
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Easy to use Python API wrapper to plot charts with matplotlib, plotly, bokeh and more

bokeh chart matplotlib plotly plotting

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

A repository of awesome panel examples. The apps are running entirely in the browser as webassembly apps. NO SERVER REQUIRED.

analytics bokeh datascience dataviz holoviews holoviz hvplot matplotlib panel plotly pyodide python webassembly

Last synced: 03 Jul 2024

Analyzing the composition of beer recipes and visualize results in a human-friendly way πŸ•΅οΈπŸΊ

analytics beer beer-analytics beer-recipes pandas plotly python

Last synced: 02 Jul 2024

interactive graphing library for .NET programming languages :chart_with_upwards_trend:

csharp d3 dotnet dotnet-core fsharp graph-library plotly plotlyjs webgl

Last synced: 01 Jul 2024

Simple plotting library that wraps Matplotlib and integrated with DataFrames

data-visualization matplotlib pandas plotly python

Last synced: 01 Jul 2024

Instant offline SQL-powered data visualisation in your browser

charting csv data-analysis pivot pivot-table plotly plotting sql sqlite visualization

Last synced: 30 Jun 2024

A HTML dropdown box and JavaScript plotting (plotly.js) for cryptocompare's historical JSON crypto currency price data api

cryptocompare-api cryptocurrency html javascript plotly

Last synced: 28 Jun 2024

Graphing the p-norm unit ball in 2 dimensions is a common exercise introductory analysis. Explore the problem solving process of modeling the 3-dimensional version, a much more difficult problem, using Python.

3d-models mathematics plotly python

Last synced: 27 Jun 2024

Open-source demos hosted on Dash Gallery

dash plotly plotly-dash

Last synced: 23 Jun 2024

Tracking the growth of COVID-19 Cases worldwide

covid covid-19 covidtrends dataviz plotly vue

Last synced: 13 Jun 2024

Interactive Dashboard in R using flexdashboard, shiny and plotly

dashboard flexdashboard plotly r shiny

Last synced: 10 Jun 2024

ChartGPT is a lightweight, handy package to plot your pandas dataframe using natural language queries.

gpt plotly python

Last synced: 08 Jun 2024

Command line application for generating static images of interactive plotly charts


Last synced: 06 Jun 2024

Plotting traces of different smartphone users.

data-analysis-r plotly smartphone

Last synced: 04 Jun 2024

COVID-19 Statistical Analysis Simulator App using R deployed on a John Hopkins University COVID count clone and simulator

covid covidstats dataset graphs plotly r rstudio server shinyapps simulator statistics ui

Last synced: 04 Jun 2024

Statistical methods and visualizations often used in reliability engineering including the well-known weibull analysis and Monte Carlo simulations

field-data-analysis interactive-visualizations plotly r reliability-analysis weibull-analysis weibulltools

Last synced: 03 Jun 2024

Visual data exploration with Virginia's public COVID-19 cases dataset

covid-19 datapane deepnote plotly population virginia

Last synced: 03 Jun 2024

Run JavaScript and TypeScript in node.js within VS Code notebooks with excellent support for debugging, tensorflowjs visulizations, plotly, danfojs, etc

danfojs jupyter notebook plotly tensorflowjs typescript

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

:snake: :bar_chart: :chart_with_upwards_trend: Build complex dashboards without any front-end code. Use your own endpoints. JSON config only. Ready to go.

c3 chart-json charts d3 dashboard dataviz flask plotly visualization

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

Show plotly graph in grafana panel

grafana grafana-panel plotly scatter-plot

Last synced: 02 Jun 2024

PyGWalker: Turn your pandas dataframe into an interactive UI for visual analysis

data-analysis data-exploration dataframe matplotlib pandas plotly tableau tableau-alternative visualization

Last synced: 31 May 2024

A plotly.js React component from Plotly πŸ“ˆ

bioinformatics charting-library d3 data-visualization fintech plotly react

Last synced: 31 May 2024

🐍πŸ–₯ Lightweight GUI for modifying database tables.

cms data database flask gui plotly plotly-dash python3

Last synced: 27 May 2024

Renderers and renderer extensions for JupyterLab

fasta geojson jupyterlab jupyterlab-extension katex plotly vega vega-lite

Last synced: 21 May 2024

Rapidly generate raster images from large datasets in R with Plotly.js

data-visualization plotly plotly-dash r rstats

Last synced: 20 May 2024

Open-source JavaScript charting library behind Plotly and Dash

charting-library charts d3 data-visualization plotly plotly-dash regl visualization webgl

Last synced: 16 May 2024

A set of useful perceptually uniform colormaps for plotting scientific data

bokeh colorcet colormaps holoviz matplotlib plotly

Last synced: 11 May 2024

NLP analysis and dashboard of user's messages (Instagram, iMessage, Android)

dash messages nlp nltk plotly

Last synced: 10 May 2024

A Python package for interactive mapping and geospatial analysis with minimal coding in a Jupyter environment

data-science dataviz folium geoparquet geopython geospatial geospatial-analysis gis ipyleaflet jupyter jupyter-notebook leafmap mapping plotly python streamlit streamlit-webapp whiteboxtools

Last synced: 10 May 2024

The interactive graphing library for Python :sparkles: This project now includes Plotly Express!

d3 dashboard declarative graph-library interactive jupyter-notebook plotly plotly-dash plotlyjs python regl sparkles visualization webgl

Last synced: 08 May 2024

Make Dash applications from a user-friendly config file :book: :snake:

dash flask plotly visualization webapp yaml

Last synced: 08 May 2024

Panel: The powerful data exploration & web app framework for Python

bokeh control-panels dashboards dataapp datascience dataviz gui holoviews holoviz hvplot jupyter matplotlib panel plotly

Last synced: 06 May 2024

A curated list of awesome Dash (plotly) resources

awesome awesome-list plotly python

Last synced: 05 May 2024

An interactive graphing library for R

d3js data-visualization ggplot2 javascript plotly r r-package rstats shiny webgl

Last synced: 02 May 2024

Interactive Heat Maps for R Using plotly

cran d3-heatmap dendextend dendrogram ggplot2 heatmap plotly r

Last synced: 02 May 2024

Fable bindings written in the Feliz-style for plotly.js.

dsl elmish-applications fable feliz fsharp graphing plotly plotlyjs react type-safe visualization

Last synced: 29 Apr 2024

Vizro is a toolkit for creating modular data visualization applications.

dashboard data-visualization plotly plotly-dash pydantic python visualization

Last synced: 28 Apr 2024

The Open Energy Tracker is an open data platform for monitoring and visualizing energy policy targets.

data visualization dataset energy plotly policy python renewable energy

Last synced: 22 Apr 2024

Quickly build Explainable AI dashboards that show the inner workings of so-called "blackbox" machine learning models.

dash dashboard data-scientists explainer inner-workings interactive-dashboards interactive-plots model-predictions permutation-importances plotly shap shap-values xai xai-library

Last synced: 18 Apr 2024

PyGWalker: Turn your pandas dataframe into an interactive UI for visual analysis

data-analysis data-exploration dataframe matplotlib pandas plotly tableau tableau-alternative visualization

Last synced: 16 Apr 2024

Issue tracker for Plotly's open-source documentation.

documentation plotly

Last synced: 16 Apr 2024

create a interactive coverage plot dashboard from bam files and add gb, vcf and bed tracks

bam-files bed-files coverage-report dashboard genbank-files interactive plotly vcf-files

Last synced: 16 Apr 2024

Tutorials on visualizing data using python packages like bokeh, plotly, seaborn and igraph

exploratory-data-analysis plotly tutorial visualisation

Last synced: 15 Apr 2024

Free, open-source SQL client for Windows and Mac πŸ¦…

electron falcon mysql-client plotly postgresql redshift sql visualization

Last synced: 15 Apr 2024

Plotly Dash components based on Mantine React Components

dash mantine plotly plotly-dash python

Last synced: 10 Apr 2024

Wrapper around react-flexbox-grid for Plotly Dash

css-grid dash flexbox-grid plotly plotly-dash react react-components reactjs

Last synced: 10 Apr 2024

This library packages the well-known charting library plotly.js into a razor component that can be used in a Blazor project.

aspnet aspnetcore blazor blazor-application blazor-webassembly chart charting-library charts csharp data-visualization dotnet dotnet-core microsoft plot plotly razor visual-studio visualization webassembly webgl

Last synced: 10 Apr 2024

Interactive geoscatter plot/map for National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty's campaign targeting local anti-panhandling laws

geodata homelessness mapping nonprofit plotly python

Last synced: 07 Apr 2024

A set of useful perceptually uniform colormaps for plotting scientific data

bokeh colorcet colormaps holoviz matplotlib plotly

Last synced: 06 Apr 2024

Create data science and AI web apps in R

dash data-science data-visualization plotly plotly-dash python r react web-application

Last synced: 01 Apr 2024

A Django REST API with an embedded ML model for sentiment analysis of movie reviews.

dash dashboard django django-rest-framework machine-learning nlp pandas plotly powerbi python

Last synced: 01 Apr 2024

Examples and data for geom_net

cran ggplot2 networks plotly visualization

Last synced: 31 Mar 2024

Extracts colors from various image types, plots treemaps and 3D scatterplots of color compositions, create color palettes.

3d-scatter-plot colors plotly rstats treemap

Last synced: 31 Mar 2024

Sentiment Analysis application created with Python and Dash, hosted at

dashboards plotly plotly-dash python3

Last synced: 30 Mar 2024

Aplicaçáes de exemplo utilizando o pacote DadosAbertosBrasil

camara dados-abertos dashboard deputados ibge ipea ipeadata plotly plotly-dash

Last synced: 28 Mar 2024

3d without friction (Torch, TF, Jax, Numpy)

3d nerf plotly

Last synced: 27 Mar 2024

Plotly Express - Simple syntax for complex charts. Now integrated into!

data-visualization jupyter plotly plotly-dash plotly-express visualization

Last synced: 24 Mar 2024

ERT webviz plugins

dash ert fmu hacktoberfest plotly webviz

Last synced: 24 Mar 2024

Examples and data for geom_net

cran ggplot2 networks plotly visualization

Last synced: 23 Mar 2024

Generate an interactive dot plot from mummer or minimap alignments

dotplot mummer plotly

Last synced: 18 Mar 2024

dynamic network topology from IGP information

d3js flask isis netflow nornir plotly pmacct pyez python sqlite3

Last synced: 17 Mar 2024

OBSOLETE: now part of

dash data-science data-visualization plotly plotly-dash python react table

Last synced: 16 Mar 2024