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Zero Allocation Golang Packages / Stuff
Last synced: about 4 hours ago
JSON representation
Search and Analytic Databases
- ants - A high-performance and low-cost goroutine pool in Go.
Search and Analytic Databases
- zerolog - Zero-allocation JSON logger.
Machine Learning
Search and Analytic Databases
- bayesian - Naive Bayesian Classification for Golang.
- CloudForest - Fast, flexible, multi-threaded ensembles of decision trees for machine learning in pure Go.
- ddt - Dynamic decision tree, create trees defining customizable rules.
- eaopt - An evolutionary optimization library.
- evoli - Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization library.
- fonet - A Deep Neural Network library written in Go.
- go-cluster - Go implementation of the k-modes and k-prototypes clustering algorithms.
- go-deep - A feature-rich neural network library in Go.
- go-featureprocessing - Fast and convenient feature processing for low latency machine learning in Go.
- go-galib - Genetic Algorithms library written in Go / golang.
- go-pr - Pattern recognition package in Go lang.
- gobrain - Neural Networks written in go.
- godist - Various probability distributions, and associated methods.
- goga - Genetic algorithm library for Go.
- GoLearn - General Machine Learning library for Go.
- golinear - liblinear bindings for Go.
- GoMind - A simplistic Neural Network Library in Go.
- goml - On-line Machine Learning in Go.
- gonet - Neural Network for Go.
- Goptuna - Bayesian optimization framework for black-box functions written in Go. Everything will be optimized.
- goRecommend - Recommendation Algorithms library written in Go.
- gorgonia - graph-based computational library like Theano for Go that provides primitives for building various machine learning and neural network algorithms.
- goscore - Go Scoring API for PMML.
- gosseract - Go package for OCR (Optical Character Recognition), by using Tesseract C++ library.
- libsvm - libsvm golang version derived work based on LIBSVM 3.14.
- m2cgen - A CLI tool to transpile trained classic ML models into a native Go code with zero dependencies, written in Python with Go language support.
- neat - Plug-and-play, parallel Go framework for NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT).
- neural-go - Multilayer perceptron network implemented in Go, with training via backpropagation.
- ocrserver - A simple OCR API server, seriously easy to be deployed by Docker and Heroku.
- onnx-go - Go Interface to Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX).
- probab - Probability distribution functions. Bayesian inference. Written in pure Go.
- randomforest - Easy to use Random Forest library for Go.
- regommend - Recommendation & collaborative filtering engine.
- shield - Bayesian text classifier with flexible tokenizers and storage backends for Go.
- tfgo - Easy to use Tensorflow bindings: simplifies the usage of the official Tensorflow Go bindings. Define computational graphs in Go, load and execute models trained in Python.
- Varis - Golang Neural Network.
- gorse - An offline recommender system backend based on collaborative filtering written in Go.
- go-fann - Go bindings for Fast Artificial Neural Networks(FANN) library.
Search and Analytic Databases
- ami - Go client to reliable queues based on Redis Cluster Streams.
- amqp - Go RabbitMQ Client Library.
- Asynq - A simple, reliable, and efficient distributed task queue for Go built on top of Redis.
- Beaver - A real time messaging server to build a scalable in-app notifications, multiplayer games, chat apps in web and mobile apps.
- Bus - Minimalist message bus implementation for internal communication.
- Centrifugo - Real-time messaging (Websockets or SockJS) server in Go.
- Chanify - A push notification server send message to your iOS devices.
- Commander - A high-level event driven consumer/producer supporting various "dialects" such as Apache Kafka.
- Confluent Kafka Golang Client - confluent-kafka-go is Confluent's Golang client for Apache Kafka and the Confluent Platform.
- dbus - Native Go bindings for D-Bus.
- drone-line - Sending [Line]( notifications using a binary, docker or Drone CI.
- emitter - Emits events using Go way, with wildcard, predicates, cancellation possibilities and many other good wins.
- event - Implementation of the pattern observer.
- EventBus - The lightweight event bus with async compatibility.
- gaurun-client - Gaurun Client written in Go.
- Glue - Robust Go and Javascript Socket Library (Alternative to
- go-mq - RabbitMQ client with declarative configuration.
- go-notify - Native implementation of the freedesktop notification spec.
- go-nsq - the official Go package for NSQ.
- go-res - Package for building REST/real-time services where clients are synchronized seamlessly, using NATS and Resgate.
- - library for golang, a realtime application framework.
- go-vitotrol - Client library to Viessmann Vitotrol web service.
- Gollum - A n:m multiplexer that gathers messages from different sources and broadcasts them to a set of destinations.
- golongpoll - HTTP longpoll server library that makes web pub-sub simple.
- gopush-cluster - gopush-cluster is a go push server cluster.
- gorush - Push notification server using [APNs2]( and google [GCM](
- gosd - A library for scheduling when to dispatch a message to a channel.
- guble - Messaging server using push notifications (Google Firebase Cloud Messaging, Apple Push Notification services, SMS) as well as websockets, a REST API, featuring distributed operation and message-persistence.
- hare - A user friendly library for sending messages and listening to TCP sockets.
- hub - A Message/Event Hub for Go applications, using publish/subscribe pattern with support for alias like rabbitMQ exchanges.
- jazz - A simple RabbitMQ abstraction layer for queue administration and publishing and consuming of messages.
- machinery - Asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing.
- mangos - Pure go implementation of the Nanomsg ("Scalability Protocols") with transport interoperability.
- melody - Minimalist framework for dealing with websocket sessions, includes broadcasting and automatic ping/pong handling.
- Mercure - Server and library to dispatch server-sent updates using the Mercure protocol (built on top of Server-Sent Events).
- messagebus - messagebus is a Go simple async message bus, perfect for using as event bus when doing event sourcing, CQRS, DDD.
- nsq-event-bus - A tiny wrapper around NSQ topic and channel.
- oplog - Generic oplog/replication system for REST APIs.
- Quamina - Fast pattern-matching for filtering messages and events.
- rabbus - A tiny wrapper over amqp exchanges and queues.
- rabtap - RabbitMQ swiss army knife cli app.
- RapidMQ - RapidMQ is a lightweight and reliable library for managing of the local messages queue.
- Ratus - Ratus is a RESTful asynchronous task queue server.
- redisqueue - redisqueue provides a producer and consumer of a queue that uses Redis streams.
- rmqconn - RabbitMQ Reconnection. Wrapper over amqp.Connection and amqp.Dial. Allowing to do a reconnection when the connection is broken before forcing the call to the Close () method to be closed.
- Uniqush-Push - Redis backed unified push service for server-side notifications to mobile devices.
- Watermill - Working efficiently with message streams. Building event driven applications, enabling event sourcing, RPC over messages, sagas. Can use conventional pub/sub implementations like Kafka or RabbitMQ, but also HTTP or MySQL binlog.
- zmq4 - Go interface to ZeroMQ version 4. Also available for [version 3]( and [version 2](
- mob - mob is a generic-based, simple mediator / event aggregator library. It supports in-process requests / events processing.
- sarama - Go library for Apache Kafka.
- Benthos - A message streaming bridge between a range of protocols.
- APNs2 - HTTP/2 Apple Push Notification provider for Go — Send push notifications to iOS, tvOS, Safari and OSX apps.
Microsoft Office
Search and Analytic Databases
- unioffice - Pure go library for creating and processing Office Word (.docx), Excel (.xlsx) and Powerpoint (.pptx) documents.
Microsoft Excel
- exl - Excel binding to struct written in Go.(Only supports Go1.18+)
- go-excel - A simple and light reader to read a relate-db-like excel as a table.
- goxlsxwriter - Golang bindings for libxlsxwriter for writing XLSX (Microsoft Excel) files.
- xlsx - Library to simplify reading the XML format used by recent version of Microsoft Excel in Go programs.
- xlsx - Fast and safe way to read/update your existing Microsoft Excel files in Go programs.
- excelize - Golang library for reading and writing Microsoft Excel™ (XLSX) files.
Dependency Injection
- alice - Additive dependency injection container for Golang.
- di - A dependency injection container for go programming language.
- dig - A reflection based dependency injection toolkit for Go.
- dingo - A dependency injection toolkit for Go, based on Guice.
- do - A dependency injection framework based on Generics.
- fx - A dependency injection based application framework for Go (built on top of dig).
- gocontainer - Simple Dependency Injection Container.
- goioc/di - Spring-inspired Dependency Injection Container.
- GoLobby/Container - GoLobby Container is a lightweight yet powerful IoC dependency injection container for the Go programming language.
- google/wire - Automated Initialization in Go.
- HnH/di - DI container library that is focused on clean API and flexibility.
- kinit - Customizable dependency injection container with the global mode, cascade initialization and panic-safe finalization.
- linker - A reflection based dependency injection and inversion of control library with components lifecycle support.
- nject - A type safe, reflective framework for libraries, tests, http endpoints, and service startup.
- wire - Strict Runtime Dependency Injection for Golang.
- di - A dependency injection container for go programming language.
Project Layout
- ardanlabs/service - A [starter kit]( for building production grade scalable web service applications.
- cookiecutter-golang - A Go application boilerplate template for quick starting projects following production best practices.
- go-module - Template for a typical module written on Go.
- go-sample - A sample layout for Go application projects with the real code.
- go-starter - An opinionated production-ready RESTful JSON backend template, highly integrated with VSCode DevContainers.
- go-todo-backend - Go Todo Backend example using modular project layout for product microservice.
- gobase - A simple skeleton for golang application with basic setup for real golang application.
- golang-standards/project-layout - Set of common historical and emerging project layout patterns in the Go ecosystem. Note: despite the org-name they do not represent official golang standards, see [this issue]( for more information. Nonetheless, some may find the layout useful.
- golang-templates/seed - Go application GitHub repository template.
- insidieux/inizio - Golang project layout generator with plugins.
- modern-go-application - Go application boilerplate and example applying modern practices.
- pagoda - Rapid, easy full-stack web development starter kit built in Go.
- scaffold - Scaffold generates a starter Go project layout. Lets you focus on business logic implemented.
- wangyoucao577/go-project-layout - Set of practices and discussions on how to structure Go project layout.
- bexp - Go implementation of Brace Expansion mechanism to generate arbitrary strings.
- caps - A case conversion library.
- go-formatter - Implements **replacement fields** surrounded by curly braces `{}` format strings.
- gobeam/Stringy - String manipulation library to convert string to camel case, snake case, kebab case / slugify etc.
- strutil - String utilities.
- sttr - cross-platform, cli app to perform various operations on string.
- xstrings - Collection of useful string functions ported from other languages.
- anagent - Minimalistic, pluggable Golang evloop/timer handler with dependency-injection.
- antch - A fast, powerful and extensible web crawling & scraping framework.
- archiver - Library and command for making and extracting .zip and .tar.gz archives.
- autoflags - Go package to automatically define command line flags from struct fields.
- avgRating - Calculate average score and rating based on Wilson Score Equation.
- banner - Add beautiful banners into your Go applications.
- base64Captcha - Base64captch supports digit, number, alphabet, arithmetic, audio and digit-alphabet captcha.
- basexx - Convert to, from, and between digit strings in various number bases.
- battery - Cross-platform, normalized battery information library.
- bitio - Highly optimized bit-level Reader and Writer for Go.
- browscap_go - GoLang Library for [Browser Capabilities Project](
- captcha - Package captcha provides an easy to use, unopinionated API for captcha generation.
- common - A library for server framework.
- conv - Package conv provides fast and intuitive conversions across Go types.
- datacounter - Go counters for readers/writer/http.ResponseWriter.
- faker - Fake data generator.
- faker - Random fake data and struct generator for Go.
- ffmt - Beautify data display for Humans.
- go-commandbus - A slight and pluggable command-bus for Go.
- go-commons-pool - Generic object pool for Golang.
- go-resiliency - Resiliency patterns for golang.
- go-unarr - Decompression library for RAR, TAR, ZIP and 7z archives.
- gofakeit - Random data generator written in go.
- gommit - Analyze git commit messages to ensure they follow defined patterns.
- gopsutil - Cross-platform library for retrieving process and system utilization(CPU, Memory, Disks, etc).
- gosh - Provide Go Statistics Handler, Struct, Measure Method.
- gosms - Your own local SMS gateway in Go that can be used to send SMS.
- gotoprom - Type-safe metrics builder wrapper library for the official Prometheus client.
- gountries - Package that exposes country and subdivision data.
- gtree - Provide CLI, Package and Web for tree output and directories creation from Markdown or programmatically.
- health - A simple and flexible health check library for Go.
- health - Easy to use, extensible health check library.
- healthcheck - An opinionated and concurrent health-check HTTP handler for RESTful services.
- hostutils - A golang library for packing and unpacking FQDNs list.
- indigo - Distributed unique ID generator of using Sonyflake and encoded by Base58.
- lk - A simple licensing library for golang.
- llvm - Library for interacting with LLVM IR in pure Go.
- metrics - Library for metrics instrumentation and Prometheus exposition.
- morse - Library to convert to and from morse code.
- numa - NUMA is a utility library, which is written in go. It help us to write some NUMA-AWARED code.
- openapi - OpenAPI 3.x parser.
- pdfgen - HTTP service to generate PDF from Json requests.
- persian - Some utilities for Persian language in go.
- sandid - Every grain of sand on earth has its own ID.
- shellwords - A Golang library to manipulate strings according to the word parsing rules of the UNIX Bourne shell.
- shortid - Distributed generation of super short, unique, non-sequential, URL friendly IDs.
- shoutrrr - Notification library providing easy access to various messaging services like slack, mattermost, gotify and smtp among others.
- sitemap-format - A simple sitemap generator, with a little syntactic sugar.
- stateless - A fluent library for creating state machines.
- stats - Monitors Go MemStats + System stats such as Memory, Swap and CPU and sends via UDP anywhere you want for logging etc...
- turtle - Emojis for Go.
- url-shortener - A modern, powerful, and robust URL shortener microservice with mysql support.
- varint - A faster varying length integer encoder/decoder than the one provided in the standard library.
- xdg - (xdg) Specs implemented in Go.
- xkg - X Keyboard Grabber.
- xz - Pure golang package for reading and writing xz-compressed files.
- go-openapi - Collection of packages to parse and utilize open-api schemas.
- VarHandler - Generate boilerplate http input and output handling.
Natural Language Processing
Language Detection
- detectlanguage - Language Detection API Go Client. Supports batch requests, short phrase or single word language detection.
- getlang - Fast natural language detection package.
- guesslanguage - Functions to determine the natural language of a unicode text.
- whatlanggo - Natural language detection package for Go. Supports 84 languages and 24 scripts (writing systems e.g. Latin, Cyrillic, etc).
Morphological Analyzers
- go-stem - Implementation of the porter stemming algorithm.
- go2vec - Reader and utility functions for word2vec embeddings.
- golibstemmer - Go bindings for the snowball libstemmer library including porter 2.
- gosentiwordnet - Sentiment analyzer using sentiwordnet lexicon in Go.
- govader - Go implementation of [VADER Sentiment Analysis](
- govader-backend - Microservice implementation of [GoVader](
- kagome - JP morphological analyzer written in pure Go.
- libtextcat - Cgo binding for libtextcat C library. Guaranteed compatibility with version 2.2.
- nlp - Extract values from strings and fill your structs with nlp.
- nlp - Go Natural Language Processing library supporting LSA (Latent Semantic Analysis).
- paicehusk - Golang implementation of the Paice/Husk Stemming Algorithm.
- porter - This is a fairly straightforward port of Martin Porter's C implementation of the Porter stemming algorithm.
- RAKE.go - Go port of the Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction Algorithm (RAKE).
- snowball - Snowball stemmer port (cgo wrapper) for Go. Provides word stem extraction functionality [Snowball native](
- spaGO - Self-contained Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing library in Go.
- spelling-corrector - A spelling corrector for the Spanish language or create your own.
- go-slugify - Make pretty slug with multiple languages support.
- slug - URL-friendly slugify with multiple languages support.
- Slugify - Go slugify application that handles string.
- gojieba - This is a Go implementation of [jieba]( which a Chinese word splitting algorithm.
- gotokenizer - A tokenizer based on the dictionary and Bigram language models for Golang. (Now only support chinese segmentation)
- gse - Go efficient text segmentation; support english, chinese, japanese and other.
- MMSEGO - This is a GO implementation of [MMSEG]( which a Chinese word splitting algorithm.
- prose - Library for text processing that supports tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, named-entity extraction, and more. English only.
- segment - Go library for performing Unicode Text Segmentation as described in [Unicode Standard Annex #29](
- sentences - Sentence tokenizer: converts text into a list of sentences.
- shamoji - The shamoji is word filtering package written in Go.
- stemmer - Stemmer packages for Go programming language. Includes English and German stemmers.
- textcat - Go package for n-gram based text categorization, with support for utf-8 and raw text.
- go-localize - Simple and easy to use i18n (Internationalization and localization) engine - used for translating locale strings.
- go-mystem - CGo bindings to Yandex.Mystem - russian morphology analyzer.
- go-pinyin - CN Hanzi to Hanyu Pinyin converter.
- gotext - GNU gettext utilities for Go.
- icu - Cgo binding for icu4c C library detection and conversion functions. Guaranteed compatibility with version 50.1.
- spreak - Flexible translation and humanization library for Go, based on the concepts behind gettext.
- t - Another i18n pkg for golang, which follows GNU gettext style and supports .po/.mo files: `t.T (gettext)`, `t.N (ngettext)`, etc. And it contains a cmd tool [xtemplate](, which can extract messages as a pot file from text/html template.
- iuliia-go - Transliterate Cyrillic → Latin in every possible way.
- enca - Minimal cgo bindings for [libenca](, which detects character encodings.
- go-unidecode - ASCII transliterations of Unicode text.
- gounidecode - Unicode transliterator (also known as unidecode) for Go.
- transliterator - Provides one-way string transliteration with supporting of language-specific transliteration rules.
- arp - Package arp implements the ARP protocol, as described in RFC 826.
- buffstreams - Streaming protocolbuffer data over TCP made easy.
- canopus - CoAP Client/Server implementation (RFC 7252).
- cidranger - Fast IP to CIDR lookup for Go.
- dhcp6 - Package dhcp6 implements a DHCPv6 server, as described in RFC 3315.
- dns - Go library for working with DNS.
- dnsmonster - Passive DNS Capture/Monitoring Framework.
- easytcp - A light-weight TCP framework written in Go (Golang), built with message router. EasyTCP helps you build a TCP server easily fast and less painful.
- ether - Cross-platform Go package for sending and receiving ethernet frames.
- ethernet - Package ethernet implements marshaling and unmarshaling of IEEE 802.3 Ethernet II frames and IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tags.
- fasthttp - Package fasthttp is a fast HTTP implementation for Go, up to 10 times faster than net/http.
- fortio - Load testing library and command line tool, advanced echo server and web UI. Allows to specify a set query-per-second load and record latency histograms and other useful stats and graph them. Tcp, Http, gRPC.
- ftp - Package ftp implements a FTP client as described in [RFC 959](
- ftpserverlib - Fully featured FTP server library.
- fullproxy - A fully featured scriptable and daemon configurable proxy and pivoting toolkit with SOCKS5, HTTP, raw ports and reverse proxy protocols.
- gaio - High performance async-io networking for Golang in proactor mode.
- gev - gev is a lightweight, fast non-blocking TCP network library based on Reactor mode.
- gldap - gldap provides an ldap server implementation and you provide handlers for its ldap operations.
- gmqtt - Gmqtt is a flexible, high-performance MQTT broker library that fully implements the MQTT protocol V3.1.1.
- gnet - `gnet` is a high-performance, lightweight, non-blocking, event-driven networking framework written in pure Go.
- gNxI - A collection of tools for Network Management that use the gNMI and gNOI protocols.
- go-getter - Go library for downloading files or directories from various sources using a URL.
- go-powerdns - PowerDNS API bindings for Golang.
- go-sse - Go client and server implementation of HTML server-sent events.
- go-stun - Go implementation of the STUN client (RFC 3489 and RFC 5389).
- gobgp - BGP implemented in the Go Programming Language.
- golibwireshark - Package golibwireshark use libwireshark library to decode pcap file and analyse dissection data.
- gopacket - Go library for packet processing with libpcap bindings.
- gopcap - Go wrapper for libpcap.
- goshark - Package goshark use tshark to decode IP packet and create data struct to analyse packet.
- gotcp - Go package for quickly writing tcp applications.
- graval - Experimental FTP server framework.
- gws - High-Performance WebSocket Server & Client With AsyncIO Supporting .
- httpproxy - HTTP proxy handler and dialer.
- iplib - Library for working with IP addresses (net.IP, net.IPNet), inspired by python [ipaddress]( and ruby [ipaddr](
- jazigo - Jazigo is a tool written in Go for retrieving configuration for multiple network devices.
- kcp-go - KCP - Fast and Reliable ARQ Protocol.
- kcptun - Extremely simple & fast udp tunnel based on KCP protocol.
- lhttp - Powerful websocket framework, build your IM server more easily.
- linkio - Network link speed simulation for Reader/Writer interfaces.
- llb - It's a very simple but quick backend for proxy servers. Can be useful for fast redirection to predefined domain with zero memory allocation and fast response.
- mdns - Simple mDNS (Multicast DNS) client/server library in Golang.
- nbio - Pure Go 1000k+ connections solution, support tls/http1.x/websocket and basically compatible with net/http, with high-performance and low memory cost, non-blocking, event-driven, easy-to-use.
- netpoll - A high-performance non-blocking I/O networking framework, which focused on RPC scenarios, developed by ByteDance.
- packet - Send packets over TCP and UDP. It can buffer messages and hot-swap connections if needed.
- panoptes-stream - A cloud native distributed streaming network telemetry (gNMI, Juniper JTI and Cisco MDT).
- peerdiscovery - Pure Go library for cross-platform local peer discovery using UDP multicast.
- portproxy - Simple TCP proxy which adds CORS support to API's which don't support it.
- publicip - Package publicip returns your public facing IPv4 address (internet egress).
- raw - Package raw enables reading and writing data at the device driver level for a network interface.
- sftp - Package sftp implements the SSH File Transfer Protocol as described in <>.
- ssh - Higher-level API for building SSH servers (wraps crypto/ssh).
- sslb - It's a Super Simples Load Balancer, just a little project to achieve some kind of performance.
- tcp_server - Go library for building tcp servers faster.
- tspool - A TCP Library use worker pool to improve performance and protect your server.
- utp - Go uTP micro transport protocol implementation.
- vssh - Go library for building network and server automation over SSH protocol.
- water - Simple TUN/TAP library.
- winrm - Go WinRM client to remotely execute commands on Windows machines.
- xtcp - TCP Server Framework with simultaneous full duplex communication, graceful shutdown, and custom protocol.
- grab - Go package for managing file downloads.
- quic-go - An implementation of the QUIC protocol in pure Go.
- HTTPLab - HTTPLabs let you inspect HTTP requests and forge responses.
- NFF-Go - Framework for rapid development of performant network functions for cloud and bare-metal (former YANFF).
HTTP Clients
- gentleman - Full-featured plugin-driven HTTP client library.
- go-cleanhttp - Get easily stdlib HTTP client, which does not share any state with other clients.
- go-http-client - Make http calls simply and easily.
- go-otelroundtripper - Go http.RoundTripper that emits open telemetry metrics for HTTP requests.
- go-req - Declarative golang HTTP client.
- go-retryablehttp - Retryable HTTP client in Go.
- go-zoox/fetch - A Powerful, Lightweight, Easy Http Client, inspired by Web Fetch API.
- grequests - A Go "clone" of the great and famous Requests library.
- httpretry - Enriches the default go HTTP client with retry functionality.
- pester - Go HTTP client calls with retries, backoff, and concurrency.
- req - Simple Go HTTP client with Black Magic (Less code and More efficiency).
- request - HTTP client for golang. If you have experience about axios or requests, you will love it. No 3rd dependency.
- resty - Simple HTTP and REST client for Go inspired by Ruby rest-client.
- rq - A nicer interface for golang stdlib HTTP client.
- sling - Sling is a Go HTTP client library for creating and sending API requests.
HTTP Clients
- gl - Go bindings for OpenGL (generated via glow).
- glfw - Go bindings for GLFW 3.
- go-glmatrix - Go port of [glMatrix]( library.
- goxjs/gl - Go cross-platform OpenGL bindings (OS X, Linux, Windows, browsers, iOS, Android).
- goxjs/glfw - Go cross-platform glfw library for creating an OpenGL context and receiving events.
- mathgl - Pure Go math package specialized for 3D math, with inspiration from GLM.
HTTP Clients
- bun - SQL-first Golang ORM. Successor of go-pg.
- cacheme - Schema based, typed Redis caching/memoize framework for Go.
- go-firestorm - A simple ORM for Google/Firebase Cloud Firestore.
- go-sql - A easy ORM for mysql.
- go-sqlbuilder - A flexible and powerful SQL string builder library plus a zero-config ORM.
- go-store - Simple and fast Redis backed key-value store library for Go.
- golobby/orm - Simple, fast, type-safe, generic orm for developer happiness.
- GORM - The fantastic ORM library for Golang, aims to be developer friendly.
- gormt - Mysql database to golang gorm struct.
- gorp - Go Relational Persistence, ORM-ish library for Go.
- grimoire - Grimoire is a database access layer and validation for golang. (Support: MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite3).
- lore - Simple and lightweight pseudo-ORM/pseudo-struct-mapping environment for Go.
- marlow - Generated ORM from project structs for compile time safety assurances.
- pop/soda - Database migration, creation, ORM, etc... for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.
- reform - Better ORM for Go, based on non-empty interfaces and code generation.
- rel - Modern Database Access Layer for Golang - Testable, Extendable and Crafted Into a Clean and Elegant API.
- SQLBoiler - ORM generator. Generate a featureful and blazing-fast ORM tailored to your database schema.
- - Single interface for interacting with different data sources through the use of adapters that wrap mature database drivers.
- XORM - Simple and powerful ORM for Go. (Support: MySQL, MyMysql, PostgreSQL, Tidb, SQLite3, MsSql and Oracle).
- Zoom - Blazing-fast datastore and querying engine built on Redis.
- ent - An entity framework for Go. Simple, yet powerful ORM for modeling and querying data.
- Prisma - Prisma Client Go, Typesafe database access for Go.
Package Management
HTTP Clients
- dep - Go dependency tool.
- glide - Manage your golang vendor and vendored packages with ease. Inspired by tools like Maven, Bundler, and Pip.
- godep - dependency tool for go, godep helps build packages reproducibly by fixing their dependencies.
- gom - Go Manager - bundle for go.
- gop - Build and manage your Go applications out of GOPATH.
- gopm - Go Package Manager.
- govendor - Go Package Manager. Go vendor tool that works with the standard vendor file.
- gpm - Barebones dependency manager for Go.
- gup - Update binaries installed by "go install".
- johnny-deps - Minimal dependency version using Git.
- modgv - Converts 'go mod graph' output into Graphviz's DOT language.
- mvn-golang - plugin that provides way for auto-loading of Golang SDK, dependency management and start build environment in Maven project infrastructure.
- VenGO - create and manage exportable isolated go virtual environments.
- goop - Simple dependency manager for Go (golang), inspired by Bundler.
- nut - Vendor Go dependencies.
HTTP Clients
- go-instrument - Automatically add spans to all methods and functions.
- jaeger - A distributed tracing system.
- profile - Simple profiling support package for Go.
- statsviz - Live visualization of your Go application runtime statistics.
- tracer - Simple, lightweight tracing.
- pixie - No instrumentation tracing for Golang applications via eBPF.
Query Language
HTTP Clients
- api-fu - Comprehensive GraphQL implementation.
- dasel - Query and update data structures using selectors from the command line. Comparable to jq/yq but supports JSON, YAML, TOML and XML with zero runtime dependencies.
- gojsonq - A simple Go package to Query over JSON Data.
- goven - A drop-in query language for any database schema.
- gqlgen - go generate based graphql server library.
- graphql - graphql parser + utilities.
- graphql-go - Implementation of GraphQL for Go.
- gws - Apollos' "GraphQL over Websocket" client and server implementation.
- jsonpath - A query library for retrieving part of JSON based on JSONPath syntax.
- jsonql - JSON query expression library in Golang.
- jsonslice - Jsonpath queries with advanced filters.
- rql - Resource Query Language for REST API.
- rqp - Query Parser for REST API. Filtering, validations, both `AND`, `OR` operations are supported directly in the query.
Resource Embedding
HTTP Clients
- debme - Create an `embed.FS` from an existing `embed.FS` subdirectory.
- fileb0x - Simple tool to embed files in go with focus on "customization" and ease to use.
- go-resources - Unfancy resources embedding with Go.
- go.rice - go.rice is a Go package that makes working with resources such as HTML, JS, CSS, images, and templates very easy.
- mule - Embed external resources like images, movies ... into Go source code to create single file binaries using `go generate`. Focused on simplicity.
- packr - The simple and easy way to embed static files into Go binaries.
- rebed - Recreate folder structures and files from Go 1.16's `embed.FS` type
- statics - Embeds static resources into go files for single binary compilation + works with http.FileSystem + symlinks.
- statik - Embeds static files into a Go executable.
- templify - Embed external template files into Go code to create single file binaries.
- vfsgen - Generates a vfsdata.go file that statically implements the given virtual filesystem.
- esc - Embeds files into Go programs and provides http.FileSystem interfaces to them.
Science and Data Analysis
HTTP Clients
- assocentity - Package assocentity returns the average distance from words to a given entity.
- bradleyterry - Provides a Bradley-Terry Model for pairwise comparisons.
- calendarheatmap - Calendar heatmap in plain Go inspired by Github contribution activity.
- chart - Simple Chart Plotting library for Go. Supports many graphs types.
- dataframe-go - Dataframes for machine-learning and statistics (similar to pandas).
- decimal - Package decimal implements arbitrary-precision decimal floating-point arithmetic.
- evaler - Simple floating point arithmetic expression evaluator.
- ewma - Exponentially-weighted moving averages.
- geom - 2D geometry for golang.
- go-estimate - State estimation and filtering algorithms in Go.
- go-gt - Graph theory algorithms written in "Go" language.
- godesim - Extended/multivariable ODE solver framework for event-based simulations with simple API.
- goent - GO Implementation of Entropy Measures.
- gograph - A golang generic graph library that provides mathematical graph-theory and algorithms.
- gohistogram - Approximate histograms for data streams.
- gonum - Gonum is a set of numeric libraries for the Go programming language. It contains libraries for matrices, statistics, optimization, and more.
- gonum/plot - gonum/plot provides an API for building and drawing plots in Go.
- goraph - Pure Go graph theory library(data structure, algorithm visualization).
- gosl - Go scientific library for linear algebra, FFT, geometry, NURBS, numerical methods, probabilities, optimisation, differential equations, and more.
- GoStats - GoStats is an Open Source GoLang library for math statistics mostly used in Machine Learning domains, it covers most of the Statistical measures functions.
- graph - Library of basic graph algorithms.
- jsonl-graph - Tool to manipulate JSONL graphs with graphviz support.
- ode - Ordinary differential equation (ODE) solver which supports extended states and channel-based iteration stop conditions.
- orb - 2D geometry types with clipping, GeoJSON and Mapbox Vector Tile support.
- pagerank - Weighted PageRank algorithm implemented in Go.
- piecewiselinear - Tiny linear interpolation library.
- PiHex - Implementation of the "Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe" algorithm for the hexadecimal number Pi.
- rootfinding - root-finding algorithms library for finding roots of quadratic functions.
- sparse - Go Sparse matrix formats for linear algebra supporting scientific and machine learning applications, compatible with gonum matrix libraries.
- stats - Statistics package with common functions missing from the Golang standard library.
- streamtools - general purpose, graphical tool for dealing with streams of data.
- TextRank - TextRank implementation in Golang with extendable features (summarization, weighting, phrase extraction) and multithreading (goroutine) support.
- triangolatte - 2D triangulation library. Allows translating lines and polygons (both based on points) to the language of GPUs.
HTTP Clients
- acra - Network encryption proxy to protect database-based applications from data leaks: strong selective encryption, SQL injections prevention, intrusion detection system.
- age - A simple, modern and secure encryption tool (and Go library) with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability.
- argon2-hashing - light wrapper around Go's argon2 package that closely mirrors with Go's standard library Bcrypt and simple-scrypt package.
- argon2pw - Argon2 password hash generation with constant-time password comparison.
- BadActor - In-memory, application-driven jailer built in the spirit of fail2ban.
- booster - Fast initramfs generator with full-disk encryption support.
- Cameradar - Tool and library to remotely hack RTSP streams from surveillance cameras.
- certificates - An opinionated tool for generating tls certificates.
- CertMagic - Mature, robust, and powerful ACME client integration for fully-managed TLS certificate issuance and renewal.
- Coraza - Enterprise-ready, modsecurity and OWASP CRS compatible WAF library.
- dongle - A simple, semantic and developer-friendly golang package for encoding&decoding and encryption&decryption.
- firewalld-rest - A rest application to dynamically update firewalld rules on a linux server.
- go-generate-password - Password generator that can be used on the cli or as a library.
- go-htpasswd - Apache htpasswd Parser for Go.
- go-yara - Go Bindings for [YARA](, the "pattern matching swiss knife for malware researchers (and everyone else)".
- goArgonPass - Argon2 password hash and verification designed to be compatible with existing Python and PHP implementations.
- goSecretBoxPassword - A probably paranoid package for securely hashing and encrypting passwords.
- Interpol - Rule-based data generator for fuzzing and penetration testing.
- lego - Pure Go ACME client library and CLI tool (for use with Let's Encrypt).
- memguard - A pure Go library for handling sensitive values in memory.
- nacl - Go implementation of the NaCL set of API's.
- optimus-go - ID hashing and Obfuscation using Knuth's Algorithm.
- passlib - Futureproof password hashing library.
- secret - Prevent your secrets from leaking into logs, std\* etc.
- secure - HTTP middleware for Go that facilitates some quick security wins.
- secureio - An keyexchanging+authenticating+encrypting wrapper and multiplexer for `io.ReadWriteCloser` based on XChaCha20-poly1305, ECDH and ED25519.
- simple-scrypt - Scrypt package with a simple, obvious API and automatic cost calibration built-in.
- ssh-vault - encrypt/decrypt using ssh keys.
- sslmgr - SSL certificates made easy with a high level wrapper around acme/autocert.
- themis - high-level cryptographic library for solving typical data security tasks (secure data storage, secure messaging, zero-knowledge proof authentication), available for 14 languages, best fit for multi-platform apps.
- acmetool - ACME (Let's Encrypt) client tool with automatic renewal.
- teler-waf - teler-waf is a Go HTTP middleware that provide teler IDS functionality to protect against web-based attacks and improve the security of Go-based web applications. It is highly configurable and easy to integrate into existing Go applications.
HTTP Clients
- bambam - generator for Cap'n Proto schemas from go.
- binstruct - Golang binary decoder for mapping data into the structure.
- cbor - Small, safe, and easy CBOR encoding and decoding library.
- colfer - Code generation for the Colfer binary format.
- csvutil - High Performance, idiomatic CSV record encoding and decoding to native Go structures.
- elastic - Convert slices, maps or any other unknown value across different types at run-time, no matter what.
- fixedwidth - Fixed-width text formatting (UTF-8 supported).
- fwencoder - Fixed width file parser (encoding and decoding library) for Go.
- go-capnproto - Cap'n Proto library and parser for go.
- go-codec - High Performance, feature-Rich, idiomatic encode, decode and rpc library for msgpack, cbor and json, with runtime-based OR code-generation support.
- go-lctree - Provides a CLI and primitives to serialize and deserialize [LeetCode binary trees](
- gogoprotobuf - Protocol Buffers for Go with Gadgets.
- goprotobuf - Go support, in the form of a library and protocol compiler plugin, for Google's protocol buffers.
- jsoniter - High-performance 100% compatible drop-in replacement of "encoding/json".
- mapstructure - Go library for decoding generic map values into native Go structures.
- php_session_decoder - GoLang library for working with PHP session format and PHP Serialize/Unserialize functions.
- pletter - A standard way to wrap a proto message for message brokers.
- unitpacking - Library to pack unit vectors into as fewest bytes as possible.
- asn1 - Asn.1 BER and DER encoding library for golang.
- bel - Generate TypeScript interfaces from Go structs/interfaces. Useful for JSON RPC.
- structomap - Library to easily and dynamically generate maps from static structures.
Server Applications
HTTP Clients
- algernon - HTTP/2 web server with built-in support for Lua, Markdown, GCSS and Amber.
- Caddy - Caddy is an alternative, HTTP/2 web server that's easy to configure and use.
- cortex-tenant - Prometheus remote write proxy that adds add Cortex tenant ID header based on metric labels.
- devd - Local webserver for developers.
- discovery - A registry for resilient mid-tier load balancing and failover.
- dudeldu - A simple SHOUTcast server.
- dummy - Run mock server based off an API contract with one command.
- Euterpe - Self-hosted music streaming server with built-in web UI and REST API.
- Fider - Fider is an open platform to collect and organize customer feedback.
- go-feature-flag - A feature flag solution, with only a YAML file in the backend (S3, GitHub, HTTP, local file ...), no server to install, just add a file in a central system and refer to it.
- go-proxy-cache - Simple Reverse Proxy with Caching, written in Go, using Redis.
- jackal - An XMPP server written in Go.
- protoxy - A proxy server that converts JSON request bodies to Protocol Buffers.
- psql-streamer - Stream database events from PostgreSQL to Kafka.
- lets-proxy2 - Reverse proxy for handle https with issue certificates in fly from lets-encrypt.
- minio - Minio is a distributed object storage server.
- Moxy - Moxy is a simple mocker and proxy application server, you can create mock endpoints as well as proxy requests in case no mock exists for the endpoint.
- nginx-prometheus - Nginx log parser and exporter to Prometheus.
- riemann-relay - Relay to load-balance Riemann events and/or convert them to Carbon.
- SFTPGo - Fully featured and highly configurable SFTP server with optional FTP/S and WebDAV support. It can serve local filesystem and Cloud Storage backends such as S3 and Google Cloud Storage.
- simple-jwt-provider - Simple and lightweight provider which exhibits JWTs, supports login, password-reset (via mail) and user management.
- Wish - Make SSH apps, just like that!
- consul - Consul is a tool for service discovery, monitoring and configuration.
- nsq - A realtime distributed messaging platform.
- Easegress - A cloud native high availability/performance traffic orchestration system with observability and extensibility.
- Flagr - Flagr is an open-source feature flagging and A/B testing service.
- flipt - A self contained feature flag solution written in Go and Vue.js
- RoadRunner - High-performance PHP application server, load-balancer and process manager.
- etcd - Highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery.
- Trickster - HTTP reverse proxy cache and time series accelerator.
Stream Processing
HTTP Clients
- go-streams - Go stream processing library.
- goio - An implementation of IO, Stream, Fiber for Golang, inspired by awesome Scala libraries cats and fs2.
- machine - Go library for writing and generating stream workers with built in metrics and traceability.
- stream - Go Stream, like Java 8 Stream: Filter/Map/FlatMap/Peek/Sorted/ForEach/Reduce...
Template Engines
HTTP Clients
- ego - Lightweight templating language that lets you write templates in Go. Templates are translated into Go and compiled.
- extemplate - Tiny wrapper around html/template to allow for easy file-based template inheritance.
- fasttemplate - Simple and fast template engine. Substitutes template placeholders up to 10x faster than [text/template](
- gospin - Article spinning and spintax/spinning syntax engine, useful for A/B, testing pieces of text/articles and creating more natural conversations.
- got - A Go code generator inspired by Hero and Fasttemplate. Has include files, custom tag definitions, injected Go code, language translation, and more.
- goview - Goview is a lightweight, minimalist and idiomatic template library based on golang html/template for building Go web application.
- jet - Jet template engine.
- liquid - Go implementation of Shopify Liquid templates.
- maroto - A maroto way to create PDFs. Maroto is inspired in Bootstrap and uses gofpdf. Fast and simple.
- pongo2 - Django-like template-engine for Go.
- quicktemplate - Fast, powerful, yet easy to use template engine. Converts templates into Go code and then compiles it.
- raymond - Complete handlebars implementation in Go.
- Razor - Razor view engine for Golang.
- Soy - Closure templates (aka Soy templates) for Go, following the [official spec](
- sprig - Useful template functions for Go templates.
- tbd - A really simple way to create text templates with placeholders - exposes extra builtin Git repo metadata.
HTTP Clients
- assert - Basic Assertion Library used along side native go testing, with building blocks for custom assertions.
- baloo - Expressive and versatile end-to-end HTTP API testing made easy.
- biff - Bifurcation testing framework, BDD compatible.
- charlatan - Tool to generate fake interface implementations for tests.
- covergates - Self-hosted code coverage report review and management service.
- cupaloy - Simple snapshot testing addon for your test framework.
- dbcleaner - Clean database for testing purpose, inspired by `database_cleaner` in Ruby.
- dsunit - Datastore testing for SQL, NoSQL, structured files.
- embedded-postgres - Run a real Postgres database locally on Linux, OSX or Windows as part of another Go application or test.
- endly - Declarative end to end functional testing.
- fixenv - Fixture manage engine, inspired by pytest fixtures.
- fluentassert - Extensible, type-safe, fluent assertion Go library.
- flute - HTTP client testing framework.
- gherkingen - BDD boilerplate generator and framework.
- ginkgo - BDD Testing Framework for Go.
- gnomock - integration testing with real dependencies (database, cache, even Kubernetes or AWS) running in Docker, without mocks.
- go-carpet - Tool for viewing test coverage in terminal.
- go-cmp - Package for comparing Go values in tests.
- go-hit - Hit is an http integration test framework written in golang.
- go-mutesting - Mutation testing for Go source code.
- go-mysql-test-container - Golang MySQL testcontainer to help with MySQL integration testing.
- gocheck - More advanced testing framework alternative to gotest.
- badio - Extensions to Go's `testing/iotest` package.
- frisby - REST API testing framework.
- commander - Tool for testing cli applications on windows, linux and osx.
- be - The minimalist generic test assertion library.
- Learn Go Programming - Learn Go concepts with illustrations.
- Learn Go Programming - Learn Go concepts with illustrations.
- Awesome Remote Job - Curated list of awesome remote jobs. A lot of them are looking for Go hackers.
- awesome-awesomeness - List of other amazingly awesome lists.
- Go Community on Hashnode - Community of Gophers on Hashnode.
- Go Projects - List of projects on the Go community wiki.
- Go Proverbs - Go Proverbs by Rob Pike.
- - A hub for Go developers.
- Golang Weekly - Each monday projects, tutorials and articles about Go.
- Gophercises - Free coding exercises for budding gophers.
- Learn Go Programming - Learn Go concepts with illustrations.
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- r/Golang - News about Go.
- Trending Go repositories on GitHub today - Good place to find new Go libraries.
- TutorialEdge - Golang
- Learn Go Programming - Learn Go concepts with illustrations.
- Learn Go Programming - Learn Go concepts with illustrations.
- Learn Go Programming - Learn Go concepts with illustrations.
- Learn Go Programming - Learn Go concepts with illustrations.
- Learn Go Programming - Learn Go concepts with illustrations.
- Learn Go Programming - Learn Go concepts with illustrations.
- Learn Go Programming - Learn Go concepts with illustrations.
- Learn Go Programming - Learn Go concepts with illustrations.
- Learn Go Programming - Learn Go concepts with illustrations.
- Learn Go Programming - Learn Go concepts with illustrations.
- Learn Go Programming - Learn Go concepts with illustrations.
- Learn Go Programming - Learn Go concepts with illustrations.
- Learn Go Programming - Learn Go concepts with illustrations.
- Learn Go Programming - Learn Go concepts with illustrations.
- - Go Project API documentation.
- Learn Go Programming - Learn Go concepts with illustrations.
- Golang Resources - A curation of the best articles, exercises, talks and videos to learn Go.
- Code with Mukesh - Software Engineer and Blogs @
- Learn Go Programming - Learn Go concepts with illustrations.
- Learn Go Programming - Learn Go concepts with illustrations.
- Learn Go Programming - Learn Go concepts with illustrations.
- 50 Shades of Go - Traps, Gotchas, and Common Mistakes for New Golang Devs.
- A Comprehensive Guide to Structured Logging in Go - Delve deep into the world of structured logging in Go with a specific focus on recently accepted slog proposal which aims to bring high performance structured logging with levels to the standard library.
- A Guide to Golang E-Commerce - Building a Golang site for e-commerce (demo included).
- Building and Testing a REST API in Go with Gorilla Mux and PostgreSQL - We’ll write an API with the help of the powerful Gorilla Mux.
- Building Go Web Applications and Microservices Using Gin - Get familiar with Gin and find out how it can help you reduce boilerplate code and build a request handling pipeline.
- Caching Slow Database Queries - How to cache slow database queries.
- Canceling MySQL - How to cancel MySQL queries.
- CodeCrafters Golang Track - Achieve mastery in advanced Go by building your own Redis, Docker, Git, and SQLite. Featuring goroutines, systems programming, file I/O, and more.
- Go By Example - Hands-on introduction to Go using annotated example programs.
- Go database/sql tutorial - Introduction to database/sql.
- Go Language Tutorial - Learn Go language Tutorial.
- Go Tutorial - Learn Go programming.
- Go WebAssembly Tutorial - Building a Simple Calculator
- Golangbot - Tutorials to get started with programming in Go.
- GopherCoding - Collection of code snippets and tutorials to help tackle every day issues.
- GopherSnippets - Code snippets with tests and testable examples for the Go programming language.
- Gosamples - Collection of code snippets that let you solve everyday code problems.
- - Learn Go from the best online golang tutorials submitted & voted by the golang programming community.
- How to Benchmark: dbq vs sqlx vs GORM - Learn how to benchmark in Go. As a case-study, we will benchmark dbq, sqlx and GORM.
- How To Deploy a Go Web Application with Docker - Learn how to use Docker for Go development and how to build production Docker images.
- How to Use Godog for Behavior-driven Development in Go - Get started with Godog — a Behavior-driven development framework for building and testing Go applications.
- Learning Go by examples - Series of articles in order to learn Golang language by concrete applications as example.
- Programming with Google Go - Coursera Specialization to learn about Go from scratch.
- Saving a Third of Our Memory by Re-ordering Go Struct Fields - How inefficient field ordering in Go structs.
- Scaling Go Applications - Everything about building, deploying and scaling Go applications in production.
Guided Learning
- The Go Developer Roadmap - A visual roadmap that new Go developers can follow through to help them learn Go.
- The Go Learning Path - A guided learning path containing a mix of free and premium resources.
Text Processing
- bytes - Formats and parses numeric byte values (10K, 2M, 3G, etc.).
E-books for purchase
- Black Hat Go - Go programming for hackers and pentesters.
- Continuous Delivery in Go - This practical guide to continuous delivery shows you how to rapidly establish an automated pipeline that will improve your testing, code quality, and final product.
- Creative DIY Microcontroller Project With TinyGo and WebAssembly - An introduction into the TinyGo compiler with projects involving Arduino and WebAssembly.
- Effective Go: Elegant, efficient, and testable code - Unlock Go’s unique perspective on program design, and start writing simple, maintainable, and testable Go code.
- For the Love of Go - An introductory book for Go beginners.
- Go Faster - This book seeks to shorten your learning curve and help you become a proficient Go programmer, faster.
- Know Go: Generics - A guide to understanding and using generics in Go.
- The Power of Go: Tests - A guide to testing in Go.
- The Power of Go: Tools - A guide to writing command-line tools in Go.
Free e-books
- A Go Developer's Notebook
- Build Web Application with Golang
- Building Web Apps With Go
- GoBooks - A curated list of Go books.
- How To Code in Go eBook - A 600 page introduction to Go aimed at first time developers.
- Network Programming With Go
- Practical Go Lessons
- The Go Programming Language
Free e-books
- Basel Go Meetup
- Belfast Gophers
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- Go Language NYC
- Go London User Group
- Go Remote Meetup
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- GoBridge, San Francisco, CA
- GoCracow - Krakow, Poland
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- Women Who Go - San Francisco, CA
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