
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

An application to generate redux code based on initial states

code-generator redux

Last synced: 01 Jul 2024

A collection of generators for Lumen and Laravel 5.

code-generator laravel lumen rest-api

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

Entity Framework visual design surface and code-first code generation for EF6, Core and beyond

code-generation code-generator ef6 efcore entity-framework entity-framework-core entityframework modeling visual-studio visualstudio

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

The Tensor Algebra Compiler (taco) computes sparse tensor expressions on CPUs and GPUs

code-generator library linear-algebra sparse tensor tensor-algebra tensor-algebra-compiler

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

An efficient Laravel code generator, saving time by automating the creation of resources such as views, controllers, routes, migrations, languages, and form-requests. Highly flexible and customizable, it includes a cross-browser compatible template and client-side validation for application modernization.

code-generation code-generator crestapps crud crud-builder crud-generator crud-maker generator laravel-code-generator laravel-crud-generator laravel-framework laravel-package laravel5-package mike-alhayek php-artisan view-creator

Last synced: 25 Jun 2024

Code Xpert: A completely free and open-source GitHub Copilot-like Project With VS Code extension.

code-generation code-generator codexpert copilot github-copilot llm machine-learning vscode vscode-extension

Last synced: 22 Jun 2024

基于IntelliJ IDEA开发的代码生成插件,支持自定义任意模板(Java,html,js,xml)。只要是与数据库相关的代码都可以通过自定义模板来生成。支持数据库类型与java类型映射关系配置。支持同时生成生成多张表的代码。每张表有独立的配置信息。完全的个性化定义,规则由你设置。

code-generator idea-plugin

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

Unify your SQL schema and your GraphQL Schema. Use GraphQL SDL as the lingua franca to define your data requirements.

code-generator directive generate generator graphql graphql-schema graphql-schema-language graphql-to-sql language mysql schema sdl sql

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

😸一个快速开发脚手架,快速搭建企业级后台管理系统,并提供多种便捷starter进行功能扩展。主要功能包括前后台用户分离,菜单权限,数据权限,定时任务,访问日志,操作日志,异常日志,统一异常处理,XSS过滤,SQL防注入,国际化 等多种功能

ant-design code-generator i18n ouath2 react security spring spring-boot upms vue websocket

Last synced: 12 Jun 2024

WITX code and documentation generator for AssemblyScript, Zig, Rust and more.

assemblyscript code-generator interface-types wasm webassembly wit witx zig

Last synced: 11 Jun 2024

[not-WIP] Terraform module generator (not ready for its prime time, yet)

code-generator terraform-configurations terraform-modules

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

JEECG是一款基于代码生成器的J2EE快速开发平台,开源界“小普元”超越传统商业企业级开发平台。引领新的开发模式(Online Coding模式(自定义表单) - > 代码生成器模式 - > 手工MERGE智能开发), 可以帮助解决Java项目90%的重复工作,让开发更多关注业务逻辑。既能快速提高开发效率,帮助公司节省人力成本,同时又不失灵活性。具备:表单配置能力(无需编码)、移动配置能力、工作流配置能力、报表配置能力(支持移动端)、插件开发能力(可插拔)

activiti5 bootstrap code-generator easyui echarts ehcache hibernate jbpm jeecg jquery minidao spring springmvc swagger-ui vue

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

Scaffold and Templater: the fastest way to build solutions

code-generator hacktoberfest scaffold templater

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024

Scaffold and Templater: the fastest way to build solutions

code-generator hacktoberfest scaffold templater

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024

Hofstadter generator for Golang CLIs

cli code-generator cue cuelang dsl golang hof hof-lang

Last synced: 09 Jun 2024

Cross-language bindings generator for C++, Java, Swift, and Dart

android code-generator cpp dart glue-code ios java swift

Last synced: 08 Jun 2024

Interactive Vuetify Form Generator with Validation & Input Styling 🎉

code-generator vue vuejs vuetify vuetifyjs

Last synced: 06 Jun 2024

🌳 Tiny and fast JavaScript code generator from an ESTree-compliant AST.

ast code-generator codegen estree javascript

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

Code generation tool to generate mathematical libraries

code-generator elementary-functions floating-point

Last synced: 01 Jun 2024

基于EF Core的Code First模式的DotNetCore快速开发框架,其中包括DBContext、IOC组件autofac和AspectCore.Injector、代码生成器(也支持DB First)、基于AspectCore的memcache和Redis缓存组件,以及基于ICanPay的支付库和一些日常用的方法和扩展,比如批量插入、更新、删除以及触发器支持,当然还有demo。欢迎提交各种建议、意见和pr~

aspectcore autofac code-generator codefirst dotnetcore efcore ioc memcached mongodb mysql oracle postgresql redis sqlite sqlserver

Last synced: 31 May 2024

Simple code generator based on a console project, running on .Net core and using C# interpolated strings

code-generation code-generator csharp interpolated-strings template-engine

Last synced: 31 May 2024


code-generator codefirst csharp db-docs dbfirst dbtool modelfirst mysql sqlserver

Last synced: 31 May 2024

Converts C# classes to TypeScript interfaces (and many more) within project build. 0-dependency, minimal, gluten-free

asp-net asp-net-mvc ast code-generator csharp msbuild mvc5 typescript

Last synced: 29 May 2024

Compile-time file embedding as string constants.

code-generator codegen csharp csharp-sourcegenerator generator source source-generator

Last synced: 28 May 2024

GMac, short for “Geometric Macro“, is a sophisticated .NET based code generation software system that allows implementing geometric models and algorithms based on Geometric Algebra (GA) in arbitrary target programming languages. You can download the full GMac source code at: and you can read the full GMac user guides at:

code-generation code-generator computer-algebra csharp dotnet geometric-algebra geometric-algorithms geometric-computing geometric-models geometric-structures gmac mathematica symbolic-computation text-generation

Last synced: 28 May 2024

A tool that can generate TypeScript types from C# classes

code-generation code-generator csharp roslyn typescript

Last synced: 28 May 2024

[WIP] Get up and running quickly with one of our reference architecture using our fully automated cold-start process.

aws code-generator hipaa kops kubernetes pci reference-architecture reference-architectures scp service-catalog subaccounts sweetops terraform terraform-modules

Last synced: 28 May 2024

Flask-Now is a Flask Application Generator/Build-Tool runs via CLI

app-generator architecture build-tool cli code-generation code-generator flask flask-build-tool flask-extension

Last synced: 27 May 2024

Azure CLI Code Generator

autorest-extension azure-cli code-generator

Last synced: 27 May 2024

Generate Rust register maps (`struct`s) from SVD files

arm cmsis-svd code-generator cortex-m microcontroller rust

Last synced: 19 May 2024

Clean, modern, Python 3.6+ code generator & library for Protobuf 3 and async gRPC

asyncio code-generator grpc plugin protocol-buffer-compiler python-3

Last synced: 15 May 2024

FastCodeCi are several command line interface tools for CodeIgniter 4 that allows you to quickly create a repetitive code in record time. The exit code is so clean that it allows modification without problems...

code-generator codeigniter

Last synced: 15 May 2024

Framework that joins data models, schemas, code generation, and a task engine. Language and technology agnostic.

code-generator cue cuelang data-modeling declarative-programming hacktoberfest hofstadter llm migrations-generator tui workflow-engine

Last synced: 13 May 2024

:bullettrain_side: Use Rails to Develop or Generate a Golang Application.

code-generator crud crud-api generator golang golang-crud rails rails-generators restful-generator ruby transpiler

Last synced: 13 May 2024

This tool is similar to but generates MarshalYAML and UnmarshalYAML methods

code-generator go golang yaml

Last synced: 13 May 2024

A lockstep solution include lots of deterministic library (Math,Collision,Navmesh,BehaviorTree,Serialization ...)

behaviortree code-generator engine lockstep math navmesh pathfinding serialization

Last synced: 13 May 2024

React View is an interactive playground, documentation and code generator for your components.

code-generator documentation playground react

Last synced: 11 May 2024

An automatic code generator for nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) and the continuation/GMRES method (C/GMRES) based numerical solvers for NMPC

c-gmres code-generation code-generator model-predictive-control mpc multiple-shooting nmpc nonlinear-model-predictive-control

Last synced: 08 May 2024

K8s Go client code generator from Kubernetes resource yamls

client-go client-go-sample code-generator codegen examples go go-client k8s kubernetes kubernetes-resource-yamls

Last synced: 08 May 2024

A tool for generating code based on a GraphQL schema and GraphQL operations (query/mutation/subscription), with flexible support for custom plugins.

android angular code-generator codegen csharp graphql graphql-schema java react resolvers schema the-guild typescript

Last synced: 06 May 2024

SmartCode = IDataSource -> IBuildTask -> IOutput => Build Everything!!!

code-generator dotnet dotnet-core dotnetcore etl smartcode

Last synced: 05 May 2024

OpenAPI (f.k.a Swagger) Specification code generator. Supports C#, PowerShell, Go, Java, Node.js, TypeScript, Python

azure code-generator csharp golang java javascript node openapi python rest-client swagger typescript

Last synced: 05 May 2024

Java 1-18 Parser and Abstract Syntax Tree for Java with advanced analysis functionalities.

abstract-syntax-tree ast code-analysis code-generation code-generator java javadoc javaparser javasymbolsolver parser syntax-tree

Last synced: 02 May 2024

Speedment is a Stream ORM Java Toolkit and Runtime

code-generator database java java-ee javafx orm spring spring-boot stream

Last synced: 02 May 2024

Automatic generation of the Builder pattern for Java

builder-pattern code-generator java

Last synced: 02 May 2024

Code generation for immutable classes that has a simple syntax/API without compromising on the features.

code-generator dart flutter hacktoberfest union-types

Last synced: 02 May 2024

Generate Google Analytics tracking code with any isogrammic parameters you like

cli code-generator easter-egg ecmascript google-analytics isogram javascript nodejs variable

Last synced: 01 May 2024

Generates Elm types, JSON decoders, JSON encoders and fuzz tests from JSON schema specifications

code-generator elixir elixir-lang elm elm-lang json json-decoder json-encoder json-schema parser-generator

Last synced: 01 May 2024

A MSIL/C# to C++ converter. Faster than CoreCLR with low memory overhead.(已弃坑.C#是个好语言,然而.NET不是一个干净的平台)

c-sharp code-generator cplusplus dotnet il2cpp msil partial-evaluators

Last synced: 01 May 2024

I know this because build.sbt knows this.

code-generator sbt sbt-plugin

Last synced: 30 Apr 2024

XSD (XML Schema Definition) parser and Go/C/Java/Rust/TypeScript code generator

code-generator ecma-376 generator go golang ooxml ooxml-parser w3c w3c-specification xml xml-parser xml-parsing xsd xsd-schema

Last synced: 30 Apr 2024

Jennifer is a code generator for Go

code-generation code-generator go golang

Last synced: 29 Apr 2024

Go generator to copy values from type to type and fields from struct to struct (copier without reflection). Generate any code based on types.

code-generation code-generator copy generator go golang

Last synced: 29 Apr 2024

A type-to-type copy function code generator.

code-generator ddd-patterns golang

Last synced: 29 Apr 2024

Command line tool to generate idiomatic Go code for SQL databases supporting PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server

code-generator golang microsoft-sql-server mysql oracle orm postgresql sql sqlite

Last synced: 29 Apr 2024

Generate type-safe code from SQL

code-generator go kotlin mysql orm postgresql python sql sqlite

Last synced: 29 Apr 2024

Rust Macro which loads files into the rust binary at compile time during release and loads the file from the fs during dev.

code-generator rust rust-lang server static-server

Last synced: 29 Apr 2024

The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!

code-generator ios localization stencil stencil-template swift templates uicolor uifont uiimage uistoryboard

Last synced: 27 Apr 2024

Strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects

autocompletion code-generator ios resources swift tvos watchos xcode

Last synced: 27 Apr 2024

A tool for Swift code modification intermediating between code generation and formatting.

ast cli code-generator code-modification formatter swift swiftsyntax

Last synced: 27 Apr 2024

🛠 A flexible and easy template created to speed up the development of your iOS application based on the MVP pattern.

architecture builder code-generation code-generator generation ios ios-mvp ios-mvp-architecture model mvp pattern presenter router swift template templates view xcode xcode-template xcode-templates

Last synced: 27 Apr 2024


activiti6 admin code-generator docker layui-admin mybatis-plus spring-boot spring-mvc

Last synced: 26 Apr 2024

The Flutter code generator for your assets, fonts, colors, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs.

assets code-generator dart flutter fluttergen fonts swiftgen templates

Last synced: 26 Apr 2024

A code generator to write widgets as function without loosing the benefits of classes.

code-generator dart flutter function widget

Last synced: 26 Apr 2024

Xcode Source Code Extension to Generate Swift Initializers

code-generator swift swift-initializer xcode-extension

Last synced: 24 Apr 2024

:art: Auto-generated icon font library for iOS, watchOS and tvOS

code-generator icon-font interface-builder ios swift tvos watchos

Last synced: 24 Apr 2024

GraphQL.Tools is a GraphQL to C# compiler (code-generator) which turns your GraphQL schema into a set of C# classes, interfaces, and enums.

code-generation code-generator compiler csharp csharp-sourcegenerator dotnet dotnet-core graphql graphql-dotnet

Last synced: 22 Apr 2024

GUI-based Python code generator for data science, extension to Jupyter Lab, Jupyter Notebook and Google Colab.

bigdata chrome-extension code-generator data-analysis jupyter-lab-extension jupyter-notebook-extension jupyterlab-extension pandas python visual-coding

Last synced: 22 Apr 2024

A Unity C# tool that lets the user create custom classes, and generates the code.

class-builder class-generator code-generation code-generator database-adapter unity

Last synced: 21 Apr 2024

A uml profile and a set of acceleo code generators to model smart contracts in uml and generate solidity code.

acceleo code-generator eclipse eclipse-plugin papyrus smart-contract-tools solidity uml

Last synced: 19 Apr 2024

⚡ Create React components demos in a zap

cli code-generator demo documentation documentation-tool react

Last synced: 17 Apr 2024

:open_file_folder: generic protocol generator based on golang's text/template (grpc/protobuf)

ast code-generator generator golang protobuf protoc

Last synced: 17 Apr 2024

Bash command line framework and CLI generator

bash bash-scripting cli cli-framework cli-generator code-generator ruby

Last synced: 17 Apr 2024

Bash argument parsing code generator

argument-parsing code-generator shell-scripts

Last synced: 17 Apr 2024

CAN DBC to C (and CSV, JSON and XML) compiler using the mpc parser combinator library

automotive c code-generation code-generator dbc misra xml

Last synced: 14 Apr 2024

Open-source data modeling tool designed for PostgreSQL. No more typing DDL commands. Let pgModeler do the work for you!

c-plus-plus code-generator database database-modeling ddl-commands entity-relationship-diagram pgmodeler postgresql sql-standards

Last synced: 13 Apr 2024

An elegant option/argument parser for shell scripts (full support for bash and all POSIX shells)

argparse argument bash busybox code-generator dash getopt getopts ksh parsing posix-compliant shell-scripts zsh

Last synced: 13 Apr 2024

A CLI tool for easy AWS API reads. Also generates Terraform import-blocks, and actual Terraform Resource code.

aws aws-api aws-cli cli code-generation code-generator docker python3 terraform terraform-import

Last synced: 10 Apr 2024

Advanced REST-wrapper for your SQL-queries (actually not only SQL)

code-generator db db-generator db-ide db-manager db-migration db-swiss-knife db-tool dba ddl devops java nosql rdbms schema sql sql-generation

Last synced: 10 Apr 2024

PlantUML code generator

code-generator es6 plantuml puml python

Last synced: 08 Apr 2024

Quickly create files for flutter using a BLoC pattern

bloc code-generator flutter vscode-extension

Last synced: 08 Apr 2024

Generate C# classes from XML Schema files

c-sharp code-generation code-generator xml-schema xmlserializer xsd

Last synced: 05 Apr 2024