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  • Actors

    • exactor - Helpers for easier implementation of actors in Elixir.
    • dflow - Pipelined flow processing engine.
    • exos - A Port Wrapper which forwards cast and call to a linked Port.
    • flowex - Railway Flow-Based Programming with Elixir GenStage.
    • mon_handler - A minimal GenServer that monitors a given GenEvent handler.
    • pool_ring - Create a pool based on a hash ring.
    • poolboy - A hunky Erlang worker pool factory.
    • sbroker - Sojourn-time based active queue management library.
    • workex - Backpressure and flow control in EVM processes.
    • pooler - An OTP Process Pool Application.
  • Algorithms and Data structures

    • array - An Elixir wrapper library for Erlang's array.
    • aruspex - Aruspex is a configurable constraint solver, written purely in Elixir.
    • bitmap - Pure Elixir implementation of [bitmaps](
    • blocking_queue - BlockingQueue is a simple queue implemented as a GenServer. It has a fixed maximum length established when it is created.
    • bloomex - A pure Elixir implementation of Scalable Bloom Filters.
    • clope - Elixir implementation of [CLOPE]( A Fast and Effective Clustering Algorithm for Transactional Data.
    • combination - Elixir library to generate combinations and permutations from Enumerable collection.
    • count_buffer - Buffer a large set of counters and flush periodically.
    • cuckoo - A pure Elixir implementation of [Cuckoo Filters](
    • cuid - Collision-resistant ids optimized for horizontal scaling and sequential lookup performance, written in Elixir.
    • dataframe - Package providing functionality similar to Python's Pandas or R's data.frame().
    • datastructures - A collection of protocols, implementations and wrappers to work with data structures.
    • dlist - Deque implementations in Elixir.
    • eastar - A* graph pathfinding in pure Elixir.
    • ecto_state_machine - Finite state machine pattern implemented on Elixir and adopted for Ecto.
    • elistrix - A latency / fault tolerance library to help isolate your applications from an uncertain world of slow or failed services.
    • erlang-algorithms - Implementations of popular data structures and algorithms.
    • exconstructor - An Elixir library for generating struct constructors that handle external data with ease.
    • exfsm - Simple elixir library to define a static FSM.
    • exkad - A [kademlia]( implementation in Elixir.
    • exmatrix - ExMatrix is a small library for working with matrices, originally developed for testing matrix multiplication in parallel.
    • ezcryptex - Thin layer on top of Cryptex.
    • fnv - Pure Elixir implementation of Fowler–Noll–Vo hash functions.
    • fsm - Finite state machine as a functional data structure.
    • fuse - This application implements a so-called circuit-breaker for Erlang.
    • gen_fsm - A generic finite state-machine - Elixir wrapper around OTP's gen_fsm.
    • graphmath - An Elixir library for performing 2D and 3D mathematics.
    • hash_ring_ex - A consistent hash-ring implementation for Elixir.
    • indifferent - Indifferent access for Elixir maps/list/tuples with custom key conversion.
    • isaac - Isaac is an elixir module for ISAAC: a fast cryptographic random number generator.
    • key2value - Erlang 2-way Set Associative Map.
    • lfsr - Elixir implementation of a binary Galois Linear Feedback Shift Register.
    • loom - A CRDT library with δ-CRDT support.
    • luhn - Luhn algorithm in Elixir.
    • lz4 - LZ4 bindings for Erlang for fast data compressing.
    • memoize - A memoization macro (defmemo) for elixir using a genserver backing store.
    • merkle_tree - A Merkle hash tree implementation in Elixir.
    • minmaxlist - Elixir library extending `Enum.min_by/2`, `Enum.max_by/2` and `Enum.min_max_by/2` to return a list of results instead of just one.
    • mmath - A library for performing math on number 'arrays' in binaries.
    • monadex - Upgrade your Elixir pipelines with monads.
    • murmur - A pure Elixir implementation of the non-cryptographic hash Murmur3.
    • natural_sort - Elixir natural sort implementation for lists of strings.
    • navigation_tree - A navigation tree representation with helpers to generate HTML out of it.
    • parallel_stream - A parallel stream implementation for Elixir.
    • paratize - Elixir library providing some handy parallel processing (execution) facilities that support configuring number of workers and timeout.
    • parex - Parallel Execute (Parex) is an Elixir module for executing multiple (slow) processes in parallel.
    • qex - Wraps `:queue`, with improved API and `Inspect`, `Collectable` and `Enumerable` protocol implementations.
    • ratio - Adds Rational Numbers and allows them to be used in common arithmatic operations. Also supports conversion between Floats and Rational Numbers.
    • red_black_tree - Red-Black tree implementation in Elixir.
    • remodel - An Elixir presenter package used to transform map structures.
    • rendezvous - Implementation of the Rendezvous or Highest Random Weight (HRW) hashing algorithm in Elixir.
    • rock - Elixir implementation of ROCK: A Robust Clustering Algorithm for Categorical Attributes.
    • simhash - Simhash implementation using Siphash and N-grams.
    • sorted_set - Sorted Sets for Elixir.
    • spacesaving - stream count distinct element estimation using the "space saving" algorithm.
    • structurez - A playground for data structures in Elixir.
    • supermemo - An Elixir implementation of the [Supermemo 2 algorithm](
    • tfidf - An Elixir implementation of term frequency–inverse document frequency.
    • the_fuzz - Fuzzy string-matching algorithm implementations.
    • trie - Erlang Trie Implementation.
    • witchcraft - Common algebraic structures and functions for Elixir.
    • zipper_tree - Variadic arity tree with a zipper for Elixir.
    • data_morph - Create Elixir structs from data.
    • monad - Haskell inspired monads in Elixir stylish syntax.
    • hypex - Fast Elixir implementation of HyperLogLog.
    • sfmt - SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (SFMT) for Erlang.
    • tinymt - Tiny Mersenne Twister (TinyMT) for Erlang.
  • Applications

    • bpe - Business Process Engine in Erlang.
    • Consolex - Consolex is a tool that allows you to attach a web based console to any mix project.
    • dragonfly_server - Elixir app to serve Dragonfly images.
    • ExChat - A Slack-like app by Elixir, Phoenix & React(redux).
    • Exon - A “mess manager” developed in Elixir and provides a simple API to manage & document your stuff.
    • ExShop - Digital goods shop & blog created using Phoenix framework.
    • Hydra - A multi-headed beast: API gateway, request cache, and data transformations.
    • majremind - A self-maintained database of your updated server which tells you which one needs to be updated.
    • medex - Medical Examination - application for register health check callbacks and represent their state via HTTP.
    • medusa_server - A simple cowboy web server written in Elixir to stack images.
    • n2o - WebSocket Application Server.
    • Nvjorn - A multi-protocol network services monitor written in Elixir using Poolboy.
    • Phoenix Battleship - The Good Old game built with Elixir, Phoenix Framework, React and Redux.
    • Phoenix Toggl - Toggl tribute done in Elixir, Phoenix Framework, React and Redux.
    • Phoenix Trello - Trello tribute done in Elixir, Phoenix Framework, React and Redux.
    • poxa - Open Pusher implementation, compatible with Pusher libraries.
    • Queerlink - A simple yet efficient URL shortening service written in Elixir.
    • Sprint Poker - Online estimation tool for Agile teams, written using Elixir Lang, Phoenix Framework and React.
    • Startup Job - An umbrella project to search startup jobs scraped from websites written in Elixir/Phoenix and React/Redux.
    • tty2048 - Terminal-based 2048 game written in Elixir.
    • Alher - Alexander is a rock-solid IRC bot written in Elixir with powerful plugins.
  • Artificial Intelligence

    • Exnn - Evolutive Neural Networks framework à la G.Sher written in Elixir.
    • Neat-Ex - An Elixir implementation of the NEAT algorithm.
    • simple_bayes - A Simple Bayes / Naive Bayes implementation in Elixir.
  • Audio and Sounds

    • erlaudio - Erlang PortAudio bindings.
    • synthex - A signal synthesis library.
  • Authentication

    • aeacus - A simple configurable identity/password authentication module (Compatible with Ecto/Phoenix).
    • apache_passwd_md5 - Apache/APR Style Password Hashing.
    • aws_auth - AWS Signature Version 4 Signing Library for Elixir.
    • coherence - Coherence is a full featured, configurable authentication system for Phoenix.
    • doorman - Tools to make Elixir authentication simple and flexible.
    • github_oauth - A simple github oauth library.
    • goth - OAuth 2.0 library for server to server applications via Google Cloud APIs.
    • guardian - An authentication framework for use with Elixir applications.
    • htpasswd - Apache htpasswd file reader/writer in Elixir.
    • mojoauth - MojoAuth implementation in Elixir.
    • oauth2 - An OAuth 2.0 client library for Elixir.
    • oauth2cli - Simple OAuth2 client written for Elixir.
    • oauth2ex - Another OAuth 2.0 client library for Elixir.
    • oauther - An OAuth 1.0 implementation for Elixir.
    • openmaize - Authentication library for Elixir.
    • sesamex - Another simple and flexible authentication solution in 5 minutes!.
    • sigaws - AWS Signature V4 signing and verification library ([Doc](
    • ueberauth - An Elixir Authentication System for Plug-based Web Applications.
    • ueberauth_active_directory - Uberauth strategy for Active Directory authentication.
    • ueberauth_cas - Central Authentication Service strategy for Überauth.
    • ueberauth_facebook - Facebook OAuth2 Strategy for Überauth.
    • ueberauth_foursquare - Foursquare OAuth2 Strategy for Überauth.
    • ueberauth_github - A GitHub strategy for Überauth.
    • ueberauth_google - A Google strategy for Überauth.
    • ueberauth_identity - A simple username/password strategy for Überauth.
    • ueberauth_line - LINE Strategy for Überauth.
    • ueberauth_microsoft - A Microsoft strategy for Überauth.
    • ueberauth_slack - A Slack strategy for Überauth.
    • ueberauth_twitter - Twitter Strategy for Überauth.
    • ueberauth_vk - []( Strategy for Überauth.
    • ueberauth_weibo - [Weibo]( OAuth2 Strategy for Überauth.
    • blackbook - All-in-one membership/authentication system for Elixir.
    • shield - An OAuth 2.0 provider library and implementation for Phoenix Framework.
    • ueberauth_auth0 - An Ueberauth strategy for using Auth0 to authenticate your users.
  • Authorization

    • authorize - Rule based authorization, for advanced authorization rules.
    • bodyguard - A flexible authorization library for Phoenix applications.
    • canada - A simple authorization library that provides a friendly interface using declarative permission rules.
    • canary - An authorization library for Elixir applications that restricts what resources the current user is allowed to access.
  • Behaviours and Interfaces

    • connection - Connection behaviour for connection processes. The API is superset of the GenServer API.
    • gen_state_machine - Elixir wrapper for gen_statem.
    • stockastic - Simple Elixir wrapper for the Stockfighter API.
  • Benchmarking

    • benchee - Easy and extensible benchmarking in Elixir!
    • benchfella - Benchmarking tool for Elixir.
    • bmark - A benchmarking tool for Elixir.
  • Bittorrent

    • bento - An incredibly fast, correct, pure-Elixir Bencoding library.
    • tracker_request - Dealing with bittorrent tracker requests and responses.
    • wire - Encode and decode bittorrent peer wire protocol messages with Elixir.
  • BSON

    • BSONMap - Elixir package that applies a function to each document in a BSON file and has a low memory consumption.
  • Build Tools

    • active - Recompilation and Reloading on FileSystem changes.
    • coffee_rotor - Rotor plugin to compile CoffeeScript files.
    • dismake - Mix compiler running make.
    • etude - Parallel computation coordination compiler for Erlang/Elixir.
    • ExMake - A modern, scriptable, dependency-based build tool loosely based on Make principles.
    • Exscript - Elixir escript library.
    • mad - Small and Fast Rebar Replacement.
    • pc - A rebar3 port compiler.
    • reaxt - React template into your Elixir application for server rendering.
    • rebar3_abnfc_plugin - Rebar3 abnfc compiler.
    • rebar3_asn1_compiler - Plugin for compiling ASN.1 modules with Rebar3.
    • rebar3_auto - Rebar3 plugin to auto compile and reload on file change.
    • rebar3_diameter_compiler - Compile diameter .dia files in rebar3 projects.
    • rebar3_eqc - A rebar3 plugin to enable the execution of Erlang QuickCheck properties.
    • rebar3_exunit - A plugin to run Elixir ExUnit tests from rebar3 build tool.
    • rebar3_idl_compiler - This is a plugin for compiling Erlang IDL files using Rebar3.
    • rebar3_live - Rebar3 live plugin.
    • rebar3_neotoma_plugin - Rebar3 neotoma (Parser Expression Grammar) compiler.
    • rebar3_protobuffs - rebar3 protobuffs provider using protobuffs from Basho.
    • rebar3_run - Run a release with one simple command.
    • rebar3_yang_plugin - Rebar3 yang compiler.
    • reltool_util - Erlang reltool utility functionality application.
    • relx - A release assembler for Erlang.
    • remix - Automatic recompilation of Mix code on file change.
    • rotor - Super-simple build system for Elixir.
    • sass_elixir - A sass plugin for Elixir projects.
  • Caching

    • con_cache - ConCache is an ETS based key/value storage.
    • elixir_locker - Locker is an Elixir wrapper for the locker Erlang library that provides some useful libraries that should make using locker a bit easier.
    • jc - In-memory, distributable cache with pub/sub, JSON-query and consistency support.
    • locker - Atomic distributed "check and set" for short-lived keys.
    • lru_cache - Simple LRU Cache, implemented with ets.
    • cachex - A powerful caching library for Elixir with a wide featureset.
    • stash - A straightforward, fast, and user-friendly key/value store.
  • Chatting

    • alice - A Slack bot framework for Elixir.
    • chatty - A basic IRC client that is most useful for writing a bot.
    • cog - Cog is an open chatops platform that gives you a secure, collaborative command line right in your chat window.
    • ExIrc - IRC client adapter for Elixir projects.
    • ExMustang - A simple, clueless slackbot and collection of responders.
    • Guri - Automate tasks using chat messages.
    • hedwig - XMPP Client/Bot Framework for Elixir.
    • kaguya - A small, powerful, and modular IRC bot.
    • slacker - A bot library for the Slack chat service.
    • yocingo - Create your own Telegram Bot.
  • Cloud Infrastructure and Management

    • aws - AWS clients for Elixir.
    • discovery - An OTP application for auto-discovering services with Consul.
    • erlcloud - Cloud Computing library for Erlang (Amazon EC2, S3, SQS, SimpleDB, Mechanical Turk, ELB).
    • ex_riak_cs - Riak CS API client.
    • fleet_api - A simple wrapper for the Fleet (CoreOS) API. Can be used with etcd tokens or via direct node URLs.
    • Gandi - Gandi Wrapper for Leaseweb infrastructure.
    • IElixir - Jupyter's kernel for Elixir programming language.
    • Kubex - Kubernetes client and integration for Elixir, written in pure Elixir.
    • Leaseweb - Elixir Wrapper for Leaseweb infrastructure.
    • libcluster - Automatic cluster formation/healing for Elixir applications.
    • nodefinder - Strategies for automatic node discovery in Erlang.
    • nomad - Create cloud portable Elixir and Phoenix apps. Write once, use everywhere!
    • sidejob - Parallel worker and capacity limiting library for Erlang.
    • sidetask - SideTask is an alternative to Task.Supervisor using Basho's sidejob library with parallelism and capacity limiting.
    • skycluster - Automatic Erlang cluster formation, messaging and management for Elixir/Erlang applications. Integrated with Kubernetes.
    • Cloudi - CloudI is for back-end server processing tasks that require soft-realtime transaction.
    • oceanex - Digital Ocean API client.
  • Code Analysis

    • belvedere - An example of CircleCI integration with Elixir.
    • coverex - Coverage Reports for Elixir.
    • credo - A static code analysis tool with a focus on code consistency and teaching Elixir.
    • dialyxir - Mix tasks to simplify use of Dialyzer in Elixir projects.
    • dogma - A code style linter for Elixir, powered by shame.
    • excoveralls - Coverage report tool for Elixir with integration.
    • exprof - A simple code profiler for Elixir, using eprof.
  • Command Line Applications

    • anubis - Command-Line application framework for Elixir.
    • firex - Firex is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from an elixir module.
    • getopt - Command-line options parser for Erlang.
    • loki - Library for creating interactive command-line application.
    • optimus - Command-line option parser for Elixir inspired by [](
    • progress_bar - Command-line progress bars and spinners.
    • table_rex - Generate configurable ASCII style tables for display.
    • tabula - Pretty print list of Ecto query results / maps in ascii tables (GitHub Markdown/OrgMode).
    • meld - Create global binaries from mix tasks.
  • Configuration

    • confex - Helper module that provides a nice way to read environment configuration at runtime.
    • configparser_ex - A simple Elixir parser for the same kind of files that Python's configparser library handles.
    • conform - Easy release configuration for Elixir apps.
    • dotenv - A port of dotenv to Elixir.
    • ex_conf - Simple Elixir Configuration Management.
    • figaro - Simple Elixir project configuration.
    • figaro_elixir - Environmental variables manager for Elixir.
    • sweetconfig - Read YAML configuration files from any point at your app.
  • Cryptography

    • aescmac - AES CMAC ([RFC 4493]( in Elixir.
    • cipher - Elixir crypto library to encrypt/decrypt arbitrary binaries.
    • cloak - Cloak makes it easy to use encryption with Ecto.
    • comeonin - Password authorization (bcrypt, pbkdf2_sha512 and one-time passwords) library for Elixir.
    • crypto_rsassa_pss - RSASSA-PSS Public Key Cryptographic Signature Algorithm for Erlang.
    • elixir_tea - TEA implementation in Elixir.
    • ex_bcrypt - Elixir wrapper for the OpenBSD bcrypt password hashing algorithm.
    • ex_crypto - Elixir wrapper for Erlang `crypto` and `public_key` modules. Provides sensible defaults for many crypto functions to make them easier to use.
    • exgpg - Use gpg from Elixir.
    • pot - Erlang library for generating one time passwords compatible with Google Authenticator.
    • rsa - `public_key` cryptography wrapper for Elixir.
    • rsa_ex - Library for working with RSA keys.
    • tea_crypto - Tiny Encryption Algorithm implementation.
  • CSV

    • cesso - CSV handling library for Elixir.
    • csv - CSV Decoding and Encoding for Elixir.
    • csvlixir - A CSV reading/writing application for Elixir.
    • ex_csv - CSV for Elixir.
  • Date and Time

    • block_timer - Macros to use :timer.apply_after and :timer.apply_interval with a block.
    • calendar - Calendar is a date and time library for Elixir.
    • chronos - An Elixir date/time library.
    • cronex - Cron like system you can mount in your supervision tree.
    • ex_ical - ICalendar parser.
    • filtrex - A library for performing and validating complex SQL-like filters from a client (e.g. smart filters).
    • good_times - Expressive and easy to use datetime functions.
    • jalaali - Jalaali calendar implementation for Elixir.
    • milliseconds - Simple library to work with milliseconds in Elixir.
    • moment - Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in Elixir.
    • quantum - Cron-like job scheduler for Elixir applications.
    • repeatex - Natural language parsing for repeating dates.
    • timelier - A cron-style scheduler for Elixir.
    • timex - Easy to use Date and Time modules for Elixir.
    • timex_interval - A date/time interval library for Elixir projects, based on Timex.
    • tzdata - The timezone database in Elixir.
  • Debugging

    • beaker - Statistics and Metrics library for Elixir.
    • dbg - Distributed tracing for Elixir.
    • eflame - Flame Graph profiler for Erlang.
    • eh - A tool to look up Elixir documentation from the command line.
    • eper - Erlang performance and debugging tools.
    • ether - Ether provides functionality to hook Elixir into the Erlang debugger.
    • exrun - Distributed tracing for Elixir with rate limiting and simple macro-based interface.
    • observer_cli - Visualize Elixir & Erlang nodes on the command line, it aims to helpe developers debug production systems.
    • quaff - The Debug module provides a simple helper interface for running Elixir code in the erlang graphical debugger.
    • visualixir - A process visualizer for remote BEAM nodes.
  • Deployment

    • ansible-elixir-stack - 1-command setup & deploys to servers, with first-class support for Phoenix apps.
    • bottler - Bottler is a collection of tools that aims to help you generate releases, ship them to your servers, install them there, and get them live on production.
    • exdm - Deploy Elixir applications via mix tasks.
    • gatling - Collection of mix tasks to automatically create a exrm release from git and launch/upgrade it on your server.
    • heroku-buildpack-elixir - Heroku buildpack to deploy Elixir apps to Heroku.
    • Nanobox - A micro-PaaS (μPaaS) for creating consistent, isolated, development environments deployable anywhere
  • Documentation

    • bureaucrat - Generate Phoenix API documentation from tests.
    • ex_doc - ExDoc is a tool to generate documentation for your Elixir projects.
    • ex_doc_dash - Formatter for ExDoc to generate docset documentation for use in
    • hexdocset - Convert hex doc to's docset format.
    • phoenix_api_docs - Generate API Blueprint documentation from controllers and tests in the Phoenix framework.
    • phoenix_swagger - Provides swagger integration to the Phoenix framework.
    • inch-ci - Documentation badges for Ruby & Elixir.
  • Domain-specific language

  • ECMAScript

    • phoenix_gon - Allow you to pass Phoenix environment or controller variables to JavaScript without problems.
  • Email

    • echo - A meta-notification system; Echo checks notification preferences & dispatches notifications.
    • ex_postmark - Postmark adapter for sending template emails in Elixir.
    • gmail - A simple Gmail REST API client for Elixir.
    • mail - An RFC2822 implementation in Elixir, built for composability.
    • mailer - A simple SMTP mailer.
    • ravenx - Notification dispatch library for Elixir applications.
    • smoothie - Smoothie inline styles of your email templates, and generates a plain text version from the HTML.
    • swoosh - Compose, deliver and test your Emails easily in Elixir with adapters for SMTP, Sendgrid, Mandrill, Mailgun, Postmark and Phoenix integration with mailbox preview.
    • pop3mail - Pop3 client to download email (including attachments) from the inbox via the commandline or Elixir API.
  • Embedded Systems

    • bake - Configure, compile and share systems, toolchains and linux firmware.
  • Macros

    • OK - Macros for elegant happy path coding, maximizing power and readability.
    • ok_jose - Pipe elixir functions that match `{:ok,_}`, `{:error,_}` tuples or custom patterns.
    • anaphora - Anaphora is the anaphoric macro collection for Elixir. An anaphoric macro is one that deliberately captures a variable (typically it) from forms supplied to the macro.
    • apix - Simple convention and DSL for transformation of elixir functions to an API for later documentation and or validation.
    • backports - Use new functions in Elixir 1.1 and 1.2.
    • eventsourced - Build functional, event-sourced domain models.
    • expat - Reusable, composable patterns across Elixir libraries.
    • guardsafe - Macros expanding into code that can be safely used in guard clauses.
    • kwfuns - Macros to create functions with syntax based keyword parameters with default values.
    • lineo - parse transform for accurate line numbers.
    • mdef - Easily define multiple function heads in Elixir.
    • named_args - Allows named arg style arguments in Elixir.
    • pattern_tap - Macro for tapping into a pattern match while using the pipe operator.
    • pipe_here - Easily pipe values into any argument position.
    • pipe_to - The enhanced pipe operator which can specify the target position.
    • pipes - Macros for more flexible composition with the Elixir Pipe operator.
    • pit - Transform values as they flow inside a pipe.
    • rebind - rebind parse transform for Erlang.
    • exceptional - Helpers for happy-path programming & exception handling.
    • happy - Happy path programming, alternative to elixir `with` form.
  • Errors and Exception Handling

    • sentry-elixir - The Official Elixir client for [Sentry](
  • Eventhandling

    • goldrush - Small, Fast event processing and monitoring for Erlang/OTP applications.
    • reaxive - Reaxive is a reactive event handling library, inspired by [Elm]( and Reactive Extensions.
  • Examples and funny stuff

    • butler_cage - A Butler plugin for showing silly photos of Nick Cage.
    • butler_tableflip - Flipping tables with butler.
    • dice - Roll the dice, in Elixir.
    • elixir_koans - [Elixir koans]( is a fun, easy way to get started with the elixir programming language.
    • ex_chain - Simple Markov Chain that generates funny tweets, built using Elixir.
    • harakiri - Help applications kill themselves.
    • hello_phoenix - Application template for SPAs with Phoenix, React and Redux.
    • kaisuu - Watch Japan's Kanji Usage on Twitter in Realtime.
    • koans - Learn Elixir by using elixir-koans.
    • lolcat - This is the clone of busyloop/lolcat. But it does not support animation and some features of the original.
    • magnetissimo - Web application that indexes all popular torrent sites, and saves it to the local database.
    • oop - OOP in Elixir!
    • phoenix-flux-react - An experiment with Phoenix Channels, GenEvents, React and Flux.
    • portal - A shooting fault-tolerant doors for distributed portal data-transfer application in Elixir.
    • rollex - Elixir library using a Pratt Parser algorithm to calculate dice rolls.
    • rubix - A very simple (and barely-functioning) Ruby runner for Elixir.
    • stranger - Elixir Phoenix app to chat anonymously with a randomly chosen stranger.
    • weather - A command line weather app built using Elixir.
  • Feature Flags and Toggles

    • flippant - Feature flipping for the Elixir world.
    • fun_with_flags - A feature toggle library using Redis or Ecto for persistance, an ETS cache for speed and PubSub for distributed cache busting. Comes with a management web UI for Phoenix and Plug.
    • molasses - A feature toggle library using redis or SQL (using Ecto) as a backing service.
  • Feeds

    • feeder - Parse RSS and Atom feeds.
    • feeder_ex - RSS feed parser. Simple wrapper for feeder.
    • feedme - RSS/Atom parser built on erlang's xmerl xml parser.
  • Files and Directories

    • arc - Flexible file upload and attachment library for Elixir.
    • dir_walker - DirWalker lazily traverses one or more directory trees, depth first, returning successive file names.
    • elixgrep - A framework for doing Hadoop style Map/Reduce operations on collections of files.
    • ex_guard - ExGuard is a mix command to handle events on file system modifications.
    • ex_minimatch - Globbing paths without walking the tree!.
    • exfile - File upload handling, persistence, and processing in Elixir and Plug.
    • exfswatch - A file change watcher wrapper based on __fs__.
    • eye_drops - Configurable mix task to watch file changes and run the corresponding command.
    • fs - Erlang FileSystem Listener.
    • fwatch - A callback-based file watcher based on __fs__.
    • librex - Elixir library to convert office documents to other formats using LibreOffice.
    • Radpath - Path library for Elixir, inspired by Python's Enhpath.
    • sizeable - An Elixir library to make file sizes human-readable.
    • zarex - Filename sanitization for Elixir.
    • cassius - Monitor Linux file system events.
  • Formulars

    • forms - Erlang Business Documents Generator.
  • Framework Components

    • absinthe_plug - Plug support for Absinthe.
    • addict - User authentication for Phoenix Framework.
    • airbrake_plug - Report errors in your Plug stack or whatever to Airbrake.
    • blaguth - Basic Access Authentication in Plug applications.
    • commanded - Command handling middleware for Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) applications.
    • cors_plug - An Elixir plug that adds CORS headers to requests and responds to preflight requests (OPTIONS).
    • corsica - Elixir library for dealing with CORS requests.
    • crudex - CRUD utilities for Phoenix and Ecto.
    • dayron - A repository _similar_ to `Ecto.Repo` that works with REST API requests instead of a database.
    • ex_admin - ExAdmin is an auto administration package for Elixir and the Phoenix Framework.
    • exdjango - A few elixir libraries for working with django.
    • exrecaptcha - Simple reCaptcha display/verify code for Elixir applications.
    • filterable - Simple query params filtering for Phoenix framework inspired by Rails has_scope.
    • graphql_parser - An Elixir binding for [libgraphqlparser](
    • http_router - HTTP Router with various macros to assist in developing your application and organizing your code.
    • kerosene - Pagination for Ecto and Phoenix.
    • mellon - An authentication module for Plug applications.
    • multiverse - Plug that allows to add version compatibility layers via API Request/Response Gateways.
    • params - Use Ecto to enforce/validate parameters structure, akin to Rails' strong parameters.
    • phoenix_ecto - Phoenix and Ecto integration.
    • phoenix_haml - Phoenix Template Engine for Haml.
    • phoenix_html - Phoenix.HTML functions for working with HTML strings and templates.
    • phoenix_html_sanitizer - HTML Sanitizer integration for Phoenix.
    • phoenix_html_simplified_helpers - Some helpers for phoenix html (truncate, time_ago_in_words, number_with_delimiter).
    • phoenix_linguist - A project that integrates Phoenix with Linguist, providing a plug and view helpers.
    • phoenix_live_reload - Provides live-reload functionality for Phoenix.
    • phoenix_pubsub_postgres - Postgresql PubSub adapter for Phoenix apps.
    • phoenix_pubsub_rabbitmq - RabbitMQ adapter for Phoenix's PubSub layer.
    • phoenix_pubsub_redis - The Redis PubSub adapter for the Phoenix framework.
    • phoenix_pubsub_vernemq - The VerneMQ MQTT pubsub adapter for the Phoenix framework.
    • phoenix_slime - Slim template support for Phoenix.
    • phoenix_token_auth - Token authentication solution for Phoenix. Useful for APIs or single page apps.
    • plug_accesslog - Plug for writing access logs.
    • plug_and_play - Set up a Plug application with less boilerplate.
    • plug_auth - Collection of authentication-related plugs.
    • plug_cloudflare - Inspired by mod_cloudflare, this Elixir plug parses Cloudflares CF-Connecting-IP HTTP request header into Plug.Conn's remote_ip field.
    • plug_forward_peer - Very simple plug which reads X-Forwarded-For or Forwarded header according to RFC7239 and fill conn.remote_ip with the root client ip.
    • plug_fprof - A Plug that adds fprof tracing to requests, to allow for easy profiling.
    • plug_graphql - Phoenix Plug integration for [GraphQL Elixir](
    • plug_heartbeat - A plug for responding to heartbeat requests.
    • plug_jwt - Plug for JWT authentication.
    • plug_rails_cookie_session_store - Rails compatible Plug session store.
    • plug_redirect_https - Plug to redirect http requests to https requests behind a reverse proxy.
    • plug_require_header - Require and extract HTTP headers and handle missing ones.
    • plug_response_header - easy manipulation of HTTP response headers.
    • plug_ribbon - Injects a ribbon to your web application in the development environment.
    • plug_secex - Plug that adds various HTTP Headers to make Phoenix/Elixir app more secure.
    • plug_session_memcached - A very simple memcached session store for Elixir's plug.
    • plug_sigaws - AWS Signature V4 authentication protection for Phoenix/Plug Routes ([Docs](
    • plug_statsd - A plug for automatically sending timing and count metrics to statsd.
    • plugs - Collection of Plug middleware for web applications.
    • plugsnag - Bugsnag notifier for Elixir's plug.
    • raygun - Capture bugs and send them to Raygun.
    • react_phoenix - Render React.js components in Phoenix views focusing on easy installation and Brunch compatibility.
    • resin - Resin is a plug that will add a configurable delay to every request that's passing through it, unless run in production.
    • revision_plate_ex - Plug application and middleware that serves endpoint returns application's REVISION.
    • rummage_ecto - A configurable framework to search, sort and paginate Ecto Queries.
    • rummage_phoenix - A support framework for searching, sorting and paginating models in Phoenix, with HTML support.
    • scaffold - A mix task for creating new projects based on templates fetched from a Git-repo.
    • scrivener - Paginate your Ecto queries.
    • scrivener_headers - Helpers for paginating API responses with Scrivener and HTTP headers.
    • scrivener_html - Helpers built to work with Scrivener's page struct to easily build HTML output for various CSS frameworks.
    • sentinel - An authentication framework for Phoenix extending guardian with routing and other basic functionality.
    • trailing_format_plug - An Elixir plug to support legacy APIs that use a rails-like trailing format.
    • weebo - An XML-RPC parser/formatter for Elixir, with full support for datatype mapping.
    • ashes - A code generation tool for the Phoenix web framework.
  • Frameworks

    • exelli - An Elli Elixir wrapper with some sugar syntax goodies.
    • kitto - A framework for interactive dashboards.
    • phoenix - Elixir Web Framework targeting full-featured, fault tolerant applications with realtime functionality.
    • placid - A REST toolkit for building highly-scalable and fault-tolerant HTTP APIs with Elixir.
    • rackla - API Gateways in Elixir.
    • relax - Simple Elixir implementation of a []( server.
    • rest - Micro-REST framework with typed JSON.
    • sugar - Modular web framework for Elixir.
    • trot - An Elixir web micro-framework.
  • Games

    • entice - A distributed Entity-Component-System framework, providing its own example MMORPG server.
  • Geolocation

    • distance_api_matrix - Provide distance and heading calculations via Google distance matrix api.
    • geo - A collection of GIS functions for Elixir.
    • geocalc - Calculate distance, bearing and more between latitude/longitude points.
    • geohash - Geohash encode/decode library.
    • geohax - Geohash encoding and decoding with neighbors finder.
    • geoip - Find geolocation for a given IP, hostname or `Plug.Conn`.
    • geolix - MaxMind GeoIP2 database reader/decoder.
    • geonames - A simple Elixir wrapper around the GeoNames API.
    • ip2location - An Elixir library for IP2Location database.
    • ipgeobase - Find Russian and Ukraine city by IP address and find country for other country.
    • proj - Elixir coordinate conversion library using OSGeo's PROJ.4.
    • segseg - Segment-segment intersection classifier and calculator.
    • topo - A Geometry library for Elixir that calculates spatial relationships between two geometries.
  • Hardware

    • elixir_ale - Elixir access to hardware I/O interfaces such as GPIO, I2C, and SPI.
    • nerves - Framework for building firmware for platforms like Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black.
  • HTTP

    • cauldron - An HTTP/SPDY server as a library.
    • elli - Elli is a webserver you can run inside your Erlang application to expose an HTTP API.
    • explode - An easy utility for responding with standard HTTP/JSON error payloads in Plug- and Phoenix-based applications.
    • exvcr - HTTP request/response recording library for Elixir, inspired by VCR.
    • fuzzyurl - An Elixir library for parsing, constructing, and wildcard-matching URLs. Also available for [Ruby]( and [JavaScript](
    • hackney - Simple HTTP client written in Erlang.
    • http - HTTP server for Elixir.
    • http_digex - A module to create basic digest HTTP auth header.
    • http_proxy - Multi port HTTP Proxy.
    • httpoison - Yet Another HTTP client for Elixir powered by hackney.
    • httpotion - Fancy HTTP client for Elixir, based on ibrowse.
    • ivar - A lightweight wrapper around HTTPoison that provides a fluent and composable way to build http requests.
    • lhttpc - A lightweight HTTP/1.1 client implemented in Erlang.
    • mnemonic_slugs - A memorable, mnemonic slug generator in Elixir.
    • mochiweb - MochiWeb is an Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers.
    • neuron - A GraphQL client for Elixir.
    • plug_wait1 - Plug adapter for the wait1 protocol.
    • river - An HTTP/2 client that is lightweight and lightning fast.
    • scrape - Scrape any website, article or RSS/Atom Feed with ease.
    • spell - Spell is a [Web Application Messaging Protocol]( (WAMP) client implementation in Elixir.
    • tesla - HTTP client library, with support for middleware and multiple adapters.
    • Tube - Pure Elixir WebSocket client library.
    • uri_query - URI encode nested GET parameters and array values in Elixir.
    • uri_template - RFC6570 compliant URI template processor for Elixir.
    • web_socket - An exploration into a stand-alone library for Plug applications to easily adopt WebSockets.
    • webdriver - This is an implementation of the WebDriver protocol client. It currently supports PhantomJS, FireFox, ChromeDriver and remote webdriver servers (e.g. Selenium).
    • yuri - Simple struct for representing URIs.
    • bolt - Simple and fast http proxy.
  • Images

    • alchemic_avatar - Elixir library for generating letter avatar from string.
    • artifact - File upload and on-the-fly processing for Elixir.
    • bump - A BMP file writer in pure Elixir.
    • chunky_svg - A library for drawing things with SVG.
    • cloudex - Cloudex is an Elixir library that can upload image files or urls to Cloudinary.
    • eikon - An Elixir library providing a read-only interface for image files.
    • elixir_exif - Parse exif tags and thumbnail data from jpeg files.
    • ex_image_info - An Elixir library to parse images (binaries) and get the dimensions, detected mime-type and overall validity for a set of image formats.
    • exexif - Pure Elixir library to extract TIFF and EFIX metadata from jpeg files.
    • exfavicon - An Elixir library for discovering favicons.
    • identicon - An Elixir library for generating 5x5 identicons.
    • imagineer - Image parsing in Elixir.
    • imgex - Unofficial client library for generating imgix URLs in Elixir.
    • mogrify - An Elixir wrapper for ImageMagick command line.
    • png - A pure Erlang library for creating PNG images. It can currently create 8 and 16 bit RGB, RGB with alpha, indexed, grayscale and grayscale with alpha images.
    • thumbnex - Create thumbnails from images and video screenshots.
    • image64 - A tool for working with base64 encoded images.
  • Instrumenting / Monitoring

    • appsignal-elixir - Collects error and performance data from your Elixir applications and sends it to [AppSignal](
    • elixometer - A light Elixir wrapper around exometer.
    • erlang-metrics - A generic interface to different metrics systems in Erlang.
    • exometer - Basic measurement objects and probe behavior in Erlang.
    • folsom_ddb - DalmatinerDB backend to store folsom metrics.
    • graphitex - Graphite/Carbon client for Elixir.
    • instream - InfluxDB driver for Elixir.
    • instrumental - An Elixir client for [Instrumental](
    • newrelic.ex - Collects metrics from your Elixir/Phoenix application and sends them to [NewRelic](
    • prometheus - []( monitoring system and time series database client in Erlang.
    • prometheus-ecto - Ecto instrumenter for prometheus.ex.
    • prometheus-phoenix - Phoenix instrumenter for prometheus.ex.
    • prometheus-plugs - Plugs instrumenters/exporter for prometheus.ex.
    • prometheus.ex - Elixir-friendly []( monitoring system and time series database client.
    • prometheus_process_collector - Prometheus collector which exports the current state of process metrics including cpu, memory, file descriptor usage and native threads count as well as the process start and up times.
  • JSON

    • exjson - JSON parser and generator in Elixir.
    • exjsx - JSON for Elixir, based on `jsx`.
    • jazz - Yet another library to handle JSON in Elixir.
    • jose - JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) for Erlang and Elixir.
    • json - Native JSON library for Elixir.
    • json_pointer - Implementation of RFC 6901 which defines a string syntax for identifying a specific value within a JSON document.
    • json_web_token_ex - An Elixir implementation of the JSON Web Token (JWT) Standards Track (RFC 7519).
    • jsx - An Erlang application for consuming, producing, and manipulating json.
    • jsxn - jsx but with maps.
    • jwalk - Helper module for working with Erlang representations of JSON.
    • jwtex - A library to encode and decode [JWT tokens](
    • poison - Poison is a new JSON library for Elixir focusing on wicked-fast speed without sacrificing simplicity, completeness, or correctness.
    • world_json - topojson country and state/province collections for elixir/erlang.
  • Languages

    • lighthouse_scheme - A small Lisp-like language and interactive REPL, built in Elixir.
    • Monkey - Elixir implementation of an interpreter and REPL for the js-like Monkey programming language.
  • Lexical analysis

    • ex_abnf - Parser for ABNF Grammars in Elixir.
  • Logging

    • exlager - Elixir binding for lager.
    • gelf_logger - A Logger backend that will generate Graylog Extended Log Format (GELF) messages.
    • honeybadger - Error logging to [Honeybadger](
    • json_logger - JSON Logger is a logger backend that outputs elixir logs in JSON format.
    • lager - A logging framework for Erlang/OTP by
    • lager_logger - A lager backend that forwards all log messages to Elixir's Logger.
    • logfmt - Logfmt is a module for encoding and decoding logfmt-style log lines.
    • logger_logstash_backend - A backend for the Elixir Logger that will send logs to the Logstash UDP input.
    • logglix - A logger backend for posting errors to Loggly.
    • logster - Easily parsable, one-line logging for Phoenix and Plug applications, inspired by Lograge.
    • metrix - Log custom app metrics to stdout for use by Librato and other downstream processors.
    • mstore - MStore is a experimental metric store build in erlang, the primary functions are open, new, get and put.
    • rogger - Elixir logger to publish log messages in RabbitMQ.
    • slack_logger_backend - A logger backend for posting errors to Slack.
    • syslog - Erlang port driver for interacting with syslog via syslog(3).
    • exsentry - Error logging to [Sentry](
    • rollbax - Exception tracking and logging to [Rollbar](
    • timber - Structured logging platform; turns raw text logs into rich structured events.
  • Markdown

    • cmark - Elixir NIF for CommonMark (in C), a parser following the CommonMark spec.
    • discount - Elixir NIF for discount, a Markdown parser.
    • earmark - Markdown parser for Elixir.
    • Markdown - Implemented entirely as a NIF binding to the Hoedown library.
    • Pandex - Lightweight Elixir wrapper for Pandoc. Converts Markdown, CommonMark, HTML, Latex, HTML, HTML5, opendocument, rtf, texttile, asciidoc to each other.
  • Miscellaneous

    • address_us - Library for parsing US Addresses into their individual parts.
    • Apex - Awesome Print for Elixir.
    • bupe - EPUB Generator and Parser.
    • charm - Use ANSI terminal characters to write colors and cursor positions.
    • Countries - Countries is a collection of all sorts of useful information for every country in the ISO 3166 standard.
    • countriex - A pure elixir country data provider containing various information for every country in ISO 3166.
    • dye - A library for dyeing your terminal output.
    • dynamic_compile - Compile and load Erlang modules from string input.
    • egaugex - Client to fetch and parse realtime data from egauge devices.
    • erlang_term - Provide the in-memory size of Erlang terms, ignoring where these are stored.
    • ex2ms - Translates Elixir functions to match specifications for use with `ets`.
    • ex_rated - Simple and flexible rate-limiting for API's or anything.
    • exfcm - Simple wrapper for posting Firebase Cloud Messages.
    • exldap - A module for working with LDAP from Elixir.
    • exlibris - A collection of random library functions.
    • exprint - A printf / sprintf library for Elixir, works as a wrapper for :io.format.
    • exquisite - LINQ-like match_spec generation for Elixir.
    • exsync - Yet another Elixir reloader.
    • funnel - Streaming Elixir API built upon ElasticSearch's percolation.
    • gen_task - Generic Task behavior that helps to encapsulate worker errors and recover from them in classic GenStage's.
    • gimei_ex - Elixir port of gimei library.
    • growl - Simple wrapper for growl, the notification system for OSX.
    • html_entities - Elixir module for decoding HTML entities in a string.
    • huex - Elixir client for Philips Hue connected light bulbs.
    • japan_municipality_key - Elixir Library for Japan municipality key converting.
    • keys1value - Erlang set associative map for key lists.
    • mixgraph - An interactive dependency plotter for your Hex Package.
    • mixstar - MixStar starred GitHub repository that depends on your project.
    • netrc - Reads netrc files implemented in Elixir.
    • onetime - An onetime key-value store for Elixir.
    • pact - Better dependency injection in Elixir for cleaner code and testing.
    • phone - A parser to get useful info from telephone numbers.
    • porcelain - Porcelain implements a saner approach to launching and communicating with external OS processes from Elixir.
    • presentex - Elixir to HTML/JavaScript based presentation framework.
    • ratx - Rate limiter and overload protection for erlang application.
    • spawndir - Spawns processes from the file system.
    • spotify_ex - An Elixir wrapper for the Spotify Web API.
    • std_json_io - Application for managing and communicating with IO servers via JSON.
    • url_unroller - Simple URL unroller (un-shortener) in Elixir.
    • notifier - A pluggable architecture for desktop notifications.
    • ecto_autoslug_field - Automatically creates slugs for your Ecto models.
    • elixir-browser - Browser detection for Elixir.
    • reprise - Simplified module reloader for Elixir.
  • Native Implemented Functions

    • hsnif - Tool that allows to write Erlang NIF libraries in Haskell.
    • nifty - Helper script for setting up the boilerplate required when writing a NIF.
    • Rustler - Library for writing NIFs for Erlang or Elixir safely in Rust. No segfaults.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)

    • gibran - Gibran is an Elixir port of [WordsCounted](, a natural language processor that extracts useful statistics from text.
    • Paasaa - Natural language detection for Elixir.
    • Petrovich - Elixir library to inflect Russian first, last, and middle names.
    • Woolly - Woolly is an ambitious Text Mining and Natural Language Processing API for Elixir.
  • Networking

    • asn - Can be used to map from IP to AS to ASN.
    • chatter - Secure message broadcasting based on a mixture of UDP multicast and TCP.
    • eio - Elixir server of
    • ejabberd - Robust, ubiquitous and massively scalable Jabber/XMPP Instant Messaging platform.
    • ExPcap - PCAP parser written in Elixir.
    • mac - Can be used to find a vendor of a MAC given in hexadecimal string (according to IEEE).
    • pool - Socket acceptor pool for Elixir.
    • reagent - reagent is a socket acceptor pool for Elixir.
    • socket - Socket wrapping for Elixir.
    • sshex - Simple SSH helpers for Elixir.
    • wifi - Various utility functions for working with the local Wifi network in Elixir.
    • wpa_supplicant - Elixir interface to the wpa_supplicant.
  • Office

    • excellent - An OpenXL (Excel 2000) Parser for Elixir.
    • xlsxir - Xlsx file parser with support for ISO 8601 date formats. Data is extracted to an Erlang Term Storage (ETS) table and is accessed through various functions.
  • ORM and Datamapping

    • amnesia - Mnesia wrapper for Elixir.
    • arbor - Ecto adjacency list and tree traversal.
    • arc_ecto - Arc.Ecto provides an integration with Arc and Ecto.
    • atlas - Object Relational Mapper for Elixir.
    • Bolt.Sips - Neo4j driver for Elixir using the Bolt protocol.
    • boltun - Transforms notifications from the Postgres LISTEN/NOTIFY mechanism into callback execution.
    • cassandra_ecto - Ecto adapter for Apache Cassandra.
    • caylir - Cayley driver for Elixir.
    • comeonin_ecto_password - Ecto custom type for storing encrypted password using Comeonin.
    • craterl - Erlang client for crate.
    • database_url - Parse database URL and return keyword list for use with Ecto.
    • datomex - Elixir driver for the Datomic REST API.
    • ddb_client - DalmatinerDB client.
    • defql - Create elixir functions with SQL as a body.
    • dexts - Disk Elixir Terms Storage, dest wrapper.
    • diver - A HBase driver for Erlang/Elixir using Jinterface and the Asynchbase Java client to query the database.
    • dproto - Protocols for DalmatinerDB.
    • dqe - DalmatinerDB query engine.
    • ecto - A database wrapper and language integrated query for Elixir.
    • ecto_enum - Ecto extension to support enums in models.
    • ecto_fixtures - Fixtures for Elixir apps using Ecto.
    • ecto_hstore - Ecto.Hstore adds Postgres Hstore compatibility to Ecto.
    • ecto_lazy_float - Ecto.LazyFloat - An Ecto.Float that accepts binary and integers.
    • ecto_migrate - Ecto auto migration library. It allows to generate and run migrations for initial and update migrations.
    • ecto_mnesia - Ecto adapter for Mnesia Erlang term database.
    • ecto_ordered - Ecto extension for ordered models.
    • ecto_paging - Cursor-based pagination for Ecto.
    • ecto_rut - Simple and Powerful Ecto Shortcuts to simplify and speed up development.
    • ecto_shortcuts - Shortcuts for common operations in ecto.
    • ecto_validation_case - Simplify your Ecto model validation tests. Loosely inspired by shoulda matchers, but simpler.
    • ectophile - Ecto extension to instantly support file uploads in models.
    • elastic - A thin-veneer over HTTPotion to help you talk to Elastic Search.
    • elastix - A simple Elastic REST client written in Elixir.
    • eredis - Erlang Redis client.
    • erlastic_search - An Erlang app for communicating with Elastic Search's rest interface.
    • esqlite - Erlang NIF for sqlite.
    • ets_map - An Elixir package that provides a Map-like interface (Map/Access/Enumerable/Collectable) backed by an ETS table.
    • eventstore - A CQRS EventStore using Postgres for persistence, written in Elixir.
    • ex_bitcask - Elixir wrapper of Basho's Bitcask Key/Value store.
    • ex_sider - Elixir Map/List/Set interfaces for Redis data structures (uses Redix, but that is configurable).
    • exleveldb - Elixir wrapper around Basho's eleveldb module for LevelDB.
    • exnumerator - Elixir enumerable type definition in a simple way to be used with any database.
    • exredis - Redis client for Elixir.
    • exseed - An Elixir library that provides a simple DSL for seeding databases through Ecto.
    • exsolr - A Solr wrapper written in Elixir.
    • extreme - An Elixir library using [Eventstore]( for persistance of events generated by aggregates (CQRS).
    • exts - Elixir Terms Storage, ets wrapper.
    • github_ecto - Ecto adapter for GitHub API.
    • inquisitor - Composable query builder for Ecto.
    • isn - Ecto types for the postgreSQL isn extension.
    • kalecto - Glue between Kalends and Ecto for saving dates, times and datetimes.
    • kst - Erlang Abstract Term Database.
    • level - Level for Elixir implements various helper functions and data types for working with Googles Level data store.
    • mariaex - MariaDB/MySQL driver for Elixir.
    • moebius - A functional query tool for Elixir and PostgreSQL.
    • mongo - MongoDB driver for Elixir.
    • mongodb - MongoDB driver for Elixir.
    • mongodb_ecto - MongoDB adapter for Ecto.
    • mysql - MySQL/OTP – MySQL driver for Erlang/OTP.
    • mysqlex - An Ecto-compatible wrapper around the mysql-otp library.
    • neo4j_sips - Neo4j driver for Elixir.
    • neo4j_sips_models - Minimalistic Model support for the Neo4j.Sips Elixir driver.
    • paper_trail - Ecto plugin for tracking and recording all the changes in your database.
    • postgrex - PostgreSQL driver for Elixir.
    • red - Persist relationships between objects in Redis, in a graph-like way.
    • redix - Superfast, pipelined, resilient Redis driver for Elixir.
    • redo - Heroku's pipelining redis client for erlang.
    • rethinkdb - Rethinkdb client in pure Elixir using JSON protocol.
    • riak - A Riak client written in Elixir.
    • riak_ecto - Riak adapter for Ecto.
    • shards - Transparent and out-of-box Sharding support for Erlang/Elixir ETS tables.
    • sql_dust - Generate (complex) SQL queries using magical Elixir SQL dust.
    • sqlite_ecto - SQLite3 adapter for Ecto.
    • sqlitex - An Elixir wrapper around esqlite. Allows access to sqlite3 databases.
    • ssdb_elixir - ssdb client for Elixir, with focus on performance.
    • tds - MSSQL / TDS Database driver for Elixir.
    • tds_ecto - MSSQL / TDS Adapter for Ecto.
    • timex_ecto - An adapter for using Timex DateTimes with Ecto.
    • tirexs - An Elixir flavored DSL for building JSON based requests to Elasticsearch engine.
    • udpflux - An opinionated InfluxDB UDP only client.
    • yar - Yet another Redis client for Elixir.
    • ecto_factory - Easily generate structs based on your ecto schemas.
    • hstore - Hstore support for Postgrex.
    • couchdb_connector - A connector for CouchDB, the Erlang-based, JSON document database.
  • OTP

    • core - Library for selective receive OTP processes.
    • erlexec - Execute and control OS processes from Erlang/OTP.
    • immortal - Immortal is a small collection of helper modules intended to make it easier to build a fault-tolerant OTP application.
    • libex_config - Helpers for accessing OTP application configuration.
  • Package Management

    • rebar3_hex - plugin for rebar3.
    • Hex - A package manager for the Erlang ecosystem.
  • PDF

    • gutenex - Native PDF generation for Elixir.
    • pdf2htmlex - Convert PDF docs to beautiful HTML files without losing text or format.
    • pdf_generator - A simple wrapper for wkhtmltopdf (HTML to PDF) for use in Elixir projects.
  • Protocols

    • elixir_radius - RADIUS Protocol on Elixir.
    • ex_hl7 - Health Level 7 (HL7) is a protocol designed to model and transfer health-related data electronically.
    • ex_marshal - Ruby Marshal format implemented in Elixir.
    • exprotobuf - Protocol Buffers in Elixir, made easy.
    • grpc-elixir - The Elixir implementation of gRPC.
    • message_pack - MessagePack Implementation for Elixir.
    • msgpax - MessagePack (de)serializer implementation for Elixir.
    • protox - Elixir implementation for Protocol Buffers.
    • riffed - Provides idiomatic Elixir bindings for Apache Thrift.
    • Sippet - An Elixir library designed to be used as SIP protocol middleware.
    • SMPPEX - SMPP 3.4 protocol and framework implementation in Elixir.
  • Queue

    • adap - Create a data stream across your information systems to query, augment and transform data according to Elixir matching rules.
    • amqp - Simple Elixir wrapper for the Erlang RabbitMQ client, based on Langohr.
    • cspex - Simple, OTP compliant, Elixir implementation of CSP channels.
    • dbus - A dumb message bus for sharing data between microservices decoupled using Redis.
    • elixir_nsq - NSQ client library for Elixir.
    • elixir_talk - An Elixir client for beanstalkd.
    • enm - enm is an Erlang port driver that wraps the nanomsg C library.
    • exdisque - Elixir client for [Disque](, an in-memory, distributed job queue.
    • exq - Job processing library for Elixir - compatible with Resque/Sidekiq.
    • exrabbit - RabbitMQ bindings and DSL for Elixir.
    • heapq - A Heap-based Priority Queue Implementation in Elixir.
    • honeydew - Honeydew is a worker pool library for Elixir.
    • hulaaki - An MQTT 3.1.1 client library written in Elixir.
    • kafka_consumer - Consumer for Kafka using kafka_ex.
    • kafka_ex - Kafka client library for Elixir.
    • mqs - RabbitMQ client library, routing keys, RPC over MQ and other stuff.
    • pqueue - Erlang Priority Queue Implementation.
    • que - Simple Background Job Processing with Mnesia.
    • queuex - Priority Queue with multiple backends.
    • RBMQ - Simple API for spawning RabbitMQ Producers and Consumers.
    • task_bunny - background processing application written in Elixir and uses RabbitMQ as a messaging backend.
    • toniq - Simple and reliable background job library for Elixir.
    • verk - Verk is a job processing system backed by Redis. It uses the same job definition of Sidekiq/Resque.
    • work_queue - Simple implementation of the hungry-consumer model in Elixir.
    • stream_weaver - Library for working with streams.
  • Release Management

    • changex - Automated changelog generation from GIT logs.
    • distillery - A pure Elixir implementation of release packaging functionality for the Erlang VM.
    • eliver - Interactive semantic versioning for Elixir packages.
    • exrm - Automatically generate a release for your Elixir project.
    • exrm_deb - Create a deb for your Elixir release with ease.
    • exrm_heroku - Publish your Elixir releases to Heroku with ease.
    • exrm_rpm - Create a RPM for your Elixir release with ease.
    • mix_docker - Put your Elixir app production release inside minimal docker image.
    • relex - Erlang/Elixir Release Assembler.
    • renew - Mix task to create mix projects that builds into Docker containers.
  • REST and API

    • accent - Plug for handling the conversion of JSON API keys to different cases.
    • detergent - An emulsifying Erlang SOAP library.
    • detergentex - Elixir binding to Detergent erlang library used to call WSDL/SOAP Services.
    • maru - Elixir copy of grape for creating REST-like APIs.
    • mazurka - hypermedia api toolkit.
    • plug_rest - REST behaviour and Plug router for hypermedia web applications.
    • signaturex - Simple key/secret based authentication for APIs.
    • urna - Urna is a simple DSL around cauldron to implement REST services.
    • versionary - API versioning for Elixir Plug and Phoenix.
  • Security

    • safetybox - Security oriented helper functions for Elixir.
    • ssl_verify_fun - Collection of ssl verification functions for Erlang.
  • Static Page Generation

    • blogit - An OTP application for generating blogs from git repositories containing markdown files.
    • coil - Minimalistic static content engine.
    • obelisk - Static blog and website generator.
    • serum - A simple static website generator written in Elixir.
  • Statistics

    • descriptive_statistics - Descriptive Statistics for Elixir.
    • mtx - MTX supports front-end API for tracking Histogram, Meter, Counter, Gauge, Timing keys.
    • numerix - A collection of useful mathematical functions with a slant towards statistics, linear algebra and machine learning.
    • statistics - Some basic statistical functions for Elixir.
    • wizard - Math and statistics functions for Elixir.
  • Templating

    • bbmustache - Binary pattern match Based Mustache template engine for Erlang/OTP.
    • eml - Library for writing and manipulating (HTML) markup in Elixir.
    • exgen - A templating library for quickly generating Elixir projects.
    • expug - Pug templates for Elixir.
    • mustache - Mustache templates for Elixir.
    • mustachex - Mustache for Elixir - Logic-less templates.
    • templates - Helper library for adding templating to web applications.
  • Testing

    • amrita - A polite, well mannered and thoroughly upstanding testing framework for Elixir.
    • apocryphal - Swagger based document driven development for ExUnit.
    • blacksmith - Data generation framework for Elixir.
    • blitzy - A simple HTTP load tester in Elixir.
    • bypass - Bypass provides a quick way to create a mock HTTP server with a custom plug.
    • chemistry - Testing Framework for Elixir.
    • cobertura_cover - Writes a coverage.xml from `mix test --cover` file compatible with Jenkins' Cobertura plugin.
    • double - Create stub dependencies for testing without overwriting global modules.
    • ecto_it - Ecto plugin with default configuration for repos for testing different ecto plugins with databases.
    • efrisby - A REST API testing framework for erlang.
    • espec - BDD test framework for Elixir inspired by RSpec.
    • espec_phoenix - ESpec for Phoenix web framework.
    • ex_machina - Flexible test factories for Elixir. Works out of the box with Ecto and Ecto associations.
    • ex_parameterized - Simple macro for parameterized testing.
    • ex_spec - BDD-like syntax for ExUnit.
    • ex_unit_fixtures - A library for defining modular dependencies for ExUnit tests.
    • ex_unit_notifier - Desktop notifications for ExUnit.
    • excheck - Property-based testing library for Elixir (QuickCheck style).
    • exkorpion - A BDD library for Elixir developers.
    • factory_girl_elixir - Minimal implementation of Ruby's factory_girl in Elixir.
    • faker_elixir - FakerElixir is an Elixir package that generates fake data for you.
    • fqc - FiFo Quickcheck helper, a set of helpers for running EQC.
    • gimei - Gimei is a pure Elixir library for generating Japanese fake data.
    • hound - Elixir library for writing integration tests and browser automation.
    • hypermock - HTTP request stubbing and expectation Elixir library.
    • ignorant - Partial `Map` comparison that ensures fields are present while ignoring their values.
    • katt - KATT (Klarna API Testing Tool) is an HTTP-based API testing tool for Erlang.
    • kovacs - A simple ExUnit test runner.
    • meck - A mocking library for Erlang.
    • mix_erlang_tasks - Common tasks for Erlang projects that use Mix.
    • mix_eunit - A Mix task to execute eunit tests.
    • mix_test_watch - Automatically run your Elixir project's tests each time you save a file.
    • mixunit - An EUnit task for Mix based projects.
    • mock - Mocking library for the Elixir language.
    • pavlov - BDD framework for your Elixir projects.
    • plug_test_helpers - A simple testing DSL for Plugs.
    • ponos - Ponos is an Erlang application that exposes a flexible load generator API.
    • power_assert - Power Assert in Elixir. Shows evaluation results each expression.
    • setup_tag - Easily mix and match functions marked with tags to setup your test context.
    • shouldi - Elixir testing libraries with nested contexts, superior readability, and ease of use.
    • tuco_tuco - TucoTuco helps you test your web application by running a web browser and simulating user interaction with your application.
    • faker - Faker is a pure Elixir library for generating fake data.
    • test_that_json - JSON assertions and helpers for your Elixir testing needs.
    • white_bread - Story based BDD in Elixir using the gherkin syntax.
  • Text and Numbers

    • abacus - Evaluate math terms in Elixir.
    • base58 - Base58 encoding/decoding for Elixir.
    • base58check - Base58Check encoding/decoding for Bitcoin.
    • bencode - A Bencode encoder and decoder for Elixir. The decoder will return the checksum value of the info dictionary, if an info dictionary was found in the input.
    • brcpfcnpj - Number format and Validation for Brazilian documents (CPF/CNPJ).
    • calliope - An Elixir HAML parser.
    • ccc - Character Code Converter.
    • chinese_translation - Translate between traditional chinese and simplified chinese based on wikipedia data, and translate chinese words/characters to pinyin (or slug with or without tone).
    • cidr - Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) for Elixir.
    • cirru_parser - Cirru Parser in Elixir.
    • cldr - cldr is a library to use information from CLDR data.
    • colorful - Elixir macros to decorate characters on CUI.
    • colors - Colors util written in Elixir.
    • convertat - An Elixir library for converting from and to arbitrary bases.
    • curtail - HTML tag-safe string truncation.
    • custom_base - Allow you to make custom base conversion in Elixir.
    • decimal - Arbitrary precision decimal arithmetic for Elixir.
    • dicer - A dice roller expression evaluator.
    • eden - [EDN]( encoder/decoder for Elixir.
    • elixilorem - Lorem Ipsum generator for Elixir.
    • elixir-range-extras - Elixir range utilities: constant-time random sampling and set operations.
    • elixir_bencode - Bencode implemented in Elixir.
    • erldn - [EDN]( format parser for the Erlang platform.
    • event_source_encoder - Encode data into EventSource compliant data.
    • ex_brace_expansion - Brace expansion, as known from sh/bash, in Elixir.
    • ex_rfc3966 - Elixir Tel URI parser compatible with RFC3966.
    • ex_rfc3986 - RFC3986 URI/URL parser.
    • ex_uc - Extensible Units Converter for Elixir.
    • exmoji - Emoji encoding Swiss Army knife for Elixir/Erlang.
    • expletive - Profanity filter library for Elixir.
    • expr - An Elixir library for parsing and evaluating mathematical expressions.
    • faust - Markov Text Generator for Elixir.
    • haikunator - Generate Heroku-like memorable random names to use in your apps or anywhere else.
    • hashids - Hashids lets you obfuscate numerical identifiers via reversible mapping.
    • hexate - Simple module for Hex encoding / decoding in Elixir.
    • html_sanitize_ex - HTML sanitizer for Elixir.
    • inet_cidr - Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) for Elixir that is compatible with :inet and supports both IPv4 and IPv6.
    • inflex - An Inflector library for Elixir.
    • kitsune - An Elixir library for transforming the representation of data.
    • ltsvex - LTSV parser implementation in Elixir.
    • mbcs - Wrapper for erlang-mbcs. This module provides functions for character encoding conversion.
    • mimetype_parser - parse mimetypes.
    • monetized - A lightweight solution for handling and storing money.
    • mt940 - MT940 (standard structured SWIFT Customer Statement message) parser for Elixir.
    • neotomex - A [PEG]( implementation with a pleasant Elixir DSL.
    • number - Number is a pretentiously-named Elixir library which provides functions to convert numbers into a variety of different formats.
    • numero - A micro library for converting non-english utf-8 digits in elixir.
    • palette - A handy library for colouring strings in Elixir.
    • porterstemmer - Porter Stemmer in Elixir.
    • pretty_hex - A binary hex dumping library in Elixir.
    • quickrand - Quick Random Number Generation.
    • secure_random - Convenience library for random base64 strings modeled after my love for Ruby's SecureRandom.
    • sentient - Simple sentiment analysis based on the AFINN-111 wordlist.
    • simetric - String similarity metrics for Elixir.
    • slime - An Elixir library for rendering slim-like templates.
    • slugger - Slugger can generate slugs from given strings that can be used in URLs or file names.
    • stemmer - An English (Porter2) stemming implementation in Elixir.
    • tau - Provide the famous mathematical constant, tau, τ = 6.2831....
    • tomlex - A TOML parser for Elixir.
    • ua_parser2 - A port of ua-parser2 to Elixir. User agent parser library.
    • unit_fun - Attempt to add units to numbers in elixir to give some added type saftey when dealing with numeric quantities.
    • uuid - UUID generator and utilities for Elixir.
    • uuid_erl - Erlang Native UUID Generation.
    • veritaserum - Sentiment analysis based on afinn-165, emojis and some enhancements.
    • base62 - Base62 encoder/decoder in pure Elixir.
    • bencoder - bencode in Elixir.
    • money - Working with Money safer, easier, and fun, interpretation of the Fowler's Money pattern.
    • pinyin - Chinese Pinyin lib for Elixir.
    • ref_inspector - Referer parser library in Elixir. Fetching info from URLs.
    • ua_inspector - User agent parser library like `piwik/device-detector`.
  • Third Party APIs

    • airbax - Exception tracking from Elixir to Airbrake.
    • airbrake - An Elixir notifier for the Airbrake.
    • airbrakex - Elixir client for the Airbrake service.
    • apns - Apple Push Notifications Service client library for elixir.
    • asanaficator - Simple Elixir wrapper for the Asana API. Based on Tentacat.
    • assembla_api - Assembla API client for Elixir.
    • balanced - Balanced API Client for Elixir.
    • bing_translator - A simple Elixir interface to Bing's translation API.
    • bitpay - Elixir core library for connecting to
    • cashier - Payment gateway offering a common interface into multiple payment providers.
    • cleverbot - Simple implementation of the Cleverbot API in Elixir.
    • coinbase - A unofficial Coinbase API v1 Client.
    • commerce_billing - A payment-processing library for Elixir that supports multiple gateways (e.g. Bogus & Stripe).
    • currently - A tool to display cards currently assigns on Trello.
    • darkskyx - A (formerly API client for Elixir.
    • digitalocean - Elixir wrapper for the Digital Ocean API v2.
    • diplomat - A [Google Cloud Datastore]( client.
    • dnsimple - Elixir client for the DNSimple API v2.
    • docker - Elixir client for the Docker Remote API.
    • dockerex - Lightweight Docker Remote API Client with SSL/TLS login/connection support.
    • dogstatsd - An Elixir client for [DogStatsd](
    • dpd_client - An API client for the DPD service.
    • dropbox - Dropbox Core API client for Elixir.
    • dublin_bus_api - Access to the Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) for Dublin Bus services.
    • edgarex - Elixir interface for fetching SEC filings from EDGAR.
    • elixir_authorizenet - Unofficial client for the Authorize.Net merchant API.
    • elixir_ipfs_api - IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) API client for Elixir.
    • elixirfm - API wrapper for Elixir.
    • elixtagram - Instagram API client for Elixir.
    • everex - Evernote API client for Elixir.
    • everyoneapi - API Client for
    • ex_codeship - API Client for Codeship.
    • ex_statsd - A statsd client implementation for Elixir.
    • ex_twilio - Twilio API client for Elixir.
    • ex_twiml - Generate TwiML for your Twilio integration, right inside Elixir.
    • exfacebook - Facebook API, written in Elixir using similar methods like Ruby koala gem.
    • exgenius - Elixir library for the (undocumented) Rap Genius API.
    • exgravatar - An Elixir module for generating Gravatar URLs.
    • exgrid - interact with Sendgrid's API.
    • exjira - JIRA client library for Elixir.
    • extripe - Feature complete Stripe API wrapper.
    • extwitter - Twitter client library for Elixir.
    • exurban - Elixir wrapper for UrbanAirship API.
    • facebook - Facebook Graph API Wrapper written in Elixir.
    • feedlex - Feedly RSS reader client for Elixir.
    • fluent_client - Minimalistic fluentd client.
    • forcex - Elixir library for the REST API.
    • forecast_io - Simple wrapper for Forecast.IO API.
    • gcmex - Google Cloud Messaging client library for elixir.
    • google_sheets - Elixir library for fetching and polling Google spreadsheet data in CSV format.
    • govtrack - A simple Elixir wrapper for the []( API.
    • honeywell - A client for the Honeywell Lyric, Round and Water Leak & Freeze Detector APIs.
    • kane - A [Google Cloud Pub/Sub]( client.
    • keenex - A API Client.
    • link_shrinkex - Elixir library for creating short URLs using Google's URL Shortener API.
    • mailchimp - A basic Elixir wrapper for version 3 of the MailChimp API.
    • mailgun - Elixir Mailgun Client.
    • mandrill - A Mandrill wrapper for Elixir.
    • marvel - CLI and Elixir API Client for the Marvel API.
    • mixpanel - An Elixir client for the Mixpanel HTTP API.
    • mixpanel_data_client - Client for interacting with the Mixpanel Data Export API.
    • mmExchangeRate - A simple exchange rate checker and calculator based on Central Bank of Myanmar Api.
    • nadia - Telegram Bot API Wrapper written in Elixir.
    • opbeat - Elixir client for Opbeat.
    • parse_client - Elixir client for the REST API.
    • parsex - ParsEx is an Elixir HTTP Client for communicating with's Restful API.
    • particle - An Elixir client for the Particle IoT platform's HTTP API.
    • pathway - An Erlang/Elixir client for the []( REST API.
    • pay - An Elixir Lib to deal with Paypal and other payment solutions.
    • pigeon - HTTP2-compliant wrapper for sending iOS and Android push notifications.
    • pocketex - Pocketex is an Elixir client for the Pocket read later service [](
    • pusher - Elixir library to access the Pusher REST API.
    • qiita_ex - A Qiita API v2 Interface for Elixir.
    • qiniu - Qiniu SDK for Elixir.
    • reap - Reap is a simple Elixir library for working with the refheap API.
    • reddhl - An headline and link puller for Reddit and its various subreddits.
    • redtube - Redtube API Wrapper written in Elixir.
    • reporter - Reporter is simple reporting App reviews library. Support AppStore and GooglePlay.
    • riemann - A [Riemann]( client for Elixir.
    • semver - Utilities for working with version strings.
    • sendgrid - Send composable, transactional emails with SendGrid.
    • sift_ex - A Siftscience API Library for Elixir.
    • simplex - An Elixir library for interacting with the Amazon SimpleDB API.
    • slack - Slack real time messaging client in Elixir.
    • sparkpost - An Elixir library for sending email using SparkPost.
    • statix - Expose app metrics in the StatsD protocol.
    • tagplay - Elixir client for Tagplay API.
    • telephonist - Elixir state machines for Twilio calls.
    • tentacat - Simple Elixir wrapper for the GitHub API.
    • tg_client - An Elixir wrapper which communicates with the Telegram-CLI.
    • traitify_elixir - An Elixir client library for the Traitify Developer's API.
    • ui_faces - UIFaces API client for Elixir applications.
    • unsplash-elixir - An Elixir library for Unsplash.
    • xe - Real time conversion for currencies.
    • zanox - Zanox API.
    • anilixir - Elixir client for the Anilist API.
    • apostle - Elixir client for
    • ex_gecko - Elixir SDK to communicate with Geckoboard's API.
    • exlingr - A Lingr client module.
    • hexoku - Heroku API client and Heroku Mix tasks for Elixir projects.
    • m2x - Elixir client for the AT&T M2X, a cloud-based fully managed time-series data storage service for network connected machine-to-machine (M2M) devices and the Internet of Things (IoT). ([Erlang Version](
    • omise - Omise client library for Elixir.
    • peatio_client - Peatio exchange project compatible API for Elixir.
    • random_user - An Elixir client for API.
    • stripe - An Elixir Library wrapping Stripe's API.
    • xend - Simple Elixir wrapper for Facebook's Send API.
    • balalaika_bear - Simple VK API client for Elixir.
    • bandwidth - An Elixir client library for the Bandwidth Application Platform.
    • digoc - Digital Ocean API v2 Elixir Client.
    • ethereumex - Elixir JSON-RPC client for the Ethereum blockchain.
    • exdesk - Elixir library for the API.
    • exstagram - Elixir library for Instagram v1 API.
    • pagexduty - A Pagerduty client for Elixir.
    • stripity_stripe - An Elixir Library for [Stripe](
  • Translations and Internationalizations

    • exkanji - A Elixir library for translating between hiragana, katakana, romaji and kanji. It uses Mecab.
    • exromaji - A Elixir library for translating between hiragana, katakana and romaji.
    • linguist - Elixir Internationalization library.
    • parabaikElixirConverter - ParabaikElixirConverter is just a Elixir version of Parabaik converter. It can convert from Unicode to Zawgyi-One and Zawgyi-One to Unicode vice versa.
    • trans - A Elixir library to manage embedded translations into models leveraging PostgreSQL JSONB datatype.
    • ecto_gettext - Library for localization Ecto validation errors with using Gettext.
  • Utilities

    • ar2ecto - Ar2ecto is a set of mix tasks to help you migrate from ActiveRecord to Ecto.
    • crutches - Utility library for Elixir, designed to complement the standard library bundled with the language.
    • dress - Cli app that makes your stdout fancy.
    • erlang-history - Hacks to add shell history to Erlang's shell.
    • erlsh - Family of functions and ports involving interacting with the system shell, paths and external programs.
    • erlware_commons - Additional standard library for Erlang.
    • exjprop - Elixir library for reading Java properties files from various sources.
    • fitex - FitEx is a Macro-Module which provides a bit of sugar for function definitions.
    • global - Wrapper of the Erlang `:global` module.
    • mandrake - Mandrake is a functional programming library that bring something else magic in elixir.
    • mnemonix - A unified interface to key/value stores.
    • plasm - Plasm is Ecto's composable query multitool, containing higher-level functions such as .count, .random, .first, .last, .find, .inserted_before, .inserted_after, etc.
    • pubsub - A Publish-Subscribe utility library that implements a pub-sub mechanism to ease the burden of communication on the business logic processes.
    • quark - A library for common functional programming idioms: combinators, currying, and partial application.
    • retry - Simple Elixir macros for linear retry, exponential backoff and wait with composable delays.
    • sips_downloader - Elixir module for downloading the ElixirSips episodes and all other files.
    • sitemap - Sitemap is the easiest way to generate Sitemaps in Elixir.
  • Validations

    • bankster - A IBAN account number and BIC validation library for Elixir.
    • ExGtin - A validation library for GTIN codes under GS1 specification.
    • exop - A library that allows to encapsulate business logic and validate params with predefined contract.
    • jeaux - A light and easy schema validator.
    • shape - A data validation library for Elixir based on Prismatic Scheme.
    • uk_postcode - UK postcode parsing and validation library.
    • vex - An extensible data validation library for Elixir.
    • voorhees - A library for validating JSON responses.
  • Video

    • ffmpex - FFmpeg command line wrapper.
    • silent_video - Convert GIFs and videos to silent videos, optimized for mobile playback.
  • XML

    • erlsom - Erlsom is an Erlang library to parse (and generate) XML documents.
    • exmerl - Elixir wrapper for xmerl.
    • exml - Most simple Elixir wrapper for xmerl xpath.
    • exquery - A library for parsing HTML and querying elements within.
    • floki - A simple HTML parser that enables searching using CSS like selectors.
    • meeseeks - A library for parsing and extracting data from HTML and XML with CSS or XPath selectors.
    • quinn - XML parser for Elixir.
    • readability - Readability is for extracting and curating articles.
    • xml_builder - Elixir library for generating xml.
    • xmlrpc - Library for encoding and decoding XML-RPC for clients and servers.
    • sweet_xml - Query XML simply and effectively.
  • YAML

    • fast_yaml - Fast YAML is an Erlang wrapper for libyaml "C" library.
    • yamerl - YAML 1.2 parser in Erlang.
    • yaml_elixir - Yaml parser for Elixir based on native Erlang implementation.
    • yomel - libyaml interface for Elixir.
  • Books

    • Getting Started - Elixir - PDF, MOBI, and EPUB documents for Elixir's Getting Started tutorial (2016).
    • Erlang and Elixir for Imperative Programmers - Introduction to Erlang and Elixir in the context of functional concepts by Wolfgang Loder (2016).
    • Erlang in Anger - This book intends to be a little guide about how to be the Erlang medic in a time of war by Fred Hebert (2014).
    • The Little Elixir & OTP Guidebook - A book for learning Elixir and OTP through small to medium-sized projects by Benjamin Tan Wei Hao (2014).
    • Elixir in Action - A brief intro to the language followed by a more detailed look at building production-ready systems in Elixir by Saša Jurić (2015).
    • Elixir Cookbook - This book is a set of recipes grouped by topic by Paulo A Pereira (2015).
  • Editors

    • Alchemist - Elixir Tooling Integration Into Emacs.
    • Alchemist-Server - Editor/IDE independent background server to inform about Elixir mix projects.
    • Alchemist.vim - Elixir Tooling Integration Into Vim.
    • atom-elixir - An Atom package for Elixir.
    • atom-iex - Run an IEx session in Atom.
    • elixir_generator - Vim plugin to generate Elixir module and test files with one command.
    • ElixirSublime - Elixir plugin for SublimeText 3 that provides code completion and linting.
    • ilexir - IDE-like things for Elixir in Neovim.
    • intellij_elixir - Elixir helpers for intellj-elixir, the Elixir plugin for JetBrains IDEs.
    • Notepad++ - Elixir syntax highlighting for Notepad++.
    • nvim - Neovim host for writing plugins in Elixir.
    • phoenix-snippets - Phoenix Snippets for Atom.
    • vim-ex_test - Vim test runner based on Thoughtbots vim-rspec.
    • vscode-elixir - Elixir Support for Visual Studio Code.
  • Other Awesome Lists

    • jnv/lists - awesomeness](*
    • Erlang Bookmarks - A collection of links for Erlang developers.
    • Awesome Erlang - A curated list of awesome Erlang libraries, resources and shiny things.
  • Encoding and Compression

    • huffman - Huffman encoding and decoding in Elixir.
  • Community

    • Elixir Forum - Community run discussion forums for all things Elixir.
    • ElixirSlack - Elixir Slack Community.
    • #elixir-lang - The IRC Channel #elixir-lang on Freenode.
    • elixir-lang-core - Mailinglist for Elixir Core development, use "talk" for questions and general discussions.
  • Screencasts

    • Confreaks (Elixir) - Elixir related conference talks.
    • Elixir for Programmers - Functional, Parallel, Reliable (and fun!), taught by Dave Thomas.
    • Elixir Sips - Tiny screencasts for learning Elixir.
    • ExCasts - Elixir and Phoenix screencasts for all skill levels.
    • - Beginner friendly, in-depth, step by step screencasts.
    • - Learn how to build fast, dependable web apps with Phoenix.
    • Meet Elixir - Walk through some features and concepts of Elixir by José Valim.
  • Websites

    • BEAM Community - From distributed systems, to robust servers and language design on the Erlang VM.
    • Elixir Flashcards - Flashcards are a powerful way to improve your knowledge. Elixircards are hand crafted, professionally printed flashcards for levelling up your Elixir.
    • Elixir Fountain - A weekly podcast with news & interviews from around the Elixir community hosted by [Johnny Winn](
    • Elixir Github Wiki - The project's wiki, containing much useful information.
    • Elixir Job Board - A job board for Elixir, and community of Elixir developers, [written using Phoenix](
    • Elixir Playground - Try Elixir code in your browser.
    • Elixir Quiz - Weekly programming problems to help you learn Elixir.
    • Elixir Recipes - Collection of patterns & solutions to common problems in Elixir.
    • Elixre - An Elixir regular expression editor & tester.
    • Erlang Patterns - Unlike traditional software design pattern efforts, which tend to emphasize the importance of code reuse, this project emphasizes patterns that feel good to humans.
    • Hashrocket Today I Learned - Elixir - Small posts about Elixir from the team at Hashrocket.
    • Learning Elixir - A blog about a Professional Software Engineer learning Elixir.
    • Elixir Job Board - A job board for Elixir, and community of Elixir developers, [written using Phoenix](
    • Elixir Job Board - A job board for Elixir, and community of Elixir developers, [written using Phoenix](
  • Version Control

    • gitex - Elixir implementation of the Git object storage, but with the goal to implement the same semantic with other storage and topics.
  • Newsletters

    • Elixir Digest - A weekly newsletter with the latest articles on Elixir and Phoenix.
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