
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Graphwerk is a small Ruby gem that can generate a diagram of dependencies between packages within an application that's using Packwerk to enforce boundaries.

clean-architecture dependencies graphviz packages packwerk rails ruby ruby-on-rails sorbet

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

Blazingly fast, vectorised, parallel, and scalable temporal graph engine for Rust, Python and JavaScript

analytics embeddable-database graph graph-algorithms graph-analysis graph-database graph-theory graphviz python rust temporal-networks time-series

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

import-aware file management and dependency analysis for javascript

analysis dependencies graphviz nodejs

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

Fast, easy Javascript finite state machines with visualizations; enjoy a one liner FSM instead of pages. MIT; Typescripted; 100% test coverage. Implements the FSL language.

dsl finite-state-machine flowtype fsm fsm-library graphviz javascript javascript-library js machine mealy mealy-machine mit-license moore moore-machine state state-machine tested typed typed-js

Last synced: 25 Jun 2024

Graphviz to ASCII converter using Graph::Easy

ascii converter dot graphviz

Last synced: 21 Jun 2024

A Jekyll plugin with support for Blockdiag, Erd, GraphViz, Mermaid, Nomnoml, PlantUML, Svgbob, Syntrax, Vega, Vega-Lite and WaveDrom.

actdiag blockdiag erd graphviz jekyll jekyll-diagrams jekyll-plugin mermaid nwdiag packetdiag plantuml rackdiag seqdiag state-machine-cat vega vega-lite wavedrom

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

Let's Graphviz it online

graphviz tool

Last synced: 19 Jun 2024

hacky way to bundle some edges in networkx and matplotlib

datashader graphviz matplotlib networkx

Last synced: 18 Jun 2024

command line tool for managing personal graphs of anything and writing them to dot

cli dot files graph graphviz local yaml

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

Quickly visualize docker networks with graphviz.

devops-tools docker graph graphviz network-visualization python visualization

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

Uses your app logs to visualize how the data moves between the code, database, HTTP services, message queue, external storages etc.

d3-visualization d3js data-flow database elasticsearch graph graphviz graphviz-dot kibana mysql performance-visualization query sankey-diagram sql sql-logs sus sustainability visualization

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

A quick demo of how to make interactive svg files to show dependencies between projects

cmake cpp dependencies dependency-graph graphviz

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

GraphQL Server schema visualizer

cli graphql graphviz

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

🐙 Octopus - Internal wiki with diagrams for software and product teams

create-react-app firebase graphviz javascript netlify wiki

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024

A Gradle plugin to make builds using Graphviz portable

asciidoctor asciidoctor-diagram gradle graphviz plugin

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

Go-ERD (Entity Relationship Diagrams) for Golang with Graphviz [WIP]

erd golang graphviz

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

Class diagrams based on commit diffs

ctags gitk graphviz uml

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

Graphviz dot generating concurrent lockless web crawler written in Go

concurrent crawler golang graph-generation graphviz lockless svg

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

With this simple API you can simply call GraphViz's dot from your Java programs.

api graphviz java

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

A simple Go library for generating graphs using Graphviz (

binary-tree-visualization golang graphviz

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

Go package for writing descriptions using the Graphviz DOT and Mermaid language

dot graphviz mermaid

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

Go package to create and render graphviz dot graphs

dot go golang graphviz graphviz-dot png render

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

Python interface to Graphviz's Dot language

dot-language graphviz hacktoberfest python

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

This module provides D3js compatible library to parse and load files in graphviz DOT (.dot) (graph description language) format.

d3 d3js d3v4 dot graph-description-language graphviz java9-jigsaw

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

Graphviz web D3.js renderer

animation dot graphviz javascript parse

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

Let's Graphviz it online

graphviz tool

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024

Generates Graphviz image URL that can be used directly on any website without a need to host them on a server

editor graphviz

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024

A set of utilities to work with Powershell Classes

classes graphviz powershell powershell-modules uml

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024

A set of utilities for working with Graphviz in Powershell

graphviz powershell powershell-modules

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024

Diagram generator for Entity-Relationship models and relational schemas.

antlr colab database diagram er graphviz java python schema

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024

Use graphviz with pure java

graphviz java

Last synced: 08 Jun 2024

Visualizing Docker data

docker docker-image go graphviz tree visualization

Last synced: 08 Jun 2024

Cloudbuild pipeline visualizer with graphviz

cloudbuild gcb gcp google-cloud-build graphviz graphviz-dot

Last synced: 06 Jun 2024

Visualize SQLAlchemy Databases using Mermaid or Dot Diagrams.

documentation-tool graphviz mermaid mermaid-diagrams sqlalchemy

Last synced: 06 Jun 2024

Generic Graph Data Structures and Algorithms for .NET

algorithms csharp dotnet graph graphviz msagl quickgraph quikgraph serialization structures

Last synced: 06 Jun 2024

Visualize your Go data structures using graphviz

go golang graphviz visualization

Last synced: 05 Jun 2024

📕 一款桌面端的 Markdown 块级引用和双向链接笔记应用,支持 Windows、Mac 和 Linux。A desktop Markdown Block-Reference and Bidirectional-Link note-taking application, supports Windows, Mac and Linux.

b3log bidirectional-link block-reference gfm graphviz katex markdown mathjax mindmap note-taking notebook vditor webdav

Last synced: 04 Jun 2024

Docker compose graph visualization

docker graphviz

Last synced: 01 Jun 2024

Let's Graphviz it online

graphviz tool

Last synced: 31 May 2024

A library for creating generic graph data structures and modifying, analyzing, and visualizing them.

algorithm graph graph-algorithms graph-theory graph-traversal graph-visualization graphs graphviz visualization

Last synced: 30 May 2024

🧿 Graph visualizer for JIRA ticket dependencies (epics, tasks, statuses, links, and more)

atlassian atlassian-jira chart dependency-graph dependency-tree epic graph graphviz jira jira-api nodes python relationships ticket tree treeview visualization

Last synced: 29 May 2024

Plots family trees using JavaScript and Graphviz

family-tree genealogy graphviz

Last synced: 26 May 2024

python version of lsof to graphviz parser

dot graphviz linux lsof macos python unflatten

Last synced: 26 May 2024

Transform code into a flowchart and experimentally trace the execution path through it

diagram execution-graph flowcharts graphs graphviz ruby visualization

Last synced: 23 May 2024

Pharo Smalltalk GraphViz binding

graphs graphviz pharo pharo-smalltalk smalltalk

Last synced: 20 May 2024

Generate class diagrams from scala source code

diagram graphviz scala

Last synced: 14 May 2024

Automatically generate class diagram from code. Supports Graphviz, PlantUML and Mermaid output formats.

class-diagram graphviz hacktoberfest maven-plugin mermaid plantuml uml uml-diagram uml-diagrams

Last synced: 13 May 2024

RDF by Example: rdfpuml for True RDF Diagrams, rdf2rml for R2RML Generation

graphviz plantuml r2rml r2rml-mapping rdf2rml rdfpuml uml-diagram visualization

Last synced: 13 May 2024

Generate the ERD as a code from dbt artifacts

cli d2 dbml dbt-cloud dbt-core erd graphviz mermaid plantuml python-api

Last synced: 13 May 2024

3D force-directed graph component in VR

3d aframe d3js data-visualization graph-theory graphviz vr webgl

Last synced: 12 May 2024

A vscode extension to make your vscode become a full-featured WYSIWYG markdown editor

echarts graphviz katex katex-support markdown markdown-editor marktext mathjax mermaid music-notion typora vditor vscode vscode-extension wysiwyg

Last synced: 11 May 2024

A CLI tool to visualize GraphQL schemas and to output a graph data structure as a graphviz .dot format

cli devops graph graphql graphviz graphviz-dot rust rustlang schema schemas terminal visualization

Last synced: 11 May 2024

Create graphs from your CommonJS, AMD or ES6 module dependencies

amd commonjs dependencies es6 graph graphviz less madge sass stylus

Last synced: 10 May 2024

:hourglass: Convert Markdown timeline to Graphviz DOT

d3 graphviz javascript ruby timeline

Last synced: 10 May 2024

Graphviz in your browser

dot emscripten graphviz javascript

Last synced: 09 May 2024

Graphviz DOT rendering and animated transitions using D3

animated-transitions d3 d3-module d3v4 dot graph-layout graphviz graphviz-dot javascript

Last synced: 09 May 2024

C4-PlantUML combines the benefits of PlantUML and the C4 model for providing a simple way of describing and communicate software architectures

architecture c4 c4model diagram graphviz plantuml uml

Last synced: 09 May 2024

Interactive viewer for graphs written in Graphviz's dot language.

graphviz gtk python xdot

Last synced: 08 May 2024

🛰️ Represent any GraphQL API as an interactive graph

api-documentation graphql graphql-tools graphviz visualization

Last synced: 07 May 2024

A command line tool to create a graph representing your Ansible playbook tasks and roles

ansible ansible-playbook ansible-role grapher graphviz playbook python

Last synced: 07 May 2024

ipywidgets library for drawing directed acyclic graphs in jupyterlab using dagre-d3

d3 dagre dagre-d3 graph graphviz ipywidget ipywidgets jupyter jupyterlab jupyterlab-extension python

Last synced: 06 May 2024

Converts 'go mod graph' output into Graphviz's DOT language

dependencies golang graphviz viewer

Last synced: 05 May 2024

Parses the Graphviz DOT language in golang

go golang graphviz graphviz-dot-language parse

Last synced: 04 May 2024

An elementary OS app

graphviz vala

Last synced: 03 May 2024

Visualize call graph of a Go program using Graphviz

awesome-go callgraph golang golang-tools graphviz static-analysis visualization

Last synced: 30 Apr 2024

:art: Diagram as Code for prototyping cloud system architectures

architecture diagram diagram-as-code graphviz

Last synced: 28 Apr 2024

Graphing all possibilities in the Netflix Black Mirror episode, "Bandersnatch"

graphviz netflix

Last synced: 27 Apr 2024

Turn asterisk-indented text lines into mind maps

commandline golang graphviz mindmaps text-to-image

Last synced: 25 Apr 2024

Create graphs of Erlang systems and programs

erlang graphviz

Last synced: 22 Apr 2024

Making graphs for yEd

graph-drawing graphviz python yed

Last synced: 22 Apr 2024

PlantUML sprites, macros, and other includes for AWS components.

aws diagram graphviz plantuml uml

Last synced: 20 Apr 2024

presentations as code - author cool slide decks, text-only, offline-ready, collaborative

ascii-art asciinema decktape ditaa graphviz markdown markdown-to-html mathjax pandoc pandoc-filter plantuml presentation revealjs slide-deck vega-lite

Last synced: 19 Apr 2024

RBAC in Kubernetes visualizer

graphviz kubernetes rbac visualization

Last synced: 17 Apr 2024

transforming your .proto files into .dot files (and .svg, .png if you happen to have graphviz installed)

cli dependency-graph dot go golang graph graphviz graphviz-dot-language grpc png portable-network-graphics proto3 protobuf protoc protocol-buffers scalable-vector-graphics svg visualization

Last synced: 17 Apr 2024

Graphviz in your browser

dot emscripten graphviz javascript

Last synced: 15 Apr 2024

JavaScript app for displaying annotated network graphs based on data from LittleSis

graph-editor graphviz javascript network-graph react visualization

Last synced: 15 Apr 2024

Fast in-memory graph structure, powering Gephi

analysis gephi graph graphviz java network

Last synced: 15 Apr 2024

Kaitai Struct: declarative language to generate binary data parsers in C++ / C# / Go / Java / JavaScript / Lua / Nim / Perl / PHP / Python / Ruby

c-plus-plus cpp csharp declarative-language file-format go golang graphviz java javascript lua nim perl php protocol-analyser python reverse-engineering ruby

Last synced: 14 Apr 2024

A mix task for generating Entity Relationship Diagram from Ecto schemas available in your project.

dbml ecto elixir erd graphviz mermaid plantuml uml

Last synced: 13 Apr 2024

I've demonstrated the working of the decision tree-based ID3 algorithm. Use an appropriate data set for building the decision tree and apply this knowledge to classify a new sample. All the steps have been explained in detail with graphics for better understanding.

cart-algorithm decision-tree decision-tree-algorithm decision-tree-classification decision-tree-classifier decision-tree-id3 decision-tree-playgolf dtreeviz graphviz id3-algorithm iris-classification python-decision-tree python-decisiontreeclassifier python-tutorial-github python-tutorial-notebook python4beginner python4datascience python4everybody random-forest tutor-milaan9

Last synced: 13 Apr 2024

A multi-language tool which parses source code for function definitions and calls

basic call-graph callgraph fortran golang graphviz javascript julia kotlin lua matlab perl php python r rakulang ruby rust-lang swift tcl

Last synced: 12 Apr 2024

Interactive visualizations of Terraform dependency graphs using d3.js

diagram graphviz interactive-visualizations terraform

Last synced: 10 Apr 2024