
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

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  • CSS

    • bigkola_empire - bigkola empire/django
    • marx - The classless CSS reset (perfect for Communists).
    • constitution - 中华人民共和国宪法
    • doxmate - 文档伴侣
    • pygments-css - css files created from pygment's built-in styles
    • fontdiao - [已废弃]中文图标字体,可用于 Web 或 iOS,同时提供了国内各种常用网站、应用的徽标 SVG 源文件。
    • PageLoadingEffects - Modern ways of revealing new content using SVG animations.
    • SpinKit - A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS
    • colors - Smarter defaults for colors on the web.
    • css-reset - Customization of Eric Meyer's CSS Reset
    • beautiful-web-type - A showcase of the best typefaces from the Google web fonts directory.
    • django-linux-dash - A clone of linux-dash written in Django, Also Support OS X, Most use psutils, Not use systemcall method
    • sed_and_awk - A online presentation for sed & awk
    • jQuery-Parallax - **NO LONGER MAINTAINED** Used to recreate the Nike Better World parallax effect
    • - - Chinese Podcast focusing on programming, entrepreneurship and other geeky topics.
    • loading - This could take a while
    • code - Douban CODE
    • the-swift-programming-language-in-chinese - 中文版 Apple 官方 Swift 教程《The Swift Programming Language》
  • Java

    • react-native - A framework for building native apps with React.
    • Android-NetworkManager - a library for check network available on Android, which uses ping or request url to get the real network status.
    • afinal - Afinal是一个android的ioc,orm框架,内置了四大模块功能:FinalAcitivity,FinalBitmap,FinalDb,FinalHttp。通过finalActivity,我们可以通过注解的方式进行绑定ui和事件。通过finalBitmap,我们可以方便的加载bitmap图片,而无需考虑oom等问题。通过finalDB模块,我们一行代码就可以对android的sqlite数据库进行增删改查。通过FinalHttp模块,我们可以以ajax形式请求http数据。详情请通过以下网址查看。
    • elasticsearch - Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
  • JavaScript

    • awesome-gulp - :tropical_drink: A curated list of awesome gulp resources, plugins, and boilerplates for a better development workflow automation -
    • pageguide - An interactive guide for web page elements using jQuery and CSS3
    • Browser-Update - Browser Update Notification
    • swfupload-jquery-plugin - A jQuery plugin that makes working with SWFUpload even easier.
    • webpack-demos - a collection of simple demos of Webpack
    • ScrollMagic - The javascript library for magical scroll interactions.
    • SlipHover - apply direction aware animation to images caption
    • gulp-frontend-scaffold - Generic front-end scaffold for use with Gulp. Includes CoffeeScript, Webpack, Stylus, Bower Package Manager and Mocha as defaults
    • js-assessment - A test-driven approach to assessing JS skills
    • hacker-scripts - Based on a true story
    • django-require - A Django staticfiles post-processor for optimizing with RequireJS.
    • jquery-goup - A simple jQuery plugin that let users go back to the top of a web page.
    • scrollToTop - One click to scroll back to the top of the webpage.
    • jquery.clipboard - :scissors: jQuery Clipboard plugin (newest version) - Copy any text to the user's clipboard. Implements ZeroClipboard over the jQuery plugin layer.
    • JQuery-Snowfall - Makes it snow on any web page or specific element.
    • stellar.js - Stellar.js - Parallax scrolling made easy
    • parallax.js - Simple parallax scrolling effect inspired by implemented as a jQuery plugin
    • device.js - Semantic client-side device detection with Media Queries
    • gulp-ignore - plugin for gulp to ignore files in the stream based on file characteristics
    • tooltipster - A jQuery tooltip plugin
    • tag-it - A jQuery UI plugin to handle multi-tag fields as well as tag suggestions/autocomplete.
    • SVG-NOW - SVG Optimizer for Adobe Illustrator
    • Snap.js - A Library for creating beautiful mobile shelfs in Javascript (Facebook and Path style side menus)
    • Snap.svg - The JavaScript library for modern SVG graphics.
    • progress.js - ProgressJs is a JavaScript and CSS3 library which help developers to create and manage progress bar for every objects on the page.
    • pen - enjoy live editing (+markdown)
    • quill - A cross browser rich text editor with an API
    • TimelineJS - TimelineJS: A Storytelling Timeline built in JavaScript.
    • crossfade.js - A tiny (~3kb) jQuery plugin for crossfading images as you scroll down a page.
    • jQuery.eraser - jQuery plugin that makes an image erasable (with mouse or touch movements)
    • WOW - Reveal CSS animation as you scroll down a page
    • django_markdown - Django markdown support and wysiwig
    • imagesloaded - :camera: JavaScript is all like "You images done yet or what?"
    • bxslider-4 - Responsive jQuery content slider
    • Respond - A fast & lightweight polyfill for min/max-width CSS3 Media Queries (for IE 6-8, and more)
    • BrowserUpdateWarning - Browser Update Warning for MooTools
    • WOWSlider - Responsive jQuery slider - Fast, lightweight, mobile-friendly. No hand coding.
    • superslides - A fullscreen, hardware accelerated slider for jQuery.
    • OwlCarousel - Owl Carousel. Touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create beautiful responsive carousel slider.
    • gulp - The streaming build system
    • canvas2image - a tool for saving or converting canvas as img
    • html2canvas - Screenshots with JavaScript
    • jquery - jQuery JavaScript Library
    • js-sdk - 基于七牛 API 开发的前端 JavaScript SDK
    • plupload - Plupload is JavaScript API for building file uploaders. It supports multiple file selection, file filtering, chunked upload, client side image downsizing and when necessary can fallback to alternative runtimes, like Flash and Silverlight.
    • django-image-cropping - Django helper application to easily and non-destructively crop arbitrarily large images in admin and frontend.
    • django_selfblog - Another opensource blog system based on Django1.6
    • grafana - Grafana - A Graphite & InfluxDB Dashboard and Graph Editor
    • wechat.js - 微信相关的 js 操作:分享、网络、菜单
    • django-admin-sortable2 - Generic drag-and-drop ordering for objects in the Django admin interface
    • learnGitBranching - An interactive git visualization to challenge and educate!
    • fullPage.js - fullPage plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create full screen pages fast and simple
    • browser-check - Detect the browser and show a dialog for user to download latest modern browser if it's IE
    • impress.js - It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind
    • bootcamp - An enterprise social network
    • Ghost - Just a blogging platform
    • jquery.base64.js - Makes Base64 en & -decoding simpler as it is.
    • alertify.js - JavaScript Alert/Notification System
    • c3 - A D3-based reusable chart library
    • d3-cloud - Create word clouds in JavaScript.
    • graphite-web - A highly scalable real-time graphing system
    • jquery.fractionslider
    • pm2 - Production process manager for Node.js apps with a built-in load balancer
    • smart-time-ago - Smart Time Ago is a little jQuery library to update the relative timestamps in your document.
    • jquery-pjax - pushState + ajax = pjax
    • flight - A component-based, event-driven JavaScript framework from Twitter
    • hexo - A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
    • spine - Lightweight MVC library for building JavaScript applications
    • intro.js - A better way for new feature introduction and step-by-step users guide for your website and project.
    • async - Async utilities for node and the browser
    • Computer-Science-Glossary - aka CSG, English -> Chinese
    • remark - A simple, in-browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool.
    • scrollreveal.js - Easy scroll animations for web and mobile browsers.
    • layer - 最懂你的、跨终端的web弹层组件
  • Others

    • awesome-react - A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem.
    • awesome-awesomeness - A curated list of awesome awesomeness
    • awesome-javascript - 💨 A collection of awesome browser-side JavaScript libraries, resources and shiny things.
    • awesome-wpo - :pencil: A curated list of Web Performance Optimization. Everyone can contribute here!
    • awesome-shell - A curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos. Inspired by awesome-php.
    • awesome-django - A curated list of awesome Django apps, projects and resources.
    • goagent
    • github-cheat-sheet - A list of cool features of Git and GitHub.
    • frontend-dev-bookmarks - Manually curated collection of resources for frontend web developers.
    • Single-Page-App-Break - 单页应用开发权威指南
    • awesome-coffeescript - A curated list of awesome CoffeeScript frameworks, libraries and software.
    • interview_python - 关于Python的面试题
    • pywat - Python wats
    • idiomatic.js - Principles of Writing Consistent, Idiomatic JavaScript
    • sensitive-stop-words - 互联网常用敏感词、停止词词库
    • the-art-of-command-line - Master the command line, in one page
    • deepdream
    • git-style-guide - A Git Style Guide
    • postman-app-support - Postman helps you be more efficient while working with APIs. Using Postman, you can construct complex HTTP requests quickly, organize them in collections and share them with your co-workers.
    • what-happens-when - An attempt to answer the age old interview question "What happens when you type into your browser and press enter?"
    • Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions - A list of helpful front-end related questions you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore.
    • media - Media files for use in your GitHub integration projects
    • awesome-bigdata - A curated list of awesome big data frameworks, ressources and other awesomeness.
    • show-me-the-code - Python 练习册,每天一个小程序
    • remote-working - 收集整理远程工作相关的资料
    • static - 开放静态文件 - 为开源库稳定、快速的免费 CDN 服务
    • awesome-sysadmin - A curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources inspired by Awesome PHP.
    • Projects - :page_with_curl: A list of practical projects that anyone can solve in any programming language.
    • python-snippets - A basket of python snippets
    • VideoSub - HTML5 Video with SRT Subtitles
    • easy-python - Libraries you didn't know you would need
    • wiki
    • pycrumbs - Bits and bytes of Python from the Internet
    • http-api-design - HTTP API design guide extracted from work on the Heroku Platform API
    • node-v0.x-archive - Moved to
    • skill_issues - lot's useful skill, you will like this
    • book - 学习笔记
    • openerdns - OpenerDNS: 是面向中国用户开放的"高速 安全 免费"的域名解析服务器。
  • Python

    • lifter - A generic query engine, inspired by Django ORM
    • termrule - Coloured horizontal rule for your terminal
    • echo - A decorator for retrying failing operations.
    • awesome-sqlalchemy - A curated list of awesome tools for SQLAlchemy
    • awesome-python - A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources
    • resume - Markdown -> PDF/HTML resumé generator
    • stdgif - Standard output for gifs
    • redisco - A Python Library for Simple Models and Containers Persisted in Redis
    • redis-in-action - Example code from the book
    • gitfiti - abusing github commit history for the lulz
    • duckadmin - A Django reusable app for show and operate custom forms in admin.
    • python-pinyin - 汉语拼音转换工具 Python 版(pypinyin)。
    • affirm - Improved error messages for Python assert statements
    • leather - Python charting for 80% of humans.
    • ascii_py - Make some ascii arts
    • arcade - Easy to use Python library for creating 2D arcade games.
    • django-validator - Django validator with decorators.
    • sqlalchemy - See the development link for contribution guidelines
    • zhao - 【编程随想】整理的《太子党关系网络》,专门揭露赵国的权贵
    • django-bower - Easy way to use bower with your django project
    • thefuck - Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
    • unp - Unpacks things.
    • speaklater - Lazy strings for Python
    • top-starred-devs-and-repos-to-follow - The Top-Starred Python GitHub Devs, Orgs, and Repos to Follow (All-Time and Trending)
    • - ▁▂▃▅▂▇ in your python.
    • records - SQL for Humans™
    • orator - The Orator ORM provides a simple yet beautiful ActiveRecord implementation.
    • maybe - :open_file_folder: :rabbit2: :tophat: See what a program does before deciding whether you really want it to happen.
    • leak - Show info about releases of packages on PyPi
    • AutoDeploy - Building an automated deployment system which is similar to AWS CodeDeploy
    • tablib - Python Module for Tabular Datasets in XLS, CSV, JSON, YAML, &c.
    • django-notify-x - Notification system for Django
    • django-oscar - Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
    • django-passwords
    • python-magic - A python wrapper for libmagic
    • johnny-cache - johnny cache django caching framework
    • django-cache-machine - Automatic caching and invalidation for Django models through the ORM.
    • rc - Redis cache cluster system in Python
    • cookiecutter-django - Cookiecutter Django is a framework for jumpstarting production-ready Django projects quickly.
    • Unipath - An object-oriented approach to Python file/directory operations.
    • two-scoops-of-django-1.8 - Tracking thoughts and feature requests for Two Scoops of Django 1.8 in the issue tracker. And the book's code examples are here.
    • ohmu - View space usage in your terminal.
    • status - HTTP Status for Humans
    • rb - Routing and connection management for Redis in Python
    • shadowsocks
    • django_linter - Linter for django projects
    • dnsq - DNS Query Tool
    • Wooey - A Django app that creates automatic web UIs for Python scripts.
    • interactive-coding-challenges - Continually updated, interactive, test-driven Python coding interview challenges (algorithms and data structures).
    • python-docx - Create and modify Word documents with Python
    • pip-accel - pip-accel: Accelerator for pip, the Python package manager
    • supycache - Simple yet capable caching decorator for python
    • ssbc - 手撕包菜网站
    • eg - Useful examples at the command line.
    • translate - Useful localization tools with Python API for building localization & translation systems
    • paver - Python-based project scripting.
    • freight - Freight is a service which aims to make application deployments better.
    • zarp - Network Attack Tool
    • boltons - Like builtins, but boltons. Constructs/recipes/snippets that would be handy in the standard library. Nothing like Michael Bolton.
    • scrapple - A framework for creating semi-automatic web content extractors
    • Flashlight - The missing Spotlight plugin system
    • django-memcached-pool - A Pooled memcached connector for Django
    • aiomysql - aiomysql is a library for accessing a MySQL database from the asyncio
    • django-GNU-Terry-Pratchett - You know they'll never really die while the Trunk is alive
    • django-db-mailer - Django module to easily send emails/sms/tts/push using django templates stored on database and managed through the Django Admin
    • PyTricks - Collection of less popular features and tricks for the Python programming language
    • bash_kernel - A bash kernel for IPython
    • unicode_mayo - The mayo on your unicode sandwich
    • argcomplete - Python and tab completion, better together.
    • platter - A useful helper for wheel deployments.
    • django-baker - Adds a management command that generates views, forms, urls, admin, and templates based off the contents of
    • django-defender - A simple super fast django reusable app that blocks people from brute forcing login attempts
    • odo - Data Migration for the Blaze Project
    • dirmon - Cross-platform library to poll directories for changes (added/removed)
    • celery-once - Celery Once allows you to prevent multiple execution and queuing of celery tasks.
    • Nscan - Nscan: Fast internet-wide scanner
    • django-robots - A Django app for managing robots.txt files following the robots exclusion protocol
    • huptime - Utility for zero downtime restarts of unmodified programs.
    • django-constance - Dynamic Django settings.
    • commentjson - Add JavaScript or Python style comments in JSON.
    • my_blog_tutorial - It's the example of the development of blog by Django and Pure.
    • google-maps-services-python - Python client library for Google Maps API Web Services
    • drf-extensions - DRF-extensions is a collection of custom extensions for Django REST Framework
    • django-picklefield - A pickled object field for Django
    • loggy
    • django-podcasting - Audio podcasting functionality for Django sites.
    • - Embeddable, composable [c]ommand [l]ine [i]nterface [p]arsing
    • - Python library for interfacing with the GitHub APIv3
    • addict - The Python Dict that's better than heroin.
    • fake2db - create custom test databases that are populated with fake data
    • iterstuff - Useful tools for working with iterators
    • pydown - An HTML5 presentation builder written by python
    • shadowsocks
    • django-user_agents - A django package that allows easy identification of visitor's browser, OS and device information, including whether the visitor uses a mobile phone, tablet or a touch capable device.
    • django-contrib-comments
    • pyzmq - PyZMQ: Python bindings for zeromq
    • HTTPretty - HTTP client mocking tool for Python, it's like ruby's FakeWeb for python
    • pycurl - PycURL - Python interface to libcurl
    • django-v2ex - try to build a django v2ex forum, come from v2ex gae.
    • NSLoger - A forum based on Django
    • bumpversion - Version-bump your software with a single command
    • mailinabox - Mail-in-a-Box helps individuals take back control of their email by defining a one-click, easy-to-deploy SMTP+everything else server: a mail server in a box.
    • hamms - Malformed servers to test your HTTP client
    • django-pagemore - KISS approach to a "Load more" style AJAX paginator
    • django_plupload - Django pluggable application providing plupload uploads
    • django-plupload - Examples for using plupload in django
    • mongodb-engine - Django MongoDB Backend
    • django-ecstatic - An expansion pack for django.contrib.staticfiles!
    • django-htmlmin - HTML minifier for Python frameworks (not only Django, despite the name).
    • django-redis-cache - A Redis cache backend for django
    • django-qiniu-storage - Django storage for 七牛云存储
    • pyspider - A Powerful Spider(Web Crawler) System in Python.
    • django-userena - Accounts for Django made beautifully simple
    • django-rules - Flexible and scalable Django authorization backend for unified per object permission management
    • django-email-as-username - User authentication with email addresses instead of usernames.
    • django-project-template - Project template layout for Django 1.9+
    • ssh-ident - Different agents and different keys for different projects, with ssh.
    • django-permission - An enhanced permission system which support object permission in Django
    • diagram - Text mode diagrams using UTF-8 characters and fancy colors
    • - is an easier way to interact with your databases
    • pyskel - Skeleton of a Python package
    • awesome-github-extensions - A curated list of awesome browser extensions for GitHub. Inspired by awesome-python, which is inspired by awesome-php.
    • django_render - 一个非常轻量Django URL 的装饰器
    • django-pipeline - Pipeline is an asset packaging library for Django.
    • hyde - A Python Static Website Generator
    • fuckitpy - The Python error steamroller.
    • clint - Python Command-line Application Tools
    • bottle - is a fast and simple micro-framework for python web-applications.
    • logster - Parse log files, generate metrics for Graphite and Ganglia
    • distribute_crawler - 使用scrapy,redis, mongodb,graphite实现的一个分布式网络爬虫,底层存储mongodb集群,分布式使用redis实现,爬虫状态显示使用graphite实现
    • gentle - Help you quickly submit code to the test environment tools.
    • - :radio: based on Python
    • q - q - Run SQL directly on CSV or TSV files
    • carbonate - Utilities for managing graphite clusters
    • django-unique-random - Django model that generates unique random codes upon saving
    • cropman - Face-aware image cropping
    • python-modernize - Modernizes Python code for eventual Python 3 migration. Build on top of 2to3
    • simple_http - a simple http library , a simple nonblocking server.
    • t_dict - Traversable Python Dictionaries
    • cssdig - Peek inside CSS to uncover refactor opportunities.
    • pypete - Python Performance Testing
    • graphite-api - Graphite-web, without the interface. Just the rendering HTTP API.
    • django-pushy - Your push notifications handled at scale.
    • django-cachalot - No effort, no worry, maximum performance.
    • psutil - A cross-platform process and system utilities module for Python
    • colorama - Simple cross-platform colored terminal text in Python
    • memory_utils - Utilities to help fight and prevent memory leaks
    • weixin - 微信公众平台的Python包
    • weixin-simulator - 微信客户端模拟器,方便在本地进行微信公众平台API的开发和调试。
    • profiling - An interactive continuous Python profiler.
    • Gooey - Turn (almost) any Python command line program into a full GUI application with one line
    • pre-commit - A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.
    • gunnery - Remote task execution tool
    • smartcsv - CSVs are awesome, yet they're pretty dumb. Let's get them smarter!
    • python-unicodecsv - Python2's stdlib csv module is nice, but it doesn't support unicode. This module is a drop-in replacement which *does*. If you prefer python 3's semantics but need support in py2, you probably want
    • django-cms - The easy-to-use and developer-friendly CMS
    • django-simple-captcha - Django Simple Captcha is an extremely simple, yet highly customizable Django application to add captcha images to any Django form.
    • django-geoip - App to figure out where your visitors are from by their IP address.
    • django-ipware - Returns user's real IP address in Django
    • django-ratelimit-backend - Rate-limit your login attempts at the authentication backend level
    • doorman - Keeps your secret things
    • python-social-auth - Social auth made simple
    • django-social-auth - Django social authentication made simple
    • xmltodict - Python module that makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON
    • kmatch - A language for filtering, matching, and validating Python dictionaries
    • sender - One easy to use Python SMTP client
    • celery-tasktree - Celery Tasktree module
    • python-memcached - A python memcached client library.
    • Design-Patterns-in-Python - A collection of popular design patterns implemented in Python programming language
    • speakerdeck - Code and PPT for my speak
    • flower - Real-time monitor and web admin for Celery distributed task queue
    • nose - nose is nicer testing for python
    • cookiecutter - A command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates). E.g. Python package projects, jQuery plugin projects.
    • webob - WSGI request and response objects
    • watchdog - Python library and shell utilities to monitor filesystem events.
    • xqueue - XQueue defines an interface for the LMS to communicate with external grader services.
    • bleach - An easy, HTML5, whitelisting HTML sanitizer.
    • Python-Brainfuck - Just a small Brainfuck interpreter written in Python
    • xlrd - Library for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel (tm) spreadsheet files
    • ansible - Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications— automate in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems.
    • moviepy - Video editing with Python
    • pianoputer - Use your computer keyboard as a "piano".
    • edx-platform - The Open edX platform, the software that powers edX!
    • logbook - A cool logging replacement for Python.
    • vex - Run a command in the named virtualenv.
    • pluginbase - A simple but flexible plugin system for Python.
    • django-oauth-toolkit - OAuth2 goodies for the Djangonauts!
    • sh - Python process launching
    • diffscuss - Code reviews. In plain text.
    • faker - Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you.
    • Expert-Python - A python advanced programming slide
    • django-reversion - django-reversion is an extension to the Django web framework that provides version control for model instances.
    • xhtml2pdf - Use WeasyPrint instead
    • sentry - Sentry is cross-platform crash reporting built with love
    • ajenti - Ajenti Core and stock plugins
    • mkdocs - Project documentation with Markdown.
    • funcy - A fancy and practical functional tools
    • xadmin - Drop-in replacement of Django admin comes with lots of goodies, fully extensible with plugin support, pretty UI based on Twitter Bootstrap.
    • essay - Python项目自动化多服务器部署的工具
    • django-quicky - A collection of toys to skip the forplay with Django and go straight to the point: url and view decorators.
    • requests - Python HTTP Requests for Humans™
    • django-web-app-book - Django Web 开发实战
    • plan - Crontab jobs management in Python
    • percol - adds flavor of interactive filtering to the traditional pipe concept of UNIX shell
    • Spirit - Spirit is a modern Python based forum built on top of Django framework
    • django - The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
    • pyinstrument - Call stack profiler for Python. Inspired by Apple's
    • click - Python composable command line utility
    • simiki - Simiki is a simple wiki framework, written in Python.
    • django-environ - Django-environ allows you to utilize 12factor inspired environment variables to configure your Django application.
    • mailin - Artisanal inbound emails for every web app
    • pyeqs - Python Elasticsearch Querysets
    • django-sudo - Extra security for your sensitive pages
    • XlsxWriter - A Python module for creating Excel XLSX files.
    • django-messages-extends - A Django app for extends Django's messages framework (django.contrib.messages). framework, adds sticky messages and persistent messages and multistorage. This is a rebuild of django-persistent-messages.
    • guess-language - Attempts to determine the natural language of a selection of Unicode (utf-8) text (a clone of with package metadata)
    • python-unio - Unbreaks Unicode on Python
    • python-patterns - A collection of design patterns/idioms in Python
    • python-oauth2 - A fully tested, abstract interface to creating OAuth clients and servers.
    • py-oauth2 - A Python wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 specification
    • graph-index - index of Graphite & Diamond
    • brownant - Brownant is a web data extracting framework.
    • pynsist - Build Windows installers for Python applications
    • fabric - Simple, Pythonic remote execution and deployment.
    • peewee - a small, expressive orm -- supports postgresql, mysql and sqlite
    • supervisor - Supervisor process control system for UNIX
    • gunicorn - gunicorn 'Green Unicorn' is a WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX, fast clients and sleepy applications.
    • gevent - Coroutine-based concurrency library for Python
    • logtools - Command-line utilities for working with log files - filtering, sampling, IP-based geolocation, summary statistics etc.
    • Diamond
    • Mtime - A spider... ^.^
    • werkzeug - A flexible WSGI implementation and toolkit
    • huhamhire-hosts - hosts for Internet Freedom
    • scrapy-examples - Multifarious Scrapy examples.
    • powerline - Powerline is a statusline plugin for vim, and provides statuslines and prompts for several other applications, including zsh, bash, tmux, IPython, Awesome and Qtile.
    • docopt - Pythonic command line arguments parser, that will make you smile
    • lice - Generate license files for your projects
    • twisted-intro - Source files used for an introduction to Twisted
    • social-oauth - OAuth2 for Chinese social sites
    • django-speedbar - Instrumentation for django page loads
    • - ▁▂▃▅▂▇ in your python.
    • django-model-utils - Django model mixins and utilities.
    • django-rest-framework - Web APIs for Django.
    • MechanicalSoup - A Python library for automating interaction with websites.
    • - "Path" object conveniently wrapping assorted file/path-related functionality
    • envoy - Python Subprocesses for Humans™.
    • youtube-dl - Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites
    • silk - Silky smooth profiling for Django
    • holoviews - Stop plotting your data - annotate your data and let it visualize itself
    • redis-py - Redis Python Client
    • pandas - Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
    • httpie - CLI HTTP client, user-friendly curl replacement with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc.
  • Ruby

    • awesome-svg - A curated list of SVG.
    • vcr - Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests.
    • maximum-awesome - Config files for vim and tmux.
    • ruby-warrior - Game written in Ruby for learning Ruby and artificial intelligence.
    • burr - (废弃)电子书制作工具(PDF, ePub, Mobi, HTML)
    • gitlabhq - GitLab is version control for your server | Please open issues in our issue tracker on
    • octopress - Octopress is an obsessively designed framework for Jekyll blogging. It’s easy to configure and easy to deploy. Sweet huh?
  • Swift

    • awesome-swift - A collaborative list of awesome swift resources. Feel free to contribute!
    • awesome-ios - A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
  • ActionScript

    • FaustCplus - Flash Avatar Upload Sina Twitter Crack+
    • SWFUpload - SWFUpload - Fork from SWFUpload Build 2.2.1
  • Batchfile

    • python-guide - Python best practices guidebook, written for Humans.
  • C

    • flinux - Foreign LINUX - Run unmodified Linux applications inside Windows.
    • tmate - Instant Terminal Sharing
    • SOHU-DBProxy - 搜狐公司强大的数据库中间件
    • clumsy - clumsy makes your network condition on Windows significantly worse, but in a controlled and interactive manner.
    • uwsgi - uWSGI application server container
    • memcached - memcached development tree
    • redis - Redis is an in-memory database that persists on disk. The data model is key-value, but many different kind of values are supported: Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, HyperLogLogs, Bitmaps.
  • C++

    • fibjs - JavaScript on Fiber (based on Chrome V8 engine)
  • CoffeeScript

    • framework - Coffeescript Framework for front-end development
    • coffee-react-quickstart - Quickstart for building React single page apps using Coffeescript, Gulp, Webpack, and React-Router
    • modernweb - A widget that encourages users to improve their web experience by updating their browsers to a HTML5/CSS3 capable.
    • gulp-cheatsheet - A cheatsheet for gulp.js
    • chaplin - HTML5 application architecture using Backbone.js
  • Erlang

    • ejabberd - Robust, ubiquitous and massively scalable Jabber / XMPP Instant Messaging platform
  • Go

    • ngrok - Introspected tunnels to localhost
    • joe - :running: A .gitignore magician in your command line
    • codis - Proxy based Redis cluster solution supporting pipeline and scaling dynamically
  • Groff

    • hr - A horizontal ruler for your terminal
  • HTML

    • freewall - Freewall is a cross-browser and responsive jQuery plugin to help you create many types of grid layouts for desktop, mobile, and tablet...
    • django-kevin - Heavily personalized fork of the project template from "Two Scoops of Django 1.6"
    • material-design-lite - Material Design Components in HTML/CSS/JS
    • gevent-tutorial - Gevent tutorial for the Working Python Developer
    • code_py - A collection of well-commented code snippets for data science
    • skrollr - Stand-alone parallax scrolling library for mobile (Android + iOS) and desktop. No jQuery. Just plain JavaScript (and some love).
    • polymer-boilerplate - Fork this repo if you want to start your own Web Component using Polymer
    • Ladda - Buttons with built-in loading indicators.
    • randomColor - A tiny script for generating attractive colors
    • normalize.css - A collection of HTML element and attribute style-normalizations
    • Font-Awesome - The iconic font and CSS toolkit
    • MessengerJS - A common solution for cross-document communication .
    • slider - Bootstrap Javascript jQuery Carousel/Slider/Slideshow/Gallery/Banner Responsive HTML5
    • webcomponents - Web Components specifications
    • Learning-Markdown - Markdown guidance and reference(Markdown 入门参考)
    • polymer - Build modern apps using web components
    • dotnet - dotnet is the official home of .NET on GitHub. It's a great starting point to find many .NET OSS projects from Microsoft and the community, including many that are part of the .NET Foundation.
    • FanHaoSearch - 番号搜索器在线版本
    • SysAdminBoard - Collection of sysadmin gadgets for the Panic Statusboard iPad app.
    • jquery-bootpag - BootPag - boostrap dynamic pagination jQuery plugin
    • magic-of-css - A CSS course for web developers who want to be magicians.
    • redis - 《Redis Command Reference》全文的中文翻译版。
  • Haskell

    • pandoc - Universal markup converter
  • Jupyter Notebook

    • python_reference - Useful functions, tutorials, and other Python-related things
  • Makefile

  • Nginx

  • Objective-C

  • PHP

    • fis - Front-end Integrated Solution - 前端集成解决方案, 最新版请进入 FIS3
    • OpenAPI - 一些杂七杂八的东西
  • Perl

  • Shell

    • autoenv - Directory-based environments.
    • p - :snake: Python Version Management Made Simple
    • All-Github-Emoji-Icons - A repo of every emoji icon as a separate file and commit.
    • oh-my-cygwin - Setup a functioning terminal for Windows
    • docker_practice - Learn and understand Docker, with real DevOps practice!
    • Bash-script - Bash scripts
    • oh-my-zsh - A delightful community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 200+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, php, python, etc), over 140 themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
    • bash2048 - Bash implementation of 2048 game
  • VimL

    • janus - Vim distribution