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🐝 Awesome R and Python packages offering extended UI or server components for the web framework Shiny

Last synced: 6 days ago
JSON representation

  • Visualization

    • Scatterplot

      • hpackedbubble - Split packed bubble charts with highcharts.
      • scatterD3 - R scatterplot htmlwidget based on D3.js.
      • pairsD3 - D3 scatterplot matrices.
      • rthreejs - Interactive 3D scatterplots, networks, and globes based on three.js.
      • graph3d - R wrapper of the JavaScript library vis-graph3d.
    • Maps and Spatial Data

      • hchinamap - Mapping China and its provinces with highcharts.
      • leaflet - R interface to the Leaflet JavaScript library to create interactive maps.
      • leaflet.extras - Extra functionality for the leaflet package.
      • leaflet.extras2 - More plugins for the leaflet package.
      • leafgl - Performant WebGL rendering for leaflet.
      • leaflet.minicharts - Add and modify small charts on the interactive map created with the leaflet package.
      • leaflet.opacity - Opacity controls for Leaflet maps.
      • leaftime - Leaflet-timeline plugin for Leaflet to show changing geospatial data over time.
      • leafletCN - China and geojson choropleth maps for Leaflet.
      • leafletGeocoderRshiny - Leaflet + Pelias geocoding for Shiny.
      • leafdown - Provides drilldown functionality for leaflet choropleths.
      • mapdeck - Interactive maps using Mapbox GL and
      • deckgl - R Interface to
      • r2deck - R interface to and Mapbox GL visualizations.
      • h3r - Uber's H3 geographical indexing library bindings for R.
      • googleway - Access Google Maps API to retrieve data and draw maps.
      • mapview - Interactive viewing of spatial data.
      • mapedit - Interactive editing of spatial data.
      • tmap - Create thematic maps, such as choropleths and bubble maps.
      • datamaps - Create interactive choropleth maps with the JavaScript library Datamaps, add arcs and bubbles, change choropleth values, and change labels.
      • topogram - Cartogram htmlwidget for visualizing geographical data by distorting a TopoJSON topology using cartogram-chart.
      • rsquaire - R interface for squaire.js, a JavaScript library for making responsive equal-area square maps using D3.
      • planetary - HTML widget for the planetary.js library for creating interactive globes.
      • gior - HTML widget for gio.js for declarative 3D globe data visualization.
      • quickglobe - View country data via a 3D D3 globe.
    • Word Cloud

      • hwordcloud - Render word clouds with highcharts.
      • wordcloud2 - Word cloud visualization based on wordcloud2.js.
      • d3wordcloud - HTML widget for D3.js word cloud layout.
    • General-Purpose

      • plotly - Interactive web graphics via plotly.js. Has special support for linking/highlighting/filtering views.
      • highcharter - R wrapper for the highcharts JavaScript charting library.
      • rbokeh - R interface for Bokeh.
      • echarts4r - Interactive graphs with Echarts v4.
      • g2r - Grammar of graphics for interactive visualization using G2.js.
      • litecharts4r - A lite wrapper around echarts.js and echarts4r.
      • r2d3 - R interface to D3 visualizations.
      • vegalite - R ggplot2 bindings for Vega-Lite.
      • vegawidget - HTML widget renderer for Vega and Vega-Lite.
      • sketch - Creates static / animated / interactive visualizations embeddable in R Markdown documents and Shiny. Implements an R-to-JavaScript transpiler and enables users to write JavaScript applications using the syntax of R.
      • d3po - Fast and beautiful interactive visualization for R Markdown and Shiny. Acts as intermediate layer between Shiny and D3 by providing templates.
      • ggiraph - HTML widget that makes ggplot2 graphics interactive. Select graphical elements, add tooltips, animations, and JavaScript actions to the graphics.
      • rfrappe - HTML widget for the Frappe Charts JavaScript library.
      • tuichartr - HTML widget for tui-chart.
      • billboarder - HTML widget for billboard.js.
      • apexcharter - HTML widget for ApexCharts.js.
      • taucharts - HTML widget for Taucharts.
      • googleVis - R interface to Google Charts.
      • rroughviz - R warpper for roughViz.js, a JavaScript library for creating sketchy/hand-drawn styled charts.
      • rAmCharts4 - R interface to amCharts 4.
    • Parallel Coordinates

      • parcoords - HTML widget for D3 parallel coordinates chart.
    • Time Series

      • dygraphs - R interface to the dygraphs JavaScript charting library.
      • metricsgraphics - An htmlwidget interface to the MetricsGraphics.js D3-based charting library.
      • timevis - Interactive timeline visualizations based on vis.js.
      • timelineschart - R interface to timelines-chart.
      • streamgraph - HTML widget for creating streamgraph visualizations in R.
      • eventdropR - HTML widget for EventDrops, time based and event series interactive visualization using D3.
    • Tree and Hierarchical Data

      • D3partitionR - D3-based interactive visualization of nested and hierarchical data (sunburst, treemap, circle treemap, icicle, and partition chart) for Shiny.
      • d3Tree - D3-based collapsible trees for Shiny.
      • collapsibleTree - D3-based interactive collapsible tree diagrams.
      • jsTree - R htmlwidget for inspecting heirachal structures with the jQuery jsTree plugin.
      • shinyTree - jsTree bindings for creating interactive trees in Shiny.
      • jsTreeR - A wrapper of the JavaScript library jsTree.
      • shinyCheckboxTree - Checkbox tree widget for Shiny. Wrapper of the JavaScript library react-checkbox-tree.
      • listviewer - View and modify lists interactively, based on jsoneditor and react-json-view.
      • trelliscopejs - Create interactive Trelliscope displays based on trelliscopejs-lib.
      • Rmarkmap - Create interactive mind maps with the markmap JavaScript library.
    • Network and Graph Data

      • networkD3 - Create D3 network, tree, dendrogram, and Sankey diagram from R.
      • visNetwork - Network visualization using vis.js.
      • sigmajs - Interface to the sigma.js graph visualization library, including animations, plugins, and Shiny widgets.
      • sigmaNet - Render igraph networks using sigma.js.
      • chorddiag - R interface to D3 interactive chord diagrams.
      • chordViz - Create interactive chord diagrams in R.
      • edgebundleR - Circular layout plots with bundled edges based on D3.
      • hiveD3 - D3-based hive plots. [Tutorial]( for recreating the package.
      • grapher - An R integration of ngraph to create 3D and 2D interactive graphs.
      • shinyCyJS - Cytoscape.js R binding for Shiny.
      • cyjShiny - R/Shiny widget for Cytoscape.js.
    • Categorical Data

      • bar - Interactive one-dimensional proportions chart for representing categorical data.
    • Diagrams

      • DiagrammeR - Diagram, graph, and network visualization based on D3.js, viz.js, and mermaid.js.
      • nomnoml - R interface to nomnoml, a tool for drawing sassy UML diagrams based on syntax with customizable styling.
      • bpmn - R interface to the bpmn-js library.
    • Heatmap

      • d3heatmap - D3-based interactive heatmaps (highlight rows/columns, zoom in/out, clustering, dendrograms).
      • heatmaply - Interactive heatmaps using plotly.
      • rChartsCalmap - An htmlwidgets binding for calendar heatmaps using D3.
      • calheatmapR - R interface for the cal-heatmap JavaScript charting library to create calendar heatmaps.
      • nivocal - HTML widget for drawing calendar heatmaps based on nivo.
      • supercaliheatmapwidget - Supercalifragilistic HTML calendar heatmaps.
    • Sparkline

      • sparkline - jQuery Sparkline (tiny inline charts) HTML Widget for R. [Use sparklines in DT](
      • reactrend - Simple, elegant spark lines and trend graphs based on react-trend.
      • trendchart - Small, simple trendchart for R.
      • peity - Peity htmlwidget for R.
      • dataui - Interactive visualizations of data-ui based on vx.
    • Biological Data

      • igvR - R package providing interactive connections to igv.js running in a web browser.
      • igvShiny - HTML widget for igv.js, a JavaScript library for embeddable genomic visualization.
      • nglShiny - NGL Viewer as an htmlwidget for molecular visualization.
      • msaR - BioJS-based MSA (multiple sequence alignment) viewer.
      • TnT - Track-based visulizations based on the TnT JavaScript libraries. Useful for displaying genomic features as a simple genome browser.
      • mutsneedle - Interactive mutation lollipop diagrams.
      • g3viz - D3-based interactive lollipop plots.
      • BioCircos.R - Interactive circular visualization of genomic data using htmlwidgets and BioCircos.js.
      • chromoMap - Interactive visualization and mapping of human chromosomes.
      • ideogRam - HTML widget for chromosome visualization with ideogram.js.
      • flowDashboard - Shiny Modules for visualizing flow cytometry data.
      • qtlcharts - Interactive graphics for QTL experiments.
      • phylocanvas - Interactive phylogenetic trees using the Phylocanvas JavaScript library.
      • phylowidget - Interactive phylogenetic trees based on phylotree.js.
      • JBrowseR - R interface to the JBrowse 2 linear genome view.
      • safetyCharts - Charts for monitoring clinical trial safety.
      • shiny.molstar - Shiny wrapper for Mol*, a visualization toolkit of large scale molecular data.
      • shiny.gosling - Shiny wrapper for Gosling.js, grammar-based toolkit for scalable and interactive genomics data visualization.
    • Chemical Data

      • r3dmol - Visualizing molecular data in 3D, based on 3Dmol.js.
      • chemdoodle - HTML widget for visualizing and drawing molecules.
    • WebGL

      • rgl - Render WebGL scenes created with the rgl package ([vignette](
      • rayshader - Create and visualize hillshaded maps from elevation matrices.
      • rayrender - Build and raytrace 3D scenes.
      • rayimage - Render depth of field for images.
    • Augmented and Virtual Reality

      • shinyaframe - WebVR data visualizations with Shiny and Mozilla A-Frame.
      • arframer - Augmented Reality in R based on AR.js.
  • Backend

    • Database

    • URL Routing

      • Accepting POST requests from Shiny - Undocumented feature for handling POST requests that are not associated with any specific Shiny session.
      • shiny.router - Minimalistic URL router for Shiny apps.
      • shinyURL - Save and restore the state of a Shiny app by encoding the values of user inputs and active tab panels in the app's URL query string.
      • brochure - Create natively multi-page Shiny applications to serve content from multiple endpoints. See [blog post]( on POST requests support.
      • scenes - Switch between alternative UIs based on request properties, such as cookies, paths, query parameters, or HTTP request method.
    • Cloud Integration

      • cloudyr - R packages for integrating with AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
    • Persistent Data Storage

      • pins - Publish data sets, models, and other R objects to folders, Posit Connect, Amazon S3, and more.
    • API Frameworks

      • RestRserve - R web API framework for building high-performance and robust microservices and app backends.
      • plumber - Create web APIs by decorating R code with special comments.
      • valve - Create multi-threaded Plumber APIs powered by Rust's tokio and axum web frameworks.
      • opencpu - A system for embedded scientific computing and reproducible research with R.
      • communicate - Small framework to communicate between Shiny client and server via HTTP requests.
    • Authentication

      • shinymanager - Simple and secure authentification mechanism for single Shiny apps.
      • gargle - Infrastructure for calling Google APIs from R, including auth.
      • googleAuthR - Shiny compatible Google API client for authentication with OAuth2.
      • auth0 - Authentication in Shiny apps using Auth0.
      • shinyauthr - Server-side authentication using shiny modules.
      • firebase - Authenticate Shiny users with Google Firebase.
      • otp - One-Time Password generation and verification.
      • backendlessr - R wrapper for Backendless API to manage users.
    • Job Scheduling

      • cronR - R package for managing cron jobs.
    • Web APIs Integration

      • glouton - Handle browser cookies in shiny, built on top of js-cookie.
      • cookies - Another js-cookie package, with added functionality to handle HttpOnly cookies.
      • geoloc - Use the Geolocation API to get the location of the user (with user's permission).
      • shinyStore - Use the Web Storage API to store persistent, synchronized data in the user's browser.
      • shinyStorePlus - In-browser storage for Shiny persistent, synchronized data from the inputs using IndexedDB.
    • Notification Integration

      • slackr - Send messages, images, R objects, and files to Slack channels/users.
      • sendgridr - Send emails with SendGrid mail API (v3).
      • twilio - R interface to the Twilio API.
      • blastula - Easily send HTML email messages from R.
      • mjml - Create responsive emails with R and MJML.
      • mailtoR - Creates a friendly user interface for emails sending in Shiny.
    • G Suite Integration

      • googlesheets4 - R interface to Google Sheets via the Sheets API v4.
      • googlesheets - R interface to Google Spreadsheets API (no longer under active development).
      • googledrive - R API client for Google Drive.
      • gmailr - Access the Gmail RESTful API from R.
  • Deploy

    • Desktop Deploy

      • nativefier - Create Electron wrappers for any websites (including remotely deployed Shiny apps).
      • RInno - Deploy Shiny apps to Windows by interfacing Inno Setup and Electron.
      • electricShine - Create distributable Shiny Electron apps.
      • photon - RStudio Add-in to build Shiny apps utilizing the Electron framework.
      • DesktopDeployR - A framework for deploying self-contained R-based applications to the desktop.
      • Shiny Meets Electron - Talk at useR! 2018 on turning Shiny app into standalone desktop apps. [Talk video](
      • r-shiny-electron - Template for R Shiny and Electron integration.
      • nativefier - Create Electron wrappers for any websites (including remotely deployed Shiny apps).
    • Remote Deploy

      • rsconnect - Deploy Shiny apps to, or Posit Connect.
      • connectwidgets - Query a Posit Connect server for a subset of content items, then organize them within htmlwidget components in R Markdown documents or Shiny applications.
    • Static Server Deploy

      • r-shinylive - Run Shiny apps entirely in the browser using WebAssembly via webR.
      • webR - A version of R compiled for the browser and Node.js using WebAssembly via Emscripten.
  • Miscellaneous

  • Shiny for Python

    • Python - Editor Extensions

      • pyshiny-vscode - VS Code extension to help launch Shiny for Python applications.
    • Python - Table

      • itables - Display pandas and polars data frames as interactive DataTables that you can sort, paginate, scroll, and filter.
      • reactable-py - Interactive data tables for Python, port of the R package reactable.
    • Python - Theming

    • Python - UI Components

      • py-htmltools - Tools for creating, manipulating, and writing HTML from Python.
      • py-faicons - An interface to Font Awesome for use in Shiny for Python.
      • py-shinywidgets - Render ipywidgets inside a Shiny app.
      • py_shiny_semantic - Create rich web applications in PyShiny using styles and components from Fomantic UI.
    • Python - Deploy

      • py-shinylive - Export Shiny applications as Shinylive applications.
      • rsconnect-python - CLI for interacting with and deploying to Posit Connect.
    • Python - Persistent Data Storage

      • pins-python - Publish data, models, and other Python objects for sharing across projects and with colleagues.
    • Python - Frameworks

      • Tapyr - Shiny for Python application template.
  • Uncategorized

  • Theming

    • Generic Theming

      • shinythemes - Bootswatch themes (Bootstrap 3) for Shiny.
      • shiny.semantic - Fomantic UI (formerly Semantic UI) for Shiny.
      • shiny.fluent - Fluent UI for Shiny apps.
      • shinymaterial - Material Design for Shiny with Materialize.css.
      • shinyUIkit - UIkit API for Shiny.
      • fullPage - Single page styles for Shiny apps.
      • shinybulma - for Shiny.
      • shinyChakraUI - Chakra UI for Shiny.
      • shinyMetroUi - Metro 4 UI for Shiny.
      • shinyNextUI - NextUI for Shiny.
      • gridlayout - Build dashboard-style layouts for Shiny and R Markdown using CSS Grid.
      • flexlayout - A responsive three-column layout for Shiny. Creates up-to three-column layout where the left and right columns collapse into offcanvas elements on tablets and mobile devices.
      • shiny.blueprint - Palantir's Blueprint for Shiny apps.
    • Dashboard Theming

    • Mobile Theming

      • miniUI - Widgets and layouts for Shiny apps working on small screens. Designed for creating Shiny Gadgets.
      • shinyMobile - Theming Shiny apps with Framework7, a full featured HTML framework for building iOS & Android apps.
    • Theme Customization

      • bslib - Tools for theming Shiny and R Markdown from R via Bootstrap (3 or 4) Sass.
      • fresh - Create fresh themes for use in shiny & shinydashboard applications and flexdashboard documents.
      • Rnightly - An R wrapper of the JavaScript library Nightly.
      • linne - Write CSS in R.
      • designer - Shiny UI prototype builder allowing drag and drop UI components before saving the equivalent R code.
  • UI Components

    • Bootstrap

      • bsplus - Bootstrap 3 addons for Shiny and R Markdown (collapsible elements, accordion panels, accordion-sidebar sets, tooltips, popovers, modals, carousels).
      • bsutils - UI utilities for Bootstrap 5 and Shiny.
      • litter - Lit components for Shiny.
      • ShinyWidgets - Bootstrap 3 custom widgets for Shiny (switches, checkboxes, sweet alerts, slider text, knob inputs, select pickers, search bar, dropdown buttons).
      • shinyBS - Bootstrap 3 components for Shiny (alerts, tooltips, popovers, modals, collapsible panels, button upgrades).
      • shinyLP - Bootstrap 3 landing pages for Shiny apps.
      • shinypanels - Shiny layout with collapsible panels.
      • slickR - Carousels for Shiny apps using slick.js.
      • spsComps - Additional Bootstrap 3 custom UI components (gallery, panels, buttons, animation and more) and additional Shiny server components (exception catch, validation, etc.).
    • File Input

      • shinyFiles - A server-side file system viewer for Shiny.
      • directoryInput - Shiny input widget for selecting directories.
    • Special Input

      • shinyTime - A timeInput widget for Shiny.
      • shinyDatetimePickers - Datetime pickers for Shiny.
      • DateTimeRangePicker - A datetime range picker widget for Shiny.
      • shinyMatrix - Matrix input for Shiny.
      • shinyCleave - Customized text inputs (phone number, ZIP code, currency, credit card) based on Cleave.js.
      • shinySelect - A wrapper of the react-select library that supports grouped, sortable items with Font Awesome icons, KaTeX formulas, and Bootstrap tooltips.
      • regexSelect - Enable regular expression searches within a Shiny selectize object.
      • cascadeSelect - Cascade select widget for Shiny, useful for selection of hierarchical choices.
      • reactCheckbox - Checkbox group input for Shiny, with a head checkbox allowing to check or uncheck all the checkboxes in the group.
      • ShinyRatingInput - Star rating inputs for Shiny based on bootstrap-rating.
      • algo - Implements the Algolia Places address search auto completion menu on shiny text inputs.
      • shinyChakraSlider - Combined slider and number input for Shiny.
      • histoslider - A histogram slider input binding for Shiny. Supports creating histograms from numeric, date, and date-time vectors.
      • shinyMultiActionButton - A multi-action button for Shiny.
      • NestedMenu - Multi-level dropdown menu selection input.
      • codeModules - Shiny modules to import/manipulate/export tabular data, download plots/tables/widgets, and output code with syntax highlighting using highlight.js.
      • shiny-highlight-rmarkdown - R code and R Markdown code output syntax highlighting using highlight.js.
      • shinynlq - Natural language queries (NLQs) for Shiny as a bslib custom component.
    • Loader

      • shinycssloaders - CSS loader animations for Shiny outputs.
      • shinycustomloader - Custom css/html or gif/image loaders for Shiny outputs.
      • shinybusy - Minimal busy indicator for Shiny apps.
      • shinydisconnect - Show a nice message when a Shiny app disconnects or errors.
      • waiter - Splash loading screens for Shiny.
      • sever - Customize Shiny's disconnected screen.
      • shiny-fcp-loader - Shiny app template with a loading screen that aims to minimize the time to First Contentful Paint (FCP).
      • shiny-loading-skeleton - Shiny app template with an animated, fully customizable skeleton loader.
      • shiny.emptystate - Empty state components for Shiny.
    • Feedback / Alert / Notification

      • shinyFeedback - Display user feedback next to Shiny inputs.
      • shinyalert - Create pretty popup messages (modals) in Shiny apps.
      • shinytoastr - Notifications for Shiny apps, via toastr.
      • shinyToastify - A wrapper of the React-Toastify library for Shiny.
      • shinypop - Collection of notifications, confirm dialogs, and alerts for Shiny apps based on noty, notie, push.js, and notiflix.
      • shinyvalidate - Add input validation capabilities to Shiny.
      • awn - Awesome Notifications for Shiny.
    • Walkthrough / Tooltip / Help

      • rintrojs - Wrapper for Intro.js to create step-by-step introductions and clickable hints.
      • tippy - Wrapper for Tippy.js to add tooltips to R Markdown documents or Shiny apps.
      • cicerone - Create guided tours for Shiny apps using driver.js.
      • shinyhelper - Add Markdown help files to Shiny app elements.
      • scrollrevealR - Animate shiny elements when they scroll into view using the scrollrevealjs library.
      • faq - Accordion-based FAQ component with expand/collapse control.
      • flashCard - HTML widget for creating flippable flash cards.
      • prompter - Add tooltips in Shiny apps with 'hint.css'.
    • Clipboard

      • rclipboard - Wrapper for clipboard.js to create copy-to-clipboard buttons for Shiny apps.
    • Color Picker

      • colourpicker - A colour picker tool for Shiny.
      • gradientPickerD3 - Interactive color gradient picker based on jquery-gradient-picker.
      • gradientInput - Another approach at gradient colour picker, implemented using the `colourpicker` package.
    • Editor

      • aceEditor - Ace editor as an HTML widget based on react-ace.
      • shinyAce - Ace code editor bindings for Shiny.
      • shinyMonacoEditor - The Monaco Editor in Shiny.
      • shinyMCE - TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor bindings for Shiny.
      • sqlquery - HTML widget for writing SQL queries with autocompletion for SQL keywords and table/field names.
    • Chat

      • chattr - Interact with large language models (LLMs) in RStudio through the R console or Shiny gadget.
      • gptstudio - Incorporate use of large language models (LLMs) into project workflows, with Shiny bindings for streamingMessage components.
      • shinyChatR - Reusable chat module for Shiny apps. Allows sending messages and view messages from other users. Messages can be stored in a database or a `.rds` file.
    • Table

      • DT - R interface to the DataTables library.
      • reactable - Interactive data tables for R, based on the React Table library and made with reactR.
      • reactable.extras - Enhanced functionality for reactable in Shiny applications, with interactive and dynamic data table capabilities.
      • reactablefmtr - Simplify the styling, formatting, and customization of tables made with reactable.
      • kableExtra - Construct complex table with `knitr::kable()` and pipes.
      • formattable - Table elements formatting and styling for R Markdown documents and Shiny apps.
      • flextable - Create tables for reporting with format and layout control.
      • gt - Generate information-rich, publication-quality tables.
      • rhandsontable - Create Excel-like editable tables in Shiny apps.
      • DTedit - Editable DataTables for Shiny apps.
      • dteditmod - A fork of DTedit with a modular implementation and more [documentation](
      • texPreview - Preview and save images of rendered snippets of LaTeX in RStudio viewer, R Markdown and Shiny.
      • basictabler - Construct rich tables for output to HTML/Excel.
      • pivottabler - Create pivot tables in R.
      • pivta - R wrapper for WebDataRocks, an interactive pivot table component for data analysis.
      • excelR - R interface to the jExcel.js library.
      • xSpreadsheet - R wrapper for the JavaScript canvas spreadsheet library x-spreadsheet.
      • gtExtras - Extending gt for beautiful HTML tables.
      • gtsummary - Presentation-ready data summary and analytic result tables.
    • Drawers

      • pushbar - Brings pushbar.js to Shiny. Create off-canvas sliding drawers for inputs, outputs, or any other content.
    • Drag and Drop

      • shinyDND - Create drag and drop elements in Shiny.
      • sortable - HTML widget for SortableJS that enables drag-and-drop behavior and reorderable elements.
      • dragulaR - R interface for the dragula JavaScript library for moving around elements in Shiny apps.
      • dndselectr - Drag-and-drop Shiny select input.
      • esquisse - Drag and drop inputs and visual builder for ggplot2.
    • Text

      • marker - Highlight text in Shiny with markjs.
    • Image / Audio / Video

      • shinysense - A series of shiny modules to help Shiny sense the world around it (draw, swipe cards, record images from a webcam, record audio, capture accelerometer data).
      • pixels - HTML widget and Shiny Gadget to render and draw pixels.
      • fabricerin - Create HTML5 canvas in Shiny and R Markdown documents based on Fabric.js.
      • heyshiny - Speech to text input.
      • vembedr - Embed videos in R Markdown documents and Shiny apps.
      • webcamR - HTML widget wrapper around the react-webcam library.
      • drawer - A front-end only image editor for both Shiny and R Markdown.
      • shinyscreenshot - Capture screenshots of entire pages or parts of pages in Shiny apps.
    • PDF

      • rpdf - Mozilla pdf.js htmlwidget for R.
    • Icon Font

      • fontawesome - Insert FontAwesome icons into R Markdown documents and Shiny apps.
      • icongram - Interface to Icongram, easily fetch svg icons with a single function.
    • Image Comparison

      • vdiffr - Visual regression testing and graphical diffing, with toggle, slide, and diff widgets for comparing two images.
    • Code Diff

      • diffviewer - HTML widget to visually compare files (text, images, and data frames).
      • diffr - Create code diff widgets based on codediff.js.
      • diffRgit - Create an HTML git diff widget using the diff2html library.
      • jsondiff - R interface to jsondiffpatch for comparing R objects as JSONs.
    • Calendar

      • tuicalendr - HTML widget to create interactive calendars with JavaScript library tui-calendar.
    • Notebooks

      • robservable - [Observable]( notebooks as R htmlwidgets.
    • Animation Effects

      • typedjs - R htmlwidget for animated typing effect with typed.js.
      • countup - R htmlwidget that animates a numerical value by counting to it with CountUp.js.
      • textillate - CSS3 text animations with textillate.js.
      • shinyglide - Create carousel-like or assistant-like (wizard) UI components with Glide.js.
      • d3rain - HTML widget bringing D3 drip to R.
      • hover - Add animations to Shiny button elements using Hover.css.
      • bubblyr - Add animated bubbles to Shiny and R Markdown backgrounds.
      • shinyEffects - Customize shiny apps with CSS effects (Zoom / Pulse / Shadow / Shake).
    • i18n

      • shiny.i18n - Easy internationalization of Shiny apps.
      • shi18ny - Tools for shiny apps internationalization.
    • React

      • reactR - Use React in R with htmlwidget constructor templates and local JavaScript dependencies.
      • shinyReactWidgets - React widgets for Shiny apps.
      • shiny.react - Tools for using React in Shiny.
    • Vue.js

      • vuer - Use Vue components and build Vue apps in R.
      • vueR - Use Vue.js in R with htmlwidget constructor templates and local JavaScript dependencies.
    • Advanced Interactivity

      • htmlwidgets - A framework for creating R bindings to JavaScript libraries.
      • crosstalk - Inter-widget interactivity (for example, linked brushing and filtering) for htmlwidgets.
      • shinyjs - Perform common JavaScript operations in Shiny apps.
      • shinyjqui - Add jQuery UI interactions and effects (e.g. draggable, resizable, sortable elements) to Shiny apps.
      • shiny.collections - Google Docs-like live collaboration in Shiny with RethinkDB.
      • shinyCanvas - Create and customize an interactive canvas using the D3 JavaScript library and the htmlwidgets package.
      • shinymeta - Record and expose Shiny app logic using metaprogramming.
      • shinyscroll - Scroll to an element in Shiny.
      • pagemapR - Create a mini map for Shiny apps and R Markdown documents.
      • keys - Assign and listen to keyboard shortcuts in Shiny using the Mousetrap JavaScript library.
      • js4shiny - Companion package for 'JavaScript for Shiny Users' workshop, with components to enable using R Markdown for literate programming with JavaScript.
      • flexfilter - Create a filter from a data frame that enables users to dynamically add filters on each column. The filter dynamically generates the appropriate input for the selected column based on its type.
  • Frameworks

    • Foundational frameworks

      • Rhino - Build high quality, enterprise-grade Shiny apps at speed.
      • golem - Opinionated framework for building production-grade Shiny apps.
      • teal - Interactive exploration framework for analyzing clinical trials data, provides a dynamic filtering facility and different data viewers.
      • yonder - A reactive web framework built on Shiny with Bootstrap 4.
    • Scaffolding

      • leprechaun - Code generator for lean and robust Shiny applications.
      • windy - Sets up basic scaffold to use Tailwind CSS within an R package for a Shiny application.
    • Framework extensions

  • Developer Tools

    • Prototyping

      • shinyuieditor - A GUI for laying out a Shiny application that generates clean and human-readable UI code.
      • shinipsum - Lorem-Ipsum-like helpers for fast Shiny prototyping.
      • fakir - Create fake data in R for tutorials.
      • shinysnippets - A series of Shiny related RStudio snippets.
    • Modularization

      • tidymodules - An object-oriented approach to Shiny modules.
      • supreme - Structure Shiny applications developed with modules.
      • packer - An opinionated framework for using JavaScript with R.
      • box - Organize code into hierarchical, composable, reusable modules, to use across projects.
      • many - Use multiple directories to build R packages.
      • component - Create components for Shiny, inspired by Vue.js.
    • Debugging

      • reactlog - Visual debugger for Shiny reactivity.
    • Testing

    • Profiling

      • profvis - Interactive visualizations for profiling R code. [Profiling Shiny apps](
      • shiny.benchmark - Measure and compare the performance of different versions of a Shiny application.
      • - Displays simple diagnostic information of the Shiny project in the user interface of the app.
      • shiny.tictoc - Measure Shiny app performance in the browser.
    • Scaling

      • promises - Promise-based asynchronous programming for R. [Using promises with Shiny](
      • shinyParallel - Run Shiny applications in a multi-session mode.
      • FutureManager - Background processes for long-running operations in Shiny applications.
      • shiny.worker - Delegate heavy computation tasks to a separate process in a Shiny application.
    • Monitoring and Analytics

      • shinymetrics - Track shiny applications with Shinymetrics, providing analytics and telemetry for Shiny applications.
      • titan - Prometheus monitoring for Shiny applications, plumber APIs, and other R web services.
      • openmetrics - An opinionated Prometheus client for R conforming to the OpenMetrics standard.
      • pRometheus - Prometheus client library for R, Plumber, and Shiny.
      • shiny.telemetry - Track events occurring on a user session and stores them in a local or remote database.