An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.
Last synced: 5 days ago
JSON representation
- kylef/swiftenv - Swift Version Manager
- lunarxlark/aws-cfn-snippet.vim - make vim snippets of AWS CloudFormation from official cfn's docs
- ko1nksm/shdotenv - dotenv for shells with support for POSIX-compliant and multiple .env file syntax
- dtan4/nginx-basic-auth-proxy - Docker image of Nginx Proxy with Basic Auth
- astj/ghq-migrator
- rosylilly/git-hook - git-hook is very eazy git's hook management tool.
- k1LoW/execop - ExeCop is a checker that check commands and environment variables before execute command.
- kohkimakimoto/selfsigned-crt - A script to generate self-signed SSL certificate.
- greymd/tmux-xpanes - Awesome tmux-based terminal divider
- mii-chan/iOSCersProfilesExpirationDates2Slack - post expiration dates of iOS certificates and provisioning profiles to Slack
- tmux-plugins/tpm - Tmux Plugin Manager
- mollifier/anyframe - peco/percol/fzf wrapper plugin for zsh
- rcmdnk/vim_emu - Setting files of VIM Emulation for Karabiner (KeyRemap4Macbook)
- source-foundry/Hack - A typeface designed for source code
- feedforce/ruby-rpm - ruby-rpm
- dai0304/osxc-starter - An osxc playbook, for Miyamoto Daisuke.
- mislav/dotfiles - bash, zsh, git, tmux, personal toolbox
- monochromegane/vagrant-peco - A peco tool for vagrant-global-status.
- gongo/pecrant - Vagrant global-status and box controller for peco
- sorin-ionescu/prezto - The configuration framework for Zsh
- anyenv/anyenv - All in one for **env
- hnakamur/my-packer-template-files - This project is deprecated. Now I use boxes by
- kamipo/mysql-build - Compile and install MySQL
- tokuhirom/plenv - Perl binary manager
- paulsm/bashtime - A bash script to display an analog time in your command prompt on OS X
- zarigani/dropbox_diff - Diff revision files in Dropbox.
- ku1ik/git-dude - Git commit notifier
- clear-code/zsh.d - Zsh configurations
- xdissent/ievms - Automated installation of the Microsoft IE App Compat virtual machines
- RichiH/vcsh - config manager based on Git
- zsh-users/zaw - zsh anything.el-like widget.
- tfmagician/setup_scripts - Scripts to setup some apps for linux server.
- d3/d3 - Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. :bar_chart::chart_with_upwards_trend::tada:
- tj/git-extras - GIT utilities -- repo summary, repl, changelog population, author commit percentages and more
- hchbaw/auto-fu.zsh - #zsh automatic complete-word and list-choices. Originally incr-0.2.zsh by y.fujii <y-fujii at>
- nvie/gitflow - Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model.
- ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh - 🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python,
- rupa/z - z - jump around
- hnw/phpall - Execute PHP code or PHP script with all PHP version
- cooldaemon/dotfiles - It's files put on my home directory.
- ryoppy/cool-peco - peco utils. 便利なpecoを集約したい。
- rosylilly/git-tasukete - gitで助けて欲しい時に
- holman/spark - ▁▂▃▅▂▇ in your shell.
- bleis-tift/Git-Hooks - Redmine等のITS/BTSとGitとCIツールを使った開発を支援するためのフックスクリプト集・・・になる予定
- erikw/tmux-powerline - ⚡️ A tmux plugin giving you a hackable status bar consisting of dynamic & beautiful looking powerline segments, written purely in bash.
- sindresorhus/quick-look-plugins - List of useful Quick Look plugins for developers
- k1LoW/octocovs - Code metrics and badges of my open source projects using octocov central mode
- Olein-jp/wordpress-check-list
- YoshiiRyo1/getting-start-docker-for-platformengineer
- okubo-t/aws-cloudformation - AWS CloudFormation Sample Template
- a-know/Pixela - A service for generating GitHub-like graphs. Record and Track your habits or effort. All by API.
- snickerjp/docker-redmine-config - my-config for `sameersbn/docker-redmine`
- uupaa/JavaScript - JavaScript document and reference.
- azu/awesome-commit-english - コミット英語についての記事まとめ
- masatokinugawa/filterbypass - Browser's XSS Filter Bypass Cheat Sheet
- eyasuyuki/docker-ansible
- azu/browser-resources - A Collection of official Resources/Status/Issues for browsers.
- hail2u/html-best-practices - For writing maintainable and scalable HTML documents
- splhack/macvim-kaoriya - MacVim-KaoriYa
- kuzuha/git-tasukete - gitで助けて欲しい時に
- hatena/Hatena-Textbook - はてな研修用教科書
- m4robb/one-millionth-tower
- amachang/webkitd - Simple WebKit Server
- yuki-kimoto/mojolicious-guides-japanese - Japanese localization of Mojolicious API documents
- nakamuray/zsh-filter-select - filter and select item
- rsepulveda2/Twitter-Mobile - A web based twitter client using jQuery Mobile and Twitter @anywhere
- github/gitignore - A collection of useful .gitignore templates
- php-fig/fig-standards - Standards either proposed or approved by the Framework Interop Group
- naberon/vim-cakehtml - cakephp templates syntax
- kickstarter/jQuery-SpriteShow - An awesome slideshow that uses a single sprite.
- mathjax/MathJax - Beautiful and accessible math in all browsers
- chrismetcalf/vim-yankring - Mirror of yankring.vim
- schacon/showoff - moved to puppetlabs/showoff!
- nodejs/node-v0.x-archive - Moved to
- Homebrew/legacy-homebrew - 💀 The former home of Homebrew/homebrew (deprecated)
- jim/fitzgerald - A Tiny PHP framework inspired by Sinatra
- hnw/macports-repos-hnw - Local ports repository for MacPorts
- classmethod/aws-container-design-guide - AWSにおけるコンテナスタンダード(AWS環境においてコンテナ基盤を構築するにあたり、そのベストプラクティスをまとめた文書。想定読者はアプリケーション開発者ではなく、インフラ設計者)
- perldoc-jp/translation - 日本語訳したドキュメントをおく場所
- hail2u/roremu-ipusamu - ロレム・イプサムはそこそこ意味の通った英数字交じりの日本語の文章をCC0で登録・収集するプロジェクトです。主にウェブ・ページやウェブ・アプリケーション等のモックアップに使うことを想定しています。
- hiromi2424/translate - 日本語訳プロジェクト。 Project for translation in japanese.
- gh-unit/gh-unit - DEPRECATED Test Framework for Objective-C
- jakob/TableTool - A simple CSV editor for the Mac
- tmurakam/ImaKaeru
- hetima/Locat - SIMBL plugin that communicates between Finder and Open/Save Panel
- ustwo/US2FormValidator - Form validation framework for iOS.
- MacGapProject/MacGap1 - Desktop WebKit wrapper for HTML/CSS/JS applications.
- specialunderwear/Hosts.prefpane - a Cocoa GUI for /etc/hosts
- rudyrichter/GrowlMail - the new home for GrowlMail
- giginet/KawazBuster - かわずたんたたき! for iPhone
- RobertLowe/mynu - mynu - A simple DSL to create a systembar menu with macruby on OSX
- BigZaphod/Chameleon - Chameleon is a port of Apple's UIKit for iOS (and some minimal related frameworks) to Mac OS X.
- davbeck/iPhone-Simulator-Capture - Records video screen captures of the iPhone simulator
- quicksilver/Quicksilver - Quicksilver Project Source
- Nyoho/TerminalEastAsianAmbiguousClearer - A SIMBL plugin that makes "the East Asian Ambiguous Character Width" clear
- tidev/titanium-sdk - 🚀 Native iOS and Android Apps with JavaScript
- keycastr/keycastr - KeyCastr, an open-source keystroke visualizer
- niw/terminal_coloreopard - Change ANSI Color on Leopard
- rentzsch/clicktoflash - WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content
- whomwah/qlstephen - A QuickLook plugin that lets you view plain text files without a file extension
- jessegrosjean/quickcursor
- mikeahmarani/MAConfirmButton - MAConfirmButton is an animated subclass of UIButton that replicates and improves upon the behavior of the AppStore “Buy Now” buttons. Built and animated with Core Animation layers, it is completely im
- suin/php-expose - 📦 Makes non-public properties and methods be testable to help your unit tests with PHPUnit.
- slywalker/TwitterBootstrap - Plugin for CakePHP2 to use Bootstrap, from Twitter (CSS JS Framework)
- k1LoW/Sample-Calendar-Application - Sample Application for the CakePHP Calendar Plugin
- rti7743/Regexp_Assemble_For_PHP - perlのRegexp::Assemble を PHP に移植する
- goodby/csv - Goodby CSV is a high memory efficient flexible and extendable open-source CSV import/export library for PHP 5.3. 1. Memory Management Free This library designed for memory unbreakable. It will not be
- satthi/plugin-test-support
- satthi/Contents-file
- hamuhamu/ValueObject - ValueObject pattern
- necomori/php-api-mockserver - Mock Server for REST API
- k1LoW/calendar - Calendar plugin for CakePHP
- macyarounanoka/mac-zip-windows
- kaz29/serverless-azure-php-example - Serverless Azure PHP Example
- sizuhiko/Taste - Taste is custom-loader of CakePHP Application
- shin1x1/phpcon2017
- faultline/faultline-php - faultline exception and error notifier for PHP.
- ackintosh/snidel - Snidel makes it easier for all PHP developers to work with parallel processing w/o any PECL extensions.
- simplethemes/skeleton_wp - Skeleton is a simple, responsive WordPress theme based on the Skeleton Boilerplate. It has several useful shortcodes, such as tabs, toggles, cross-browser CSS3 buttons, and layout columns. It also inc
- nojimage/CakePHP-PHPTAL-Blog-Tutorial - CakePHP with PHPTAL code sample
- inc2734/smart-custom-fields
- mpyw-junks/coutte - Yet another asynchronous scraper based on mpyw/co.
- miya0001/simple-map - Display Google Map Shortcode for WordPress
- mikiakira/php-simple-kanban - A web app that was inspired by Trello and cloned only the "Kanban" function with PHP
- n1215/learn-laravel-facade - LaravelのFacadeっぽいものを自作する
- dwightwatson/bootstrap-form - Bootstrap 3 form builder for Laravel
- hirak/prestissimo - composer parallel install plugin
- suminb/readown - Readown is a Markdown reader for Mac OS X
- connrs/JsonReader - JsonReader to extend CakePHP 2 Configure class
- gree/MagicSpice
- ngyuki-sandbox/example-php-psr4
- shin1x1/laravel-validator-builder - Laravel Validator builder
- kawanamiyuu/vagrant-php-mecab - vagrant-php-mecab
- ttsuruoka/php-time - Simple time class for php
- liip/php-osx - DEPRECATED: See for details. The uploader and website for the PHP 5 package for OS X 10.6 built with
- fact-real/developers_training_public
- fzaninotto/Faker - Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you
- sizuhiko/BddExampleApp - CakePHP sample application and test cases for using BDD plugin.
- rachelbaker/bootstrapwp-Twitter-Bootstrap-for-WordPress - CSS toolkit from Twitter for use as a WordPress theme
- young-steveo/require_cake - CakeFest 2013 demonstration
- jmcneese/bitmasked - A CakePHP plugin for row-level filtering of models via bitmasks.
- msng/spacer.gif - Offering a spacer.gif
- fusic/zipcode - JP Post Zipcode Plugin for CakePHP.
- nojimage/CakePHP-TALTAL - PHPTAL for CakePHP
- mpyw/EasyCrypt - A class that provides simple interface for decryptable encryption.
- phpmentors-jp/codeiq-greeter-php
- shin1x1/vagrant-lapp-sample - LAPP(CentOS6.4 / Apache2.2 / PHP5.4 / PostgreSQL9.3) sample project on Vagrant
- whatthejeff/nyancat-phpunit-resultprinter - Nyan Cat result printer for PHPUnit
- yandod/php5-nginx-vagrant-sample - Vagrantfile for php5.5 as php-fpm with nginx, mysql, postgres, imagemagick.
- QafooLabs/php-refactoring-browser - A command line refactoring tool for PHP
- kohkimakimoto/phpmigrate - PHPMigrate is a minimum database migration tool for MySQL.
- composer/composer - Dependency Manager for PHP
- kohkimakimoto/altax - [Deprecated - This project is no longer maintained] A deployment tool for PHP
- kaz29/FileFixture - FileFixture Plugin for CakePHP2.x
- yandod/cakephp-heroku-plugin - This Plugin helps reading configuration from heroku config vars.
- klaussilveira/gitlist - An elegant and modern git repository viewer
- PHP-CS-Fixer/PHP-CS-Fixer - A tool to automatically fix PHP Coding Standards issues
- reactphp/reactphp - Event-driven, non-blocking I/O with PHP.
- kuzuha/Geography_JapanesePrefectures - This module allows you to get information on Japanese Prefectures names. and region.
- d3y4n/instagraph - Instagram with ImageMagick & PHP
- opauth/opauth - Multi-provider authentication framework for PHP
- Sybio/ImageWorkshop - ImageWorkshop is a PHP5.3+ library that helps you to manage images based on GD library
- ichikaway/AutoAppBuild - AutoAppBuild finds sub directories in Controller/Model directory and executes App::build()
- iNamik/PHP-Download-Tracker - A Single PHP Script That Helps You Track Downloads From Your Site
- web-soudan/mw-wp-form
- snow-actions/php-ast-changed - Check if PHP AST have been changed in a pull request
- yheihei/wp-docker-template - Dockerを使ったWordPress環境をビルドスクリプト一発で作る
- braveryk7/WordPress-PHPUnit-use-wp-env-sample
- shin1x1/domain-modeling-with-php
- tutida/Pack - Cakephp3 variables in JS
- enomotodev/php-cs-fixer-commit - Create commit of php-cs-fixer
- FreshRSS/FreshRSS - A free, self-hostable news aggregator…
- aokazu/cakephp3_core_layer_pattern - Example of applying core layer pattern to CakePHP3
- nojimage/cakephp-cron-jobs - A cron job runner for CakePHP
- sadapon2008/mysql_collate
- suin/php-cs-fixer-rules - [READ-ONLY] A Rule set for PHP-CS-Fixer mainly targeting PHP 7.1 or higher.
- todays-mitsui/fetch-progress-sample
- kijtra/textdiff - Simple text diff script
- nojimage/cakephp-time-interval - Time interval custom type for CakePHP
- kaihiro/optimistic-lock - Optimistic Lock for CakePHP3
- hanhan1978/docker-laravel55-skelton
- zionboogie/wordpress-minimum
- inc2734/mw-wp-form
- azuyalabs/yasumi - The easy PHP Library for calculating holidays
- kunit/cakephp-advent-calendar-2017-sample - CakePHP Advent Calendar 2017 で使用したサンプル
- mypacecreator/ps-taxonomy-expander
- phpbrew/Onion - Onion, The fast approach to build/bundle PEAR/PECL packages for PHP.
- sotarok/git-daily - [DEPRECATED] Git-daily is a workflow management tool for Git. Managing branches, releases and remote collaborations.
- jbroadway/elefant - Elefant, the refreshingly simple PHP CMS and web framework.
- nojimage/CakePHP-skel - CakePHP アプリケーションスケルトンの建設中。fork me!
- k1LoW/yalog - Yet Another Logger for CakePHP
- ichikaway/cakephp-MissingDetect-Plugin - check property name
- blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload - File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads.
- rlerdorf/WePloy - WePay's deploy mechanism
- CakeDC/utils - Utils Plugin for CakePHP
- jaredhoyt/cakephp-wizard - Plugin for handling multi-page forms
- fusic/maintenance - Maintenance plugin for CakePHP
- fusic/filebinder - Filebinder: Simple file attachment plugin for CakePHP
- hiromi2424/Collectionable - Collectionable plugin for CakePHP
- neilcrookes/CakePHP-ReST-DataSource-Plugin - A CakePHP Plugin containing a DataSource for interacting with ReSTful web services
- hiromi2424/hack_plugin - CakePHP alias library
- anchepiece/statuspanic - A PHP clone of Panic's status board
- joebeeson/analogue - A CakePHP 1.3+ helper for remapping helpers
- cakephp/cakephp - CakePHP: The Rapid Development Framework for PHP - Official Repository
- MASA-P/ktai-dev - Ktai Library development suite
- ichikaway/xformHelper - extends cakephp form helper.
- openid/php4-openid - OpenID library for PHP4
- CakeDC/migrations - Migrations Plugin for CakePHP
- shawncplus/Vim-toCterm - Script to add cterm support to color schemes without the GUIColorSchemes plugin
- phake/phake - PHP Mocking Framework
- sebastianbergmann/phpunit - The PHP Unit Testing framework.
- syuhari/ImageBehavior - Behavior for CakePHP
- markstory/acl_extras - A console plugin for helping you manage your ACL tables.
- mcurry/interactive - Custom panel for the CakePHP DebugKit allowing for interactive sessions with your app
- slywalker/tool_kit - CakePHP Tool Plugin
- sofadesign/limonade - a PHP micro-framework
- sebastianbergmann/phpcpd - Copy/Paste Detector (CPD) for PHP code.
- mariuswilms/media - CakePHP 1.3 plugin enabling transfer/manipulation/embedding of files in 23 ways.
- Automattic/Rewrite-Rules-Inspector - WordPress plugin to inspect your rewrite rules.
- whiteCcinn/husky-php - Git hooks made easy!! 🎉PHP is combined with composer to implement functionality similar to js's NPM module husky
- ftngrn/qdmail - Qdmail series. Forked from spok's original library. (Qdmailシリーズのgithub版です。PHP5.6対応).
- tenkoma/tddbe-php - PHP implementation of "Test Driven Development: By Example (テスト駆動開発)"
- kunit/tdd-by-example-php - テスト駆動開発をPHPでやってみる
- xdebug/xdebug - Xdebug — Step Debugger and Debugging Aid for PHP
- kaz29/unofficial-niftycloud-sdk-for-php - 非公式NiftyCloudSDK for PHP
- UnionOfRAD/framework - The li₃ fullstack distribution, including overarching directory layout, starting application, and a copy of the framework.
- oppara/cakephp-simple-recaptcha
- atton/tmux - Forked tmux uses only ASCII characters on split window.
- sorah/envchain - Environment variables meet macOS Keychain and gnome-keyring <3
- fumiyas/wcwidth-cjk - Run command with CJK-friendly wcwidth(3) to fix ambiguous width chars
- SoftEtherVPN/SoftEtherVPN - Cross-platform multi-protocol VPN software. Pull requests are welcome. The stable version is available at
- lavoiesl/osx-cpu-temp - Outputs current CPU temperature for OSX
- yudai/screen - GNU screen
- applidium/Vim - Port of the Vim text editor to the iOS
- mattn/growl-for-linux - Growl Implementation For Linux #growl4linux
- jyr/MNPP - Mac + Nginx + Percona + PHP a high performance web server in a one-click installer
- mattn/specterjs - SpecterJS is a minimalistic, headless, WebKit-based, JavaScript-driven tool.
- splhack/macvim - MacVim-KaoriYa repo (based on the MacVim repo)
- b4winckler/macvim - Vim - the text editor - for Mac OS X
- ChrisJohnsen/tmux-MacOSX-pasteboard - Notes and workarounds for accessing the Mac OS X pasteboard in tmux sessions. Note: The pu branch (“Proposed Updates”) may be rewound without notice.
C# #
- uemegu/FNO - Futatsu Na Online
- DQNEO/CppTetris - Tetris made within an hour
- cmderdev/cmder - Lovely console emulator package for Windows
- yfuruyama/YetAnotherHHKBController - Yet another controller for Happy Hacking Keyboard Professional2
- DeNA/HandlerSocket-Plugin-for-MySQL - HandlerSocket is a NoSQL plugin for MySQL, working as a daemon inside the mysqld process, to accept tcp connections, and execute requests from clients. HandlerSocket does not support SQL queries; inst
- wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf - Convert HTML to PDF using Webkit (QtWebKit)
- ianrogren/jquery-backDetect - jQuery backDetect is a jQuery plugin that is used to determine when a user clicks the back button and fire a callback function.
- Project-CleverWeb/LastAutoIndex
- harasou/slides
- Nikesh/Pie-Menu - Simple configurable Path Menu written in Jquery and CSS3
- freshtilledsoil/champagne - A jQuery plugin to randomize the display of objects in a grid
- erskinedesign/ed.gridpak - The responsive grid generator.
- jondot/graphene - Graphene is a realtime dashboard & graphing toolkit based on D3 and Backbone.
- mquan/lavish - a rails app that generates Bootstrap color scheme from an image
- commadelimited/jQuery-Mobile-Bootstrap-Theme - A jQuery Mobile theme based on Bootstrap
- yusukebe/Yomico - Yet Another Markdown Viewer
- hail2u/normalize.scss - Modularized and Sassy normalize.css
- remy/mit-license - Hosted MIT License with details controlled through this repo
- fgnass/spin.js - A spinning activity indicator
- necolas/normalize.css - A modern alternative to CSS resets
- csswizardry/inuit.css - Powerful, scalable, Sass-based, BEM, OOCSS framework.
- nathansmith/adapt - Adapt.js serves CSS based on screen width.
- matsubo/emoji-sprite - CSS sprite and icons of EMOJI.
- chriskempson/tomorrow-theme - Tomorrow Theme
- hail2u/scss-partials - SCSS partials
- hail2u/vim-css3-syntax - CSS3 syntax (and syntax defined in some foreign specifications) support for Vim's built-in syntax/css.vim
- toland/qlmarkdown - QuickLook generator for Markdown files.
- animate-css/animate.css - 🍿 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.
- pkamenarsky/atea - A minimalistic menu bar time tracker for MacOS
- naoya/hubot-sushiyuki
- pchw/backbone-event-logger - Backbone event logger
- morrisjs/morris.js - Pretty time-series line graphs
- k2nr/ViChrome - vi like key binds for Google Chrome
- js2coffee/js2coffee - Compile JavaScript to CoffeeScript
- bergie/hallo - Simple rich text editor (contentEditable) for jQuery UI
- mauricemach/coffeekup - Markup as CoffeeScript.
- KushibikiMashu/at-coder-with-php - AtCoderの問題をPHPで解く環境を構築します
- GitHub30/vscode-remote-try-nuxt - Nuxt.js sample project for trying out the VS Code Remote - Containers extension
- oppara/cakephp3-app-skeleton
- tenkoma/cakephp3-app-skeleton
Emacs Lisp
- sifue/dotfiles - sifue's dotfiles
- k1LoW/stubin - This is stub binary
- koki-develop/sheep - 🐑 Sleep with Sheep.
- sheepla/srss - 📘 A command line RSS/ATOM/JSON feed reader
- shiimaxx/alfred-gitlab-workflow - Alfred Workflow for search of your gitlab repositories written in Golang
- shiimaxx/glr - CLI tool for creating GitLab Release
- shiimaxx/glch - CLI tool for generating changelog based on GitLab Merge Request
- babarot/blog - ✍ Makes writing blogs easier!
- babarot/afx - 📦 Package manager to provide declaretive way to manage CLI commands and shell plugins as code.
- yusukebe/rj - CLI for printing HTTP Response as JSON.
- k1LoW/ebk - ebk is a tiny tool for ebook
- k1LoW/gh-grep - :octocat: Print lines matching a pattern in repositories using GitHub API
- fujimura/git-gsub - A Git subcommand to do gsub in a repository
- yusukebe/gh-markdown-preview - GitHub CLI extension to preview Markdown looks like GitHub.
- fumontr/aws-cost-notify-to-slack
- skanehira/slack-reminder - Slack remind generator
- inabajunmr/anyconf - You never need to google file path for any tools configuration.
- urawa72/pqlt - PartiQL TUI tool
- beefsack/webify - Turn shell commands into web services
- barnybug/cli53 - Command line tool for Amazon Route 53
- shin1x1/rerun - A tool that automatically restart a exited commands
- sugyan/ttygif - ttyrec to gif
- mattn/memo - 📓 Memo Life For You
- reviewdog/reviewdog - 🐶 Automated code review tool integrated with any code analysis tools regardless of programming language
- k1LoW/tbls - tbls is a CI-Friendly tool to document a database, written in Go.
- mattn/go-jsonpointer
- kyokomi/excel-to-markdown - excel to markdown convert tool
- babarot/gist - :octocat: A simple gist editor for CLI
- yuuki/diamondb - [WIP] DiamonDB: Rebuild of time series database on AWS.
- masutaka/github-nippou - Print today's your GitHub activity for issues and pull requests.
- yusukebe/revealgo - Markdown driven presentation tool written in Go!
- mattn/go-oci8 - Oracle driver for Go using database/sql
- acidlemon/mirage - docker front end & reverse proxy for development
- monochromegane/vagrant-global-status - A fast vagrant global-status command.
- tcnksm/yo - Yo to your twitter friend from CLI
- typester/gh-open
- peco/peco - Simplistic interactive filtering tool
- laurent22/massren - massren - easily rename multiple files using your text editor
- monochromegane/the_platinum_searcher - A code search tool similar to ack and the_silver_searcher(ag). It supports multi platforms and multi encodings.
- mattn/jvgrep - grep for japanese vimmer
- mislav/hub - A command-line tool that makes git easier to use with GitHub.
- nicksieger/jsonpretty - Command-line JSON pretty-printer
- yusukebe/50-algorithms - プログラマの面接で聞かれるらしい50個のアルゴリズム
- mashiike/aws-cost-anomaly-slack-reactor
- monochromegane/afa - AFA is a terminal-friendly AI command.
- azu/proof-dictionary - My proof-dictionary
- bestmediaplayer/mediaplayer - Free Open Source No-Download HTML5 Media Player for Video, Music, Audio, Android, iPhone, FLV, MP4, WEBM
- hayatoito/
- ikedaosushi/simple-url-copy - A Chrome extension that help you to copy URL
- MichinariNukazawa/TofuFont
- kohkimakimoto/getcomposer.org_doc_jp - Composerのドキュメント日本語訳
- burnworks/burnworks-guidelines - Burnworks Inc. web development guideline.
- azu/promises-book - JavaScript Promiseの本
- Prinzhorn/skrollr - Stand-alone parallax scrolling library for mobile (Android + iOS) and desktop. No jQuery. Just plain JavaScript (and some love).
- blueimp/Bootstrap-Image-Gallery - This project is deprecated in favor of blueimp Gallery.
- sri-rang/notifer.js - Not Actively Maintained - Javascript library for Gnome / Growl type non-blocking notifications
- davatron5000/FitText.js - A jQuery plugin for inflating web type
- octocat/Spoon-Knife - This repo is for demonstration purposes only.
- lojjic/PIE - A behavior for Internet Explorer allowing it to recognize and render various CSS3 box decoration properties
- remy/html5demos - Collection of hacks and demos showing capability of HTML5 apps
- benpickles/peity - Progressive <svg> pie, donut, bar and line charts
- hail2u/jquery.query-yql - Query YQL simply.
- binaryage/visor - Quake-style terminal for MacOS X ( plugin)
- nomnux/vaddy-privatenet-docker - PrivateNet 版 VAddy(を Docker コンテナとして実行します。
- nukorou/tenki_electron - macでtenki.jpの天気をメニューバーに
- jgm/gitit - A wiki using HAppS, pandoc, and git
- widdix/aws-cf-templates - Free Templates for AWS CloudFormation
- tobachi/aws-copilot-sample-service
- onozaty/selenium-sandbox
- agirbal/umongo - Desktop app to browse and administer your MongoDB cluster
- KLab/iPhoroidUI - KLab iPhoroid UI Library
- sile/igo-gae - Igo on Google App Engine
- shd101wyy/crossnote - Powerful markdown tool
- fukayatsu/lttm-crx - Makes it easy to add a funny image to a comment.
- namosuke/functori - PHP関数名しりとり
- anuraghazra/github-readme-stats - :zap: Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes
- kawamataryo/alfred-gyazo-uploader - Alfred-workflow for easy file uploading to Gyazo.
- geolonia/community-geocoder - Open Source and Free GeoCoding API in Japan
- arowM/modern-css-for-developers - Modern CSS techniques for developers.
- tilfinltd/aws-extend-switch-roles - Extend your AWS IAM switching roles by Chrome extension, Firefox add-on, or Edge add-on
- jonmagic/copy-excel-paste-markdown - Copy a table in Excel (or other spreadsheet programs) and paste it as a Markdown table
- hidao80/WorkTimeLogger - Record the task name and time. The tally can be copied in Markdown.
- adventar/adventar - For all Adventars!
- narikei/Charger-Information-for-Mac
- nishinoshake/aws-rough - ざっくりAWS
- erickzhao/static-html-webpack-boilerplate - 🔮 modern tooling for old-school static webpage development
- araj-dev/webpack4-boilerplate-static-separated
- 1000ch/pinput - Light-weight chrome extension for Pinboard.
- ginpei/devtools-z-index - Stop `z-index: 999999` !!
- marcosesperon/jquery.rowspanizer.js - Dynamic rowspan based on the content of the table
- vim-jp/reading-vimrc - vimrc読書会まとめ
- a-know/grass-graph - PNG Generator of GitHub Public Contribution Graph
- yasutomog/book-management-pwa-onsenui-vue
- PruneMazui/resume-maker - Generate a JIS standard resume (for Japanese) from the json config file.
- romainl/ctags-patterns-for-javascript - Exuberant Ctags Patterns for JavaScript
- tyru/node-vim-char-class - Detect a character class which Vim recognizes when moving with w,b,e,ge
- k1LoW/serverless-static-hosting-with-basic-auth - Serverless boilerplate for Static website hosting with Basic authentication
- k1LoW/utsusemi - A tool to generate a static website by crawling the original site.
- miya0001/Front-End-Checklist - フロントエンドチェックリスト日本語訳
- hirokidaichi/guiflow - a text editor for ui flow
- horike37/lambda-unittest-sample
- esdoc/esdoc - ESDoc - Good Documentation for JavaScript
- faultline/faultline - Error tracking tool on AWS managed services.
- anydown/maildown
- anydown/kanbandown
- dai0304/pegmatite - Google Chrome extension that replace PlantUML code blocks into preview images.
- previm/previm - Realtime preview by Vim. (Markdown, reStructuredText, textile)
- akabekobeko/examples-web-app - Examples of web applications and tools.
- trkbt10/mikan.js - 機械学習を用いていない日本語改行問題へのソリューション
- kintone-labs/jswatchdog - Auto review tool for kintone JS customization.
- ksoichiro/gitlab-i18n-patch - Unofficial Japanese translation for GitLab Community Edition.
- 1hella/eslint-config-airbnb-es5 - An unofficial Airbnb ESLint configuration, following Airbnb's ES5 JavaScript style guide.
- hirokidaichi/uiflow - uiflow - the simplest way to write down your ui-flow diagram like markdown
- burnworks/HTML_CodeSniffer-ja - HTML_CodeSniffer Japanese translation
- fzaninotto/screenshot-as-a-service - Website screenshot service powered by node.js and phantomjs
- sinsoku/clairvoyance - Clairvoyance provides a way to measure code coverage for CSS
- jakerella/jquery-mockjax - The jQuery Mockjax Plugin provides a simple and extremely flexible interface for mocking or simulating ajax requests and responses
- harisenbon/autokana - Library for automatically rendering Furigana for inputted Japanese Text
- masuidrive/miyamoto - Google Apps Scriptで書かれたSlack用勤怠管理Botの「みやもとさん」
- chris4403/WikiTextConverter
- gnab/remark - A simple, in-browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool.
- rakuten-frontend/grunt-appdmg - Grunt plugin for generating Mac OS X DMG-images.
- moznion/location-util - Utilities of location (URL) for browser and node. It has no dependencies.
- clean-css/clean-css - Fast and efficient CSS optimizer for node.js and the Web
- polygonplanet/encoding.js - Convert and detect character encoding in JavaScript
- mizchi/my-feed-reader
- typpo/ad-detector - Detects articles with corporate sponsors.
- coreybutler/fenix - A simple and visual static web server with collaboration features.
- hail2u/node-css-mqpacker - Pack same CSS media query rules into one using PostCSS
- ovity/octotree - GitHub on steroids
- summernote/summernote - Super simple WYSIWYG editor
- dirkgroenen/SVGMagic - Fallback for SVG images by automatically creating PNG versions on-the-fly
- tooling/book-of-modern-frontend-tooling - The Front-end Tooling Book
- cloverstudio/Spika-Server - Server backend system for Spika
- mozilla/pointer.js - INACTIVE - - INACTIVE - - Normalizes mouse/touch events into 'pointer' events.
- KuiKui/Octosplit - Chrome extension that provides side by side diffs in GitHub
- kayac/newbie-training
- imsky/holder - :city_sunrise: Client-side image placeholders.
- creativecouple/jquery-timing - a jQuery plugin that provides easy-to-use timing methods to write less and do more.
- dionyziz/canvas-tetris - A 2D tetris game in HTML5 canvas
- paulmillr/ostio - Your open-source talks place.
- johnpolacek/superscrollorama - The original jQuery plugin for supercool scroll animation. NOTE: No longer under active development. New version is ScrollMagic.js
- 10bestdesign/jqvmap - jQuery Vector Map Library
- ryhan/fixie - Automatically add filler content to HTML documents based on semantic tags.
- naoya/my-diary-css
- douglascrockford/JSCheck - A random property testing tool for JavaScript
- mailcheck/mailcheck - Reduce misspelled email addresses in your web apps.
- FortAwesome/Font-Awesome - The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit
- thomaspark/bootswatch - Themes for Bootstrap
- JoelBesada/scrollpath - A plugin for defining custom scroll paths.
- aike/webaudiosynth - Synthesizer application written in JavaScript using Web Audio API.
- Victa/curtain.js - PROJECT IS NOT MAINTAINED - This plugin allows you to create a web page with multiple fixed panels that unroll with an amusing effect.
- Arcticjs/Arctic.js - HTML5 game framework
- impress/impress.js - It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind
- tonylukasavage/pathmenu.js - Path menu interface for Appcelerator Titanium
- LeaVerou/dabblet - An interactive CSS playground
- aterrien/jQuery-Knob - Nice, downward compatible, touchable, jQuery dial
- inuyaksa/jquery.nicescroll - nicescroll plugin for jquery - scrollbars like iphone/ipad
- shutterstock/rickshaw - JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive real-time graphs
- visionmedia/uikit - UIKit - modern ui components for the modern web
- donayama/JComiViewer - J-Comi **unofficial** Viewer with Titanium Mobile
- mozilla/BrowserQuest - DEPRECATED - A HTML5/JavaScript multiplayer game experiment
- naoya/HBFav - Hatena Bookmark "Favorite" Reader
- misoproject/dataset - JavaScript library that makes managing the data behind client-side visualisations easy
- gruntjs/grunt - Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner
- adael/AdaWiki2 - Wiki system in CakePHP
- desandro/imagesloaded - :camera: JavaScript is all like "You images done yet or what?"
- HumbleSoftware/Flotr2 - Graphs and Charts for Canvas in JavaScript.
- twbs/bootstrap - The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
- tcorral/Cutter.js - Truncate HTML code to limit its length by number of words without losing markup.
- eligrey/FileSaver.js - An HTML5 saveAs() FileSaver implementation
- lrsjng/jquery-fracs - jQuery plugin to determine the visible fractions of HTML elements.
- h5bp/html5please - Graded Feature Support: Look up web technologies and find out if they are ready for use.
- 23/resumable.js - A JavaScript library for providing multiple simultaneous, stable, fault-tolerant and resumable/restartable uploads via the HTML5 File API.
- Robdel12/DropKick - A JavaScript plugin for creating beautiful, accessible, and painless custom dropdowns.
- s-aska/7kai-Tasks - Social Task Management Tool.
- wakaba/migemojs - a JavaScript implementation of Migemo
- tiff/wysihtml5 - Open source rich text editor based on HTML5 and the progressive-enhancement approach. Uses a sophisticated security concept and aims to generate fully valid HTML5 markup by preventing unmaintainable t
- germanrdz/gShake - This is a jQuery Plugin that enables you to attach a function to a "Shake Event" for devices with iOS 4.2+
- adrianopaladini/titanium_developer - TiDev Community (old 'Appcelerator Titanium Developer') -- See Readme
- lrsjng/h5ai - HTTP web server index for Apache httpd, lighttpd and nginx.
- CSSLint/csslint - Automated linting of Cascading Stylesheets
- kangax/kratko.js - Simple tool to help refactor Javascript
- SublimeLinter/SublimeLinter-for-ST2 - [DEPRECATED] Inline lint highlighting for the Sublime Text 2 editor
- alexpeattie/animate-textshadow - A lightweight jQuery plugin for animating the CSS text-shadow property
- allianceport/tategumi.js - It's support Japanese vertical layout on your browser. written by javascript
- sunng87/heatcanvas - Pixel based heatmap with html5 canvas.
- cgcardona/ -
- mozilla/pdf.js - PDF Reader in JavaScript
- jamietre/ImageMapster - jQuery plugin for enhancing HTML Image maps
- sebleedelisle/JSTouchController - A simple demo of multitouch dual analogue controls in JavaScript
- evanw/webgl-filter - An image editor in WebGL
- shachaf/jsgif - JavaScript GIF parser and player
- msmhrt/b4 - This project is deprecated and is no longer being maintained.
- StanAngeloff/zoey - Small, customisable and lightweight framework for developing mobile apps.
- cho45/hatena-login-googlechrome-extension
- rendro/vintageJS - Add a retro/vintage effect to images using the HTML5 canvas element
- tglines/nodrr - Twitter Clone in Node.js
- daytona/chartify - A jQuery plugin that makes Google Charts out of HTML tables.
- mattn/node-image-stream - display images from twitter stream
- moment/moment - Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript.
- keithclark/selectivizr - selectivizr is a JavaScript utility that emulates CSS3 pseudo-classes and attribute selectors in Internet Explorer 6-8.
- dataarts/dat.gui - Lightweight controller library for JavaScript.
- piglovesyou/flickGal - A light weight jQuery plugin for a flick gallery in smart phone.
- jshint/jshint - JSHint is a tool that helps to detect errors and potential problems in your JavaScript code
- sugyan/live-coder - web-based live-coding application. powered by node.js,
- 1602/compound - MVC framework. Built on Node.JS. Works on server and browser.
- openannotation/annotator - Annotation tools for the web. Select text, images, or (nearly) anything else, and add your notes.
- ios-control/ios-sim - Command-line application launcher for the iOS Simulator
- benvanik/WebAL - A javascript port of the OpenAL API
- mwbrooks/thumbs.js - Add touch support to your browser with thumbs.js - a small, transparent, and syntax-less library.
- airportyh/Tutti - Interactively run Javascript on multiple browsers
- headjs/headjs - The only script in your HEAD.
- batiste/sprite.js - An efficient javascript sprite animation framework
- juno/jquery-requiredstar-plugin - displays required star inside INPUTs
- jslint-org/jslint - JSLint, The JavaScript Code Quality and Coverage Tool
- hokaccha/js-zip2address - jsで郵便番号から住所検索。google日本語検索使用。
- rbiggs/chocolatechip - Mobile JavaScript framework for Web app development
- westonruter/webforms2 - Web Forms 2.0 Cross-Browser Implementation
- LeaVerou/inspire.js - Lean, hackable, extensible slide deck framework. Previously known as CSSS.
- substance/substance-legacy - Towards open digital publishing
- ajaxorg/ace - Ace ( Cloud9 Editor)
- mozilla/doctorjs - A set of static analysis tools for JavaScript
- tapmodo/Jcrop - Jcrop - The Javascript Image Cropping Engine
- ivanvanderbyl/ui-progress-bar - Pure CSS Progress Bar
- sproutcore/sproutcore - JavaScript Application Framework - JS library only
- Doist/JavaScript-memory-leak-checker - MemoryLeakChecker can check for data structure memory leaks in JavaScript
- infews/keydown - An HTML5 presentation builder
- zentooo/p5-test-qunit - QUnit hijacker feat. mozrepl
- cramforce/streamie - An extremely hackable full realtime twitter client
- mishoo/UglifyJS-old - JavaScript parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier library for NodeJS
- TooTallNate/nTunes - A REST (HTTP) API for interacting with iTunes written in NodeJS.
- unconed/TermKit - Experimental Terminal platform built on WebKit + node.js. Currently only for Mac and Windows, though the prototype works 90% in any WebKit browser.
- mockko/livereload - LiveReload applies CSS/JS changes to Safari or Chrome w/o reloading the page (and autoreloads the page when HTML changes)
- FineUploader/fine-uploader - Multiple file upload plugin with image previews, drag and drop, progress bars. S3 and Azure support, image scaling, form support, chunking, resume, pause, and tons of other features.
- twada/qunit-tap - A TAP Output Producer Plugin for QUnit
- subtleGradient/JavaScript-Appcelerator-Titanium-Mobile.tmbundle - TextMate Bundle (tmBundle) for the Appcelerator Titanium Mobile JavaScript API. Includes complete API Code Completion and context sensitive API doc ToolTips. Yes, this is real.
- videojs/video.js - Video.js - open source HTML5 video player
- jaukia/zoomooz - An easy-to-use jQuery plugin for making zooming web pages.
- azoff/overscroll - Touch scrolling for the browser
- up/mashi - JavaScript Timeline Toolkit
- h5bp/html5-boilerplate - A professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.
- mustardamus/brosho-plugin - Design your Markup in the Browser with this jQuery Plugin.
- taberareloo/taberareloo - Yet Another Tombloo on Chromium
- eduardolundgren/jquery-simulate - jQuery Simulate is a plugin to simulate browser mouse and keyboard real events
- rewish/jQuery.calendar - "Simple Calendar" plugin for jQuery.
- cho45/jsdeferred - Asynchronous library in JavaScript. Standalone and Compact.
- thorikawa/FireMobileSimulator - Firefox add-on to simulate smart phone and feature phones in Japan
- dknight/jQuery-Notify-bar - Twitter like notify bar
- beautifier/js-beautify - Beautifier for javascript
- jasmine/jasmine - Simple JavaScript testing framework for browsers and node.js
- remotestorage/remotestorage.js - ⬡ JavaScript client library for integrating remoteStorage in apps
- guntrip/table-magic - Converts between CSV, HTML and Markdown. Has a little form editor and a preview.
- gecko655/proofreading-tool - GUIで動作する文書校正ツール GUI tool for textlinting.
- asciidwango/js-primer - :book: JavaScript Primer - 迷わないための入門書
- lodge/lodge - イントラネット内で誰でも構築できる情報共有サービス
- gsmith85/SeuratJS - A Raphaël plugin for creating beautiful pointillized animations.
- ken39arg/svndiffer - svnの画像とかのdiffを見るツール
- morimori/ffxi_glossary_browser - iPhone用「FF11用語辞典 ~ ウィンダスの仲間たち版」ブラウザ
- qunitjs/qunit - 🔮 An easy-to-use JavaScript unit testing framework.
- Countly/countly-server - Countly is a product analytics platform that helps teams track, analyze and act-on their user actions and behaviour on mobile, web and desktop applications.
- hpneo/gmaps - the easiest way to use Google Maps
- aFarkas/html5shiv - This script is the defacto way to enable use of HTML5 sectioning elements in legacy Internet Explorer.
- caztcha/axe-test - axe-core を利用して、ウェブサイトのアクセシビリティ自動テストを一括的に実行するためのスクリプトです。Node.js ライブラリ「Puppeteer」と併せて使います。
- de-teiu/chrome-jinkoushiba - githubでたくさん草を生やしているように見せかけるchrome拡張機能です.
- akameco/twada-stand - テストを書いてない書いてない人の前に例のスタンドが現れます
- kaz29/serverless-azure-functions - Serverless Azure Functions Plugin – Add Azure Functions support to the Serverless Framework
- vim-jp/issues - 有志で既知のバグや要望を検討・管理し、オフィシャルへの還元をしていきます。
- tbtlr/gordon - An open source Flash™ runtime written in pure JavaScript
Jupyter Notebook
- tomomano/learn-aws-by-coding - コードで学ぶAWS入門
- kamedon/KTestCaseDSL - generate TestCase
- eetann/dotfiles - This is a repository for my dotfiles
- Hiroya-W/dotfiles - My configrations for Manjaro Linux/macOS
- PostgresApp/PostgresApp - The easiest way to get started with PostgreSQL on the Mac
- phpbrew/phpbrew - Brew & manage PHP versions in pure PHP at HOME
- ot-nemoto/ses-forwarder - :frog: SESで受信したメールを転送するサービス
- kazuho/kaztools - shellscripts and utilities for myself
- hokaccha/nodebrew - Node.js version manager
- moznion/Perl-Lint - Yet Another Perl Source Code Linter
- hitode909/App-PRT - Command line tool for Perl code refactoring
- yuki-kimoto/gitprep - Portable GitHub system into your own server
- charsbar/fetch_js - tired of fetching/updating via a browser again and again
- yoshiki/markdown2impress - markdown2impress is script to convert markdown into presentation using impress.js.
- yuki-kimoto/Test-ModuleVersion - Create module version check script
- dankogai/c-bucketsort - bucketsort - bucket sort that can be used for general purpose
- dann/p5-perl-metrics-lite - Pluggable Perl Metrics System
- motemen/App-sn - Command-line Simplenote client
- tyru/gittools
- tobie/ua-parser - A multi-language port of Browserscope's user agent parser.
- walf443/jsref - offline javascript reference from CLI like cppref. source is
- miyagawa/cpanminus - cpanminus - get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN
- canada/PerlDocJp - This Web application let Japanized pod document browsable and searchable just like
- kyanny/techblog-sample
- c9s/Vimana - Vimana is an easy to use system for searching , installing, and downloading vim script. Vimana provides a command-line interface such like aptitude programe on Debian linux, for you to search , downl
- major/MySQLTuner-perl - MySQLTuner is a script written in Perl that will assist you with your MySQL configuration and make recommendations for increased performance and stability.
- miyagawa/github-growler - Growl github updates
- mojolicious/mojo - :sparkles: Mojolicious - Perl real-time web framework
- takaakikakei/stepfunctions-error-notify
- YoshiiRyo1/aws-cost-saver
- amotz/actions-python-sample - GitHub Actionを利用したAWS Lambda(Python)のCI/CDサンプル
- sinofseven/lambda-runtime-tweeter-lambda
- pypypyo14/defaultvpc-tag - AWSアカウント作成時にデフォルトで存在するリソースにタグ付け(`{isDefault: true}`)するスクリプト
- mono0926/alfred-git-commit-message-example - Alfred Git Commit Message Example
- m3dev/gitlab-access-controlled-server - This is a web server for Gitlab pages or Gitlab review apps.
- miiton/Cica - プログラミング用日本語等幅フォント Cica(シカ)
- postmanlabs/httpbin - HTTP Request & Response Service, written in Python + Flask.
- rcmdnk/homebrew-file - Brewfile manager for Homebrew
- mattn/mkdpreview-vim - Markdown previewer for vimmer.
- not-kennethreitz/osx-gcc-installer - GCC Installer for OSX! Without Xcode!
- joker1007/wcnavi - トイレの場所をナビゲートする。
- driverdan/dropship - Instantly transfer files between Dropbox accounts using only their hashes.
- sgk/tepco-usage-api - Tepco power usage API
- ScrumDoLLC/ScrumDo - ScrumDo Agile Story Tracking Website
- Mikiya/Trivial-Hatena-Bookmark-Entrylist-Booster
- nakamuray/blikit - blikit is web based git repository browser, document viewer or something like it.
- claytron/boxee-vimcasts - A Boxee app that shows Vimcasts episodes
- hupf/passwordchest - A simple password management application for Mac OS X.
- future-architect/typescript-guide - ゼロから学ぶTypeScriptガイド
- Kazuhito00/Tokyo2020-Pictogram-using-MediaPipe - MediaPipeで姿勢推定を行い、Tokyo2020オリンピック風のピクトグラムを表示するデモ
- sroegner/codebook - A minimalistic code sharing plugin for redmine
- hibriiiiidge/zenn-app
- future-architect/redmine_gitlab_adapter - 'This is a Gitlab Adapter plugin for Redmine'
- ko1/rubyhackchallenge
- okkez/redmine_full_text_search-benchmark
- onozaty/redmine-view-customize - View customize plugin for Redmine
- k1LoW/awspec - RSpec tests for your AWS resources.
- volanja/ansible_tools - ansible_tools
- kohkimakimoto/omnibus-supervisor - Creating full-stack platform-specific packages for supervisor (only RPM).
- clear-code/redmine_full_text_search - Full text search for Redmine
- r7kamura/markdiff - Rendered Markdown differ.
- ryuzee/SlideHub - SlideHub is an Open Source Slide Sharing Application for Azure / AWS
- codenize-tools/gratan - Gratan is a tool to manage MySQL permissions. It defines the state of MySQL permissions using Ruby DSL, and updates permissions according to DSL.
- pinzolo/redmine_persist_wfmt - redmine_persist_wfmt is a plugin for Redmine that persists wiki format.
- vccw-team/vccw - A Vagrant based development environment.
- chiastolite/vagrant-itamae
- k1LoW/holiday_jp - [DEPRECATED PROJECT] holiday_jp
- zarigani/jcal - Japanese holiday calendar.
- itamae-kitchen/itamae - Configuration management tool inspired by Chef, but simpler and lightweight. Formerly known as Lightchef.
- fluent/fluentd-ui - Web UI for Fluentd
- mahm/sudden-death-workflow
- ekho/capistrano-git-submodule-strategy - Git submodule support for Capistrano 3
- glidenote/pbl - A command line tool for Pinboard to search your bookmarks.
- hibariya/reditor - Open a ruby library with $EDITOR
- oscardelben/sheet - Text snippets for the command line
- jamesrwhite/minicron - 🕰️ Monitor your cron jobs
- Homebrew/homebrew-cask - 🍻 A CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries
- hotchpotch/advent-calendar2readlists
- nhmood/watson-ruby - inline issue manager
- vvchik/vagrant-serverspec - Vagrant plugin that integrates serverspec
- feedbin/feedbin - A nice place to read on the web.
- shin1x1/vagrant-phpenv-phpbuild - Vagrant / Chef files for PHP Server(phpenv and phpbuild, nginx)
- dann/chef-macbox - bootstrap for mac
- banyan/Vimpusher
- cookpad/chanko - Rapidly and safely prototyping your rails application
- mahm/best-vimrc - backbone.js on rails
- sorah/config - config
- gitlabhq/gitlabhq - GitLab CE Mirror | Please open new issues in our issue tracker on
- kei-s/github-preview - Instant Preview for GitHub's README formats
- fluent/fluentd - Fluentd: Unified Logging Layer (project under CNCF)
- eddiezane/lunchy - A friendly wrapper for launchctl
- jugyo/earthquake - Twitter terminal client with streaming API support.
- hotsh/ - Simple microblogging network based on the ostatus protocol.
- ymrl/kanachu - 神奈中バスの時刻表を取得したりする
- defunkt/dotjs - ~/.js
- technoweenie/emoji-css-builder - Quick Ruby rake task for generating CSS and tiled image for displaying emoji in browsers.
- nhabit/code-slide - Code-slide helps you present code and/or run training courses that focus on code-development.
- TrinityT/cakephp_cap_recipe - Capistrano Deploy Recipe for CakePHP
- sj26/mailcatcher - Catches mail and serves it through a dream.
- slim-template/slim - Slim is a template language whose goal is to reduce the syntax to the essential parts without becoming cryptic.
- ujihisa/javim - yet another eclipse
- gollum/gollum - A simple, Git-powered wiki with a local frontend and support for many kinds of markup and content.
- alpicola/atomos - AtomPub based minimal bloging engine
- rtomayko/ronn - the opposite of roff
- bmizerany/sinatra-activerecord - Extends Sinatra with ActiveRecord helper methods and Rake tasks (now maintained by @holman).
- mynyml/watchr - Modern continuous testing (flexible alternative to Autotest)
- progit/progit - Pro Git Book Content, 1st Edition - This content is deprecated. See 2nd edition at [progit2](
- tkadauke/css_doc - Documentation generator for CSS files, similar to Javadoc or RDoc.
- ujihisa/mdv
- tj/terminal-table - Ruby ASCII Table Generator, simple and feature rich.
- jugyo/termtter - moved to
- jekyll/jekyll - :globe_with_meridians: Jekyll is a blog-aware static site generator in Ruby
- banyan/config - config file
- yob/pdf-reader - The PDF::Reader library implements a PDF parser conforming as much as possible to the PDF specification from Adobe.
- gma/nesta - File Based CMS and Static Site Generator
- imathis/octopress - Octopress is an obsessively designed framework for Jekyll blogging. It’s easy to configure and easy to deploy. Sweet huh?
- shivammathur/homebrew-php - :beer: Homebrew tap for PHP 5.6 to 8.5. PHP 8.5 is built nightly.
- solt9029/drinking-sudo - 飲酒sudoを防止するシステムです。 System to prevent sudo under the influence of alcohol.
- mirumirumi/yourcat-apis - Repo for back-end of YourCat 🐾
- lotabout/very-simple - A very simple theme for hexo
- windyakin/Honoka - Honoka is one of the original Bootstrap theme.
- yuya-matsushima/middleman-slim - A Middleman template using Slim.
- 747/vsselector - Variation Selector Selector app (WIP)
- gitbucket/gitbucket - A Git platform powered by Scala with easy installation, high extensibility & GitHub API compatibility
- codefirst/dashbozu - A missing line for software development
- DevToys-app/DevToysMac - DevToys For mac
- samuelmeuli/glance - 🔎 All-in-one Quick Look plugin
- YusukeHosonuma/xcode-open - Open Xcode in terminal (with specify version)
- mitsuse/swim - A command line tool to switch the current input method by identifier for macOS.
- mas-cli/mas - :package: Mac App Store command line interface
- soffes/WhatColorIsIt - Time of day as a color as a Mac screen saver
- cho45/KeyCast - Record keystroke for screencast
- nchudleigh/vimac - Productive macOS keyboard-driven navigation
- bun913/userstory-review-by-bedrock-action
- ashizaki/aws-presigned-url-upload-cdk
- skanehira/denops-docker.vim - Manage Docker in Vim/Neovim
- bun913/textlint-rule-aws-service-name
- azu/find-node-modules-import - Find specific node modules import statement in your source code
- yo-goto/zenn-public-repo - Zenn の無料記事用リポジトリ
- skanehira/command.vim - Execute shell commands in terminal
- shuntaka9576/preview-asciidoc.nvim - :memo: preview asciidoc in real time!
- cocopon/vscode-iceberg-theme - Dark blue color theme for Visual Studio Code
- yuki-yano/fzf-preview.vim - The plugin that powerfully integrates fzf and (Neo)vim. It is also possible to integrate with coc.nvim.
- pokutuna/chrome-cocopy - chrome extension to copy text by your code.
- vercel/serve - Static file serving and directory listing
- technote-space/toc-generator - GitHub Actions to generate TOC (Table of Contents)
- januswel/node-template - template repo for Node.js project
- mlocati/php-cs-fixer-configurator - Inspect PHP-CS-Fixer fixers and easily configure them
- motemen/gas-TaskCal
- jasperapp/jasper - Jasper - A flexible and powerful issue reader for GitHub
- markuplint/markuplint - An HTML linter for all markup developers.
- emonkak/feedpon - A feed reader like LDR
- prettydiff/prettydiff - Beautifier and language aware code comparison tool for many languages. It also minifies and a few other things.
- sass/sass - Sass makes CSS fun!
- evmar/webtreemap - web-based treemap
- fullcalendar/fullcalendar - Full-sized drag & drop event calendar in JavaScript
- 0xfe/vexflow - A JavaScript library for rendering music notation and guitar tablature.
- yaegassy/coc-intelephense - intelephense (PHP language server) extension for coc.nvim. intelephense’s various LSP features and this extension's additional features are available.
- EnixCoda/Gitako - 🐙 File tree extension for GitHub on Chrome & Firefox & Edge
- notakaos/typescript-node-base - TypeScript + Node.js プロジェクトのボイラープレートです
- cm-wada-yusuke/attendance-management-server - 技術書典で作成したサンプルアプリケーションのサーバーサイドです
- lambdalisue/vim-kensaku - 🔍 Search Japanese text in Vim's buffer with Roma-ji by Migemo
Vim Script
- iberianpig/tig-explorer.vim - Vim plugin to use Tig as a git client. Seamless switching between vim and Tig with opening in the same buffer.
- yaasita/edit-slack.vim - Open slack, like a file
- get-me-power/dotvim - my Vim's setting file
- mityu/vim-applescript - Vim utility scripts for AppleScript
- mattn/vim-sqlfmt
- mattn/vim-molder
- akaimo/asyncomplete-around.vim - Source of asyncomplete.vim which completes the words around the line.
- hrsh7th/vim-vsnip - Snippet plugin for vim/nvim that supports LSP/VSCode's snippet format.
- mattn/vim-lsp-settings - Auto configurations for Language Server for vim-lsp
- vim-jp/syntax-vim-ex - An excellent Vim's syntax highlighting file for Vim script
- pocke/sushibar.vim - Vim :heart: :sushi:
- mattn/vim-fz - Ultra Fast Fuzzy Finder for Vim8
- wadackel/slack-memo-vim - Simple memo manager with Vim using Slack.
- rhysd/vim-gfm-syntax - GitHub Flavored Markdown syntax highlight extension for Vim
- syngan/vim-operator-furround - an extension of surround.vim
- machakann/vim-sandwich - Set of operators and textobjects to search/select/edit sandwiched texts.
- Rican7/php-doc-modded - An updated, modified version of the original "PDV" (phpDocumentor for Vim).
- anyakichi/vim-qfutil - Quickfix utility
- aereal/vim-colors-japanesque - The colorscheme featuring Japanese traditional colors.
- thinca/vim-zenspace - Show Ideographic Space (a.k.a. Zenkaku Space).
- StanAngeloff/php.vim - An up-to-date Vim syntax for PHP (7.x supported)
- haya14busa/niconicomment.vim - :tv: NicoNico like comments on Vim
- yoppi/fluentd.vim - fluentd syntax plugin
- rhysd/vim-grammarous - A powerful grammar checker for Vim using LanguageTool.
- sorah/unite-ghq
- junegunn/vim-plug - :hibiscus: Minimalist Vim Plugin Manager
- glidenote/rspec-result-syntax
- h1mesuke/vim-unittest - Unit Testing Framework for Vim script
- toyamarinyon/vim-swift - Adds Swift support to vim. It covers syntax, intenting, and more.
- rhysd/migemo-search.vim - Integrate migemo into search in Vim.
- rbtnn/vim-rabbit-ui - Rich UI Vim script Library
- thinca/vim-visualstar - star for Visual-mode.
- thinca/vim-unite-chef - A source of unite.vim for chef files
- mattn/ctrlp-rebuildfm
- violetyk/neocomplete-php.vim - The neocomplete source for PHP
- itchyny/calendar.vim - A calendar application for Vim
- LeafCage/yankround.vim - logging registers and reusing them.
- emonkak/vim-metarw-gist - Vim plugin: metarw scheme for gist
- thinca/vim-showtime - It's showtime!
- stephpy/vim-php-cs-fixer - Use FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer
- bae22/prefixer - Vim plugin to use CSS prefixr (forked from kien's version)
- glidenote/memolist.vim - simple memo plugin for Vim.
- yuratomo/w3m.vim - w3m plugin for vim
- choplin/unite-octopress
- akiyan/vim-textobj-php
- jelera/vim-javascript-syntax - Enhanced javascript syntax file for Vim
- mattn/vim-textobj-url
- vim-scripts/Xoria256m - 256 colorscheme forked from Xoria256
- kana/vim-gf-diff - Vim plugin: Go to the changed block under the cursor from diff output
- plasticscafe/vim-less-autocompile - vim auto compile when edit
- ujihisa/quicklearn - A quickrun plugin to show intermediate codes
- mattn/vim-sonictemplate - Easy and high speed coding method
- Shougo/neobundle.vim - Next generation Vim package manager
- vim-jp/vimdoc-ja - A project which translate Vim documents into Japanese.
- violetyk/cake.vim - Utility for CakePHP developers.
- taku-o/vim-alice-map - command using alice.vim.
- ndreynolds/vim-cakephp - vim plugin for navigating and managing CakePHP applications
- pekepeke/titanium-vim - Vim plugin for Titanium Desktop/Mobile
- oppara/vim-unite-cake - a unite.vim plugin for cakephp
- banyan/recognize_charcode.vim - mirror from
- hokaccha/vim-css3-syntax - Add CSS3 syntax support to vim's built-in `syntax/css.vim`.
- thinca/vim-operator-sequence - Operator to do two or more operators.
- brianmichel/solarized - precision color scheme for multiple applications (terminal, vim, etc.) with both dark/light modes
- vim-scripts/Lucius - Dark and light color scheme (GUI and 256 color terminal)
- altercation/vim-colors-solarized - precision colorscheme for the vim text editor
- t9md/vim-textmanip - easy text manupilation for vim
- flazz/vim-colorschemes - one colorscheme pack to rule them all!
- kmnk/vim-unite-svn - unite source to use simple svn commands
- vim-jp/vital.vim - A comprehensive Vim utility functions for Vim plugins
- preservim/tagbar - Vim plugin that displays tags in a window, ordered by scope
- thinca/vim-localrc - Enable configuration file of each directory.
- anyakichi/vim-surround - surround.vim: quoting/parenthesizing made simple
- h1mesuke/vim-alignta - Align Them All!
- basyura/unite-yarm - yet another redmine source for unite.vim
- vim-scripts/errormarker.vim - Highlights and sets error markers for lines with compile errors
- vim-scripts/AutoClose - Inserts matching bracket, paren, brace or quote
- vim-scripts/PDV--phpDocumentor-for-Vim - Provides really comfortable generation of phpDocumentor doc blocks for PHP4 & 5.
- vim-scripts/monday - Lets you use ctrl-a and ctrl-x on names of months and weekdays
- vim-scripts/sql_iabbr.vim - Makes all your favorite SQL keywords uppercase automatically.
- vim-scripts/taglist.vim - Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc)
- VundleVim/Vundle.vim - Vundle, the plug-in manager for Vim
- sjl/gundo.vim - A git mirror of gundo.vim
- noah/vim256-color - A collection of 256-color colorschemes for vim.
- ujihisa/shadow.vim - That's not the file. That's shadow.
- othree/html5.vim - HTML5 omnicomplete and syntax
- jiangmiao/simple-javascript-indenter - A vim javascript indent script
- toritori0318/vim-redmine - Redmine operation from vim
- dsolstad/vim-wombat256i - Improved wombat256 colorscheme for Vim
- shawncplus/phpcomplete.vim - Improved PHP omnicompletion
- Shougo/unite.vim - :dragon: Unite and create user interfaces
- mmisono/battery.vim - vim plugin: get battery information
- thinca/vim-github - An interface for Github.
- tyru/open-browser.vim - Open URI with your favorite browser from your most favorite editor
- soh335/vim-fuf-ref - fuzzy finder interface for ref.vim
- hokaccha/vim-prove - prove for vim plugin.
- tyru/operator-camelize.vim - snake_case -> SnakeCase, CamelCase -> camel_case
- reinh/vim-makegreen - MakeGreen runs make and shows a red or green message bar for success/failure. Speeds the red-green-refactor cycle!
- kana/vim-operator-replace - Vim plugin: Operator to replace text with register content
- kana/vim-metarw-git - Vim plugin: metarw scheme for git repository
- marutanm/cocoa.vim - Vim plugin for Cocoa/Objective-C development.
- hokaccha/vim-html5validator - html5 validator vim plugin using API.
- nelstrom/vim-blackboard - A port of the Blackboard theme from TextMate to Vim.
- mattn/emmet-vim - emmet for vim:
- tyru/stickykey.vim - Let meta keys get sticky
- Shougo/vimfiler.vim - :file_folder: Powerful file explorer implemented by Vim script
- xenoterracide/sql.vim - improve coverage of reserved words for sql files
- xenoterracide/css.vim - add css3 and html5 support to css.vim
- xenoterracide/html.vim - adding HTML5 support to vims default html.vim file
- tpope/vim-fugitive - fugitive.vim: A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal
- pangloss/vim-simplefold - Fork of SimpleFold.vim by Mauricio Fernandez. Space-optimized, configurable code folding for vim.
- pangloss/vim-javascript - Vastly improved Javascript indentation and syntax support in Vim.
- thinca/vim-ref - Integrated reference viewer.
- vim-syntastic/syntastic - Syntax checking hacks for vim
- msanders/cocoa.vim - Vim plugin for Cocoa/Objective-C development. No longer actively developed.
- thinca/vim-quickrun - Run commands quickly.
- thinca/vim-template - Simple and flexible template engine.
- godlygeek/tabular - Vim script for text filtering and alignment
- msanders/snipmate.vim - snipMate.vim aims to be a concise vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim.
- preservim/vim-markdown - Markdown Vim Mode
- Shougo/neocomplcache.vim - Ultimate auto-completion system for Vim.
- januswel/dotfiles - software setting files
- mattn/vim-gist - Vim plugin for Gist
- walf443/dotfiles
- tpope/vim-surround - surround.vim: Delete/change/add parentheses/quotes/XML-tags/much more with ease
- motemen/hatena-vim - Vim scripts for posting/updating hatena diary/group
- tpope/vim-haml - Vim runtime files for Haml, Sass, and SCSS
- ujihisa/quickrun - quick vim quick
- kana/vim-flymake - My own version of flymake.vim originally written by Daisuke Ikegami
- motemen/git-vim - My vim files for Git
- preservim/nerdtree - A tree explorer plugin for vim.
- sigwyg/Vim-Starter-kit - Web屋のための初めての設定ファイル&プラグイン・セット
- mattn/salaryman-complete-vim - サラリーマンの為のメールが2倍速く書ける(気がする)vim補完
- mirumirumi/yourcat - Repo for front-end of YourCat 🐾
- zk-phi/MEGAMOJI - Create animoji easily
- matsu7089/gas-account-book - Vue と GAS を使った家計簿アプリ
- intercept6/packer-winsrv2016-on-aws - Windows Server 2016 に Active Directory をインストールしたAMIを作成する
- vim-jp/ekiden - vim-jp記事執筆企画「駅伝」の管理リポジトリ
- clear-code/sezemi-2014-readable-code - SEゼミ「プログラミングが好きな学生のためのリーダブルコード勉強会」関連のデータを置くリポジトリー
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