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:sparkling_heart: A list of awesome Angular (:two::heavy_plus_sign:) resources
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- GitHub Repo
- compodoc - The missing documentation tool for your Angular application.
- Storybook - Storybook is a development environment for UI components. It allows you to browse a component library, view the different states of each component, and interactively develop and test components.
- Angular CLI - CLI tool for Angular.
- ngx-rocket - Angular 9+ starter kit for enterprise-grade projects.
- ng2-play - A minimal Angular2 playground using TypeScript and SystemJS loader.
- babel-angular2-app - A super-simple skeleton Angular 2 app built with Babel and Browserify.
- learn-angular - Learn Angular 4 in Baby Steps.
- angular-seed - Extensible, reliable, modular, PWA ready starter project for Angular (2 and beyond) with statically typed build and AoT compilation.
- angular-starter - Gulp Angular Starter using TypeScript (Updated to 4.4.3).
- angular2-boilerplate - An Angular 2+ boilerplate on steroids that achieves 100 top score on Google Page Speed.
- angular2-seed - A simple starter project demonstrating the basic concepts of Angular 2.
- @angular/flex-layout - Provides HTML UI layout for Angular applications; using Flexbox and a Responsive API.
- angular2-grid - A grid-based drag/drop/resize directive plugin for Angular 2.
- ngresizable - Simple, tree-shakable, AoT, Universal and Web Worker friendly resizable component for Angular
- ng-golden-layout - Angular bindings for golden-layout ; A multi window layout manager for webapps.
- ng6-golden-layout - Golden-Layout binding for Angular 6
- ngx-masonry - Angular Module for displaying a feed of items in a masonry layout.
- ng-svg-icon-sprite - Angular 6 package for generating and using inline SVG icons in your project.
- angular-feather - A-la-carte integration of Feather Icons in Angular (2+) applications.
- angular2-fontawesome - Angular5 Components and Directives for Fontawesome.
- ng2-fontawesome - An easy-to-use directive for font awesome icons.
- ng-emoji-picker - Angular 4 Emoji Picker.
- angular-emojione - EmojiOne for Angular.
- ng2-emojis - An Angular 2 plugin for emojis support for text inputs and textareas.
- @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap - Angular powered Bootstrap.
- ng-semantic - Angular 2 building blocks package based on Semantic UI.
- ng2-semantic-ui - Semantic UI Angular 2 Integrations -- no JQuery required --.
- angular2-materialize - Angular 2 support for Materialize CSS framework.
- @covalent/core - Teradata UI Platform built on Angular-Material 2.0.
- primeng - UI Components for Angular 2.
- ng-lightning - Native Angular 2 components & directives for Lightning Design System.
- angular2-mdl - Angular 2 components, directives and styles based on material design lite.
- fuel-ui - UI Components for use with Angular2 and Bootstrap4.
- igniteui-angular2 - Ignite UI for Angular is a dependency-free Angular toolkit for building modern web apps.
- md2 - Angular2 based Material Design components, directives and services are Accordion, Autocomplete, Collapse, Colorpicker, Datepicker, Dialog(Modal), Menu, Multiselect, Select, Tabs, Tags(Chips), Toast and Tooltip.
- devextreme-angular - Angular 2 UI and visualization components based on DevExtreme widgets.
- ng-zorro-antd - An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Angular.
- jQWidgets - Vue, Angular, React, jQuery and ASP .NET Core UI Framework
- Angular MetaMagic EXtensions - Acronym for Angular MetaMagic EXtensions for Inputs & Outputs. It is a rich set of Angular 6 (120+) components powered by HTML5 & CSS3 for Responsive Design and with 50+ Material Design Themes, UI Components, Charts, Gauges, Data Point Widgets, Dashboads.
- src-zone/material - Blox Material makes it possible to create beautiful Angular apps with modular and customizable UI components, designed according to the Material Design Guidelines.
- ng-sq-ui - Flexible and easily customizable UI-kit for Angular 6+
- truly-ui - Truly-UI - WebComponents for Desktop Applications.
- Mosaic UI - Mosaic UI Components for Angular.
- ionic-framework - A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building native-quality iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- angular2-onsenui - Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
- ng-zorro-antd-mobile - A configurable Mobile UI components based on Ant Design Mobile and Angular.
- coreui - CoreUI Angular is free Angular 2+ admin template based on Bootstrap 4.
- ngx-admin - Admin template based on Nebular framework (Angular 4+, Bootstrap 4+).
- Material Dashboard Angular 4 - Material Dashboard Angular is a free Material Bootstrap Admin.
- ng-pi-admin - Angular admin.
- ng-dashboard - Angular admin dashboard framework.
- cdk-admin - Angular 6 admin panel using angular material & angular flex.
- PaperAdmin - A flat admin dashboard using Angular 2/4.
- ng-matero - Ng-Matero is an Angular admin template made with Material components.
- ng2-ui-overlay - General Solution For Angular2 Overlay Elements.
- ng2-bs3-modal - Angular2 Bootstrap3 Modal Component.
- ngx-modal - Open modal window (dialog box) for your angular2 applications using bootstrap3.
- ng2-ui-popup - Angular2 Modal Directive
- ngx-gallery - Angular Gallery, Carousel and Lightbox.
- angular2-lightbox - Lightbox2 port to use with angular2.
- ng2-alert-center - A small angular2 module for centralized application bootstrap alerts.
- ng2-tooltip-directive - Tooltip for Angular
- ng2-ui-tooltip - Angular2 Tooltip Directive
- ngx-tooltip - Simple tooltip control for your angular2 applications using bootstrap3. Does not depend of jquery.
- ngx-popper - An angular wrapper for popper.js, great for tooltips and positioning popping elements
- xng-breadcrumb - A lightweight, configurable and reactive breadcrumbs solution for Angular 2+
- angular-confirmation-popover - Displays a bootstrap confirmation popover (with no jQuery or bootstrap JS!).
- ngx-popover - Simple popover control for your angular2 applications using bootstrap3. Does not depend of jquery.
- popover - Angular Material Popover
- ng-snotify - Angular 2+ Notification Center.
- angular2-notifications - A light and easy to use notifications library for Angular 2.
- ng2-notifications - Angular 2 Component for Native Push Notifications.
- @ngrx/notify - Web Notifications Powered by RxJS for Angular.
- angular-notifier - A well designed, fully animated, highly customizable, and easy-to-use notification library for your Angular 2+ application.
- ng-notyf - A dead simple notification library for Angular.
- ng-push - An Angular wrapper around the Notifications API.
- ng2-notify-popup - A simple, lightweight module for displaying notifications in your Angular 4 app.
- angular2-toaster - Angular2-toaster is an asynchronous, non-blocking Angular2 Toaster Notification library.
- ng2-toasty - Angular2 Toasty component shows growl-style alerts and messages for your app.
- ngx-toastr - Angular 2 toastr.
- ngx-sweetalert2 - Declarative, template-driven SweetAlert2 integration for Angular 4+
- ng-alerts - An alert library for Angular.
- @swimlane/ngx-datatable - A feature-rich yet lightweight data-table crafted for Angular2 and beyond.
- ng2-table - Simple table extension with sorting, filtering, paging... for Angular2 apps.
- angular2-datatable - DataTable - Simple table component with sorting and pagination for Angular2.
- ng2-handsontable - Angular 2 directive for Handsontable.
- ng2-smart-table - Angular 2 Smart Data Table component.
- angular2-datagrid - Datagrid for angular 2.
- NG2TableView - ng2 table-view with angular material
- ngx-super-table - A feature-rich table component built with angular.
- ng2-tree - Angular2 component for visualizing data that can be naturally represented as a tree.
- ngx-treeview - An Angular treeview component with checkbox
- ng.tree - Ng Tree for angular4
- ng4-loading-spinner - Angular 4 custom async loading spinner.
- ngx-spinner - A library for loading spinner for Angular 4/5/6.
- angular2-busy - Show busy/loading indicators on any promise, or on any Observable's subscription.
- ng-circle-progress - A simple circle progress component created for Angular based on SVG Graphics.
- ng2-slim-loading-bar - Angular 2 component shows slim loading bar at the top of the page.
- angular2-ladda - Angular 2 Ladda module.
- ngx-progressbar - Angular progress bar.
- angular-progress-bar - This component allow you to easy incorporate progress-bar to angular/ionic project, providing binding and color options.
- ngx-loading-bar - Automatic page loading / progress bar for Angular.
- angular-svg-round-progressbar - Angular module that uses SVG to create a circular progressbar.
- angular2-loaders-css - Angular 2 module that implements Loaders.css spinners.
- ng-http-loader - Angular http interceptor - intercepts automatically all http requests and shows a spinkit spinner / loader / progress bar.
- ng-block-ui - Block UI For Angular.
- angular-epic-spinners - Reusable angular components for epic-spinners.
- ng-sidebar - Angular 2+ sidebar component.
- ngx-aside - Simple angular sidebar panel
- angular-material-sidemenu - A small component to make sidenav menus using Angular Material.
- ng-material-multilevel-menu - Material Multi-Level Menu for Angular Projects .
- angular2-contextmenu - A context menu built with Angular 2 inspired by ui.bootstrap.contextMenu.
- ngx-contextmenu - An Angular component to show a context menu on an arbitrary component.
- angular-right-click - Angular right click and context menu library. No dependencies.
- ng2-right-click-menu - Right click context menu for Angular 2+.
- ng2-charts - Beautiful charts for Angular2 based on Chart.js.
- ngx-charts - Declarative Charting Framework for Angular2 and beyond.
- ngx-charts-builder - ngx-charts-builder is a chart builder for ngx-charts!
- angular2-highcharts - Highcharts for your Angular2 project.
- ng2-nvd3 - Angular2 component for nvd3.
- angular-google-charts - An Angular 6 implementation of the Google Charts library.
- angular-fusioncharts - Angular Component for FusionCharts JavaScript Charting Library.
- ngx-md - Angular(ngx) directive for parsing markdown content in your web application.
- ngx-markdown - Angular markdown component/directive/pipe/service to parse static, dynamic or remote content to html with syntax highlight.
- ngx-showdown - Angular X Showdown Module.
- ng2-simplemde - angular2 component for Simplemde Markdown Editor.
- covalent-text-editor - Covalent text and markdown editor component for Angular based on SimpleMDE.
- ng2-ace - A basic ace editor directive for angular 2.
- ngx-inline-editor - Native UI Inline-editor Angular (4.0+) component.
- ngx-quill - quill editor with angular and TS.
- ngx-quill-editor - @quilljs editor component for @angular.
- ngx-monaco-editor - Monaco Editor component for Angular 2 and Above.
- covalent-code-editor - Covalent text and code editor component for Angular based on Monaco Editor.
- ngx-wig - Angular(Angular 5, Angular 6) WYSIWYG HTML Rich Text Editor.
- angular2-tinymce - Angular 2 component for TinyMCE MCE WYSIWYG editor.
- angular-simditor - Angular Editor for Simditor.
- angular-maps - Angular Maps (X-Map) is a set of components and services to provide map functionality in angular 2+ apps.
- ng-ui-map - Angular Google Maps Directives.
- angular-esri-map - A collection of directives to help you use Esri maps and services in your Angular applications.
- angular-cesium - JavaScript library for creating map based web apps using Cesium and Angular.
- angular2-baidu-map - Angular2 component for Baidu map.
- angular2-mapbox - Angular 2 components for mapbox-gl.
- ngx-mapbox-gl - Angular binding of mapbox-gl-js.
- ngx-mapboxgl-starter - A recipe of Angular and MapboxGL.
- ngx-amap - Angular 2+ component for AMap (Gaode map) .
- mangol - Maps created with Angular & OpenLayers using Material design.
- videogular2 - The HTML5 video player for Angular 2.
- audioScope-ng2 - AudioScope demo written in Angular 2 + TypeScript.
- angular-audio-context - An Angular wrapper for the Web Audio API's AudioContext.
- tone-lab - Playing around with Web Audio and Angular 4.
- ngx-embed-video - Get embed code for embedding youtube/vimeo/dailymotion/* video in websites from URL or ID in Angular 4.
- echoes-player - Echoes Player: the missing Media Player experience for Youtube - Built with Angular.
- ngx-youtube-player - (ngx) A youtube component wrapped with Angular (typescript).
- web - Angular6 music player to search and play YouTube, SoundCloud and Mixcloud tracks .
- alltomp3-app - Desktop application to download YouTube, SoundCloud & Spotify in MP3 with full tags.
- ngx-audio-player - A library for loading playing audio using HTML 5 audio specifically for Angular 7.
- ngx-plyr - Angular 6+ binding for Plyr video & audio player.
- ng-inline-svg - Angular 2+ directive for inserting an SVG file inline within an element.
- angular-svg-icon - Angular 6+ component for inlining SVGs allowing them to be easily styled with CSS.
- shapeshifter - SVG icon animation tool for Android, iOS, and the web.
- od-virtualscroll - Observable-based virtual scroll implementation in Angular .
- ngx-virtual-scroller - Virtual Scroll displays a virtual, "infinite" list.
- ngx-ui-scroll - Infinite/virtual scroll for Angular.
- ngx-infinite-scroll - Infinite Scroll Directive for Angular.
- ngx-perfect-scrollbar - Angular wrapper library for the Perfect Scrollbar.
- ngx-malihu-scrollbar - Angular 2+ scrollbar customization using Malihu jQuery Custom Scrollbar plugin.
- ngx-scrollbar - Custom overlay-scrollbars with native scrolling mechanism for Angular, it also provides a cross-browser smooth scroll directive.
- ng2-dragula - Simple drag and drop with dragula.
- ng2-dnd - Angular 2 Drag-and-Drop without dependencies.
- ng-drag-drop - Drag & Drop for Angular - based on HTML5 with no external dependencies.
- ngx-sortablejs - Angular 2+ binding to SortableJS. Previously known as angular-sortablejs.
- ngx-countdown - Simple, easy and performant countdown for angular.
- angular-pipes - Useful pipes for Angular.
- ngx-pipes - Useful pipes for Angular with no external dependencies!
- ng-pipes - Bunch of useful pipes for Angular2 (with no external dependencies!).
- ngx-uploader - Angular File Uploader.
- ngx-flow - flow.js file upload for Angular.
- ngx-awesome-uploader - Angular Library for uploading files with many features.
- ngx-file-drop - Angular file and folder drop library.
- ngx-material-file-input - File input for Angular Material form-field.
- ng2-file-upload - Easy to use Angular components for files upload.
- ngx-dropzone-wrapper - Angular wrapper library for Dropzone
- ngx-auth - Angular 7+ Authentication Module.
- ngx-auth-firebaseui - Angular Material UI component for firebase authentication.
- ngx-permissions - Permission and roles based access control.
- ng-google-sheets-db - :rocket: Use Google Sheets as your (read-only) backend!
- ngx-flag-picker - 😻 Customizable component which containing a dropdown with country flags
- ng-lock - Angular decorator for locking functions / user interface while task are running
- Blog
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- Blog
- Styleguide
- Resources
- Events
- AngularDoc - Architectural analysis and visualization for Angular 2 projects.
- angular2-minimalist-starter - Angular2 Minimalist Starter.
- Material Guides - Angular Material guides
- kendo-ui - Kendo UI for Angular. Professional Grade Angular UI Components.
- Taiga UI - Taiga UI is fully-treeshakable Angular UI Kit consisting of multiple base libraries and several add-ons.
- Flowbite - Open-source UI components built with Tailwind CSS with support for Angular.
- Reboard - Admin dashboard template based on Angular 4+, Angular Material 2 and ngx-charts.
- ng2-toastr - Bootstrap style toast for modern Angular.
- angular2-spinner - Simple loading indicator.
- ng-spin-kit - SpinKit ( spinners for Angular 2+.
- ng2-markdown - Angular2 Markdown Web Component.
- @angular/cdk/scrolling - CDK scrolling package provides helpers for directives that react to scroll events.
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- ag-grid-angular - Ag-Grid Angular 2 Component.
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- angular-material-sidemenu - A small component to make sidenav menus using Angular Material.
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- Blog
- angular-starter - An Angular Starter kit featuring Angular (Router, Http, Forms, Services, Tests, E2E, Dev/Prod, HMR, Async/Lazy Routes, AoT via ngc), Karma, Protractor, Jasmine, Istanbul, TypeScript, TsLint, Codelyzer, Hot Module Replacement, @types, and Webpack by @tipeio.
- angular-split - Angular (2+) UI library to split views.
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- clarity-angular - Clarity Design System: UX guidelines, HTML/CSS framework, and Angular 2 components working together to craft exceptional experiences.
- ngx-emoji-mart - Customizable Slack-like emoji picker for Angular .
- @angular/material - Official Material Design components for Angular.
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- Blog
- @ng-seed/universal - A seed project for Angular Universal apps following the common patterns and best practices in file and application organization.
- @angular/material - Material Design UI components for Angular applications.
- ng2-fullpage - Angular 2 fullpage scrolling.
- angular2-modal - Angular2 Modal / Dialog window.
- ng2-map - Angular2 Google Maps Directives.
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- covalent-text-editor - Covalent text and markdown editor component for Angular based on SimpleMDE.
- audioScope-ng2 - AudioScope demo written in Angular 2 + TypeScript.
- ng2-bootstrap - Native Angular directives for Bootstrap.
- ng2-easy-table - The easiest Angular2 table.
- covalent-code-editor - Covalent text and code editor component for Angular based on Monaco Editor.
- angular2-google-maps - Angular 2+ Google Maps Components.
- angular-cesium - JavaScript library for creating map based web apps using Cesium and Angular.
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