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✨ Awesome - A curated list of amazing Topic Models (implementations, libraries, and resources)

Last synced: 5 days ago
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  • Models

    • Topic Models for short documents

    • Truncated Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) / Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) / Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)

      • SVDlibc - C implementation of SVD by Doug Rohde
      • sparsesvd - Python wrapper for SVDlibc
      • gensim - Python implementation using multi-pass [randomized SVD solver]( or a [one-pass merge algorithm](
      • BIDMach - Scala implementation of a scalable approximate SVD using subspace iteration
      • scikit-learn - Python implementation using fast [randomized SVD solver]( or a “naive” algorithm that uses [ARPACK](
    • Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) [:page_facing_up:](

      • lda - Python implementation using collapsed Gibbs sampling which follows scikit-learn interface [:page_facing_up:](
      • PartiallyCollapsedLDA - Various fast parallelized samplers for LDA, including Partially Collapsed LDA, LightLDA, Partially Collapsed Light LDA and a very efficient Polya-Urn LDA
      • topicmodel-lib - Cython library for online/streaming LDA (Online VB, Online CVB0, Online CGS, Online OPE, Online FW, Streaming VB, Streaming OPE, Streaming FW, ML-OPE, ML-CGS, ML-FW)
      • jsLDA - JavaScript implementation of LDA topic modeling in the browser
      • lda-nodejs - Node.js implementation of LDA topic modeling
      • lda-purescript - PureScript, browser-based implementation of LDA topic modeling
      • TopicModels.jl - Julia implementation of LDA
      • turicreate - C++ [LDA]( and [aliasLDA]( implementation with export to Apple's Core ML for use in iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps
      • MeTA - C++ implementation of (parallel) collapsed [Gibbs sampling, CVB0 and SCVB](
      • Fugue - Java implementation of collapsed Gibbs sampling with slice sampling for hyper-parameter optimization
      • GA-LDA - R scripts using Genetic Algorithms (GA) for hyper-paramenter optimization, based on Panichella [:page_facing_up:](
      • Search-Based-LDA - R scripts using Genetic Algorithms (GA) for hyper-paramenter optimization by Panichella [:page_facing_up:](
      • Dodge - Python tuning tool that ignores redundant tunings [:page_facing_up:](
      • LDADE - Python tuning tool using differential evolution [:page_facing_up:](
      • ldatuning - R package to find optimal number of topics for LDA [:page_facing_up:](
      • topic_interpretability - Computation of the semantic interpretability of topics produced by topic models [:page_facing_up:](
      • topic-coherence-sensitivity - Code to compute topic coherence for several topic cardinalities and aggregate scores across them [:page_facing_up:](
      • topic-model-diversity - A collection of topic diversity measures for topic modeling [:page_facing_up:](
      • FastLDA - C++ implementation of LDA [:page_facing_up:](
      • dmlc - Single-and multi-threaded C++ implementations of [lightLDA](, [F+LDA](, [AliasLDA](, forestLDA and many more
      • warpLDA - C++ cache efficient LDA implementation which samples each token in O(1) [:page_facing_up:](
      • lightLDA - C++ implementation using O(1) Metropolis-Hastings sampling [:page_facing_up:](
      • AliasLDA - C++ implemenation using Metropolis-Hastings and *alias* method[:page_facing_up:](
      • Yahoo-LDA - Yahoo!'s topic modelling framework [:page_facing_up:](
      • PLDA+ - Google's C++ implementation using data placement and pipeline processing [:page_facing_up:](
      • Familia - A toolkit for industrial topic modeling (LDA, SentenceLDA and Topical Word Embedding) [:warning:]( [:page_facing_up:](
      • scikit-learn - Python implementation using online variational Bayes inference [:page_facing_up:](
      • lda-gensim - Python implementation using online variational inference [:page_facing_up:](
      • ldamulticore-gensim - Parallelized Python implementation using online variational inference [:page_facing_up:](
      • Vowpal Wabbit - C++ implementaion using online variational Bayes inference [:page_facing_up:](
      • Scalable - Scalable Hyperparameter Selection for LDA [:page_facing_up:](
      • LDA\* - Tencent's hybrid sampler that uses different samplers for different types of documents in combination with an asymmetric parameter server [:page_facing_up:](
      • F+LDA - C++ implementation of F+LDA using an appropriately modified Fenwick tree [:page_facing_up:](
      • GS-LDA-BIDMach - CPU and GPU-accelerated Scala implementation using Gibbs sampling
      • VB-LDA-BIDMach - CPU and GPU-accelerated Scala implementation using online variational Bayes inference
      • SparseLDA - Java algorithm and data structure for evaluating Gibbs sampling distributions used in Mallet [:page_facing_up:](
      • SaberLDA - GPU-based system that implements a sparsity-aware algorithm to achieve sublinear time complexity
      • CVBLDA-TopicModel4J - Java implementation using collapsed variational Bayesian (CVB) inference [:page_facing_up:](
    • Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (HDP) [:page_facing_up:](

      • hca - C implementation using Gibbs sampling with/without burstiness modelling
      • bnp - Cython reimplementation based on *online-hdp* following scikit-learn's API.
      • tomotopy - Python extension for C++ implementation using Gibbs sampling [:page_facing_up:](
      • Mallet - Java-based package for topic modeling using Gibbs sampling
      • TopicModel4J - Java implementation using Gibbs sampling based on Chinese restaurant franchise metaphor
      • gensim - Python implementation using online variational inference [:page_facing_up:](
      • Scalable HDP - interesting paper
    • Hierarchical LDA (hLDA) [:page_facing_up:](

      • hlda - Python package based on *Mallet's* Gibbs sampler having a fixed depth on the nCRP tree
      • Mallet - Java implementation using Gibbs sampling
    • Dynamic Topic Model (DTM) [:page_facing_up:](

      • FastDTM - Scalable C++ implementation using Gibbs sampling with Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics (MCMC-based) [:page_facing_up:](
      • ldaseqmodel-gensim - Python implementation using online variational inference [:page_facing_up:](
      • tca - C implementation using Gibbs sampling with/without burstiness modelling [:page_facing_up:](
    • Miscellaneous topic models

      • BigTopicModel - C++ engine for running large-scale MedLDA models [:page_facing_up:](
      • YWWTools - Java-based package for various topic models by Weiwei Yang
      • trLDA - Python implementation of streaming LDA based on trust-regions [:page_facing_up:](
      • Logistic LDA - Tensorflow implementation of Discriminative Topic Modeling with Logistic LDA [:page_facing_up:](
      • EnsTop - Python implementation of *ENS*emble *TOP*ic modelling with pLSA
      • discLDA - C++ implementation of discLDA based on GibbsLDA++ [:page_facing_up:](
      • GuidedLDA - Python implementation that can be guided by setting some seed words per topic (using Gibbs sampling) [:page_facing_up:](
      • seededLDA - R package that implements seeded-LDA for semi-supervised topic modeling
      • keyATM - R package for Keyword Assisted Topic Models.
      • BayesPA - Python interface for streaming implementation of MedLDA, maximum entropy discrimination LDA (max-margin supervised topic model) [:page_facing_up:](
      • DAPPER - Python implementation of Dynamic Author Persona (DAP) topic model [:page_facing_up:](
      • ToT - Python implementation of Topics Over Time (A Non-Markov Continuous-Time Model of Topical Trends) [:page_facing_up:](
      • MLTM - C implementation of multilabel topic model (MLTM) [:page_facing_up:](
      • Entropy-Based Topic Modeling - Java implementation of Entropy-Based Topic Modeling on Multiple Domain-Specific Text Collections
      • Dual-Sparse Topic Model - implemented in TopicModel4J using collapsed variational Bayes inference [:page_facing_up:](
      • sailing-pmls - Parallel LDA and medLDA implementation
      • sequence-models - Java implementation of block HMM and the mixed membership Markov model (M4)
    • Embedding based Topic Models

      • D-ETM - Dynamic Embedded Topic Model [:page_facing_up:](
      • BERTopic - BERTopic supports guided, (semi-) supervised, and dynamic topic modeling and visualization [:page_facing_up:](
      • CTM - CTMs combine contextualized embeddings (e.g., BERT) with topic models
      • ETM - Embedded Topic Model [:page_facing_up:](
      • ProdLDA - Original TensorFlow implementation of Autoencoding Variational Inference (AEVI) for Topic Models [:page_facing_up:](
      • pytorch-ProdLDA - PyTorch implementation of ProdLDA [:page_facing_up:](
      • CatE - Discriminative Topic Mining via Category-Name Guided Text Embedding [:page_facing_up:](
      • Top2Vec - Python implementation that learns jointly embedded topic, document and word vectors [:page_facing_up:](
      • G-LDA - Java implementation of Gaussian LDA using word embeddings [:page_facing_up:](
      • MetaLDA - Java implementation using Gibbs sampling that leverages document metadata and word embeddings [:page_facing_up:](
      • LFTM - Java implementation of latent feature topic models (improving LDA and DMM with word embeddings) [:page_facing_up:](
      • CorEx - Recover latent factors with Correlation Explanation (CorEx) [:page_facing_up:](
      • Anchored CorEx - Hierarchical Topic Modeling with Minimal Domain Knowledge [:page_facing_up:](
      • Linear CorEx - Latent Factor Models Based on Linear Total CorEx [:page_facing_up:](
      • lda2vec - Mixing dirichlet topic models and word embeddings to make lda2vec [:page_facing_up:](
      • lda2vec-pytorch - PyTorch implementation of lda2vec
      • MG-LDA - Python implementation of (Multi-lingual) Gaussian LDA [:page_facing_up:](
    • Labeled Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LLDA, Labeled-LDA, L-LDA) [:page_facing_up:](

      • topbox - Python wrapper for labeled LDA implementation of *Stanford TMT*
      • Labeled-LDA-Python - Python implementation (easy to use, does not scale)
      • JGibbLabeledLDA - Java implementation based on the popular [JGibbLDA]( package
      • Mallet - Java implementation using Gibbs sampling [:page_facing_up:](
      • gensims_mallet_wrapper - Python wrapper for Mallet using gensim interface
    • Supervised LDA (sLDA) [:page_facing_up:](

      • slda - Cython implementation of Gibbs sampling for LDA and various sLDA variants
    • Exotic models

      • PTM - Prescription Topic Model for Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions [:page_facing_up:]( (interesting benchmark models)
      • TEM - Topic Expertise Model [:page_facing_up:](
      • KGE-LDA - Knowledge Graph Embedding LDA [:page_facing_up:](
      • LDA-SP - A Latent Dirichlet Allocation Method for Selectional Preferences [:page_facing_up:](
      • LDA+FFT - LDA and FFTs (Fast and Frugal Trees) for better comprehensibility [:page_facing_up:](
    • Relational Topic Model (RTM)

      • Constrained-RTM - Java implementation of Contrained RTM [:page_facing_up:](
    • Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF or NNMF)

      • scikit-learn - Python implementation using a [coordinate descent]( or a [multiplicative update]( solver
      • gensim - Python implementation of [online NMF](
      • BIDMach - CPU and GPU-accelerated Scala implementation with L2 loss
    • Author-topic Model (ATM) [:page_facing_up:](

      • gensim - Python implementation with online training (constant in memory w.r.t. the number of documents)
  • Libraries & Toolkits

    • scikit-learn - Python library for machine learning ![GitHub Repo stars](
    • OCTIS - Python package to integrate, optimize and evaluate topic models ![GitHub Repo stars](
    • tmtoolkit - Python topic modeling toolkit with parallel processing power ![GitHub Repo stars](
    • BIDMach - CPU and GPU-accelerated machine learning library ![GitHub Repo stars](
    • BigARTM - Fast topic modeling platform ![GitHub Repo stars](
    • TopicNet - A high-level Python interface for BigARTM library ![GitHub Repo stars](
    • RMallet - R package to interface with the Java machine learning tool MALLET ![GitHub Repo stars](
    • R-lda - R package for topic modelling (LDA, sLDA, corrLDA, etc.) ![GitHub Repo stars](
    • topicmodels - R package with interface to C code for LDA and CTM ![GitHub Repo stars](
    • lda++ - C++ library for LDA and (fast) supervised LDA (sLDA/fsLDA) using variational inference ![GitHub Repo stars](
    • stm - R package for the Structural Topic Model ![GitHub Repo stars](
    • gensim - Python library for topic modelling ![GitHub Repo stars](
  • Research Implementations

    • Embedding based Topic Models

      • hLDA - C implementation of hierarchical LDA by David Blei
      • ctm-c - C implementation of the correlated topic model by David Blei
      • sLDA - C++ implementation of supervised topic models with a categorical response.
      • lda-c - C implementation using variational EM by David Blei
      • onlineldavb - Python online variational Bayes implementation by Matthew Hoffman [:page_facing_up:](
      • HDP - C++ implementation of hierarchical Dirichlet processes by Chong Wang
      • online-hdp - Python implementation of online hierarchical Dirichlet processes by Chong Wang
      • ctr - C++ implementation of collaborative topic models by Chong Wang
      • dtm - C implementation of dynamic topic models by David Blei & Sean Gerrish
      • diln - C implementation of Discrete Infinite Logistic Normal (with HDP option) by John Paisley
      • turbotopics - Python implementation that finds significant multiword phrases in topics by David Blei
      • LDAGibbs - Java implementation of LDA using Gibbs sampling by Liu Yang
      • cvbLDA - Python C extension implementation of collapsed variational Bayesian inference for LDA
      • fast - A Fast And Scalable Topic-Modeling Toolbox (Fast-LDA, CVB0) by Arthur Asuncion and colleagues [:page_facing_up:](
    • Embedding based Topic Models

      • Matlab Topic Modeling Toolbox - Matlab implementations of LDA, ATM, HMM-LDA, LDA-COL (Collocation) models by Mark Steyvers and Tom Griffiths
      • :fork_and_knife:
      • Mr.LDA - Scalable Topic Modeling using Variational Inference in MapReduce [:page_facing_up:](
      • GibbsLDA++ - C++ implementation using Gibbs sampling [:page_facing_up:](
      • JGibbLDA - Java implementation using Gibbs sampling
      • Stanford Topic Modeling Toolbox - Scala implementation of LDA, labeledLDA, PLDA, PLDP by Daniel Ramage and Evan Rosen
  • Learning Implementations (hopefully easy to understand)

    • Embedding based Topic Models

      • Topic-Model - Python implementation of LDA, Labeled LDA, ATM, Temporal Author-Topic Model using Gibbs sampling
      • topic_models - Python implementation of LSA, PLSA and LDA
  • Probabilistic Programming Languages (PPL) (a.k.a. Build your own Topic Model)

    • Embedding based Topic Models

      • Stan - Platform for statistical modeling and high-performance statistical computation, e.g., [LDA]( [:page_facing_up:](
      • Turing.jl - Julia library for general-purpose probabilistic programming [:page_facing_up:](
      • TFP - Probabilistic reasoning and statistical analysis in TensorFlow, e.g., [LDA]( [:page_facing_up:](
      • edward2 - Simple PPL with core utilities in the NumPy and TensorFlow ecosystem [:page_facing_up:](
      • pyro - PPL built on PyTorch, e.g., [prodLDA]( [:page_facing_up:](
      • edward - A PPL built on TensorFlow, e.g., [LDA]( [:page_facing_up:](
      • ZhuSuan - A PPL for Bayesian deep learning, generative models, built on Tensorflow, e.g., [LDA]( [:page_facing_up:](
  • Visualizations

    • Embedding based Topic Models

      • LDAvis - R package for interactive topic model visualization
      • pyLDAvis - Python library for interactive topic model visualization
      • scalaLDAvis - Scala port of pyLDAvis
      • dtmvisual - Python package for visualizing DTM (trained with gensim)
      • TMVE online - Online Django variant of topic model visualization engine (*TMVE*)
      • TMVE - Original topic model visualization engine (LDA trained with *lda-c*) [:page_facing_up:](
      • wordcloud - Python package for visualizing topics via word_cloud
      • Mallet-GUI - GUI for creating and analyzing topic models produced by MALLET
      • TWiC - Topic Words in Context is a highly-interactive, browser-based visualization for MALLET topic models
      • dfr-browser - Explore Mallet's topic models of texts in a web browser
      • Termite - Explore topic models using term-topic matrix, group-in-a-box visualization or scatter plot.
      • Topics - Python library for topic modeling and visualization
      • TopicsExplorer - Explore your own text collection with a topic model – without prior knowledge [:page_facing_up:](
      • topicApp - A Simple Shiny App for Topic Modeling
      • stminsights - A Shiny Application for Inspecting Structural Topic Models
      • topicmodel-lib - Python wrapper for TMVE for visualizing LDA (trained with topicmodel-lib)
  • Dirichlet hyperparameter optimization techniques

  • Resources

    • Embedding based Topic Models

      • David Blei - David Blei's Homepage with introductory materials