days ago
JSON representation
General resources
- Puput - Puput is a powerful and simple Django app to manage a blog. It uses the awesome Wagtail CMS as content management system.
- wagtail_blog - A WordPress-like blog app implemented in Wagtail.
- wagtailnews - A plugin for Wagtail that provides news / blogging functionality.
- wagtail-blog-app - A blog application for the Wagtail Django CMS.
- Django Wagtail Feeds - Add support for RSS Feeds, Facebook Instant Articles and Apple News Publisher to your Wagtail CMS Projects.
- Snotra_RSS - Snotra_RSS is an Atom and RSS news aggregator app for Wagtail.
- wagtail-live - Build live blogs with Wagtail.
Rich text editor extensions
- wagtail-readinglevel
- wagtail-readability - Test how readable the content you enter into Wagtail is.
- wagtailembedder - Snippets embedder for Wagtail richtext fields.
- Wagtail TinyMCE - A TinyMCE editor integration for Wagtail.
- Wagtail Froala - Extends Wagtail to use the Froala WYSIWYG editor in RichTextField/RichTextBlock.
- Wagtail Medium Editor - A customizable Medium Editor for Wagtail, with link anchors support.
- WagtailDraftail
- Wagtail EditorJS - An [EditorJS]( widget with great support for Wagtail's page, image and document choosers.
- Wagtail Terms - A plugin to add a glossary terms entity to the Draftail editor.
- Wagtail Text Alignment - Align text, headings and more in your Wagtail richtext editor.
- wagtailmdx - A [MDXEditor]( integration for Wagtail as textfield widget.
- Wagtail's built in Form Builder
- Wagtail ReCaptcha - wagtail-django-captcha provides an easy way to integrate the [django-recaptcha]( field when using the Wagtail formbuilder.
- Wagtail Simple Captcha - A self-hosted alternative to Wagtail ReCaptcha that easily integrates a [django-simple-captcha]( field into the Wagtail form builder.
- wagtailstreamforms - Build forms in Wagtail's admin for use in streamfields.
- wagtail-contact-reply - Reply directly to form submissions from the Wagtail admin
- Wagtail JotForm - Embeddable Jotform forms for Wagtail pages.
- Wagtail Model Forms - The Wagtail Form Builder functionalities available for your models/snippets.
- Wagtail Formation - Fully dynamic and easy to use CMS-able forms for wagtail
- wagtailgmaps - Simple Google Maps address formatter for Wagtail fields.
- Wagtail-Geo-Widget - Google Maps widget for the GeoDjango PointField field in Wagtail.
- wagtail-leaflet-widget - A Leaflet JS - OSM based wagtail geo-location widget.
- wagtail-markdown - Markdown fields and blocks for Wagtail.
- wagtail-autocomplete - Autocompleting choosers for `ForeignKey`, `ParentalKey`, and `ManyToMany` fields.
- wagtail-instance-selector - A `ForeignKey` widget to create and select related items. Similar to Django's `raw_id_fields`.
- wagtail-generic-chooser - provides base classes for building chooser popups and form widgets for the Wagtail admin, matching the look and feel of Wagtail's built-in choosers for pages, documents, snippets and images.
- wagtail-multi-upload - allows uploading of multiple related images for a page.
- wagtail-color-panel - Introduces panels for selecting colors in Wagtail.
- Wagtail Ace Editor - An IDE-like code editor right in your Wagtail admin.
- Wagtail FontAwesome - Add FontAwesome icons to StreamField.
- Wagtail Commonblocks - Common StreamField blocks for Wagtail.
- Wagtail SVGmap - ImageMap functionality for Wagtail through inline SVGs.
- Wagtail ClearStream - An app to make Wagtail's StreamField more modular.
- UWKM Streamfields
- wagtail-inventory - Search Wagtail pages by the StreamField blocks they contain.
- Wagtail Code Block - StreamField code blocks for the Wagtail CMS with real-time PrismJS Syntax Highlighting.
- Wagtail Blocks - A Collection of awesome Wagtail CMS stream-field blocks and Charts.
- Wagtail Cache Block - A templatetag which add HTML fragment cache to your StreamField block
- Wagtail UIKit Block - A collection of UIKit components that can be used as a Wagtail StreamField block.
Static site generation
- Wagtail-bakery - A set of helpers for baking your Django Wagtail site out as flat files.
- Wagtail-Netlify - Easily publish your statically rendered Wagtail site to Netlify.
- wagtail-freezer - Generates static HTML sites from a Wagtail project.
Settings management
- Wagtail-Constance - django-constance integration for Wagtail CMS.
- Wagtail-Flags - Feature flags for Wagtail sites.
- Wagtail-Waffle - Manage Django Waffle in Wagtail.
- wagtailinvoices - A Wagtail module for creating invoices.
- longclaw - A shop template for Wagtail CMS.
- django-oscar-wagtail - Wagtail integration for Oscar Commerce (or Oscar Commerce integration for Wagtail?).
- django-salesman - Headless e-commerce framework for Django with Wagtail modeladmin integration.
- longclaw - A shop template for Wagtail CMS.
- wagtail-metadata - A tool to assist with metadata for social media and search engines.
- wagtail-metadata-mixin - OpenGraph, Twitter Card and Google+ snippet tags for Wagtail CMS pages.
- - JSON-LD tags for Wagtail sites.
- wagtail-opengraph-image-generator - Assists you in automatically creating Open Graph images for your Wagtail pages.
- wagtail-redirect-importer - Your friendly neighborhood importer that lets you import redirects from different tabular data formats, such as .csv and .xls
- wagtail-meta-preview - Adds ability to get share previews for Facebook, Twitter and Google in the Wagtail admin.
- Wagtail Yoast - A tool to improve readability of your texts with SEO recommendations.
- Wagtail SEO - Search engine and social media optimization for Wagtail.
- Wagtail Analytics - A Google Analytics dashboard in your Wagtail admin.
Customer experience
- Wagtail Experiments
- Wagtail Personalisation - Personalisation module, enabling editors to create customised pages - or parts of pages - based on segments whose rules are configured directly in the admin interface.
- wagtailenforcer - If you need to enforce security protocols on your Wagtail site you've come to the right place.
- wagtail-yubikey - Enable YubiKey two factor authentication on Wagtail admin panel.
- wagtail-2fa - Add two-factor authentication to Wagtail by integrating it with django-otp.
- wagtailmedia - A Wagtail module for managing video and audio files within the admin.
- Wagtail Alt Generator - A module for generating image description and tags based on computer vision.
- Wagtail FilePreviews - Extend Wagtail's Documents with image previews and metadata from
- Wagtail-Textract - Make Wagtail search Documents contents (PDF, Excel and Word, etc.).
- Wagtail-Lazyimages - A plugin that generates tiny blurry placeholder images for lazy loading Wagtail images style.
- Wagtail Image Import - A plugin for importing images from Google Drive.
- Wagtail SVG - A Wagtail module for managing SVG files within the admin.
- Wagtail Makeup - A plugin that replaces all your images with [Unsplash]( images.
- Rent Free Media - A media distribution framework built on Django and Wagtail. Premium / subscription-based publishing like Patreon or Substack.
- Wagtail CLIP - A module for searching the contents of Wagtail images with natural language queries.
- Wagtail Stock Images - Search stock images (e.g. via Unsplash) and save them to your Wagtail image library.
- Wagtail Transcription - Provides a field to automatically creates transcriptions from YouTube videos.
- Wagtail Modeltranslation - Simple app containing a mixin model that integrates [django-modeltranslation]( into Wagtail panels system.
- wagtailtrans - A Wagtail add-on for supporting multilingual sites.
- Wagtail Localize - A translation plugin for the Wagtail CMS, allows pages or snippets to be translated within Wagtail's admin interface.
- wagtail-linkchecker - A tool to assist with finding broken links on your Wagtail site.
- Wagtail Accessibility
- Wagtail Factories - Factory boy classes for Wagtail.
- Wagtail Foliage - Utilities for programmatically building page trees in Wagtail.
- wagtail-admin-list-controls - Adds advanced search, ordering and layout controls to Wagtail's modeladmin list views.
- wagtail-rangefilter - Integrates django-admin-rangefilter into Wagtail's ModelAdmin.
- wagtail-treemodeladmin - Page explorer-like navigation of Django model relationships using ModelAdmin.
Asynchronous (tasks)
- Wagtail Celery Beat - A way to manage your Django Celery Beat tasks inside of the Wagtail admin.
- wagtailmenus - An extension for Torchbox's Wagtail CMS to help you manage and render multi-level navigation and simple flat menus in a consistent, flexible way.
- Wagtail Error Pages - Pretty, smart, customizable error pages for Wagtail.
- Wagtail Themes - Site-specific theme loader for Wagtail.
- Wagtail Gridder - Grid card layout similar to Google image search results, with an expanded area for card details.
- Wagtail Condensed Inline Panel - Drop-in replacement for Wagtail's InlinePanel suited for large number of inlines (collapsible with drag and drop support).
- Joyous - A calendar application for Wagtail.
- Wagtail App Pages - Extend Wagtail pages using an actual URL config and django views.
- Wagtail Cache - A simple page cache for Wagtail using the Django cache middleware.
- Wagtail GraphQL - App to automatically add GraphQL support to a Wagtail website.
- Wagtail Orderable - Mixin support for drag-and-drop ordering in admin panel.
- Wagtail Resume
- Wagtail Trash - Will place pages in a trash can from where they can be restored instead of being permanently deleted.
- Wagtail PDF View - Render Wagtail pages and models as PDF document using Weasyprint or LaTeX.
- Wagtail Grapple - A Wagtail app that makes building GraphQL endpoints a breeze.
- Wagtail Secret Sharing - Keep sensitive information out of your chat logs and email via a secure sharing protocol
- Wagtail Cache Invalidator - Invalidate and purge (frontend) cache via an user-friendly interface in the Wagtail CMS.
- Wagtail Word - A way to upload your word (.docx, .doc) documents as pages to Wagtail.
Content Management
- Wagtail Import Export - Import/Export pages between Wagtail instances.
- Wagtail Tag Manager - A Wagtail addon that allows for easier and GDPR compliant administration of scripts and tags.
- Wagtail Live Preview - Live page previews beside your content.
- Wagtail Content Import - Import content from Google Docs or Docx into StreamFields, using a customisable mapping system.
- Wagtail Headless Preview - Previews for headless Wagtail setups
- Wagtail Sharing
- Wagtail Transfer - An official extension for Wagtail allowing content to be transferred between multiple instances of a Wagtail project
- Wagtail Import/Export Tool - Refactor of [Wagtail Import Export]( This tool supports importing/exporting images, documents, and snippets that are used on imported/exported pages.
- Wagtail-FEdit - Add frontend editing to your Wagtail site.
Getting started
- Getting started in Wagtail, a newcomer's perspective - Having used Drupal almost exclusively as my main tool of choice for a while now, I was asked to put together a build using Wagtail. By [@kiwimind](
- Présentation de Wagtail, le dernier CMS Django - Wagtail est un CMS relativement récent dans l’écosystème Django. Pour autant, son jeune âge ne l’empêche pas de posséder de nombreuses fonctionnalités que nous découvrirons dans cet article.
- Getting Started With Wagtail - Working extensively with Wagtail and the surrounding community, we have discovered a range of common pitfalls developers run into when beginning to deliver with Wagtail.
- Extending The Functionality of Email Forms in Wagtail
- Wagtail: 2 Steps for Adding Pages Outside of the CMS
- Code blocks for Wagtail using Pygments
- Adding document previews to Wagtail CMS
- Wagtail Tutorials: Build Blog Step by Step - The tutorials teach you how to create a standard blog from scratch step by step.
- Python CMS Framework Review: Wagtail vs Django-CMS - Talk about the difference between Django-CMS and Wagtail, the two most popular CMS framework in Python world.
- Deploying Wagtail In Production
- Setting Up Foundation Sass With Wagtail
- Upgrading to Wagtail 2.0
- Getting started with Draftail extensions
- Amplify a Wagtail/Django site - Prepare you Wagtail site for Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP).
- Migrating your Drupal content to Wagtail
- How to Add Buttons to ModelAdmin Index View
- How to Prevent Users from Creating Pages by Type
- Drupal Front End WTF, Wagtail Front End FTW - Comparing Drupal and Wagtail Markup and approach to each CMS
- How to Create and Manage Menus of Wagtail application
- PythonEatsTail - Complete written and video tutorials to create a Wagtail site with multiple languages, authentication and more
- Upgrading to Wagtail 3.0 - General tips to migrate your codebase to Wagtail 3.0.
- Upgrading to Wagtail 3.0 Part 1 - 3-upgrade-part-2.html) - Two part series in how to migrate to Wagtail 3.0 with specific code examples.
- Multi-tenancy with Wagtail - Multiple part guide on robust multi-tenancy support in Wagtail.
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Wagtail development guide - Unit Testing Django and Wagtail
- Oscar Wagtail demo project - A Django recipe for integrating Oscar E-commerce into a Wagtail CMS application.
- Serafeim's Wagtail FAQ - Answers and recipes for Wagtail
- An Introduction to Wagtail - Meyer - This talk is an introduction to Wagtail, a content management system built on the Python web framework, Django.
- DjangoCon US 2015 - Wagtail - Yet Another Django CMS - Tom will explain why his agency decided to build a new CMS, share some lessons learned in running a growing open source project, and outline Wagtail's roadmap to version 2 and beyond. [Slide deck](
- Wellington Wagtail CMS Meetup - Meet Wagtail - An introductory session to Wagtail to showcase the main features it has to offer.
- DjangoCon US 2016 - Atomic Wagtail
- Wagtail & Agile – Wagtail Space 2017
- Deploy Wagtail to the Divio Cloud – Wagtail Space 2017
- All about Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2017
- Presenting Wagtail Clear StreamField, a modular StreamField app – Wagtail Space 2017
- Wagtail Experiments, easy A/B testing for your Wagtail sites – Wagtail Space 2017
- The Zen of Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2017
- Plone to Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2017
- Hundreds of Wagtail in Flight – Wagtail Space 2017
- How Google uses Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2018
- Introducing Draft.js in Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2018 - draft-js-in-wagtail).
- Let It Go – Wagtail Space 2018
- Developing Solutions for Girls, by Men – Wagtail Space 2018
- Wagtail’s first hatch – Wagtail Space 2018
- The Word Problem – Wagtail Space 2018
- Wagtail on Divio Cloud – Wagtail Space 2018
- Chopping the head off Wagtail and sticking it back on – Wagtail Space 2018
- StreamField editor at UWKM – Wagtail Space 2018
- Things i learned at Wagtail Space – Wagtail Space 2018
- Fly Wagtail to a PyCon – Wagtail Space 2018
- Wagtail Performance – Wagtail Space 2018
- Mutliple images uploader – Wagtail Space 2018
- Wagtail Space easter egg team demo – Wagtail Space 2018 - wagtail).
- Wagtail Space 2019 – Wagtail Space 2018
- Wagtail in 2018 – Wagtail Space US 2018
- What the Wagtail Docs Don't Tell You – Wagtail Space US 2018
- Django Logging for Wagtail – Wagtail Space US 2018
- Scaling Wagtail for 100 Million Girls – Wagtail Space US 2018
- Using Wagtail to Fight for Press Freedom – Wagtail Space US 2018
- Choosing Wagtail for Columbia University – Wagtail Space US 2018
- Running a Multi-Site Newsroom in Wagtail – Wagtail Space US 2018
- Wagtail in the Cloud – Wagtail Space US 2018
- Beheading Wagtail: Wagtail as a Headless CMS – Wagtail Space US 2018
- Learning Wagtail – Wagtail Space US 2018
- Sharing is Caring – Wagtail Space US 2018
- Lightning Talks – Wagtail Space US 2018
- The State of Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2019
- Image rotation feature – Wagtail Space 2019
- Debug templates – Wagtail Space 2019
- Wagtail Headless with HATEOAS – Wagtail Space 2019
- Building a Planet Friendly Web (with Wagtail) – Wagtail Space 2019
- [WIP
- Wagtail & Whatsapp – Wagtail Space 2019
- Slack2Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2019
- Wagtail and Oscar – Wagtail Space 2019
- wagtail-textract – Wagtail Space 2019
- Django 2.2 compatibility – Wagtail Space 2019
- SEO dashboard – Wagtail Space 2019 - marketing-addons).
- My First Wagtail Contribution – More formats in RichText Editor – Wagtail Space 2019
- Fly, Wagtail, fly! – Wagtail Space 2019
- Wagtail & GraphQL – Wagtail Space 2019
- Writing (code) for authors – Wagtail Space US 2019 - kCtInd1VgsEg-rnwzBE/edit).
- Saving Lives With Wagtail: Recovery Meetings Across the World – Wagtail Space US 2019
- Why we chose Wagtail for CodeRed CMS – Wagtail Space US 2019
- Building a Wagtail-based site and authoring environment with accessibility in mind – Wagtail Space US 2019
- Making Wagtail Accessible – Wagtail Space US 2019 - RYEO9tEE8n9chx80_X4j4PbczGGM-cEGE/edit).
- Everyone can fly a flag – Wagtail Space US 2019 - A1doke2ylcqG72oIP-MLiX8SKXKkKNxQeKxddYUGBw/edit).
- Architecting for a multi-domain site – Wagtail Space US 2019
- Contributions can be more than code – Wagtail Space US 2019
- Thoughtful Code Review – Wagtail Space US 2019
- Solving your problems by spelunking the Wagtail code – Wagtail Space US 2019 - space-us-2019/)
- The State of Wagtail: 2019 – Wagtail Space US 2019
- Wagtail Guide - Getting started - Wagtail Space US 2022
- A New Approach to Multitenant Wagtail - Wagtail Space US 2022
- The Wagtail Marketplace for Games-based Courses - Wagtail Space 2022
- The Wagtail Ecosystem - Wagtail Space US 2022
- Wagtail charts and graphs - Wagtail Space US 2022
- Wagtail as a headless CMS for JavaScript frontends - Wagtail Space US 2022
- Adding a GraphQL API to Wagtail - Wagtail Space US 2022
- Bringing JSONField into Wagtail Core - Wagtail Space US 2022
- Wagtail vs. WordPress - Wagtail Space US 2022
- Designing the new page editor - Wagtail Space US 2022
- 5 Things I Learned About Wagtail the Hard Way - Wagtail Space US 2022
- Tips for Maintaining Wagtail Packages - Wagtail Space US 2022
- The state of Wagtail 2022 - Wagtail Space NL 2022
- Choosers - Wagtail Space NL 2022
- Working with Image Filters - Wagtail Space NL 2022
- Things I learned - Wagtail Space NL 2022
- Wagtail Roadrunner Beep Beep - Wagtail Space NL 2022
- Dockerising wagtail projects in 5 minutes - Wagtail Space NL 2022
- Wagtail in the News Room - Wagtail Space NL 2022
- Digital Nomad - Wagtail Space NL 2022
- Unobtrusive internationalisation - Wagtail Space NL 2022
- Moving Wagtail pages - Wagtail Space NL 2022
- Wagtail architecture options, or should I go headless - Wagtail Space NL 2022
- Wagtail headless and NextJS frontend - Wagtail Space NL 2022
- Let It Go – Wagtail Space 2018
- [WIP
- Saving Lives With Wagtail: Recovery Meetings Across the World – Wagtail Space US 2019
- Why we chose Wagtail for CodeRed CMS – Wagtail Space US 2019
- Building a Wagtail-based site and authoring environment with accessibility in mind – Wagtail Space US 2019
- Wagtail Guide - Wagtail Space US 2022
- Mutliple images uploader – Wagtail Space 2018
- What the Wagtail Docs Don't Tell You – Wagtail Space US 2018
- Writing (code) for authors – Wagtail Space US 2019 - kCtInd1VgsEg-rnwzBE/edit).
- Solving your problems by spelunking the Wagtail code – Wagtail Space US 2019 - space-us-2019/)
- Hundreds of Wagtail in Flight – Wagtail Space 2017
- The Word Problem – Wagtail Space 2018
- Wagtail on Divio Cloud – Wagtail Space 2018
- Chopping the head off Wagtail and sticking it back on – Wagtail Space 2018
- StreamField editor at UWKM – Wagtail Space 2018
- Things i learned at Wagtail Space – Wagtail Space 2018
- Fly Wagtail to a PyCon – Wagtail Space 2018
- Wagtail Performance – Wagtail Space 2018
- Django Logging for Wagtail – Wagtail Space US 2018
- Debug templates – Wagtail Space 2019
- Wagtail & Whatsapp – Wagtail Space 2019
- Slack2Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2019
- Wagtail and Oscar – Wagtail Space 2019
- wagtail-textract – Wagtail Space 2019
- Django 2.2 compatibility – Wagtail Space 2019
- The State of Wagtail: 2019 – Wagtail Space US 2019
- PyCon Australia – Comparing Wagtail, Django CMS and Mezzanine
- Wagtail — еще одна CMS на Django - This talk is an introduction to Wagtail in Russian.
- Wagtail & Agile – Wagtail Space 2017
- Deploy Wagtail to the Divio Cloud – Wagtail Space 2017
- All about Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2017
- Presenting Wagtail Clear StreamField, a modular StreamField app – Wagtail Space 2017
- Wagtail Experiments, easy A/B testing for your Wagtail sites – Wagtail Space 2017
- Wagtail's preview, a new hope – Wagtail Space 2017
- The Zen of Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2017
- Plone to Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2017
- Developing Solutions for Girls, by Men – Wagtail Space 2018
- Wagtail Space easter egg team demo – Wagtail Space 2018 - wagtail).
- Wagtail Space 2019 – Wagtail Space 2018
- Wagtail in 2018 – Wagtail Space US 2018
- Scaling Wagtail for 100 Million Girls – Wagtail Space US 2018
- Using Wagtail to Fight for Press Freedom – Wagtail Space US 2018
- Choosing Wagtail for Columbia University – Wagtail Space US 2018
- Running a Multi-Site Newsroom in Wagtail – Wagtail Space US 2018
- Wagtail in the Cloud – Wagtail Space US 2018
- Beheading Wagtail: Wagtail as a Headless CMS – Wagtail Space US 2018
- Learning Wagtail – Wagtail Space US 2018
- Sharing is Caring – Wagtail Space US 2018
- Lightning Talks – Wagtail Space US 2018
- The State of Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2019
- Wagtail & GraphQL – Wagtail Space 2019
- Architecting for a multi-domain site – Wagtail Space US 2019
- Thoughtful Code Review – Wagtail Space US 2019
- How Google uses Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2018
- Introducing Draft.js in Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2018 - draft-js-in-wagtail).
- Wagtail’s first hatch – Wagtail Space 2018
- Wagtail: когда хочется чего-то приятнее, чем просто Django – Moscow Python Conf++ 2018
- Image rotation feature – Wagtail Space 2019
- Wagtail Headless with HATEOAS – Wagtail Space 2019
- Building a Planet Friendly Web (with Wagtail) – Wagtail Space 2019
- SEO dashboard – Wagtail Space 2019 - marketing-addons).
- My First Wagtail Contribution – More formats in RichText Editor – Wagtail Space 2019
- Fly, Wagtail, fly! – Wagtail Space 2019
- Making Wagtail Accessible – Wagtail Space US 2019 - RYEO9tEE8n9chx80_X4j4PbczGGM-cEGE/edit).
- Everyone can fly a flag – Wagtail Space US 2019 - A1doke2ylcqG72oIP-MLiX8SKXKkKNxQeKxddYUGBw/edit).
- Contributions can be more than code – Wagtail Space US 2019
- Django Chat: Wagtail CMS - Tom Dyson - An interview with Tom Dyson on Wagtail, the leading Django-based CMS used by tens of thousands of organizations including Google, NASA, and the British NHS.
- Podcast.__init__ Episode 58 - Wagtail with Tom Dyson - In this episode Tom Dyson explains how Wagtail came to be created, what sets it apart from other options, and when you should implement it for your projects.
- Django Chat: Dawn Wages - An interview with Dawn Wages, a core Wagtail team member. Discussion about Wagtail, React and Gatsby.
- Django Chat: Thibaud Colas - An interview with a core team member of Wagtail, discussing the current status of Django, upcoming DSF Board elections, Wagtail roadmap & community opportunities.
- Learn Wagtail - Regular video tutorials about all aspects of Wagtail.
- Wagtail screencasts: Creating and displaying pages in Wagtail - This video will show you how to create and display pages using the Wagtail CMS.
- Wagtail Wednesdays #01 - Adding Help Text to Improve Wagtail Editor Experience - Catherine talks you through the steps you can take to add some useful supplementary text fields to the Wagtail admin.
- Wagtail Wednesdays #02 - Customising Rich Text Features in Wagtail - Catherine talks you through the steps you can take to customise your rich text editors to control which features are available to your content editors.
- Wagtail Wednesdays #03 - Using tabs to create a cleaner admin interface - Chris talks you through using tabs to organise fields.
- Wagtail Wednesdays #04 - Organising Images and Documents using Wagtail Collections - Kieran talks you through the process of organising your images and documents into collections.
- Wagtail Wednesdays #05 - How to organise your fields and streamline the editor experience - Chelsea talks you through the process of organising your fields to make it easier to manage them and streamline the editor experience.
- Wagtail Wednesdays #06 - Creating & using custom settings in your wagtail site - Chris talks you through setting up and using custom site settings.
- How to Deploy Wagtail to Google App Engine - Focus is Google Cloud Platform but a great introduction on how to get Wagtail up and running in their PAAS.
- Draftail extensions – custom entities tutorial - Step-by-step tutorial to make extensions for Draftail.
- Wagtail Wednesdays #07 - How to Enable the Wagtail Styleguide - It’s a really helpful resource that takes no time at all to enable and it allows you to check your components against the guidelines and shows all the available Wagtail icons.
- Wagtail CMS in Action - Book about creating powerful, simple web applications using the Wagtail content management system.
- The Definitive Guide to Next.js and Wagtail - Build a Jamstack web app with Next.js and Wagtail CMS.
- Build a Blog With Wagtail CMS (3.0.0) - This book will teach you how to build a modern blog with Wagtail CMS.
- Build SPA with React and Wagtail (2.0.0) - This book will teach you how to build a SPA (single-page application) with React and Wagtail CMS.
- Build a Blog with React (SSR) and Wagtail - This book will teach you how to build a blog with React, Wagtail CMS and SSR (Server-Side Rendering).
- Made with Wagtail - A showcase of sites and apps made with Wagtail CMS.
- Contributed apps and website code - A provisional directory of third-party contributed Wagtail websites and apps.
- Contributed apps and website code - A provisional directory of third-party contributed Wagtail websites and apps.
- PyPI - Python Package Index - Wagtail packages on the Python Package Index.
- Django Packages - Wagtail projects and packages on Django Packages.
For editors
- How Do I Wagtail? - Mozilla's editor facing guide for how to use Wagtail's admin interface. Source for this hosted on [Mozilla's Github](
- Wagtail Editor's manual - Wagtail documentation for editors
- CCA Wagtail Editor Portal - User facing documentation for Wagtail by California College of the Arts
- Caltech Wagtail Editor Portal - User facing documentation for Wagtail by Caltech
- IoGT Wagtail CMS - User facing documentation for Wagtail by What is the IoGT (Internet of Good Things).
- Dutch Wagtail Meetup - This is a group for anyone interested in working and developing with Wagtail.
- Wellington Wagtail CMS Meetup - The first Wagtail CMS meetup in New Zealand!
- Wagtail Space - Wagtail training sessions, Wagtail (lightning) talks and a Wagtail sprint. From March 13th until 15th 2019, Wagtail Space takes place in Arnhem, The Netherlands.
- Wagtail updates on Telegram - Unofficial Telegram channel for general Wagtail updates.
- Wagtail support on Telegram - Unofficial Telegram channel for support questions and discussions.
- Wagtail’s first hatch
Open-source sites
- HackSoft
- HackConf
- bakerydemo
- wagtaildemo
- Torchbox
- Made with Wagtail - A showcase of sites and apps made with Wagtail CMS.
- Federal Election Commission
- Table Tennis Wellington Business Class
- Jordi Joan’s blog
- Localore: Finding America - based CMS and Ansible playbooks for Localore: Finding America.
- Adventure Capitalists
- NHS.UK Content Store
- Digital Helsinki
- Secure the News
- Project TIER
- SecureDrop - powered website of the SecureDrop whistleblower document submission system.
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - powered is available here on GitHub.
- WesternFriend - community website with directory, ecommerce, and online subscription
- WagtailParadise - demo Wagtail site showing common features and recipes
- Outreachy website - Website for Outreachy, who provide internships in open source and open science.
- guide - A website to teach Wagtail to content editors, moderators and administrators.
- Penticon Public Library - An example public library website, originally created for the Penticton Public Library in Penticton, British Columbia, Canada.
- wagtaildemo
- WesternFriend - community website with directory, ecommerce, and online subscription
- Outreachy website - Website for Outreachy, who provide internships in open source and open science.
Templates & Starter Kits
- Wagtail Cookiecutter Foundation - A Cookiecutter template for Wagtail CMS using Zurb Foundation 6.
- Beginner Wagtail Cookiecutter
- Wagtail Pipit - rendered frontend.
- Django Cookiecutter Wagtail - compose` for development and production (using Traefik with LetsEncrypt support), customizable PostgreSQL version, Bootstrap 4, media storage using Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage and many more.
- wagtail-webpack-dokku - A template with Wagtail, Webpack using django-webpack-loader, Bootstrap 5, production ready for Dokku.
- CodeRed CMS - a professionally supported WordPress alternative for building marketing websites. Create pages, blogs, forms, and every Bootstrap 4 component in the wagtail admin out-of-the-box! [Learn more]( or [watch the lightning talk](
- Wordpress to Wagtail migration kit - Import WordPress blog content from an XML file into Wagtail.
- cookiecutter-wagtail-package - A cookiecutter template for building Wagtail add-on packages.
- Wagtail Tailwind & Stimulus blog - A Wagtail blog based on Tailwind CSS, Stimulus, it supports Markdown, Latex and user comments.
- Wagtail for - Wagtail template for
- cookiecutter-wagtail-vix - A matteries-included, reusable project skeleton to serve as a starting point for a Wagtail project.
- Wagtail Quickstart with docker - A template repository to get started quickly with the latest Wagtail in docker.
- State Design System (DSFR) starter - Wagtail template and starter kit from the French government.
- Beginner Wagtail Cookiecutter
- Wagtail Pipit - rendered frontend.
- wagtail-webpack-dokku - A template with Wagtail, Webpack using django-webpack-loader, Bootstrap 5, production ready for Dokku.
- State Design System (DSFR) starter - Wagtail template and starter kit from the French government.
Templates (start command)
Programming Languages
Sub Categories
Templates & Starter Kits
Rich text editor extensions
Content Management
Settings management
Getting started
Static site generation
Customer experience
Templates (start command)
Asynchronous (tasks)