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TensorFlow - A curated list of dedicated resources. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴

Last synced: 4 days ago
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  • Libraries

    • TensorForce - TensorForce: A TensorFlow library for applied reinforcement learning
    • tensorpack - Neural Network Toolbox on TensorFlow focusing on training speed and on large datasets.
    • Lattice - Implementation of Monotonic Calibrated Interpolated Look-Up Tables in TensorFlow
    • tensorflow.rb - TensorFlow native interface for ruby using SWIG
    • tflearn - Deep learning library featuring a higher-level API
    • TensorLayer - Deep learning and reinforcement learning library for researchers and engineers
    • TensorFlow-Slim - High-level library for defining models
    • TensorFlowOnSpark - initiative from Yahoo! to enable distributed TensorFlow with Apache Spark.
    • caffe-tensorflow - Convert Caffe models to TensorFlow format
    • SyntaxNet: Neural Models of Syntax - A TensorFlow implementation of the models described in [Globally Normalized Transition-Based Neural Networks, Andor et al. (2016)](
    • keras-js - Run Keras models (tensorflow backend) in the browser, with GPU support
    • NNFlow - Simple framework allowing to read-in ROOT NTuples by converting them to a Numpy array and then use them in Google Tensorflow.
    • tf-encrypted - Layer on top of TensorFlow for doing machine learning on encrypted data
    • gluon2keras - Convert Gluon models to Keras (with TensorFlow backend) format
    • StellarGraph - Machine Learning on Graphs, a Python library for machine learning on graph-structured (network-structured) data.
    • DeepBay - High-Level Keras Complement for implement common architectures stacks, served as easy to use plug-n-play modules
    • TensorLayerX - TensorLayerX: A Unified Deep Learning Framework for All Hardwares, Backends and OS, including TensorFlow.
    • TensorFrames - TensorFlow binding for Apache Spark
    • Sonnet - Sonnet is DeepMind's library built on top of TensorFlow for building complex neural networks.
    • pytorch2keras - Convert PyTorch models to Keras (with TensorFlow backend) format
  • Models/Projects

    • DAGAN - Fast Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction
    • Neural Caption Generator with Attention - Implementation of ["Show, Attend and Tell"](
    • DAGGER - For Playing <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;410⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;163🍴</code></b> [Gym Torcs](
    • Tensorflow-Project-Template - A simple and well-designed template for your tensorflow project.
    • Neural Style
    • SRGAN - Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network
    • Pretty Tensor - Pretty Tensor provides a high level builder API
    • Neural Style - An implementation of neural style
    • AlexNet3D - An implementations of AlexNet3D. Simple AlexNet model but with 3D convolutional layers (conv3d).
    • TensorFlow White Paper Notes - Annotated notes and summaries of the TensorFlow white paper, along with SVG figures and links to documentation
    • NeuralArt - Implementation of A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style
    • Generative Handwriting Demo using TensorFlow - An attempt to implement the random handwriting generation portion of Alex Graves' paper
    • Neural Turing Machine in TensorFlow - implementation of Neural Turing Machine
    • GoogleNet Convolutional Neural Network Groups Movie Scenes By Setting - Search, filter, and describe videos based on objects, places, and other things that appear in them
    • Neural machine translation between the writings of Shakespeare and modern English using TensorFlow - This performs a monolingual translation, going from modern English to Shakespeare and vice-versa.
    • Chatbot - Implementation of ["A neural conversational model"](
    • Seq2seq-Chatbot - Chatbot in 200 lines of code
    • DCGAN - Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks
    • GAN-CLS - Generative Adversarial Text to Image Synthesis
    • im2im - Unsupervised Image to Image Translation with Generative Adversarial Networks
    • Improved CycleGAN - Unpaired Image to Image Translation
    • Colornet - Neural Network to colorize grayscale images - Neural Network to colorize grayscale images
    • Weakly_detector - Implementation of ["Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization"](
    • Dynamic Capacity Networks - Implementation of ["Dynamic Capacity Networks"](
    • HMM in TensorFlow - Implementation of viterbi and forward/backward algorithms for HMM
    • DeepOSM - Train TensorFlow neural nets with OpenStreetMap features and satellite imagery.
    • DQN-tensorflow - TensorFlow implementation of DeepMind's 'Human-Level Control through Deep Reinforcement Learning' with OpenAI Gym by
    • Policy Gradient - For Playing Atari Ping Pong
    • Deep Q-Network - For Playing Frozen Lake Game
    • AC - Actor Critic for Playing Discrete Action space Game (Cartpole)
    • A3C - Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic (A3C) for Continuous Action Space (Bipedal Walker)
    • TRPO - For Continuous and Discrete Action Space by
    • Highway Network - TensorFlow implementation of ["Training Very Deep Networks"]( with a 🌎 [blog post](
    • Hierarchical Attention Networks - TensorFlow implementation of 🌎 ["Hierarchical Attention Networks for Document Classification"](
    • Sentence Classification with CNN - TensorFlow implementation of ["Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification"]( with a [blog post](
    • End-To-End Memory Networks - Implementation of [End-To-End Memory Networks](
    • Character-Aware Neural Language Models - TensorFlow implementation of [Character-Aware Neural Language Models](
    • Wavenet - This is a TensorFlow implementation of the 🌎 [WaveNet generative neural network architecture]( for audio generation.
    • Mnemonic Descent Method - Tensorflow implementation of ["Mnemonic Descent Method: A recurrent process applied for end-to-end face alignment"](
    • CNN visualization using Tensorflow - Tensorflow implementation of 🌎 ["Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks"](
    • VGAN Tensorflow - Tensorflow implementation for MIT ["Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics"]( by Vondrick et al.
    • 3D Convolutional Neural Networks in TensorFlow - Implementation of 🌎 ["3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Speaker Verification application"]( in TensorFlow by Torfi et al.
    • U-Net - For Brain Tumor Segmentation
    • Spatial Transformer Networks - Learn the Transformation Function
    • Lip Reading - Cross Audio-Visual Recognition using 3D Architectures in TensorFlow - TensorFlow Implementation of 🌎 ["Cross Audio-Visual Recognition in the Wild Using Deep Learning"]( by Torfi et al.
    • Attentive Object Tracking - Implementation of 🌎 ["Hierarchical Attentive Recurrent Tracking"](
    • Holographic Embeddings for Graph Completion and Link Prediction - Implementation of [Holographic Embeddings of Knowledge Graphs](
    • Unsupervised Object Counting - Implementation of 🌎 ["Attend, Infer, Repeat"](
    • Tensorflow FastText - A simple embedding based text classifier inspired by Facebook's fastText.
    • MusicGenreClassification - Classify music genre from a 10 second sound stream using a Neural Network.
    • Kubeflow - Framework for easily using Tensorflow with Kubernetes.
    • TensorNets - 40+ Popular Computer Vision Models With Pre-trained Weights.
    • Ladder Network - Implementation of Ladder Network for Semi-Supervised Learning in Keras and Tensorflow
    • TF-Unet - General purpose U-Network implemented in Keras for image segmentation
    • Sarus TF2 Models - A long list of recent generative models implemented in clean, easy to reuse, Tensorflow 2 code (Plain Autoencoder, VAE, VQ-VAE, PixelCNN, Gated PixelCNN, PixelCNN++, PixelSNAIL, Conditional Neural Processes).
    • Domain Transfer Network - Implementation of Unsupervised Cross-Domain Image Generation
    • Show, Attend and Tell - Attention Based Image Caption Generator
    • YOLO TensorFlow ++ - TensorFlow implementation of 'YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection', with training and an actual support for real-time running on mobile devices.
  • Powered by TensorFlow

    • Magenta - Research project to advance the state of the art in machine intelligence for music and art generation
    • YOLO TensorFlow - Implementation of 'YOLO : Real-Time Object Detection'
    • android-yolo - Real-time object detection on Android using the YOLO network, powered by TensorFlow.
  • Tutorials

    • TensorFlow Tutorial 1 - From the basics to slightly more interesting applications of TensorFlow
    • TensorFlow Tutorial 2 - Introduction to deep learning based on Google's TensorFlow framework. These tutorials are direct ports of Newmu's Theano
    • TensorFlow Tutorial 3 - These tutorials are intended for beginners in Deep Learning and TensorFlow with well-documented code and YouTube videos.
    • TensorFlow Examples - TensorFlow tutorials and code examples for beginners
    • Sungjoon's TensorFlow-101 - TensorFlow tutorials written in Python with Jupyter Notebook
    • Installing TensorFlow on Raspberry Pi 3 - TensorFlow compiled and running properly on the Raspberry Pi
    • Classification on time series - Recurrent Neural Network classification in TensorFlow with LSTM on cellphone sensor data
    • Predict time series - Learn to use a seq2seq model on simple datasets as an introduction to the vast array of possibilities that this architecture offers
    • Single Image Random Dot Stereograms - SIRDS is a means to present 3D data in a 2D image. It allows for scientific data display of a waterfall type plot with no hidden lines due to perspective.
    • TensorFlow World - Concise and ready-to-use TensorFlow tutorials with detailed documentation are provided.
    • Effective Tensorflow - TensorFlow howtos and best practices. Covers the basics as well as advanced topics.
    • TensorLayer - Modular implementation for TensorFlow's official tutorials. 🌎 [CN](
    • Terry Um’s TensorFlow Exercises - Re-create the codes from other TensorFlow examples
    • CS20 SI: TensorFlow for DeepLearning Research - Stanford Course about Tensorflow from 2017 - [Syllabus]( - 🌎 [Unofficial Videos](
  • Tools/Utilities

    • Speedster - Automatically apply SOTA optimization techniques to achieve the maximum inference speed-up on your hardware.
    • ML Workspace - All-in-one web IDE for machine learning and data science. Combines Tensorflow, Jupyter, VS Code, Tensorboard, and many other tools/libraries into one Docker image.
    • create-tf-app - Project builder command line tool for Tensorflow covering environment management, linting, and logging.