
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Learning Multiresolution Matrix Factorization and its Wavelet Networks on Graphs

graph-neural-networks matrix-factorization multiresolution-analysis reinforcement-learning wavelet-analysis

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

A framework for easy prototyping of distributed reinforcement learning algorithms

ape-x distributed-reinforcement-learning dqn ray reinforcement-learning zeromq

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

A wrapper framework for Reinforcement Learning in the Webots robot simulator using Python 3.

openai-gym-environment python reinforcement-learning robotics webots

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

Extreme Q-Learning: Max Entropy RL without Entropy

deep-learning energy-based-model gumbel-distribution offline-rl reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

An experimentation framework for Reinforcement Learning using OpenAI Gym, Tensorflow, and Keras.

actor-critic ddpg deep-reinforcement-learning experiment keras openai policy-gradient reinforcement-learning tensorflow

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

Code for KDD 2020 paper Robust Spammer Detection by Nash Reinforcement Learning

fraud-detection game-theory machine-learning reinforcement-learning security spam-detection

Last synced: 01 Jul 2024

Code for CIKM 2020 paper Enhancing Graph Neural Network-based Fraud Detectors against Camouflaged Fraudsters

datamining deep-learning fraud-detection fraud-prevention graphneuralnetwork machine-learning reinforcement-learning security

Last synced: 01 Jul 2024

AIXIjs - General Reinforcement Learning in the Browser

artificial-general-intelligence demo javascript machine-learning-algorithms reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 01 Jul 2024

SuperSonic, a new open-source framework to allow compiler developers to integrate RL into compilers easily, regardless of their RL expertise.

code-optimization compiler-optimization deep-reinforcement-learning reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 01 Jul 2024

Learning to Learn how to Learn: Self-Adaptive Visual Navigation using Meta-Learning (

ai2thor-environment meta-learning reinforcement-learning self-adaptive

Last synced: 01 Jul 2024

Implementation of Domain Adaption in One-Shot Learning

domain-adaptation one-shot-learning reinforcement-learning slim tensorflow

Last synced: 01 Jul 2024

🕹️ A diverse suite of scalable reinforcement learning environments in JAX

jax python reinforcement-learning research

Last synced: 30 Jun 2024

Julia code for the book Reinforcement Learning An Introduction

julia reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 30 Jun 2024

[CoRL '23] Dexterous piano playing with deep reinforcement learning.

bimanual dexterous-manipulation mujoco piano reinforcement-learning shadow-hand

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

PPO x Family DRL Tutorial Course(决策智能入门级公开课:8节课帮你盘清算法理论,理顺代码逻辑,玩转决策AI应用实践 )

course decision-intelligence deep-reinforcement-learning python reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

A high-performance distributed training framework for Reinforcement Learning

large-scale parallelization reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

ChainerRL is a deep reinforcement learning library built on top of Chainer.

actor-critic chainer deep-learning dqn machine-learning python reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 29 Jun 2024

RL research on Android devices.

android reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 28 Jun 2024

Safe Multi-Agent MuJoCo benchmark for safe multi-agent reinforcement learning research.

benchmark reinforcement-learning robotics safe

Last synced: 28 Jun 2024

This is the homepage of a new book entitled "Mathematical Foundations of Reinforcement Learning."

book courses machine-learning reinforcement-learning tutorials

Last synced: 28 Jun 2024

Neural Symbolic Machines is a framework to integrate neural networks and symbolic representations using reinforcement learning, with applications in program synthesis and semantic parsing.

deep-learning deep-reinforcement-learning program-synthesis reinforcement-learning rnn semantic-parsing tensorflow

Last synced: 28 Jun 2024

Arcade Learning Environment (ALE) wrapped as a Reinforce.jl environment

atari julialang reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 28 Jun 2024

OpenAI Gym wrapper for ViZDoom enviroments

openai-gym openai-gym-environments reinforcement-learning vizdoom

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

Sokoban environment for OpenAI Gym

environment gym openai python reinforcement-learning sokoban

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

A C++/Python simulator package for reinforcement learning

reinforcement-learning simulator

Last synced: 26 Jun 2024

​TextWorld is a sandbox learning environment for the training and evaluation of reinforcement learning (RL) agents on text-based games.

reinforcement-learning text-based-adventure text-based-game

Last synced: 26 Jun 2024

A curated list of awesome End-to-End Autonomous Driving resources (continually updated)

autonomous-driving imitation-learning paper-list reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 25 Jun 2024

A curated list of meta-learning resources: papers, coding, tutorials, etc.

deep-reinforcement-learning meta-learning reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

A curated list of awesome Meta Reinforcement Learning

awesome meta-learning meta-rl reinforcement-learning reinforcement-meta-learning

Last synced: 24 Jun 2024

Clean, Robust, and Unified PyTorch implementation of popular DRL Algorithms (Q-learning, Duel DDQN, PER, C51, Noisy DQN, PPO, DDPG, TD3, SAC, ASL)

asl c51 categorical-dqn ddpg deep-reinforcement-learning double-dqn dueling-dqn machine-learning noisynet-dqn ppo prioritized-experience-replay pytorch q-learning reinforcement-learning sac td3

Last synced: 23 Jun 2024

Repository for Open Source Reinforcement Learning Framework JORLDY

framework gym mlagents pytorch reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 23 Jun 2024

DSAC; Distributional Soft Actor-Critic

pytorch reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 23 Jun 2024

A collection of recent papers on building autonomous agent. Two topics included: RL-based / LLM-based agents.

agent artificial-intelligence autonomous-agent awesome-paper-collection large-language-models machine-learning natural-language-processing reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 23 Jun 2024

深度学习入门课、资深课、特色课、学术案例、产业实践案例、深度学习知识百科及面试题库The course, case and knowledge of Deep Learning and AI

bert classification cnn detection dqn dssm dynabert gan nlp pose recommender-system reinforcement-learning rnn sarsa segmentation tinybert transformer video

Last synced: 22 Jun 2024

The most simple, flexible, and comprehensive OpenAI Gym trading environment (Approved by OpenAI Gym)

dqn forex gym-environments openai-gym q-learning reinforcement-learning stocks trading trading-algorithms trading-environments

Last synced: 22 Jun 2024


algorithms artificial-intelligence deep-learning interview machine-learning reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

📋 Survey papers summarizing advances in deep learning, NLP, CV, graphs, reinforcement learning, recommendations, graphs, etc.

computer-vision deep-learning embeddings machine-learning nlp recommender-system reinforcement-learning survey

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

Reading papers, bit by bit.


Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

Deep Reinforcement Learning for de-novo Drug Design

cheminformatics deeplearning drug-discovery molecular-modeling qsar reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

PyTorch implementation of Soft Actor-Critic (SAC), Twin Delayed DDPG (TD3), Actor-Critic (AC/A2C), Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), QT-Opt, PointNet..

reinforcement-learning soft-actor-critic state-of-the-art

Last synced: 20 Jun 2024

Official repository for the paper "A Modern Self-Referential Weight Matrix That Learns to Modify Itself" (ICML 2022 & NeurIPS 2021 Deep RL Workshop) and "Accelerating Neural Self-Improvement via Bootstrapping" (ICLR 2023 Workshop)

fast-weight-programmers fast-weights pytorch reinforcement-learning rnn-based-few-shot-learning self-referential-learning self-referential-weight-matrix torchbeast transformers

Last synced: 19 Jun 2024

Codes accompanying the paper "Offline Reinforcement Learning via High-Fidelity Generative Behavior Modeling" (ICLR 2023)

diffusion expressive generative offline reinforcement-learning score-based

Last synced: 19 Jun 2024

Official codebase for Exact Energy-Guided Diffusion Sampling via Contrastive Energy Prediction (ICML 2023)

cep diffusion energy guided offline qgpo reinforcement-learning sampling

Last synced: 19 Jun 2024

TensorFlow implementation of the Value Iteration Networks (NIPS '16) paper

deep-learning machine-learning neural-networks reinforcement-learning tensorflow

Last synced: 19 Jun 2024

Rainbow is all you need! A step-by-step tutorial from DQN to Rainbow

colab-notebook dqn gym-environment nbviewer pytorch rainbow reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 18 Jun 2024

A curated list of artificial intelligence resources (Courses, Tools, App, Open Source Project)

artificial-intelligence chatbot data-science deep-learning machine-learning neural-network reinforcement-learning voice-assistant

Last synced: 18 Jun 2024

A library for neuroscience-inspired navigation and decision making research.

cognitive-science deep-reinforcement-learning gym-environment machine-learning reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 18 Jun 2024

A Type-1 Diabetes simulator implemented in Python for Reinforcement Learning purpose

artificial-pancreas diabetes glucose-monitoring openai-gym python reinforcement-learning rllab simulation simulator simulator-controls

Last synced: 17 Jun 2024

PyTorch implementation of Deep Reinforcement Learning: Policy Gradient methods (TRPO, PPO, A2C) and Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL). Fast Fisher vector product TRPO.

a2c deep-reinforcement-learning fisher-vectors generative-adversarial-network policy-gradient ppo proximal-policy-optimization pytorch pytorch-rl reinforcement-learning trpo

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

Reward function experiments for AWS DeepRacer.

aws deepracer reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

repository to research & share the machine learning articles

arxivtimes computer-vision machine-learning natural-language-processing reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

推荐、广告工业界经典以及最前沿的论文、资料集合/ Must-read Papers on Recommendation System and CTR Prediction

computational-advertising deep-learning exploration-exploitation recommendation recommendation-system reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

Official Implementation of the ICLR 2023 spotlight paper: Universal Humanoid Motion Representations for Physics-Based Control

control humanoid isaac-gym reinforcement-learning simulation

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

Official Implementation of Towards Sequence-Level Training for Visual Tracking (ECCV 2022)

eccv2022 pytorch reinforcement-learning tracking visual-tracking vot

Last synced: 16 Jun 2024

A list of recent papers regarding dialogue generation

dialogue dialogue-generation dialogue-systems reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 15 Jun 2024

Collection of reinforcement learners implemented in python. Mainly including DQN and its variants

dqn reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 15 Jun 2024

Implementations of deep RL papers and random experimentation

a3c dqn openai-gym pgq reinforcement-learning tensorflow trpo

Last synced: 15 Jun 2024

A set of Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents implemented in Tensorflow.

reinforcement-learning tensorflow

Last synced: 15 Jun 2024

2nd place solution of NIPS2017 LearningToRun Competition.

deep-learning keras reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

An Easy-to-use, Scalable and High-performance RLHF Framework (70B+ PPO Full Tuning & Iterative DPO & LoRA & Mixtral)

deepspeed large-language-models raylib reinforcement-learning reinforcement-learning-from-human-feedback transformers vllm

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

This is a fork of the awesome Joey-NMT with Reinforcement Learning algorithms like Policy Gradient, MRT and Advantage Actor Critic.

neural-machine-translation reinforcement-learning

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

Code accompanying the paper Pretraining Language Models with Human Preferences

ai-alignment ai-safety decision-transformers gpt language-models pretraining reinforcement-learning rlhf

Last synced: 14 Jun 2024

Tactics2D: A Reinforcement Learning Environment Library with Generative Scenarios for Driving Decision-making

autonomous-driving gym-environment python3 reinforcement-learning simulator

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024

Code for Paper (ReMax: A Simple, Efficient and Effective Reinforcement Learning Method for Aligning Large Language Models)

large-language-models policy-gradient reinforcement-learning rlhf

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024

An object-based toolbox for robot dynamic simulation, analysis, control and planning.

analysis closed-loop-control control-systems dynamic-programming dynamics optimal optimal-control planning-algorithms python reinforcement-learning robotics

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024