
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

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Last synced: 4 days ago
JSON representation

  • ActionScript

    • flixel - flixel is a free Actionscript (Flash) library that I distilled from a variety of Flash games that I've worked on over the last couple years, including Gravity Hook, Fathom and Canabalt. It's primary function is to provide some useful base classes that you can extend to make your own game objects.
  • Arduino

  • Assembly

    • Apollo-11 - Original Apollo 11 Guidance Computer (AGC) source code for the command and lunar modules.
    • hello-world - Hello world in every computer language. Thanks to everyone who contributes to this, make sure to see for contribution instructions!
  • Awk

    • CMakeLatex - Simple CMake configuration for Latex
  • C

    • ingenialink - Applications library for Ingenia servo drives
    • SOES - Simple Open Source EtherCAT Slave
    • SOEM - Simple Open Source EtherCAT Master
    • UlticampyV3 - 3Dprinter Ulticampy V3
    • mongo-c-driver - A high-performance MongoDB driver for C
    • linuxcnc - LinuxCNC controls CNC machines. It can drive milling machines, lathes, 3d printers, laser cutters, plasma cutters, robot arms, hexapods, and more.
    • openpilot - open source driving agent
    • torch7 -
    • Issue-Printer - Bringing GitHub issues in the physical world
    • git - Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository and all pull requests are ignored. Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improvements.
    • linux - Linux kernel source tree
    • fril - Fork of FRIL from Stanford University
    • mimic - Mycroft's TTS engine, based on CMU's Flite (Festival Lite)
  • C# #

    • Dynamo - Open Source Graphical Programming for Design
  • C++

    • pilz_robots - PILZ robot manipulator module PRBT in ROS
    • tesseract - Light Weight Environment for ROS
    • freeopcua - Open Source C++ OPC-UA Server and Client Library
    • ensenso_nx - ROS package for Point Cloud acquisition from Ensenso Nx cameras
    • ros_driver - Official ROS driver for Ensenso stereo cameras.
    • mutable_robot_state_publisher - This fork of the standard ROS robot_state_publisher adds the ability to dynamically change the URDF at runtime, by adding joint and linkage trees. Hotswapping end-effectors on a robot's arm is now possible without needing to restart the robot_state_publisher.
    • europa
    • dnn_detect
    • libfranka - C++ library for Franka Emika research robots
    • franka_ros - ROS integration for Franka Emika research robots
    • restbed - Corvusoft's Restbed framework brings asynchronous RESTful functionality to C++11 applications.
    • mastering_ros - This repository contains exercise files of the book "Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming"
    • spencer_people_tracking - Multi-modal ROS-based people detection and tracking framework for mobile robots developed within the context of the EU FP7 project SPENCER.
    • mongo-cxx-driver - C++ Driver for MongoDB
    • ci_helloworld - A simple example of how to setup a complete CI environment for C and C++
    • CloudCompare - CloudCompare main repository
    • iiwa_stack - ROS Indigo/Kinetic metapackage for the KUKA LBR IIWA R800/R820 (7/14 Kg).
    • ar_track_alvar - AR tag tracking library for ROS
    • loam_velodyne - Laser Odometry and Mapping (Loam) is a realtime method for state estimation and mapping using a 3D lidar.
    • pcl - Point Cloud Library (PCL)
    • drake - A planning, control, and analysis toolbox for nonlinear dynamical systems. More info at
    • Slic3r - Open Source toolpath generator for 3D printers
    • dbrt - Depth-Based Bayesian Robot Tracking
    • dbot_ros - ROS package of Depth-Based Bayesian Object Tracking
    • CoRoSensorUI - Source Files of CoRo's User Interface
    • ROS_Packages - Repository containing some of CoRo's ROS Packages
    • irobotcreate2ros - Ros node for iRobot Create 2
    • tango_ros - ROS related software for Tango
    • Elemental - Distributed-memory, arbitrary-precision, dense and sparse-direct linear algebra, conic optimization, and lattice reduction
    • omip - Framework for Online Interactive Perception (OMIP) for robots and system to perceive kinematic structures of articulated objects from interactions. For more info on the framework and the system see
    • PlotJuggler - Awesome timeseries visualization
    • reactive_grasp
    • avr-stl - The C++ Standard Template Library for the Arduino
    • BCN3D-Moveo - Open Source 3D Printed Robotic Arm for educational purposes
    • casadi - CasADi is a symbolic framework for numeric optimization implementing automatic differentiation in forward and reverse modes on sparse matrix-valued computational graphs. It supports self-contained C-code generation and interfaces state-of-the-art codes such as SUNDIALS, IPOPT etc. It can be used from C++, Python or Matlab/Octave.
    • stream-manipulator-3D - Filter and manipulate a stream of point clouds online.
    • robotiq - ROS-Industrial Robotiq meta-package (
    • tensorflow - An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
    • antimony - CAD from a parallel universe
    • cgal - The public CGAL repository, see the README below
    • markov_decision_making - Markov Decision Making
    • Ravelin - Robotics Matrix Vector Linear Algebra library
    • kuka_lwr_rtnet - Xenomai and RTNet Interface for Kuka LBR IV Arms
    • pacman_vision - Collection of vision oriented utilities for the PaCMan project
    • ompl - The Open Motion Planning Library (OMPL), mirror of:
    • orocos_kinematics_dynamics - Orocos Kinematics and Dynamics C++ library
    • libgp - Gaussian process library for machine learning
    • perception-neuron-ros - This repository contains two ROS Modules: a Windows ROS Serial Module, which sends the Perception Neuron BVH Data to a ROS Serial Server and a ROS BVH tf package.
    • vito-robot - This robot is the testbed of the PaCMan project @ CentroPiaggio, UNIPI
    • decision_making
    • apple
    • lbr_iiwa
    • ros_control - Generic and simple controls framework for ROS
    • Klampt - Kris' Locomotion and Manipulation Planning Toolkit
    • acado - ACADO Toolkit is a software environment and algorithm collection for automatic control and dynamic optimization. It provides a general framework for using a great variety of algorithms for direct optimal control, including model predictive control, state and parameter estimation and robust optimization.
    • kautham - The Kautham project
    • rpg_svo - Semi-direct Visual Odometry
    • kuka_experimental - Experimental packages for KUKA manipulators within ROS-Industrial (
    • iai_kinect2 - Tools for using the Kinect One (Kinect v2) in ROS
    • Sophus - C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
    • electron - Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
    • ROSRagnarEDU - ROS interface for Ragnar EDU
    • imu_tools - ROS tools for IMU devices
    • tesseract - Light Weight Environment for ROS
    • ur_modern_driver - The new driver for the UR3/UR5/UR10 robot arms from universal robots
    • trajopt_ros - Trajectory Optimization Motion Planner for ROS
    • trajopt_ros - Trajectory Optimization Motion Planner for ROS
  • CMake

    • arduino-cmake - CMake-based build tool-chain for Arduino
    • indi-aldiroof - An INDI driver for an astronomical observatory roof powered by an Aldi special 550w electric hoist
    • human_hand - modular, articulated human hand model
  • Dart

    • flutter - Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful mobile apps.
  • Eagle

  • HTML

    • git-it-electron - :computer: :mortar_board: Git-it is a (Mac, Win, Linux) Desktop App for Learning Git and GitHub
    • js-samples - Samples for the Google Maps JavaScript v3 API (formerly known as 'gmaps-samples-v3')
    • styleguide - Style guides for Google-originated open-source projects
  • Java

    • gitpitch - The Markdown Presentation Service For Everyone on GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, GitBucket, Gitea, and Gogs.
    • sentilo - Sentilo platform
    • liferay-portal
  • JavaScript

    • node-red - A visual tool for wiring the Internet of Things
    • MathJax - Beautiful math in all browsers
    • cool-ascii-faces - ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ
    • e-cidadania - e-cidadania is an open-source e-democracy web application made on top of the django framework for participative processes like assemblies, debates, participative budgets, etc. Licensed under Apache 2.0
    • impress.js - It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind
    • tips - Most commonly used git tips and tricks.
    • startbootstrap-agency - A one page HTML theme for agencies created by Start Bootstrap
    • compiler-explorer - Run compilers interactively from your web browser and interact with the assembly
  • Jupyter Notebook

  • Mathematica

    • iDynTreeDevel - iDynTreeDevel is a Mathematica Package for Performing Efficient Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis of Tree-Topology Multi-Body Systems
  • Matlab

  • Others

  • Python

  • Ruby

    • decidim-barcelona - Decidim Barcelona - Direct and participatory democracy web platform based on Decidim framework
  • Rust

    • rust - A safe, concurrent, practical language.
  • Shell

  • TypeScript

  • Vim script

    • dotFiles - Vim, Zsh, Tmux Cofiguration