
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A Pytorch implementation of "FloWaveNet: A Generative Flow for Raw Audio"

clarinet generative-flow glow pytorch wavenet

Last synced: 11 Jul 2024

An open-source framework for training large multimodal models.

computer-vision deep-learning flamingo in-context-learning language-model multimodal-learning pytorch

Last synced: 11 Jul 2024

ChatRWKV is like ChatGPT but powered by RWKV (100% RNN) language model, and open source.

chatbot chatgpt language-model pytorch rnn rwkv

Last synced: 11 Jul 2024

RWKV is an RNN with transformer-level LLM performance. It can be directly trained like a GPT (parallelizable). So it's combining the best of RNN and transformer - great performance, fast inference, saves VRAM, fast training, "infinite" ctx_len, and free sentence embedding.

attention-mechanism chatgpt deep-learning gpt gpt-2 gpt-3 language-model linear-attention lstm pytorch rnn rwkv transformer transformers

Last synced: 11 Jul 2024

Oriented Response Networks, in CVPR 2017

caffe cvpr pytorch rotation-invariant-features torch

Last synced: 11 Jul 2024

[ICCV2019] RGB-Infrared Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification via Joint Pixel and Feature Alignment

computer-vision cross-modality-re-identification deep-learning iccv2019 person pytorch re-identification

Last synced: 11 Jul 2024

Machine learning model evaluation made easy: plots, tables, HTML reports, experiment tracking and Jupyter notebook analysis.

data-science deep-learning jupyter-notebook machine-learning pytorch scikit-learn sklearn tensorflow

Last synced: 11 Jul 2024

DeepNude algorithm fork with improvements.

deepnude dreamnet dreampower fake-nudes gan image-processing opencv photo pytorch

Last synced: 11 Jul 2024

🔮 SuperDuper: Bring AI to your database! Build, deploy and manage any AI application directly with your existing data infrastructure, without moving your data. Including streaming inference, scalable model training and vector search.

ai chatbot data database distributed-ml inference llm-inference llm-serving llmops ml mlops mongodb pretrained-models python pytorch rag semantic-search torch transformers vector-search

Last synced: 11 Jul 2024

Fast PyTorch based DSP for audio and 1D signals

dsp pytorch

Last synced: 10 Jul 2024

[ACL 2020] PyTorch code for MART: Memory-Augmented Recurrent Transformer for Coherent Video Paragraph Captioning

activitynet-captions pytorch video-captioning youcook2

Last synced: 10 Jul 2024

Ray Denoising (RayDN): Depth-aware Hard Negative Sampling for Multi-view 3D Object Detection

3d-object-detection 3d-perception autonomous-driving deep-learning denoising multi-view nuscenes pytorch

Last synced: 10 Jul 2024

A pytorch implemention of "StyleNet: Generating Attractive Visual Captions with Styles"

caption cnn dlhacks image-captioning lstm microsoft pytorch pytorch-implemention stylenet

Last synced: 10 Jul 2024

A Python framework for classification of satellite imagery of the Amazon, built with Pytorch and Lasagne/Theano. The goal is to find deforestation activity.

classification deep-neural-networks kaggle lasagne python pytorch satellite-imagery

Last synced: 10 Jul 2024

[ICLR2024] Official repo for paper "PnP Inversion: Boosting Diffusion-based Editing with 3 Lines of Code"

deep-learning diffusion-inversion diffusion-model diffusion-models iclr2024 image-editing image-generation paper-implementation paper-implementations pytorch

Last synced: 10 Jul 2024

Official implementation of I2I-Mamba, an image-to-image translation model based on selective state spaces

artificial-intelligence deeplearning image-synthesis image-to-image-translation mamba mamba-state-space-models medical multi-modal neural-networks pytorch ssm

Last synced: 10 Jul 2024

The official repo of NBC & SpatialNet for multichannel speech separation, denoising, and dereverberation

denoising dereverberation enhancement full-band multi-channel narrow-band pytorch separation speech

Last synced: 10 Jul 2024

An efficient pytorch implementation of selective scan in one file, works with both cpu and gpu, with corresponding mathematical derivation. It is probably the code which is the most close to selective_scan_cuda in mamba.

efficient mamba pytorch selective-scan

Last synced: 10 Jul 2024

Unofficial PyTorch Implementation of SUM-GAN from "Unsupervised Video Summarization with Adversarial LSTM Networks" (CVPR 2017)

gan pytorch summarization vae video

Last synced: 10 Jul 2024

a collection of awesome machine learning and deep learning Python libraries&tools. 热门实用机器学习和深入学习Python库和工具的集合

auto-ml awesome awesome-list cv data-analysis data-mining data-science data-visualization deep-learning fintech machine-learning machine-learning-algorithms nlp pytorch recommender-system sklearn tensorflow text-mining time-series

Last synced: 10 Jul 2024

Cat breed classification using RowCNN and deriving inter-breed relationships

clustering computer-vision convolutional-neural-networks deep-learning deep-neural-networks dendrogram python3 pytorch

Last synced: 10 Jul 2024

A memory efficient DLRM training solution using ColossalAI

colossal-ai deep-learning dlrm embeddings nlp pytorch recommandation-system

Last synced: 10 Jul 2024

An Out-of-the-Box Replication of GANimation using PyTorch, pretrained weights are available!

action-units gan ganimation ganimation-pytorch out-of-the-box pretrained-checkpoints pretrained-models pretrained-weights pytorch replicate

Last synced: 10 Jul 2024

PyTorch implementation for 2.5D U-Net segmentation of UK Biobank neck-to-knee body MRI

deep-learning kidney mri neural-networks parenchyma pytorch segmentation semantic-segmentation u-net uk-biobank

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

🦄 State-of-the-Art Conversational AI with Transfer Learning

chatbots deep-learning dialog gpt gpt-2 neural-networks nlp pytorch transfer-learning

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

NCRF++, a Neural Sequence Labeling Toolkit. Easy use to any sequence labeling tasks (e.g. NER, POS, Segmentation). It includes character LSTM/CNN, word LSTM/CNN and softmax/CRF components.

artificial-intelligence char-cnn char-rnn chunking cnn crf lstm lstm-crf named-entity-recognition natural-language-processing nbest ner neural-networks part-of-speech-tagger pytorch sequence-labeling

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

🫀 Code for "Neural network-based integration of polygenic and clinical information: Development and validation of a prediction model for 10 year risk of major adverse cardiac events in the UK Biobank cohort" 🫀

cardiovascular-disease pytorch pytorch-lightning risk-modeling survival-analysis time-to-event ukbiobank

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

CHIP2018问句匹配大赛 Rank6解决方案

nlp pytorch sentence-similarity

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024


competition events-extraction pytorch

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Pytorch implementation of JointBERT: "BERT for Joint Intent Classification and Slot Filling"

bert intent-classification joint-bert pytorch slot-filling slu transformers

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

TPlinker for NER 中文/英文命名实体识别

chinese-ner ner pytorch tplinker tplinker-ner

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024


bert nlp pytorch transformer

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

[ICLR2024] Official repo for paper "PnP Inversion: Boosting Diffusion-based Editing with 3 Lines of Code"

deep-learning diffusion-inversion diffusion-model diffusion-models iclr2024 image-editing image-generation paper-implementation paper-implementations pytorch

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Deep learning model converter for PaddlePaddle. (『飞桨』深度学习模型转换工具)

caffe model-converter onnx paddlepaddle pytorch tensorflow x2paddle-model-zoo

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

🕹️ A toolkit for document-level event extraction, containing some SOTA model implementations.

event-extraction information-extraction natural-language-understanding pytorch

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

MLNLP: This repository is a collection of AI top conferences papers (e.g. ACL, EMNLP, NAACL, COLING, AAAI, IJCAI, ICLR, NeurIPS, and ICML) with open resource code

computer-vision deep-learning machine-learning mlnlp natural-language-processing pytorch tensorflow

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Research Framework for easy and efficient training of GANs based on Pytorch

computer-vision deep-learning gans generative-adversarial-networks generative-model machine-learning neural-networks python python3 pytorch

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

PyTorch/TorchScript/FX compiler for NVIDIA GPUs using TensorRT

cuda deep-learning jetson libtorch machine-learning nvidia pytorch tensorrt

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

TorchBench is a collection of open source benchmarks used to evaluate PyTorch performance.

benchmark pytorch

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

AWS Deep Learning Containers (DLCs) are a set of Docker images for training and serving models in TensorFlow, TensorFlow 2, PyTorch, and MXNet.

aws docker mxnet pytorch sagemaker tensorflow tensorflow2

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Distributed Reinforcement Learning accelerated by Lightning Fabric

distributed lightning pytorch reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Implementation of my B.Sc. Thesis titled "MddGAN : Multilinear Analysis of the GAN Latent Space".

decomposition deep-learning generative-adversarial-network interpretability latent-space pytorch unsupervised-learning

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Source code for "Taming Visually Guided Sound Generation" (Oral at the BMVC 2021)

audio audio-generation bmvc evaluation-metrics gan melgan multi-modal pytorch transformer vas vggsound video video-features video-understanding vqvae

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

TedNet: A Pytorch Toolkit for Tensor Decomposition Networks

artificial-intelligence deep-neural-networks pytorch tensor-decomposition

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Official repository for RawNet, RawNet2, and RawNet3

extracted-speaker-embeddings pytorch rawnet speaker-embeddings speaker-verification spk-embd voxceleb2

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Text recognition (optical character recognition) with deep learning methods in farsi.

crnn deep-learning farsi ocr persian persian-ocr python pytorch text-recognition

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

:fire::fire: PyTorch implementation of "Progressive growing of GANs (PGGAN)" :fire::fire:

celeba-hq-dataset gan generative-adversarial-network progressive-gan progressively-growing-gan pytorch tensorboard

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

This repository contains the architectures, Models, logs, etc pertaining to the SimpleNet Paper (Lets keep it simple: Using simple architectures to outperform deeper architectures )

cnn-model cnn-pytorch convolutional-neural-networks deep-learning fast-net image-classification imagenet pytorch simplenet

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Motion Fused Frames implementation in PyTorch, codes and pretrained models.

arxiv codebase flow-computation motion-fused-frames pretrained-models process-dataset pytorch

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

PyTorch implementation of "WILDCAT: Weakly Supervised Learning of Deep ConvNets for Image Classification, Pointwise Localization and Segmentation", CVPR 2017

convnet cvpr-2017 cvpr17 cvpr2017 deep-learning image-classification pytorch weakly-supervised-learning

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Deep-learning Transfer Learning models of NTUA-SLP team submitted at the IEST of WASSA 2018 at EMNLP 2018.

deep-learning deep-neural-networks emotion-analysis language-models lstm python pytorch sentiment-analysis transfer-learning twitter

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

:speech_balloon: An On-Premises, Streaming Speech Recognition System

asr deep-learning esp32-lyrat fastai python pytorch rnn-transducer speech-recognition

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Confidence and Byt5 - based geotagging model predicting coordinates from text alone.

coordinates deep-learning geo-location geotagging machine-learning neural-network nlp nlp-machine-learning python pytorch transformers

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Implementation of "MelNet: A Generative Model for Audio in the Frequency Domain"

generative-model pytorch tts

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

NLNL: Negative Learning for Noisy Labels

negative-learning nlnl noisy-labels pytorch

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Localization Distillation for Object Detection (CVPR 2022, TPAMI 2023)

deep-learning detection knowledge-distillation ld object-detection pytorch

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

A flexible package for multimodal-deep-learning to combine tabular data with text and images using Wide and Deep models in Pytorch

deep-learning images model-hub multimodal-deep-learning python pytorch pytorch-cv pytorch-nlp pytorch-tabular-data pytorch-transformers tabular-data text

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Knowledge-Aware machine LEarning (KALE): accessible machine learning from multiple sources for interdisciplinary research, part of the 🔥PyTorch ecosystem. ⭐ Star to support our work!

computer-vision data-science deep-learning domain-adaptation graph-analysis knowledge-aware-learning machine-learning medical-image-analysis meta-learning multimodal multimodal-learning python pytorch transfer-learning

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

A PyTorch implementation of Sharpness-Aware Minimization for Efficiently Improving Generalization

optimizer pytorch sam

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Tiny PyTorch library for maintaining a moving average of a collection of parameters.

deep-learning neural-networks pytorch

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

A PyTorch toolkit with 8 popular deep active learning query methods implemented.

deep-active-learning image-classification pytorch toolkit

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

PyTorch implementation of SimCLR: A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations by T. Chen et al.

contrastive-learning pytorch representation-learning simclr unsupervised-learning

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

A PyTorch implementation of "MetaFormer: A Unified Meta Framework for Fine-Grained Recognition". A reference PyTorch implementation of “CoAtNet: Marrying Convolution and Attention for All Data Sizes”

fine-grained-classification pytorch

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Neighborhood Attention Transformer, arxiv 2022 / CVPR 2023. Dilated Neighborhood Attention Transformer, arxiv 2022

neighborhood-attention pytorch

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Unofficial PyTorch Implementation of AdaMatch: A Unified Approach to Semi-Supervised Learning and Domain Adaptation

computer-vision deep-learning domain-adaptation pytorch semi-supervised-learning unsupervised-learning

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Official PyTorch Implementation and Pre-trained Models for Benchmarking Transfer Learning for Medical Image Analysis

benchmarking deep-learning domain-adaptation imagenet-models inaturalist-2021 medical-imaging pytorch self-supervised-learning supervised-learning transfer-learning

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

A project to improve out-of-distribution detection (open set recognition) and uncertainty estimation by changing a few lines of code in your project! Perform efficient inferences (i.e., do not increase inference time) without repetitive model training, hyperparameter tuning, or collecting additional data.

ai-safety anomaly-detection classification deep-learning machine-learning novelty-detection ood ood-detection open-set open-set-recognition osr out-of-distribution out-of-distribution-detection pytorch robust-machine-learning trustworthy-ai trustworthy-machine-learning uncertainty-estimation

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Conformal prediction for controlling monotonic risk functions. Simple accompanying PyTorch code for conformal risk control in computer vision and natural language processing.

computer-vision conformal conformal-prediction natural-language-processing python pytorch pytorch-implementation uncertainty-estimation uncertainty-quantification

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

"In Defense of Pseudo-Labeling: An Uncertainty-Aware Pseudo-label Selection Framework for Semi-Supervised Learning" by Mamshad Nayeem Rizve, Kevin Duarte, Yogesh S Rawat, Mubarak Shah (ICLR 2021)

calibration pseudo-labeling pytorch semi-supervised-learning uncertainty

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

SHARK - High Performance Machine Learning Distribution

amd apple-silicon deep-learning machine-learning mlir nvidia pytorch

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

A project to train your model from scratch or fine-tune a pretrained model using the losses provided in this library to improve out-of-distribution detection and uncertainty estimation performances. Calibrate your model to produce enhanced uncertainty estimations. Detect out-of-distribution data using the defined score type and threshold.

anomaly-detection classification deep-learning deep-neural-networks machine-learning novelty-detection ood-detection open-set open-set-recognition out-of-distribution out-of-distribution-detection pytorch robust-deep-learning robust-machine-learning trustworthy-ai trustworthy-machine-learning uncertainty-calibration uncertainty-estimation uncertainty-neural-networks

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Propose a principled and practically effective framework for unsupervised accuracy estimation and error detection tasks with theoretical analysis and state-of-the-art performance.

deep-learning error-detection machine-learning pytorch self-training-ensembles unsupervised-accuracy-estimation

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Official implementation of AAAI 2023 paper "Parameter-efficient Model Adaptation for Vision Transformers"

fine-tuning image-classification parameter-efficient-tuning pytorch vision-transformer

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

[ICCV 2023] Binary Adapters, [AAAI 2023] FacT, [Tech report] Convpass

parameter-efficient-tuning pytorch transfer-learning visual-prompting

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

:low_brightness:Unofficial PyTorch implementation of KeepAugment

augmentation implementation keepaugment pytorch saliency-map

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Pytorch Implementation of DeepLog.

anomaly-detection deeplearning pytorch sequence-prediction

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

detrex is a research platform for DETR-based object detection, segmentation, pose estimation and other visual recognition tasks.

anchor-detr conditional-detr dab-detr deformable-detr deta detr dino dn-detr group-detr h-detr mask-dino object-detection pose-estimation pytorch segmentation state-of-the-art

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

🔥🔥🔥 A collection of some awesome public CUDA, cuBLAS, TensorRT and High Performance Computing (HPC) projects.

awesome blas cublas cuda cudnn fortran gemm gpu hpc lapack llama llm mojo numpy openblas parallel-computing pytorch scipy tensorrt yolo

Last synced: 09 Jul 2024

Production First and Production Ready End-to-End Speech Recognition Toolkit

asr automatic-speech-recognition conformer e2e-models production-ready pytorch speech-recognition transformer whisper

Last synced: 08 Jul 2024

GOOD: A Graph Out-of-Distribution Benchmark [NeurIPS 2022 Datasets and Benchmarks]

deep-learning distribution-shift graph-neural-networks graph-ood invariant-learning out-of-distribution-generalization pytorch pytorch-geometric

Last synced: 08 Jul 2024

A Generative Flow for Text-to-Speech via Monotonic Alignment Search

deep-learning pytorch speech-synthesis text-to-speech tts

Last synced: 08 Jul 2024

VITS-based Voice Conversion focused on simplicity, quality and performance.

ai applio pytorch rvc speech speech-to-speech text-to-speech vc vits voice voice-clone voice-cloning voice-conversion

Last synced: 08 Jul 2024

Simple PyTorch Tutorials Zero to ALL!

basic deeplearning python pytorch tutorial

Last synced: 08 Jul 2024