
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

[CVPR 2022 Oral] Official repository for "MAXIM: Multi-Axis MLP for Image Processing". SOTA for denoising, deblurring, deraining, dehazing, and enhancement.

architecture computer-vision deblurring dehazing denoising deraining enhancement image image-enhancement image-processing image-restoration low-level-vision mlp restoration retouching transformer

Last synced: 13 Apr 2024

Entity Component System with network support (for haxe)

architecture entity-component-system game-development multiplayer networking

Last synced: 12 Apr 2024

A list of interesting conference talks and great videos about PHP(Frameworks, Testing, Architecture, Deployment)

afup-php architecture conference-talk microservice php

Last synced: 11 Apr 2024

A curated list of awesome software, libraries, resources and shiny things used in the architecture industry


Last synced: 11 Apr 2024

Detect flaws in your architecture, before they drag you down into the depths of dependency hell ...

architecture php php-parser trace

Last synced: 11 Apr 2024

Java 8 starter application with example of using Vert.X framework, Gradle build system, profiles configuration and SLF4J

architecture gradle java sample starter starter-template vertx vertx-web

Last synced: 10 Apr 2024

"What's your Architecture?" is a series of architecture and design challenges to voice out the opinions of the TechPrimers community members.

architecture microservices system-design system-design-project system-design-questions

Last synced: 10 Apr 2024

A library for data warehouse and data integration pattern and architecture documentation.

architecture data-warehouses datawarehouse design etl etl-control etl-processes patterns solution

Last synced: 10 Apr 2024

A curated collection of useful BIM (Building Information Modeling) resources, libraries, software and frameworks for AEC research, application development, data analysis, and general computation.

aec architecture autodesk autodesk-forge bim bim-applications bim360 csharp design design-computation python resources revit revit-addins revit-api template tutorial

Last synced: 10 Apr 2024

Your ultimate Go microservices framework for the cloud-native era.

architecture cloud-native framework generate go golang grpc http kratos microservice microservices protobuf

Last synced: 09 Apr 2024

A quasi catalog of my mind

architecture awesome-list brain-dump devops lousy-list

Last synced: 09 Apr 2024

🍁 Generate infrastructure and network diagrams directly from your NixOS configurations

architecture diagram diagram-generator flake nix nix-flake nixos topology

Last synced: 09 Apr 2024

A NodeJs Skeleton based in Clean Architecture to use TypeScript with ExpressJS, KoaJS or any other web server framework. Please give star to project to show respect to author and effort. 🤗

architecture clean-architecture clean-code cli design-patterns easy-to-use expressjs injection-container koajs microservice monorepo nodejs scaffolding scalable solid stories template typescript unittest workers

Last synced: 08 Apr 2024

Generate diagrams for your cloud architecture using code

architecture cloud diagram diagram-generator diagrams-as-code

Last synced: 08 Apr 2024

DimeNet and DimeNet++ models, as proposed in "Directional Message Passing for Molecular Graphs" (ICLR 2020) and "Fast and Uncertainty-Aware Directional Message Passing for Non-Equilibrium Molecules" (NeurIPS-W 2020)

architecture paper pretrained-models

Last synced: 08 Apr 2024

Um laboratório experimental baseado no wikihouse

3d-printing architecture makerspace wikihouse

Last synced: 08 Apr 2024

Demo / Sample Android Project created with Jetpack Compose and Orbit MVI

android architecture jetpack-compose mvi mvi-android oribit-mvi pokedex pokedex-application sample

Last synced: 08 Apr 2024

:red_circle: An example of a live broadcast system using microservice concepts and architected with docker.

api-rest architecture docker docker-compose grpc livestream microservices nestjs nodejs peerjs postgres queue rabbitmq reactjs socket-io streaming streaming-video webrtc webrtc-video

Last synced: 08 Apr 2024

Gradle plugin to create a clean application in Java that already works, It follows our best practices!

architecture gradle java open-source scaffolding

Last synced: 07 Apr 2024

Android class dependency visualizer. This tool helps to visualize the current state of the project.

android android-dependency-visualizer apk apk-dependency-graph architecture decompile dependency-injection smali

Last synced: 07 Apr 2024

Android app built with MVP architectural approach and uses Marvel Comics API that allows developers everywhere to access information about Marvel's vast library of comics. :zap:

android architectural architecture comics data-binding espresso java marvel model-view-presenter mvp mvp-architecture

Last synced: 06 Apr 2024

Command-line tools for working with Architecture Decision Records

architecture architecture-decision-records documentation markdown

Last synced: 06 Apr 2024

A simple Javascript library to build any SPA(Single Page Application) web application in a new way(component-based architecture + all uncoupled components).

architecture component component-architecture component-based css html javascript js js-library library pattern single-page-app single-page-application spa

Last synced: 05 Apr 2024

Simple Swift project applying concepts inspired on the Clean Architecture

architecture clean-architecture ios swift

Last synced: 03 Apr 2024

Three different architectures (Model-View, Redux, MVVM) for using SwiftUI implemented at the example of a chat app

architectural-patterns architecture ios ios-swift ios-ui model-view redux swift swiftui swiftui-example swiftui-mvvm

Last synced: 03 Apr 2024

🏛 Functional Architecture in Swift using Bow

architecture bow fp functional-programming hacktoberfest swift swift-package

Last synced: 03 Apr 2024

Build workflows, activities, BPMN like processes, or state machines with PVM.

activity architecture bpmn bpmn-engine business-process-management php process-virtual-machine state-machine state-management workflow workflow-engine

Last synced: 03 Apr 2024

Cloud Architecture Graphs for Humans

architecture cloud-native d3 graph microservices network

Last synced: 01 Apr 2024

Intelligent enterprise-grade reference architecture for JavaScript, featuring OpenAI integration, Azure Developer CLI template and Playwright tests.

angular architecture azd-templates azure azureopenai cloud javascript next nodejs playwright rag serverless strapi stripe

Last synced: 01 Apr 2024

Complete catalog of all classical patterns in the Archimate language

archimate-language architecture book ddd ddd-architecture ddd-patterns diagram domain-driven-design patterns

Last synced: 01 Apr 2024

The Open Architecture Playbook. Use it to create better and faster (IT)Architectures. OSS Tools, templates and more for solving IT problems using real open architecture tools that work!

architecture design-tools

Last synced: 01 Apr 2024

Management of application landscapes for teams

alm application-landscapes architecture diagram graph infrastructure landscape

Last synced: 01 Apr 2024

Beauty and the Mess - “Performance of the system depends on how the parts fit, not how they act taken separately.”

architecture computing-history cto sociotechnical systems-design

Last synced: 31 Mar 2024

Architectural pattern for writing dynamic smart contracts in Solidity.

architecture smart-contracts solidity

Last synced: 31 Mar 2024

the one and the only

architecture book viper

Last synced: 31 Mar 2024

A list of resources we at flyeralarm use to get new developers up and running

algorithms architecture best-practices cqrs culture grafana hacktoberfest influxdb javascript onboarding php

Last synced: 30 Mar 2024

A curated and opinionated list of resources for Chief Technology Officers, with the emphasis on startups

architecture awesome awesome-list cto decision-making engineering-management hiring interviewing leadership management principles roadmap software-engineering startups

Last synced: 30 Mar 2024

A collection of 3 lambda functions that are invoked by Amazon S3 or Amazon API Gateway to analyze uploaded images with Amazon Rekognition and save picture labels to ElasticSearch (written in Kotlin)

amazon-api-gateway amazon-cognito amazon-rekognition architecture aws aws-apigateway aws-lambda aws-s3 elasticsearch jwt kotlin kotlin-language lambda-functions picture s3-storage serverless serverless-photo-recognition

Last synced: 30 Mar 2024

A web api for social network application built with ASP.NET Core.

architecture aspnet-core cqrs ddd domain-driven-design mediatr patterns usecase

Last synced: 24 Mar 2024

A dependency management library inspired by SwiftUI's "environment."

architecture dependency-injection dependency-management swift

Last synced: 24 Mar 2024

✍️ Generates TCA components using XCTemplate

architecture composable ios swift tca xctemplate

Last synced: 24 Mar 2024

Compose native apps without a code using JSON and load them as NSBundle into another app dynamicly from local or remote locations.

architecture bindings cocoa mvc swift

Last synced: 24 Mar 2024

High level architecture overview

architecture documentation internals rabbitmq

Last synced: 24 Mar 2024

🎙 An event based library for architecting user output for multiple output destinations, in Rust

architecture architecture-components crate event hacktoberfest handler library output rust stdout ui user

Last synced: 23 Mar 2024

Proposals for future Firefox browser architecture

architecture firefox gecko

Last synced: 23 Mar 2024

Algorithms and Data Structures in Java

alogorithms architecture datastructures system-design

Last synced: 23 Mar 2024

distributed transaction service based on reliable msg,基于可靠消息的柔性分布式事务实现方案。

architecture consistency distributed-systems microservice transaction

Last synced: 22 Mar 2024

Links to excellent videos, articles, blogs, etc. on microservices architecture

architecture envoy microservice microservices-architecture microservices-resources monolith sidecar

Last synced: 22 Mar 2024

Rest-full, Hipermedia-based distributed application. Spring boot & cloud. Angular. CQRS. Eventsourcing. Axonframework. Microservices. Docker. CloudFoundry

architecture aws axon axon-framework cloudfoundry cqrs demo docker docker-swarm event-sourcing java microservice spring spring-boot spring-cloud

Last synced: 22 Mar 2024

Star wars sample android project showcasing the use of View components for rendering UI in Fragments and Activities. Uses Android Jetpack, clean architecture with MVI (Uni-directional data flow), dagger hilt, and kotlin coroutines with StateFlow

android android-studio architecture clean-architecture componentization coroutines dagger-hilt flow jetpack jetpack-android kotlin kotlin-coroutines kotlin-gradle-dsl mvi mvi-android mvi-clean-architecture netflix redux redux-store viewmodel

Last synced: 22 Mar 2024

Android Sample Clean Architecture App written in Kotlin

android architecture clean-architecture clean-code kotlin sample testing

Last synced: 22 Mar 2024

💎 Android application following best practices: Kotlin, Coroutines, JetPack, Clean Architecture, Feature Modules, Tests, MVVM, DI, Static Analysis...

android android-application architecture best-practices clean-architecture gradle jetpack kotlin kotlin-coroutines mvvm

Last synced: 21 Mar 2024

Knote is a standard note taking app

architecture coil-image-loader coroutines koin mvvm mvvm-architecture roomdb

Last synced: 21 Mar 2024

The official repository for the gem5 computer-system architecture simulator.

architecture arm modeling open-source risc-v simulation simulator x86

Last synced: 21 Mar 2024


architecture cache database dubbo hashmap-concurrenthashmap java jvm network redis

Last synced: 21 Mar 2024

Zero-cost state-machine library for robust, testable and portable user interfaces (most machines compile ~1-2KB)

architecture automata automaton functional-programming hierarchical-machine javascript library microfrontends portable state-machine state-transducer transducer

Last synced: 21 Mar 2024

Proposed architecture for a Solid server

architecture solid

Last synced: 21 Mar 2024

The website for Arcology Builders, a project for a, a sustainable community home in Detroit.

architecture builders community-land construction-company detroit ecology sustainability

Last synced: 20 Mar 2024

The EasyC4 library is for quick and convenient visualising software architecture in / application using the C4 model approach.

architecture architecture-diagrams architecture-visualization c4 c4-diagrams c4model diagrams-extensions diagrams-visualization diagramsnet drawio software-architecture software-design software-visualization visualization-tools

Last synced: 20 Mar 2024

SwiftUI sample app using Clean Architecture. Examples of working with CoreData persistence, networking, dependency injection, unit testing, and more.

architecture clean-architecture cleanarchitecture coredata demo example-project interactor mvvm mvvm-architecture sample swift swiftui swiftui-example

Last synced: 20 Mar 2024

The Elm Architecture (TEA) for Flutter

architecture flutter mvu redux tea unidirectional-data-flow unidirectional-dataflow

Last synced: 19 Mar 2024

Kotlin Multiplatform Statemachine library with nice DSL based on Flow from Kotlin Coroutine's.

android architecture coroutines kotlin mvi mvi-android

Last synced: 19 Mar 2024

Predictable state management for SwiftUI applications.

architecture combine ios macos reactive redux state state-management swift swiftui xcode

Last synced: 19 Mar 2024

⚡️ A Compose-driven architecture for Kotlin and Android applications.

android architecture compose kotlin mvi udf

Last synced: 18 Mar 2024

Implementation of Coordinators app design pattern.

architecture design-patterns ios-lib swift

Last synced: 18 Mar 2024

public repository for the "architecture improvement method reference"

architecture evolution improvement maintenance method remedies

Last synced: 18 Mar 2024

⚖️ A lightweight Android lifecycle-aware and thread-safe pipeline for communicating between components with custom scopes.

android architecture chamber dataflow kotlin lifecycle-aware scope skydoves

Last synced: 18 Mar 2024

Android architecture components made right

android architecture coroutines mvi mvvm navigation pagination property reactive-programming

Last synced: 18 Mar 2024

A multi-module template library that attempts to make clean arch apps easier to build

android anitrend architecture clean-architecture

Last synced: 18 Mar 2024

Demo app for VIPER design pattern implementation

architecture rxswift swift-3 viper

Last synced: 18 Mar 2024

Configurable API gateway that acts as a reverse proxy with a plugin system.

api api-gateway architecture auth authentication authorization elixir elixir-lang gateway proxy rate-limiting reverse-proxy validation

Last synced: 17 Mar 2024

An implementation of the behavioral composition pattern for Flame. Built by Very Good Ventures 🦄

architecture dart flame flutter flutter-package game-development

Last synced: 16 Mar 2024

A production ready flutter application template for the provider architecture.

architecture boilerplate-front-end dart flutter flutter-demo flutter-examples provider-architecture

Last synced: 16 Mar 2024

This is a home to a family of Elementary library packages.

architecture dart flutter mvvm

Last synced: 16 Mar 2024

This is a modular app architecture that can be scalable as the time passes. I will be using the BLoC state-management package.

architecture bloc dart flutter

Last synced: 16 Mar 2024

Premo helps to implement the presentation layer and share it on Android, iOS, Desktop and Web.

android architecture compose-multiplatform desktop ios jetpack-compose kotlin kotlin-multiplatform mvvm navigation pm presentation-model swiftui

Last synced: 15 Mar 2024