
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

SamGIS can do machine learning-based (Segment Anything by Meta - Facebook) image segmentation tasks applied to GIS and geo data (there is also a SPA frontend similar to used on HuggingFace)

geospatial gis image-segmentation machine-learning machinelearning-python segment-anything

Last synced: 13 May 2024

Jupyter Notebook Python GIS Stack

gis jupiter python

Last synced: 13 May 2024

Docker Compose scripts for orchestrating a Tegola instance with PostGIS and sample data

gis postgis vector-tiles

Last synced: 13 May 2024

Open Geospatial Datasets for GIS Education: This is a repository of open geospatial datasets to be used in an educational context. I created these files over years of teaching Geographic Data Science and GIS. All original datasets are freely available online with open data licenses (see the dataset attribution for details). All the datasets in this repository have been selected, cleaned, harmonised, and repackaged for GIS exercises in a higher-education context. This is a pretty time-intensive process that other educators can hopefully avoid by using these versions.

data-science geojson geospatial-data geospatial-datasets gis gis-data gis-education tsv

Last synced: 13 May 2024

A spatial optmization library for covering problems.

geospatial gis optmization python

Last synced: 13 May 2024

Geographic Data Science, the course

course data-science educational gds-course geographic-data-science gis

Last synced: 13 May 2024

Interactive viewing of spatial data in R

gis leaflet maps r spatial visualization web-mapping

Last synced: 13 May 2024

R Interface to Leaflet Maps

gis leaflet-map r spatial

Last synced: 13 May 2024

ODEON is a task-agnostic framework for deep learning applied to remote sensing

deep-learning earth-observation gis pytorch pytorch-lightning rasterio remote-sensing

Last synced: 13 May 2024

A query and indexing engine for Redis, providing secondary indexing, full-text search, vector similarity search and aggregations.

fulltext geospatial gis inverted-index redis redis-module search search-engine vector-database

Last synced: 13 May 2024

WPS services related to hydrological modeling

birdhouse gis hydrology pavics wps

Last synced: 11 May 2024

Data Model for the 2023 DNR Pheasant Stocking Property Data

data data-model documentation excel gis hunting mapping powerquery vba

Last synced: 11 May 2024

A modular geospatial engine written in JavaScript and TypeScript

algorithm computational-geometry geojson gis javascript turf typescript

Last synced: 10 May 2024

Satip contains the code necessary for retrieving, transforming and storing EUMETSAT data

eumetsat gis nowcasting python satellite-imagery

Last synced: 10 May 2024

A Python package for interactive mapping and geospatial analysis with minimal coding in a Jupyter environment

data-science dataviz folium geoparquet geopython geospatial geospatial-analysis gis ipyleaflet jupyter jupyter-notebook leafmap mapping plotly python streamlit streamlit-webapp whiteboxtools

Last synced: 10 May 2024

Eumap is a library to enable easier access to several spatial layers prepared for Continental Europe, as well the source code used to produce them (

ensemble environmental layers europe gis machine learning

Last synced: 10 May 2024

Download geospatial data from GISCO API - Eurostat

api-wrapper cran eurostat eurostat-data ggplot2 gis gisco r r-package ropengov rstats spatial thematic-maps

Last synced: 10 May 2024

InVEST®: models that map and value the goods and services from nature that sustain and fulfill human life.

ecosystem-services geospatial gis

Last synced: 09 May 2024

Python for Land Use Suitability Analysis Tools

gis land-use suitability-analysis

Last synced: 09 May 2024

:earth_americas: Simple and fast watershed delineation in python.

accumulation catchments digital-elevation-model flow-direction gis hydrology

Last synced: 09 May 2024

An advanced geospatial data analysis platform

geomorphology geomorphometry geoprocessing geospatial gis hydrology remote-sensing

Last synced: 09 May 2024

QGIS project and useful stuff for TEKSI wastewater module (Project QGEP)

abwasser datenmanagement gep gis kanalfernsehen kataster kek leitungskataster postgis qgep qgis sewerpipe sia405 teksi vsa-dss vsa-kek wastewater werkinformationen

Last synced: 09 May 2024

Flood inundation mapping and evaluation software configured to work with U.S. National Water Model.

evaluation flood-inundation-maps gis hydrology inundation mapping national-hydrography-dataset national-water-center noaa

Last synced: 09 May 2024

OpenClimateGIS is a set of geoprocessing and calculation tools for CF-compliant climate datasets.

climate climate-datasets gdal-python gis grid mpi mpi4py netcdf shapefiles thredds

Last synced: 09 May 2024

QGIS toolkit 🧰 for pre- and post-processing 🔨, visualizing 🔍, and running simulations 💻 in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model 🌀

academia air-quality atmospheric-modelling atmospheric-science forecasting-models gis grib meteorology netcdf nwp plotting python qgis-plugin scientific-computations scientific-computing simulation urban-planning weather wps wrf

Last synced: 09 May 2024

MeteoInfo: GIS, scientific computation and visualization environment.

gis java jython meteorology scientific scientific-computing

Last synced: 09 May 2024

The Ocean Navigator is an online tool that is used to help visualise scientific research data. a users guide is available at and the tool is live at

data-visualization gis javascript netcdf ocean-model ocean-navigator oceanography python science

Last synced: 09 May 2024

Extracting tidally-constrained annual shorelines and robust rates of coastal change from freely available Earth observation data at continental scale

coastal-change coastal-dynamics coastlines dea digitalearthaustralia earth-observation erosion geospatial gis jupyter-notebook opendatacube python remote-sensing satellite-imagery

Last synced: 09 May 2024

A mesh independent river network generator for hydrologic models

earth-system-model gis graph hydrology river

Last synced: 09 May 2024

Source code for generating the QGreenland package hosted at

gis greenland qgis

Last synced: 08 May 2024

Specification for streaming massive heterogeneous 3D geospatial datasets :earth_americas:

3d-models 3d-tiles geospatial gis gltf ogc photogrammetry point-cloud spatial-data specification terrain vector-data

Last synced: 08 May 2024

OSMnx is a Python package to easily download, model, analyze, and visualize street networks and other geospatial features from OpenStreetMap.

geography geospatial gis mapping networks networkx openstreetmap osm osmnx overpass-api python routing spatial spatial-analysis spatial-data street-networks transport transportation urban urban-planning

Last synced: 08 May 2024

Mapnik is an open source toolkit for developing mapping applications

beautiful-maps c-plus-plus cartography gis mapnik mapping python rendering wiki

Last synced: 08 May 2024

🗺️ A curated list of awesome interactive maps.

awesome awesome-list geography gis hacktoberfest maps

Last synced: 08 May 2024

An extensible framework for geospatial data science and geostatistical modeling fully written in Julia

datascience geo geospatial geostatistics gis spatial-statistics statistical-learning statistics

Last synced: 08 May 2024

Historic(al) Maps: Meta guidance, tools, repositories, databases, search engines, and online resources for the exploration of Historic and Historical Maps.

archaeology awesome awesome-list awesome-lists cartography geography georeferenced-data georeferencing geospatial gis heritage historical historical-data historical-documents historical-maps history landscape map open-science spatial

Last synced: 08 May 2024

Agroecology Map, Knowledge and Practices, is a technological platform that allows the mapping and exchange of Agroecological experiences (Agroforestry) in order to bring people in order to strengthen or/and create new, collaborative networks that enhance the sharing of real (and sometimes imaginary) experiences

agroecologia agroecology agroecologymap agrofloresta agroforestry free-software geolocation gis javascript mapa-da-agroecologia permacultura permaculture postgresql rails ruby ruby-on-rails

Last synced: 08 May 2024

Package geom implements efficient geometry types for geospatial applications.

2d 3d decoding encoding ewkb geo geojson geom geometry-functions geospatial gis go golang kml wkb wkt

Last synced: 08 May 2024

Source code for the paper "Growing urban bicycle networks", exploring algorithmically the limitations of urban bicycle network growth

bicycle-network cycling gis network-analysis osmnx transportation-network urban-planning

Last synced: 08 May 2024

Atlite: A Lightweight Python Package for Calculating Renewable Power Potentials and Time Series

csp dynamic-line-rating energy energy-system energy-systems era5 gis heat-pump potentials pv python reanalysis renewable-energy renewable-timeseries solar wind

Last synced: 07 May 2024

python Generator of REnewable Time series and mAps

csp gis high-resolution potentials pv renewable-energy renewable-timeseries wind

Last synced: 07 May 2024

TypeScript/JavaScript 3D maps and geospatial data visualization engine library

3d 3dmap earth geospatial gis globe javascript lidar map maps openglobus terrain terrain-rendering webgl webgl2

Last synced: 07 May 2024

A simple vector tile server written in Node/Express to be used as an example.

express gis mapbox node spatial vector-tiles

Last synced: 07 May 2024

An open-source version of IAG's Bootleaf fork

arcgis-server bootstrap geoserver gis leaflet mapping

Last synced: 07 May 2024

A tool to visualise geofences and realtime events in Tile38 on a map

geo geofence geojson geospatial gis leaflet leafletjs map spatial tile38 viewer visualization

Last synced: 07 May 2024

Photogrammetry Guide. Photogrammetry is widely used for Aerial surveying, Agriculture, Architecture, 3D Games, Robotics, Archaeology, Construction, Emergency management, and Medical.

3d-reconstruction camera cesium drones geometry geospatial gis image-processing lidar map multiview-stereo photogrammetry point-cloud pointcloud rendering sfm slam spatial-data structure-from-motion unreal-engine

Last synced: 07 May 2024

Python package to detect suspicious OSM changesets

gis openstreetmap osm qa

Last synced: 07 May 2024

🌎 Large-scale WebGL-powered Geospatial Data Visualization analysis engine.

3d amap antv data-visualization geojson geospatial gis javascript map mapbox maps point polygon webgl

Last synced: 05 May 2024

😎Awesome GIS is a collection of geospatial related sources, including cartographic tools, geoanalysis tools, developer tools, data, conference & communities, news, massive open online course, some amazing map sites, and more.

awesome geo geospatial geospatial-library geotools gis map spatial-analysis

Last synced: 04 May 2024

An open-source JavaScript library for world-class 3D globes and maps :earth_americas:

3d 3d-globe 3d-tiles cesium czml geospatial gis gltf webgl

Last synced: 04 May 2024

Plot on map projections (with coastlines and political boundaries) using matplotlib

gis maps plots

Last synced: 02 May 2024

R Interface to Leaflet Maps

gis leaflet-map r spatial

Last synced: 02 May 2024

A NodeJS vector tile server with a preview page. Originally a fork of mbtiles-server.

gis mapbox-gl mapping nodejs raster tileserver vector-tiles

Last synced: 01 May 2024

CLI for downloading map tiles from WMS server with given bbox and zoom.

gis golang mercator spherical-coordinates tiles wms

Last synced: 01 May 2024

Short snippets on web mapping with Leaflet and Mapbox GL JS

gis leaflet mapbox

Last synced: 01 May 2024

Icon font and SVG for use with GIS and spatial analysis tools

font geo geospacial gis icons map svg svg-icons svg-sprites webfont

Last synced: 01 May 2024

R package wrapping boost::geometry

boost geospatial gis r well-known-text

Last synced: 01 May 2024

Utility package to convert R data into JSON for use in htmlwidget mapping libraries

gis htmlwidgets r spatial

Last synced: 01 May 2024

The flexpolyline R package provides a binding to the C++ implementation of the flexible polyline encoding by HERE. The encoding is a lossy compressed representation of a list of coordinate pairs or coordinate triples.

gis heremaps polyline polyline-decoder polyline-encoder rspatial rstats

Last synced: 01 May 2024

A Geometry library for Elixir that calculates spatial relationships between two geometries

computational-geometry geometry geospatial gis spatial-analysis

Last synced: 01 May 2024

An Elixir implementation of the CONREC algorithm for topographic or isochrone maps.

conrec elixir gis isochrone-map isochrones map topographic-maps topography

Last synced: 01 May 2024

Scala and Spark library focused on reading OpenStreetMap Pbf files.

gis openstreetmap openstreetmap-pbf-files osm pbf scala spark

Last synced: 30 Apr 2024

Types and utilities for working with 2d geometry in Golang

2d geo geojson geospatial gis mapbox-vector-tile wkb wkt

Last synced: 29 Apr 2024

Simple Features is a pure Go Implementation of the OpenGIS Simple Feature Access Specification

2d geometry gis go golang libgeos library opengis postgis spatial-analysis

Last synced: 29 Apr 2024

Publish Your GIS Data(Vector Data) to PostGIS and Geoserver

gdal geoserver gis golang osgeo postgis

Last synced: 29 Apr 2024

geoserver is a Go library for manipulating a GeoServer instance via the GeoServer REST API.

catalog geography geoserver geoserver-instance gis go golang mapping workspace

Last synced: 29 Apr 2024

An open source Geoservices Implementation (deprecated)

arcgis deprecated geojson geoservices gis javascript server

Last synced: 27 Apr 2024

Tools for editing Shapefile, GeoJSON, TopoJSON and CSV files

csv geojson gis shapefile svg topojson

Last synced: 27 Apr 2024

Examples for PyPRT (Python bindings for CityEngine Procedural Runtime).

arcgis architecture cga cityengine esri examples gis pyprt python python3

Last synced: 27 Apr 2024

Render geojson into SVG using inline or external stylesheet

export geojson gis maps renderer svg

Last synced: 27 Apr 2024

Python bindings for the "Procedural Runtime" (PRT) of CityEngine by Esri.

3d api arcgis architecture cga cityengine esri geometry geometry-processing gis procedural python python3

Last synced: 27 Apr 2024

Simple library for reading and creating GPX files written in PHP.

calculations composer geolocation gis gps gpx gpx-files hacktoberfest php php-library statistics xml

Last synced: 26 Apr 2024

Tutorials for making 3D-looking maps with Blender and QGIS

blender gis maps qgis

Last synced: 26 Apr 2024

The swiss army knife for geospatial raster data.

gdal gis qt raster

Last synced: 22 Apr 2024

Generates inputs for and runs the coupled groundwater-surface water model "GSFLOW"

gis grass hydrologic-modeling hydrology

Last synced: 22 Apr 2024

Geospatial processing toolbox for environmental and climate studies

climate-change environment gis

Last synced: 22 Apr 2024

A Ruby toolkit for managing geospatial metadata

geospatial gis metadata-tool solr

Last synced: 21 Apr 2024

Geospatial primitives and algorithms for Rust

geography geometry geospatial gis rust

Last synced: 20 Apr 2024

A global, public domain map dataset available at three scales and featuring tightly integrated vector and raster data.

dataset gis map naturalearthdata

Last synced: 19 Apr 2024