
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

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A curated list of my GitHub stars!

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  • JavaScript

    • ProjectPremi - ABANDONED
    • d3-timeline - A simple D3 Timeline chart
    • thal - Getting started with Puppeteer and Chrome Headless for Web Scraping
    • autoprefixer - Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules by Can I Use
    • offside - Minimal JavaScript kit without library dependencies to push things off-canvas using just class manipulation.
    • HEROPebble - Unofficial GoPro App for Pebble smartwatches
    • bundle-buddy - A tool to identify bundle duplication across splits.
    • grabient - UI to generate linear-gradients
    • grunt-githooks - A Grunt plugin to help bind Grunt tasks to Git hooks
    • jsonplaceholder - A simple online fake REST API server
    • slack-channel-cleaner - Delete channel messages from slack.
    • ng-notify - A simple, lightweight module for displaying notifications in your AngularJS app.
    • angular-hotkeys - Configuration-centric keyboard shortcuts for your Angular apps.
    • SmarTo - SmarTo - Check the toilet availability from the comfort of your PC!
    • angular-web-notification - Web Notifications AngularJS Service
    • forge - A native implementation of TLS in Javascript and tools to write crypto-based and network-heavy webapps
    • vivus - JavaScript library to make drawing animation on SVG
    • onoff - GPIO access and interrupt detection with Node.js
    • karma-browserify - A fast Browserify integration for Karma that handles large projects with ease
    • generator-angular-fullstack - Yeoman generator for AngularJS with an Express server
    • raml-cop - Command line RAML validator
    • dasher - A simple way to bridge your Amazon Dash buttons to HTTP services
    • raml-mockup - Express-based mocking service for RAML development
    • lite-server - Lightweight node server
    • angular-loading-bar - A fully automatic loading / progress bar for your angular apps.
    • anime - JavaScript Animation Engine
    • insights - A JavaScript library to visualize and navigate graphs
    • angularMultipleSelect - A complete Angularjs directive for multiple select autocomplete
    • - angular select
    • casperjs - Navigation scripting and testing utility for PhantomJS and SlimerJS
    • ng-table-to-csv - Export data from ngTable to CSV
    • ng-file-upload - Lightweight Angular directive to upload files with optional FileAPI shim for cross browser support
    • clay - Pebble Config Framework
    • pebblejs - Program the Pebble with simply JavaScript
    • systemjs - Dynamic ES module loader
    • angular-counter - An AngularJS directive to animate number increment/decrement.
    • PhotoSwipe - JavaScript image gallery for mobile and desktop, modular, framework independent
    • ScrollMagic - The javascript library for magical scroll interactions.
    • angular-strap - AngularJS 1.2+ native directives for Bootstrap 3.
    • grunt-prompt - Add interactive UI to your Gruntfile such as lists, checkboxes, text input with filtering, and password fields, all on the command line.
    • RichFilemanager - An open-source file manager. Up-to-date for PHP, Java, ASHX, ASP, NodeJs & Python 3 Flask. Contributions are welcome!
    • raml2html - RAML to HTML documentation generator.
    • angular-tree-control - Angular JS Tree
    • angular-ui-tree - A tree component for AngularJS, without jQuery as dependency.
    • angular-ui-tree-filter - A module providing an AngularJS filter which can be used with angular-ui-tree to match tree nodes.
    • ocLazyLoad - Lazy load modules & components in AngularJS
    • bootstrap-ui-datetime-picker - AngularJs directive to allow use of the bootstrap UI date/time pickers in a single dropdown
    • angular-formly - JavaScript powered forms for AngularJS
    • ui-ace - This directive allows you to add ACE editor elements.
    • anti-adblock-killer - Anti-Adblock Killer helps you keep your Ad-Blocker active, when you visit a website and it asks you to disable.
    • download - file downloading using client-side javascript
    • flickity - :leaves: Touch, responsive, flickable carousels
    • slick - the last carousel you'll ever need
    • angular-file-upload - Angular File Upload is a module for the AngularJS framework
    • fine-uploader - Multiple file upload plugin with image previews, drag and drop, progress bars. S3 and Azure support, image scaling, form support, chunking, resume, pause, and tons of other features.
    • angular-test-patterns - A High-Quality Guide for Testing Angular 1.x
    • Leaflet - :leaves: JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps
    • mm.angular-fullpage.js - Angular directive for use the jQuery fullPage.js library on Angular.js v1.x
    • angular-nvd3 - AngularJS directive for NVD3 reusable charting library (based on D3). Easily customize your charts via JSON API.
    • spring-mvc-angularjs-sample-app - A sample AngularJs /Spring MVC app
    • Wakerino - Wakerino is a web application built to improve time tracking management for programmers.
    • node-mongoskin - The wrapper for node-mongodb-native.
    • gif-maker
    • Datejs - A JavaScript Date and Time Library
    • monk - The wise MongoDB API
    • mean-stack-registration-login-example - MEAN Stack User Registration and Login Example Application
    • fullPage.js - fullPage plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create full screen pages fast and simple
    • Trender - A system that allows to trace the necessary dependencies during the software production.
    • barba.js - Create badass, fluid and smooth transition between your website's pages.
    • tiny-care-terminal - πŸ’–πŸ’» A little dashboard that tries to take care of you when you're using your terminal.
    • Premi - Didactic project of Software Engineering course held in UniversitΓ  degli Studi di Padova during Academic Year 2014-2015 proposed by Zucchetti S.p.a.
    • puppeteer - Headless Chrome Node API
    • mojs - motion graphics toolbelt for the web
    • RichFilemanager - An open-source file manager. Up-to-date for PHP, Java, ASHX, ASP, NodeJs & Python 3 Flask. Contributions are welcome!
    • angular-tree-control - Angular JS Tree
  • Others

  • TypeScript

    • angular2-express - This is a sample Angular 2 / Express development only environment
    • tbs-ui - Toilet Booking System UI
    • angular-svg-round-progressbar - Angular module that uses SVG to create a circular progressbar
    • smooth-scrollbar - Customizable, Pluginable, and High Performance Scrollbars!
    • chromeless - πŸ–₯ Chrome automation made simple. Runs locally or headless on AWS Lambda.
    • flatpickr - lightweight and powerful datetimepicker with no dependencies
  • C

  • CSS

    • Skeleton - Skeleton: A Dead Simple, Responsive Boilerplate for Mobile-Friendly Development
    • ng-spin - :alarm_clock: $http interceptor spinner for angular.js
    • offline - Automatically display online/offline indication to your users
    • SpamDocs
    • edition-jekyll-template - :books: Product documentation template for Jekyll
    • hackathon-starter - A boilerplate for Node.js web applications
    • AnimateTransition - Library for transition animations between blocks (pages) in the application.
    • todc-bootstrap - Google-styled theme for Bootstrap.
    • datetimeRangePicker - An angular directive that includes a Datepicker and a time range picker
    • slate - [Deprecated] Front-end framework for developing Pebble mobile configuration pages.
    • Memoface - Pebble watch face that allows you to quickly glance a note
    • pace - Automatically add a progress bar to your site. #hubspot-open-source
  • HTML

  • Perl

    • xSwipe - Multitouch gestures with synaptics dirver on X11, Linux
  • Python

    • slack-cleaner - :speech_balloon: Bulk delete messages and files on Slack
    • starred - creating your own Awesome List used GitHub stars!
    • packtpub-crawler - Download your daily free Packt Publishing eBook
  • Ruby

    • public-apis - A collective list of public JSON APIs for use in web development.
    • jekyll - :globe_with_meridians: Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby
  • Shell

    • prezto - The configuration framework for Zsh
    • PiCAST - PiCAST turns your $35 Raspberry Pi in to a Chromecast like Device.
    • distributions - NodeSource Node.js Binary Distributions