An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.
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- giscus/giscus - A comment system powered by GitHub Discussions. :octocat: :speech\_balloon: :gem:
- vuejs/vue - This is the repo for Vue 2. For Vue 3, go to
- lyswhut/lx-music-mobile - 一个基于 React native 开发的音乐软件
- heyxyz/hey - Hey is a decentralized and permissionless social media app built with Lens Protocol 🌿
- netless-io/flat - Project flat is the Web, Windows and macOS client of Agora Flat open source classroom.
- nativefier/nativefier - Make any web page a desktop application
- antfu/github-doorcat - 😼 Supercharges GitHub navbar for fast navigation \[WIP]
- beaudar/beaudar - 基于 GitHub issue 的轻量评论插件,Utterances 的中文版本
- ven/ven-earth - 🌍 My personal site created with Next.js and TailwindCSS.
- tusen-ai/naive-ui - A Vue 3 Component Library. Fairly Complete. Theme Customizable. Uses TypeScript. Fast.
- xyflow/xyflow - React Flow | Svelte Flow - Powerful open source libraries for building node-based UIs with React ( or Svelte ( Ready out-of-the-box and infinitely customizable.
- pacocoursey/next-themes - Perfect Next.js dark mode in 2 lines of code. Support System preference and any other theme with no flashing
- pnpm/pnpm - Fast, disk space efficient package manager
- misskey-dev/misskey - 🌎 A completely free and open interplanetary microblogging platform 🚀
- ahonn/logseq-plugin-todo - A simple to-do list plugin for logseq
- slidevjs/slidev - Presentation Slides for Developers
- tldraw/tldraw - whiteboard SDK / infinite canvas SDK
- Zettlr/Zettlr - Your One-Stop Publication Workbench
- oxen-io/session-desktop - Session Desktop - Onion routing based messenger
- raineorshine/npm-check-updates - Find newer versions of package dependencies than what your package.json allows
- haydenull/logseq-plugin-agenda - A calendar, task manager and daily planner plugin for logseq
- pengx17/logseq-plugin-tabs - A Logseq plugin which lets you open pages in tabs like working in the browser
- AdguardTeam/AdguardBrowserExtension - AdGuard browser extension
- abielzulio/chatgpt-raycast - ChatGPT raycast extension
- pengx17/logseq-plugin-link-preview - Preview links in logseq
- react-icons/react-icons - svg react icons of popular icon packs
- antfu/vscode-smart-clicks - Smart selection with double clicks for VS Code.
- seo-rii/electron-acrylic-window - Add acrylic effect to your electron application
- Eugeny/tabby - A terminal for a more modern age
- FlorianWoelki/obsidian-iconize - Simply add icons to anything you want in Obsidian.
- saasfly/saasfly - Your Next SaaS Template or Boilerplate ! A magic trip start with `bun create saasfly` . The more stars, the more surprises
- honojs/hono - Web framework built on Web Standards
- monkeytypegame/monkeytype - The most customizable typing website with a minimalistic design and a ton of features. Test yourself in various modes, track your progress and improve your speed.
- kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap - Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
- MauriceNino/dashdot - A simple, modern server dashboard, primarily used by smaller private servers
- catppuccin/catppuccin - 😸 Soothing pastel theme for the high-spirited!
- catppuccin/vscode - 🦌 Soothing pastel theme for VSCode & Azure Data Studio
- SukkaW/foxact - React Hooks/Utils done right. For Browser, SSR, and React Server Components.
- chanind/hanzi-writer - Chinese character stroke order animations and practice quizzes
- meetqy/aspoem - Learn Chinese Poetry With
- iconify/iconify - Universal icon framework. One syntax for FontAwesome, Material Design Icons, DashIcons, Feather Icons, EmojiOne, Noto Emoji and many other open source icon sets (over 150 icon sets and 200k icons). SVG framework, React, Vue and Svelte components!
- planttheidea/hash-it - Hash any object type based on its values
- antfu-collective/taze - 🥦 A modern cli tool that keeps your deps fresh
- geekyouth/moodist - 有助于集中注意力和平静的环境声音
- pranshuchittora/autarky - Liberating disk space from 📁 node\_modules | Built with React
- radix-ui/themes - Radix Themes is an open-source component library optimized for fast development, easy maintenance, and accessibility. Maintained by @workos.
- radix-ui/colors - A gorgeous, accessible color system.
- lobehub/lobe-ui - 🍭 Lobe UI - an open-source UI component library for building AIGC web apps
- nextauthjs/next-auth - Authentication for the Web.
- githubnext/monaspace - An innovative superfamily of fonts for code
- spacedriveapp/spacedrive - Spacedrive is an open source cross-platform file explorer, powered by a virtual distributed filesystem written in Rust.
- typehero/typehero - Connect, collaborate, and grow with a community of TypeScript developers
- phosphor-icons/homepage - The homepage of Phosphor Icons, a flexible icon family for everyone
- unix/ - My static blog template.
- mantinedev/mantine - A fully featured React components library
- prisma/prisma - Next-generation ORM for Node.js & TypeScript | PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite, MongoDB and CockroachDB
- nextui-org/nextui - 🚀 Beautiful, fast and modern React UI library.
- bombshell-dev/clack - Effortlessly build beautiful command-line apps
- oovm/vscode-subtitles
- mxsdev/ts-type-explorer - VSCode Extension & utilities for exploring TypeScript type information
- digimezzo/dopamine - The audio player that keeps it simple
- sindresorhus/type-fest - A collection of essential TypeScript types
- amannn/next-intl - 🌐 Internationalization (i18n) for Next.js
- vercel/swr - React Hooks for Data Fetching
- homebridge/homebridge - HomeKit support for the impatient.
- CatsJuice/ipad-cursor - ● Mouse effect of iPad in browser that can be used in any framework
- seek-oss/capsize - Flipping how we define typography in CSS.
- Tohrusky/Final2x - 2^x Image Super-Resolution
- ShenQingchuan/meditate - Aim to be a powerful slack-off CLI application.
- tamagui/tamagui - Style React fast with 100% parity on React Native, an optional UI kit, and optimizing compiler.
- tremorlabs/tremor - React components to build charts and dashboards
- codyogden/killedbygoogle - Part guillotine, part graveyard for Google's doomed apps, services, and hardware.
- chakra-ui/ark - Build your design system with React, Svelte, Vue, and Solid. Powered by State Machines
- vercel/react-tweet - Embed tweets in your React application.
- DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped - The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
- mathquill/mathquill - Easily type math in your webapp
- ryanccn/olek - Status page.
- immich-app/immich - High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.
- vscode-org-mode/vscode-org-mode - Emacs Org Mode for Visual Studio Code
- Nutlope/aicommits - A CLI that writes your git commit messages for you with AI
- missive/emoji-mart - 🏪 One component to pick them all
- changesets/changesets - 🦋 A way to manage your versioning and changelogs with a focus on monorepos
- vuetifyjs/vuetify - 🐉 Vue Component Framework
- yoyurec/logseq-awesome-links - ⭐ Favicons for external links, page icons for internal. Logseq pluign
- YunYouJun/air-conditioner - ❄️ Yun Portable Air Conditoner. 云空调,便携小空调,为你的夏日带去清凉!
- Grsmto/simplebar - Custom scrollbars vanilla javascript library with native scroll, done simple, lightweight, easy to use and cross-browser.
- floating-ui/floating-ui - A JavaScript library to position floating elements and create interactions for them.
- remix-run/react-router - Declarative routing for React
- radix-ui/primitives - Radix Primitives is an open-source UI component library for building high-quality, accessible design systems and web apps. Maintained by @workos.
- unix/secret
- pomber/stargazer - Your repo reached a stars milestone? Celebrate with a video of your stargazers!
- Basedash/dockhunt - Discover the apps everyone is docking about. Made by the team at @Basedash.
- withfig/autocomplete - IDE-style autocomplete for your existing terminal & shell
- Molunerfinn/PicGo - :rocket:A simple & beautiful tool for pictures uploading built by vue-cli-electron-builder
- shadcn-ui/taxonomy - An open source application built using the new router, server components and everything new in Next.js 13.
- shadcn-ui/ui - A set of beautifully-designed, accessible components and a code distribution platform. Works with your favorite frameworks. Open Source. Open Code.
- astoilkov/use-local-storage-state - React hook that persists data in localStorage
- meyda/meyda - Audio feature extraction for JavaScript.
- wei/socialify - 💞 Socialify your project. 🌐 Share with the world!
- neet/masto.js - 🐘 Universal Mastodon API client for JavaScript
- spencerwooo/substats - ( `д′) how many followers do i have? how many!
- spencerwooo/onedrive-vercel-index - OneDrive public directory listing, powered by Vercel and Next.js
- trpc/trpc - 🧙♀️ Move Fast and Break Nothing. End-to-end typesafe APIs made easy.
- cloudflare/wildebeest - Wildebeest is an ActivityPub and Mastodon-compatible server
- extend-luogu/extend-luogu - 大型网络游戏服务器加强插件,增添各种~~炫酷魔法~~。
- avitorio/outstatic - Outstatic - A static CMS for Next.js
- formatjs/formatjs - The monorepo home to all of the FormatJS related libraries, most notably react-intl.
- vitejs/vite - Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast!
- reactchartjs/react-chartjs-2 - React components for Chart.js, the most popular charting library
- Cveinnt/LiveTerm - 💻 Build terminal styled websites in minutes!
- vuejs/vitepress - Vite & Vue powered static site generator.
- LeetCode-OpenSource/vscode-leetcode - Solve LeetCode problems in VS Code
- umami-software/umami - Umami is a simple, fast, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics.
- fontsource/fontsource - Self-host Open Source fonts in neatly bundled NPM packages.
- mgmeyers/obsidian-kanban - Create markdown-backed Kanban boards in Obsidian.
- calcom/ - Scheduling infrastructure for absolutely everyone.
- appwrite/appwrite - Your backend, minus the hassle.
- excalidraw/excalidraw - Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams
- uuidjs/uuid - Generate RFC-compliant UUIDs in JavaScript
- stevenpetryk/mafs - React components for interactive math
- beekeeper-studio/beekeeper-studio - Modern and easy to use SQL client for MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, SQL Server, and more. Linux, MacOS, and Windows.
- Codennnn/Green-Wall - ⬜🟩 GitHub Contributions Graph Generator. :octocat:
- baotlake/periodic-table-pro - 元素周期表Pro,高颜值化学必备小程序,提供全面的元素属性、图片和百科知识等
- novuhq/novu - Open-Source Notification Platform. Embeddable Notification Center, E-mail, Push and Slack Integrations.
- neat-run/wrapped - GitHub Wrapped, inspired by Spotify Wrapped
- supabase/supabase - The open source Firebase alternative. Supabase gives you a dedicated Postgres database to build your web, mobile, and AI applications.
- PlasmoHQ/plasmo - 🧩 The Browser Extension Framework
- electron-react-boilerplate/electron-react-boilerplate - A Foundation for Scalable Cross-Platform Apps
- vercel/satori - Enlightened library to convert HTML and CSS to SVG
- apache/echarts - Apache ECharts is a powerful, interactive charting and data visualization library for browser
- desktop/desktop - Focus on what matters instead of fighting with Git.
- stevenlei/spacingjs - A JavaScript utility for measuring the spacing between elements on webpage.
- facebook/docusaurus - Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.
- yenche123/podcast-together - 跟你的好友一起实时在线听播客!
- pacocoursey/cmdk - Fast, unstyled command menu React component.
- timc1/kbar - fast, portable, and extensible cmd+k interface for your site
- BilibiliVideoDownload/BilibiliVideoDownload - Cross-platform download bilibili video desktop software, support windows, macOS, Linux
- remotion-dev/remotion - 🎥 Make videos programmatically with React
- remotion-dev/github-unwrapped-2022 - Your coding year in review #GitHubUnwrapped
- vadimdemedes/ink - 🌈 React for interactive command-line apps
- material-extensions/vscode-material-icon-theme - Material Design icons for VS Code
- willofindie/vscode-cssvar - VSCode extension to support CSS Variables Intellisense
- shikijs/shiki - A beautiful yet powerful syntax highlighter
- Milkdown/milkdown - 🍼 Plugin driven WYSIWYG markdown editor framework.
- star-history/star-history - The missing star history graph of GitHub repos -
- voidcosmos/npkill - List any node\_modules 📦 dir in your system and how heavy they are. You can then select which ones you want to erase to free up space 🧹
- tvillarete/ipod-classic-js - An iPod Classic simulator that connects to Apple Music and Spotify. Built with React & Styled Components
- microsoft/playwright - Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
- DIYgod/RSSHub - 🧡 Everything is RSSible
- djyde/cusdis - lightweight, privacy-friendly alternative to Disqus.
- RocketChat/Rocket.Chat - The communications platform that puts data protection first.
- pmndrs/use-gesture - 👇Bread n butter utility for component-tied mouse/touch gestures in React and Vanilla Javascript.
- PuruVJ/macos-preact
- tancredi/fantasticon - Icon font generation tool
- refined-github/github-url-detection - Which GitHub page are you on? Is it an issue? Is it a list? Perfect for your WebExtension or userscript.
- shuding/nextra - Simple, powerful and flexible site generation framework with everything you love from Next.js.
- geist-org/geist-ui - A design system for building modern websites and applications.
- rfoel/use-prefers-color-scheme - React hook for determining the preferred color scheme
- angular/components - Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular
- renzholy/mongood - A MongoDB GUI with Fluent Design
- the1812/Bilibili-Evolved - 强大的哔哩哔哩增强脚本
- felixrieseberg/windows95 - 💩🚀 Windows 95 in Electron. Runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows.
- joe-bell/plaiceholder - Beautiful image placeholders, without the hassle.
- node-gh/gh - (DEPRECATED) GitHub CLI made with NodeJS. Use the official instead.
- vercel/serve - Static file serving and directory listing
- umijs/umi - A framework in react community ✨
- OI-wiki/OI-wiki - :star2: Wiki of OI / ICPC for everyone. (某大型游戏线上攻略,内含炫酷算术魔法)
- swdotcom/swdc-vscode - Time-tracking plugin for Visual Studio Code
- NativeScript/NativeScript - ⚡ Empowering JavaScript with native platform APIs. ✨ Best of all worlds (TypeScript, Swift, Objective C, Kotlin, Java, Dart). Use what you love ❤️ Angular, React, Solid, Svelte, Vue with: iOS (UIKit, SwiftUI), Android (View, Jetpack Compose), Dart (Flutter) and you name it compatible.
- homerchen19/github-file-icons - 🌈 🗂 A browser extension which gives different filetypes different icons to GitHub, GitLab, gitea and gogs.
- hustcc/echarts-for-react - ⛳️ Apache ECharts components for React wrapper. 一个简单的 Apache echarts 的 React 封装。
- yarnpkg/berry - 📦🐈 Active development trunk for Yarn ⚒
- microsoft/fluentui - Fluent UI web represents a collection of utilities, React components, and web components for building web applications.
- oct16/TimeCat - A Magical Web Recorder & Player 🖥
- microsoft/vscode - Visual Studio Code
- ikatyang/emoji-cheat-sheet - A markdown version emoji cheat sheet
- microsoft/TypeScript - TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
- adobe/react-spectrum - A collection of libraries and tools that help you build adaptive, accessible, and robust user experiences.
- Ovilia/2019-typography-calendar - 2019 字体日历 App
- coder/code-server - VS Code in the browser
- socketio/ - Realtime application framework (Node.JS server)
- hediet/vscode-drawio - This unofficial extension integrates (also known as into VS Code.
- darkreader/darkreader - Dark Reader Chrome and Firefox extension
- refined-github/refined-github - :octocat: Browser extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features
- microsoft/SandDance - Visually explore, understand, and present your data.
- wei/pull - 🤖 Keep your forks up-to-date via automated PRs
- MetaMask/metamask-extension - :globe\_with\_meridians: :electric\_plug: The MetaMask browser extension enables browsing Ethereum blockchain enabled websites
- axel-op/googlejavaformat-action - GitHub Action that formats Java files following Google Style guidelines
- AniList/ApiV2-GraphQL-Docs - AniList API documentation
- Vinzent03/obsidian-git - Integrate Git version control with automatic commit-and-sync and other advanced features in
- jaredpalmer/formik - Build forms in React, without the tears 😭
- thedaviddelta/lingva-translate - Alternative front-end for Google Translate
- styled-components/styled-components - Visual primitives for the component age. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress 💅
- emilkowalski/sonner - An opinionated toast component for React.
- colinhacks/zod - TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
- sindresorhus/modern-normalize - 🐒 Normalize browsers' default style
- dubinc/oss-gallery - A crowdsourced list of the best open-source projects on the internet. Built with the Dub TypeScript SDK.
- flightcontrolhq/superjson - Safely serialize JavaScript expressions to a superset of JSON, which includes Dates, BigInts, and more.
- Railly/one-hunter-vscode - A stylish theme inspired by Vercel Theme ▲ and One Dark Pro 🎨. Powered by Tinte
- riffusion/riffusion-app-hobby - Stable diffusion for real-time music generation (web app)
- dubinc/dub - Open-source link attribution platform. Loved by modern marketing teams like Twilio, Perplexity, Vercel, and Huberman Labs.
- wenyan-lang/wenyan - 文言文編程語言 A programming language for the ancient Chinese.
- hexojs/hexo - A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
- getgridea/gridea - ✍️ A static blog writing client (一个静态博客写作客户端)
- yinxin630/fiora - An interesting open source chat application. Developed with node.js, mongoDB, and react
- origin-space/originui
- afadil/wealthfolio - A Beautiful Private and Secure Desktop Investment Tracking Application
- franken-ui/ui - Franken UI is an HTML-first, open-source library of UI components that works as a standalone or as a Tailwind CSS plugin. It is compatible with UIkit 3. The design is influenced by shadcn/ui.
- janhq/jan - Jan is an open source alternative to ChatGPT that runs 100% offline on your computer
- kangfenmao/cherry-studio - 🍒 Cherry Studio is a desktop client that supports for multiple LLM providers
- chroxify/feedbase - The open-source solution for collecting feedback & communicating updates.
- dahlia/fedify - ActivityPub server framework in TypeScript
- sheepzh/timer - Time Tracker/网费很贵, to be the best time tracker for browsers
- moegi-design/vscode-theme - 🌸 An elegant theme for VS Code.
- subframe7536/vscode-theme-maple - A colorful VSCode theme, support light or dark mode, with medium brightness and low saturation.
- stackblitz-labs/ - 📦️ Continuous (Preview) Releases for your libraries!
- tinybirdco/web-analytics-starter-kit - Tinybird Web Analytics template
- upstash/redis-js - HTTP based Redis Client for Serverless and Edge Functions
- react-cosmos/react-cosmos - Sandbox for developing and testing UI components in isolation
- vercel/ai - Build AI-powered applications with React, Svelte, Vue, and Solid
- cacjs/cac - Simple yet powerful framework for building command-line apps.
- antonreshetov/image-optimizer - A tool for optimizing images and vector graphics.
- huozhi/sugar-high - ✏️ Super lightweight code syntax highlighter, around 1KB after minified and gzipped
- NativeScript/template-macos-solid - Develop macOS 💻 with Solid
- OctoputApp/Yaak - The most intuitive desktop API client. Organize and execute REST, GraphQL, and gRPC requests in a simple and intuitive app.
- johnlindquist/kit - Script Kit. Automate Anything.
- hyoban/jotai-dark - A Jōtai utility package for toggling dark mode
- nodejs/corepack - Zero-runtime-dependency package acting as bridge between Node projects and their package managers
- vscode-neovim/vscode-neovim - Vim mode for VSCode, powered by Neovim
- Richardsl/heatmap-calendar-obsidian - An Obsidian plugin for displaying data in a calendar similar to the github activity calendar
- antfu/vsc-material-theme - Source Code Perseverance of vsc-material-theme
- open-cli-tools/concurrently - Run commands concurrently. Like `npm run watch-js & npm run watch-less` but better.
- shuding/next-view-transitions - Use CSS View Transitions API in Next.js App Router.
- vercel/little-date - A friendly formatter to make date ranges small & sweet
- tensorflow/playground - Play with neural networks!
- ianstormtaylor/slate - A completely customizable framework for building rich text editors. (Currently in beta.)
- ionic-team/ionicons - Premium hand-crafted icons built by Ionic, for Ionic apps and web apps everywhere 🌎
- ionic-team/ionic-framework - A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building native-quality iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- mathjax/MathJax-src - MathJax source code for version 3 and beyond
- colodenn/personal-website - :boy: I guess this is my website. Take a closer look and maybe you will find a hidden egg but better watch out or Chuck Norris will roundhouse kick you!
- pingcap/ossinsight - Analysis, Comparison, Trends, Rankings of Open Source Software, you can also get insight from more than 7 billion with natural language (powered by OpenAI). Follow us on Twitter:
- yuyinws/vitepress-plugin-group-icons - Enhance code blocks features for VitePress.
- djyde/AppRadar - Check the technology used by the software you have installed
- srcbookdev/srcbook - TypeScript-centric app development platform: notebook and AI app builder
- lobehub/lobe-chat - 🤯 Lobe Chat - an open-source, modern-design AI chat framework. Supports Multi AI Providers( OpenAI / Claude 3 / Gemini / Ollama / Qwen / DeepSeek), Knowledge Base (file upload / knowledge management / RAG ), Multi-Modals (Vision/TTS/Plugins/Artifacts). One-click FREE deployment of your private ChatGPT/ Claude application.
- dahlia/hollo - Federated single-user microblogging software
- zilewang7/LiteLoaderQQNT-Esc-Shortcut-Key - 在 QQNT 中使用 esc 来返回上一级 (退出当前聊天)
- Ellpeck/ObsidianCustomFrames - An Obsidian plugin that turns web apps into panes using iframes with custom styling. Also comes with presets for Google Keep, Todoist and more.
- codse/animata - Bring your site to life with easy to use animation & interaction code. Copy. Paste. Animate.
- mui/material-ui - Material UI: Comprehensive React component library that implements Google's Material Design. Free forever.
- CherryHQ/cherry-studio - 🍒 Cherry Studio is a desktop client that supports for multiple LLM providers. Support deepseek-r1
- tremorlabs/tremor-npm - React components to build charts and dashboards
- antfu/vscode-theme-vitesse - 🏕 Vitesse theme for VS Code
- redis/ioredis - 🚀 A robust, performance-focused, and full-featured Redis client for Node.js.
- teableio/teable - ✨ The Next Gen Airtable Alternative: No-Code Postgres
- apify/crawlee - Crawlee—A web scraping and browser automation library for Node.js to build reliable crawlers. In JavaScript and TypeScript. Extract data for AI, LLMs, RAG, or GPTs. Download HTML, PDF, JPG, PNG, and other files from websites. Works with Puppeteer, Playwright, Cheerio, JSDOM, and raw HTTP. Both headful and headless mode. With proxy rotation.
- hcengineering/platform - Huly — All-in-One Project Management Platform (alternative to Linear, Jira, Slack, Notion, Motion)
- hello-nav/hello-nav - 🗺 A purely front-end development navigation
- carloscuesta/gitmoji - An emoji guide for your commit messages. 😜
- TahaSh/swapy - ✨ A framework-agnostic tool that converts any layout into a drag-to-swap one with just a few lines of code
- alex8088/electron-vite - Next generation Electron build tooling based on Vite 新一代 Electron 开发构建工具,支持源代码保护
- yjl9903/AnimeGarden - 動漫花園 镜像站 / 动画 BT 资源聚合站
- coolpace/V2EX\_Polish - 专业的 V2EX 浏览器扩展,集合了众多实用功能,重塑你的浏览体验!
- openstatusHQ/openstatus - 🏓 The open-source synthetic monitoring platform 🏓
- ds300/patch-package - Fix broken node modules instantly 🏃🏽♀️💨
- Get-Tech-Stack/TechStack - The extension will display the tech stack of the Repo when the user visits a GitHub Public Repo. The user can easily get more info about the repo. 当用户访问 GitHub 公共存储库时,该扩展将显示存储库的技术栈。 用户可以更轻松地获取有关存储库的更多信息。
- lobehub/sd-webui-lobe-theme - 🅰️ Lobe theme - The modern theme for stable diffusion webui, exquisite interface design, highly customizable UI, and efficiency boosting features.
- vadimdemedes/thememirror - 🦚 Beautiful themes for CodeMirror
- wfjsw/danbooru-diffusion-prompt-builder - Danbooru / NovelAI 标签超市
- ChatGPTNextWeb/ChatGPT-Next-Web - A cross-platform ChatGPT/Gemini UI (Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS). 一键拥有你自己的跨平台 ChatGPT/Gemini/Claude LLM 应用。
- Crossbell-Box/xLog - 🪽 An open-source creative community written on the blockchain.
- catppuccin/vscode-icons - 🦊 Soothing pastel icons for VSCode/VSCodium
- withastro/astro - The web framework for content-driven websites. ⭐️ Star to support our work!
- resend/react-email - 💌 Build and send emails using React
- czy0729/Bangumi - :electron: An unofficial ui first app client for Android and iOS, built with React Native. 一个无广告、以爱好为驱动、不以盈利为目的、专门做 ACG 的类似豆瓣的追番记录, 第三方客户端。为移动端重新设计,内置大量加强的网页端难以实现的功能,且提供了相当的自定义选项。 目前已适配 iOS / Android / WSA、mobile / 简单 pad、light / dark theme、移动端网页。
- sindresorhus/got - 🌐 Human-friendly and powerful HTTP request library for Node.js
- toeverything/AFFiNE - There can be more than Notion and Miro. AFFiNE(pronounced \[ə‘fain]) is a next-gen knowledge base that brings planning, sorting and creating all together. Privacy first, open-source, customizable and ready to use.
- antfu-collective/ni - 💡 Use the right package manager
- zonemeen/musicn - 🎵 一个可播放及下载音乐的 Node.js 命令行工具
- Bowen7/regex-vis - 🎨 Regex visualizer & editor
- RealKai42/qwerty-learner - 为键盘工作者设计的单词记忆与英语肌肉记忆锻炼软件 / Words learning and English muscle memory training software designed for keyboard workers
- DIYgod/RSSHub-Radar - 🧡 Browser extension that simplifies finding and subscribing RSS and RSSHub
- nhn/tui.calendar - 🍞📅A JavaScript calendar that has everything you need.
- antvis/G2 - 📊 The concise and progressive visualization grammar.
- vercel/ai-chatbot - A full-featured, hackable Next.js AI chatbot built by Vercel
- mlc-ai/web-llm-chat - Chat with AI large language models running natively in your browser. Enjoy private, server-free, seamless AI conversations.
- heroui-inc/heroui - 🚀 Beautiful, fast and modern React UI library. (Previously NextUI)
- christianvmm/folderart - Custom folder icons for macOS.
- lingui/js-lingui - 🌍 📖 A readable, automated, and optimized (3 kb) internationalization for JavaScript
- gitroomhq/postiz-app - 📨 The ultimate social media scheduling tool, with a bunch of AI 🤖
- scalar/scalar - Scalar is an open-source API platform: 🌐 Modern Rest API Client 📖 Beautiful API References ✨ 1st-Class OpenAPI/Swagger Support
- mazzzystar/tinymind - Tinymind - Write and sync your blog & thoughts with GitHub
- GoogleChromeLabs/squoosh - Make images smaller using best-in-class codecs, right in the browser.
- getyaak/app - The most intuitive desktop API client. Organize and execute REST, GraphQL, and gRPC requests in a simple and intuitive app.
- ibelick/motion-primitives - UI kit to make beautiful, animated interfaces, faster. Customizable. Open Source.
- RSSNext/Follow - 🧡 Follow your favorites in one inbox
- medusajs/medusa - The world's most flexible commerce platform.
- stackblitz/ - Prompt, run, edit, and deploy full-stack web applications
- elysiajs/elysia - Ergonomic Framework for Humans
- better-auth/better-auth - The most comprehensive authentication framework for TypeScript
- unjs/untun - 🚇 Tunnel your local HTTP(s) server to the world! powered by Cloudflare Quick Tunnels.
- lyc8503/UptimeFlare - ✔ Free and serverless uptime monitoring / status page on Cloudflare Workers, with Geo-specific checks
- mermaid-js/mermaid - Generation of diagrams like flowcharts or sequence diagrams from text in a similar manner as markdown
- emilkowalski/vaul - A drawer component for React.
- chakra-ui/chakra-ui - Chakra UI is a component system for building products with speed ⚡️
- darkroomengineering/lenis - How smooth scroll should be
- davidjerleke/embla-carousel - A lightweight carousel library with fluid motion and great swipe precision.
- needim/ - My personal website
- remvze/moodist - 🌲 Ambient sounds for focus and calm.
- fuma-nama/fumadocs - The beautiful docs framework with Next.js.
- sajadevo/ - my personal portfolio
- qifi-dev/qrs - Stream data through multiple series of QR codes
- readest/readest - Readest is a modern, feature-rich ebook reader designed for avid readers offering seamless cross-platform access, powerful tools, and an intuitive interface to elevate your reading experience.
- pheralb/svgl - 🧩 A beautiful library with SVG logos. Built with Sveltekit & Tailwind CSS.
- Dokploy/dokploy - Open Source Alternative to Vercel, Netlify and Heroku.
- fedify-dev/hollo - Federated single-user microblogging software
- fedify-dev/fedify - ActivityPub server framework in TypeScript
- mountain-loop/yaak - The most intuitive desktop API client. Organize and execute REST, GraphQL, WebSockets, Server Sent Events, and gRPC 🦬
- saveweb/neo-uglysearch - Yet another frontend for Uglysearch with neobrutalism design
- blacksmithgu/obsidian-dataview - A data index and query language over Markdown files, for
- rektdeckard/departure-mono - A monospaced pixel font with a lo-fi, techy vibe
- frontio-ai/heroui - 🚀 Beautiful, fast and modern React UI library. (Previously NextUI)
- ChatGPTNextWeb/NextChat - ✨ Light and Fast AI Assistant. Support: Web | iOS | MacOS | Android | Linux | Windows
- markedjs/marked - A markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed.
- thedevs-network/kutt - Free Modern URL Shortener.
- kkevsekk1/AutoX - A UiAutomator on android, does not need root access(安卓平台上的JavaScript自动化工具)
- knksmith57/hexo-renderer-sass - Sass renderer plugin for Hexo
- deadlyjack/Acode - Acode - powerful text/code editor for android
- thespicyweb/vanilla\_breeze - Convert Tailwind CSS to Semantic CSS
- emilkowalski/ui-snippets - A collection of UI Snippets.
- dotcypress/runes - ✂️ Unicode-aware JS string splitting
- UdaraJay/Pile - Desktop app for digital journaling.
- jashkenas/underscore - JavaScript's utility \_ belt
- mde/ejs - Embedded JavaScript templates --
- raunofreiberg/interfaces - A non-exhaustive list of details that make a good web interface.
- tj/commander.js - node.js command-line interfaces made easy
- cheeaun/phanpy - A minimalistic opinionated Mastodon web client
- antfu/broz - A simple, frameless browser for screenshots
- wfjsw/VP-StableDiffusionBook - AI 作图知识库
- vasanthv/talk - Group video call for the web. No signups. No downloads.
- merdok/homebridge-miot - Homebridge plugin for devices supporting the Xiaomi miot protocol
- antfu/userscript-clean-twitter - Bring back the peace on Twitter
- dice2o/BingGPT - Desktop application of new Bing's AI-powered chat (Windows, macOS and Linux)
- doodlewind/nativebird - 🐦 Bluebird alternative within ~200 loc
- illixion/vscode-vibrancy-continued - Enable Acrylic/Glass effect for your VS Code.
- Hsiao-Feng/Periodic-Table - HTML5 3D 科技风格元素周期表。
- jsdoc/jsdoc - An API documentation generator for JavaScript.
- anuraghazra/github-readme-stats - :zap: Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes
- goldfire/howler.js - Javascript audio library for the modern web.
- vercel/serve-handler - The foundation of `serve`
- moment/moment - Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript.
- axios/axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- Gruntfuggly/todo-tree - Use ripgrep to find TODO tags and display the results in a tree view
- validatorjs/validator.js - String validation
- timqian/ - 🔨 A decentralized funding platform. Powered by NFTs.
- tholman/cursor-effects - Old-school cursor effects for your browser built with modern JavaScript
- aeilot/GeoWiki - Wiki for High School Geography (Especially for Shanghai students | WIP)
- gildas-lormeau/SingleFile - Web Extension for saving a faithful copy of a complete web page in a single HTML file
- Cryptkeeper/Minetrack - Minetrack makes it easy to keep an eye on your favorite Minecraft servers.
- itorr/nbnhhsh - 😩「能不能好好说话?」 拼音首字母缩写翻译工具
- johnfactotum/foliate - Read e-books in style
- craftzdog/craftzdog-homepage - My homepage
- kevva/download - Download and extract files
- JannisX11/blockbench - Blockbench - A low poly 3D model editor
- docsifyjs/docsify - 🃏 A magical documentation site generator.
- iamadamdev/bypass-paywalls-chrome - Bypass Paywalls web browser extension for Chrome and Firefox.
- chartjs/Chart.js - Simple HTML5 Charts using the \<canvas> tag
- minbrowser/min - A fast, minimal browser that protects your privacy
- timvisee/send - :mailbox\_with\_mail: Simple, private file sharing. Mirror of
- sethyuan/logseq-plugin-charspacing - Add space between Chinese and ASCII characters to make document look nicer.
- divamgupta/diffusionbee-stable-diffusion-ui - Diffusion Bee is the easiest way to run Stable Diffusion locally on your M1 Mac. Comes with a one-click installer. No dependencies or technical knowledge needed.
- tailwindlabs/heroicons - A set of free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for UI development.
- iptv-org/iptv - Collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world
- Stuk/jszip - Create, read and edit .zip files with Javascript
- jlmakes/scrollreveal - Animate elements as they scroll into view.
- wzpan/hexo-generator-search - A plugin to generate search data for Hexo.
- fians/Waves - Click effect inspired by Google's Material Design
- shimohq/chinese-programmer-wrong-pronunciation - 中国程序员容易发音错误的单词
- hexojs/hexo-browsersync - BrowserSync plugin for Hexo.
- next-theme/hexo-filter-mathjax - 💯 Server side MathJax renderer plugin for Hexo.
- hexojs/hexo-math - A hexo plugin that uses MathJax to render math equations.
- timqian/ - Notes on how to build side projects
- piuccio/cowsay - cowsay is a configurable talking cow
- jamesgeorge007/github-activity-readme - Updates README with the recent GitHub activity of a user
- node-fetch/node-fetch - A light-weight module that brings the Fetch API to Node.js
- motdotla/dotenv - Loads environment variables from .env for nodejs projects.
- expressjs/express - Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
- electerious/Ackee - Self-hosted, Node.js based analytics tool for those who care about privacy.
- jonathontoon/manifest - An instant grid-based pinboard for note taking in your browser.
- dworthen/js-yaml-front-matter - Parses yaml or json from the beginning of a string or file
- markdown-it/markdown-it - Markdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions, syntax plugins & high speed
- mdx-js/mdx - Markdown for the component era
- louislam/uptime-kuma - A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool
- xCss/Valine - A fast, simple & powerful comment system.
- shinnn/github-username-regex - A regular expression that only matches a currently valid Github username
- omaha-consulting/winstall - A web app for browsing and installing Windows Package Manager apps.
- revin/markdown-it-task-lists - A markdown-it plugin to create GitHub-style task lists
- vercel/ncc - Compile a Node.js project into a single file. Supports TypeScript, binary addons, dynamic requires.
- sindresorhus/yoctocolors - The smallest and fastest command-line coloring package on the internet
- JakeChampion/fetch - A window.fetch JavaScript polyfill.
- sindresorhus/node-module-boilerplate - Boilerplate to kickstart creating a Node.js module
- sindresorhus/node-cli-boilerplate - Boilerplate to kickstart creating a Node.js command-line tool
- MrWillCom/rsa-cli - A command line tool for RSA encryption and decryption.
- ryanmcdermott/clean-code-javascript - Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript
- brunosimon/my-room-in-3d
- statsig-io/statuspage - A simple, zero-dependency, pure js/html status page based on GitHub Pages and Actions.
- highlightjs/highlight.js - JavaScript syntax highlighter with language auto-detection and zero dependencies.
- brave/brave-browser - Brave browser for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows.
- sallar/github-contributions-chart - :octocat: Generate an image of all your Github contributions
- sindresorhus/os-locale - Get the system locale
- js-org/ - Dedicated to JavaScript and its awesome community since 2015
- 11ty/eleventy - A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML.
- nodejs/node - Node.js JavaScript runtime ✨🐢🚀✨
- sindresorhus/electron-store - Simple data persistence for your Electron app or module - Save and load user preferences, app state, cache, etc
- FormidableLabs/radium - A toolchain for React component styling.
- nadimkobeissi/appleprivacyletter - An open letter against Apple's new privacy-invasive client-side content scanning.
- sindresorhus/electron-context-menu - Context menu for your Electron app
- qier222/mini-dev-utils - All-in-one useful utilities for developers.
- soldair/node-qrcode - qr code generator
- blueedgetechno/win11React - Windows 11 in React 💻🌈⚡
- postcss/autoprefixer - Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules by Can I Use
- simple-icons/simple-icons - SVG icons for popular brands
- rstacruz/nprogress - For slim progress bars like on YouTube, Medium, etc
- gskinner/regexr - RegExr is a HTML/JS based tool for creating, testing, and learning about Regular Expressions.
- chalk/chalk - 🖍 Terminal string styling done right
- vercel/pkg - Package your Node.js project into an executable
- visionmedia/node-progress - Flexible ascii progress bar for nodejs
- MrWillCom/auto-mirroring-bucket - An automatic Scoop bucket powered by Node.js.
- badges/shields - Concise, consistent, and legible badges in SVG and raster format
- hawtim/badge-collection - 收集各种有意思的徽章
- qier222/ - 👨💻 My personal website.
- js-cookie/js-cookie - A simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling browser cookies
- Automattic/juice - Juice inlines CSS stylesheets into your HTML source.
- ClearURLs/Addon - ClearURLs is an add-on based on the new WebExtensions technology and will automatically remove tracking elements from URLs to help protect your privacy.
- Richasy/Richasy.Doc - 我的文档管理系统
- vercel/next.js - The React Framework
- mrdoob/three.js - JavaScript 3D Library.
- volantis-x/hexo-theme-volantis - A Wonderful Theme for Hexo.
- airbnb/javascript - JavaScript Style Guide
- clean-css/clean-css - Fast and efficient CSS optimizer for node.js and the Web
- walinejs/waline - 💬 A Simple, Safe Comment System
- alyssaxuu/screenity - The free and privacy-friendly screen recorder with no limits 🎥
- catdad/canvas-confetti - 🎉 performant confetti animation in the browser
- sumimakito/hexo-theme-typography - Rediscover the beauty of typography.
- Asabeneh/30-Days-Of-React - 30 Days of React challenge is a step by step guide to learn React in 30 days. These videos may help too:
- TheAlgorithms/JavaScript - Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in JavaScript for beginners, following best practices.
- vuejs/vuepress - 📝 Minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator
- facebook/react - The library for web and native user interfaces.
- codesandbox/codesandbox-client - An online IDE for rapid web development
- aeilot/github-dark-mode-safari - The Safari Edition of MrWillCom/github-dark-mode
- nolimits4web/swiper - Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions
- zloirock/core-js - Standard Library
- gka/chroma.js - JavaScript library for all kinds of color manipulations
- shshaw/Splitting - JavaScript microlibrary to split an element by words, characters, children and more, populated with CSS variables!
- lovell/sharp - High performance Node.js image processing, the fastest module to resize JPEG, PNG, WebP, AVIF and TIFF images. Uses the libvips library.
- npm/npm-expansions - Send us a pull request by editing expansions.txt
- jasonlong/isometric-contributions - Browser extension for rendering an isometric pixel art version of your GitHub contribution graph.
- openstyles/stylus - Stylus - Userstyles Manager
- felixrieseberg/macintosh.js - 🖥 A virtual Apple Macintosh with System 8, running in Electron. I'm sorry.
- Summer-andy/chrome-extensions-searchReplace - search and replace 🎉 .
- Tampermonkey/tampermonkey - Tampermonkey is the most popular userscript manager, with over 10 million users. It's available for Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera Next, and Firefox.
- SocialSisterYi/bilibili-API-collect - 哔哩哔哩-API收集整理【不断更新中....】
- twbs/icons - Official open source SVG icon library for Bootstrap.
- Automattic/mongoose - MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
- brix/crypto-js - JavaScript library of crypto standards.
- primer/github-vscode-theme - GitHub's VS Code themes
- gautamkrishnar/motrix-webextension - A browser extension for the Motrix Download Manager
- pomber/git-history - Quickly browse the history of a file from any git repository
- atom/atom - :atom: The hackable text editor
- gitalk/gitalk - Gitalk is a modern comment component based on Github Issue and Preact.
- BOOK-BLOG/tooltiplery.js - Simply create your tooltip quickly.
- ovity/octotree - GitHub on steroids
- zenorocha/clipboard.js - :scissors: Modern copy to clipboard. No Flash. Just 3kb gzipped :clipboard:
- carbon-app/carbon - :black\_heart: Create and share beautiful images of your source code
- Kenshin/simpread - 简悦 ( SimpRead ) - 让你瞬间进入沉浸式阅读的扩展
- cnwangjie/better-onetab - :bookmark\_tabs: A better OneTab for Chrome :memo:
- pqina/filepond - 🌊 A flexible and fun JavaScript file upload library
- trazyn/ieaseMusic - 网易云音乐第三方
- feathericons/feather - Simply beautiful open-source icons
- marktext/marktext - 📝A simple and elegant markdown editor, available for Linux, macOS and Windows.
- cmiscm/leonsans - Leon Sans is a geometric sans-serif typeface made with code in 2019 by Jongmin Kim.
- xaoxuu/hexo-theme-stellar - 内置文档系统的简约商务风Hexo主题,支持大量的标签组件和动态数据组件。
- fatiherikli/brainfuck-visualizer - Javascript Brainfuck Interpreter and Visualizer. Built with Backbone.js
- stefanbuck/awesome-browser-extensions-for-github - A collection of awesome browser extensions for GitHub.
- EvanNotFound/hexo-theme-redefine - Simplicity in Speed, Purity in Design. Redefine Your Hexo Journey.
- GoogleChrome/lighthouse - Automated auditing, performance metrics, and best practices for the web.
- mozilla/nunjucks - A powerful templating engine with inheritance, asynchronous control, and more (jinja2 inspired)
- sindresorhus/trash-cli - Move files and folders to the trash
- simple-icons/simple-icons-font - SVG icon font for popular brands
- mickael-kerjean/filestash - 🦄 A file manager / web client for SFTP, S3, FTP, WebDAV, Git, Minio, LDAP, CalDAV, CardDAV, Mysql, Backblaze, ...
- WebKit/WebKit - Home of the WebKit project, the browser engine used by Safari, Mail, App Store and many other applications on macOS, iOS and Linux.
- twbs/bootstrap - The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
- Chalarangelo/30-seconds-of-code - Short code snippets for all your development needs
- alexeyraspopov/picocolors - The tiniest and the fastest library for terminal output formatting with ANSI colors
- bigskysoftware/htmx - \</> htmx - high power tools for HTML
- faisalman/ua-parser-js - "Unmask Your Traffic" - UAParser.js: The Essential Web Development Tool for User-Agent Detection
- imfile-io/imfile-desktop - A full-featured download manager.
- forwardemail/ - Privacy-focused encrypted email for everyone. All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.
- ecmel/prettier-plugin-ejs - Prettier EJS Plugin
- mamboer/hexo-renderer-scss - Yet Another Sass renderer plugin for Hexo.
- astrit/ - 700+ Pure CSS, SVG & Figma UI Icons, 6000+ glyphs, patterns, colors and layouts.
- prettier/prettier - Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.
- HCLonely/hexo-bilibili-bangumi - hexo 番剧页面插件,可选数据源:Bilibili, Bangumi
- methodofaction/Method-Draw - Method Draw, the SVG Editor for Method of Action
- lucide-icons/lucide - Beautiful & consistent icon toolkit made by the community. Open-source project and a fork of Feather Icons.
- jquery/jquery - jQuery JavaScript Library
- browserslist/browserslist - 🦔 Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-preset-env
- hexojs/hexo-autoprefixer - Autoprefixer plugin for Hexo.
- jprichardson/node-fs-extra - Node.js: extra methods for the fs object like copy(), remove(), mkdirs()
- typicode/json-server - Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously)
- jsdom/jsdom - A JavaScript implementation of various web standards, for use with Node.js
- stackbit/jamstackthemes - A list of themes and starters for JAMstack sites.
- Unitech/pm2 - Node.js Production Process Manager with a built-in Load Balancer.
- ccbikai/BroadcastChannel - Turn your Telegram Channel into a MicroBlog.
- marcelscruz/public-apis - A collaborative list of public APIs for developers
- shuding/labs - labs
- agalwood/Motrix - A full-featured download manager.
- be5invis/Sarasa-Gothic - Sarasa Gothic / 更纱黑体 / 更紗黑體 / 更紗ゴシック / 사라사 고딕
- menzi11/BullshitGenerator - Needs to generate some texts to test if my GUI rendering codes good or not. so I made this.
- inns/mak-mini - A (small) piece of paper.
- gautamkrishnar/blog-post-workflow - Show your latest blog posts from any sources or StackOverflow activity or Youtube Videos on your GitHub profile/project readme automatically using the RSS feed
- PRO-2684/transitio - Load custom UserStyles for QQNT
- LiteLoaderQQNT/LiteLoaderQQNT - QQNT 插件加载器:LiteLoaderQQNT —— 轻量 · 简洁 · 开源 · 福瑞
- BlueSky-07/Shuang - :pencil2: 双拼练习
- mumuy/relationship - 中国亲戚关系计算器 - 家庭称谓/亲戚称呼/称呼计算/辈分计算/亲戚关系算法/親戚稱呼計算機\_Chinese kinship system.
- chinese-poetry/chinese-poetry - The most comprehensive database of Chinese poetry 🧶最全中华古诗词数据库, 唐宋两朝近一万四千古诗人, 接近5.5万首唐诗加26万宋诗. 两宋时期1564位词人,21050首词。
- simonecorsi/mawesome - 😎 Github action to generate your own awesome list from project you've starred ordered by languages!
- alyssaxuu/omni - The all-in-one tool to supercharge your productivity ⌨️
- pujux/badge-it - An API serving useful badges for your GitHub Profile README 🚀🎉 Formerly known as git-badges.
- ciderapp/Cider - 🎵 Source code for Cider 1
- EasyHexo/Easy-Hexo - 🤘 Build your own website with Hexo, the easy way. | 轻松使用 Hexo 建站。
- AlvaroIsrael/monokai-dark-green - 🎨 A Dark Monokai like theme for Visual Studio Code replacing that annoying yellow color by a green one!
- Leaflet/Leaflet - 🍃 JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps 🇺🇦
- RealPeha/This-Repo-Has-1756-Stars - Yes, it's true :purple\_heart:
- DavidHDev/react-bits - An open source collection of animated, interactive & fully customizable React components for building stunning, memorable user interfaces.
- anatolyzenkov/button-stealer - A Chrome extension that “steals” a button from every website you open.
- RealPeha/This-Repo-Has-1750-Stars - Yes, it's true :purple\_heart:
- vasanthv/hello - Free group video call for the web. No signups. No downloads.
- Acode-Foundation/Acode - Acode - powerful text/code editor for android
- meceware/ - Track, manage and optimize your recurring expenses in one powerful and human readable dashboard.
- is-a-dev/register - Grab your own sweet-looking '' subdomain.
- gkoberger/stacksort - Sorts an array by downloading snippets from StackOverflow. Inspired by I'm sorry.
- Lakr233/NotchDrop - Use your MacBook's notch like Dynamic Island for temporary storing files and AirDrop
- neilsardesai/Mouse-Finder - 🖱👀 An NSDockTile experiment
- MarkEdit-app/MarkEdit - Just like TextEdit on Mac but dedicated to Markdown.
- jordanbaird/Ice - Powerful menu bar manager for macOS
- Whisky-App/Whisky - A modern Wine wrapper for macOS built with SwiftUI
- superhighfives/pika - An open-source colour picker app for macOS
- 27Saumya/Macboard - A minimalistic clipboard manager for macOS
- Lakr233/Firework - 烟花箱!
- MrKai77/Loop - Window management made elegant.
- ivoronin/TomatoBar - 🍅 World's neatest Pomodoro timer for macOS menu bar
- macmade/Hot - Hot is macOS menu bar application that displays the CPU speed limit due to thermal issues.
- milanvarady/Applite - User-friendly GUI macOS application for Homebrew Casks
- sindresorhus/Gifski - 🌈 Convert videos to high-quality GIFs on your Mac
- TuringSoftware/CrystalFetch - macOS UI for creating Windows installer ISO from UUPDump
- Lakr233/Rayon - yet another SSH machine manager
- ddddxxx/LyricsX - 🎶 Ultimate lyrics app for macOS.
- jtrivedi/Wave - Wave is a spring-based animation engine for iOS and macOS that makes it easy to create fluid, interruptible animations that feel great.
- mczachurski/wallpapper - :computer: Console application for creating dynamic wallpapers for macOS Mojave and newer
- Lakr233/Kimis - Kimis is a client for Misskey built with pure UIKit for quality.
- Lakr233/MoneyProgress - 借一个上班的进度条。
- Dimillian/IceCubesApp - A SwiftUI Mastodon client
- spencerwooo/PaimonMenuBar - Track real-time Genshin Impact stats in your macOS menubar
- PlayCover/PlayCover - Community fork of PlayCover
- pointfreeco/isowords - Open source game built in SwiftUI and the Composable Architecture.
- CodeEditApp/CodeEdit - 📝 CodeEdit App for macOS – Elevate your code editing experience. Open source, free forever.
- mangerlahn/Latest - A small utility app for macOS that makes sure you know about all the latest updates to the apps you use.
- underthestars-zhy/IconChanger - Simply change your app's icon on macOS. Just a click.
- coteditor/CotEditor - Lightweight Plain-Text Editor for macOS
- rxhanson/Rectangle - Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap areas
- DamascenoRafael/reminders-menubar - Simple macOS menu bar application to view and interact with reminders. Developed with SwiftUI and using Apple Reminders as a source.
- lwouis/alt-tab-macos - Windows alt-tab on macOS
- tw93/MiaoYan - ⛷ Lightweight Markdown app to help you write great sentences. ⛷ 轻灵的 Markdown 笔记本伴你写出妙言
- sindresorhus/System-Color-Picker - 🎨 The macOS color picker as an app with more features
- MrWillCom/happy-birthday-to-aeilot-2022 - Happy Birthday! @aeilot
- JohnCoates/Aerial - Apple TV Aerial Screensaver for Mac
- iina/iina - The modern video player for macOS.
- pedrommcarrasco/Brooklyn - 🍎 Screensaver inspired by Apple's Event on October 30, 2018
- DevToys-app/DevToysMac - DevToys For mac
- dwarvesf/hidden - An ultra-light MacOS utility that helps hide menu bar icons
- GitHawkApp/GitHawk - The (second) best iOS app for GitHub.
- lukakerr/Pine - A modern, native macOS markdown editor
- dasautoooo/Parma - A SwiftUI view for displaying Markdown with customizable appearances.
- vapor/vapor - 💧 A server-side Swift HTTP web framework.
- kean/Pulse - Network logger for Apple platforms
- Ranchero-Software/NetNewsWire - RSS reader for macOS and iOS.
- ejbills/DockDoor - Window peeking for macOS
- lihaoyun6/Logoer - Change the style of the Apple logo in macOS menu bar / 更换macOS菜单栏苹果Logo样式的小工具
- alienator88/Pearcleaner - A free, source-available and fair-code licensed mac app cleaner
- BigBerny/magicquit
- Mnpn/Azayaka - A small macOS menu bar-residing screen and system audio recorder which uses the ScreenCaptureKit API introduced in Ventura
- utmapp/UTM - Virtual machines for iOS and macOS
- johnmai-dev/ChatMLX - 🤖✨ChatMLX is a modern, open-source, high-performance chat application for MacOS based on large language models.
- netdcy/FlowVision - Waterfall-style image viewer for macOS, offering a smooth and immersive browsing experience.
- buresdv/Cork - A fast GUI for Homebrew written in SwiftUI
- mas-cli/mas - :package: Mac App Store command line interface
- MonitorControl/MonitorControl - 🖥 Control your display's brightness & volume on your Mac as if it was a native Apple Display. Use Apple Keyboard keys or custom shortcuts. Shows the native macOS OSDs.
- Caldis/Mos - 一个用于在 macOS 上平滑你的鼠标滚动效果或单独设置滚动方向的小工具, 让你的滚轮爽如触控板 | A lightweight tool used to smooth scrolling and set scroll direction independently for your mouse on macOS
- Jinxiansen/SwiftUI - `SwiftUI` Framework Learning and Usage Guide. 🚀
- exelban/stats - macOS system monitor in your menu bar
- Lakr233/NotchNotification - Display Notification Inside Mac's Notch.
- Stengo/DeskPad - A virtual monitor for screen sharing
- TheBoredTeam/boring.notch - TheBoringNotch: Not so boring notch That Rocks 🎸🎶
- PowerShell/PowerShell - PowerShell for every system!
- t1m0thyj/WinDynamicDesktop - Port of macOS Mojave Dynamic Desktop feature to Windows
- rocksdanister/lively - Free and open-source software that allows users to set animated desktop wallpapers and screensavers powered by WinUI 3.
- imbushuo/EnergyStar - A terrible application setting SV2 Efficiency Mode for inactive Windows apps and user background apps
- 0x5bfa/FluentHub - A stylish yet powerful GitHub client for Windows
- canton7/SyncTrayzor - Windows tray utility / filesystem watcher / launcher for Syncthing
- he55/DreamScene2 - 一个小而快并且功能强大的 Windows 动态桌面软件
- BeyondDimension/SteamTools - 🛠「Watt Toolkit」是一个开源跨平台的多功能 Steam 工具箱。
- DevToys-app/DevToys - A Swiss Army knife for developers.
- nilaoda/BBDown - Bilibili Downloader. 一个命令行式哔哩哔哩下载器.
- Richasy/Bili.Uwp - 适用于新系统UI的哔哩
- character-map-uwp/Character-Map-UWP - A modern, native UWP replacement for the Win32 Character Map and Windows Font Viewer with flawless high DPI and touch support.
- xiaoyaocz/biliuwp-lite - 哔哩哔哩UWP Lite
- ModernFlyouts-Community/ModernFlyouts - A modern Fluent Design replacement for the old Metro themed flyouts present in Windows.
- Richasy/Work-Timer - 正向计时器
- Richasy/BiliBili-UWP - BiliBili的UWP客户端,当然,是第三方的了
- AutoDarkMode/Windows-Auto-Night-Mode - Automatically switches between the dark and light theme of Windows 10 and Windows 11
- Kinnara/ModernWpf - Modern styles and controls for your WPF applications
- microsoft/WinUI-Gallery - This app demonstrates the controls available in WinUI and the Fluent Design System.
- File-New-Project/EarTrumpet - EarTrumpet - Volume Control for Windows
- thebookisclosed/ViVe - C# library and console app for using new feature control APIs available in Windows 10 version 2004 and newer
- felixse/FluentTerminal - A Terminal Emulator based on UWP and web technologies.
- 0x7c13/Notepads - A modern, lightweight text editor with a minimalist design.
- bezzad/Downloader - Fast, cross-platform and reliable multipart downloader with asynchronous progress events for .NET applications.
- microsoft/devhome - The new Dev Home experience for Windows!
- Scighost/Starward - Game Launcher for miHoYo - 米家游戏启动器
- dongle-the-gadget/WinverUWP - A UWP version of winver
- JasonWei512/EnergyStarX - 🔋 Improve your Windows 11 device's battery life. A WinUI 3 GUI for
- the1812/Malware-Patch - 阻止中国流氓软件的管理员授权. / Prevent UAC authorization of Chinese malware.
- DGP-Studio/Snap.Hutao - 实用的开源多功能原神工具箱 🧰 / Multifunctional Open-source Genshin Impact Toolkit 🧰
- d2phap/ImageGlass - 🏞 A lightweight, versatile image viewer
- MarcAnt01/Fluent-Screen-Recorder - An award-winning minimal screen recorder for Windows
- MathewSachin/Captura - Capture Screen, Audio, Cursor, Mouse Clicks and Keystrokes
- Planshit/Tai - 👻 在Windows上统计软件使用时长和网站浏览时长
- MicaForEveryone/MicaForEveryone - Mica For Everyone is a tool to enable backdrop effects on the title bars of Win32 apps on Windows 11.
- microsoft/PowerToys - Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
- HolographicHat/YaeAchievement - 更快、更准的原神成就导出工具
- QL-Win/QuickLook - Bring macOS “Quick Look” feature to Windows
- files-community/Files - A modern file manager that helps users organize their files and folders.
- CollapseLauncher/Collapse - An Advanced Launcher for miHoYo/HoYoverse Games
- CommunityToolkit/WindowsCommunityToolkit - The Windows Community Toolkit is a collection of helpers, extensions, and custom controls. It simplifies and demonstrates common developer tasks building .NET apps with UWP and the Windows App SDK / WinUI 3 for Windows 10 and Windows 11. The toolkit is part of the .NET Foundation.
- cDima/Aerial - Aerial Apple TV screen saver for Windows
- microsoft/Git-Credential-Manager-for-Windows - Secure Git credential storage for Windows with support for Visual Studio Team Services, GitHub, and Bitbucket multi-factor authentication.
- awaescher/RepoZ - 👨💻 A zero-conf git repository hub for Windows and macOS with Windows Explorer- & CLI-enhancements
- stratumauth/app - 📱 Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) client for Android + Wear OS
- babalae/better-genshin-impact - 📦BetterGI · 更好的原神 - 自动拾取 | 自动剧情 | 全自动钓鱼(AI) | 全自动七圣召唤 | 自动伐木 | 自动刷本 | 自动采集/挖矿/锄地 | 一条龙 | 全连音游 - UI Automation Testing Tools For Genshin Impact
- HolographicHat/Yae - 更快、更准的原神数据导出工具
- KenneyNL/Adobe-Alternatives - A list of alternatives for Adobe software
- revoltchat/revolt - Repository for miscellaneous repository management and discussions:
- mkrl/misbrands - The world's most hated IT stickers
- TablePlus/DBngin - DB Engine
- lauridskern/open-runde - A soft, rounded variant of Inter
- raunofreiberg/vesper - Peppermint and orange flavored dark theme for VSCode.
- microsoft/win32-app-isolation - Tools and documentation for Win32 app isolation
- nostr-protocol/nostr - a truly censorship-resistant alternative to Twitter that has a chance of working
- tuna/collection - idea collections from TUNA
- CLCK0622/OnlineTextbooks - Chinese Textbooks for HSEFZ
- googlefonts/spacemono - Original monospace display typeface family
- warpdotdev/Warp - Warp is a modern, Rust-based terminal with AI built in so you and your team can build great software, faster.
- github/mona-sans - Mona Sans, a variable font from GitHub
- runvnc/dadsresume - My dad's resume and skills from 1980
- ossamamehmood/Hacktoberfest - Hacktoberfest OPEN FIRST Pull Request 🎉
- rzashakeri/beautify-github-profile - This repository will assist you in creating a more beautiful and appealing github profile, and you will have access to a comprehensive range of tools and tutorials for beautifying your github profile. 🪄 ⭐
- ipfs/ipfs - Peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol
- MSWorkers/support.996.ICU - Microsoft and GitHub Workers Support 996.ICU
- ShameCom/ShameCom - 收集校招污点公司或组织,帮助学弟学妹避雷。互联网不曾遗忘!
- HMUniversity/About - About Home University | 关于家里蹲大学
- aeilot/HowToUseSearchEngines - A simple tutorial to Search Engines.
- Binaryify/NeteaseCloudMusicApi - 网易云音乐 Node.js API service
- github/roadmap - GitHub public roadmap
- ibraheemdev/modern-unix - A collection of modern/faster/saner alternatives to common unix commands.
- GorvGoyl/Clone-Wars - 100+ open-source clones of popular sites like Airbnb, Amazon, Instagram, Netflix, Tiktok, Spotify, Whatsapp, Youtube etc. See source code, demo links, tech stack, github stars.
- kettanaito/naming-cheatsheet - Comprehensive language-agnostic guidelines on variables naming. Home of the A/HC/LC pattern.
- tuyafeng/Via - Via is a simple browser, and this repository is set for localization.
- trekhleb/state-of-the-art-shitcode - 💩State-of-the-art shitcode principles your project should follow to call it a proper shitcode
- github/gitignore - A collection of useful .gitignore templates
- mdn/mdn - Holding repo for MDN Web Docs things
- joshbuchea/HEAD - A simple guide to HTML \<head> elements
- firstcontributions/first-contributions - 🚀✨ Help beginners to contribute to open source projects
- MrWillCom/ - Mr. Will's Blog
- google/eng-practices - Google's Engineering Practices documentation
- 996icu/996.ICU - Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
- awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted - A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
- geekywrites/datascience - This repository is a compilation of free resources for learning Data Science.
- cycz/jdBuyMask - 祝大家抗疫成功
- yoavbls/web-chaos-graph - Excalidraw graph showing major web tools and frameworks dependencies
- hexojs/hexo-theme-unit-test - This is a dummy Hexo site for theme unit test. You should test your theme before release.
- hua1995116/indiehackers-steps - 《独立开发者的艺术》打造最全的独立开发者指南,一人公司。
- githubnext/copilot-workspace-user-manual - 📖 The user manual for GitHub Copilot Workspace
- lucia-auth/lucia - Authentication, simple and clean
- sparanoid/chinese-copywriting-guidelines - Chinese copywriting guidelines for better written communication/中文文案排版指北
- sindresorhus/awesome - 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
- nusr/hacker-laws-zh - 💻📖对开发人员有用的定律、理论、原则和模式。(Laws, Theories, Principles and Patterns that developers will find useful.)
- LGBT-CN/LGBTQIA-In-China - 🏳️🌈 中国的性少数群体一直渴望着自由平等
- monyhar/monyhar - 梦弘浏览器 - 完全自主研发,打破国外垄断,比 Chrome 快 600%。
- thedaviddias/Front-End-Checklist - 🗂 The perfect Front-End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers
- 996browser/996.BROWSER - 屏蔽996.icu的浏览器列表
- antiden/macOS-cursors-for-Windows - Tested in Windows 10 & 11, 4K (125%, 150%, 200%). With 2 versions, 2 types and 3 different sizes!
- zakirullin/cognitive-load - 🧠 Cognitive Load is what matters
- privatenumber/ - 📦🔍 Find the true size of an npm package
- deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-R1
- SpeedyOrc-C/HoYo-Glyphs - Constructed scripts by HoYoverse 米哈游的架空文字
- bdlukaa/fluent\_ui - Implements Microsoft's WinUI3 in Flutter.
- deckerst/aves - Aves is a gallery and metadata explorer app, built for Android with Flutter.
- GopeedLab/gopeed - A modern download manager that supports all platforms. Built with Golang and Flutter.
- mulaRahul/keyviz - Keyviz is a free and open-source tool to visualize your keystrokes ⌨️ and 🖱️ mouse actions in real-time.
- localsend/localsend - An open-source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop
- alesimula/wsa\_pacman - A GUI package manager and package installer for Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA)
- GitJournal/GitJournal - Mobile first Note Taking integrated with Git
- rikulo/ - Dartlang port of
- OldMetalmind/cloom\_clock - My participation on the Flutter Clock Challenge of 2020 with Francisco Frutuoso design
- yechaoa/wanandroid\_flutter - :collision::collision::collision:【Flutter版】玩安卓,非常适合学习,代码不多、注释多。
- devefy/Flutter-Story-App-UI
- flutter/flutter - Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond
- NamanShergill/diohub - An open-source unofficial GitHub mobile client, that aims to deliver the ultimate GitHub experience on mobile devices.
- h4h13/Paisa - Expense manager for Android with Material Design
- miickel/flutter\_particle\_clock - The Grand Prize-winning entry of the #FlutterClock challenge.
- pd4d10/git-touch - An open-source app for GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Gitea, and Gitee(码云), built with Flutter
- maoqitian/flutter\_wanandroid - :pizza:让你随时随地都能愉快学习、进阶Android技术的跨平台WanAndroid客户端。Android、ios完美运行,主题切换,统一数据加载封装,功能丰富完整、适合日常学习和使用。同款Java版本:
- fmtjava/Flutter\_Eyepetizer - Flutter + 组件化实现的一款精美的仿开眼视频(Eyepetizer )跨平台App,适合入门,快速掌握Dart语言以及上手flutter开发(提供Kotlin、React Native、小程序版本 😁 ),希望和大家共同成长,喜欢的话,欢迎start或fork!
- lollipopkit/flutter\_server\_box - ServerBox - server status & toolbox
- stryder-dev/flutter\_platform\_widgets - Target the specific design of Material for Android and Cupertino for iOS widgets through a common set of Platform aware widgets
- namanshergill/diohub - An open-source unofficial GitHub mobile client, that aims to deliver the ultimate GitHub experience on mobile devices.
- Akegarasu/stable-diffusion-inspector - read pnginfo in stable diffusion generated images / inspect models
- CatsJuice/me - Personal profile
- nuxt/devtools - Unleash Nuxt Developer Experience
- varletjs/varlet - A Vue3 component library based on Material Design 2 and 3, supporting mobile and desktop.
- Splode/pomotroid - :tomato: Simple and visually-pleasing Pomodoro timer
- elk-zone/elk - A nimble Mastodon web client
- massCodeIO/massCode - A free and open source code snippets manager for developers
- elrumo/icon-brew - A free and open source icon pack. With hundreds of icons and new ones being added weekly.
- rebornix/logseq-open-in-code
- YunYouJun/cook - 🍲 好的,今天我们来做菜!OK, Let's Cook!
- xyhp915/logseq-journals-calendar - A journals calendar for Logseq.
- AutomaApp/automa - A browser extension for automating your browser by connecting blocks
- qier222/currency-app - The Ultimate Currency Converter 🤑
- qier222/YesPlayMusic - 高颜值的第三方网易云播放器,支持 Windows / macOS / Linux :electron:
- qier222/oh-weather - A simple weather web app
- thelittlewonder/gitstalk - Discover who's upto what on Github
- atinux/my-pull-requests - Showcase your Open Source Contributions (pull requests).
- tiny-craft/tiny-rdm - Tiny RDM (Tiny Redis Desktop Manager) - A modern, colorful, super lightweight Redis GUI client for Mac, Windows, and Linux.
- cfour-hi/gitstars - Github Starred Repositories Manager
- BewlyBewly/BewlyBewly - Just make a few small changes to your Bilibili homepage. NOT FOR SAFARI, SAY NO TO SUPPORT SAFARI. FUCK APPLE! Bewley on the App Store is not uploaded by us and we do not endorse it. (English | 简体中文 | 正體中文 | 廣東話)
- atinux/npm-chart - Visualize npm downloads in a beautiful chart, ready to be shared with your community.
- dreamhunter2333/cloudflare\_temp\_email - CloudFlare free temp domain email 免费收发 临时域名邮箱 支持附件 IMAP SMTP TelegramBot
- ccbikai/Sink - ⚡ A Simple / Speedy / Secure Link Shortener with Analytics, 100% run on Cloudflare.
- gitbutlerapp/gitbutler - The GitButler version control client, backed by Git, powered by Tauri/Rust/Svelte
- flxzt/rnote - Sketch and take handwritten notes.
- microsoft/sudo - It's sudo, for Windows
- ajeetdsouza/zoxide - A smarter cd command. Supports all major shells.
- ryanccn/am - A beautiful and feature-packed Apple Music CLI
- neondatabase/neon - Neon: Serverless Postgres. We separated storage and compute to offer autoscaling, code-like database branching, and scale to zero.
- lsd-rs/lsd - The next gen ls command
- sharkdp/hexyl - A command-line hex viewer
- atuinsh/atuin - ✨ Magical shell history
- typst/typst - A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn.
- lencx/ChatGPT - 🔮 ChatGPT Desktop Application (Mac, Windows and Linux)
- Helixform/TeleGPT - An out-of-box ChatGPT bot for Telegram.
- o2sh/onefetch - Command-line Git information tool
- sharkdp/fd - A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'
- swc-project/swc - Rust-based platform for the Web
- fathyb/carbonyl - Chromium running inside your terminal
- elk-zone/elk-native - Native version of Elk, a nimble Mastodon web
- helix-editor/helix - A post-modern modal text editor.
- espanso/espanso - Cross-platform Text Expander written in Rust
- rustdesk/rustdesk - An open-source remote desktop application designed for self-hosting, as an alternative to TeamViewer.
- denoland/deno - A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
- starship/starship - ☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
- sharkdp/bat - A cat(1) clone with wings.
- Schniz/fnm - 🚀 Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust
- sindresorhus/windows-wallpaper - Manage the desktop wallpaper on Windows
- nushell/nushell - A new type of shell
- ClementTsang/bottom - Yet another cross-platform graphical process/system monitor.
- rust-lang/rust - Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
- XAMPPRocky/tokei - Count your code, quickly.
- denisidoro/navi - An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
- sxyazi/yazi - 💥 Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O.
- nvarner/typst-lsp - \[Deprecated] An early language server for Typst, plus a VS Code extension
- eza-community/eza - A modern alternative to ls
- biomejs/biome - A toolchain for web projects, aimed to provide functionalities to maintain them. Biome offers formatter and linter, usable via CLI and LSP.
- diem/diem - Diem’s mission is to build a trusted and innovative financial network that empowers people and businesses around the world.
- ferrumc-rs/ferrumc - A reimplementation of the minecraft server in rust.
- zed-industries/zed - Code at the speed of thought – Zed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.
- tw93/Pake - 🤱🏻 Turn any webpage into a desktop app with Rust. 🤱🏻 利用 Rust 轻松构建轻量级多端桌面应用
- WGUNDERWOOD/tex-fmt - An extremely fast LaTeX formatter written in Rust
- Losses/rune - Experience timeless melodies with a music player that blends classic design with modern technology.
- tauri-apps/tauri - Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop and mobile applications with a web frontend.
- laishulu/Sarasa-Term-SC-Nerd - 简体中文终端更纱黑体+Nerd图标字体库。中英文宽度完美2:1,图标长宽经过调整,不会出现对齐问题,尤其适合作为终端字体。
- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee/eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
- EvanLuo42/elements-dictionary - A Dictionary of Elements Information - For Apple Dictionary
- saveweb/review-2023 - 二〇二三年的年终总结都写好了吗?
- Stability-AI/stablediffusion - High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models
- home-assistant/core - :house\_with\_garden: Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
- Anjok07/ultimatevocalremovergui - GUI for a Vocal Remover that uses Deep Neural Networks.
- distrochooser/distrochooser - An orientation guide for Linux newbies
- father-bot/chatgpt\_telegram\_bot - 💬 Telegram bot with ChatGPT, Python-based, using OpenAI's API.
- huggingface/transformers - 🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
- AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui - Stable Diffusion web UI
- babysor/MockingBird - 🚀AI拟声: 5秒内克隆您的声音并生成任意语音内容 Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time
- Bowserinator/Periodic-Table-JSON - A json of the entire periodic table.
- guofei9987/blind\_watermark - Blind\&Invisible Watermark ,图片盲水印,提取水印无须原图!
- EvanLi/Github-Ranking - :star:Github Ranking:star: Github stars and forks ranking list. Github Top100 stars list of different languages. Automatically update daily. | Github仓库排名,每日自动更新
- uselotus/lotus - Open Source Pricing & Packaging Infrastructure
- avgupta456/github-trends - 🚀 Level up your GitHub profile readme with customizable cards including LOC statistics!
- chawyehsu/lxgw-wenkai-webfont - webfont package for the LXGW WenKai typeface
- IdreesInc/Monocraft - A monospaced programming font inspired by the Minecraft typeface
- xfangfang/Macast - Macast is a cross-platform application which using mpv as DLNA Media Renderer.
- kovidgoyal/calibre - The official source code repository for the calibre ebook manager
- chubin/ - :partly\_sunny: The right way to check the weather
- microsoft/fluentui-emoji - A collection of familiar, friendly, and modern emoji from Microsoft
- ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox - 🗃 Open source self-hosted web archiving. Takes URLs/browser history/bookmarks/Pocket/Pinboard/etc., saves HTML, JS, PDFs, media, and more...
- ungoogled-software/ungoogled-chromium - Google Chromium, sans integration with Google
- httpie/cli - 🥧 HTTPie CLI — modern, user-friendly command-line HTTP client for the API era. JSON support, colors, sessions, downloads, plugins & more.
- anmol098/waka-readme-stats - This GitHub action helps to add cool dev metrics to your github profile Readme
- spesmilo/electrum - Electrum Bitcoin Wallet
- public-apis/public-apis - A collective list of free APIs
- CollegesChat/university-information - 收集全国各高校招生时不会写明,却会实实在在影响大学生活质量的要求与细节
- athul/waka-readme - Wakatime Weekly Metrics on your Profile Readme.
- microsoft/cascadia-code - This is a fun, new monospaced font that includes programming ligatures and is designed to enhance the modern look and feel of the Windows Terminal.
- boramalper/himawaripy - Set near-realtime picture of Earth as your desktop background
- bchao1/bullet - 🚅 Interactive prompts made simple. Build a prompt like stacking blocks.
- squidfunk/mkdocs-material - Documentation that simply works
- openai/whisper - Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision
- wasi-master/13ft - My own custom replacement
- rsms/inter - The Inter font family
- ActivityWatch/activitywatch - The best free and open-source automated time tracker. Cross-platform, extensible, privacy-focused.
- 521xueweihan/HelloGitHub - :octocat: 分享 GitHub 上有趣、入门级的开源项目。Share interesting, entry-level open source projects on GitHub.
- timqian/chinese-independent-blogs - 中文独立博客列表
- dahlia/cjk-compsci-terms - CJK computer science terms comparison / 中日韓電腦科學術語對照 / 日中韓のコンピュータ科学の用語対照 / 한·중·일 전산학 용어 대조
- RimoChan/i7h - 【i18nglish】自动i18n!
- Mzdyl/LiteLoaderQQNT\_Install - 针对 LiteLoaderQQNT 的安装脚本
- RimoChan/thyrune - 你的纪念碑!
- LufsX/rime - Rime(中州韵)全拼与双拼的自用配置方案
- polarsource/polar - An open source Merchant of Record. Sell SaaS and digital products in minutes.
- pengzhile/pandora - 潘多拉,一个让你呼吸顺畅的ChatGPT。Pandora, a ChatGPT that helps you breathe smoothly.
- haotian-liu/LLaVA - \[NeurIPS'23 Oral] Visual Instruction Tuning (LLaVA) built towards GPT-4V level capabilities and beyond.
- vikhyat/moondream - tiny vision language model
- deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-V3
- xtekky/gpt4free - The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models | o3 mini and deepseek r1
- subframe7536/maple-font - Maple Mono: Open source monospace font with round corner, ligatures and Nerd-Font for IDE and command line, fine-grained customization options. 带连字和控制台图标的圆角等宽字体,中英文宽度完美2:1,细粒度的自定义选项
- nolenroyalty/global-capslock - A CaPsLOCK KeY shaReD by thE WOrLD
- objective-see/LuLu - LuLu is the free open-source macOS firewall
- tisfeng/Easydict - 一个简洁优雅的词典翻译 macOS App。开箱即用,支持离线 OCR 识别,支持有道词典,🍎 苹果系统词典,🍎 苹果系统翻译,OpenAI,Gemini,DeepL,Google,Bing,腾讯,百度,阿里,小牛,彩云和火山翻译。A concise and elegant Dictionary and Translator macOS App for looking up words and translating text.
- brunophilipe/Cakebrew - Manage your Homebrew formulas with style using Cakebrew.
- noah-nuebling/mac-mouse-fix - Mac Mouse Fix - Make Your $10 Mouse Better Than an Apple Trackpad!
- sfsam/Itsycal - Itsycal is a tiny calendar for your Mac's menu bar.
- MustangYM/WeChatExtension-ForMac - A plugin for Mac WeChat
- keycastr/keycastr - KeyCastr, an open-source keystroke visualizer
- SailyTeam/Saily - Modern. Fast. Beautiful.
- grishka/WidgetSpinner - A fidget spinner for your Mac
- Lakr233/Saily - Modern. Fast. Beautiful.
- kf-liu/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra-zh-CN - Graphic notes on Gilbert Strang's "Linear Algebra for Everyone", 线性代数的艺术中文版, 欢迎PR.
- kenjihiranabe/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra - Graphic notes on Gilbert Strang's "Linear Algebra for Everyone"
- prinsss/hexo-theme-murasaki - Yet another minimalist theme for Hexo. (EARLY DEV STAGE)
- Siricee/hexo-theme-Chic - An elegant, powerful, easy-to-read Hexo theme.
- YunYouJun/hexo-theme-yun - ☁️ A fast & light & lovely theme for Hexo. 一个对可爱自以为是的 Hexo 主题。
- aeilot/hexo-theme-paperwhite - A minimalist theme
- FuShaoLei/hexo-theme-white - A Pure Theme For Hexo
- anzhiyu-c/hexo-theme-anzhiyu - 安知鱼主题,这是一个简洁美丽的hexo主题。
- chromium/chromium - The official GitHub mirror of the Chromium source
- protocolbuffers/protobuf - Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
- Slackadays/Clipboard - 😎🏖️🐬 Your new, 𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙤𝙣𝙠𝙪𝙡𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙡𝙮 smart clipboard manager
- snowie2000/mactype - Better font rendering for Windows.
- rime/weasel - 【小狼毫】Rime for Windows
- qbittorrent/qBittorrent - qBittorrent BitTorrent client
- erengy/taiga - A lightweight anime tracker for Windows
- flameshot-org/flameshot - Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software :desktop\_computer: :camera\_flash:
- aeilot/lsnotes - Add a description to your directories!
- M2Team/NanaZip - The 7-Zip derivative intended for the modern Windows experience
- Qalculate/libqalculate - Qalculate! library and CLI
- aristocratos/btop - A monitor of resources
- qw3rtty/neix - neix - a RSS/Atom feed reader for your terminal.
- ninja-build/ninja - a small build system with a focus on speed
- idea4good/GuiLite - ✔️The smallest header-only GUI library(4 KLOC) for all platforms
- aeilot/ProblemSet - My OI Problems
- tensorflow/tensorflow - An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
- microsoft/calculator - Windows Calculator: A simple yet powerful calculator that ships with Windows
- ChungZH/notepanda - 📃 A simple cross-platform notepad. Based on Qt and C++.
- Studio3T/robomongo - Native cross-platform MongoDB management tool
- mongodb/mongo - The MongoDB Database
- microsoft/winget-cli - WinGet is the Windows Package Manager. This project includes a CLI (Command Line Interface), PowerShell modules, and a COM (Component Object Model) API (Application Programming Interface).
- oatpp/oatpp - 🌱Light and powerful C++ web framework for highly scalable and resource-efficient web application. It's zero-dependency and easy-portable.
- aria2/aria2 - aria2 is a lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source, cross platform download utility operated in command-line. It supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent and Metalink.
- microsoft/terminal - The new Windows Terminal and the original Windows console host, all in the same place!
- leihui6/marksentence - 一个标记托福考试听力句子的工具(精听工具)
- p-ranav/indicators - Activity Indicators for Modern C++
- electron/electron - :electron: Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
- TranslucentTB/TranslucentTB - A lightweight utility that makes the Windows taskbar translucent/transparent.
- transmission/transmission - Official Transmission BitTorrent client repository
- Beep6581/RawTherapee - A powerful cross-platform raw photo processing program
- facebook/watchman - Watches files and records, or triggers actions, when they change.
- zhongyang219/TrafficMonitor - 这是一个用于显示当前网速、CPU及内存利用率的桌面悬浮窗软件,并支持任务栏显示,支持更换皮肤。
- GPGTools/pinentry
- audacity/audacity - Audio Editor
- RawTherapee/RawTherapee - A powerful cross-platform raw photo processing program
- swiftlang/swift - The Swift Programming Language
- SnowballXueQiu/sb.h - sb.h —— 让你的 C++ 代码秒变“优秀”!
- kyleneideck/BackgroundMusic - Background Music, a macOS audio utility: automatically pause your music, set individual apps' volumes and record system audio.
- LucasGGamerM/moshidon - Better modification of the official Mastodon for Android app
- AndroidIDEOfficial/AndroidIDE - AndroidIDE is an IDE for Android to develop full featured Android apps.
- LSPosed/LSPosed - LSPosed Framework
- Grasscutters/Grasscutter - A server software reimplementation for a certain anime game.
- linesoft2/open2share - An Android app that can convert open(view) files to share(send) files.
- niumoo/bing-wallpaper - 必应每日超清壁纸(4K) Bing Daily Wallpaper (4K)
- sk22/megalodon - Pink modification of the official Mastodon for Android app
- krahets/hello-algo - 《Hello 算法》:动画图解、一键运行的数据结构与算法教程。支持 Python, Java, C++, C, C#, JS, Go, Swift, Rust, Ruby, Kotlin, TS, Dart 代码。简体版和繁体版同步更新,English version ongoing
- IrisShaders/Iris - A modern shaders mod for Minecraft compatible with existing OptiFine shader packs
- ReplayMod/ReplayMod - Minecraft ReplayMod
- kabouzeid/Phonograph - A material designed music player for Android
- cabaletta/baritone - google maps for block game
- Aefyr/SAI - Android split APKs installer
- syncthing/syncthing-android - Wrapper of syncthing for Android.
- mastodon/mastodon-android - Official Android app for Mastodon
- Additional-Mods/additionaladditions - A Minecraft Fabric mod that that aims to add additional uses for Copper, Amethyst and Glow Ink Sacs as well as other useful additional additions to the game.
- FabricMC/fabric - Essential hooks for modding with Fabric.
- HMCL-dev/HMCL - A Minecraft Launcher which is multi-functional, cross-platform and popular
- WangDaYeeeeee/GeometricWeather - A Material Design Weather Application
- LawnchairLauncher/lawnchair - No clever tagline needed.
- termux/termux-app - Termux - a terminal emulator application for Android OS extendible by variety of packages.
- connectbot/connectbot - ConnectBot is the first SSH client for Android.
- Dimezis/BlurView - Dynamic iOS-like blur of underlying Views for Android
- CaffeineMC/sodium - A Minecraft mod designed to improve frame rates and reduce micro-stutter
- MrShieh-X/console-minecraft-launcher - 一个在命令行上运行的 Minecraft Java 版启动器 A Minecraft Java Edition Launcher Running on the Command Line
- devallever/TranslationTextOpenSource - 介绍 【文本翻译器】是一款免费的简洁实用的翻译软件。文本翻译器应用程序完全免费,可以非常快速翻译您的单词,帮助您与外国人交流。文本翻译器适用于旅行者、学生、商人和其他语言爱好者,使用文本翻译器可以轻松了解其他语言。文本翻译器支持多国语言,全新领先的翻译引擎,让各种变得更加可靠有保证。界面设计简洁、优雅,体积小巧,但是功能很强大哦。赶快下载来试试吧~ 功能特点: \*【词典解析】除了基本的翻译外,提供更详细的词典功能,词性分类 \*【多语言】目前支持主流语言:中文,中文繁体,英语,日语,法语,德语 \*【单词本】收藏喜欢的单词 \*【历史记录】记录翻译记录 \*【离线翻译】如果已经翻译过的即使没有网络也能翻译 \*【数据备份和恢复】备份历史翻译记录和恢复记录 \*【自动朗读】翻译后为您朗读 \*【自动复制】将翻译文本自动复制到剪贴板 \*【全局复制查词】在任何界面点复制就能查单词 \*【免费】使用功能过程中完全免费 \*【界面简洁】界面设计优雅、简洁
- Catfriend1/syncthing-android - Syncthing-Fork - A Syncthing Wrapper for Android.
- nileane/TangerineUI-for-Mastodon - A Tangerine redesign for Mastodon's Web UI. 🍊🐘
- edelvarden/material-fox-updated - 🦊 Firefox user CSS theme looks similar to Chrome
- unix/poc.css - Lightweight style file.
- catppuccin/logseq - 🦫 Soothing pastel theme for Logseq
- files-community/Website
- nostalgic-css/NES.css - NES-style CSS Framework | ファミコン風CSSフレームワーク
- rstacruz/cheatsheets - Cheatsheets for web development -
- primer/css - Primer is GitHub's design system. This is the CSS implementation
- noatpad/typora-theme-ursine - A Typora theme, inspired by Bear
- Keldos-Li/typora-latex-theme - 将Typora伪装成LaTeX的中文样式主题,本科生轻量级课程论文撰写的好帮手。This is a theme disguising Typora into Chinese LaTeX style.
- CLCK0622/11ty-Serene - A minimal theme for a landing page and an integrated blog. Built with 11ty and Sass.
- xu-cheng/latex-action - :octocat: GitHub Action to compile LaTeX documents
- ful1e5/apple\_cursor - Free & Open source macOS Cursors.
- floriankarsten/space-grotesk - Space Grotesk: a proportional variant of the original fixed-width Space Mono family
- zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting - Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh.
- romkatv/powerlevel10k - A Zsh theme
- jayphelps/git-blame-someone-else - Blame someone else for your bad code.
- VSCodium/vscodium - binary releases of VS Code without MS branding/telemetry/licensing
- zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions - Fish-like autosuggestions for zsh
- meiji163/gh-notify - GitHub CLI extension to display GitHub notifications
- dylanaraps/neofetch - 🖼️ A command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+
- rbenv/rbenv - Manage your app's Ruby environment
- myspaghetti/macos-virtualbox - Push-button installer of macOS Catalina, Mojave, and High Sierra guests in Virtualbox on x86 CPUs for Windows, Linux, and macOS
- paulirish/git-open - Type `git open` to open the GitHub page or website for a repository in your browser.
- somebasj/ParallelsDesktopCrack - Parallels Desktop for mac Crack
- JetBrains/JetBrainsMono - JetBrains Mono – the free and open-source typeface for developers
- daliansky/Hackintosh - Hackintosh long-term maintenance model EFI and installation tutorial
- sickcodes/Docker-OSX - Run macOS VM in a Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for OS X Security Research! Docker mac Containers.
- itzg/docker-minecraft-server - Docker image that provides a Minecraft Server for Java Edition that automatically downloads selected version at startup
- adobe-fonts/source-han-serif - Source Han Serif | 思源宋体 | 思源宋體 | 思源宋體 香港 | 源ノ明朝 | 본명조
- simondankelmann/Bluetooth-LE-Spam
- android/nowinandroid - A fully functional Android app built entirely with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose
- LibChecker/LibChecker - An app to view libraries used in apps in your device.
- Ashinch/ReadYou - An Android RSS reader presented in Material You style.
- gujjwal00/avnc - VNC Client for Android
- caiyonglong/MusicLake - MediaPlayer、Exoplayer音乐播放器,可播在线音乐,qq音乐,百度音乐,虾米音乐,网易云音乐,YouTuBe
- dkter/aaaaa - a minimalist keyboard
- zhanghai/MaterialFiles - Material Design file manager for Android
- tommasoberlose/another-widget - Watch events, weather and much more at a glance.
- androidx/androidx - Development environment for Android Jetpack extension libraries under the androidx namespace. Synchronized with Android Jetpack's primary development branch on AOSP.
- simplex-chat/simplex-chat - SimpleX - the first messaging network operating without user identifiers of any kind - 100% private by design! iOS, Android and desktop apps 📱!
- saikou-app/saikou - An Android Anilist client, which lets you stream & download Anime & Manga.
- SkyD666/Rays-Android - 🥰 A tool to record, search and manage stickers / meme on your phone. ⭐️ Star to support our work!
- markusfisch/BinaryEye - Yet another barcode scanner for Android
- SkyD666/Raca-Android - 🤗 Raca,一个在本地记录、查找抽象段落/评论区小作文的工具。基于 MVI 架构,使用 Jetpack Compose 编写,完全采用 Material You 风格。
- gedoor/legado - Legado 3.0 Book Reader with powerful controls & full functions❤️阅读3.0, 阅读是一款可以自定义来源阅读网络内容的工具,为广大网络文学爱好者提供一种方便、快捷舒适的试读体验。
- rosuH/EasyWatermark - 🔒 🖼 Securely, easily add a watermark to your sensitive photos. 安全、简单地为你的敏感照片添加水印,防止被小人泄露、利用
- chr56/Phonograph\_Plus - A semi-active fork of kabouzeid/Phonograph -- a revived classic material designed music player for Android
- hushenghao/AndroidEasterEggs - Android Easter Egg Collections
- zedeus/nitter - Alternative Twitter front-end
- aleksey-hoffman/sigma-file-manager - "Sigma File Manager" is a free, open-source, quickly evolving, modern file manager (explorer / browser) app for Windows and Linux.
- ExistentialAudio/BlackHole - BlackHole is a modern macOS audio loopback driver that allows applications to pass audio to other applications with zero additional latency.
- cmus/cmus - Small, fast and powerful console music player for Unix-like operating systems.
- bartobri/no-more-secrets - A command line tool that recreates the famous data decryption effect seen in the 1992 movie Sneakers.
- henrypp/memreduct - Lightweight real-time memory management application to monitor and clean system memory on your computer.
- woltapp/blurhash - A very compact representation of a placeholder for an image.
- FelixKratz/SketchyBar - A highly customizable macOS status bar replacement
- valinet/ExplorerPatcher - This project aims to enhance the working environment on Windows
- sandboxie-plus/Sandboxie - Sandboxie Plus & Classic
- pbatard/rufus - The Reliable USB Formatting Utility
- HandBrake/HandBrake - HandBrake's main development repository
- MrGlockenspiel/activate-linux - The "Activate Windows" watermark ported to Linux
- curl/curl - A command line tool and library for transferring data with URL syntax, supporting DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, GOPHER, GOPHERS, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, LDAPS, MQTT, POP3, POP3S, RTMP, RTMPS, RTSP, SCP, SFTP, SMB, SMBS, SMTP, SMTPS, TELNET, TFTP, WS and WSS. libcurl offers a myriad of powerful features
- Kitware/CMake - Mirror of CMake upstream repository
- obsproject/obs-studio - OBS Studio - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording
- Dr-Noob/cpufetch - Simple yet fancy CPU architecture fetching tool
- redis/redis - Redis is an in-memory database that persists on disk. The data model is key-value, but many different kind of values are supported: Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, Streams, HyperLogLogs, Bitmaps.
- lc-soft/LCUI - C library for building user interfaces
- FFmpeg/FFmpeg - Mirror of
- git/git - Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository but pull requests can be turned into patches to the mailing list via GitGitGadget ( Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improvements.
- torvalds/linux - Linux kernel source tree
- Genymobile/scrcpy - Display and control your Android device
- pwn20wndstuff/Undecimus - unc0ver jailbreak for iOS 11.0 - 12.4
- fastfetch-cli/fastfetch - A maintained, feature-rich and performance oriented, neofetch like system information tool.
- RubyMetric/chsrc - chsrc 全平台通用换源工具与框架. Change Source everywhere for every software
- monyhar/monyhar-lite - 梦弘浏览器 自主研发版本 - 完全自主研发,打破国外垄断,比 Chrome 快 600%。缺少上网功能。
- ading2210/doompdf - A port of Doom (1993) that runs inside a PDF file
- overflowy/spongebob-cli - SpongeBob delivered straight from your terminal
- maaslalani/invoice - Command line invoice generator
- charmbracelet/pop - Send emails from your terminal 📬
- sourcegraph/sourcegraph - Code AI platform with Code Search & Cody
- ArtalkJS/Artalk - 🌌 Your Self-hosted Comment System. | 自托管评论系统
- NekoWheel/NekoBox - 📫 匿名提问箱 / Anonymous question box
- iawia002/lux - 👾 Fast and simple video download library and CLI tool written in Go
- rocboss/paopao-ce - 🔥An artistic "twitter like" community built on gin+zinc+vue+ts 清新文艺微社区
- IceWhaleTech/CasaOS - CasaOS - A simple, easy-to-use, elegant open-source Personal Cloud system.
- charmbracelet/glow - Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! 💅🏻
- air-verse/air - ☁️ Live reload for Go apps
- screego/server - screen sharing for developers
- ipfs/kubo - An IPFS implementation in Go
- syncthing/syncthing - Open Source Continuous File Synchronization
- JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh - The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer
- gogs/gogs - Gogs is a painless self-hosted Git service
- nektos/act - Run your GitHub Actions locally 🚀
- schollz/croc - Easily and securely send things from one computer to another :crocodile: :package:
- keybase/client - Keybase Go Library, Client, Service, OS X, iOS, Android, Electron
- muesli/duf - Disk Usage/Free Utility - a better 'df' alternative
- jesseduffield/lazygit - simple terminal UI for git commands
- gohugoio/hugo - The world’s fastest framework for building websites.
- FiloSottile/mkcert - A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
- dlvhdr/gh-dash - A beautiful CLI dashboard for GitHub 🚀
- quackduck/devzat - The devs are over here at devzat, chat over SSH!
- ollama/ollama - Get up and running with Llama 3.3, DeepSeek-R1, Phi-4, Gemma 2, and other large language models.
- usememos/memos - An open-source, lightweight note-taking solution. The pain-less way to create your meaningful notes. Your Notes, Your Way.
- AlistGo/alist - 🗂️A file list/WebDAV program that supports multiple storages, powered by Gin and Solidjs. / 一个支持多存储的文件列表/WebDAV程序,使用 Gin 和 Solidjs。
- sourcegraph/sourcegraph-public-snapshot - Code AI platform with Code Search & Cody
- scenery/mediax - A self-hosted tracker for books, movies, TV shows, anime, and games.
- lacolaco/contributors-img
- cli/cli - GitHub’s official command line tool
- wtfutil/wtf - The personal information dashboard for your terminal
- fatedier/frp - A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.
- mr-karan/doggo - :dog: Command-line DNS Client for Humans. Written in Golang
- cloudreve/Cloudreve - 🌩支持多家云存储的云盘系统 (Self-hosted file management and sharing system, supports multiple storage providers)
- jesseduffield/lazydocker - The lazier way to manage everything docker
- kepano/flexoki - An inky color scheme for prose and code.
- AnubisNekhet/AnuPpuccin - Personal theme for Obsidian
- atisawd/boxicons - High Quality web friendly icons
- colineckert/obsidian-things - An Obsidian theme inspired by the beautifully-designed app, Things.
- pengx17/logseq-dev-theme - \</> Logseq dev theme
- daattali/oldschool-github-extension - Revert GitHub's UI back to its classic look (before the June 23, 2020 update that has a flat, rounded and more whitespaced design).
- defaultnamehere/ - A URL shortener, but it makes the URLs look extremely dodgy instead
- catppuccin/elk - 🐘 Soothing pastel theme for Elk
- lovefc/china\_school\_badge - 全国高校校徽字体图标库
- kmaasrud/awesome-obsidian - 🕶️ Awesome stuff for Obsidian
- evvoon/stopwatch
- catppuccin/github - 🐈⬛ Soothing pastel theme for GitHub
- theme-nexmoe/hexo-theme-nexmoe - 🔥 A special Hexo theme focusing on pictures and images. Images tell stories, and Nexmoe makes them more vivid.
- ttytm/logseq-allday-theme - A clean productivity theme. Styled for high readability and minimal eye strain.
- mimeku/hexo-theme-cupertino - Update hexo-theme-cupertino
- varkai/hugo-theme-zozo - :star2: A simple and beautiful theme for Hugo
- marvelapp/devices.css - Pure CSS phones and tablets
- chokcoco/iCSS - 不止于 CSS
- vinceliuice/Fluent-gtk-theme - Fluent design gtk theme for linux desktops
- elrumo/macOS\_Big\_Sur\_icons\_replacements - Replacement icons for popular apps in the style of macOS Big Sur
- rapiz1/typography - A Hexo theme focused on clean format and elegant reading experience.
- MrWillCom/github-dark-mode - The Dark Mode for
- necolas/normalize.css - A modern alternative to CSS resets
- Akifyss/obsidian-border - A theme for
- elitistsnob/typora-gitlab-theme - A Typora markdown editor theme for those who want the look and feel of Gitlab's familiar markdown style.
- MUKAPP/LiteLoaderQQNT-MSpring-Theme - LiteLoaderQQNT 主题,优雅 · 粉粉 · 细致
- MapleRecall/Transitio-user-css - Custom css for QQNT
- chokcoco/CSS-Inspiration - CSS Inspiration,在这里找到写 CSS 的灵感!
- hehonghui/the-economist-ebooks - 经济学人(含音频)、纽约客、自然、新科学人、卫报、科学美国人、连线、大西洋月刊、国家地理等英语杂志免费下载,支持epub、mobi、pdf格式, 每周更新.
- IBM/plex - The package of IBM’s typeface, IBM Plex.
- aonez/Keka - The macOS & iOS file archiver
- bs-community/blessing-skin-server - Web application brings your custom skins back in offline Minecraft servers.
- pixelfed/pixelfed - Photo Sharing. For Everyone.
- DenverCoder1/github-readme-streak-stats - 🔥 Stay motivated and show off your contribution streak! 🌟 Display your total contributions, current streak, and longest streak on your GitHub profile README
- FreshRSS/FreshRSS - A free, self-hostable news aggregator…
- skrysmanski/chrome-separators - Workaround for the missing bookmark separators in Chrome and Edge
- adamschwartz/log - Console.log with style.
- arantius/web-color-wheel
- silentEAG/note - 个人 notebook
- ImageOptim/ImageOptim - GUI image optimizer for Mac
- markmead/hyperui - Free Tailwind CSS components for application UI, ecommerce and marketing with support for dark mode, RTL and Alpine JS 🚀
- CLCK0622/TensorFlow-MobileNet-Starter-Program - A starter AI program (online demo) using TensorFlow MobileNet, which features image processing.
- surjithctly/neat-starter - Starter Template for Netlify CMS, Eleventy, Alpine JS & Tailwind CSS
- atelier-anchor/smiley-sans - 得意黑 Smiley Sans:一款在人文观感和几何特征中寻找平衡的中文黑体
- KrauseFx/ - Showcasing what in-app browsers do under the hood
- luandersonn/Modern-scrollbar - A modern look for Chromium scrollbar
- codewithsadee/vcard-personal-portfolio - vCard is a fully responsive personal portfolio website, responsive for all devices.
- bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook - Mastering Bitcoin 3rd Edition - Programming the Open Blockchain
- OctoLinker/OctoLinker - OctoLinker — Links together, what belongs together
- microsoft/ai-edu - AI education materials for Chinese students, teachers and IT professionals.
- goproxy/ - The most trusted Go module proxy in China.
- louis-studio/
- github/personal-website - Code that'll help you kickstart a personal website that showcases your work as a software developer.
- ChungZH/ - 💎 My personal blog.
- meichthys/foss\_photo\_libraries - Free and Open Source Photo Libraries
- MicrosoftEdge/MSEdgeExplainers - Home for explainer documents originated by the Microsoft Edge team
- xfirefly/Airplay-SDK - The Best Airplay SDK supports Airplay Mirroring and AirPlay Casting to a receiver device.
- cheeaun/life - Life - a timeline of important events in my life
- vercel/geist-font
- travellings-link/travellings - 「开往 Travellings」是一个友链接力项目,旨在通过网络跳转的方式将流量引入那些鲜为人知的独立站点。 每当用户访问加入该项目的网页时,点击该网页上的“开往”按钮将随机跳转到另一个加入该项目的网页。
- hacker-frok/LiteLoaderQQNT-Plugin-Brevity-btn - 本插件隐藏QQNT侧栏部位,并在顶部添加快速显示/隐藏按钮,带来纯纯的聊天模式
- vincentdoerig/latex-css - LaTeX.css is a CSS library that makes your website look like a LaTeX document
- github/ - 📚 Community guides for open source creators
- owickstrom/the-monospace-web - A minimalist design exploration
- pseudoyu/blockchain-guide - 区块链入门指南
- rudrodip/theme-toggle-effect - theme toggle effect using view transitions api
Jupyter Notebook
- sweepai/sweep - Sweep: open-source AI-powered Software Developer for small features and bug fixes.
- CompVis/stable-diffusion - A latent text-to-image diffusion model
- unsplash/datasets - 🎁 5,400,000+ Unsplash images made available for research and machine learning
- tensorflow/docs - TensorFlow documentation
- github/covid19-dashboard - A site that displays up to date COVID-19 stats, powered by fastpages.
- nfmcclure/tensorflow\_cookbook - Code for Tensorflow Machine Learning Cookbook
- plausible/analytics - Simple, open source, lightweight (< 1 KB) and privacy-friendly web analytics alternative to Google Analytics.
- pyenv-win/pyenv-win - pyenv for Windows. pyenv is a simple python version management tool. It lets you easily switch between multiple versions of Python. It's simple, unobtrusive, and follows the UNIX tradition of single-purpose tools that do one thing well.
- pyenv/pyenv - Simple Python version management
- lh1me/hexo-theme-aomori - 🔥 Minimalist & Powerful Hexo Theme
- Fechin/reference - ⭕ Share quick reference cheat sheet for developers.
- haydenull/logseq-woz-theme - A theme base dev theme
- Tencent/weui - A UI library by WeChat official design team, includes the most useful widgets/modules in mobile web applications.
- MaLuns/hexo-theme-async - 一个简单而轻量级的 Hexo 主题。 | A simple, lightweight Hexo theme.
- rxi/lite - A lightweight text editor written in Lua
- NvChad/NvChad - Blazing fast Neovim framework providing solid defaults and a beautiful UI, enhancing your neovim experience.
- chakra-ui/chakra-ui-docs - Documentation website for chakra ui
- CLCK0622/Shanghai-High-School-Knowledge - Knowledge in Shanghai standard senior high school.
- phuocng/csslayout - A collection of popular layouts and patterns made with CSS. Now it has 100+ patterns and continues growing!
- EvanNotFound/how-to-deal-with-my-crush - 一个自以为是的情感指南
- uidotdev/usehooks - A collection of modern, server-safe React hooks – from the team
- magicuidesign/magicui - UI Library for Design Engineers. Animated components and effects you can copy and paste into your apps. Free. Open Source.
- corkami/pics - File formats dissections and more...
- microsoft/MS-DOS - The original sources of MS-DOS 1.25, 2.0, and 4.0 for reference purposes
- saveweb/review-2022 - 饿您饿饿年,你吃年终总结了馍?
- mdn/content - The content behind MDN Web Docs
- microsoft/vscode-docs - Public documentation for Visual Studio Code
- nolebase/nolebase - A place to record memories, knowledge and ideas | 记录回忆,知识和畅想的地方
- lxgw/LxgwWenKai - An open-source Chinese font derived from Fontworks' Klee One. 一款开源中文字体,基于 FONTWORKS 出品字体 Klee One 衍生。
- jaywcjlove/reference - 为开发人员分享快速参考备忘清单(速查表)
- Anduin2017/HowToCook - 程序员在家做饭方法指南。Programmer's guide about how to cook at home (Simplified Chinese only).
- kelseyhightower/nocode - The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
- christmas-countdown/website - Christmas countdown website
- chroxify/haptic - A new local-first, privacy-focused and open-source home for your markdown notes
- imputnet/cobalt - best way to save what you love
- zerebos/ghostty-config - A beautiful config generator for Ghostty terminal.
- dufu1991/simple-cloud-music - 简洁的的第三方网易云音乐播放器
- Abdenasser/neohtop - 💪🏻 Blazing-fast system monitoring for your desktop (built with Rust, Tauri & Svelte)
- basharovV/musicat - A sleek desktop music player and tagger for offline music 🪕. With gapless playback, smart playlists, and a map view! Built with Svelte and Tauri
- microsoft/vscode-codicons - The icon font for Visual Studio Code
- rcmaehl/MSEdgeRedirect - A Tool to Redirect News, Search, Widgets, Weather and More to Your Default Browser
- rcmaehl/WhyNotWin11 - Detection Script to help identify why your PC is not Windows 11 Release Ready. Now Supporting Update Checks!
- vlang/v - Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. Compiles itself in <1s with zero library dependencies. Supports automatic C => V translation.
- forem/forem - For empowering community 🌱
- discourse/discourse - A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.
- mastodon/mastodon - Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community
- feedbin/feedbin - A nice place to read on the web.
- jekyll/jekyll - :globe\_with\_meridians: Jekyll is a blog-aware static site generator in Ruby
- Retrospring/retrospring - Q/A based social network
- Moeologist/scoop-completion - scoop tab completion, work with powershell
- dahlbyk/posh-git - A PowerShell environment for Git
- PhrozenIO/PowerRemoteDesktop - Remote Desktop entirely coded in PowerShell.
- ChungZH/peach - 🍑 A sweet Scoop bucket. | 你在想屁吃?
- ScoopInstaller/Extras - 📦 The Extras bucket for Scoop.
- hotvulcan/ - if you are Thanos(root), this command could delete half your files randomly
- ScoopInstaller/Scoop - A command-line installer for Windows.
- YerongAI/Office-Tool - Office Tool Plus localization projects.
- Atlas-OS/Atlas - 🚀 An open and lightweight modification to Windows, designed to optimize performance, privacy and usability.
- logseq/logseq - A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collaboration. Download link: roadmap:
- penpot/penpot - Penpot: The open-source design tool for design and code collaboration
Vim script
- aeilot/.vimrc.d - My Vim Configuration
- edk2-porting/edk2-msm - Broken edk2 port for Qualcomm platforms xD
Visual Basic .NET
- ChrisAnd1998/TaskbarX - Center Windows taskbar icons with a variety of animations and options.
Vim Script
- vim/vim - The official Vim repository
- neovim/neovim - Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
- microsoft/vcpkg - C++ Library Manager for Windows, Linux, and MacOS
- zhcosin/elementary-math - 初等数学笔记,LaTeX 排版,内容涉及代数、数论、几何、组合等。
- exacity/deeplearningbook-chinese - Deep Learning Book Chinese Translation
- dangh/zed-ejs - EJS template syntax for Zed
- jgm/pandoc - Universal markup converter
- mozilla/blurts-server - Mozilla Monitor arms you with tools to keep your personal information safe. Find out what hackers already know about you and learn how to stay a step ahead of them.
- ghostty-org/ghostty - 👻 Ghostty is a fast, feature-rich, and cross-platform terminal emulator that uses platform-native UI and GPU acceleration.
- inotelabs/Astroverse-i18n - An Astro theme designed for impactful image-text blogging, now enhanced with multilingual support. Perfect for global content creators aiming to reach a diverse audience.
- penboxlab/Astroverse-i18n - An Astro theme designed for impactful image-text blogging, now enhanced with multilingual support. Perfect for global content creators aiming to reach a diverse audience.
- inotelab/Astroverse-i18n - An Astro theme designed for impactful image-text blogging, now enhanced with multilingual support. Perfect for global content creators aiming to reach a diverse audience.
- ccbikai/RSS.Beauty - Make Your RSS Beautiful!
- idimilab/Astroverse-i18n - An Astro theme designed for impactful image-text blogging, now enhanced with multilingual support. Perfect for global content creators aiming to reach a diverse audience.
- upptime/upptime - ⬆️ GitHub Actions uptime monitor & status page by @AnandChowdhary
- anders94/blockchain-demo - A web-based demonstration of blockchain concepts.
Programming Languages
Jupyter Notebook
Vim Script
Visual Basic .NET
Vim script
Sub Categories