
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.


A curated list of Rust code and resources.

  • Rust — Production
  • alacritty - platform, GPU enhanced terminal emulator
  • Arti - very-complete client. But watch this space!) [![](](
  • asm-cli-rust
  • cloudflare/boringtun - v0.2.0-orange.svg)](
  • datafusion
  • defguard
  • denoland/deno
  • doprz/dipc
  • Factotum
  • fcsonline/drill
  • fend - Arbitrary-precision unit-aware calculator [![build](](
  • Fractalide
  • habitat
  • Herd
  • hickory-dns - server [![Build Status](](
  • innernet - An overlay or private mesh network that uses Wireguard under the hood
  • jedisct1/flowgger
  • kalker - A scientific calculator that supports math-like syntax with user-defined variables, functions, derivation, integration, and complex numbers. Cross-platform + WASM support [![Build Status](](
  • kftray - A cross-platform system tray app for managing and sharing multiple kubectl port-forward configurations. [![Build Status](](
  • kytan - to-Peer VPN
  • linkerd/linkerd2-proxy
  • MaidSafe
  • mdBook - lang/mdBook/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=master)](
  • mirrord
  • nicohman/eidolon - free game registry and launcher for linux and macosx
  • notty
  • Pijul - based distributed version control system
  • Rauthy - On Identity & Access Management
  • Rio - A hardware-accelerated GPU terminal emulator powered by WebGPU, focusing to run in desktops and browsers.
  • rx
  • Servo
  • shoes - A multi-protocol proxy server
  • shuttle
  • Sniffnet - platform application to monitor your network traffic with ease [![build badge](]( [![crate](](
  • SWC - fast TypeScript / JavaScript compiler
  • tiny
  • UpVPN
  • wasmer - square)](
  • Weld
  • wezterm - accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer
  • WinterJS
  • zellij
  • dano
  • enginesound - realistic engine sounds. Featuring in-depth configuration, variable sample rate and a frequency analysis window.
  • Festival - badge](](
  • figsoda/mmtc - badge](](
  • Glicol - oriented live coding language, for collaborative musicking in browsers.
  • ncspot - Cross-platform ncurses Spotify client, inspired by ncmpc and the likes. [![build badge](](
  • Polaris
  • Spotify Player
  • Spotifyd
  • termusic - Music Player TUI written
  • WhatBPM
  • artemis - A simple, modular, and fast framework for writing MEV bots.
  • beerus - Beerus is a trustless StarkNet Light Client, ⚡blazing fast ⚡ [![GitHub Workflow Status](](
  • Bitcoin Satoshi's Vision
  • cairo - Cairo is the first Turing-complete language for creating provable programs for general computation. This is also the native language of [StarkNet](, a ZK-Rollup using STARK proofs ![GitHub Workflow Status](
  • cairo-vm - vm/actions/workflows/rust.yml/badge.svg)](
  • ChainX
  • CITA
  • coinbase-pro-rs
  • Diem
  • electrumrs - implementation of Electrum Server.
  • ethabi - Encode and decode smart contract invocations.
  • ethaddrgen
  • ethers-rs - Complete Ethereum & Celo library and wallet implementation. ![Build Status](
  • etk - etk is a collection of tools for writing, reading, and analyzing EVM bytecode.
  • Forest - Filecoin implementation [![Build Status](](
  • Foundry - Foundry is a blazing fast, portable and modular toolkit for Ethereum application development. ![Build Status](
  • Grin
  • hdwallet - 32 HD wallet related key derivation utilities.
  • Holochain
  • Hyperlane
  • ibc-rs - Implementation of the [Interblockchain Communication]( protocol
  • infincia/bip39-rs
  • interBTC
  • Joystream
  • Lighthouse - suite/badge.svg?branch=master)](
  • madara - Kaioshin is a ⚡ blazing fast ⚡ Starknet sequencer, based on substrate. [![GitHub Workflow Status](](
  • mev-inspect-rs - Ethereum MEV Inspector.
  • near/nearcore - contract platform for low-end mobile devices.
  • Nervos CKB
  • opensea-rs - Bindings & CLI to the Opensea API and Contracts.
  • Parity-Bitcoin
  • Phala-Network/phala-blockchain
  • polkadot-sdk
  • revm - Revolutionary Machine (revm) is a fast Ethereum virtual machine.
  • rust-bitcoin
  • rust-lightning - agnostic, but users must implement basic networking logic, chain interactions, and disk storage.po on linking crate.
  • sigma-rust - related features.
  • Solana - of-History.
  • Subspace - The first layer-one blockchain that can fully resolve the blockchain trilemma by simultaneously achieving scalability, security, and decentralization.
  • Sui - generation smart contract platform with high throughput, low latency, and an asset-oriented programming model powered by the Move programming language.
  • svm-rs - Solidity-Compiler Version Manager.
  • tendermint-rs - Tendermint blockchain data structures and clients
  • wagyu
  • zcash
  • Atomic-Server - server](] - NoSQL graph database with realtime updates, dynamic indexing and easy-to-use GUI for CMS purposes. [![Release](](
  • CozoDB - A transactional, relational database that uses Datalog and focuses on graph data and algorithms. Time-travel-capable, and fast! [![GitHub Workflow Status](](
  • darkbird - HighConcurrency, RealTime, InMemory storage inspired by erlang mnesia
  • Databend - A Modern Real-Time Data Processing & Analytics DBMS with Cloud-Native Architecture [![Release](](
  • DB3 Network - driven blockchain layer2 decentralized database network ![GitHub Workflow Status (with event)](
  • erikgrinaker/toydb
  • FnckSQL
  • Garage - compatible distributed object storage service designed for self-hosting at a small-to-medium scale. [![status-badge](](
  • GreptimeDB - An open-source, cloud-native, distributed time-series database with PromQL/SQL/Python supported.[![CI](](
  • indradb
  • Lucid - kv/lucid/workflows/Lucid/badge.svg?branch=master)](
  • Materialize - Streaming SQL database powered by Timely Dataflow :heavy_dollar_sign: [![Build status](](
  • Neon
  • noria - stateful data-flow for web application backends
  • ParadeDB - ParadeDB is an Elasticsearch alternative built on Postgres, designed for real-time search and analytics.
  • ParityDB
  • PumpkinDB
  • Qdrant - An open source vector similarity search engine with extended filtering support [![Tests](](
  • Qrlew/qrlew - The SQL-to-SQL Differential Privacy layer [![Qrlew](]( ![ Version](
  • RisingWaveLabs/RisingWave - the next-generation streaming database in the cloud [![CI](](
  • seppo0010/rsedis
  • Skytable - model NoSQL database ![GitHub Workflow Status](
  • sled
  • SQLSync - first SQLite [![GitHub Workflow Status](](
  • SurrealDB - graph database [![Build Status](](
  • TerminusDB - open source graph database and document store [![Build Status](](
  • tikv
  • USearch - Similarity Search Engine for Vectors and Strings [![](](
  • vorot93/libmdbx-rs - sys](] — Bindings for MDBX, a "fast, compact, powerful, embedded, transactional key-value database, with permissive license". This is a fork of mozilla/lmdb-rs with patches to make it work with libmdbx.
  • WooriDB - General purpose time serial database inspired by Crux and Datomic.
  • crates matching keyword 'emulator'
  • ColinEberhardt/wasm-rust-chip8 - 8 emulator.
  • starrhorne/chip8-rust
  • kondrak/rust64
  • Ruffle - rs/ruffle/actions/workflows/test_rust.yml/badge.svg)]([![CI](](
  • Gekkio/mooneye-gb
  • joamag/boytacean
  • mohanson/gameboy - platform GameBoy emulator. Forever boys!.
  • mvdnes/rboy
  • michelhe/rustboyadvance-ng - RustboyAdvance-ng is a Gameboy Advance emulator with desktop, android and [WebAssembly]( support. [![build badge](](
  • OpenGMK
  • MartyPC
  • mohanson/i8080
  • touchHLE - level emulator for iPhone OS apps
  • clicky
  • koute/pinky
  • pcwalton/sprocketnes
  • gopher64
  • dust
  • Obliteration
  • rustzx/rustzx
  • broot - A new way to see and navigate directory trees (get an overview of a directory, even a big one; find a directory then `cd` to it; never lose track of file hierarchy while you search; manipulate your files, ...), further reading []( [![Latest Version](](
  • joshuto - ranger-like terminal file manager
  • xplr - A hackable, minimal, fast TUI file explorer
  • yazi - Blazing fast terminal file manager, based on async I/O.
  • Games Made With Piston
  • chess-tui
  • citybound
  • cristicbz/rust-doom
  • doukutsu-rs
  • garkimasera/rusted-ruins
  • gorilla-devs/ferium - devs/ferium/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg?branch=main)
  • lifthrasiir/angolmois-rust
  • maras-archive/rsnake
  • mtkennerly/ludusavi
  • ozkriff/zemeroth - based hexagonal strategy game
  • rhex
  • rsaarelm/magog
  • SoftbearStudios/mk48
  • swatteau/sokoban-rs
  • thetawavegame/thetawave-legacy - A space shooter game that strives to be an entry point for new game developers to make their first contributions. ![build badge](
  • Thinkofname/rust-quake
  • ttyperacer/terminal-typeracer - Single player typing test game written for the terminal
  • Veloren - /pipelines)
  • Zone of Control - based hexagonal strategy game
  • dps/rust-raytracer - An implementation of a very simple raytracer based on Ray Tracing in One Weekend by Peter Shirley.
  • flxzt/rnote - Sketch and take handwritten notes.
  • ivanceras/svgbob
  • KaminariOS/rustracer - tracing.
  • Limeth/euclider - time 4D CPU ray tracer
  • RazrFalcon/resvg
  • rodrigorc/papercraft - A tool to unwrap 3D models and create them in paper with scissors and glue.
  • rustq/vue-skia
  • turnage/valora
  • Twinklebear/tray_rust
  • wahn/rs_pbrt
  • Imager
  • shssoichiro/oxipng
  • locka99/opcua - technologies/opc-ua/) library.
  • slowtec/tokio-modbus - based [modbus]( library.
  • avito-tech/bioyino - performance scalable StatsD compatible server.
  • openobserve - 10x easier, 140x lower storage cost, high performance, petabyte scale - Elasticsearch/Splunk/Datadog alternative.
  • OpenTelemetry - telemetry/opentelemetry-rust/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=master)](
  • Quickwit-oss/quickwit - Cloud-native and highly cost-efficient search engine for log management. [![CI](](
  • Scaphandre - A power consumption monitoring agent, to track host and each service power consumption and enable designing systems and applications for more sustainability. Designed to fit any monitoring toolchain (already supports prometheus, warp10, riemann...).
  • vectordotdev/vector - Performance, Logs, Metrics, & Events Router.
  • A comparison of operating systems written in Rust
  • 0x59616e/SteinsOS - a architecture.
  • Andy-Python-Programmer/aero - like operating system following the monolithic kernel design.
  • DragonOS-Community/DragonOS - developed kernel from scratch and Linux compatibility.
  • redox-os/redox
  • thepowersgang/rust_os
  • theseus-os/Theseus - language, single address space and single privilege level OS written from scratch - [![build badge](](
  • tock/tock - M based microcontrollers
  • helsing-ai/buffrs
  • hyperswitch - commit/juspay/hyperswitch?style=flat-square)
  • ast-grep - A CLI tool for code structural search, lint and rewriting.
  • Bartib - A simple timetracker for the command line [![Tests](](
  • espanso - platform Text Expander. [![CI](](
  • eureka
  • Furtherance - Time tracking app built with GTK4
  • illacloud/illa - Low-code internal tool builder.
  • LLDAP - Simplified LDAP interface for authentication.
  • pier-cli/pier - liners, scripts, tools, and CLIs
  • yashs662/rust_kanban - kanban](] [![Build](]( — A Kanban App for the terminal
  • Holo - Holo is a suite of routing protocols designed to support high-scale and automation-driven networks
  • RustyBGP - BGP
  • AFLplusplus/LibAFL - Advanced Fuzzing Library - Slot your Fuzzer together in Rust! Scales across cores and machines. For Windows, Android, MacOS, Linux, no_std, etc. [![build and test](](
  • arp-scan-rs - A minimalistic ARP scan tool for fast local network scans
  • cargo-audit - Audit Cargo.lock for crates with security vulnerabilities
  • cargo-auditable - Make production Rust binaries auditable
  • cargo-crev - A cryptographically verifiable code review system for the cargo package manager.
  • cargo-deny - Cargo plugin to help you manage large dependency graphs
  • Cherrybomb - Stop half-done API specifications with a CLI tool that helps you avoid undefined user behaviour by validating your API specifications.
  • cotp - Trustworthy, encrypted, command-line TOTP/HOTP authenticator app with import functionality.
  • entropic-security/xgadget - variant ROP/JOP gadget search [![GitHub Actions](](
  • epi052/feroxbuster - A simple, fast, recursive content discovery tool.
  • Inspektor - A database protocol-aware proxy that is used to enforce access policies 👮
  • kpcyrd/authoscope
  • kpcyrd/rshijack
  • kpcyrd/sn0int - automatic OSINT framework and package manager
  • kpcyrd/sniffglue
  • ObserverWard
  • Raspirus - User- and resources-friendly signatures-based malware scanner [![status](](
  • ripasso
  • rustscan/rustscan
  • Rustodon - A Mastodon-compatible, ActivityPub-speaking server.
  • ajeetdsouza/zoxide
  • atuin
  • bandwhich
  • bottom - Yet another cross-platform graphical process/system monitor. [![GitHub Workflow Status (branch)](](
  • brocode/fblog - line JSON Log viewer
  • bustd - Lightweight process killer daemon to handle out-of-memory scenarios on Linux. [![GitHub Workflow Status (branch)](](
  • buster/rrun
  • cantino/mcfly - Fly through your shell history. Great Scott!
  • crabz - Multi-threaded compression and decompression CLI tool [![Build Status](](
  • cristianoliveira/funzzy
  • dalance/procs
  • ddh
  • diskonaut
  • dust
  • eza-community/eza
  • fselect - like queries
  • gitui - Blazing fast terminal client for git. [![build](](
  • GQL
  • httm - Interactive, file-level Time Machine-like tool for ZFS/btrfs/nilfs2 (and even actual Time Machine backups!)
  • j0ru/kickoff - Fast and snappy wayland program launcher [![build](](
  • Kondo - CLI & GUI tool for deleting software project artifacts and reclaiming disk space
  • LACT - Linux AMDGPU Controller
  • lodosgroup/lpm
  • lotabout/rargs
  • lotabout/skim
  • lsd - rs/lsd/workflows/CICD/badge.svg?branch=master)](
  • Luminarys/synapse
  • m4b/bingrep
  • mdgaziur/findex - Findex is a highly customizable application finder using GTK3
  • mitnk/cicada - like Unix shell
  • mmstick/concurr - server architecture
  • mmstick/fontfinder
  • mmstick/tv-renamer
  • mxseev/logram
  • netscanner - TUI Network Scanner
  • nickgerace/gfold - CLI tool to help keep track of multiple Git repositories [![build](](
  • nivekuil/rip - A safe and ergonomic alternative to `rm`
  • nushell/nushell - A new type of shell
  • orhun/kmon
  • orhun/systeroid
  • ouch - Painless compression and decompression on the command-line [![GitHub Workflow Status (branch)](](
  • pkolaczk/fclones
  • pop-os/popsicle
  • pop-os/system76-power - interface) with CLI tool.
  • pueue
  • qarmin/czkawka - Multi-functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images, etc. [![GitHub Actions Workflow](](
  • redox-os/ion - generation system shell
  • sharkdp/bat
  • sharkdp/fd - friendly alternative to find. [![CICD](](
  • sitkevij/hex
  • supercilex/fuc - Fast `cp` and `rm` commands
  • trippy - A network diagnostic tool [![build badge](](
  • uutils/coreutils - platform rewrite of the GNU coreutils [![CICD](](
  • watchexec
  • XAMPPRocky/tokei
  • ynqa/jnv
  • delicate
  • amp
  • emacs-ng
  • gchp/iota
  • helix - modern modal text editor inspired by Neovim/Kakoune. [![build badge](](
  • ilai-deutel/kibi - deutel/kibi/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=master)](
  • Lapce - editor](
  • mathall/rim - like text editor.
  • ox
  • vamolessa/pepper
  • zed - performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.
  • ashvardanian/stringzilla - SIMD-accelerated string search, sort, edit distances, alignments, and generators for x86 AVX2 & AVX-512, and Arm NEON [![](](
  • dominikwilkowski/cfonts
  • grex - line tool and library for generating regular expressions from user-provided test cases
  • jqnatividad/qsv - wrangling toolkit. Forked from xsv, with 34+ additional commands & more. [![Linux build status](]( [![Windows build status](]( [![macOS build status](](
  • Lisprez/so_stupid_search
  • Melody - A language that compiles to regular expressions and aims to be more easily readable and maintainable [![build badge](]( [![](](
  • phiresky/ripgrep-all - Books, Office documents, zip, tar.gz, etc.
  • replicadse/complate - terminal text templating tool designed for standardizing messages (like for GIT commits). [![](]( [![](]( [![build badge](](
  • ripgrep
  • ruplacer - tools/ruplacer/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg?branch=master)](
  • sd
  • sstadick/hck - A faster and more featureful drop in replacement for `cut` [![build badge](](
  • vishaltelangre/ff
  • whitfin/bytelines
  • whitfin/runiq
  • xsv
  • 1History
  • brycx/checkpwn - line utility tool that lets you easily check for compromised accounts and passwords.
  • Epic Asset Manager
  • evansmurithi/cloak
  • CI
  • fcsonline/tmux-thumbs - fingers, copy/pasting tmux like vimium/vimperator.
  • guoxbin/dtool - line tool collection to assist development including conversion, codec, hashing, encryption, etc.
  • mprocs
  • mrjackwills/oxker - A simple tui to view & control docker containers.
  • nix-community/nix-init - badge](](
  • nix-community/nix-melt - like flake.lock viewer [![build-badge](](
  • nix-community/nurl - badge](](
  • nomino
  • raftario/licensor
  • rust-parallel - Fast command line app using Tokio to execute commands in parallel. Similar interface to GNU Parallel or xargs. [![Crate](]( [![Build Status](](
  • rustdesk/rustdesk
  • rustic-rs/rustic - rs](] — Fast, encrypted, deduplicated backups powered by Rust. [![Version](](
  • sorairolake/qrtool
  • str4d/rage
  • suckit - Recursively visit and download a website's content to your disk. [![Crate](]( [![Build Status](](
  • tversteeg/emplace
  • vamolessa/verco
  • vaultwarden - garcia/vaultwarden/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg)]( — Alternative implementation of the Bitwarden server API written in Rust
  • warpdotdev/Warp - fast modern GPU-accelerated terminal built to make you and your team more productive.
  • wrestic
  • dertuxmalwieder/yaydl - A simple video downloader
  • gyroflow/gyroflow - Video stabilization application using gyroscope data
  • harlanc/xiu
  • vidmerger
  • xiph/rav1e
  • containers/youki
  • firecracker-microvm/firecracker -
  • kata-containers/kata-containers - A implementation of lightweight Virtual Machines (VMs) that feel and perform like containers, but provide the workload isolation and security advantages of VMs.
  • tailhook/vagga
  • cfal/tobaru - Port forwarder with allowlists, IP and TLS SNI/ALPN rule-based routing, iptables support, round-robin forwarding (load balancing), and hot reloading.
  • LemmyNet/lemmy
  • libreddit - An alternative private front-end to Reddit
  • MASQ-Project/Node - network of nodes for global users to access normal internet content - next evolution of tech beyond Tor & VPN [![build badge](](
  • Plume-org/Plume
  • Revolt/backend - User-first chat platform built with modern web technologies.
  • cloudflare/pingora - A library for building fast, reliable and evolvable network services.
  • emanuele-em/proxelar - em/proxelar/actions/workflows/rust.yml/badge.svg)](
  • mu-arch/skyfolder - 🪂 Beautiful HTTP/Bittorrent server without the hassle. Secure - GUI - Pretty - Fast
  • mufeedvh/binserve
  • orhun/rustypaste
  • ronanyeah/rust-hasura - hasura/workflows/Rust/badge.svg?branch=master)
  • static-web-server - serving. ⚡ [![CI](](
  • svenstaro/miniserve - contained cross-platform CLI tool that allows you to just grab the binary and serve some file(s) via HTTP [![build badge](](
  • thecoshman/http
  • TheWaWaR/simple-http-server
  • wyhaya/see
  • bacon - watch
  • clippy
  • clog-tool/clog-cli - clog-a-conventional-changelog-generator-for-the-rest-of-us.html))
  • comtrya
  • create-rust-app - rust-app.svg)](
  • dan-t/rusty-tags
  • datanymizer/datanymizer - Powerful database anonymizer with flexible rules [![build badge](](
  • delta - highlighter for git and diff output[![build badge](](
  • dotenv-linter - linter/dotenv-linter/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=master)](
  • envio-cli/envio - A Modern And Secure CLI Tool For Managing Environment Variables [![build badge](](
  • frolic
  • fw
  • fzf-make - make](] — A command line tool that executes make target using fuzzy finder with preview window. [![](](
  • geiger - geiger/cargo-geiger/_apis/build/status/geiger-rs.cargo-geiger?branchName=master)](
  • git-cliff - cliff/actions](
  • git-journal
  • hot-lib-reloader - lib-reloader-rs/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](
  • intelli-shell - Bookmark commands with placeholders and search or autocomplete at any time [![crate](]( [![build badge](](
  • just - specific tasks
  • mask
  • Module Linker
  • ptags - ctags wrapper for git repository
  • Racer
  • Rust Search Extension - search-extension/workflows/build/badge.svg?branch=master)](
  • Rustup - lang/rustup/workflows/Linux%20(master)/badge.svg?branch=master)](
  • scriptisto - agnostic "shebang interpreter" that enables you to write one file scripts in compiled languages. [![Build Status](](
  • typos - cli](] — Source code spell checker
  • Cargo
  • cargo-all-features - A configurable subcommand to simplify testing, building and much more for all combinations of features [![CI](](
  • cargo-benchcmp - benchmarks
  • cargo-bitbake - rust
  • cargo-cache - cache/workflows/ci/badge.svg?branch=master)](
  • cargo-check - - -Zno-trans` which can be helpful for running a faster compile if you only need correctness checks
  • cargo-commander - commander/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg)](
  • cargo-count
  • cargo-deb
  • cargo-deps
  • cargo-do
  • cargo-ebuild - tree eclasses
  • cargo-edit
  • cargo-generate - existing git repository as a template.
  • cargo-graph - dot` with additional features. Unmaintained, see `cargo-deps`
  • cargo-info
  • cargo-license
  • cargo-limit - limit//cargo-limit/actions/workflows/rust.yml/badge.svg)](
  • cargo-make - make/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=master)](
  • cargo-modules - like overview of a crate's modules.
  • cargo-multi
  • cargo-outdated
  • cargo-rdme - rdme](] — Cargo subcommand to create your README from your crate’s documentation. [![build badge](](
  • cargo-release - managed cargo project, build, tag, publish, doc and push [![Rust](](
  • cargo-script
  • cargo-udeps - udeps](] — find unused dependencies
  • cargo-update
  • cargo-watch
  • dtolnay/cargo-expand
  • Devolutions/CMakeRust
  • SiegeLord/RustCMake
  • Fleet - rs](] - The blazing fast build tool for Rust.
  • icepuma/rust-action
  • peaceiris/actions-mdbook
  • Nix
  • nix-community/fenix - badge](](
  • gdbgui
  • CodeLLDB
  • emk/rust-musl-builder - libc and musl-gcc, with static versions of useful C libraries
  • kpcyrd/mini-docker-rust
  • liuchong/docker-rustup
  • LukeMathWalker/cargo-chef - A tool and pre-built images for caching compiling remote dependencies between Docker builds.
  • rust-cross/rust-musl-cross - cross [![Build](](
  • rust-lang-nursery/docker-rust
  • emk/heroku-buildpack-rust
  • MarcoIeni/release-plz - plz](] — Release crates from CI, with changelog generation and semver check. [![build badge](](
  • Rust Embedded - to-end experience of using Rust in resource-constrained environments and non-traditional platforms. See [awesome-embedded-rust]( for a curated, and more extended list of embedded Rust resources.
  • avr-rust/ruduino
  • japaric/rust-cross
  • japaric/xargo - metal targets like ARM Cortex-M
  • esp-rs
  • oreboot/oreboot
  • nrf-rs/nrf-hal
  • Foreign Function Interface - ffi-omnibus/) (a collection of examples of using code written in Rust from other languages) and [FFI examples written in Rust](
  • mozilla/cbindgen
  • Sean1708/rusty-cheddar
  • csbindgen - generates C# bindings for Rust source files
  • dtolnay/cxx - dtolnay/cxx-8da0cb?style=for-the-badge&labelColor=555555&logo=github)](
  • rust-cpp - Embed C++ code directly in Rust. [![Build status](](
  • rust-lang/rust-bindgen
  • rusterlium/rustler
  • bennettanderson/rjni
  • drrb/java-rust-example
  • j4rs
  • jni
  • jni-sys
  • rucaja
  • jcmoyer/rust-lua53
  • lilyball/rust-lua
  • mlua-rs/mlua - rs/mlua/workflows/CI/badge.svg)](
  • tickbh/td_rlua - cost high-level lua 5.3 wrapper for Rust
  • tomaka/hlua
  • anima-engine/mrusty
  • infinyon/node-bindgen - Easy way to generate nodejs module using Rust
  • neon-bindings/neon
  • zhangyuang/node-ffi-rs - API provides interface (FFI) features for Node.js
  • SSheldon/rust-objc - C Runtime bindings and wrapper for Rust
  • phper-framework/phper
  • mthom/scryer-prolog
  • dgrunwald/rust-cpython
  • getsentry/milksnake
  • PyO3/PyO3
  • RustPython
  • d-unsed/ruru
  • danielpclark/rutie
  • rhysd/wain - wain: WebAssembly INterpreter from scratch in Safe Rust with zero dependency [![build badge](](
  • rustwasm/wasm-bindgen - level interactions between wasm modules and JS.
  • rustwasm/wasm-pack
  • dprint
  • Prettier Rust
  • rustfmt
  • Are we (I)DE yet? -
  • Eclipse
  • Eclipse Corrosion
  • Emacs
  • emacs-racer - and [auto-complete](
  • flycheck-rust
  • rust-mode
  • rustic - Rust development environment for Emacs [![build badge](](
  • gnome-builder
  • IntelliJ
  • intellij-rust/intellij-rust
  • Kakoune
  • kakoune-lsp - server-protocol/) client. Implemented in Rust and supports rls out of the box.
  • lapce - fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust. [![build badge](](
  • Ride
  • Sublime Text
  • rust-lang/rust-enhanced
  • Vim
  • autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim - server-protocol/) client. Implemented in Rust and supports rls out of the box.
  • crates.nvim - plugin that helps to managing dependencies.
  • rust.vim
  • vim-racer - rust/racer) for Rust code completion and navigation.
  • dgriffen/rls-vs2017 - vs2017)
  • PistonDevelopers/VisualRust
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Better TOML - TOML support in vscode
  • CodeLLDB
  • crates - marketplace/v/serayuzgur.crates.svg)](
  • Prettier - Code formatter (Rust)
  • rust-analyzer
  • Bencher - A suite of continuous benchmarking tools designed to catch performance regressions in CI
  • bheisler/ - driven benchmarking library
  • Bytehound
  • Divan
  • ellisonch/rust-stopwatch
  • llogiq/flame
  • mrhooray/torch
  • sharkdp/hyperfine - line benchmarking tool
  • [assert
  • facebookexperimental/MIRAI - level intermediate representation (MIR) [![Continuous Integration](](
  • static_assertions - time assertions to ensure that invariants are met
  • [test
  • tarpaulin
  • trust
  • AlKass/polish - Driven Framework [![Crates Package Status](](
  • cargo-dinghy - A cargo extension to simplify running library tests and benches on smartphones and other small processor devices.
  • cucumber - rs/cucumber/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=master)](
  • d-e-s-o/test-log - log](] — A replacement of the `#[test]` attribute that initializes logging and/or tracing infrastructure before running tests. [![GitHub Workflow Status](](
  • demonstrate
  • GoogleTest Rust - rust/workflows/CI/badge.svg)](
  • rlt - time tui support.
  • rstest - based test framework [![Build Status](](
  • speculate
  • asomers/mockall -](
  • fake-rs
  • goldenfile - A library providing a simple API for goldenfile testing.
  • httpmock
  • mockiato
  • mockito
  • nrxus/faux
  • synth - hq/synth/actions/workflows/synth-test.yml/badge.svg)](
  • cargo-mutants - mutants](] - Finds inadequately tested code by injecting mutations, no source changes required. [![build badge](](
  • mutagen - level mutation testing framework (nightly only)
  • proptest
  • quickcheck
  • rust-fuzz/
  • BayesWitnesses/m2cgen
  • immunant/c2rust
  • jameysharp/corrode
  • perf-monitor-rs
  • innoave/genevo
  • m-decoster/RsGenetic
  • Martin1887/oxigen
  • pkalivas/radiate
  • willi-kappler/darwin-rs
  • [Machine learning
  • About Rust’s Machine Learning Community
  • autumnai/leaf - rs/juice).
  • burn - A Flexible and Comprehensive Deep Learning Framework.
  • coreylowman/dfdx
  • huggingface/candle - core](]- a minimalist ML framework with a focus on easiness of use and on performance (including GPU support)
  • huggingface/tokenizers - Hugging Face's tokenizers for modern NLP pipelines (original implementation) with bindings for Python. [![Build Status](](
  • LaurentMazare/tch-rs
  • maciejkula/rustlearn
  • rust-ml/linfa
  • smartcorelib/smartcore
  • tensorflow/rust
  • 64bit/async-openai - openai](] — Ergonomic Rust bindings for OpenAI API based on OpenAPI spec.
  • zurawiki/tiktoken-rs - rs](] — Library for tokenizing text with OpenAI models using tiktoken. [![CI](](
  • [astronomy
  • cds-astro/aladin-lite - Web application for visualizing spatial and planetary image surveys in different projections
  • fitsio
  • flosse/rust-sun
  • saurvs/astro-rust
  • async-std - std](] - Async version of the Rust standard library [![CI](](
  • dpc/mioco - based, asynchronous IO handling library
  • mio
  • rust-lang/futures-rs - cost futures
  • t3hmrman/async-dropper - dropper](] - Implementation of `AsyncDrop`
  • TeaEntityLab/fpRust
  • Xudong-Huang/may
  • zonyitoo/coio-rs
  • [audio
  • hound
  • insomnimus/nodi
  • jhasse/ears
  • musitdev/portmidi-rs
  • ozankasikci/rust-music-theory
  • pdeljanov/Symphonia
  • RustAudio
  • RustAudio/cpal - Low-level cross-platform audio I/O library. [![Actions Status](](
  • RustAudio/rodio
  • RustAudio/rust-portaudio
  • Serial-ATA/lofty-rs - ATA/lofty-rs/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg?branch=main)](
  • constantoine/totp-rs - rs](] — 2fa library to generate and verify TOTP-based tokens ![Build Status](
  • Keats/jsonwebtoken
  • oauth2 - typed OAuth2 client library
  • oxide-auth -](
  • sgrust01/jwtvault
  • yup-oauth2
  • idletea/tokio-socketcan - socketcan](] — Linux SocketCAN support for tokio based on the socketcan crate
  • marcelbuesing/can-dbc - dbc](] — A parser for the DBC format
  • marcelbuesing/tokio-socketcan-bcm - socketcan-bcm](] — Linux SocketCAN BCM support for tokio
  • mbr/socketcan
  • Sensirion/lin-bus - bus](] — LIN bus driver traits and protocol implementation [![build badge](](
  • Rust-Bio
  • 06chaynes/http-cache - cache](] - A caching middleware that follows HTTP caching rules [![build badge](](
  • aisk/rust-memcache
  • al8n/stretto - A high performance thread-safe memory-bound cache [![build badge](](
  • jaemk/cached
  • moka-rs/moka - A high performance concurrent caching library inspired by the Caffeine library for Java [![build badge](](
  • mozilla/sccache - Shared Compilation Cache, great compilation
  • zkat/cacache-rs - A high-performance, concurrent, content-addressable disk cache, optimized for async APIs [![build badge](](
  • [aws
  • awslabs/aws-lambda-rust-runtime - lambda-rust-runtime/workflows/Rust/badge.svg)](
  • awslabs/aws-sdk-rust - The new AWS SDK
  • rusoto/rusoto
  • Convey - Layer 4 Load Balancer with dynamic configuration loading.
  • Qovery/engine - Abstraction layer library that turns easy application deployment on Cloud providers in just a few minutes
  • clap-rs - line argument parser
  • cliparser
  • docopt/
  • google/argh - based argument parser optimized for code size [![build badge](](
  • killercup/quicli
  • ksk001100/seahorse
  • TeXitoi/structopt
  • nukesor/comfy-table - table](] — Beautiful dynamic tables for your cli tools. [![Build status](](
  • zhiburt/tabled
  • rust-cli/human-panic - panic](] — panic messages for humans
  • kkawakam/rustyline
  • MovingtoMars/liner - like functionality
  • murarth/linefeed
  • srijs/rust-copperline
  • mgrachev/update-informer - informer](] — Update informer for CLI applications. It checks for a new version on and GitHub [![build badge](](
  • hniksic/rust-subprocess
  • imp/pager-rs
  • oconnor663/
  • rust-cli/rexpect - cli/rexpect/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](
  • zhiburt/expectrl - terminal [![build badge](](
  • a8m/pb
  • console-rs/indicatif
  • etienne-napoleone/spinach - napoleone/spinach/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](
  • FGRibreau/spinners
  • hashmismatch/
  • mikaelmello/inquire
  • starship/starship
  • ynqa/promkit - line tools [![ci](](
  • colored
  • console-rs/dialoguer
  • LukasKalbertodt/bunt - platform terminal colors and styling with macros [![Build status](](
  • LukasKalbertodt/term-painter - painter](] — cross-platform styled terminal output
  • ogham/rust-ansi-term
  • SergioBenitez/yansi
  • cfyzium/bearlibterminal - lib-terminal](] — [BearLibTerminal]( bindings
  • gyscos/Cursive
  • ivanceras/titik - a crossplatform TUI widget library with the goal of providing interactive widgets
  • ihalila/pancurses
  • jeaye/ncurses-rs
  • ogham/rust-term-grid
  • ratatui-org/ratatui
  • redox-os/termion
  • gchp/rustbox
  • TimonPost/crossterm
  • 7z
  • dyz1990/sevenz-rust - rust](] — A 7z decompressor/compressor written in pure rust. [![Rust](](
  • Brotli
  • dropbox/rust-brotli
  • ende76/brotli-rs
  • alexcrichton/bzip2-rs
  • zopfli
  • sstadick/gzp - multi-threaded encoding and decoding of deflate formats and snappy
  • rust-lang/flate2-rs - lang/flate2-rs/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=master)](
  • alexcrichton/tar-rs
  • zip-rs/zip2
  • gyscos/zstd-rs
  • argmin-rs/argmin
  • BLAS
  • mikkyang/rust-blas
  • calebwin/emu
  • dimforge/nalgebra - dimensional linear algebra library
  • GSL
  • GuillaumeGomez/rust-GSL
  • stainless-steel/lapack
  • arrayfire/arrayfire-rust
  • autumnai/collenchyma - agnostic framework for parallel, high-performance computations on CUDA, OpenCL and common host CPU.
  • luqmana/rust-opencl
  • cpmech/russell - performance linear algebra (sparse), and more
  • indigits/scirust
  • statrs-dev/statrs
  • crossbeam-rs/crossbeam - level concurrency
  • orium/archery
  • Rayon
  • rustcc/coroutine-rs
  • zonyitoo/coio-rs
  • andoriyu/uclicious - rich configuration library. [![CircleCI](](
  • Kixunil/configure_me
  • mehcode/config-rs - factor applications).
  • SergioBenitez/Figment - free, it's unreal.
  • softprops/envy - deserialize env vars into typesafe structs [![Main](](
  • [crypto
  • arkworks-rs/circom-compat - Arkworks bindings to Circom's R1CS, for Groth16 Proof and Witness generation.
  • briansmith/ring
  • briansmith/webpki
  • conradkleinespel/rooster
  • cossacklabs/themis - level cryptographic library for solving typical data security tasks, best fit for multi-platform apps. [![build badge](](
  • DaGenix/rust-crypto
  • dalek-cryptography/curve25519-dalek
  • dalek-cryptography/ed25519-dalek
  • dalek-cryptography/x25519-dalek
  • debris/tiny-keccak
  • exonum/exonum
  • facebook/opaque-ke - krawczyk-cfrg-opaque/) password-authenticated key exchange. [![build badge](](
  • iddm/randomorg - A client library. [![Crates badge](](
  • klutzy/suruga
  • kornelski/rust-security-framework
  • libOctavo/octavo
  • orion-rs/orion - level API's that are easy to use and hard to misuse. [![Tests](](
  • racum/rust-djangohashers
  • RustCrypto/hashes
  • rustls/rustls
  • sfackler/rust-native-tls
  • sfackler/rust-openssl
  • sorairolake/abcrypt
  • sorairolake/scryptenc-rs - rs/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=develop)](
  • w3f/schnorrkel - Schnorr VRFs and signatures on the Ristretto group
  • amv-dev/yata - dev/yata/Rust?branch=master)](
  • bluss/ndarray - dimensional array with array views, multidimensional slicing, and efficient operations
  • kernelmachine/utah
  • pg_analytics - PostgreSQL extension that accelerates analytical query processing inside Postgres to a performance level comparable to dedicated OLAP databases.
  • pola-rs/polars - Fast feature complete DataFrame library ![Build and test](
  • weld-project/weld - performance runtime for data analytics applications
  • ArroyoSystems/arroyo - High-performance real-time analytics in Rust and SQL [![CI](](
  • iggy-rs/iggy - rs/iggy/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg)](
  • infinyon/fluvio - Programmable data streaming platform [![CI](](
  • ashvardanian/simsimd - SIMD-accelerated vector distances and similarity functions for x86 AVX2 & AVX-512, and Arm NEON [![](](
  • becheran/grid
  • billyevans/tst
  • contain-rs
  • danielpclark/array_tool
  • fizyk20/generic-array
  • garro95/priority-queue - queue](] — A priority queue that implements priority changes.
  • greyblake/nutype
  • mrhooray/kdtree-rs - dimensional tree for fast geospatial indexing and nearest neighbors lookup
  • orium/rpds
  • RoaringBitmap/roaring-rs
  • rust-itertools/itertools
  • tnballo/scapegoat - only alternative to `BTreeSet` and `BTreeMap`. [![GitHub Actions](](
  • xfix/enum-map - map](] — An optimized map implementation for enums using an array to store values.
  • yamafaktory/hypergraph
  • blitzarx1/egui_graphs - [[egui_graphs](] - Interactive graph visualization widget powered by egui and petgraph. [![](]( [![](](
  • djduque/pgfplots - quality figures. [![build](](
  • mazznoer/colorgrad-rs
  • milliams/plotlib
  • plotly
  • plotters - rs/plotters/workflows/CI/badge.svg)](
  • rerun
  • saresend/gust
  • [database
  • [nosql
  • ArangoDB
  • Aragog - A Lightweight ArangoDB Object document, relational and graph mapper [![pipeline status](](
  • Arangors - An ArangoDB driver
  • Cassandra
  • AlexPikalov/cdrs
  • krojew/cdrs-tokio - tokio/actions/workflows/rust.yml/badge.svg)](
  • [cassandra-protocol - Cassandra protocol implementation.
  • [cdrs-tokio - production-ready async Apache Cassandra driver
  • Metaswitch/cassandra-rs
  • [couchdb
  • chill-rs/chill
  • DynamoDB
  • softprops/dynomite - A library for strongly-typed and convenient interaction with `rusoto_dynamodb` [![build badge](](
  • [elasticsearch
  • benashford/rs-es - es](] — Client for the [Elastic]( REST API
  • elastic-rs/elastic
  • jimmycuadra/rust-etcd
  • InfluxDB
  • driftluo/InfluxDBClient-rs
  • skade/leveldb
  • [lmdb
  • vhbit/lmdb-rs - rs](] — [LMDB]( bindings
  • [mongodb
  • mongodb/mongo-rust-driver
  • PickleDB
  • seladb/pickledb-rs - value store, heavily inspired by Python's PickleDB.
  • PoloDB
  • PoloDB - An embedded JSON-based database has API similar to MongoDB. ![GitHub Workflow Status](
  • Redb - An embedded key-value database. It provides a similar interface to other embedded key-value stores such as rocksdb and lmdb. ![GitHub Workflow Status](
  • Redb - An embedded key-value database. It provides a similar interface to other embedded key-value stores such as rocksdb and lmdb. ![GitHub Workflow Status](
  • [redis
  • aembke/fred - A high level async [Redis]( client for Rust with Tokio. [![CircleCI](]([](
  • redis-rs - rs/redis-rs/actions/workflows/rust.yml/badge.svg)](
  • RocksDB
  • rust-rocksdb/rust-rocksdb - rocksdb/rust-rocksdb/actions/workflows/rust.yml/badge.svg?branch=master)](
  • SurrealDB - graph database [![Build Status](](
  • surrealdb/surrealdb - graph database
  • UnQLite
  • zitsen/
  • ZooKeeper
  • bonifaido/rust-zookeeper
  • krojew/rust-zookeeper - async](] - Async Zookeeper client, based on tokio. ![build status](
  • [ogm
  • Aragog - A Lightweight ArangoDB Object document, relational and graph mapper [![pipeline status](](
  • [orm
  • Brendonovich/prisma-client-rust - safe database access using the Prisma ecosystem. [![Test Status](](
  • diesel-rs/diesel
  • ivanceras/rustorm
  • njord-rs/njord - ⛵ A lightweight ORM library for Rust [![build status](]( ![](
  • rbatis/rbatis
  • SeaQL/sea-orm - orm.svg)]( [![docs](]( [![build status](](
  • SeaQL/seaography
  • sfackler/r2d2
  • [sql
  • launchbadge/sqlx - async PostgreSQL/MySQL/SQLite connection pool with strong typing support [![build badge](](
  • SeaQL/sea-query - 🔱 A dynamic SQL query builder for MySQL, Postgres and SQLite [![crate](]( [![docs](]( [![build status](](
  • SeaQL/sea-schema - 🌿 SQL schema definition and discovery [![crate](]( [![docs](]( [![build status](](
  • prisma/tiberius
  • [mysql
  • AgilData/mysql-proxy-rs - proxy-rs/tree/master.svg?style=svg)](
  • blackbeam/mysql_async
  • blackbeam/rust-mysql-simple
  • kubo/rust-oracle - oracle/actions/workflows/run-tests.yml/badge.svg?branch=master)](
  • [postgres
  • sfackler/rust-postgres
  • [sqlite
  • rusqlite
  • [date
  • chronotope/chrono
  • Mnwa/ms - converter](] — it's a library for converting human-like times to milliseconds [![build badge](](
  • sorairolake/nt-time - time](] — A Windows file time library. [![CI](](
  • time-rs/time - rs/time/workflows/Build/badge.svg)](
  • antimonyproject/antimony
  • fede1024/rust-rdkafka
  • gklijs/schema_registry_converter - platform/data-compatibility/)
  • kafka-rust/kafka-rust
  • hyunsik/hdfs-rs
  • build-trust/ockam - End-to-End Encryption, Mutual Authentication, and ABAC for distributed applications [![build badge](](
  • serverlesstechnology/cqrs - es](] — A framework for CQRS and event sourcing with [user guide](
  • aya/aya-rs
  • libbpf/libbpf-rs
  • [email
  • duesee/imap-codec - codec](] — Rock-solid and complete codec for IMAP [![Build & Test](](
  • gsquire/sendgrid-rs
  • jdrouet/catapulte - A microservice to send emails using [MRML]( templates.
  • jdrouet/jolimail - A web application to build [MRML]( templates.
  • jdrouet/mrml - A library to generate nice email templates working on any mail client.
  • lettre/lettre - library [![CI](](
  • mailtutan/mailtutan
  • meli/meli - 🐝 terminal mail client
  • staktrace/mailparse - world email files
  • stalwartlabs/mail-auth - auth](] - DKIM, ARC, SPF and DMARC message authentication library [![build badge](](
  • stalwartlabs/mail-parser - parser](] - A fast and robust e-mail parsing library with full MIME support [![build badge](](
  • stalwartlabs/mail-send - send](] - E-mail builder and SMTP client library with DKIM support [![build badge](](
  • tweedegolf/mailcrab
  • [encoding
  • alex/rust-asn1
  • bincode-org/bincode - org/bincode/actions/workflows/rust.yml/badge.svg?branch=trunk)](
  • jamesmunns/postcard
  • m4b/goblin - platform, zero-copy, and endian-aware binary parsing
  • mongodb/bson-rust
  • BurntSushi/byteorder - endian, little-endian and native byte orders
  • capnproto/capnproto-rust
  • serde_cbor
  • hsivonen/encoding_rs - oriented implementation of the Encoding Standard
  • lifthrasiir/rust-encoding
  • mrhooray/crc-rs
  • BurntSushi/rust-csv
  • edn-rs - rs](] — crate to parse and emit EDN format into Rust types.
  • FlatBuffers
  • frol/flatc-rust
  • mandrean/har-rs
  • servo/html5ever - performance browser-grade HTML5 parser
  • importcjj/rust-ajson
  • maciejhirsz/json-rust
  • pikkr/pikkr
  • serde-rs/json - rs/serde) framework
  • simd-lite/simd-json - json](] — High performance JSON parser based on a port of simdjson
  • 3Hren/msgpack-rust
  • georust/netcdf - level netCDF bindings, allowing easy reading and writing of array-like structures to a file.
  • jcreekmore/pem-rs - encoded data
  • stepancheg/rust-protobuf
  • tokio-rs/prost - rs/prost/workflows/continuous%20integration/badge.svg?branch=master)](
  • rkyv/rkyv - copy deserialization framework
  • iddm/serde-aux - additional tools for using with the serde library. [![CI](]( [![Crates badge](](
  • tamasfe/taplo
  • toml-rs/toml - rs/toml/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](
  • Florob/RustyXML
  • media-io/yaserde
  • netvl/xml-rs
  • shepmaster/sxd-document
  • shepmaster/sxd-xpath
  • tafia/quick-xml
  • chyh1990/yaml-rust
  • dtolnay/serde-yaml - rs/serde) framework [![build](](
  • vitiral/stfu8 - 8
  • [filesystem
  • Camino - Like Rust's std::path::Path, but UTF-8.
  • ParthJadhav/Rust_Search - Blazingly fast file search library.
  • pop-os/dbus-udisks2 - udisks2](] - UDisks2 DBus API
  • pop-os/sys-mount - mount](] — High level abstraction for the `mount` / `umount2` system calls.
  • vitiral/path_abs
  • webdesus/fs_extra
  • Stebalien/tempfile
  • Stebalien/xattr
  • zboxfs/zbox - details, privacy-focused embeddable file system.
  • avhz/RustQuant
  • d-e-s-o/apca - e-s-o/apca/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg?branch=main)
  • [functional programming
  • JasonShin/
  • myrrlyn/tap - Suffix-Position Pipeline Behavior
  • Are we game yet?
  • SiegeLord/RustAllegro
  • Awesome Quads - related code & resources
  • Awesome wgpu
  • bracket-lib - lib](] - The Roguelike Toolkit (RLTK). [![Rust](](
  • iddm/challonge-rs - rs/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](
  • amethyst/specs
  • legion
  • Bevy - driven game engine. - [![](](
  • ![
  • Fyrox
  • ggez - [![](]( [![license](]( [![](](
  • Kiss3d
  • oxidator
  • Piston - square)]( [![](]( [![](](
  • Unrust
  • Godot
  • godot-rust/gdnative - Bindings to the Godot game engine [![CI](](
  • Raylib
  • deltaphc/raylib-rs
  • SDL
  • brson/rust-sdl
  • Rust-SDL2/rust-sdl2
  • jeremyletang/rust-sfml - bindings
  • atomflunder/skillratings - Collection of skill rating algorithms for multiplayer games like Elo, Glicko-2, TrueSkill etc. [![ badge](]( [![CI](](
  • tomassedovic/tcod-rs
  • iddm/toornament-rs - API bindings. [![CI](]( [![Crates badge](](
  • VictoremWinbringer/Victorem
  • [geo
  • DaveKram/coord_transforms - d, 3-d, and geospatial)
  • Georust
  • MapLibre/Martin - Book-informational)](
  • rust-reverse-geocoder - geocoder](
  • vlopes11/geomorph
  • neo4j-labs/graph - A library for high-performant graph algorithms [![graph CI status](](
  • petgraph/petgraph - Graph data structure library. [![graph CI status](](
  • [graphics
  • RazrFalcon/rustybuzz - An incremental harfbuzz port
  • redox-os/rusttype
  • gfx-rs/gfx - performance, bindless graphics API.
  • gfx-rs/wgpu - Native WebGPU implementation based on gfx-hal. [![build badge](](
  • [opengl
  • brendanzab/gl-rs
  • glium/glium
  • glutin
  • Kiss3d - liners
  • PistonDevelopers/glfw-rs
  • bastibense/libharu_ng - Easily generate PDFs from your Rust app.
  • fschutt/printpdf
  • J-F-Liu/lopdf
  • kaj/rust-pdf
  • Vulkan
  • erupt - /pipelines)
  • vulkano
  • [gui
  • autopilot-rs/autopilot-rs - platform GUI automation library.
  • servo/core-foundation-rs
  • DioxusLabs/dioxus - a portable, performant, and ergonomic framework for building cross-platform user interfaces in Rust. ![rust ci](
  • emilk/egui - Simple, fast, and highly portable immediate mode GUI library. egui runs on the web, natively, and in your favorite game engine. [![Build Status](](
  • emoon/rust_minifb - platform window setup with optional bitmap rendering. It also comes with easy mouse and keyboard input. Primarily designed for prototyping
  • FLTK
  • fltk-rs - rs/fltk-rs/workflows/Build/badge.svg?branch=master)](
  • Flutter
  • cunarist/rinf
  • flutter-rs
  • fzyzcjy/flutter_rust_bridge - level memory-safe binding generator for Flutter/Dart <-> Rust
  • fschutt/azul - oriented GUI framework for rapid development of desktop applications written in Rust, supported by the Mozilla WebRender rendering engine.
  • GTK+
  • gtk-rs/gtk4-rs - GTK4 binding ![CI](
  • relm - based, GUI library, inspired by Elm
  • iced-rs/iced - platform GUI library, focused on simplicity and type-safety. Inspired by Elm.
  • ImGui
  • imgui-rs - rs/imgui-rs/workflows/ci/badge.svg?branch=master)](
  • IUP
  • Kiss-ui
  • ivanceras/sauron-native - A truly native and cross platform GUI library. One unified code can be run as native GUI, Html Web and TUI.
  • libui
  • rust-native-ui/libui-rs
  • makepad/makepad - widgets](] — Makepad is a creative software development platform that compiles to wasm/webGL, osx/metal, windows/dx11 linux/opengl.
  • Nuklear
  • nuklear-rust
  • OrbTk - os/orbtk/workflows/build/badge.svg?branch=develop)](
  • PistonDevelopers/conrod - to-use, immediate-mode, 2D GUI library
  • Qt
  • cyndis/qmlrs
  • rust-qt
  • woboq/qmetaobject-rs
  • rise-ui - based cross-Platform GUI Toolkit for developing beautiful and user-friendly interfaces.
  • saurvs/nfd-rs
  • Sciter
  • sciter-sdk/rust-sciter - sdk/rust-sciter?svg=true)](
  • slint-ui/slint - ui/slint/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=master)](
  • tauri-apps/tauri - apps/wry). [![test library](](
  • tauri-apps/wry - Webview Rendering librarY.
  • xilem - first UI design toolkit [druid](
  • abonander/img_hash
  • image-rs/image
  • image-rs/imageproc
  • marekm4/dominant_color
  • rust-cv/cv - cv/cv/workflows/tests/badge.svg)
  • teovoinea/steganography
  • twistedfall/opencv-rust
  • shnewto/bnf - free grammars.
  • [log
  • estk/log4rs
  • rbatis/fast_log - performance asynchronous logging
  • rust-lang/log
  • seanmonstar/pretty-env-logger - to-use logger.
  • slog-rs/slog
  • tokio-rs/tracing - aware structured logging, error handling, metrics, and more [![Build Status](](
  • mattgathu/cute - esque list comprehensions.
  • Linq-in-Rust - Macro and methods for C#-LINQ-like expressions. [![CI](](
  • pulldown-cmark/pulldown-cmark
  • insomnimus/tidier - A library to format HTML, XHTML and XML documents. [![build badge](](
  • ivnsch/rust_android_ios - swig and cbindgen respectively.
  • Geal/rust_on_mobile
  • redbadger/crux - platform app development. Crux helps you share your app's business logic and behavior across mobile (iOS/Android) and web — as a single reusable core. [![Build status](](
  • TimNN/cargo-lipo
  • bluez/bluer
  • Covertness/coap-rs
  • fussybeaver/bollard
  • mattnenterprise/rust-ftp
  • hyperium/tonic
  • tikv/grpc-rs
  • Hurl - OpenSource/hurl/workflows/CI/badge.svg)](
  • achanda/ipnetwork
  • candrew/netsim
  • actix/actix
  • dylanmckay/protocol
  • libpnet/libpnet - platform, low level networking
  • smoltcp-rs/smoltcp - driven TCP/IP stack that is designed for bare-metal, real-time systems
  • tokio-rs/tokio
  • lemunozm/message-io - driven message library to build network applications easy and fast. Supports TCP, UDP and WebSockets. [![build badge](](
  • bytebeamio/rumqtt - A library for developers to build applications that communicate with the [MQTT protocol]( over TCP and WebSockets, with or without TLS. [![Build and Test](](
  • thehydroimpulse/
  • nats-io/ - io/](
  • neachdainn/nng-rs - rs/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](
  • mattnenterprise/rust-nntp
  • libp2p/rust-libp2p - libp2p.svg?style=svg)](
  • mattnenterprise/rust-pop3
  • aws/s2n-quic - An implementation of the IETF QUIC protocol ![ci](
  • cloudflare/quiche
  • mozilla/neqo
  • quinn-rs/quinn - based QUIC implementation [![build badge](](
  • tencent/tquic - A high-performance, lightweight, and cross-platform QUIC library [![Build Status](](
  • b23r0/rust-raknet - raknet/Rust)](
  • ENQT-GmbH/remoc - Remoc provides channels (broadcast, mpsc, oneshot, watch) similar to Tokio's and trait calling over any remote transport. [![build badge](](
  • smallnest/rpcx-rs
  • 1c3t3a/rust-socketio - socketio/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg)](
  • alexcrichton/ssh2-rs
  • Thrussh
  • zslayton/stomp-rs - specification-1.2.html) client implementation
  • defguard/wireguard-rs - platform library providing a unified high-level API for managing WireGuard interfaces using native OS kernel and userspace WireGuard protocol implementations
  • erickt/rust-zmq
  • comex/rust-shlex - shlex/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg?branch=master)](
  • Folyd/robotstxt - Port of Google's robots.txt parser and matcher C++ library
  • freestrings/jsonpath
  • hmeyer/stl_io - A parser for STL (STereoLithography) files
  • igumnoff/shiva - Shiva library: Implementation in Rust of a parser and generator for documents of any type (Plain text, Markdown, HTML, PDF and etc)
  • kevinmehall/rust-peg
  • lalrpop/lalrpop
  • m4rw3r/chomp - style parser combinator
  • Marwes/combine
  • nrc/zero - allocation parsing of binary data
  • pest-parser/pest
  • ptal/oak
  • replicadse/wavefront_rs
  • rust-bakery/nom
  • s-panferov/queryst
  • softdevteam/grmtools - A LR parser with better error correction
  • alvaroparker/libfprint-rs - rs](] - Libfprint-rs provides a wrapper around the Linux libfprint library.
  • serialport/serialport-rs - platform library that provides access to a serial port
  • iddm/thread-priority - Simple, crossplatform thread priority management. [![CI](]( [![Crates badge](](
  • svartalf/rust-battery - platform information about the notebook batteries
  • fubarnetes/libjail-rs
  • hannobraun/inotify-rs - rs/actions/workflows/rust.yml/badge.svg)](
  • pop-os/distinst
  • yaa110/rust-iptables
  • nix-rust/nix - like API bindings [![Cirrus Build Status](](
  • rustix
  • zargony/fuse-rs
  • microsoft/windows-rs - rs/workflows/CI/badge.svg)](
  • retep998/winapi-rs - rs/actions/workflows/rust.yml/badge.svg?branch=dev)](
  • [scripting
  • 3body-lang - The Three Body Language
  • duckscript
  • fleabitdev/gamelisp - like scripting language for game development
  • gluon-lang/gluon - typed, functional programming language
  • kcl - A constraint-based record & functional language mainly used in configuration and policy scenarios.
  • metacall/core - platform Polyglot Runtime which supports NodeJS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Ruby, C#, Wasm, Java, Cobol and more. [![build badge](](
  • mun - typed scripting language with first class hot reloading support
  • murarth/ketos
  • PistonDevelopers/dyon
  • rhaiscript/rhai
  • rune-rs/rune
  • [simulation
  • nyx-space - High fidelity, fast, reliable and validated astrodynamical toolkit library, used for spacecraft mission design and orbit determination [![Build Status](](
  • ardaku/whoami
  • GuillaumeGomez/sysinfo - platform library to fetch system information [![build badge](](
  • Phate6660/nixinfo
  • sorairolake/sysexits-rs - rs/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=develop)](
  • delay-timer - manager of delayed tasks. Like crontab, but asynchronous tasks are possible.
  • ![Build
  • sunng87/handlebars-rust
  • zzau13/yarte
  • djc/askama
  • kaj/ructe
  • Keats/tera
  • lambda-fairy/maud - time HTML templates
  • Stebalien/horrorshow-rs - time HTML templates
  • rustache/rustache
  • becheran/wildmatch - and star-wildcard operator [![Actions Status](](
  • BurntSushi/suffix
  • BurntSushi/tabwriter
  • cpc - Parses and calculates strings of math with support for units and unit conversion, from `1+2` to `1% of round(1 lightyear / 14!s to km/h)`.
  • Daniel-Liu-c0deb0t/triple_accel - Rust edit distance routines accelerated using SIMD; supports fast Hamming, Levenshtein, restricted Damerau-Levenshtein, etc. distance calculations and string search [![build badge](](
  • fancy-regex/fancy-regex - regex](] - Regular expressions implementation designed to support a relatively rich set of features such as look-around and backtracking. [![crates](]( [![build badge](](
  • greyblake/whatlang-rs
  • Lucretiel/joinery
  • mgeisler/textwrap
  • null8626/decancer
  • ps1dr3x/easy_reader
  • pwoolcoc/ngrams - grams]( from arbitrary iterators
  • rust-lang/regex
  • strsim-rs
  • yaa110/rake-rs
  • andylokandy/simsearch-rs
  • BurntSushi/fst
  • CurrySoftware/perlin
  • meilisearch/MeiliSearch - tolerant full-text search API. [![Build Status](](
  • pg_search - PostgreSQL extension that enables full-text search over SQL tables using the BM25 algorithm, the state-of-the-art ranking function for full-text search.
  • tantivy - speed full-text search engine library written in Rust. [![Build Status](](
  • zerocopy
  • ffmpeg-sidecar - sidecar/actions/workflows/rust.yml/badge.svg)](
  • beneills/quantum
  • bytecodealliance/wasmtime
  • chromium/chromiumos/platform/crosvm
  • oxidecomputer/propolis - Userspace program for illumos bhyve kernel modules
  • saurvs/hypervisor-rs - accelerated virtualization on OS X
  • Are we web yet? - web-framework-comparison).
  • cargo-web - side Web
  • leptos - stack, isomorphic web framework leveraging fine-grained reactivity to build declarative user interfaces.[![crate](](
  • sauron - Client side web framework which closely adheres to The Elm Architecture.
  • seed
  • stdweb - side Web
  • yew
  • alexcrichton/curl-rust
  • async-graphql - A GraphQL server library [![Build Status](](
  • DoumanAsh/yukikaze
  • ducaale/xh - Friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests [![crate](]( [![GitHub actions Status](](
  • graphql-client - rust/graphql-client/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=master)](
  • hyperium/hyper
  • seanmonstar/reqwest
  • actix/actix-web
  • Anansi - stack web framework
  • branca
  • carllerche/tower-web - web](] — A fast, boilerplate free, web framework
  • danclive/sincere
  • GildedHonour/frank_jwt
  • Gotham
  • Graphul - inspired web framework. [![crate](](
  • handlebars-rust
  • hyperium/hyper
  • Iron - based server framework
  • Juniper
  • miketang84/sapper
  • Nickel
  • poem-web/poem - A full-featured and easy-to-use web framework. [![CI](](
  • Rocket - of-use, expressability, and speed
  • Rustless - like API micro-framework inspired by [Grape]( and [Hyper](
  • Salvo - rs/salvo/workflows/CI%20(Linux)/badge.svg?branch=master&event=push)](
  • Saphir - level control, without the pain.
  • seanmonstar/warp - easy, composable, web server framework for warp speeds. [![crate](](
  • tiny-http
  • tokio/axum - Ergonomic and modular web framework built with Tokio, Tower, and Hyper [![Build badge](](
  • tomaka/rouille
  • Zino - generation framework for composable applications
  • cargonauts - factored web apps.
  • causal-agent/scraper - HTML parsing and querying with CSS selectors. [![Build Status](](
  • hominee/dyer - dyer is designed for reliable, flexible and fast Request-Response based service, including data processing, web-crawling and so on, providing some friendly, flexible, comprehensive features without compromising speed.
  • juhaku/utoipa - Simple, Fast, Code first and Compile time generated OpenAPI documentation [![](]( [![Utoipa build](](
  • osohq/oso - A policy engine for authorization that's embedded in your application. [![Build Status](](
  • pwoolcoc/soup
  • pyrossh/rust-embed
  • serenity-rs/serenity - A library for the Discord API
  • softprops/openapi
  • svix/svix-webhooks - A library for sending webhooks and verifying signatures.
  • tbot - Make cool Telegram bots easily [![pipeline status](](
  • teloxide/teloxide - An elegant Telegram bots framework [![Build Status](](
  • utkarshkukreti/
  • sozu-proxy/sozu - proxy/sozu/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg?branch=main)](
  • cobalt-org/ - org/cobalt-org/_apis/build/status/](
  • FuGangqiang/
  • getzola/zola - in. [![Build Status](](
  • grego/blades
  • leven-the-blog/leven
  • WebSocket
  • housleyjk/ws-rs - driven WebSockets
  • iddm/urlshortener-rs - rs/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)]( [![Crates badge](](
  • rust-websocket
  • snapview/tungstenite-rs - based WebSocket implementation.
  • vi/websocat
  • Cloudsmith :heavy_dollar_sign: - class support for public and private Cargo/Rust registries (plus many others). Has a generous free-tier and is also completely free for open-source.
  • Crates
  • w4/chartered - A private, authenticated, permissioned Cargo registry [![CI](](
  • TeXitoi/benchmarksgame-rs -
  • Learning systems programming with Rust
  • Rust: Hack Without Fear!
  • Shipping a Solid Rust Crate
  • Discover Rust Libraries & Code Snippets - A curated list of libraries, authors, kits, tutorials & learning resources on kandi
  • Aquascope - Interactive visualizations of Rust at compile-time and run-time
  • Awesome Rust Streaming - A community curated list of livestreams.
  • awesome-rust-mentors
  • Build a language VM
  • Comprehensive Rust 🦀 - day course on Rust Fundamentals plus 1-day courses on Android, Bare-metal Rust, and Concurrency. Available in English, [Brazilian Portuguese](, and [Korean](
  • Easy Rust - Learn Rust in easy English.
  • Hands-on Rust - A hands-on guide to learning Rust by making games - by [Herbert Wolverson]( (paid)
  • Idiomatic Rust - reviewed collection of articles/talks/repos which teach idiomatic Rust.
  • Learn Rust by 500 lines code
  • Learning Rust With Entirely Too Many Linked Lists - depth exploration of Rust's memory management rules, through implementing a few different types of list structures.
  • Little Book of Rust Books - Curated list of rust books and how-tos.
  • Programming Community Curated Resources for Learning Rust
  • Refactoring to Rust - A book that introduces to Rust language.
  • Rust by Example
  • Rust Cookbook
  • Rust Flashcards - Over 550 flashcards to learn Rust from first principles.
  • Rust for professionals
  • Rust Gym - A big collection of coding interview problems solved in Rust.
  • Rust in Action - on guide to systems programming with Rust by [Tim McNamara]( (paid)
  • Rust in Motion
  • Rust Language Cheat Sheet
  • Rust Tiếng Việt - Learn Rust in Vietnamese.
  • rust-how-do-i-start - A repo dedicated to answering the question: "So, Rust. How do I _start_?". A beginner only hand-picked resources and learning track.
  • rust-learning
  • Rustlings
  • Rusty CS - A Computer Science Curriculum that helps practice the acquired academic knowledge in Rust
  • stdx
  • Take your first steps with Rust - Lay the foundation of knowledge you need to build fast and effective programs in Rust.
  • Tour of Rust - This is meant to be an interactive step by step guide through the features of the Rust programming language.
  • University of Pennsylvania's Comp Sci Rust Programming Course
  • New Rustacean
  • Rustacean Station
  • Rust Design Patterns
  • Rust Guidelines
  • Rust Servers, Services and Apps - MEAP - Build backend servers, services, and front-ends in Rust to get fast, reliable, and maintainable applications.
  • Rust Subreddit
  • RustBooks
  • RustCamp 2015 Talks
  • RustViz
  • Watch Jon Gjengset Implement BitTorrent in Rust
  • ![CC0