An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.
A currated list of my GitHub stars
Last synced: 1 day ago
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- faisalmemon/ios-crash-dump-analysis-book - iOS Crash Dump Analysis Book
- liyanage/ipython-notebook - IPython Notebook in a convenient Mac app
- prasmussen/chrome-cli - Control Google Chrome from the command line
- jdberry/tag - A command line tool to manipulate tags on Mac OS X files, and to query for files with those tags.
- chrishulbert/SkeletonKey - Skeleton Key iPhone password manager with Dropbox
- jigish/slate - A window management application (replacement for Divvy/SizeUp/ShiftIt)
- felixhageloh/uebersicht - ˈyːbɐˌzɪçt
- raylene/eng-handbook - A developer's guide to management: an open-sourced handbook for leading software engineering teams.
- dabeaz/blog - David Beazley's blog.
- kepano/kepano-obsidian - My personal Obsidian vault template. A bottom-up approach to note-taking and organizing things I am interested in.
- jobindjohn/obsidian-publish-mkdocs - A Template to Publish Obsidian/Foam Notes on Github Pages (uses MkDocs)
- arcataroger/awesome-engineering-games - A curated list of engineering-related video games rated Very Positive or higher on Steam
- awesome-foss/awesome-sysadmin - A curated list of amazingly awesome open-source sysadmin resources.
- jdriselvato/FFmpeg-For-Beginners-Ebook - Open source release of FFmpeg For Beginners - Edit Audio & Video Like a Pro for Youtube and Social Media
- colindean/problem-diagnosis-remedy-proposal - A clear, generally concise proposal format to win hearts and minds
- MobiusSync/MobiusSync - Syncthing for iOS
- larryboyko/dimityjones - electronic escape novel requiring readers to solve puzzles before reading the next chapter
- ml-tooling/best-of-python - 🏆 A ranked list of awesome Python open-source libraries and tools. Updated weekly.
- rayfrankenstein/AITOW
- thoughtbot/til - Today I Learned
- christophercalm/if-im-gone - A cheat sheet for if I am somehow incapacitated.
- JeffPaine/beautiful_idiomatic_python - Notes from Raymond Hettinger's talk at PyCon US 2013.
- veltman/clmystery - A command-line murder mystery
- willemlarsen/mobprogrammingrpg - A game for exploring the development practice of mob programming
- bradfitz/issue-tracker-behaviors
- btw-so/open-source-alternatives - List of open-source alternatives to everyday SaaS products.
- SquadcastHub/awesome-sre-tools - A curated list of Site Reliability and Production Engineering Tools
- Haxxnet/Compose-Examples - Various Docker Compose examples of selfhosted FOSS and proprietary projects.
- learn-anything/command-line-tools - Awesome Command Line Utilities
- learn-anything/blogs - Awesome Blogs
- learn-anything/books - Awesome Books
- guidoism/wildwood - Layout of an existing house using measurements and math (and Metapost)
- oroszgy/awesome-hungarian-nlp - A curated list of NLP resources for Hungarian
- elixirschool/elixirschool - The content behind Elixir School
- DovAmir/awesome-design-patterns - A curated list of software and architecture related design patterns.
- ept/ddia-references - Literature references for “Designing Data-Intensive Applications”
- photopea/photopea - Photopea is online image editor
- shubhamgrg04/awesome-diagramming - A curated collection of diagramming tools used by leading software engineering teams
- jhuangtw/xg2xg - by ex-googlers, for ex-googlers - a lookup table of similar tech & services
- VonHeikemen/nvim-starter - Neovim example configuration. To help you start in your journey
- notable/notable - The Markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck.
- fastily/cheatsheet - 📜 A compendium of CLI commands I can't stop looking up
- bregman-arie/sre-checklist - A checklist of anyone practicing Site Reliability Engineering
- jorgef/engineeringladders - A framework for Engineering Managers
- timvisee/send-instances - 🌍 A list of public Send instances. Mirror.
- brave/goggles-quickstart - Educational material to learn about Goggles and how to create your own.
- hwayne/awesome-cold-showers - For when people get too hyped up about things
- onceupon/Bash-Oneliner - A collection of handy Bash One-Liners and terminal tricks for data processing and Linux system maintenance.
- rothgar/awesome-tuis - List of projects that provide terminal user interfaces
- redecentralize/alternative-internet - A collection of interesting new networks and tech aiming at decentralisation (in some form).
- paladin-t/fantasy - A curated list of available fantasy consoles/computers.
- seiyria/awesome-boardgame-development - An awesome list of board game development resources.
- public-api-lists/public-api-lists - A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development 🚀
- fogus/thunks - posts and code related to personal studies
- jesselpalmer/the-engineering-managers-booklist - Books for people who are or aspire to manage/lead team(s) of software engineers
- kosmos/awesome-generative-art - Awesome generative art
- ibraheemdev/modern-unix - A collection of modern/faster/saner alternatives to common unix commands.
- mateusz-brainhub/awesome-cto-resources - :bulb: A community-curated list of awesome resources to help you grow as a CTO
- itamarst/pandoc-book-template - LaTeX setup for Pandoc to produce reasonable-looking book PDFs
- cerebroapp/awesome-cerebro - Curated list of Cerebro plugins and resources
- nanotee/nvim-lua-guide - A guide to using Lua in Neovim
- checkcheckzz/system-design-interview - System design interview for IT companies
- sdmg15/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit - :link: Some useful websites for programmers.
- matheusfelipeog/beautiful-docs - Pointers to useful, well-written, and otherwise beautiful documentation.
- mkhorasani/excel_word_automation - Integrate Excel with Word to generate automated reports seamlessly
- lindelof/awesome-web-effect - A series of exquisite and compact web page cool effects
- chubin/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit - :link: Some useful websites for programmers.
- flamableconcrete/awesome-online-board-games - Play board games online with friends!
- romainl/idiomatic-vimrc - Guidelines for sculpting your very own ~/.vimrc.
- reHackable/awesome-reMarkable - A curated list of projects related to the reMarkable tablet
- iggredible/Learn-Vim - Learning Vim and Vimscript doesn't have to be hard. This is the guide that you're looking for 📖
- elyase/awesome-gpt3
- chubin/awesome-console-services - A curated list of awesome console services (reachable via HTTP, HTTPS and other network protocols)
- ksindi/managers-playbook - :book: Heuristics for effective management
- thewhitetulip/awk-anti-textbook - learn awk by example
- practical-tutorials/project-based-learning - Curated list of project-based tutorials
- AlgoryL/Projects-from-Scratch - Read and do projects.
- hakluke/how-to-exit-vim - Below are some simple methods for exiting vim.
- joeycastillo/The-Open-Book
- viraptor/reverse-interview - Questions to ask the company during your interview
- dhamaniasad/awesome-webcomics - A curated list of awesome webcomics
- PacktPublishing/Microsoft-Power-BI-Cookbook - Microsoft Power BI Cookbook, published by Packt
- Apress/beg-dax-with-powerbi - Source code for 'Beginning DAX with PowerBI' by Philip Seamark
- mdibaiee/awesome-lite-websites - A list of awesome lightweight websites without all the bloat
- trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge - A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
- nemild/cli_for_full_stack
- rothgar/awesome-tmux - A list of awesome resources for tmux
- trimstray/test-your-sysadmin-skills - A collection of Linux Sysadmin Test Questions and Answers. Test your knowledge and skills in different fields with these Q/A.
- drminnaar/guides - A repository of technical guides for various technologies
- arogozhnikov/python3_with_pleasure - A short guide on features of Python 3 with examples
- k88hudson/git-flight-rules - Flight rules for git
- matthiasn/talk-transcripts - Transcripts of Clojure-related talks
- alex/what-happens-when - An attempt to answer the age old interview question "What happens when you type into your browser and press enter?"
- thepracticaldev/orly-full-res - Full resolution images of the O RLY book covers made by The Practical Dev
- mattharrison/Tiny-Python-3.6-Notebook - This repository contains the text for the Tiny Python 3.6 Notebook.
- Idnan/bash-guide - A guide to learn bash
- noctuid/evil-guide - Draft of a guide for using emacs with evil
- tomscii/banks2ledger - Convert bank account CSV to ledger with probabilistic payment matching
- Olshansk/interview - Everything you need to prepare for your technical interview
- jlevy/the-art-of-command-line - Master the command line, in one page
- jwasham/coding-interview-university - A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
- valignatev/ddd-dynamic - Domain Driven Design in Python, Ruby and other dynamic languages resources
- graphitefriction/asciidoctor-epub3 - Asciidoctor EPUB3 is a set of Asciidoctor extensions for converting AsciiDoc to EPUB3 & KF8/MOBI.
- yhatt/marp - The site of classic Markdown presentation writer app
- dbohdan/structured-text-tools - A list of command-line tools for manipulating structured text data
- pditommaso/awesome-pipeline - A curated list of awesome pipeline toolkits inspired by Awesome Sysadmin
- openwdl/wdl - Specification for the Workflow Description Language (WDL).
- first20hours/google-10000-english - This repo contains a list of the 10,000 most common English words in order of frequency, as determined by n-gram frequency analysis of the Google's Trillion Word Corpus.
- sindresorhus/awesome-scifi - Sci-Fi worth consuming
- braydie/HowToBeAProgrammer - A guide on how to be a Programmer - originally published by Robert L Read
- paul-nechifor/ohmu - View space usage in your terminal.
- jnv/lists - The definitive list of lists (of lists) curated on GitHub and elsewhere
- sindresorhus/awesome - 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
- fniessen/refcard-org-babel - Org Babel reference card
- HappenApps/Quiver - Quiver documentation and issue tracker
- redguardtoo/mastering-emacs-in-one-year-guide - Be great at emacs in one year
- ligurio/sqa-wiki - My own notes (drafts mostly) about software quality
- vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc-legacy - [UNSUPPORTED/use vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc] vim bundle for pandoc users
- dahu/LearnVim - A Suggested Path for Learning Vim
- limetext/lime - Open source API-compatible alternative to the text editor Sublime Text
- kirang89/pycrumbs - Bits and bytes of Python from the Internet
- zsoltika/readability - arc90's readability running on ruby in harmony
- zsoltika/ruby-readability - Port of arc90's readability project to ruby
- karan/Projects - :page_with_curl: A list of practical projects that anyone can solve in any programming language.
- rubocop/ruby-style-guide - A community-driven Ruby coding style guide
- Zettt/km-macros - My favorite Keyboard Maestro macros.
- zsoltika/dotfiles - .files, including ~/.osx — sensible hacker defaults for OS X
- Togo/eve - We have moved the repo and added a nice front page:
- Lokaltog/vim-powerline - Moved to powerline/powerline.
- mattharrison/epub-css-starter-kit - A css file that should work for most epub readers
- alevchuk/vim-clutch - A hardware pedal for improved text editing in Vim
- zsoltika/guardian-for-kindle - A script to generate an edition of the Guardian for reading on the Amazon Kindle using the Guardian Open Platform
- zsoltika/VimOrganizer - -- partial clone of Emacs' Org-mode
- tayllan/awesome-algorithms - A curated list of awesome places to learn and/or practice algorithms.
- rockerBOO/awesome-neovim - Collections of awesome neovim plugins.
- LappleApple/awesome-leading-and-managing - Awesome List of resources on leading people and being a manager. Geared toward tech, but potentially useful to anyone.
- springload/awesome-wagtail - A curated list of awesome packages, articles, and other cool resources from the Wagtail community.
- Awesome-Windows/Awesome - :computer: 🎉 An awesome & curated list of best applications and tools for Windows.
- therebelrobot/awesome-workshopper - A list of CLI workshopper/adventure tutorials for various things. Inspired by awesome.
- ahkscript/awesome-AutoHotkey - A curated list of awesome AutoHotkey libraries, library distributions, scripts, tools and resources.
- DopplerHQ/awesome-interview-questions - :octocat: A curated awesome list of lists of interview questions. Feel free to contribute! :mortar_board:
- ossu/computer-science - 🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
- alebcay/awesome-shell - A curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos. Inspired by awesome-php.
- awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted - A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
- prakhar1989/awesome-courses - :books: List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!
- emacs-tw/awesome-emacs - A community driven list of useful Emacs packages, libraries and other items.
- cjbarber/ToolsOfTheTrade - Tools of The Trade, from Hacker News.
- LewisJEllis/awesome-lua - A curated list of quality Lua packages and resources.
- ratatui/awesome-ratatui - A curated list of TUI apps and libraries built with Ratatui
- kepano/40-questions - Questions that I ask myself at the end of each year and each decade.
- marekbrze/categorized-obsidian-plugins - Easily find Obsidian plugins!🚀
- awesome-scripts/awesome-userscripts - 📖 A curated list of Awesome Userscripts.
- diepala/cantor - Cantor keyboard, a 42 key diodeless split keyboard.
- Emacs101/howm-manual - Note-taking in Emacs with howm package
- oldwinter/knowledge-garden - 我的第二大脑 second brain,我的数字花园 digital garden,用obsidian双链笔记软件写作而成
- zero-equals-false/awesome-programming-books - 📚 A curated list of awesome programming books (Algorithms and data structures, Artificial intelligence, Software Architecture, Human–computer interaction, Operating Systems, Database Systems, IT Secur
- kdeldycke/awesome-falsehood - 😱 Falsehoods Programmers Believe in
- hundredrabbits/awesome-uxn - Awesome things from the community
- tBaxter/questions-for-employers - A big collection of useful questions to ask potential employers.
- obsidian-community/web-clipper-templates - Community collection of templates for the official Obsidian web clipper.
- SilverAzide/Gadgets - Gadgets for Rainmeter
- Legend0804/Theme-Kanagawa
- joelparkerhenderson/causal-analysis-based-on-system-theory - Causal Analysis based on System Theory (CAST)
- groepl/Obsidian-Zettelkasten-Starter-Kit - A Starter Kit for Obsidian with all essential elements to build up your own Zettelkasten system.
- rumca-js/Internet-Places-Database - Database of Internet places. Mostly domains
- Textualize/textual-serve - Serve Textual apps locally
- rio-labs/rio - WebApps in pure Python. No JavaScript, HTML and CSS needed
- benjie-git/CardStock - CardStock is a cross-platform tool for quickly and easily building programs. It provides a drawing-program-like editor for visually laying out your programs' parts, and a code editor for adding event-
- halfburnttoast/Dungeon-Cross - A Python-based reimplementation of Zachtronic's Dungeons and Diagrams
- amirkarimi/browser-hub - A Browser wrapper that allows you run multiple browser instances hassle-free
- iktakahiro/dddpy - Python DDD Example and Techniques
- zotroneneis/magical_universe - Awesome Python features explained using the world of magic
- tedivm/robs_awesome_python_template - A Highly Configurable Python Template: Optionally use FastAPI, SQLAlchemy 2, Pydantic, Typer, Celery, and more depending on your application's needs!
- da-rth/yasb - A highly configurable cross-platform (Windows) status bar written in Python.
- pydantic/FastUI - Build better UIs faster.
- ayushgun/easygmail - A lightweight, minimalistic, and synchronous Python package for quickly sending emails via Gmail.
- imgurbot12/pypub - Python library to programatically create epub files
- SteveJob/ebooklib - Python E-book library for handling books in EPUB2/EPUB3 format -
- ChenyangGao/python-epub3 - An awsome epub3 library.
- gutenbergtools/ebookmaker - The Project Gutenberg tool to generate EPUBs and other ebook formats.
- railsware/mailtrap-python - Official Python client
- anqxyr/mkepub - Simple minimalistic library for creating EPUB3 files
- HarshCasper/Rotten-Scripts - Scripts that will make you go WOW!
- ctuncan/bga_bgstats - Create a bgsplay file containing games played on Board Game Arena to import to BG Stats
- liiight/notifiers - The easy way to send notifications
- aerkalov/ebooklib - Python E-book library for handling books in EPUB2/EPUB3 format -
- eschluntz/compress - Text compression for generating keyboard expansions
- yazdipour/OmnivoreQL - @Omnivore-app API client for Python
- atiumcache/pure-recipe - Input a recipe URL and receive well-formatted, ad-free recipes to your terminal, or save the output to a markdown file.
- tkellogg/fossil - A mastodon client optimized for reading, with an AI-enabled algorithm for displaying posts
- Avaiga/taipy - Turns Data and AI algorithms into production-ready web applications in no time.
- PySimpleGUI/PySimpleGUI - Python GUIs for Humans! PySimpleGUI is the top-rated Python application development environment. Launched in 2018 and actively developed, maintained, and supported in 2024. Transforms tkinter, Qt, WxP
- joelibaceta/webcam-fixed-terminal - Multi terminal experience
- cbh123/narrator - David Attenborough narrates your life
- jackdoe/programming-for-kids - book for parents and kids.
- pysan3/Norg-Tutorial - Norg tutorial with kickstart configuration.
- getnikola/blog-template - A template for a Nikola-based blog (with Netlify support)
- gvwilson/sdxpy - Software Design by Example: a tool-based introduction with Python
- techiescamp/python-for-devops - Python for DevOps repo with useful python scripts to learn and implement in your day-to-day devops automation tasks.
- Py-Contributors/awesomeScripts - A Collection of Awesome Scripts in Python to Ease Daily-Life. Create an issue If you have some great ideas for the new script. Leave a :star:
- MajorcaDevs/dvd - Small utility to generate dvd screensaver videos or live streamings
- saulpw/visidata - A terminal spreadsheet multitool for discovering and arranging data
- kantord/SeaGOAT - local-first semantic code search engine
- ytdl-org/youtube-dl - Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites
- learnbyexample/TUI-apps - Terminal User Interface (TUI) apps
- mkdocs/catalog - :trophy: :books: A list of awesome MkDocs projects and plugins.
- qutebrowser/qutebrowser - A keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on Python and Qt.
- simonw/simonwillisonblog - The source code behind my blog
- Serra-Technologies/serra - Build elegant data pipelines
- bregman-arie/devops-exercises - Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
- rhettinger/modernpython - Sample code for the video course: Modern Python: Big Ideas, Little Code
- All-About-Berlin/ursus - Static site generator for All About Berlin
- danswer-ai/danswer - Gen-AI Chat for Teams - Think ChatGPT if it had access to your team's unique knowledge.
- zylon-ai/private-gpt - Interact with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks
- PromtEngineer/localGPT - Chat with your documents on your local device using GPT models. No data leaves your device and 100% private.
- qtile/qtile-examples - Example configurations and scripts for Qtile
- 1j01/textual-paint - :art: MS Paint in your terminal.
- dora-team/fourkeys - Platform for monitoring the four key software delivery metrics of software delivery
- papajohn/composing-programs-published - Published version of composing programs textbook
- spyder-ide/spyder - Official repository for Spyder - The Scientific Python Development Environment
- JessicaTegner/pypandoc - Thin wrapper for "pandoc" (MIT)
- devidw/obsidian-to-hugo - Process Obsidian notes to publish them with Hugo. Supports transformation of Obsidian wiki links into Hugo shortcodes for internal linking.
- hodgesmr/mastodon_digest - A Python script that aggregates recent popular posts from your Mastodon timeline
- danielgatis/rembg - Rembg is a tool to remove images background
- Kanaries/pygwalker - PyGWalker: Turn your pandas dataframe into an interactive UI for visual analysis
- kuzmoyev/google-calendar-simple-api - Pythonic wrapper for the Google Calendar API
- willmcgugan/textual-markdown
- karpathy/nanoGPT - The simplest, fastest repository for training/finetuning medium-sized GPTs.
- alexmojaki/futurecoder - 100% free and interactive Python course for beginners
- O365/python-o365 - A simple python library to interact with Microsoft Graph and Office 365 API
- StackStorm/st2 - StackStorm (aka "IFTTT for Ops") is event-driven automation for auto-remediation, incident responses, troubleshooting, deployments, and more for DevOps and SREs. Includes rules engine, workflow, 160 i
- OceanSprint/tesh - TEstable SHell sessions in Markdown
- brycedrennan/imaginAIry - Pythonic AI generation of images and videos
- StephenBarnes/Zendo-inspired - Two inductive logic games - the computer chooses a rule, and you try to infer the rule by testing examples.
- kellyjonbrazil/jc - CLI tool and python library that converts the output of popular command-line tools, file-types, and common strings to JSON, YAML, or Dictionaries. This allows piping of output to tools like jq and sim
- PyGithub/PyGithub - Typed interactions with the GitHub API v3
- tazzben/DepreciateForLedger - Depreciation tool to for Ledger
- unit8co/darts - A python library for user-friendly forecasting and anomaly detection on time series.
- SamirPaulb/DSAlgo - 📚A repository that contains all the Data Structures and Algorithms concepts and solutions to various problems in Python3 stored in a structured manner.👨💻🎯
- dtinth/comic-mono-font - A legible monospace font... the very typeface you’ve been trained to recognize since childhood
- dosisod/refurb - A tool for refurbishing and modernizing Python codebases
- marph91/joppy - Python interface for the Joplin client and server API
- Ben-Gillman/onenote_to_markdown - Script to convert MS Onenote notebooks to Joplin
- polkerty/dog-bunny-puzzle-solver
- Miksus/red-mail - Advanced email sending for Python
- eon01/kubernetes-workshop - ⚙️ A Gentle introduction to Kubernetes with more than just the basics. 🌟 Give it a star if you like it.
- jina-ai/discoart - 🪩 Create Disco Diffusion artworks in one line
- Asabeneh/30-Days-Of-Python - 30 days of Python programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn the Python programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than100 days, follow your own pace. These videos may
- TheAlgorithms/Python - All Algorithms implemented in Python
- synchronizing/bluelink - 🚙 Control your Hyundai car via Python.
- mljar/mercury - Convert Jupyter Notebooks to Web Apps
- JakobGlock/Generative-Art - A selection of generative art scripts written in Python
- VagishVela/wtpython - Automatically find solutions when your Python code encounters an issue.
- tarioch/beancounttools - Beancount Tools
- lxgr-linux/pokete - A terminal based Pokemon like game
- HoraceAndTheSpider/Amiberry-XML-Builder - Python script to scan LHA files for WHDLoad integration in Amiberry
- afroisalreadyinu/miniboss - The most versatile way to manage containers locally
- huspacy/huspacy - HuSpaCy: industrial-strength Hungarian natural language processing
- harelba/q - q - Run SQL directly on delimited files and multi-file sqlite databases
- datapane/datapane - Build and share data reports in 100% Python
- Textualize/rich-cli - Rich-cli is a command line toolbox for fancy output in the terminal
- Bycelium/PyFlow - An open-source tool for visual and modular block programming in python
- Delgan/loguru - Python logging made (stupidly) simple
- kellyjonbrazil/jellex - TUI to filter JSON and JSON Lines data with Python syntax
- kellyjonbrazil/jello - CLI tool to filter JSON and JSON Lines data with Python syntax. (Similar to jq)
- dabeaz/dataklasses - A different spin on dataclasses.
- hynek/structlog - Simple, powerful, and fast logging for Python.
- dccsillag/magma-nvim - Interact with Jupyter from NeoVim.
- bczsalba/asztal - Minimal Kréta client written in Python.
- bczsalba/pytermgui - Python TUI framework with mouse support, modular widget system, customizable and rapid terminal markup language and more!
- sebastien/urwide - Extensions for URWID
- pydantic/pydantic - Data validation using Python type hints
- stevearc/gkeep.nvim - Google Keep integration for Neovim
- LeviBorodenko/primify - Embed any image into a prime number.
- rr-/pq-cli - Progress Quest: the CLI edition
- k2bd/action-python-poetry - Template repo to quickly make a tested and documented GitHub action in Python with Poetry
- sanic-org/tracerite - Tracebacks for Humans (in Jupyter notebooks)
- Textualize/textual - The lean application framework for Python. Build sophisticated user interfaces with a simple Python API. Run your apps in the terminal and a web browser.
- GoogleCloudPlatform/professional-services-data-validator - Utility to compare data between homogeneous or heterogeneous environments to ensure source and target tables match
- ms-jpq/coq_nvim - Fast as FUCK nvim completion. SQLite, concurrent scheduler, hundreds of hours of optimization.
- beancount/smart_importer - Augment Beancount importers with machine learning functionality.
- yangman946/WallPaperChanger - Changes your desktop wallpaper based on the weather.
- piccolomo/plotext - plotting on terminal
- epilys/bibliothecula - document organizer with tags and full-text-search, in a simple and clean sqlite3 schema
- tomerfiliba/plumbum - Plumbum: Shell Combinators
- nsacyber/WALKOFF - A flexible, easy to use, automation framework allowing users to integrate their capabilities and devices to cut through the repetitive, tedious tasks slowing them down. #nsacyber
- ml-tooling/opyrator - 🪄 Turns your machine learning code into microservices with web API, interactive GUI, and more.
- jvns/twine-stories - twine
- minimaxir/stylecloud - Python package + CLI to generate stylistic wordclouds, including gradients and icon shapes!
- aristocratos/bpytop - Linux/OSX/FreeBSD resource monitor
- novoid/filetags - Management of simple tags within file names
- ms7m/notify-py - :speech_balloon: | A simple Python Module for sending cross-platform desktop notifications on Windows, macOS and Linux
- OpenBB-finance/OpenBB - Investment Research for Everyone, Everywhere.
- satwikkansal/wtfpython - What the f*ck Python? 😱
- lcosmin/boardgamegeek - A Python interface to Pulls information from BGG and creates Python objects for the data.
- pywebio/PyWebIO - Write interactive web app in script way.
- chubin/pyphoon - :waning_gibbous_moon: ASCII Art Phase of the Moon (Python version)
- rougier/scientific-visualization-book - An open access book on scientific visualization using python and matplotlib
- quantopian/qgrid - An interactive grid for sorting, filtering, and editing DataFrames in Jupyter notebooks
- osnr/horrifying-pdf-experiments - :syringe: Stuff which works in Chrome and maybe Acrobat and Foxit.
- gotcha/ipdb - Integration of IPython pdb
- mingrammer/diagrams - :art: Diagram as Code for prototyping cloud system architectures
- Shougo/deoplete.nvim - :stars: Dark powered asynchronous completion framework for neovim/Vim8
- Lucas7211/PyleWM - A utility for tiling window management keybindings on Microsoft Windows, inspired by use of i3/awesome.
- inducer/pudb - Full-screen console debugger for Python
- laike9m/Cyberbrain - Python debugging, redefined.
- clobrano/pynicom - A Minicom like Serial Communication program in Python that adds standard shell features like autocompletion, command history, inline help
- gnebbia/kb - A minimalist command line knowledge base manager
- huangsam/ultimate-python - Ultimate Python study guide :snake: :snake: :snake:
- dibsonthis/keyboard_listener - Keyboard Listener is a module that allows you to create custom hotkeys (combinations) or custom keywords and bind them to custom functions in Python
- learnbyexample/py_regular_expressions - Learn Python Regular Expressions step by step from beginner to advanced levels
- karlicoss/HPI - Human Programming Interface 🧑👽🤖
- Frimkron/Ascidia - A command-line utility for rendering technical diagrams from ASCII art
- cookiecutter/cookiecutter - A cross-platform command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates), e.g. Python package projects, C projects.
- brython-dev/brython - Brython (Browser Python) is an implementation of Python 3 running in the browser
- jbesomi/texthero - Text preprocessing, representation and visualization from zero to hero.
- alfiopuglisi/guietta
- wireviz/WireViz - Easily document cables and wiring harnesses.
- dabeaz-course/practical-python - Practical Python Programming (course by @dabeaz)
- Textualize/rich - Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal.
- kitplummer/clikan - clikan is a super simple personal kanban board that runs in a CLI
- dropbox/pyannotate - Auto-generate PEP-484 annotations
- dibsonthis/Keywordify - Keywordify is a tool that lets you create keywords and assign them to either text or Python functions.
- TotallyNotChase/glitch-this - :camera: Glitchify images and GIF - with highly customizable options!
- huggingface/knockknock - 🚪✊Knock Knock: Get notified when your training ends with only two additional lines of code
- plottertools/hatched - Convert images to plotter-friendly hatched patterns
- pypa/pipx - Install and Run Python Applications in Isolated Environments
- karlicoss/orger - Tool to convert data into searchable and interactive org-mode views
- salt-die/terminal_dungeon - A raycasting library for your terminal!
- purcellconsult/Cracking-Python-Bootcamp - A course that helps newbies master the core principles of one of the world's most popular programming languages, python.
- lemariva/ePaperWidgets - Widgets on E-INK display using a Raspberry Pi
- rougier/matplotlib-tutorial - Matplotlib tutorial for beginner
- gaganbahga/cosine_art
- pndurette/gTTS - Python library and CLI tool to interface with Google Translate's text-to-speech API
- pyqt/examples - Learn to create a desktop app with Python and Qt
- microsoft/botbuilder-python - The Microsoft Bot Framework provides what you need to build and connect intelligent bots that interact naturally wherever your users are talking, from text/sms to Skype, Slack, Office 365 mail and oth
- wagtail/wagtail - A Django content management system focused on flexibility and user experience
- cool-RR/PySnooper - Never use print for debugging again
- jithurjacob/Windows-10-Toast-Notifications - Python library to display Windows 10 Toast Notifications
- pearsonkyle/Neural-Nebula - A deep conv. generative adversarial network trained on nebula and images of space
- unqueued/sublime-notelink - Sublime Text 3 plugin to add wiki-style links between notes
- renerocksai/sublime_zk - A SublimeText3 package featuring ID based wiki style links, and #tags, intended for zettelkasten method users. Loaded with tons of features like inline image display, sophisticated tag search, note tr
- charlax/professional-programming - A collection of learning resources for curious software engineers
- gto76/python-cheatsheet - Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet
- guancio/org-fit
- minimaxir/big-list-of-naughty-strings - The Big List of Naughty Strings is a list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data.
- SystemsApproach/book - Computer Networks: A Systems Approach -- Textbook
- cproctor/tcp-ip-simulation - Generates documents for a real-life TCP/IP simulation
- google/gif-for-cli
- psf/requests-html - Pythonic HTML Parsing for Humans™
- gmarull/pyside2-boilerplate - Qt for Python Application Boilerplate: Resources, forms, multilanguage, compilation, docs, linting...
- chelmertz/cleader - Store web articles as plain text. No more 'saved as' HTML (aka cURL:d) or 'printed as PDF', just extracted content in markdown, without all annoying markup that isn't content.
- aniketpanjwani/chomper - Internet blocker for the Linux desktop.
- mherrmann/fbs - Create Python GUIs with Qt in minutes
- yoda-pa/yoda - Wise and powerful personal assistant, available in your nearest terminal
- will8211/unimatrix - Python script to simulate the display from "The Matrix" in terminal. Uses half-width katakana unicode characters by default, but can use custom character sets. Accepts keyboard controls while running.
- brandon-rhodes/scrawler - ASCII art animation library for Python
- rawpython/remi - Python REMote Interface library. Platform independent. In about 100 Kbytes, perfect for your diet.
- spotify/luigi - Luigi is a Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs. It handles dependency resolution, workflow management, visualization etc. It also comes with Hadoop support built in.
- aparrish/pytracery - Python port of Kate Compton's Tracery text expansion library.
- typemytype/drawbot
- chriscz/pysorter - A command line utility for organizing files and directories according to regex patterns.
- pypa/hatch - Modern, extensible Python project management
- googlemaps/google-maps-services-python - Python client library for Google Maps API Web Services
- has2k1/plotnine - A Grammar of Graphics for Python
- keon/algorithms - Minimal examples of data structures and algorithms in Python
- donnemartin/interactive-coding-challenges - 120+ interactive Python coding interview challenges (algorithms and data structures). Includes Anki flashcards.
- thewhitetulip/build-app-with-python-antitextbook - Aims to teach Python3 by example
- kivy/python-for-android - Turn your Python application into an Android APK
- spiside/pdb-tutorial - A simple tutorial about effectively using pdb
- Qix-/better-exceptions - Pretty and useful exceptions in Python, automatically.
- bhrigu123/classifier - Organize files in your directory instantly, by classifying them into different folders
- ageitgey/face_recognition - The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line
- donnemartin/system-design-primer - Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
- google/python-fire - Python Fire is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from absolutely any Python object.
- google/yapf - A formatter for Python files
- xybu/onedrive-d-old - Microsoft OneDrive client on Linux.
- apprenticeharper/DeDRM_tools - DeDRM tools for ebooks
- packt-cli/Packt-Publishing-Free-Learning - Scripts that automatically claim and download free daily eBooks from
- guillaumechereau/regdel - Ncurses based interface to ledger: regdel is to ledger what tig is to git.
- Tagirijus/ledger-plot - Python programm for easy plotting ledger journals with gnuplot
- nk412/quickhist - quickly plot a histogram on the CLI
- yhat/ggpy - ggplot port for python
- novoid/lazyblorg - Blogging with Org-mode for very lazy people
- jarun/buku - :bookmark: Personal mini-web in text
- aziz/PlainNotes - Simple and pleasant note taking for SublimeText
- scottrogowski/code2flow - Pretty good call graphs for dynamic languages
- liviu-/average-pixels - CLI tool to generete new images from old images
- Yelp/undebt - A fast, straightforward, reliable tool for performing massive, automated code refactoring
- christiangoltz/shaape - Shaape is an ascii art to image converter designed to be used with asciidoc.
- kushaldas/pym - Python for you and me book
- ryukinix/decorating - decorating: Literally decorating your terminal with decorators
- coala/coala - coala provides a unified command-line interface for linting and fixing all your code, regardless of the programming languages you use.
- chriskiehl/pyrobot - A pure python windows automation library loosely modeled after Java's Robot Class.
- bharadwaj-raju/WeatherDesk - MOVED:
- novoid/ - Extract Jira Issues and Generate Org-mode Headings
- jmcarp/robobrowser
- plainas/tq - Perform a lookup by CSS selector on an HTML input
- teachthenet/TeachCraft-Challenges - Learn programming in python by giving yourself superpowers in a minecraft world!
- nvbn/thefuck - Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
- donnemartin/haxor-news - Browse Hacker News like a haxor: A Hacker News command line interface (CLI).
- pavelgonchar/colornet - Neural Network to colorize grayscale images
- tumblr/pytumblr - A Python Tumblr API v2 Client
- asweigart/pyautogui - A cross-platform GUI automation Python module for human beings. Used to programmatically control the mouse & keyboard.
- snare/voltron - A hacky debugger UI for hackers
- buckket/twtxt - Decentralised, minimalist microblogging service for hackers.
- kennethreitz/records - SQL for Humans™
- commonmark/commonmark-spec - CommonMark spec, with reference implementations in C and JavaScript
- codelucas/newspaper - newspaper3k is a news, full-text, and article metadata extraction in Python 3. Advanced docs:
- ototo/jic - JIRA Command Line Client
- prompt-toolkit/pymux - A terminal multiplexer (like tmux) in Python
- michael-lazar/rtv - Browse Reddit from your terminal
- levlaz/braindump - BrainDump is a simple, powerful, and open note taking platform that makes it easy to organize your life.
- fouric/lightning-cd - lightning-quick mc/cd/autojump/rofi hybrid
- JuanPotato/Legofy - Make images look as if they are made out of 1x1 LEGO blocks
- reinderien/mimic - [ab]using Unicode to create tragedy
- dbader/schedule - Python job scheduling for humans.
- EricThomson/PySideSummer - PySide port of Summerfield's book 'Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt.'
- flexxui/flexx - Write desktop and web apps in pure Python
- larsenwork/monoid - Customisable coding font with alternates, ligatures and contextual positioning. Crazy crisp at 12px/9pt.
- amoffat/snake - Full Python Scripting in Vim
- prompt-toolkit/pyvim - Pure Python Vim clone.
- kristianperkins/x_x - View Excel and CSV files from the command-line.
- tckmn/mkcast - [OBSOLETE - see readme] A tool for creating GIF screencasts of a terminal, with key presses overlaid.
- ipython/ipython - Official repository for IPython itself. Other repos in the IPython organization contain things like the website, documentation builds, etc.
- 18F/rdbms-subsetter - Generates a subset of a relational database that respects foreign key constraints
- tzbob/python-windows-tiler - Simple tiling window manager written in Python intended for Windows XP/7
- jeffkaufman/icdiff - improved colored diff
- vim-awesome/vim-awesome - Awesome Vim plugins from across the universe
- vitalyrodnenko/geeknote - Console client for Evernote.
- Antrikshy/reddit2Kindle - Compiles text posts from your favorite story-based subreddits for easy reading on Kindle devices and apps
- chriskiehl/Gooey - Turn (almost) any Python command line program into a full GUI application with one line
- MechanicalSoup/MechanicalSoup - A Python library for automating interaction with websites.
- scrapinghub/portia - Visual scraping for Scrapy
- bfontaine/term2048 - :tada: 2048 in your terminal
- beetbox/beets - music library manager and MusicBrainz tagger
- Valloric/MatchTagAlways - A Vim plugin that always highlights the enclosing html/xml tags
- autokey/autokey - AutoKey, a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11.
- BillCruise/BountyBot - A Twitter bot that posts interesting bounty questions from Stack Overflow.
- Zulko/moviepy - Video editing with Python
- smysnk/sikuli-framework - SikuliFramework provides an object-oriented abstraction on top of Sikuli to assist with interacting GUI elements, such as sets of buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, windows and dialogue hierarchies f
- sublimehq/anim_encoder
- LindseyB/starwars-dot-gif - Python script to generate gifs from star wars
- apenwarr/redo - Smaller, easier, more powerful, and more reliable than make. An implementation of djb's redo.
- ciromattia/kcc - KCC (a.k.a. Kindle Comic Converter) is a comic and manga converter for ebook readers.
- martinblech/xmltodict - Python module that makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON
- rvantonder/pentaquine - 5-way multiquine
- dmarx/VideoLinkBot - Reddit bot that posts a comment with all of the video links in a submission. Currently only supports YouTube.
- nojhan/colout - Color text streams with a polished command line interface
- akaptur/MyFlaskTutorial - A Flask Tutorial for people who don't know any web programming. Actually, it would be helpful to know static HTML, also Python.
- zacbir/pythonista - Image scripts for Pythonista
- jabbalaci/Copy-Queue - A command line "cp" and "mv" that use a queue.
- U2Ft/RSS-filter - Marks-as-read feed entries that match a specified filter.
- ericpruitt/mimesort - Sorts files based on MIME types
- gleitz/howdoi - instant coding answers via the command line
- sjl/peat - Repeat commands!
- amueller/word_cloud - A little word cloud generator in Python
- basak/glacier-cli - Command-line interface to Amazon Glacier
- troydm/shellasync.vim - shellasync.vim plugin for asynchronously executing shell commands in vim
- jtwaleson/decrypt - Pipe programs through decrypt to make your boss think you are l33t
- gabriel-weaver/xutools - eXtended UNIX text-processing tools
- faif/python-patterns - A collection of design patterns/idioms in Python
- mdipierro/workflow - minimalist file based workflow
- cpbotha/nvpy - Simplenote syncing note-taking application, inspired by Notational Velocity and ResophNotes, but uglier and cross-platformerer.
- BurntBrunch/pydiskmonitor
- seomoz/shovel - Rake, for Python
- rdvonz/pycross - Picross in Python
- SublimeText/VintageEx - An implementation of Vim's command-line mode for Sublime Text 2
- dgorissen/pycel - A library for compiling excel spreadsheets to python code & visualizing them as a graph
- kemayo/sublime-text-git - Plugin for some git integration into sublime text
- HGrzywacz/rsp2k - Reddit self posts to kindle - early alpha.
- dcrosta/dabble - Simple A/B testing framework for Python
- mattharrison/rst2epub2 - convert rst to epub
- novoid/Memacs - What did I do on February 14th 2007? Visualize your (digital) life in Org-mode
- Graendal/Wikipedia-Philosophy - Graphing Wikipedia chains according to xkcd/903
- buriy/python-readability - fast python port of arc90's readability tool, updated to match latest readability.js!
- jinglemansweep/Kindled - Kindle Calibre Delivery Framework
- eudicots/Cactus - Static site generator for designers. Uses Python and Django templates.
- pafcu/vimsplain - Explain Vim command sequences
- getpelican/pelican - Static site generator that supports Markdown and reST syntax. Powered by Python.
- cagatay/Evolution-9 - Music composing using genetic programming and neural networks
- mhl/guardian-for-kindle - A script to generate an edition of the Guardian for reading on the Amazon Kindle using the Guardian Open Platform
- bitly/data_hacks - Command line utilities for data analysis
- springpad/springpad - Springpad Public Repository
- atizo/PyTagCloud - Create beautiful tag clouds as images or HTML
- timbertson/python-readability - [abandoned] python port of arc90's readability bookmarklet
- gmate/gmate - Set of plugins and improvements to make Gedit a powerfull programmer text editor
- gregmalcolm/python_koans - Python Koans - Learn Python through TDD
- phreeza/cells - a game where players programm agents that compete for resources in a simulated environment
- cmdln/flashbake - Scripts to gather information for including in version history comments and to make using source control a bit simpler for non-technical projects.
- hyde/hyde-old - Static website generator inspired by Jekyll
- vinta/awesome-python - An opinionated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- akissinger/dodo - A graphical, hackable email client based on notmuch
- magic-wormhole/magic-wormhole - get things from one computer to another, safely
- ChrisBuilds/moneyterm - TUI expense and budget tracker.
- Deepali-Srivastava/data-structures-and-algorithms-in-python - Data Structures and Algorithms in Python ( DSA )
- openai/whisper - Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision
- google/mesop - Rapidly build AI apps in Python
- IndiePython/nodezator - A generalist Python node editor
- luk6xff/Packt-Publishing-Free-Learning - Scripts that automatically claim and download free daily eBooks from
- AlfredoSequeida/hints - Hints lets you navigate GUI applications in Linux without your mouse by displaying "hints" you can type on your keyboard to interact with GUI elements.
- OpenSPG/KAG - KAG is a logical form-guided reasoning and retrieval framework based on OpenSPG engine and LLMs. It is used to build logical reasoning and factual Q&A solutions for professional domain knowledge base
- huggingface/diffusers - 🤗 Diffusers: State-of-the-art diffusion models for image, video, and audio generation in PyTorch and FLAX.
- hotrod462/Mikey - No bot native audio meeting note taker for Windows
- streamlit/streamlit - Streamlit — A faster way to build and share data apps.
- nteract/papermill - 📚 Parameterize, execute, and analyze notebooks
- luong-komorebi/Awesome-Linux-Software - 🐧 A list of awesome Linux softwares
- arrow-py/arrow - 🏹 Better dates & times for Python
- flipcoder/textbeat - 🎹 plaintext music sequencer and midi shell, with vim playback and the powers of music theory 🥁
- frostming/legit - Git for Humans, Inspired by GitHub for Mac™.
- StevenBlack/hosts - 🔒 Consolidating and extending hosts files from several well-curated sources. Optionally pick extensions for porn, social media, and other categories.
- SublimeCodeIntel/SublimeCodeIntel - 💡 Full-featured code intelligence and smart autocomplete for Sublime Text
- pyedifice/pyedifice - Declarative GUI framework for Python and Qt
- facundoolano/feedi - RSS + Mastodon feed reader
- prospector-dev/prospector - Inspects Python source files and provides information about type and location of classes, methods etc
- Tenzer/alga - CLI for remote controlling LG webOS TVs
- jstrieb/ - Compile Justfiles to portable shell scripts
- dpunj/weft - A vim-like terminal reader to chat with your books
- kirkthaker/investopedia-trading-api - An api, written in Python, for Investopedia's paper trading stock simulator.
- onyx-dot-app/onyx - Gen-AI Chat for Teams - Think ChatGPT if it had access to your team's unique knowledge.
- amnweb/yasb - A highly configurable Windows status bar written in Python.
- Aider-AI/aider - aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- DrewThomasson/ebook2audiobook - Convert ebooks to audiobooks with chapters and metadata using dynamic AI models and voice cloning. Supports 1,107+ languages!
- pythological/kanren - An extensible, lightweight relational/logic programming DSL written in pure Python
- ihabunek/toot - toot - Mastodon CLI & TUI
- tox-dev/pre-commit-uv
- executablebooks/markdown-it-py - Markdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions, syntax plugins & high speed. Now in Python!
- EnhancedJax/Bagels - Powerful expense tracker that lives in your terminal.
- khoj-ai/khoj - Your AI second brain. Self-hostable. Get answers from the web or your docs. Build custom agents, schedule automations, do deep research. Turn any online or local LLM into your personal, autonomous AI
- princeton-vl/infinigen - Infinite Photorealistic Worlds using Procedural Generation
- reflex-dev/reflex - 🕸️ Web apps in pure Python 🐍
- fpgmaas/cookiecutter-uv - A modern cookiecutter template for Python projects that use uv for dependency management
- enoch3712/ExtractThinker - ExtractThinker is a Document Intelligence library for LLMs, offering ORM-style interaction for flexible and powerful document workflows.
- simonw/llm-cmd - Use LLM to generate and execute commands in your shell
- leodiegues/pinkmess - A completely opinionated PKMS terminal manager with AI features for lazy people just like me.
- kagisearch/smallweb - Kagi Small Web
- Goldziher/kreuzberg - A text extraction library supporting PDFs, images, office documents and more
- subframe7536/maple-font - Maple Mono: Open source monospace font with round corner, ligatures and Nerd-Font for IDE and command line, fine-grained customization options. 带连字和控制台图标的圆角等宽字体,中英文宽度完美2:1,细粒度的自定义选项
- nadrad/h-m-m - Hackers Mind Map
- FreshRSS/FreshRSS - A free, self-hostable news aggregator…
- ernestwisniewski/kbin - A reddit-like content aggregator and micro-blogging platform for the fediverse.
- beyondcode/ - Transcribe and translate your audio files - for free
- xero/figlet-fonts - my collection of figlet / toilet ascii art fonts
- monicahq/monica - Personal CRM. Remember everything about your friends, family and business relationships.
- straup/parallel-flickr
- holzschu/a-shell - A terminal for iOS, with multiple windows
- so-fancy/diff-so-fancy - Good-lookin' diffs. Actually… nah… The best-lookin' diffs. :tada:
- mdom/dategrep - print lines matching a time range
- nferraz/st - simple statistics from the command line
- zsoltika/modern_perl_book - Modern Perl: the book
- 2KAbhishek/win2k - Ultimate Dev Setup for Windows 🪟🪄
- SjoerdV/ConvertOneNote2MarkDown - Ready to make the step to Markdown and saying farewell to your OneNote, EverNote or whatever proprietary note taking tool you are using? Nothing beats clear text, right? Read on!
- fresh2dev/AnyBox - The easiest way to develop apps for Windows.
- vexx32/PSKoans - A simple, fun, and interactive way to learn the PowerShell language through Pester unit testing.
- mkellerman/PSTelegramAPI
- EvotecIT/PSTeams - PSTeams is a PowerShell Module working on Windows / Linux and Mac. It allows sending notifications to Microsoft Teams via WebHook Notifications. It's pretty flexible and provides a bunch of options. I
- Disassembler0/Win10-Initial-Setup-Script - PowerShell script for automation of routine tasks done after fresh installations of Windows 10 / Server 2016 / Server 2019
- dfinke/ImportExcel - PowerShell module to import/export Excel spreadsheets, without Excel
- kelleyma49/PSFzf - A PowerShell wrapper around the fuzzy finder fzf
- ForNeVeR/ExtDiff - Compare documents using MS Word from the command line.
- farag2/Sophia-Script-for-Windows - :zap: The most powerful PowerShell module for fine-tuning Windows
- dfinke/PSharp - Productivity tool that makes PowerShell ISE better
- janikvonrotz/awesome-powershell - A curated list of delightful PowerShell modules and resources
- Matalus/dotfiles - a collection of windows configuration files (powershell profile customization, nvim, nano, scoop, tools)
- ChrisTitusTech/winutil - Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility - Install Programs, Tweaks, Fixes, and Updates
Jupyter Notebook
- jackfrued/Python-100-Days - Python - 100天从新手到大师
- zellyn/genart - Genart experiments
- ivnvxd/pyquest - Python everything Cheatsheet and a Journey to the land of Python programming
- chenxwh/insanely-fast-whisper - Incredibly fast Whisper-large-v3
- avinashkranjan/Amazing-Python-Scripts - 🚀 Curated collection of Amazing Python scripts from Basics to Advance with automation task scripts.
- fastai/nbdev - Create delightful software with Jupyter Notebooks
- blue-yonder/tsfresh - Automatic extraction of relevant features from time series:
- python-frederick/talks - A collection of talks presented at Python Frederick
- vega/ipyvega - IPython/Jupyter notebook module for Vega and Vega-Lite
- aaren/notedown - Markdown <=> IPython Notebook
- fzumstein/python-for-excel - This is the companion repo of the O'Reilly book "Python for Excel".
- ank0409/Ditching-Excel-for-Python - Functionalities in Excel translated to Python
- markwk/qs_ledger - Quantified Self Personal Data Aggregator and Data Analysis
- vijishmadhavan/ArtLine - A Deep Learning based project for creating line art portraits.
- the-machine-preacher/Pythonic-Python-Tutorial - Learn Python! Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively.
- jvns/pandas-cookbook - Recipes for using Python's pandas library
- wesm/pydata-book - Materials and IPython notebooks for "Python for Data Analysis" by Wes McKinney, published by O'Reilly Media
- parrt/dtreeviz - A python library for decision tree visualization and model interpretation.
- worldveil/photomosaic - Creating fun photomosaics, GIFs, and murals from your family pictures using ML & similarity search
- norvig/pytudes - Python programs, usually short, of considerable difficulty, to perfect particular skills.
- coells/100days - 100 days of algorithms
- cltl/python-for-text-analysis - If you want to use Python for text analysis, this course is for you!
- jakevdp/PythonDataScienceHandbook - Python Data Science Handbook: full text in Jupyter Notebooks
- rainyear/python3-in-one-pic - Learn python3 in one picture.
- CamDavidsonPilon/Probabilistic-Programming-and-Bayesian-Methods-for-Hackers - aka "Bayesian Methods for Hackers": An introduction to Bayesian methods + probabilistic programming with a computation/understanding-first, mathematics-second point of view. All in pure Python ;)
- DataExpert-io/data-engineer-handbook - This is a repo with links to everything you'd ever want to learn about data engineering
- microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners - 21 Lessons, Get Started Building with Generative AI 🔗
- AnswerDotAI/nbdev - Create delightful software with Jupyter Notebooks
- marceloprates/prettymaps - A small set of Python functions to draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap data. Based on osmnx, matplotlib and shapely libraries.
- JohannesNE/literature-clock - Clock using time quotes from the literature, based on the work of Jaap Meijers
- rmcelreath/stat_rethinking_2022 - Statistical Rethinking course winter 2022
- isteves/ds-puzzles -
- greghendershott/frog - Frog is a static blog generator implemented in Racket, targeting Bootstrap and able to use Pygments.
- red/red - Red is a next-generation programming language strongly inspired by Rebol, but with a broader field of usage thanks to its native-code compiler, from system programming to high-level scripting and cros
- pyenv/pyenv - Simple Python version management
- laszlonemeth/magyarispell - Hungarian Hunspell dictionary
- LuRsT/hr - A horizontal :straight_ruler: for your terminal
- matestack/matestack-ui-core - Component based web UIs in pure Ruby for Rails. Boost your productivity & easily create component based web UIs in pure Ruby.
- huginn/huginn - Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!
- ttscoff/journal-cli
- red-data-tools/YouPlot - A command line tool that draw plots on the terminal.
- sirupsen/zk - Zettelkasten on the command-line 📚 🔍
- KrauseFx/FxLifeSheet - Tracking the key metrics of my life
- brentsimmons/wildcat - CMS and blogging system that generates static pages.
- zombocom/rundoc - RunDOC generates documentation by running scripts and embedding their results in the doc
- shoes/shoes4 - Shoes 4 : the next version of Shoes
- FreedomBen/awk-hack-the-planet - Source code repo for Ben Porter (FreedomBen)'s free course on Awk (originally a talk at Linux Fest Northwest 2019 and 2020)
- braintree/runbook - A framework for gradual system automation
- cbbrowne/tpp - Text Powerpoint
- softcover/softcover - CLI for book generation, building, and publishing to
- purcell/sqlint - Simple SQL linter supporting ANSI and PostgreSQL syntaxes
- asciidoctor/asciidoctor-diagram - :left_right_arrow: Asciidoctor diagram extension, with support for AsciiToSVG, BlockDiag (BlockDiag, SeqDiag, ActDiag, NwDiag), Ditaa, Erd, GraphViz, Mermaid, Msc, PlantUML, Shaape, SvgBob, Syntrax, U
- asciidoctor/asciidoctor - :gem: A fast, open source text processor and publishing toolchain, written in Ruby, for converting AsciiDoc content to HTML 5, DocBook 5, and other formats.
- Kapeli/cheatset - Generate cheat sheets for Dash
- fastruby/fast-ruby - :dash: Writing Fast Ruby :heart_eyes: -- Collect Common Ruby idioms.
- rsim/ruby-plsql - ruby-plsql gem provides simple Ruby API for calling Oracle PL/SQL procedures. It could be used both for accessing Oracle PL/SQL API procedures in legacy applications as well as it could be used to cre
- franzejr/best-ruby - Ruby Tricks, Idiomatic Ruby, Refactoring and Best Practices
- rsim/ruby-plsql-spec - Oracle PL/SQL unit testing with Ruby
- ttscoff/doing
- dreikanter/ruby-bookmarks - Ruby and Ruby on Rails bookmarks collection
- trogdoro/xiki - A shell console with GUI features
- lolcommits/lolcommits - :camera: git-based selfies for software developers
- speric/kindle-highlights - Get your Kindle highlights.
- 29decibel/readit - a simple api client for readability
- mame/quine-relay - An uroboros program with 100+ programming languages
- nelstrom/vimprint - VimPrint parses Vim keystrokes and prints them prettily.
- AndrewRadev/switch.vim - A simple Vim plugin to switch segments of text with predefined replacements
- rubocop/rubocop - A Ruby static code analyzer and formatter, based on the community Ruby style guide.
- ryanb/ruby-warrior - Game written in Ruby for learning Ruby.
- markolson/storyboard - Generate PDFs, ePUB and Mobi files from videos
- paulmars/realiaser - Realiaser is a game which helps you memorize your shell aliases.
- glucero/fusuma - window management for OSX
- avdi/orgpress - A collection of Makefiles and scripts for generating formatted eBooks.
- runemadsen/Magic-Book-Project - DEPRECATED: We are reviving the Magic Book project as a node package:
- ooyala/barkeep - The friendly code review system.
- edavis10/kindle - A collection of classes and scripts that can be used to manage a kindle notes files.
- maid/maid - Be lazy. Let Maid clean up after you, based on rules you define. Think of it as "Hazel for hackers".
- practicingruby/bookie - experimental book formatting toolchain
- grosser/pru - Pipeable Ruby - forget about grep / sed / awk / wc ... use pure, readable Ruby!
- winton/stasis - Static sites made powerful
- petewarden/dstk - A collection of the best open data sets and open-source tools for data science
- jamis/theseus - A very flexible random maze generator, solver, and renderer for Ruby
- michaeledgar/laser - Static analysis and style linter for Ruby code.
- davejacobs/mint - Word processing for people who love the commandline
- gollum/gollum - A simple, Git-powered wiki with a local frontend and support for many kinds of markup and content.
- cantino/ruby-readability - Port of arc90's readability project to Ruby
- imathis/octopress - Octopress is an obsessively designed framework for Jekyll blogging. It’s easy to configure and easy to deploy. Sweet huh?
- koraktor/rubikon - A simple to use, yet powerful Ruby framework for building console-based applications.
- progit/progit - Pro Git Book Content, 1st Edition - This content is deprecated. See 2nd edition at [progit2](
- aanand/deadweight - NOT MAINTAINED
- samg/timetrap - Simple command line timetracker
- davetron5000/gli - Make awesome command-line applications the easy way
- troessner/reek - Code smell detector for Ruby
- fnando/kitabu - A framework for creating e-books from Markdown using Ruby. Using the Prince PDF generator, you'll be able to get high quality PDFs. Also supports EPUB, Mobi, Text and HTML generation.
- jeremyevans/sequel - Sequel: The Database Toolkit for Ruby
- bayandin/awesome-awesomeness - A curated list of awesome awesomeness
- joeyates/imap-backup - Backup and Migrate IMAP Email Accounts
- thoughtbot/guides - A guide for programming in style.
- standardrb/standard - Ruby's bikeshed-proof linter and formatter 🚲
- captn3m0/jekyll-sqlite - A Jekyll plugin to use SQLite databases as a data source.
- shell-pool/shpool - Think tmux, then aim... lower
- LGUG2Z/whkd - A simple hotkey daemon for Windows
- typst/typst - A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn.
- sharkdp/numbat - A statically typed programming language for scientific computations with first class support for physical dimensions and units
- say4n/jf - flatten them json
- jdx/mise - dev tools, env vars, task runner
- altsem/gitu - A TUI Git client inspired by Magit
- Wilfred/difftastic - a structural diff that understands syntax 🟥🟩
- rapiz1/rathole - A lightweight and high-performance reverse proxy for NAT traversal, written in Rust. An alternative to frp and ngrok.
- imsnif/diskonaut - Terminal disk space navigator 🔭
- quambene/bogrep - Grep your bookmarks
- KnorrFG/dotree - A small, interactive command runner
- dzfrias/projectable - :dizzy: A TUI file manager built for projects
- elkowar/eww - ElKowars wacky widgets
- denisidoro/navi - An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
- libreddit/libreddit - Private front-end for Reddit
- static-web-server/static-web-server - A cross-platform, high-performance and asynchronous web server for static files-serving. ⚡
- astral-sh/ruff - An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust.
- brandonkboswell/obsidian-export - Rust library and CLI to export an Obsidian vault to regular Markdown
- tummychow/git-absorb - git commit --fixup, but automatic
- LGUG2Z/komorebi - A tiling window manager for Windows 🍉
- rust-lang/mdBook - Create book from markdown files. Like Gitbook but implemented in Rust
- rust-lang/rustlings - :crab: Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code!
- untitaker/quickenv - An unintrusive environment manager
- timvisee/ffsend - :mailbox_with_mail: Easily and securely share files from the command line. A fully featured Firefox Send client.
- zineland/zine - Zine - a simple and opinionated tool to build your own magazine.
- nikolassv/bartib - A simple timetracker for the command line. It saves a log of all tracked activities as a plaintext file and allows you to create flexible reports.
- sstadick/hck - A sharp cut(1) clone.
- PRQL/prql - PRQL is a modern language for transforming data — a simple, powerful, pipelined SQL replacement
- helix-editor/helix - A post-modern modal text editor.
- tkellogg/dura - You shouldn't ever lose your work if you're using Git
- 0x192/universal-android-debloater - Cross-platform GUI written in Rust using ADB to debloat non-rooted android devices. Improve your privacy, the security and battery life of your device.
- mgdm/htmlq - Like jq, but for HTML.
- neovide/neovide - No Nonsense Neovim Client in Rust
- cantino/mcfly - Fly through your shell history. Great Scott!
- dertuxmalwieder/yaydl - yet another youtube down loader (Git mirror)
- kitao/pyxel - A retro game engine for Python
- atuinsh/atuin - ✨ Magical shell history
- dandavison/delta - A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, grep, and blame output
- cody2007/arcane_fortune - Arcane Fortune is a game of empire building, diplomacy, conquest, construction, and deconstruction.
- ducaale/xh - Friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests
- firecracker-microvm/firecracker - Secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing.
- kdheepak/taskwarrior-tui - `taskwarrior-tui`: A terminal user interface for taskwarrior
- BurntSushi/xsv - A fast CSV command line toolkit written in Rust.
- xi-editor/xi-editor - A modern editor with a backend written in Rust.
- BurntSushi/ripgrep - ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore
- mufeedvh/binserve - A fast production-ready static web server with TLS (HTTPS), routing, hot reloading, caching, templating, and security in a single-binary you can set up with zero code.
- void-rs/void - terminal-based personal organizer
- liljencrantz/crush - Crush is a command line shell that is also a powerful modern programming language.
- lotabout/skim - Fuzzy Finder in rust!
- bootandy/dust - A more intuitive version of du in rust
- ajeetdsouza/zoxide - A smarter cd command. Supports all major shells.
- glzr-io/glazewm - GlazeWM is a tiling window manager for Windows inspired by i3wm.
- espanso/espanso - Cross-platform Text Expander written in Rust
- ratatui/ratatui - A Rust crate for cooking up terminal user interfaces (TUIs) 👨🍳🐀
- YS-L/csvlens - Command line csv viewer
- skim-rs/skim - Fuzzy Finder in rust!
- Feel-ix-343/markdown-oxide - PKM for the LSP
- alexpasmantier/television - The revolution will (not) be televised 📺
- ricott1/rebels-in-the-sky - P2P terminal game about spacepirates playing basketball across the galaxy
- tealdeer-rs/tealdeer - A very fast implementation of tldr in Rust.
- Y2Z/monolith - ⬛️ CLI tool for saving complete web pages as a single HTML file
- sxyazi/yazi - 💥 Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O.
- casey/just - 🤖 Just a command runner
- Losses/rune - Experience timeless melodies with a music player that blends classic design with modern technology.
- sminez/ad - an adaptable text editor
- jj-vcs/jj - A Git-compatible VCS that is both simple and powerful
- jtroo/kanata - Improve keyboard comfort and usability with advanced customization
- TabbyML/tabby - Self-hosted AI coding assistant
- YaLTeR/niri - A scrollable-tiling Wayland compositor.
- AboutRSS/ALL-about-RSS - A list of RSS related stuff: tools, services, communities and tutorials, etc.
- loikein/hugo-tufte - Content centric Hugo blogging theme styled with Tufte-CSS
- ppeetteerrs/obsidian-zola - A no-brainer solution to turning your Obsidian PKM into a Zola site.
- BafS/Gutenberg - Modern framework to print the web correctly.
- slashformotion/hugo-tufte - pls use
- lumenwrites/nulis - Mind-mapping software that helps writers collect and organize their knowledge, develop their ideas. Built with React, Redux, Node.js, hosted on Digital Ocean.
- slatedocs/slate - Beautiful static documentation for your API
- olOwOlo/hugo-theme-even - 🚀 A super concise theme for Hugo
- 64bitpandas/amethyst - 📓 obsidian-compatible notes theme for hugo, built from quartz and hugo-book
- hrj/abandon - :relieved: Simple and Robust Accounting
- part-cw/lambdanative - LambdaNative is a cross-platform development environment written in Scheme, supporting Android, iOS, BlackBerry 10, OS X, Linux, Windows, OpenBSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD and OpenWrt.
- johnalanwoods/maintained-modern-unix - A collection of modern/faster/great alternatives to common unix commands, which is maintained.
- asdf-vm/asdf-plugins - Convenience shortname repository for asdf community plugins
- quickemu-project/quickemu - Quickly create and run optimised Windows, macOS and Linux virtual machines
- elitak/nixos-infect - [GPLv3+] install nixos over the existing OS in a DigitalOcean droplet (and others with minor modifications)
- Barbaross93/Nebula - Desktop setup
- lyz-code/best-of-digital-gardens - Ranked list of awesome digital gardens / second brains
- k247tEK/archVM-Hyper-V - Arch Linux virtual machine on Windows10 Hyper-V with Enhanced Session Mode
- LukeSmithxyz/mutt-wizard - A system for automatically configuring mutt and isync with a simple interface and safe passwords
- fsquillace/junest - The lightweight Arch Linux based distro that runs, without root privileges, on top of any other Linux distro.
- github/scripts-to-rule-them-all - Set of boilerplate scripts describing the normalized script pattern that GitHub uses in its projects.
- cyberark/bash-lib - Library for bash utility methods and tools
- biox/pa - a simple password manager. encryption via age, written in portable posix shell
- xonixx/gron.awk - Gron in Awk
- keis/git-fixup - Fighting the copy-paste element of your rebase workflow.
- giomatfois62/rofi-desktop - A rofi powered, menu driven desktop environment
- p8952/bocker - Docker implemented in around 100 lines of bash
- xonixx/makesure - Simple task/command runner with declarative goals and dependencies
- adi1090x/rofi - A huge collection of Rofi based custom Applets, Launchers & Powermenus.
- 89luca89/distrobox - Use any linux distribution inside your terminal. Enable both backward and forward compatibility with software and freedom to use whatever distribution you’re more comfortable with. Mirror available at
- poetaman/arttime - arttime is a CLI application that blends beauty of ASCII / text art with functionality of clock / timer / pattern-based time manager in terminal ⏰
- muhmud/qsh - shell-based query tool
- CompSciLauren/awesome-git-hooks - :anchor: A curated list of awesome git hooks
- pascalw/kindle-dash - Power efficient dashboard for Kindle 4 NT devices
- gpakosz/.tmux - Oh my tmux! My self-contained, pretty & versatile tmux configuration made with 💛🩷💙🖤❤️🤍
- salman-abedin/faint - Extensible TUI fuzzy file file explorer
- chr15m/flk - A LISP that runs wherever Bash is
- numcommand/num - Num: number utilities for mathematics
- tednaleid/shared-zshrc
- Xyene/wsl-dotfiles - My dotfiles for running an i3-based environment within the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
- bigH/git-fuzzy - interactive `git` with the help of `fzf`
- ColonelBuendia/rgpipe - lesspipe for ripgrep for common new filetypes using few dependencies
- Checksum/ - Dead simple testing framework for Bash with coverage reporting
- nuex/t - sh script for working with ledger timelog files
- urbainvaes/fzf-marks - Plugin to manage bookmarks in bash and zsh
- FusionAuth/security-scripts - Scripts built from our Guide to User Data Security
- sunaku/dasht - 💁 Search API docs offline, in terminal or browser
- niieani/bash-oo-framework - Bash Infinity is a modern standard library / framework / boilerplate for Bash
- zsh-users/zaw - zsh anything.el-like widget.
- icyphox/shlide - :framed_picture: a slide deck presentation tool written in pure bash
- wimpysworld/antsy-alien-attack - A game, written in Bash, that is a somewhat retro-a-like shoot 'em up. Hopefully.
- trimstray/ - My simple Swiss Army knife for http/https troubleshooting and profiling.
- crclark96/ginh - ginh is not a histogram: visually evaluate your shell usage patterns
- nextcloud/nextcloudpi - 📦 Build code for NextcloudPi: Raspberry Pi, Odroid, Rock64, curl installer...
- dylanaraps/fff - 📁 A simple file manager written in bash.
- rubykube/module-bash - Bash Module
- ocochard/graphpath - Graphpath generates an ASCII network diagram from the route table of a Unix/Linux
- andrewchambers/godothecorrectthing - A script to do actions based on the current window and selected text.
- learnbyexample/Command-line-text-processing - :zap: From finding text to search and replace, from sorting to beautifying text and more :art:
- zagortenay333/conky_themes - A small collection of conky configs
- kaushalmodi/eless - A Better 'less' - A bash script that loads emacs with minimal view-mode config - Created with Org mode
- kathamer/DebianKindle - Scripts to install Debian on your Kindle
- jc00ke/move-to-next-monitor - Script to move windows from one monitor to the next in Xubuntu
- dylanaraps/wal - 🎨 Generate and change colorschemes on the fly. Deprecated, use pywal instead. -->
- jamesob/desk - A lightweight workspace manager for the shell
- EivindArvesen/prm - A minimal project manager for the terminal.
- oraclesean/oracle - Oracle database administration scripts
- jamesottaway/tmux-up - Bootstrap new `tmux` sessions without complex tools, DSLs, or dependencies
- chadbraunduin/markdown.bash - A Markdown interpreter using only traditional Unix tools
- andsens/homeshick - git dotfiles synchronizer written in bash
- rcmdnk/sentaku - Utility to make sentaku (selection, 選択(sentaku)) window with shell command.
- themattrix/sed2048 - The 2048 game implemented in sed
- fcambus/ansiweather - Weather in terminal, with ANSI colors and Unicode symbols
- Zettt/km-markdown-library - Markdown library for Keyboard Maestro.
- tarruda/zsh-fuzzy-match - ZLE widget for interactively finding stuff, inspired by VIM CtrlP/Command-T plugins
- tomas/skull - Object-oriented-like Bash framework
- sorin-ionescu/prezto - The configuration framework for Zsh
- NapoleonWils0n/bashfinder - Control the Mac Finder from the Terminal
- clvv/fasd - Command-line productivity booster, offers quick access to files and directories, inspired by autojump, z and v.
- holman/spark - ▁▂▃▅▂▇ in your shell.
- CC-Archived/mou-theme-solarized - Mou ( theme for Markdown syntax highlighting using Ethan Schoonover's Solarized color scheme.
- mathiasbynens/dotfiles - :wrench: .files, including ~/.macos — sensible hacker defaults for macOS
- ku1ik/bitpocket - "DIY Dropbox" or "2-way directory (r)sync with proper deletion"
- ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh - 🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python,
- Wandmalfarbe/pandoc-latex-template - A pandoc LaTeX template to convert markdown files to PDF or LaTeX.
- agarrharr/awesome-cli-apps - 🖥 📊 🕹 🛠 A curated list of command line apps
- notmarek/LanguageBreak - A kindle <= jailbreak
- rafo/aerc-vim - Vim-Like Keybindings for Aerc. Aerc is an exceptional terminal-based email client known for its efficiency and simplicity.
- meithecatte/bashfuck - Write any bash with only the punctuation characters
- xero/dotfiles - rice 🍚 custom linux config files. as seen on r/unixporn #noricenolife neovim cultist. dotfiles are perpetual wip
- imapsync/imapsync - Imapsync is an IMAP transfers tool. The purpose of imapsync is to migrate IMAP accounts or to backup IMAP accounts. IMAP is one of the three current standard protocols to access mailboxes, the two oth
- He4eT/cantor-mx-tastatura - Custom 42 key diodeless split keyboard with the Vial support.
- rupertl/eliza-ctss - The original ELIZA on an emulated CTSS environment
- dwmkerr/hacker-laws - 💻📖 Laws, Theories, Principles and Patterns that developers will find useful. #hackerlaws
- dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible - 📖 A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes.
- QUICK-GCP-LAB/2-Minutes-Labs-Solutions - This repository provides solutions for Google Cloud Labs, offering easy-to-understand approaches to solving problems. It is designed to help learners quickly grasp key concepts and apply practical sol
- Krisztiaan/MagyarTV
- mortenjust/cleartext-mac - A text editor that will help you write clearer and simpler
- lihaoyi/macropy - Macros in Python: quasiquotes, case classes, LINQ and more!
- rdbende/Sun-Valley-ttk-theme - A gorgeous theme for Tkinter/ttk, based on the Sun Valley visual style ✨
- jez/pandoc-starter - 📄 My pandoc markdown templates and makefiles
- sisl/tufte_algorithms_book - A template for textbooks in the same style as Algorithms for Optimization
- mszep/pandoc_resume - The Markdown Resume
- alhassy/CheatSheet - Pretty cheat sheets, or ``reference cards'', obtainable from Org files.
- posquit0/Awesome-CV - :page_facing_up: Awesome CV is LaTeX template for your outstanding job application
- fresh-standard/fresh-themes - Multiformat themes and skins for your technical résumé/CV.
- dfeich/org-babel-examples - Examples using emacs org mode babel inline source code with different backend languages
- annProg/PanBook - Pandoc LaTeX,Epub模板,用于生成书籍,幻灯片(beamer),简历,论文等(cv, thesis, ebook,beamer)
- microsoft/inshellisense - IDE style command line auto complete
- agrmohit/omnivore-epub - A program to generate epub file from articles saved in your Omnivore library and optionally send it to your eReader using email
- omnivore-app/omnivore - Omnivore is a complete, open source read-it-later solution for people who like reading.
- Instawork/hyperview - Server-driven mobile apps with React Native
- mProjectsCode/obsidian-media-db-plugin - A plugin that can query multiple APIs for movies, series, anime, games, music and wiki articles, and import them into your vault.
- datopian/flowershow - 💐 Publish your obsidian digital garden or any markdown site easily and elegantly.
- endrl/segment-editor - Segment Editor for Jellyfin Segment API
- shoelace-style/shoelace - A collection of professionally designed, every day UI components built on Web standards. SHOELACE IS BECOMING WEB AWESOME 👇👇👇
- omnivore-app/obsidian-omnivore - Obsidian plugin to fetch articles and highlights from Omnivore
- getumbrel/llama-gpt - A self-hosted, offline, ChatGPT-like chatbot. Powered by Llama 2. 100% private, with no data leaving your device. New: Code Llama support!
- andymatuschak/note-link-janitor - Maintains backlink structure among interlinked Markdown notes
- gibbok/typescript-book - The Concise TypeScript Book: A Concise Guide to Effective Development in TypeScript. Free and Open Source.
- kkuchta/tabdb - Using browser tabs as a database like only a maniac would
- zsviczian/excalibrain - A graph view to navigate your Obsidian vault
- zsviczian/obsidian-excalidraw-plugin - A plugin to edit and view Excalidraw drawings in Obsidian
- polyipseity/obsidian-terminal - Integrate consoles, shells, and terminals inside Obsidian.
- different-ai/obsidian-ava - Quickly format your notes with ChatGPT in Obsidian
- jackyzha0/quartz - 🌱 a fast, batteries-included static-site generator that transforms Markdown content into fully functional websites
- jamesseanwright/ron-swanson-quotes - Node.js server for providing Ron Swanson quotes
- multiprocessio/datastation - App to easily query, script, and visualize data from every database, file, and API.
- tsiege/Tech-Interview-Cheat-Sheet - Studying for a tech interview sucks. Here's an open source cheat sheet to help
- tailwindlabs/tailwindcss - A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
- terraforming-mars/terraforming-mars - Terraforming Mars Boardgame
- mmulet/code-relay - Source for the Code Relay website. Code Relay The fastest and easiest way to contribute to open source!
- pdemian/human2regex - Humanized Regex
- foambubble/foam - A personal knowledge management and sharing system for VSCode
- treebeardtech/nbmake-action - GitHub Action for testing notebooks
- WorldBrain/Memex - Browser extension to curate, annotate, and discuss the most valuable content and ideas on the web. As individuals, teams and communities.
- jupyterlab/jupyterlab - JupyterLab computational environment.
- nteract/hydrogen - :atom: Run code interactively, inspect data, and plot. All the power of Jupyter kernels, inside your favorite text editor.
- jupyter-widgets/ipywidgets - Interactive Widgets for the Jupyter Notebook
- GitbookIO/gitbook - The open source frontend for GitBook doc sites
- Eugeny/tabby - A terminal for a more modern age
- WuTheFWasThat/vimflowy - An open source productivity tool drawing inspiration from workflowy and vim
- onivim/oni - Oni: Modern Modal Editing - powered by Neovim
- nexe/nexe - 🎉 create a single executable out of your node.js apps
- witheve/Eve - Better tools for thought
- klimeryk/dealwithit - Fully client-side Deal With It GIF emoji generator.
- learn-anything/learn-anything - Organize world's knowledge, explore connections and curate learning paths
- OctoputApp/Yaak - The most intuitive desktop API client. Organize and execute REST, GraphQL, and gRPC requests in a simple and intuitive app.
- allanhortle/board-game-one-pagers - One page descriptions of board games
- linkwarden/linkwarden - ⚡️⚡️⚡️Self-hosted collaborative bookmark manager to collect, organize, and preserve webpages, articles, and documents.
- jackyzha0/ - :sparkles: website v3
- mjswensen/themer - 🎨 themer takes a set of colors and outputs themes for your apps (editors, terminals, wallpapers, and more).
- kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap - Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
- AkashRajpurohit/howtoprofessionallysay - 📖 A guide for your daily "professional" interactions
- DIYgod/RSSHub - 🧡 Everything is RSSible
- themerdev/themer - 🎨 themer takes a set of colors and generates themes for your apps (editors, terminals, wallpapers, and more).
- getyaak/app - The most intuitive desktop API client. Organize and execute REST, GraphQL, and gRPC requests in a simple and intuitive app.
- hoarder-app/hoarder - A self-hostable bookmark-everything app (links, notes and images) with AI-based automatic tagging and full text search
- sourcebot-dev/sourcebot - Blazingly fast code search 🏎️ Deployed as a single Docker image 📦 Search million+ lines of code in your GitHub, GitLab, Gitea, and Gerrit repositories 🪄 MIT licensed ✅
- streetwriters/notesnook - A fully open source & end-to-end encrypted note taking alternative to Evernote.
- shamith09/pygyat - Python with rizz.
- sibosi/e5vosdo-snimrod
- mountain-loop/yaak - The most intuitive desktop API client. Organize and execute REST, GraphQL, WebSockets, Server Sent Events, and gRPC 🦬
- siyuan-note/siyuan - A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang.
- mdfriday/obsidian-friday-plugin - Turn notes to website, in minutes. MDFriday plugin for Obsidian.
- e5vos/e5vosdo-snimrod
- obsidian-userland/publish - Open source Obsidian Publish alternative
- chrisgurney/obsidian-note-toolbar - Create flexible, context-aware toolbars for your notes with this plugin for Obsidian.
- Enveloppe/obsidian-enveloppe - Enveloppe helps you to publish your notes on a GitHub repository from your Obsidian Vault, for free!
- flowershow/flowershow - 💐 Publish your obsidian digital garden or any markdown site easily and elegantly.
- IsaacGemal/wikitok
- mintyfrankie/brilliant-CV - 💼 another CV template for your job application, yet powered by Typst and more
- jskherman/imprecv - A no-frills curriculum vitae (CV) template using Typst and YAML to version control CV data.
- caffeinatedgaze/bare-bones-cv - A minimalistic CV comprising essentials only
- yunanwg/brilliant-CV - 💼 another CV template for your job application, yet powered by Typst and more
- vlang/v - Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. Compiles itself in <1s with zero library dependencies. Supports automatic C => V translation.
- pyenv-win/pyenv-win - pyenv for Windows. pyenv is a simple python version management tool. It lets you easily switch between multiple versions of Python. It's simple, unobtrusive, and follows the UNIX tradition of single-p
- cheesecakeufo/komorebi - A beautiful and customizable wallpapers manager for Linux
- p-e-w/finalterm - At last – a modern terminal emulator (NO LONGER MAINTAINED)
Vim Script
- plentiform/go-ide - Neovim config for golang development
- jwworth/til - ⌨️ Technical articles; needless words omitted
- romainl/vim-devdocs - Look up keyword on from Vim
- lervag/wiki.vim - A wiki plugin for Vim
- braintreeps/vim_dotfiles - our vim dotfiles
- liuchengxu/vista.vim - :cactus: Viewer & Finder for LSP symbols and tags
- rafi/vim-venom - Select Python runtimes or activate virtual-environments while working in Neo/Vim.
- vuciv/vim-bujo - A minimalist task manager for vim.
- LexSong/nvim-old - My Neovim configs
- github/copilot.vim - Neovim plugin for GitHub Copilot
- rexagod/samwise.nvim - samwise is a line-wise note-taking plugin for neovim.
- tpope/vim-rsi - rsi.vim: Readline style insertion
- kassio/neoterm - Wrapper of some vim/neovim's :terminal functions.
- jvns/vimconfig
- freitass/todo.txt-vim - Vim plugin for Todo.txt
- chimay/wheel - Any line in any file is only a few keys away. Quick navigation for Vim and Neovim : file groups, buffers, find, grep/edit, mru, frecency, sessions, yank, ...
- orlp/vim-quick-replace - A quick find/replace plugin for Vim.
- rhysd/git-messenger.vim - Vim and Neovim plugin to reveal the commit messages under the cursor
- Yggdroot/indentLine - A vim plugin to display the indention levels with thin vertical lines
- voldikss/vim-floaterm - :computer: Terminal manager for (neo)vim
- rbtnn/vim-mario - Mario on Vim
- NLKNguyen/papercolor-theme - :art: Light & Dark Vim color schemes inspired by Google's Material Design
- wsdjeg/FlyGrep.vim - Asynchronously fly grep in vim
- dyng/ctrlsf.vim - A text searching plugin mimics Ctrl-Shift-F on Sublime Text 2
- metakirby5/codi.vim - :notebook_with_decorative_cover: The interactive scratchpad for hackers.
- justinmk/vim-dirvish - Directory viewer for Vim :zap: netrW => netrL
- wellle/context.vim - Vim plugin that shows the context of the currently visible buffer contents
- arp242/gopher.vim - Plugin for the Go programming language
- tpope/vim-fireplace - fireplace.vim: Clojure REPL support
- frioux/blog - My blog
- jarolrod/vim-python-ide - Python development config
- johngrib/vim-game-code-break - Block-breaking game in vim 8.0
- dense-analysis/ale - Check syntax in Vim/Neovim asynchronously and fix files, with Language Server Protocol (LSP) support
- ctjhoa/spacevim - Spacemacs for vim
- rbong/vim-vertical - Vertical w and e motions for vim.
- jbranchaud/til - :memo: Today I Learned
- james9909/stackanswers.vim - Vim plugin to fetch and display answers from Stack Overflow
- tpope/vim-commentary - commentary.vim: comment stuff out
- chrisbra/NrrwRgn - A Narrow Region Plugin for vim (like Emacs Narrow Region)
- blindFS/unite-workflow - unite.vim extentions for convenience similar to alfred-workflow
- AndrewRadev/writable_search.vim - Grep for something, then write the original files directly through the search results.
- dhruvasagar/vim-dotoo - Org-mode like task logging & time tracking in Vim
- junegunn/limelight.vim - :flashlight: All the world's indeed a stage and we are merely players
- jez/vim-as-an-ide - Workshop on how to use Vim Plugins.
- cohama/lexima.vim - Auto close parentheses and repeat by dot dot dot...
- haya14busa/incsearch.vim - :flashlight: Improved incremental searching for Vim
- whatyouhide/vim-gotham - Code never sleeps in Gotham City. 🌃
- ahw/vim-hooks - Easily hook shell scripts into Vim autocmd events.
- junegunn/vim-plug - :hibiscus: Minimalist Vim Plugin Manager
- tpope/timl - Clojure like language which compiles down to VimL
- gcmt/wildfire.vim - Smart selection of the closest text object
- neovim/neovim - Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
- mbbill/undotree - The undo history visualizer for VIM
- itchyny/calendar.vim - A calendar application for Vim
- dhruvasagar/vim-table-mode - VIM Table Mode for instant table creation.
- reedes/vim-quotable - DEPRECATED, please use vim-textobj-quote
- bilalq/lite-dfm - Vim plugin to remove distractions
- amix/vim-zenroom - Simulating a vaguely WriteRoom-like environment in Vim.
- osyo-manga/vim-over - :substitute preview
- junegunn/vim-easy-align - :sunflower: A Vim alignment plugin
- wdicarlo/vim-notebook - Vim plugin to annotate text, source code, etc
- vim-scripts/vim-pipe - Send a buffer to a shell command & quickly see the result.
- justinmk/vim-sneak - The missing motion for Vim :athletic_shoe:
- ivyl/vim-bling - blink current search match
- vim-scripts/fountain.vim - Syntax for Fountain screenplay files
- amix/vimrc - The ultimate Vim configuration (vimrc)
- svermeulen/vim-easyclip - Simplified clipboard functionality for Vim
- joedicastro/dotfiles - My .dotfiles
- gko/vim-coloresque - css/less/sass/html color preview for vim
- maciakl/vim-neatstatus - Neat Status Line Plugin for Vim
- Shougo/vimfiler.vim - :file_folder: Powerful file explorer implemented by Vim script
- maciakl/.vim - My Vim Directory
- Shougo/neocomplete.vim - Next generation completion framework after neocomplcache
- Shougo/unite.vim - :dragon: Unite and create user interfaces
- Shougo/neobundle.vim - Next generation Vim package manager
- sjl/badwolf - A Vim color scheme.
- vim-airline/vim-airline - lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air
- bling/dotvim - lean & mean vim distribution
- mhinz/vim-startify - :link: The fancy start screen for Vim.
- terryma/vim-multiple-cursors - True Sublime Text style multiple selections for Vim
- paradigm/TextObjectify - TextObjectify is a Vim plugin which improves text-objects
- tpope/vim-obsession - obsession.vim: continuously updated session files
- airblade/vim-gitgutter - A Vim plugin which shows git diff markers in the sign column and stages/previews/undoes hunks and partial hunks.
- mattn/emmet-vim - emmet for vim:
- MarcWeber/vim-addon-manager - manage and install vim plugins (including their dependencies) in a sane way. If you have any trouble contact me. Usually I reply within 24 hours
- scrooloose/snipmate-snippets - A collection of snippets for snipmate
- Shougo/vimshell.vim - :shell: Powerful shell implemented by vim.
- vim-scripts/searchfold.vim - Fold away lines not matching the last search pattern
- Shougo/neosnippet.vim - neo-snippet plugin
- goldfeld/vim-seek - Seek makes navigating long lines effortless, acting like f but taking two characters.
- tpope/vim-sensible - sensible.vim: Defaults everyone can agree on
- jlfwong/vim-mercenary - mercenary.vim: A mercurial wrapper so awesome, you should give it money
- kana/vim-smartinput - Vim plugin: Provide smart input assistant
- instant-markdown/vim-instant-markdown - Instant Markdown previews from Vim
- sandeepcr529/Buffet.vim - A vimplugin for switching and managing buffer lists
- aaronbieber/vim-quicktask - Quicktask is a lightweight Vim task management plugin.
- molok/vim-smartusline - Vim plugin that changes the color of the statusbar of the focused window according with the current mode (normal/insert/replace)
- kien/tabman.vim - Tab management for Vim
- emilis/emilis-config - Emilis' personal configuration files
- kien/ctrlp.vim - Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder.
- thoughtstream/Damian-Conway-s-Vim-Setup - Snapshots of my Vim setup. Open source, but utterly unsupported...and probably dangerous.
- altercation/solarized - precision color scheme for multiple applications (terminal, vim, etc.) with both dark/light modes
- altercation/vim-colors-solarized - precision colorscheme for the vim text editor
- xolox/vim-notes - Easy note taking in Vim
- hsitz/PyScratch - Makes Vim into a "scratchpad" tool for Python, Ruby, Perl, and/or Lua
- hsitz/VimOrganizer - VimOrganizer is partly a clone of Emacs' Org-mode, and partly a front end to Org-mode itself. Do Org in Vim.
- VundleVim/Vundle.vim - Vundle, the plug-in manager for Vim
- mhinz/vim-galore - :mortar_board: All things Vim!
- lambdalisue/vim-gina - 👣 Asynchronously control git repositories in Neovim/Vim 8
- JKirchartz/writegooder.vim - Vim plugin for Matt Might's '3 shell scripts that can improve your writing'
- ggml-org/llama.vim - Vim plugin for LLM-assisted code/text completion
Vim Snippet
- honza/vim-snippets - vim-snipmate default snippets (Previously snipmate-snippets)
- salomonelli/best-resume-ever - :necktie: :briefcase: Build fast :rocket: and easy multiple beautiful resumes and create your best CV ever! Made with Vue and LESS.
- GandalfDG/tworooms - a web implementation of the Two Rooms and a Boom social deduction game
- nikitavoloboev/data - All kinds of things
- captn3m0/boardgame-research - List of research around modern boardgames.
- jd/asciidoc-book-toolchain - Book publishing toolchain based on AsciiDoc
- oreillymedia/HTMLBook - Let's write books in HTML!
- ianw/bottomupcs - Bottom Up Computer Science
- schacon/git-scribe - basically the best way to write an ebook
- jgallen23/layouts - an applescript and alfred extension to manage window layouts
- hgesser/ulix - Ulix, the Literate Unix
- akkartik/mu - Soul of a tiny new machine. More thorough tests → More comprehensible and rewrite-friendly software → More resilient society.
- GorvGoyl/Autohotkey-Scripts-Windows - Autohotkey scripts to make you more productive when using Windows.
- JaredCH/KeyChain - AHK tool to manage macros and external scripts
- henrystern/hotstring_hints - An autocompletion menu that reminds you of your hotstrings
- KroniK907/WindowSaver - An AutoHotkey script that will save your window positions and then restore them to the saved position
- lonepie/mintty-quake-console - AHK script to implement dropdown hotkey for mintty
- sdias/win-10-virtual-desktop-enhancer - An application that enhances the Windows 10 multiple desktops feature by adding additional keyboard shortcuts and support for multiple wallpapers.
- fuhsjr00/bug.n - Tiling Window Manager for Windows
- octalmage/mDesktop - mDesktop is a lightweight application that allows the user to utilize multiple virtual desktops.
- tinypigdotcom/stabby - stabby is an alternative to alt tab madness
- djanderson/aho - A git implementation in awk
- soimort/translate-shell - :speech_balloon: Command-line translator using Google Translate, Bing Translator, Yandex.Translate, etc.
- e36freak/awk-libs - GNU awk libraries
- alwsl/alwsl - Install archlinux as the WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) host.
- realpython/python-guide - Python best practices guidebook, written for humans.
- awesome-windows11/windows11 - 🌎 Windows 11 Settings, Tweaks, Scripts
- lelanthran/frame - Personal DB to help maintain focus on long-sequences of tasks.
- ililim/dual-key-remap - Remap any key to any other two keys on Windows 🔥. Remap CapsLock to both Ctrl and Escape! (It's like xcape for windows!)
- andmarti1424/sc-im - sc-im - Spreadsheet Calculator Improvised -- An ncurses spreadsheet program for terminal
- samyeyo/LuaRT - Open source Windows programming framework for Lua
- getreuer/qmk-keymap - My keymap & reusable QMK gems
- winfsp/sshfs-win - SSHFS For Windows
- cboxdoerfer/fsearch - A fast file search utility for Unix-like systems based on GTK3
- aceinnolab/Inkycal - Create awesome e-paper dashboards within minutes! Modularity? Check! Python3? Check? Works on Raspberry Pi Zero W? Check! Support for own modules? Check!
- hpjansson/chafa - 📺🗿 Terminal graphics for the 21st century.
- mptre/pick - A fuzzy search tool for the command-line
- lucavallin/barco - Linux containers from scratch in C.
- akkartik/teliva - Fork of Lua 5.1 to encourage end-user programming
- nalgeon/sqlean - The ultimate set of SQLite extensions
- kingToolbox/WindTerm - A professional cross-platform SSH/Sftp/Shell/Telnet/Tmux/Serial terminal.
- AngelJumbo/sssnake - cli snake game that plays itself
- LinArcX/wmenu - A dmenu clone for windows operating system written with pure win32 API.
- taviso/wpunix - WordPerfect for UNIX Character Terminals
- dankamongmen/notcurses - blingful character graphics/TUI library. definitely not curses.
- peterfajdiga/EndlessWM - A proof of concept of a scrolling window manager.
- bnordli/rftg - Race for the Galaxy AI
- woodrush/lisp-in-life - A Lisp interpreter implemented in Conway's Game of Life
- sqfmi/Watchy - Watchy - An Open Source E-Ink Smartwatch
- ThakeeNathees/pocketlang - A lightweight, fast embeddable scripting language.
- SolderedElectronics/Inkplate-Arduino-library - Inkplate family Arduino library. The easiest way to add e-paper to your project.
- prabirshrestha/dwm-win32 - dwm port of tiling manager to Window
- leahneukirchen/nq - Unix command line queue utility
- martanne/abduco - abduco provides session management i.e. it allows programs to be run independently from its controlling terminal. That is programs can be detached - run in the background - and then later reattached.
- eafer/rdrview - Firefox Reader View as a command line tool
- anordal/selfdock - Docker done right, from the bottom
- picnoir/ultimate-writer - Open Digital Typewriter
- malxau/yori - Yori is a CMD replacement shell that supports backquotes, job control, and improves tab completion, file matching, aliases, command history, and more.
- jhawthorn/fzy - :mag: A simple, fast fuzzy finder for the terminal
- mintty/wsltty - Mintty as a terminal for Bash on Ubuntu on Windows / WSL
- commonmark/cmark - CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C
- Keruspe/GPaste - Clipboard management system
- lastpass/lastpass-cli - LastPass command line interface tool
- minoca/swiss - Unix multitool for Windows and Minoca OS
- imatix/gsl - iMatix GSL code generator
- ngs-lang/ngs - Next Generation Shell (NGS)
- dnsmkl/fsqlf - Free SQL Formatter
- TrilbyWhite/Leela - A CLI frontend to the poppler-glib libary of PDF tools
- Wikinaut/agrep - AGREP - approximate GREP for fast fuzzy string searching. Files are searched for a string or regular expression, with approximate matching capabilities and user-definable records. Developed 1989-1991
- juho-p/fatty - Tabbed terminal for Cygwin based on mintty
- wishstudio/flinux - Foreign LINUX - Run unmodified Linux applications inside Windows.
- baskerville/bspwm - A tiling window manager based on binary space partitioning
- HarveyHunt/howm - A lightweight, X11 tiling window manager that behaves like vim
- stefansundin/altdrag - :file_folder: Easily drag windows when pressing the alt key. (Windows)
- mjolnirapp/mjolnir - Lightweight automation and productivity app for OS X
- icholy/ttygif - Convert terminal recordings to animated gifs
- ZaneA/HashTWM - An automatic Tiling Window Manager for the Windows OS.
- ggreer/the_silver_searcher - A code-searching tool similar to ack, but faster.
- darius/ichbins - A tiny self-hosting Lisp-to-C compiler
- autopilot-rs/autopy-legacy - DEPRECATED: Replaced by
- He4eT/oddkb - The Dactyl-ManuForm Keyboard [5x6]
- rudyrucker/chaos - James Gleick's Chaos: The Software
- carlini/c-chat-gpt-2
C# #
- endrl/jellyfin-plugin-media-analyzer - Fingerprint audio to automatically detect intro and outro segments in Jellyfin
- endrl/jellyfin-plugin-edl - Jellyfin .edl file creation plugin
- samhocevar/wincompose - 🔣 Compose Key for Windows
- finol-digital/Card-Game-Simulator - Create, Share, and Play
- YetAnotherPomodoroApp/YAPA-2 - Minimalistic desktop timer app for Pomodoro Technique users
- builtbybel/privatezilla - 👀👮🐢🔥Performs a privacy & security check of Windows 10
- alxnbl/onenote-md-exporter - ConsoleApp to export OneNote notebooks to Markdown formats
- workspacer/workspacer - a tiling window manager for Windows
- mxgmn/MarkovJunior - Probabilistic language based on pattern matching and constraint propagation, 153 examples
- coofcookie/Windows11Upgrade - Windows 11 Upgrade tool that bypasses Microsoft´s requirements
- srwi/EverythingToolbar - Everything integration for the Windows taskbar.
- inkle/ink - inkle's open source scripting language for writing interactive narrative.
- coding-horror/basic-computer-games - An updated version of the classic "Basic Computer Games" book, with well-written examples in a variety of common MEMORY SAFE, SCRIPTING programming languages. See
- wesdoyle/design-patterns-explained-with-food - GoF Design Patterns with "Real-World" examples involving Food-Related Businesses and mock dependencies
- zsims/hunt-and-peck - Simple vimium/vimperator style navigation for Windows applications based on the UI Automation framework.
- dnGrep/dnGrep - Graphical GREP tool for Windows
- microsoft/PowerToys - Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
- felixse/FluentTerminal - A Terminal Emulator based on UWP and web technologies.
- duplicati/duplicati - Store securely encrypted backups in the cloud!
- citizenmatt/resharper-clippy - Clippy. For ReSharper
- SecretDeveloper/TestDataGenerator.Core - A library that can be used to generate data for testing or other uses. You provide it with a pattern containing symbols defining the output you want to produce and it will create random data to match
- Sophia-Community/SophiApp - :zap: The most powerful open source tweaker on GitHub for fine-tuning Windows 10 & Windows 11
- mudroljub/programming-quotes-api - Programming Quotes API for open source projects.
- gabrielecirulli/2048 - The source code for 2048
- terrastruct/d2 - D2 is a modern diagram scripting language that turns text to diagrams.
- kaushikgopal/henry-hugo - Henry: Hugo theme meant for a gorgeous reading experience and packed with features
- kgrgreer/foam3 - FOAM: Feature-Oriented Active Modeller, Version 3 (unstable)
- doublespeakgames/adarkroom - A Dark Room - A Minimalist Text Adventure
- Continuities/adarkroom - A Dark Room - A Minimalist Text Adventure
- soufianesakhi/firefox-search-engines-helper - Export, import and add custom firefox search engines
- aengusmcmillin/gatsby-theme-brain
- booktype/Booktype - Booktype is a free, open source platform that produces beautiful, engaging books formatted for print, Amazon, iBooks and almost any ereader within minutes.
- mathisgauthey/obsidian-workflow-template - This is an Obsidian vault template from my Workflow with Tasks and Project Management, Journaling, Media Tracking, Offline Read-it-later and Bookmark Management, Note-taking and Note-sharing on Your O
- deathau/markdownload - A Firefox and Google Chrome extension to clip websites and download them into a readable markdown file.
- mozilla/readability - A standalone version of the readability lib
- fenglisch/bgg-bulk-upload
- nubank/morse - A graphical, interactive tool for browsing Clojure data
- Jieiku/abridge - Fast & Lightweight Zola Theme
- badlogic/heissepreise - Jo eh.
- ckolderup/postmarks - a single-user bookmarking website designed to live on the Fediverse
- underpig1/octos - HTML live wallpaper engine :rocket:
- nicbou/timeline-old - Collects personal data from different sources, displays it as a daily diary.
- psb1558/Elstob-font - A variable font for medievalists
- phaserjs/phaser - Phaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
- LeCoupa/awesome-cheatsheets - 👩💻👨💻 Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
- Frostforus/Solaris - Solaris Hungarian Generator
- mastotron/mastotron - A different interface to mastodon, and other experiments in social media
- open-duelyst/duelyst - Duelyst is a digital collectible card game and turn-based strategy hybrid, developed by Counterplay Games.
- ToolJet/ToolJet - Low-code platform for building business applications. Connect to databases, cloud storages, GraphQL, API endpoints, Airtable, Google sheets, OpenAI, etc and build apps using drag and drop application
- tanepiper/obsidian-garden - A knowledge management garden for, in which to grow your ideas
- bramses/bramses-highly-opinionated-vault-2023 - A highly opinionated, fully featured Obsidian vault that can get you from Zero to Zettelkasten lickety split!
- t-mart/kill-sticky - Bookmarklet to remove sticky elements and restore scrolling to web pages!
- Rezmason/matrix - matrix (web-based green code rain, made with love)
- dylanjcastillo/python-dataviz-cookbook - An interactive cookbook to create graphs with Python
- gereleth/hexapipes - Hexagonal pipes puzzles
- jimniels/readlists - A readlist is a mixtape, but for online content.
- Kristories/awesome-guidelines - A curated list of high quality coding style conventions and standards.
- dwmkerr/effective-shell - Text, samples and website for my 'Effective Shell' series.
- alenros/fake-artist - A player aid for A Fake Artist Goes to New York that eliminates the need for a Question master and lets everyone participate.
- movsim/traffic-simulation-de - Source code for javascript simulation of website
- ywalia01/dune-api - A simple API which provides you with book, character, movie and quotes JSON data
- kulcsarrudolf/podcast - List with podcasts related to software development.
- Schneegans/Burn-My-Windows - 🔥 Disintegrate your windows with style.
- tatatap-com/sowhat
- quarto-dev/quarto-cli - Open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc.
- MaggieAppleton/digital-gardeners - Resources, links, projects, and ideas for gardeners tending their digital notes on the public interwebs
- sajozsattila/mur2_editor - The μr² editor an easy to use, versatile and comprehensive text editor for academic writing.
- wooorm/dictionaries - Hunspell dictionaries in UTF-8
- resume/ - Resumes generated using the GitHub informations
- ryanburgess/engineer-manager - A list of engineering manager resource links.
- inkle/inky - An editor for ink: inkle's narrative scripting language
- ottomatica/docable-notebooks - :ledger: Next-Generation Interactive Notebooks
- shreyashankar/gpt3-sandbox - The goal of this project is to enable users to create cool web demos using the newly released OpenAI GPT-3 API with just a few lines of Python.
- cidrblock/ - draws network diagrams dynamically from a text file describing the placement, layout and icons. Given a yaml file describing the hierarchy of the network and it's connections, a resulting
- VGraupera/1on1-questions - Mega list of 1 on 1 meeting questions compiled from a variety to sources
- jwilber/roughViz - Reusable JavaScript library for creating sketchy/hand-drawn styled charts in the browser.
- paladin8/kfchess - Kung Fu Chess, a real-time chess game.
- ricklamers/gridstudio - Grid studio is a web-based application for data science with full integration of open source data science frameworks and languages.
- TBFY/knowledge-graph - TheyBuyForYou Knowledge Graph (KG)
- allegro/tipboard - Tipboard - in-house, tasty, local dashboarding system
- Smashing/smashing - The exceptionally handsome dashboard framework in Ruby and Coffeescript.
- zadam/trilium - Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes
- kendricktan/ledger-analytics - Easy to use analytics/visualization tool for ledger-cli
- be5invis/Iosevka - Versatile typeface for code, from code.
- go-shiori/shiori - Simple bookmark manager built with Go
- alexmojaki/birdseye - Graphical Python debugger which lets you easily view the values of all evaluated expressions
- p-e-w/envy - Text editing supercharger
- notwaldorf/tiny-care-terminal - 💖💻 A little dashboard that tries to take care of you when you're using your terminal.
- cerebroapp/cerebro - 🔵 Cerebro is an open-source launcher to improve your productivity and efficiency
- sztupy/tumblr-exif-check - Checks if your location is exposed via EXIF data on Tumblr
- browserpass/browserpass-legacy - Legacy Browserpass repo, development is now happening at:
- coldnew/org-ioslide - Export org-mode to Google I/O HTML5 slide.
- shekhargulati/52-technologies-in-2016 - Let's learn a new technology every week. A new technology blog every Sunday in 2016.
- madbence/node-tumblr-map
- SergeyMorugin/ostagram
- brrd/abricotine - Markdown editor with inline preview
- awalgarg/cv-maker - simple elegant markdown based resumes
- denysdovhan/bash-handbook - :book: For those who wanna learn Bash
- NARKOZ/hacker-scripts - Based on a true story
- guardian/scribe - DEPRECATED: A rich text editor framework for the web platform
- basecamp/trix - A rich text editor for everyday writing
- Lyrrad/NewsBlurBackgroundTab - NewsBlur Background Tab Chrome Extension
- aosabook/500lines - 500 Lines or Less
- msubra/kelvi - A stackoverflow questions monitor
- FoxUSA/OpenNote - OpenNote was built to be an open web-based alternative to Microsoft OneNote (T) and EverNote.
- TryGhost/Ghost - Independent technology for modern publishing, memberships, subscriptions and newsletters.
- gnab/remark - A simple, in-browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool.
- berbaquero/reeddit - Minimal, elastic Reddit reader web-app client
- rigoneri/syte - [Archived] A really simple but powerful packaged personal site that has social integrations like twitter, github, dribbble, instagram, foursquare, tumblr, wordpress, linkedin, spotify/, and muc
- wwwtyro/keyzen - A touch typing trainer geared towards programmers and others that need to practice with all the symbols on the keyboard.
- jasondavies/d3-cloud - Create word clouds in JavaScript.
- impress/impress.js - It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind
- acg/shellac - Extend Chrome with unix shell commands
- nature-of-code/The-Nature-of-Code-archive - The very first build system for The Nature of Code
- mattb/flotsam - Slushpile for handy fragments of script that don't fit anywhere else
- maccman/bowline-twitter - Bowline Twitter client
- hackerkid/Mind-Expanding-Books - :books: Find your next book to read!
- mickael-kerjean/filestash - 🦄 A file manager / web client for SFTP, S3, FTP, WebDAV, Git, Minio, LDAP, CalDAV, CardDAV, Mysql, Backblaze, ...
- bzimor/obsidian_hledger - Add transaction to hledger file or to daily note functionality using Templater on Obsidian
- fenglisch/bulk-upload-board-games-into-bgg-collection
- Luke-lwz/kaboom - Adaptation of the card game Two Rooms and a Boom
- abuseofnotation/feed-aggregator - An RSS aggregator that generates a simple embeddable static Markdown page
- jsonresume/resume-cli - CLI tool to easily setup a new resume 📑
- welpo/tabi - An accessible Zola theme with search, multi-language support, optional JavaScript, a perfect Lighthouse score, and comprehensive documentation. Crafted for personal websites and blogs.
- JLiscom/OpenNote - OpenNote was built to be an open web-based alternative to Microsoft OneNote (T) and EverNote.
- libreom/predirect - A manifest v3 web extension with minimal permissions to automatically redirect to privacy friendly frontends. ⭐️ Star to support our work!
- TT-ReBORN/Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean · Full Dynamic Color Reborn · Foobar2000 player
- viatsko/awesome-vscode - 🎨 A curated list of delightful VS Code packages and resources.
- vladikoff/chromeos-apk - ☢️ Run Android Apps in Chrome OS OR Chrome in OS X, Linux and Windows.
- wesbos/awesome-uses - A list of /uses pages detailing developer setups, gear, software and configs.
- s3rvant/boardgames - David Gregg board game design notes and playtesting files
- lucahammer/tweetXer - Delete all your Tweets for free
- sylumer/automators - Obsidian Vault for Automators Podcast
- open-webui/open-webui - User-friendly AI Interface (Supports Ollama, OpenAI API, ...)
- TuanManhCao/digital-garden - Free Obisidian Publish alternative, for publishing your digital garden.
- abuseofnotation/static-feed-aggregator - An RSS aggregator that generates a simple embeddable static Markdown page
- abuseofnotation/comic-web-markup - Comic-web is a markup language for describing comics, as well as a rendering engine for this language.
- p-ranav/hypergrep - Recursively search directories for a regex pattern
- Mozilla-Ocho/llamafile - Distribute and run LLMs with a single file.
- adamritter/fastgron - High-performance JSON to GRON (greppable, flattened JSON) converter
- ggerganov/ggml - Tensor library for machine learning
- endless-sky/endless-sky - Space exploration, trading, and combat game.
- nuttyartist/notes - Fast and beautiful note-taking app written in C++. Write down your thoughts.
- cunnane/xloil - xlOil provides framework for interacting with Excel in different programming languages (python & C++ currently)
- GollyGang/ready - A cross-platform implementation of various reaction-diffusion systems and PDEs.
- ice-wm/icewm - IceWM releases only, see Wiki
- guilryder/clavier-plus - Clavier+ keyboard shortcuts manager for Windows
- CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA - Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.
- gnudatalanguage/gdl - GDL - GNU Data Language
- dail8859/NotepadNext - A cross-platform, reimplementation of Notepad++
- ArthurSonzogni/Diagon - Interactive ASCII art diagram generators. :star2:
- smartykit/apple1 - SmartyKit 1 computer construction kit drivers and software. (Apple 1-compatible)
- k4zmu2a/SpaceCadetPinball - Decompilation of 3D Pinball for Windows – Space Cadet
- bailey27/cppcryptfs - cppcryptfs is an implementation of the gocryptfs encrypted overlay filesystem in C++ for Windows.
- pit-ray/win-vind - You can operate Windows with key bindings like Vim.
- McYoloSwagHam/win3wm - A Tiling Window Manager for windows 10, Inspired by i3wm
- pbek/QOwnNotes - QOwnNotes is a plain-text file notepad and todo-list manager with Markdown support and Nextcloud / ownCloud integration.
- przemek83/volbx - Graphical tool for data manipulation written in C++/Qt.
- hoffstadt/DearPyGui - Dear PyGui: A fast and powerful Graphical User Interface Toolkit for Python with minimal dependencies
- CoatiSoftware/SourcetrailDB - Library to export Sourcetrail compatible database files for writing custom indexers
- microsoft/terminal - The new Windows Terminal and the original Windows console host, all in the same place!
- tom-seddon/align_window3 - Quickly create tiled window arrangements
- some-mthfka/Viy - Note taker featuring Neovim, pictures and screenshots
- ern0/shrinkshot - ✂ CLI tool for shrink images by removing empty regions (best use case: screenshot)
- mawww/kakoune - mawww's experiment for a better code editor
- guillaumechereau/goxel - Goxel: Free and Open Source 3D Voxel Editor
- rprichard/winpty - A Windows software package providing an interface similar to a Unix pty-master for communicating with Windows console programs.
- albertlauncher/albert - A fast and flexible keyboard launcher
- fatih/subvim - Vim customized to be like SublimeText
- ledger/ledger - Double-entry accounting system with a command-line reporting interface
- lanurmi/efte - eFTE is a fork of FTE -- Folding Text Editor
- moneymanagerex/moneymanagerex - Money Manager Ex is an easy to use, money management application built with wxWidgets
- TeamHypersomnia/Hypersomnia - Multiplayer top-down shooter made from scratch in C++. Play in your Browser! Made in 🇵🇱
- isledecomp/isle - A functionally complete decompilation of LEGO Island (1997)
- ClickHouse/ClickHouse - ClickHouse® is a real-time analytics database management system
- Genivia/ugrep - 🔍 ugrep 7.2 file pattern searcher -- a more powerful, ultra fast, user-friendly, compatible grep replacement. Includes a TUI, Google-like Boolean search with AND/OR/NOT, fuzzy search, hexdumps, search
- ggml-org/ggml - Tensor library for machine learning
- maolonglong/hugo-simple - A Hugo-theme based on Simple.css and Bear Blog
- Akifyss/obsidian-border - A theme for
- caraya/epub-zen - Epub Zen Garden Content
- kognise/water.css - A drop-in collection of CSS styles to make simple websites just a little nicer
- Darkkal44/Cozytile - A Cozy rice ❃
- StefanSalewski/NimProgrammingBook - Computer Programming with the Nim Programming Language -- A gentle Introduction
- AnubisNekhet/AnuPpuccin - Personal theme for Obsidian
- addy-dclxvi/xfwm4-theme-collections - My Xfwm/Xfce Theme Collections
- rochacbruno/py2rs - A quick reference guide for the Pythonista in the process of becoming a Rustacean
- hrqmonteiro/joplin-theme - My Joplin theme files, including userchrome.css and userstyles.css, as well as some markdown templates for my notes.
- missing-semester/missing-semester - The Missing Semester of Your CS Education 📚
- dohliam/dropin-minimal-css - Drop-in switcher for previewing minimal CSS frameworks
- kidpixo/ -
- jez/tufte-pandoc-css - Starter files for using Pandoc Markdown with Tufte CSS
- alysbrooks/iris-tufte - My modifications to the Iris theme.
- eralpkaraduman/cv - My CV
- vicky002/AlgoWiki - Repository which contains links and resources on different topics of Computer Science.
- rolfschr/GSWL-book - This repository contains the content of the book Getting Started With Ledger.
- caiorss/org-wiki - Wiki for Emacs org-mode built on top of Emacs org-mode.
- mmistakes/jekyll-theme-hpstr - A Jekyll theme with some tumble-log tendencies.
- limist/literate-programming-examples - A collection of literate programming examples using Emacs Org mode; these examples are directly usable (copy and start hacking), and/or can serve as educational literate programs. Clojure will be the
- thi-ng/org-spec - Org-mode skeleton for technical specifications & HTML theme
- emacs-china/EGO - EGO is a static site generator that depends on Emacs, Git and Org-mode.
- fniessen/org-html-themes - Transform your Org mode files into stunning HTML documents in minutes with our Org mode HTML theme. Elevate your productivity and impress your readers! #orgmode #html #theme #productivity #design
- ryanoasis/nerd-fonts - Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
- arbelh/HalfStyle - Style Half of a Character by CSS
- caiorss/Emacs-Elisp-Programming - Tutorial about programming Elisp and Emacs text editor customization.
- HubPress/ - A web application to build your blog on GitHub
- barryclark/jekyll-now - Build a Jekyll blog in minutes, without touching the command line.
- jagregory/abrash-black-book - Markdown source for Michael Abrash's Graphics Programming Black Book
- mrmrs/colors - Smarter defaults for colors on the web.
- worlduniting/old-bookshop - bookShop is a publishing framework for html-to-pdf/(e)book toolchain happiness and sustainable productivity.
- wesbos/aprilFools.css - Harmlessly goof up your co-workers browser and chrome dev tools
- mrcoles/markdown-css - CSS for making regular HTML look like plain-text markdown.
- chriskempson/tomorrow-theme - Tomorrow Theme
- chromatic/modern_perl_book - Modern Perl: the book
- holman/left - Left is a clean, whitespace-happy layout for Jekyll.
- michenriksen/hugo-theme-til - A Hugo theme focused on simplicity and readability, and content discovery.
- panr/hugo-theme-terminal - A simple, retro theme for Hugo
- joeroe/risotto - A minimalist, responsive hugo theme inspired by terminal ricing aesthetics.
- athul/archie - A minimal Hugo Theme
- Seniblue/Underwater - An theme
- yibie/hugo-theme-deck
- FernandoCelmer/mkdocs-simple-blog - Blog Template for Mkdocs
- philips/inkpalm-5-adb-english - Instructions to setup an Xioami Inkpalm 5 with English and other apps
- Vonng/Capslock - Make Capslock Great Again!
- tomfran/typo - A simple Hugo theme
- munificent/game-programming-patterns - Source repo for the book
- adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod - A fast, clean, responsive Hugo theme.
- yihui/hugo-prose - A Hugo theme derived from the XMin theme, and inspired by Wowchemy, Distill, and tufte.css
- paulmartins/hugo-digital-garden-theme - Hugo Theme for digital gardening projects.
- beejjorgensen/bgnet0 - Beej's Guide to Network Concepts source
- callummcdougall/computational-thread-art - Code that renders an image as a series of lines connecting pins around a circular frame (for more detail, see my Medium page).
- fenglisch/bgg-names-to-ids
- javascript-tutorial/ - Modern JavaScript Tutorial
- pawroman/zola-theme-terminimal - A simple, minimal retro theme for Zola
- ejmg/zerm - a minimalist and dark theme for Zola
- rhettinger/ - Public web pages from talks
- jhvanderschee/hugobricks
- theNewDynamic/awesome-hugo - A curated list of awesome things related to Hugo, The world's fastest framework for building websites.
- alex-shpak/hugo-book - Hugo documentation theme as simple as plain book
- lethain/systems - systems is a set of tools for describing, running and visualizing systems diagrams.
- cbeust/guess-card
- preslavrachev/generative-art-in-go - A companion source code repository to the book "Generative Art in Go"
- rjpcomputing/luaforwindows - Lua for Windows is a 'batteries included environment' for the Lua scripting language on Windows. NOTICE: Looking for maintainer.
- GetPublii/Publii - The most intuitive Static Site CMS designed for SEO-optimized and privacy-focused websites.
- alan-turing-institute/ReadabiliPy - A simple HTML content extractor in Python. Can be run as a wrapper for Mozilla's Readability.js package or in pure-python mode.
- ehmatthes/pcc_2e - Online resources for Python Crash Course (Second Edition), from No Starch Press
- rr-tw5/ - A Roam Research Styled TiddlyWiki
- learnbyexample/ - My super duper awesome programming blog
- crisrojas/Zettels - Zettels Hugo Theme
- negrel/hugo-theme-pico - :black_circle: Pico is a minimalist, readable, responsive, light and beautiful Hugo theme.
- Track3/hermit - A minimal & fast Hugo theme for bloggers
- linkedin/school-of-sre - At LinkedIn, we are using this curriculum for onboarding our entry-level talents into the SRE role.
- robinsloan/perfect-edition - A lightweight, responsive web e-book template
- LingDong-/shan-shui-inf - Procedurally generated Chinese landscape painting.
- tabler/tabler - Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap
- yihui/hugo-xmin - eXtremely Minimal Hugo theme: about 140 lines of code in total, including HTML and CSS (with no dependencies)
- alanorth/hugo-theme-tufte-css - A simple Hugo theme based on the Tufte CSS style.
- kristopolous/BOOTSTRA.386 - A vintage 1980s DOS inspired Twitter Bootstrap theme
- edwardtufte/et-book - A webfont of the typeface used in Edward Tufte’s books.
- jcdarwin/epubzengarden - My version of
- metaperl/asciidoc-el - Emacs support for writing Asciidoc
- hwmaier/asciidoc-ditaa-filter - ditaa filter for AsciiDoc
- ericchiang/pup - Parsing HTML at the command line
- mixu/markdown-styles - Markdown to static HTML generator and multiple CSS themes for Markdown
- worrydream/EarlyHistoryOfSmalltalk - Cleaned-up HTML version of Alan Kay's HOPL paper, "The Early History of Smalltalk"
- cheeaun/life - Life - a timeline of important events in my life
- propublica/upton - A batteries-included framework for easy web-scraping. Just add CSS! (Or do more.)
- coolwanglu/pdf2htmlEX - Convert PDF to HTML without losing text or format.
- diveintomark/diveintopython3 - [Mirror] Dive Into Python 3 online book
- ayr-ton/awesome-geek-podcasts - A curated list of podcasts we like to listen to.
- EbookFoundation/free-programming-books - :books: Freely available programming books
- bradleytaunt/ET-Jekyll - A minimal Jekyll theme inspired by Tufte CSS
- mmistakes/minimal-mistakes - :triangular_ruler: Jekyll theme for building a personal site, blog, project documentation, or portfolio.
- healsdata/ai-training-opt-out - Known tags and settings suggested to opt out of having your content used for AI training.
- fenglisch/translate-board-game-names-into-bgg-ids
- en9inerd/zola-hacker - Hacker is a Zola theme
- HugoBlox/hugo-blox-builder - 🚨 GROW YOUR AUDIENCE WITH HUGOBLOX! 🚀 HugoBlox is an easy, fast no-code website builder for researchers, entrepreneurs, data scientists, and developers. Build stunning sites in minutes. 适合研究人员、企业家、数据科
- mojombo/ - Jekyll source for my personal blog.
- google/docsy - Hugo theme for open source documentation
- capnfabs/paperesque - A lightweight theme for Hugo (
- schnerring/hugo-theme-gruvbox - A retro-looking Hugo theme inspired by gruvbox. The pastel colors are high contrast, easily distinguishable, pleasing to the eye, and feature light and dark color palettes.
- binokochumolvarghese/lightbi-hugo - Lightbi is a minimal and clean blog theme for Hugo.
- spookey/slick - A fast, minimalist, responsive theme for Hugo that respects your privacy
- luizdepra/hugo-coder - A minimalist blog theme for hugo.
- CyrusYip/hugo-theme-yue - A minimal, multilingual and customizable Hugo theme, suitable for blogging
- mrmierzejewski/hugo-theme-console - Minimal and responsive Hugo theme inspired by the system console, crafted for optimal performance with an average page load time of under one second.
- Michaelangel007/vim_cheat_sheet - Updated my Vim cheat sheet
- merlinmann/wisdom - Merlin Mann attempts to capture the best advice he's heard and learned from.
- quantk/obsidian-hugo-demo
- microsoft/markitdown - Python tool for converting files and office documents to Markdown.
- tonsky/datascript - Immutable database and Datalog query engine for Clojure, ClojureScript and JS
- babashka/babashka - Native, fast starting Clojure interpreter for scripting
- nextjournal/clerk - ⚡️ Moldable Live Programming for Clojure
- quil/quil - Main repo. Quil source code.
- mjul/docjure - Read and write Office documents from Clojure
- dundalek/closh - Bash-like shell based on Clojure
- google/clojure-turtle - A Clojure library that implements the Logo programming language in a Clojure context
- clojure/test.check - QuickCheck for Clojure
- day8/re-frame - A ClojureScript framework for building user interfaces, leveraging React
- tonsky/FiraCode - Free monospaced font with programming ligatures
- dvcrn/markright - ➡ Electron powered markdown editor with live preview
- clj-commons/marginalia - Ultra-lightweight literate programming for clojure inspired by docco
- yogthos/markdown-clj - Markdown parser in Clojure
- noprompt/frak - Transform collections of strings into regular expressions.
- Factual/drake - Data workflow tool, like a "Make for data"
- clj-commons/kibit - There's a function for that!
- gregsexton/gtd - Get things displayed -- a utility app for displaying notifications on your desktop.
- functional-koans/clojure-koans - A set of exercises for learning Clojure
- drapanjanas/re-natal - Bootstrap ClojureScript React Native apps
- jaymedavis/hubble - A dashboard that displays in the terminal
Common Lisp
- atlas-engineer/nyxt - Nyxt - the hacker's browser.
- norvig/paip-lisp - Lisp code for the textbook "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming"
- google/lisp-koans - Common Lisp Koans is a language learning exercise in the same vein as the ruby koans, python koans and others. It is a port of the prior koans with some modifications to highlight lisp-specific feat
- toddsundsted/ktistec - Single user ActivityPub ( server.
- phil294/AHK_X11 - AutoHotkey for Linux (X11-based systems)
- zyedidia/Literate - A literate programming tool for any language
- munificent/hauberk - A web-based roguelike written in Dart.
- liftoff-app/liftoff - 🐒 A mobile client for lemmy
- thunder-app/thunder - Thunder - A fully open-source, cross-platform Lemmy client for iOS and Android
- xajik/thedeck - The Deck: An Open-Source, Cross-Platform, Mobile, Turn by Turn Card Game Engine in Flutter
- elixir-explorer/explorer - Series (one-dimensional) and dataframes (two-dimensional) for fast and elegant data exploration in Elixir
Emacs Lisp
- ianthehenry/dotfiles - My dotfiles. For easy clonin'.
- progfolio/doct - DOCT: Declarative Org Capture Templates for Emacs
- vreeze/zone-matrix-wake-up - The Matrix wake up scene as an Emacs zone/screen saver
- jschaf/esup - ESUP - Emacs Start Up Profiler
- MetroWind/flucui-theme - A custom theme for Emacs, inspired by Has both light and dark variants.
- larstvei/Focus - Dim the font color of text in surrounding paragraphs
- alphapapa/org-super-agenda - Supercharge your Org daily/weekly agenda by grouping items
- glynnforrest/emacs.d - The emacs configuration of a vim convert.
- alphapapa/yequake - Drop-down Emacs frames, like Yakuake
- Kungsgeten/yankpad - Paste snippets from an org-mode file
- swillner/org-gantt - Gantt chart for emacs org-mode
- kunalb/poet - An emacs theme that's well suited for modes using variable pitch: particularly org-mode and markdown-mode.
- 11111000000/tao-theme-emacs - tao-theme - two uncoloured color themes for EMACS
- alphapapa/unpackaged.el - A collection of useful Emacs Lisp code that isn't substantial enough to be packaged
- Kungsgeten/org-brain - Org-mode wiki + concept-mapping
- ofosos/ox-epub - Org mode epub export
- adamrt/sane-term - Cycle through terms in emacs
- alphapapa/org-web-tools - View, capture, and archive Web pages in Org-mode
- masasam/emacs-easy-hugo - Emacs major mode for managing hugo
- tsdye/tufte-org-mode - An Org mode environment for producing Tufte-LaTeX books and handouts
- rememberYou/.emacs.d - 🎉 Personal GNU Emacs configuration
- mooseyboots/mastodon.el - Emacs client for Mastodon. moved to:
- ksonney/spacemacs-mastodon - layer for Spacemacs
- Fuco1/dired-hacks - Collection of useful dired additions
- Chobbes/org-chef - A package for making a cookbook and managing recipes with org-mode.
- harrybournis/org-fancy-priorities - Display Org Mode priorities as custom strings
- tumashu/ivy-posframe - ivy-posframe is a ivy extension, which let ivy use posframe to show its candidate menu, ivy-posframe is a **GNU ELPA** package.
- qdot/deldo - Deldo is a sex toy control and teledildonics mode for Emacs
- ahungry/md4rd - Emacs Mode for Reddit - Read Reddit from within Emacs interactively.
- death/reddit-mode - Reddit mode for Emacs
- ahungry/org-jira - Bring Jira and OrgMode together
- wasamasa/nov.el - Major mode for reading EPUBs in Emacs
- the-ted/org-mind-map - This is an emacs package that creates graphviz directed graphs.
- larkery/emacs-bankruptcy - emacs cfg on its own
- remyhonig/org-query - Create complex but readable skip-functions for org-agenda
- abo-abo/pamparam - Simple and fast flashcards for Emacs
- edkolev/evil-lion - Evil align operator
- charlesroelli/org-board - Org mode's web archiver.
- vikasrawal/orgpaper - Reproducible Research Papers using Org-mode and R: A Guide
- ptrv/processing2-emacs - Processing 2 major-mode for Emacs
- jimeh/birds-of-paradise-plus-theme.el - A Emacs port of Joseph Bergantine's light-on-dark theme by the same name.
- dakrone/eos - Welcome to the Emacs of Things, aka the Emacs Operating System
- kiwanami/emacs-edbi - Database Interface for Emacs Lisp
- doomemacs/doomemacs - An Emacs framework for the stubborn martian hacker
- ox-tufte/ox-tufte - Emacs' Org-mode export backend for Tufte HTML
- Trevoke/sqlup-mode.el - An emacs minor mode to upcase SQL keyword and functions
- sabof/project-explorer - A project explorer sidebar
- samisalkosuo/elite-for-emacs - Interpretation of the game Elite using Emacs.
- bbatsov/crux - A Collection of Ridiculously Useful eXtensions for Emacs
- xcodebuild/nlinum-relative - Emacs relative line number besed on nlinum-mode
- sjrmanning/darkokai - :new_moon: Dark colour theme inspired by monokai with an uninspired name.
- bbatsov/zenburn-emacs - The Zenburn colour theme ported to Emacs
- Malabarba/emacs-google-this - A set of emacs functions and bindings to google under point.
- leoliu/sokoban - Sokoban for GNU Emacs ported from XEmacs
- jacktasia/dumb-jump - an Emacs "jump to definition" package for 50+ languages
- aaron-em/ten-hundred-mode.el - A thing to help people use only the ten hundred most usual English words.
- xcodebuild/blog-admin - Write blog in emacs with hexo/org-page/nikola
- noctuid/chronicler.el - Track and Analyze Writing Statistics for Org Files in Emacs
- larstvei/Try - Try out Emacs packages
- Alexander-Miller/company-shell
- benma/visual-regexp-steroids.el - Extends visual-regexp to support other regexp engines
- marsmining/ox-twbs - Export org-mode docs as HTML compatible with Twitter Bootstrap.
- mattdeboard/jira-rest - Emacs major mode for interacting with JIRA's REST API.
- baohaojun/org-jira - Bring Jira and OrgMode together
- bmag/spacemacs-config - Private configuration for spacemacs
- gcr/tumblesocks - An Emacs tumblr client for tumblr's v2 API.
- johanvts/emacs-fireplace - A cozy fireplace for emacs.
- DarthFennec/highlight-indent-guides - Emacs minor mode to highlight indentation
- dash-docs-el/helm-dash - Browse Dash docsets inside emacs
- redguardtoo/find-file-in-project - Quick access to project files in Emacs
- bmag/imenu-list - Emacs plugin to show the current buffer's imenu entries in a separate buffer
- anschwa/emacs.d - My complete Emacs configuration.
- jozefg/wiki-summary.el - Get summaries of wikipedia articles in Emacs
- wasamasa/dotemacs - Literate Emacs configuration
- sensorflo/adoc-mode - A major-mode for editing AsciiDoc files in Emacs
- redguardtoo/evil-matchit - Vim matchit ported into Emacs
- fniessen/orgmk - Streamline your Org document exports to PDF, HTML, DOC, and more with OrgMk. Simplify document compilation and enhance productivity. #orgmode #productivity #automation
- vermiculus/sx.el - Stack Exchange for Emacs
- kai2nenobu/guide-key - Guide following keys to an input key sequence automatically and dynamically in Emacs.
- grettke/home
- josteink/wsd-mode - A major-mode for Emacs and
- syl20bnr/spacemacs - A community-driven Emacs distribution - The best editor is neither Emacs nor Vim, it's Emacs *and* Vim!
- hlissner/evil-snipe - 2-char searching ala vim-sneak & vim-seek, for evil-mode
- tj64/outshine - [Emacs] outline with outshine outshines outline
- emacsorphanage/helm-ag - The silver searcher with helm interface
- Wilfred/ag.el - An Emacs frontend to The Silver Searcher
- jinzhu/zeal-at-point - Search the word at point with Zeal (Emacs)
- bling/evil-jumper - jump like vimmers do!
- apg/activator-el - init for emacs
- xiaohanyu/oh-my-emacs - [Stopped] Provide an awesome, out-of-box, literate dotemacs for both newbies and nerds.
- edwtjo/evil-org-mode - Supplemental evil-mode keybindings to emacs org-mode
- krisajenkins/EvilBegins - Vim user? Emacs curious? Try this...
- bling/dotemacs - emacs configuration for vim users
- dfeich/org8-wikiexporters - Emacs Org8.x exporters to TiddlyWiki and Foswiki/Twiki
- kuanyui/moe-theme.el - A customizable colorful eye-candy theme for Emacser. Moe, moe, kyun!
- rdallasgray/graphene - A set of defaults for Emacs, for refugees from GUI text editors.
- pdee/pdee - Python Development Emacs Environment
- bbatsov/prelude - Prelude is an enhanced Emacs 25.1+ distribution that should make your experience with Emacs both more pleasant and more powerful.
- kiwanami/emacs-calfw - A calendar framework for Emacs
- jgm/djot - A light markup language
- qjcg/awesome-typst - Awesome Typst Links
- pprevos/emacs-writing-studio - Emacs configuration for authors who research, write and publish articles, books and websites.
- ajgrf/parchment - A light editor theme for Vim and Emacs, inspired by Acme and Leuven – GitHub mirror
- glynnforrest/dotfiles - Mostly emacs, random scripts, and nix
- axgfn/parchment - A light editor theme for Vim and Emacs, inspired by Acme and Leuven – GitHub mirror
- org-roam/org-roam - Rudimentary Roam replica with Org-mode
- chenyanming/calibredb.el - Emacs calibre client - A Document Management Solution in Emacs.
- positron-solutions/dslide - Present anything Emacs can do with programmable, extensible, configurable slides & presentation steps made from org mode headings
F# #
- yatli/fvim - Cross platform Neovim front-end UI, built with F# + Avalonia
- AshleyF/VimSpeak - Speak to your editor.
- bakpakin/Fennel - Lua Lisp Language
- rktjmp/playtime.nvim - 🃏 At last! A way to play card games on your computer!
- google/starlark-go - Starlark in Go: the Starlark configuration language, implemented in Go
- yorukot/superfile - Pretty fancy and modern terminal file manager
- glanceapp/glance - A self-hosted dashboard that puts all your feeds in one place
- dimkr/tootik - A federated nanoblogging service with a Gemini frontend.
- 0xERR0R/blocky - Fast and lightweight DNS proxy as ad-blocker for local network with many features
- charmbracelet/mods - AI on the command line
- ttybitnik/diego - A CLI tool for importing and utilizing exported social media data from popular services on Hugo websites.
- jovandeginste/workout-tracker - A workout tracking web application for personal use (or family, friends), geared towards running and other GPX-based activities
- symbolicsoft/enclave - Command-line secure encrypted deniable cloud-synchronized notebook
- turbot/flowpipe - Flowpipe is a cloud scripting engine. Automation and workflow to connect your clouds to the people, systems and data that matters.
- turbot/steampipe - Zero-ETL, infinite possibilities. Live query APIs, code & more with SQL. No DB required.
- benhoyt/zztgo - Port of ZZT to Go (using a Pascal-to-Go converter)
- everywall/ladder - Selfhosted alternative to and bypass paywalls with a proxy ladder and remove CORS headers from any URL
- Jacalz/rymdport - Cross-platform application for easy encrypted file, folder, and text sharing between devices.
- psanford/wormhole-william - End-to-end encrypted file transfer. A magic wormhole CLI and API in Go (golang).
- bitfield/script - Making it easy to write shell-like scripts in Go
- willmeyers/gptq
- astaxie/build-web-application-with-golang - A golang ebook intro how to build a web with golang
- technosophos/dashing - A Dash Generator Script for Any HTML
- nikolaydubina/go-recipes - 🦩 Tools for Go projects
- noborus/ov - 🎑Feature-rich terminal-based text viewer. It is a so-called terminal pager.
- FiloSottile/age - A simple, modern and secure encryption tool (and Go library) with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability.
- cloudentity/oauth2c - User-friendly OAuth2 CLI
- ThreeDotsLabs/wild-workouts-go-ddd-example - Go DDD example application. Complete project to show how to apply DDD, Clean Architecture, and CQRS by practical refactoring.
- dlvhdr/roulette - :slot_machine: Making life decisions easier
- noahgorstein/jqp - A TUI playground to experiment with jq
- zk-org/zk - A plain text note-taking assistant
- charmbracelet/gum - A tool for glamorous shell scripts 🎀
- pocketbase/pocketbase - Open Source realtime backend in 1 file
- smmr-software/mabel - A fancy BitTorrent client for the terminal
- adamgordonbell/csvquote
- TomWright/dasel - Select, put and delete data from JSON, TOML, YAML, XML and CSV files with a single tool. Supports conversion between formats and can be used as a Go package.
- multiprocessio/dsq - Commandline tool for running SQL queries against JSON, CSV, Excel, Parquet, and more.
- charmbracelet/lipgloss - Style definitions for nice terminal layouts 👄
- charmbracelet/charm - The Charm Tool and Library 🌟
- charmbracelet/wish - Make SSH apps, just like that! 💫
- charmbracelet/bubbles - TUI components for Bubble Tea 🫧
- binwiederhier/ntfy - Send push notifications to your phone or desktop using PUT/POST
- abhimanyu003/sttr - cross-platform, cli app to perform various operations on string
- errata-ai/vale - :pencil: A markup-aware linter for prose built with speed and extensibility in mind.
- jstrieb/quickserv - Dangerously user-friendly web server for quick prototyping and hackathons
- johnkerl/miller - Miller is like awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for name-indexed data such as CSV, TSV, and tabular JSON
- twpayne/chezmoi - Manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely.
- kovetskiy/mark - Sync your markdown files with Confluence pages.
- getsops/sops - Simple and flexible tool for managing secrets
- rh12503/triangula - Generate high-quality triangulated and polygonal art from images.
- schachmat/wego - weather app for the terminal
- knqyf263/pet - Simple command-line snippet manager
- skx/sysbox - sysadmin/scripting utilities, distributed as a single binary
- writeas/writeas-cli - Command line client for / WriteFreely
- blampe/goat - Render ASCII art as SVG diagrams
- chriswalz/bit - Bit is a modern Git CLI
- davidhampgonsalves/Life-Dashboard - Low power, E-Ink dashboard for every day life running on a hacked Kindle.
- trashhalo/readcli - Tool that lets you read website content on the command line
- naggie/dstask - Git powered terminal-based todo/note manager -- markdown note page per task. Single binary!
- saljam/webwormhole - Peer authenticated WebRTC.
- vim-volt/volt - A meta-level vim package manager
- go-jira/jira - simple jira command line client in Go
- akiyosi/goneovim - A GUI frontend for neovim.
- acaloiaro/di-tui - A simple terminal UI player for
- sgreben/yeetgif - gif effects CLI. single binary, no dependencies. linux, osx, windows. #1 workplace productivity booster. #yeetgif #eggplant #golang
- hoanhan101/ultimate-go - The Ultimate Go Study Guide
- tomnomnom/gron - Make JSON greppable!
- mholt/timeliner - All your digital life on a single timeline, stored locally -- DEPRECATED, SEE TIMELINIZE (link below)
- andrewchambers/sftpplease - SFTP <-> Cloud service bridge.
- quii/learn-go-with-tests - Learn Go with test-driven development
- antonmedv/fx - Terminal JSON viewer & processor
- akavel/up - Ultimate Plumber is a tool for writing Linux pipes with instant live preview
- mattn/go-mastodon - mastodon client for golang
- jesseduffield/lazygit - simple terminal UI for git commands
- sgreben/jp - dead simple terminal plots from JSON data. single binary, no dependencies. linux, osx, windows.
- lk-geimfari/awesomo - Cool open source projects. Choose your project and get involved in Open Source development now.
- mmcloughlin/globe - Globe wireframe visualizations in Golang
- dzhou121/gonvim
- kashav/fsql - Search for files using a fun query language
- goby-lang/goby - Goby - Yet another programming language written in Go
- mvdan/sh - A shell parser, formatter, and interpreter with bash support; includes shfmt
- asciimoo/wuzz - Interactive cli tool for HTTP inspection
- eliukblau/pixterm - Draw images in your ANSI terminal with true color
- go-vgo/robotgo - RobotGo, Go Native cross-platform RPA and GUI automation @vcaesar
- purpleidea/mgmt - Next generation distributed, event-driven, parallel config management!
- fogleman/primitive - Reproducing images with geometric primitives.
- zyedidia/micro - A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor
- sourcegraph/thyme - Automatically track which applications you use and for how long.
- Wox-launcher/Wox - A cross-platform launcher that simply works
- dinedal/textql - Execute SQL against structured text like CSV or TSV
- google/codesearch - Fast, indexed regexp search over large file trees
- gohugoio/hugo - The world’s fastest framework for building websites.
- itchyny/rexdep - Roughly extract dependency relation from source code
- yudai/gotty - Share your terminal as a web application
- odeke-em/drive - Google Drive client for the commandline
- dborzov/lsp - lsp is like ls command but more human-friendly
- yhat/scrape - A simple, higher level interface for Go web scraping.
- junegunn/fzf - :cherry_blossom: A command-line fuzzy finder
- rainycape/gondola - The web framework for writing faster sites, faster
- replicon/fast-archiver - Alternative archiving tool with fast performance for huge numbers of small files
- shurcooL/markdownfmt - Like gofmt, but for Markdown.
- laurent22/massren - massren - easily rename multiple files using your text editor
- mindreframer/golang-stuff - interesting go libs
- urfave/cli - A simple, fast, and fun package for building command line apps in Go
- arunsupe/semantic-grep - grep for words with similar meaning to the query
- schollz/croc - Easily and securely send things from one computer to another :crocodile: :package:
- JFryy/qq - jq, but with many interoperable configuration format transcodings and interactive querying.
- rwx-research/captain - The Captain CLI can detect and quarantine flaky tests, automatically retry failed tests, partition files for parallel execution, produce markdown failure summaries, and more. It's compatible with 17 t
- ollama/ollama - Get up and running with Llama 3.3, DeepSeek-R1, Phi-4, Gemma 2, and other large language models.
- rqlite/rqlite - The lightweight, user-friendly, distributed relational database built on SQLite.
- eeeXun/gtt - Google Translate TUI (Originally). Currently supports Apertium, Bing, ChatGPT, DeepL, DeepLX, Google, LibreTranslate, Reverso.
- jlelse/GoBlog - Simple blogging system written in Go
- coder/wush - simplest & fastest way to transfer files between computers via WireGuard
- kudrykv/latex-yearly-planner - Digital planner for Supernote and ReMarkable // Support Ukraine 🇺🇦
- antonmedv/howto - A terminal helper for querying LLM
- cli/cli - GitHub’s official command line tool
- mudler/LocalAI - :robot: The free, Open Source alternative to OpenAI, Claude and others. Self-hosted and local-first. Drop-in replacement for OpenAI, running on consumer-grade hardware. No GPU required. Runs gguf, tr
- augur-ai/mantis - Mantis is a unified infrastructure as code framework that replaces Terraform and Helm
- C-Loftus/QuickPiperAudiobook - With one command, create a natural-sounding audiobook from a variety of input formats (epub, mobi, txt, PDF, HTML and more!)
- curiouslychase/_goorgeous - [DEPRECATED] A go org syntax parser to html
- nikitavoloboev/go - Go tools, libraries and other code
- greenpau/caddy-git - Git Plugin for Caddy v2
- chadgeary/cloudblock - Cloudblock deploys secure ad-blocking and VPN for all devices. Text and video guides included! 6 supported cloud providers, plus Ubuntu and Raspberry Pi. Cloudblock deploys Wireguard VPN, Pi-Hole DNS
- codeaprendiz/learn_devops - I am using this repository to document my devops journey. I follow the process of learning everything by tasks. Every task has an associated objective that encompasses an underlying concept. Concepts
- fduran/sadservers - SadServers: Linux & DevOps Troubleshooting Scenarios SaaS
- thomast1906/DevOps-Journey-Using-Azure-DevOps - A DevOps journey using Azure DevOps (CI/CD, reporting, terraform, AKS)
- SadServers/sadservers - SadServers: Linux & DevOps Troubleshooting Scenarios SaaS
- rust-lang/rust-by-example - Learn Rust with examples (Live code editor included)
- jaspervdj/patat - Terminal-based presentations using Pandoc
- jez/pandoc-sidenote - Convert Pandoc Markdown-style footnotes into sidenotes
- kmonad/kmonad - An advanced keyboard manager
- srid/emanote - Emanate a structured view of your plain-text notes
- srid/neuron - Future-proof note-taking and publishing based on Zettelkasten (superseded by Emanote:
- koalaman/shellcheck - ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts
- crufter/haquery - jQuery for Haskell
- upptime/upptime - ⬆️ GitHub Actions uptime monitor & status page by @AnandChowdhary
- mordechaim/Mosaic - Play and solve Fill-A-Pix puzzles (called "Mosaic" here).
- gunnarmorling/1brc - 1️⃣🐝🏎️ The One Billion Row Challenge -- A fun exploration of how quickly 1B rows from a text file can be aggregated with Java
- Anuken/Mindustry - The automation tower defense RTS
- tlaplus/tlaplus - TLC is a model checker for specifications written in TLA+. The TLA+Toolbox is an IDE for TLA+.
- Wisser/Jailer - Database Subsetting and Relational Data Browsing Tool.
- mehtank/androminion - Androminion : Unofficial Dominion for Android
- CreativeInquiry/PEmbroider - Embroidery Library for Processing
- repeats/Repeat - Cross-platform mouse/keyboard record/replay and automation hotkeys/macros creation, and more advanced automation features.
- na-ka-na/ExcelCompare - Command line tool (and API) for diffing Excel Workbooks
- icesphere/star-realms-simulator - Star Realms Simulator
- dbfit/dbfit - DbFit is a database testing framework that supports easy test-driven development of your database code.
- schemacrawler/SchemaCrawler - Free database schema discovery and comprehension tool
- P1kachu/ProgrammingLearning - Learning new programming languages, the easy way.
- petoncle/mousemaster - Efficiently control your mouse with keyboard inputs for a completely mouseless experience.
- svaksha/pythonidae - Curated decibans of scientific programming resources in Python.
- msasikanth/twine - Twine: A multiplatform RSS reader built using Kotlin and Compose
- artnc/chronofile - Personal time tracking app
- yairm210/Unciv - Open-source Android/Desktop remake of Civ V
- android-password-store/Android-Password-Store - Android application compatible with ZX2C4's Pass command line application
- OXY2DEV/markview.nvim - A hackable markdown, Typst, latex, html(inline) & YAML previewer for Neovim
- sourcegraph/sg.nvim - Experimental Sourcegraph + Cody plugin for Neovim
- juansalvatore/git-dashboard-nvim - Your git contributions heatmap chart inside your favorite nvim dashboards.
- epwalsh/obsidian.nvim - Obsidian 🤝 Neovim
- echasnovski/mini.nvim - Library of 40+ independent Lua modules improving overall Neovim (version 0.8 and higher) experience with minimal effort
- stevearc/overseer.nvim - A task runner and job management plugin for Neovim
- Abstract-IDE/abstract-autocmds - Useful autocmds for Neovim.
- dpayne/CodeGPT.nvim - CodeGPT is a plugin for neovim that provides commands to interact with ChatGPT.
- mobily/.nvim
- kelly-lin/ranger.nvim - Ranger plugin for neovim
- cnshsliu/smp.nvim - NeoVim Markdown Previewer, Outliner, Incremental Searcher and more
- chomosuke/term-edit.nvim - Vim Keybindings in Neovim's Built-in Terminal
- xxuejie/micro-acme - Acme style editing plugin for micro editor
- martineausimon/nvim-bard - A minimal plugin to interact with Google Bard in Neovim
- peterhil/awesome-ultraviolet - Awesome WM theme with dark violet colours
- heav-4/relocation - 2d puzzle involving moving groups of tiles around under a certain ruleset.
- CKolkey/neogit - magit for neovim
- nyngwang/suave.lua - Multi-tabs project session automation
- princejoogie/dir-telescope.nvim - Perform telescope functions in a selected directory
- ldelossa/nvim-ide - A full featured IDE layer for Neovim. Heavily inspired by VSCode.
- hadronized/mind.nvim - The power of trees at your fingertips.
- Eandrju/cellular-automaton.nvim - A useless plugin that might help you cope with stubbornly broken tests or overall lack of sense in life. It lets you execute aesthetically pleasing, cellular automaton animations based on the content
- LazyVim/LazyVim - Neovim config for the lazy
- mattmight/advent-of-code-2022
- nullchilly/fsread.nvim - Flow state reading in neovim
- ElPiloto/telescope-vimwiki.nvim - look through your vimwiki with your telescope
- zk-org/zk-nvim - Neovim extension for zk
- fabiospampinato/termux-env - My super-quick-to-setup Termux environment.
- sindrets/diffview.nvim - Single tabpage interface for easily cycling through diffs for all modified files for any git rev.
- anuvyklack/hydra.nvim - Create custom submodes and menus
- Gavinok/Kickstart.nvim - A small, documented, and featureful neovim starter config
- ranjithshegde/orgWiki.nvim - A plugin that adds wiki and diary extension to orgmode filetype
- brainfucksec/neovim-lua - Neovim KISS configuration with Lua
- pkulchenko/ZeroBranePackage - Packages for ZeroBrane Studio (
- pkulchenko/fullmoon - Fast and minimalistic Redbean-based Lua web framework in one file.
- ThePrimeagen/harpoon
- simrat39/symbols-outline.nvim - A tree like view for symbols in Neovim using the Language Server Protocol. Supports all your favourite languages.
- nicknisi/dotfiles - vim, zsh, git, homebrew, neovim - my whole world
- rebelot/heirline.nvim - Heirline.nvim is a no-nonsense Neovim Statusline plugin designed around recursive inheritance to be exceptionally fast and versatile.
- tanvirtin/vgit.nvim - Visual git plugin for Neovim
- rafcamlet/nvim-luapad - Interactive real time neovim scratchpad for embedded lua engine - type and watch!
- nvim-orgmode/orgmode - Orgmode clone written in Lua for Neovim 0.10.0+.
- letoram/pipeworld - Dataflow 'spreadsheet' desktop environment
- NeogitOrg/neogit - An interactive and powerful Git interface for Neovim, inspired by Magit
- famiu/feline.nvim - A minimal, stylish and customizable statusline for Neovim written in Lua
- dobrovolsky/kb-notes.nvim - Note-taking plugin builtt on to of nvim
- hadronized/hop.nvim - Neovim motions on speed!
- awesome-streamers/awesome-streamerrc - Dotfiles for various streamers on Twitch.
- NvChad/NvChad - Blazing fast Neovim framework providing solid defaults and a beautiful UI, enhancing your neovim experience.
- nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim - Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time.
- nvim-focus/focus.nvim - Auto-Focusing and Auto-Resizing Splits/Windows for Neovim written in Lua. A full suite of window management enhancements. Vim splits on steroids!
- fpczk/conky-simple - Conky setup for a minimalistic desktop.
- jcjohnson/neural-style - Torch implementation of neural style algorithm
- ers35/luastatic - Build a standalone executable from a Lua program.
- pkulchenko/ZeroBraneStudio - Lightweight Lua-based IDE for Lua with code completion, syntax highlighting, live coding, remote debugger, and code analyzer; supports Lua 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, LuaJIT and other Lua interpreters on Wind
- koreader/koreader - An ebook reader application supporting PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2 and many more formats, running on Cervantes, Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook and Android devices
- tylerneylon/termtris - A text-based game inspired by tetris.
- waf/nice-and-clean-theme - A port of the Openbox "nice and clean" theme for awesome window manager
- Kurama622/profile.nvim - Your Personal Homepage
- sphamba/smear-cursor.nvim - 🌠 Neovim plugin to animate the cursor with a smear effect in all terminals
- 2KAbhishek/nvim2k - Your Personalized Dev Env ❤️👨💻
- jakobkhansen/journal.nvim - 🖋️ Highly extensible journaling system for Neovim
- sile-typesetter/sile - The SILE Typesetter — Simon’s Improved Layout Engine
- pocco81/true-zen.nvim - 🦝 Clean and elegant distraction-free writing for NeoVim
- LunarVim/Neovim-from-scratch - 📚 A Neovim config designed from scratch to be understandable
- folke/which-key.nvim - 💥 Create key bindings that stick. WhichKey helps you remember your Neovim keymaps, by showing available keybindings in a popup as you type.
- neo451/feed.nvim - Neovim feed reader, rss, atom and jsonfeed, all in lua
- MiragianCycle/OVIWrite - Integrated Writing Environment (IWE) based on NeoVim
- folke/snacks.nvim - 🍿 A collection of QoL plugins for Neovim
- jakewvincent/mkdnflow.nvim - Fluent navigation and management of markdown notebooks
- wsdjeg/vim-zettelkasten - a Zettelkasten note taking plugin
- rewhile/fsread.nvim - Flow state reading in neovim
- MagicDuck/grug-far.nvim - Find And Replace plugin for neovim
- MeanderingProgrammer/render-markdown.nvim - Plugin to improve viewing Markdown files in Neovim
- yewstack/yew - Rust / Wasm framework for creating reliable and efficient web applications
- nikitavoloboev/docs
- target/make-python-devex - An example Python project using Make, Homebrew, pyenv, poetry, and other great tools
- manna-harbour/miryoku - Miryoku is an ergonomic, minimal, orthogonal, and universal keyboard layout.
- colindean/plaintextaccounting_workshop - An Introduction and Then Some to Plain Text Accounting with Ledger
- Helsinki-NLP/Tatoeba-Challenge
- yuk7/ArchWSL - ArchLinux based WSL Distribution. Supports multiple install.
- gromnitsky/hunspell-windows - Create an x64 hunspell windows binary bundle with all the dicts from the libreoffice repo.
- mdn/content - The content behind MDN Web Docs
- adambard/learnxinyminutes-docs - Code documentation written as code! How novel and totally my idea!
- codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x - Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
- bmatzelle/gow - Unix command line utilities installer for Windows.
- c-blake/bu - B)asic|But-For U)tility Code/Programs (in Nim & Often Unix/POSIX/Linux Context)
- zachcoyle/neovitality
- novoid/nixos-config - NixOS + flakes + home-manager with xfce, zsh, tmux, ...
- bigskysoftware/ - The Grug Brained Developer
- ksylor/ohshitgit - The official home of Oh Shit, Git!?!
- PataphysicalSociety/soupault - Static website generator based on HTML element tree rewriting
- nuno-faria/tetris-sql - Using SQL's Turing Completeness to Build Tetris
- historicalsource/shogun - James Clavell's Shōgun by Dave Lebling of Infocom (1989)
- ben-nour/SQL-tips-and-tricks - SQL tips and tricks
- kristoff-it/zine - Fast, Scalable, Flexible Static Site Generator (SSG)
- neurocyte/flow - Flow Control: a programmer's text editor
- szzran/winconfig - This repository contains my configuration files for MS Windows.
- Runixe786/MD3-Windows - Material you widgets for your windows desktop, adaptable with wallpaper colors with both light & dark modes
Programming Languages
Vim Script
Emacs Lisp
Jupyter Notebook
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Common Lisp
F# #
Vim Snippet
Sub Categories