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A curated list of awesome frameworks, libraries and software for the Java programming language.

Last synced: about 9 hours ago
JSON representation

  • Projects

    • Bean Mapping

      • dOOv - Provides fluent API for typesafe domain model validation and mapping. It uses annotations, code generation and a type safe DSL to make bean validation and mapping fast and easy.
      • Dozer - Mapper that copies data from one object to another using annotations and API or XML configuration.
      • JMapper - Uses byte code manipulation for lightning-fast mapping. Supports annotations and API or XML configuration.
      • MapStruct - Code generator that simplifies mappings between different bean types, based on a convention-over-configuration approach.
      • ModelMapper - Intelligent object mapping library that automatically maps objects to each other.
      • Orika - JavaBean-mapping framework that recursively copies (among other capabilities) data from one object to another.
      • reMap - Lambda and method handle-based mapping which requires code and not annotations if objects have different names.
      • Selma - Annotation processor-based bean mapper.
      • dOOv - Provides fluent API for typesafe domain model validation and mapping. It uses annotations, code generation and a type safe DSL to make bean validation and mapping fast and easy.
      • Selma - Annotation processor-based bean mapper.
    • Build

      • Buck - Encourages the creation of small, reusable modules consisting of code and resources.
      • Gradle - Incremental builds programmed via Groovy instead of declaring XML. Works well with Maven's dependency management.
    • Bytecode Manipulation

      • bytecode-viewer - Java 8 Jar & Android APK reverse engineering suite. (GPL-3.0-only)
      • cglib - Bytecode generation library.
      • Javassist - Tries to simplify bytecode editing.
      • Mixin - Manipulate bytecode at runtime using real Java code.
      • Perses - Dynamically injects failure/latency at the bytecode level according to principles of chaos engineering.
      • Perses - Dynamically injects failure/latency at the bytecode level according to principles of chaos engineering.
    • Caching

      • Caffeine - High-performance, near-optimal caching library.
    • CLI

      • ASCII Table - Library to draw tables in ASCII.
      • Airline - Annotation-based framework for parsing Git-like command-line arguments.
      • args4j - Small library to parse command-line arguments.
      • Jansi - ANSI escape codes to format console output.
      • Java ASCII Render - Graphical primitives for the console.
      • JCommander - Command-line argument-parsing framework with custom types and validation via implementing interfaces.
      • JLine - Includes features from modern shells like completion or history.
      • JOpt Simple - Fluent parser that uses the POSIX#getopt and GNU#getopt_long syntaxes.
      • Text-IO - Aids the creation of full console-based applications.
      • Lanterna - Easy console text-GUI library, similar to curses. (LGPL-3.0-only)
      • jbock - Typesafe, reflection-free, annotation based command-line parser.
    • Cluster Management

      • Singularity - Mesos framework that makes deployment and operations easy. It supports web services, background workers, scheduled jobs, and one-off tasks.
    • Code Analysis

      • Checkstyle - Static analysis of coding conventions and standards. (LGPL-2.1-or-later)
      • Error Prone - Catches common programming mistakes as compile-time errors.
      • NullAway - Eliminates NullPointerExceptions with low build-time overhead.
      • PMD - Source code analysis for finding bad coding practices.
      • SonarJava - Static analyzer for SonarQube & SonarLint. (LGPL-3.0-only)
      • Spoon - Library for analyzing and transforming Java source code.
      • Spotbugs - Static analysis of bytecode to find potential bugs. (LGPL-2.1-only)
      • Infer - Modern static analysis tool for verifying the correctness of code.
      • jQAssistant - Static code analysis with Neo4J-based query language. (GPL-3.0-only)
    • Code Coverage

      • Cobertura - Relies on offline (or static) bytecode instrumentation and class loading to collect code coverage metrics. (GPL-2.0-only)
      • Clover - Relies on source-code instrumentation instead of bytecode instrumentation.
      • JaCoCo - Framework that enables collection of code coverage metrics, using both offline and runtime bytecode instrumentation.
    • Code Generators

      • ADT4J - JSR-269 code generator for algebraic data types.
      • Auto - Generates factory, service, and value classes.
      • FreeBuilder - Automatically generates the Builder pattern.
      • JavaPoet - API to generate source files.
      • JHipster - Yeoman source code generator for Spring Boot and AngularJS.
      • Joda-Beans - Small framework that adds queryable properties to Java, enhancing JavaBeans.
    • Compiler-compiler

      • JavaCC - Parser generator that generates top-down parsers. Allows lexical state switching and permits extended BNF specifications.
    • Configuration

      • centraldogma - Highly-available version-controlled service configuration repository based on Git, ZooKeeper and HTTP/2.
      • cfg4j - Modern configuration library for distributed apps written in Java.
      • config - Configuration library for JVM languages.
      • dotenv - Twelve-factor configuration library which uses environment-specific files.
      • KAConf - Annotation-based configuration system for Java and Kotlin.
      • owner - Reduces boilerplate of properties.
    • Constraint Satisfaction Problem Solver

      • JaCoP - Includes an interface for the FlatZinc language, enabling it to execute MiniZinc models. (AGPL-3.0)
    • CSV

      • jackson-dataformat-csv - Jackson extension for reading and writing CSV.
      • Super CSV - Powerful CSV parser with support for Dozer, Joda-Time and Java 8.
      • uniVocity-parsers - One of the fastest and most feature-complete parsers. Also comes with parsers for TSV and fixed-width records.
    • Data Structures

      • Big Queue - Fast and persistent queue based on memory-mapped files.
      • HyperMinHash-java - Probabilistic data structure for computing union, intersection, and set cardinality in loglog space.
      • Persistent Collection - Persistent and immutable analogue of the Java Collections Framework.
      • Protobuf - Google's data interchange format.
      • SBE - Simple Binary Encoding, one of the fastest message formats around.
      • Wire - Clean, lightweight protocol buffers.
      • Tape - Lightning-fast, transactional, file-based FIFO.
    • Database

      • AranoDB - ArangoDB Java driver.
      • Chronicle Map - Efficient, in-memory (opt. persisted to disk), off-heap key-value store.
      • eXist - NoSQL document database and application platform. (LGPL-2.1-only)
      • FlexyPool - Brings metrics and failover strategies to the most common connection pooling solutions.
      • Flyway - Simple database migration tool.
      • HikariCP - High-performance JDBC connection pool.
      • jasync-sql - Async DB driver for MySQL and PostgreSQL.
      • JDBI - Convenient abstraction of JDBC.
      • Jest - Client for the Elasticsearch REST API.
      • jetcd - Client library for etcd.
      • Jinq - Typesafe database queries via symbolic execution of Java 8 Lambdas (on top of JPA or jOOQ).
      • Leaf - Distributed ID generate service.
      • MariaDB4j - Launcher for MariaDB that requires no installation or external dependencies.
      • Redisson - Allows for distributed and scalable data structures on top of a Redis server.
      • Speedment - Database access library that utilizes Java 8's Stream API for querying.
      • Realm - Mobile database to run directly inside phones, tablets or wearables.
      • requery - Modern, lightweight but powerful object mapping and SQL generator. Easily map to or create databases, or perform queries and updates from any Java-using platform.
      • Xodus - Highly concurrent transactional schema-less and ACID-compliant embedded database.
      • Querydsl - Typesafe unified queries.
      • Liquibase - Database-independent library for tracking, managing and applying database schema changes.
    • Date and Time

      • iCal4j - Parse and build iCalendar [RFC 5545]( data models.
      • ThreeTen-Extra - Additional date-time classes that complement those in JDK 8.
      • Time4J - Advanced date and time library. (LGPL-2.1-only)
      • Almanac Converter - Simple conversion between different calendar systems.
    • Dependency Injection

      • Feather - Ultra-lightweight, JSR-330-compliant dependency injection library.
      • Governator - Extensions and utilities that enhance Google Guice.
      • Guice - Lightweight and opinionated framework that completes Dagger.
      • HK2 - Lightweight and dynamic dependency injection framework.
      • JayWire - Lightweight dependency injection framework. (LGPL-3.0-only)
      • Inversion of Control
      • Dagger - Compile-time injection framework without reflection.
    • Development

      • JavaSymbolSolver - Symbol solver.
      • Manifold - Re-energizes Java with powerful features like type-safe metaprogramming, structural typing and extension methods.
      • Faux Pas - Library that simplifies error handling by circumventing the issue that none of the functional interfaces in the Java Runtime is allowed by default to throw checked exceptions.
      • HotswapAgent - Unlimited runtime class and resource redefinition. (GPL-2.0-only)
      • JavaParser - Parse, modify and generate Java code.
      • SneakyThrow - Ignores checked exceptions without bytecode manipulation. Can also be used inside Java 8 stream operations.
    • Distributed Applications

      • Dropwizard Circuit Breaker - Circuit breaker design pattern for Dropwizard. (GPL-2.0-only)
      • JGroups - Toolkit for reliable messaging and cluster creation.
      • Orbit - Virtual actors; adds another level of abstraction to traditional actors.
      • resilience4j - Functional fault tolerance library.
      • ScaleCube Services - Embeddable Cluster-Membership library based on SWIM and gossip protocol.
      • Zuul - Gateway service that provides dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, security, and more.
      • Quasar - Lightweight threads and actors for the JVM.
    • Distributed Transactions

      • Bitronix - Simple but complete implementation of the JTA 1.1 API.
      • Seata - Delivers high performance and easy to use distributed transaction services under a microservices architecture.
    • Distribution

      • Capsule - Simple and powerful packaging and deployment. A fat JAR on steroids, or a "Docker for Java" that supports JVM-optimized containers.
      • packr - Packs JARs, assets and the JVM for native distribution on Windows, Linux and macOS.
      • really-executable-jars-maven-plugin - Maven plugin for making self-executing JARs.
      • IzPack - Setup authoring tool for cross-platform deployments.
      • - Builds optimized runtimes over HTTP.
    • Document Processing

      • zerocell - Annotation-based API for reading data from Excel sheets into POJOs with focus on reduced overhead.
      • documents4j - API for document format conversion using third-party converters such as MS Word.
      • docx4j - Create and manipulate Microsoft Open XML files.
    • Financial

      • Parity - Platform for trading venues.
      • Philadelphia - Low-latency financial information exchange.
      • Square - Integration with the Square API.
      • Stripe - Integration with the Stripe API.
    • Formal Verification

      • CATG - Concolic unit testing engine. Automatically generates unit tests using formal methods.
      • Java Path Finder (JPF) - JVM formal verification tool containing a model checker and more. Created by NASA.
      • OpenJML - Translates JML specifications into SMT-LIB format and passes the proof problems implied by the program to backend solvers. (GPL-2.0-only)
      • Daikon - Detects likely program invariants and generates JML specs based on those invariants.
      • JMLOK 2.0 - Detects inconsistencies between code and JML specification through feedback-directed random tests generation, and suggests a likely cause for each nonconformance detected. (GPL-3.0-only)
    • Functional Programming

      • derive4j - Java 8 annotation processor and framework for deriving algebraic data types constructors, pattern-matching and morphisms. (GPL-3.0-only)
      • Fugue - Functional extensions to Guava.
      • jOOλ - Extension to Java 8 that aims to fix gaps in lambda by providing numerous missing types and a rich set of sequential Stream API additions.
      • protonpack - Collection of stream utilities.
      • StreamEx - Enhances Java 8 Streams.
      • Functional Java - Implements numerous basic and advanced programming abstractions that assist composition-oriented development.
    • Game Development

      • FXGL - JavaFX Game Development Framework.
      • libGDX - All-round cross-platform, high-level framework.
    • Geospatial

      • Geo - GeoHash utilities in Java.
      • - Library for developing geospatial applications. Built on top of the Apache SIS project. (LGPL-2.1-only)
      • GraphHopper - Road-routing engine. Used as a Java library or standalone web service.
      • H2GIS - Spatial extension of the H2 database. (LGPL-3.0-only)
      • Jgeohash - Library for using the GeoHash algorithm.
      • Mapsforge - Map rendering based on OpenStreetMap data. (LGPL-3.0-only)
      • Spatial4j - General-purpose spatial/geospatial library.
    • High Performance

      • Agrona - Data structures and utility methods that are common in high-performance applications.
      • Disruptor - Inter-thread messaging library.
      • Eclipse Collections - Collections framework inspired by Smalltalk.
      • JCTools - Concurrency tools currently missing from the JDK.
      • HPPC - Primitive collections.
      • Koloboke - Hash sets and hash maps.
    • HTTP Clients

      • Async Http Client - Asynchronous HTTP and WebSocket client library.
      • Feign - HTTP client binder inspired by Retrofit, JAXRS-2.0, and WebSocket.
      • Play WS - Typesafe client with reactive streams and caching.
      • Ribbon - Client-side IPC library that is battle-tested in cloud.
      • Riptide - Client-side response routing for Spring's RestTemplate.
      • unirest-java - Simplified, lightweight HTTP client library.
      • restQL-core-java - Microservice query language that fetches information from multiple services.
    • Hypermedia Types

      • JSON-LD - JSON-LD implementation.
      • Siren4J - Library for the Siren specification.
    • Imagery

      • Tess4J - JNA wrapper for Tesseract OCR API.
      • Thumbnailator - High-quality thumbnail generation library.
      • TwelveMonkeys - Collection of plugins that extend the number of supported image file formats.
      • image-comparison - Compares two images with the same sizes and shows the differences visually by drawing rectangles.
      • ZXing - Multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library.
    • Introspection

      • ClassGraph - ClassGraph (formerly FastClasspathScanner) is an uber-fast, ultra-lightweight, parallelized classpath scanner and module scanner for Java, Scala, Kotlin and other JVM languages.
      • jOOR - jOOR stands for jOOR Object Oriented Reflection. It is a simple wrapper for the java.lang.reflect package.
      • Mirror - Mirror was created to bring light to a simple problem, usually named ReflectionUtil, which is on almost all projects that rely on reflection to do advanced tasks.
      • ReflectASM - ReflectASM is a very small Java library that provides high performance reflection by using code generation.
      • Reflections - Reflections scans your classpath, indexes the metadata, allows you to query it on runtime and may save and collect that information for many modules within your project.
    • Job Scheduling

      • Quartz - Feature-rich, open source job scheduling library that can be integrated within virtually any Java application.
      • Sundial - Lightweight framework to simply define jobs, define triggers and start the scheduler.
      • Wisp - Simple library with minimal footprint and straightforward API.
      • db-scheduler - Persistent and cluster-friendly scheduler.
    • JSON

      • DSL-JSON - JSON library with advanced compile time databinding.
      • HikariJSON - High-performance JSON parser, 2x faster than Jackson.
      • jackson-modules-java8 - Set of Jackson modules for Java 8 datatypes and features.
      • Jackson-datatype-money - Open-source Jackson module to support JSON serialization and deserialization of JavaMoney data types.
      • JSON-io - Convert Java to JSON. Convert JSON to Java. Pretty print JSON. Java JSON serializer.
      • jsoniter - Fast and flexible library with iterator and lazy parsing API.
      • LoganSquare - JSON parsing and serializing library based on Jackson's streaming API. Outperforms GSON & Jackson's library.
      • Yasson - Binding layer between classes and JSON documents similar to JAXB.
      • fastjson - Very fast processor with no additional dependencies and full data binding.
      • Jolt - JSON to JSON transformation tool.
      • JsonSurfer - Streaming JsonPath processor dedicated to processing big and complicated JSON data.
      • Gson - Serializes objects to JSON and vice versa. Good performance with on-the-fly usage.
      • Jackson - Similar to GSON, but offers performance gains if you need to instantiate the library more often.
      • Moshi - Modern JSON library, less opinionated and uses built-in types like List and Map.
      • Genson - Powerful and easy-to-use Java-to-JSON conversion library.
    • JVM and JDK

      • Avian - JVM with JIT, AOT modes and iOS port.
      • Graal - Polyglot embeddable JVM. (GPL-2.0-only WITH Classpath-exception-2.0)
      • OpenJ9 - High performance, enterprise-calibre, flexibly licensed, openly-governed cross-platform JVM extending and augmenting the runtime technology components from the Eclipse OMR and OpenJDK project.
      • SAP Machine - SAP's no-cost, rigorously tested and JCK-verified OpenJDK friendly fork. (GPL-2.0-only WITH Classpath-exception-2.0)
      • Liberica JDK - Built from OpenJDK, thoroughly tested and passed the JCK. (GPL-2.0-only WITH Classpath-exception-2.0)
      • Open JDK - Open JDK community home. (GPL-2.0-only WITH Classpath-exception-2.0)
      • ParparVM - VM with non-blocking, concurrent GC for iOS. (GPL-2.0-only WITH Classpath-exception-2.0)
      • RedHat Open JDK - RedHat's OpenJDK distribution. (GPL-2.0-only WITH Classpath-exception-2.0)
    • Logging

      • Logbook - Extensible, open-source library for HTTP request and response logging.
      • p6spy - Enables logging for all JDBC transactions without changes to the code.
      • Tracer - Call tracing and log correlation in distributed systems.
    • Machine Learning

      • DatumBox - Provides several algorithms and pre-trained models for natural language processing.
      • DeepDive - Creates structured information from unstructured data and integrates it into an existing database.
      • JSAT - Algorithms for pre-processing, classification, regression, and clustering with support for multi-threaded execution. (GPL-3.0-only)
      • Oryx 2 - Framework for building real-time, large-scale machine learning applications. Includes end-to-end applications for collaborative filtering, classification, regression, and clustering.
      • Smile - Statistical Machine Intelligence and Learning Engine provides a set of machine learning algorithms and a visualization library.
      • Synapses - Lightweight library for neural networks.
      • Weka - Collection of algorithms for data mining tasks ranging from pre-processing to visualization. (GPL-3.0-only)
    • Messaging

      • Aeron - Efficient, reliable, unicast and multicast message transport.
      • EventBus - Simple publish/subscribe event bus.
      • JeroMQ - Implementation of ZeroMQ.
      • Nakadi - Provides a RESTful API on top of Kafka.
      • RabbitMQ Java client - RabbitMQ client.
      • Smack - Cross-platform XMPP client library.
      • NATS client - NATS client.
    • Microservice

      • Apollo - Libraries for writing composable microservices.
      • Armeria - Asynchronous RPC/REST client/server library built on top of Java 8, Netty, HTTP/2, Thrift and gRPC.
      • consul-api - Client for the Consul API: a distributed, highly available and datacenter-aware registry/discovery service.
      • Eureka - REST-based service registry for resilient load balancing and failover.
    • Miscellaneous

      • CQEngine - Ultra-fast, SQL-like queries on Java collections.
      • Design Patterns - Implementation and explanation of the most common design patterns.
      • FF4J - Feature Flags for Java.
      • FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition - No-nonsense implementation of FizzBuzz made by serious businessmen for serious business purposes. (No explicit license)
      • J2ObjC - Java-to-Objective-C translator for porting Android libraries to iOS.
      • JavaCV - Java interface to OpenCV, FFmpeg, and more.
      • JBot - Framework for building chatbots. (GPL-3.0-only)
      • JCuda - JCuda offers Java bindings for CUDA and CUDA-related libraries.
      • Jimfs - In-memory file system.
      • JPad - Snippet runner.
      • Maven Wrapper - Analogue of Gradle Wrapper for Maven, allows building projects without installing maven.
      • Membrane Service Proxy - Open-source, reverse-proxy framework.
      • MinimalFTP - Lightweight, small and customizable FTP server.
      • Modern Java - A Guide to Java 8 - Popular Java 8 guide.
      • Modernizer - Detect uses of legacy Java APIs.
      • PipelinR - Small utility library for using handlers and commands with pipelines.
      • Polyglot for Maven - Extensions for Maven 3.3.1+ that allows writing the POM model in dialects other than XML.
      • Simple Java Mail - Mailing with a clean and fluent API.
      • Smooks - Extensible framework for building applications that process data which means bindings, transformations, message processing and enrichment. (LGPL-3.0-only)
      • TypeTools - Tools for resolving generic types.
      • XMLBeam - Processes XML by using annotations or XPath within code.
      • yGuard - Obfuscation via renaming and shrinking.
      • JavaX - Reinventing and extending Java with a focus on simplicity. (No explicit license)
    • Monitoring

      • Automon - Combines the power of AOP with monitoring and/or logging tools.
      • Failsafe Actuator - Out of the box monitoring of Failsafe Circuit Breaker in Spring-Boot environment.
      • LeakCanary - Memory leak detection.
    • PDF

      • Dynamic Jasper - Abstraction layer to JasperReports. (LGPL-3.0-only)
    • Platform

      • Chain - Chain of Responsibility pattern implementation.
      • Functor - Function that can be manipulated as an object, or an object representing a single, generic function.
      • Logging - Wrapper around a variety of logging API implementations.
      • OGNL - Object-graph navigation language.
      • Proxy - Library for creating dynamic proxies.
    • GUI

      • JavaFX - Successor of Swing.
    • IDE

      • Visual Studio Code - Provides Java support for lightweight projects with a simple, modern workflow by using extensions from the internal marketplace.
    • Natural Language Processing

      • CoreNLP - Provides a set of fundamental tools for tasks like tagging, named entity recognition, and sentiment analysis. (GPL-3.0-or-later)
    • ORM

      • Doma 2 - Database access framework that verifies and generates source code at compile time using annotation processing as well as native SQL templates called two-way SQL.
    • Performance analysis

      • JMH - Harness for building, running, and analysing nano/micro/milli/macro benchmarks written in Java and other languages targeting the JVM. (GPL-2.0 only WITH Classpath-exception-2.0)
    • Reactive libraries

      • RxJava - Allows for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences.
    • Science

      • Morpheus - Provides a versatile two-dimensional memory efficient tabular data structure called a DataFrame to enable efficient in-memory analytics for scientific computing on the JVM.
    • Security

      • Bouncy Castle - All-purpose cryptographic library and JCA provider offering a wide range of functions, from basic helpers to PGP/SMIME operations.
      • Themis - Multi-platform high-level cryptographic library provides easy-to-use encryption for protecting sensitive data: secure messaging with forward secrecy, secure data storage (AES256GCM); suits for building end-to-end encrypted applications.
    • Testing

      • GreenMail - In-memory email server for integration testing. Supports SMTP, POP3 and IMAP including SSL. (GPL-2.0-only)
      • Serenity BDD - Automated Acceptance testing and reporting library that works with Cucumber, JBehave and JUnit to make it easier to write high quality executable specifications.
    • Utility

      • Guava - Collections, caching, primitives support, concurrency libraries, common annotations, string processing, I/O, and more.
      • JADE - Framework and environment for building and debugging multi-agent systems. (LGPL-2.0-only)
    • Web Frameworks

      • Vaadin Flow - Event-driven framework that uses standard web components. Server-side architecture with Ajax on the client side.
    • REST Frameworks

      • Crnk - Implementation of the JSON API specification to build resource-oriented REST endpoints with sorting, filtering, paging, linking, object graphs, type-safety, bulk updates, integrations and more.
      • Crnk - Implementation of the JSON API specification to build resource-oriented REST endpoints with sorting, filtering, paging, linking, object graphs, type-safety, bulk updates, integrations and more.
      • Crnk - Implementation of the JSON API specification to build resource-oriented REST endpoints with sorting, filtering, paging, linking, object graphs, type-safety, bulk updates, integrations and more.
      • RESTEasy - Fully certified and portable implementation of the JAX-RS specification.
      • Crnk - Implementation of the JSON API specification to build resource-oriented REST endpoints with sorting, filtering, paging, linking, object graphs, type-safety, bulk updates, integrations and more.
      • Crnk - Implementation of the JSON API specification to build resource-oriented REST endpoints with sorting, filtering, paging, linking, object graphs, type-safety, bulk updates, integrations and more.
      • Crnk - Implementation of the JSON API specification to build resource-oriented REST endpoints with sorting, filtering, paging, linking, object graphs, type-safety, bulk updates, integrations and more.
      • Crnk - Implementation of the JSON API specification to build resource-oriented REST endpoints with sorting, filtering, paging, linking, object graphs, type-safety, bulk updates, integrations and more.
    • Template Engine

      • Jtwig - Modular, configurable and fully tested template engine.
    • Server

      • Jetty - Provides a Web server and javax.servlet container, plus support for HTTP/2, WebSocket, OSGi, JMX, JNDI, JAAS and many other integrations.
  • Resources

  • Contributing