An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.
A curated list of my GitHub stars by stargazed
Last synced: 4 days ago
JSON representation
- translate-shell - line translator using Google Translate, Bing Translator, Yandex.Translate, etc. | soimort | 5777 |
- sway - compatible Wayland compositor | swaywm | 11088 |
- i3
- blurhash
- fzy
- neotags.nvim
- pspg
- wordgrinder
- tig - mode interface for git | jonas | 11144 |
- robotjs
- rofi
- the_silver_searcher - searching tool similar to ack, but faster. | ggreer | 24111 |
- dwm
- mutt-kz - kz is DEPRECATED in favor of neomutt project. | karelzak | 302 |
- dwm-patches - - A collection of patches for dwm | Hjdskes | 23 |
- dwm
- xcape
- watch - useful for auto-testing, auto-building, auto-anything | tj | 446 |
- CERBERUS2080 - processor 8-bit microcomputer | TheByteAttic | 71 |
- nsfw
- tree-sitter-markdown - sitter | ikatyang | 136 |
- Stacer - | oguzhaninan | 7954 |
- taskwarrior - Command line Task Management | GothenburgBitFactory | 2792 |
- FreeCAD
- Magisk
- vnote - taking platform. | vnotex | 9660 |
- vcmi - source engine for Heroes of Might and Magic III | vcmi | 2803 |
- fish-shell - friendly command line shell. | fish-shell | 19587 |
- osquery
- olive - source non-linear video editor | olive-editor | 6423 |
- flameshot - org | 18761 |
- devilution - magic behind the 1996 computer game | diasurgical | 8412 |
- electron - platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS | electron | 103684 |
- nodegui - platform native desktop applications with Node.js and CSS π. React NodeGui : and Vue NodeGui: | nodegui | 7924 |
- fontsource - host Open Source fonts in neatly bundled NPM packages. | fontsource | 2954 |
- css-initials
- raster
- css-homogenizer
- - end developers. Written by Dan Abramov. | gaearon | 2941 |
- crdt-website
- ProgrammingFonts
- 8-point-grid
- star-history-plugin - history as a mono repo | timqian | 266 |
- purecss-francine - century oil painting. Hand-coded entirely in HTML & CSS. | cyanharlow | 7702 |
- Fraternate
- vanilla-milkshake
- plex
- shevy
- styled-components-tachyons
- typefaces
- Gutenberg
- office-ui-fabric-js
- wtf-forms
- arc-theme
- sanitize.css - practices CSS foundation | csstools | 4888 |
- bulma
- You-Dont-Need-JavaScript - dont-need | 17500 |
- - existing styles will cause problems. MaintainableCSS is an approach to writing modular, scalable and of course, maintainable CSS. | adamsilver | 857 |
- voxel.css
- pagoda - like blogging interface for Jekyll (login: admin/admin) | alagu | 299 |
- json-api - api | 6985 |
- solved-by-flexbox
- csstyle
- suitcss-with-stylus
- leselys
- sprInvoice
- Natural - edge CSS framework | kenhty | 51 |
- Pattern-Primer-on-Node
- inuit.css - based, BEM, OOCSS framework. | csswizardry | 3866 |
- scratches
- basscss - level CSS Toolkit β the original Functional/Utility/Atomic CSS library | basscss | 5738 |
- FiraCode
- precursor - time collaboration | PrecursorApp | 594 |
- datascript
- metabase
- markright
- scaleApp - Page-Applications | flosse | 352 |
- essential.js - Functional JavaScript "the right way" | elclanrs | 100 |
- Smooth.js
- chaplin
- node-livereload-hub
- serenade.js
- hamlet.js
- ots - to-end encrypted secrets with others via a one-time URL | sniptt-official | 1569 |
- glow
- direnv
- croc
- gitupdate
- textql
- dasel
- sops
- remark42
- termui
- lf
- triage - line GitHub issue & notification triaging tool. | tj | 400 |
- esbuild
- cli
- dnote
- vulcain - driven REST APIs. | dunglas | 3299 |
- fathom - focused website analytics. Built with Golang & Preact. | usefathom | 7137 |
- lefthook
- rendora - side rendering using headless Chrome to effortlessly solve the SEO problem for modern javascript websites | rendora | 1921 |
- scmpuff
- gh-polls
- lorca - platform modern desktop apps in Go + HTML5 | zserge | 7449 |
- fx
- ferret
- fac - to-use CUI for fixing git conflicts | mkchoi212 | 1773 |
- jsonui
- lazygit
- caire
- noms - labs | 7480 |
- imgproxy
- static - framework βΒ general-purpose library, purpose-built commands for various domains | apex | 296 |
- hugo
- up
- gitql
- jid
- minio - Cloud :cloud: Object Storage | minio | 35295 |
- rango
- wego
- slfsrv - platform GUI applications, or wrap GUIs around command-line applications, using HTML/JS/CSS and your own browser. | BrentNoorda | 201 |
- awesome-go
- hub - line tool that makes git easier to use with GitHub. | github | 22039 |
- photoprism - Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web ππβ¨ | photoprism | 22432 |
- git-bug - first bug tracker embedded in git, with bridges | MichaelMure | 5778 |
- sops
- protocol_1
- pass-share
- personal-server
- web-design-in-4-minutes
- small
- rellax
- blocks.css
- selecto
- simplify
- differential-serving
- html-dom
- new.css
- state-designer
- destyle.css - cusan | 686 |
- mvp
- alpine
- community-group - tokens | 921 |
- proposal-pattern-matching
- github_pr_tree
- personal-website
- markdown-mark
- remark - browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool. | gnab | 12072 |
- async-javascript-cheatsheet
- mastering-modular-javascript
- craftinginterpreters
- ShowKeyPlus - Inc | 748 |
- - component | react-component | 378 |
- et-book
- resilientwebdesign
- restreamer - hosting. It has a visually appealing user interface and no ongoing license costs. Upload your live stream to YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Vimeo, or other streaming solutions like Wowza. Receive video data from OBS and publish it with the RTMP and SRT server. | datarhei | 1985 |
- tufte-css
- infinite-monkeys
- node-unfluff
- suit
- superherojs
- fastclick
- The-Personal-Page - page website is a way for people to have a very quick and easy personable website that aggregates your activity and positions a simple logo, a portrait and some description text in a nicely-formatted manner. This is licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. | weightshift | 756 |
- smoothScroll - in-out effect and no jQuery. | alicelieutier | 544 |
- node-examples-js - native) | coolaj86 | 34 |
- free-for-dev
- awesome-mental-health
- StartPage
- languagetool - org | 7537 |
- AnLinux-App
- Algorithms
- 99-problems - Nine Prolog Problems written by Werner Hett. | shekhargulati | 3306 |
- Android-Mvvm
- leon - source personal assistant. | leon-ai | 10979 |
- uBlock - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean. | gorhill | 32027 |
- graphql-normalizr
- actual - first personal finance system | actualbudget | 5247 |
- eslint_d.js
- crdt-example-app_annotated
- zx
- nextra
- dreamjs
- mobiledoc-kit
- sourcebit - driven JAMstack sites by pulling data from any third-party resource | stackbit | 292 |
- miragejs - side server to build, test and share your JavaScript app | miragejs | 4772 |
- chillout - blocking async loop and psychologically speed up in JavaScript | polygonplanet | 582 |
- stitches-native - in-JS library) | Temzasse | 194 |
- absurd-sql
- hush-docs - first, private Google Docs alternative. | j-berman | 39 |
- kld-intersections
- tinytime
- engineer-manager
- gatsby-starter-minimal-blog - rich blogging theme with minimal aesthetics. Includes tags/categories support and extensive features for code blocks such as live preview, line numbers, and line highlighting. | LekoArts | 1014 |
- linkify-it - it | 557 |
- np
- microbundle - configuration bundler for tiny modules. | developit | 7251 |
- watcher
- elodin
- jest-clean-console-reporter
- graphql-fs
- is-hotkey
- blender-resources
- omatsuri
- stylewars
- atomically
- quiver
- screenity
- pervane
- parser
- Lucid - Nexus | 25 |
- flatten-svg
- css-to-react-native - components | 1001 |
- magic-cards
- markdown-table
- lesspass
- gatsby-plugin-robots-txt
- gatsby-starter-morning-dew - fast blog/websites | maxpou | 200 |
- franc
- react-use-database
- gltfjsx
- style9 - in-JS compiler inspired by Facebook's stylex | johanholmerin | 440 |
- didyoumean2 - quality input to a list of potential matches using the Levenshtein distance algorithm | foray1010 | 65 |
- oceanwind
- brahmos
- react-pdf
- web-worker
- 30_seconds_of_knowledge
- mime-frontend - to-use, minimalist wireframing app powered by machine learning | mime-dream-team | 15 |
- BackstopJS
- gatsby-remark-embedder
- flume - friendly node editor powered by React. | chrisjpatty | 924 |
- umami - focused alternative to Google Analytics. | umami-software | 13181 |
- desvg
- system-uicons
- semantic-release-action - release. Sets output and environment variables for you to use in subsequent actions. | codfish | 79 |
- vector - js | 157 |
- super-expressive - dependency JavaScript library for building regular expressions in (almost) natural language | francisrstokes | 4407 |
- toast
- react-drag-drop-hooks
- animateplus
- nollup
- react-digraph
- heroicons - licensed high-quality SVG icons for UI development. | tailwindlabs | 16556 |
- react-helmet-async - safe Helmet for React 16+ and friends | staylor | 1574 |
- gatsby-source-wordpress-experimental - source-wordpress, currently in beta | gatsbyjs | 389 |
- react-scanner
- filbert-js - in-js framework | kuldeepkeshwar | 168 |
- render-gif
- grape-ui-react - ui: the responsive react UI framework built upon styled components, styled system, and open source components | napagroup | 35 |
- react-making-impossible-views-impossible
- gitexplorer
- module-federation-examples - federation | 3331 |
- digital-gardeners
- stitches - in-JS with near-zero runtime, SSR, multi-variant support, and a best-in-class developer experience. | stitchesjs | 6230 |
- gatsby-plugin-splitbee
- react-confirm
- oao - based, opinionated monorepo management tool | guigrpa | 854 |
- uPlot
- reflexjs
- sorted-colors
- gestalt
- kleur
- outliers
- atomize - components & React JS. | proksh | 1510 |
- nectarjs
- htmx - high power tools for HTML | bigskysoftware | 7835 |
- Fuse - search, in JavaScript | krisk | 14792 |
- kit
- space-3d
- umi-request
- designql - documenting design system reference implementation for System UI | system-ui | 273 |
- path-that-svg
- gatsby-plugin-webmention
- Iosevka
- react-native-macos
- gatsby-graphql-pagination
- Recoil
- gatsby-embedder-excalidraw
- facepaint - in-js. | emotion-js | 577 |
- modern-css-properties
- editly
- open-ui
- gatsby-theme-andy
- vegemite
- Bedrock - Layouts | 380 |
- gatsby-theme-brain
- react-motion-layout
- vemos
- hegel
- common-tags
- riek - line | kaivi | 359 |
- use-sound
- sql.js - js | 10534 |
- local-first
- eleventy
- jitsi-meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences that you use as a standalone app or embed in your web application. | jitsi | 18623 |
- import-from-worker
- unitz-ts
- infinilist
- tween - js | 12 |
- cond-flow
- lottie-web
- react-ui
- tsdx - config CLI for TypeScript package development | jaredpalmer | 10152 |
- speed-measure-webpack-plugin
- gatsby-theme-terminal
- theme-ui-native - based design principles | sammdec | 68 |
- bazaar - platform React apps bizarrely fast. | hew | 53 |
- todometer - based to-do list | cassidoo | 1677 |
- ervy
- spech
- gatsby-plugin-prop-shop
- clean-publish
- dual-publish
- degit - Harris | 4990 |
- react-native-design-system
- react-hooks
- jswiki
- mrm
- awesome-uses
- gatsby-pantry
- design-system-playground
- cbor-js
- gatsby-themes
- group-array
- rollup-plugin-proxy-directories
- leonardo
- quiet-js - - Javascript binding for libquiet | quiet | 2084 |
- Ackee - hosted, Node.js based analytics tool for those who care about privacy. | electerious | 3474 |
- crdt-example-app
- theme.figma - ui themes tokens from figma variables | ds-tools | 47 |
- flowy
- css-zero - runtime CSS-in-JS | CraigCav | 283 |
- digital-garden
- tutorial-markdown
- tina-starter-grande
- fzy.js
- untitled-theming-experiment - js | 6 |
- react-element-to-jsx-string
- pastel
- transducers-js - labs | 1589 |
- robot
- mobile-first-animation - driven animation on the mobile web (React Conf 2019) | aholachek | 2072 |
- gatsby-remark-oembed - raae | 162 |
- saasify - sh | 1101 |
- culori
- chromatism
- CyberChef - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis | gchq | 18588 |
- gatsby-plugin-react-native-web - native-web plugin for Gatsby | slorber | 273 |
- handsontable
- vizbug
- stargazed
- rematrix
- react-resizable-rotatable-draggable
- PaperWM
- easy-peasy
- leonsans - serif typeface made with code in 2019 by Jongmin Kim. | cmiscm | 10030 |
- informed
- bundlephobia
- relative-deps
- tactics - based board game | pongstylin | 60 |
- mole
- diabloweb
- estimo
- generative-art-speedrun-examples
- svgson
- gist-publish-npm
- blocks - based page builder for creating beautiful websites without writing code | blocks | 4521 |
- layup
- darkmodejs
- amoebajs - based linear constraint solver for JavaScript | zacharyvoase | 12 |
- benefit - in-JS library that provides a set of low-level, configurable, ready-to-use styles | cdonohue | 51 |
- react-group
- contrast-swatch
- react-design-tokens - driven | 64 |
- tenon-ui - io | 69 |
- tinydate
- warning
- entropic - dev | 5338 |
- styled-system-native - system | yoshikischmitz | 28 |
- rifm
- react-storybook-addon-props-combinations
- dlv
- cz-cli
- dsc
- extract-react-types
- prepare-sql
- component-driven-development - driven Design Systems Workshop | component-driven | 58 |
- styled-breakpoints
- react-static - static | 10142 |
- body-scroll-lock
- the-super-tiny-compiler
- codecrumbs - language support and more. | Bogdan-Lyashenko | 2629 |
- ostap
- react-input-trigger
- perflink
- react-loops
- react-loadcon
- storeon - based Redux-like state manager for React, Preact, Angular, Vue, and Svelte | storeon | 1865 |
- pill
- sketch-constructor
- extras - system | 17 |
- offscreen-canvas
- react-base-table
- babel-plugin-universal-css-prop
- redux-statecharts
- gitpkg
- addon-smart-knobs - knobs but creates the knobs automatically based on PropTypes. | storybookjs | 220 |
- nano-css - in-JS for gourmet developers | streamich | 401 |
- gatsby-mdx
- babel-plugin-macros - time libraries | kentcdodds | 2483 |
- taskbook - line habitat | klaussinani | 8544 |
- redom
- imaskjs
- Magic-Grid - oj | 2968 |
- Sortable - and-drop lists for modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery or framework required. | SortableJS | 25546 |
- react-memoize
- origami.js
- uibook
- You-Dont-Need-Lodash-Underscore - dont-need | 15260 |
- zero
- cleave.js
- whattodo
- js-framework-benchmark
- wait-on - on is a cross-platform command line utility and Node.js API which will wait for files, ports, sockets, and http(s) resources to become available | jeffbski | 1550 |
- deploy
- paths
- mdx - js | 13840 |
- singel
- goober - in-js alternative with a familiar API | cristianbote | 2682 |
- yjs
- senv
- git-history
- undom
- nanoutils - friendly JavaScript utils library | nanoutils | 211 |
- react-window
- palx
- stacktrace.js
- flexsearch - Generation full text search library for Browser and Node.js | nextapps-de | 8848 |
- coloralgorithm
- micro-dev
- react-dropzone - drop zone with React.js. | react-dropzone | 9203 |
- node-installed-check
- release-it - it | 5575 |
- nanomorph - Hyper fast diffing algorithm for real DOM nodes | choojs | 679 |
- title
- popmotion
- electron-quick-start
- comma-chameleon
- react-ui-interactions
- theo - ux | 1803 |
- style-dictionary - platform styles. | amzn | 2742 |
- TinyColor
- adele - Design Systems Repository | UXPin | 768 |
- components - system based React UI components | rebassjs | 107 |
- intro-to-data-structures-and-algorithms
- enquirer - friendly prompts, for Node.js. Used by eslint, webpack, yarn, pm2, pnpm, RedwoodJS, FactorJS, salesforce, Cypress, Google Lighthouse, Generate, tencent cloudbase, lint-staged, gluegun, hygen, hardhat, AWS Amplify, GitHub Actions Toolkit, @airbnb/nimbus, and many others! Please follow Enquirer's author: | enquirer | 6731 |
- size-plugin
- razzle - rendered universal JavaScript applications with no configuration | jaredpalmer | 10880 |
- taiko
- style-sheet
- screenshoteer
- create-react-workspace
- react-native-web-workspace
- yarn-workspaces-cra-crna
- gutenblock
- mobx-redux-showdown
- learnGitBranching
- react-interactable
- htm
- sharedb
- astroturf - in-JS for those that want it all. | 4Catalyzer | 2129 |
- set-dom
- react-beautiful-dnd
- ncc
- mineral-ui - ui | 553 |
- new-github-issue-url
- carlo
- story2sketch
- html-sketchapp - sketchapp | 1832 |
- percollate - line tool to turn web pages into beautiful, readable PDF, EPUB, or HTML docs. | danburzo | 3679 |
- unstated
- 33-js-concepts
- graphql.js
- color - | 4385 |
- react-radio-buttons - designed radio buttons for react | mu29 | 73 |
- underrun
- save
- You-Dont-Need-Momentjs - dont-need | 12878 |
- unicon
- ReactStateMuseum
- evergreen
- brain - yx | 1213 |
- navaid
- iguazu - powered Async Query engine | americanexpress | 196 |
- mdx-docs
- react-live
- alveron
- madge
- react-developer-roadmap - golab | 17461 |
- cannercms
- hocs - Order Components for React | deepsweet | 1821 |
- react-media
- babel-plugin-css-modules-transform
- react-helmet
- javascript-algorithms
- Functional-Light-JS
- callbag-basics
- reduxbag - like middleware for asynchronous side effects in Redux | jamesb3ll | 48 |
- create-react-app-typescript
- gutenberg-course - | zgordon | 291 |
- react-keyboard-time-input
- react-native-dom
- elq
- isomorphic-git - git | 6477 |
- eqio
- react-animated-tree - in animations | drcmda | 810 |
- bolt - powered JavaScript project management | boltpkg | 2222 |
- raf-schd
- jsonkv - once database that is valid JSON with efficient random access on bigger datasets | mafintosh | 109 |
- dayjs - time library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API | iamkun | 40312 |
- repo-growth
- async-rect - do not use | nolanlawson | 4 |
- redux-modules
- redux-callbag
- node-emoji-clock
- phenomic
- waveforms
- ui-study
- react-focus-lock
- mother
- automerge - like data structure (a CRDT) that can be modified concurrently by different users, and merged again automatically. | automerge | 13868 |
- kuker - ass browser extension to debug your apps | krasimir | 653 |
- twas
- glow
- project-guidelines
- react-perf-devtool
- jarvis
- unvault - consuming tasks to be stored. | vaneenige | 61 |
- polka
- state-machine-component - powered components in 250 bytes | developit | 178 |
- workerize
- redux-bundler-example - bundler | HenrikJoreteg | 34 |
- stockroom
- unistore
- Checklist-Checklist
- immer
- open-cli - platform. | sindresorhus | 362 |
- webdb
- tuql
- veel
- redux-dynamic-reducer - holdings | 68 |
- redux-subspace - holdings | 317 |
- luxon
- wade
- hyperdb
- toiletdb
- emergence.js
- imagemin
- React-Sight - Sight | 2783 |
- carbon - app | 31212 |
- downshift - ARIA compliant React autocomplete, combobox or select dropdown components. | downshift-js | 10753 |
- config-file
- generator - css | 307 |
- nodebestpractices
- macro-components
- charts
- tailwindcss - first CSS framework for rapid UI development. | tailwindlabs | 60646 |
- react-stamp - org | 374 |
- fullstack-graphql
- ran - SEO-Ready, Production-Ready, SSR, Hot-Reload, CSS-in-JS, Caching, CLI commands and more... | Sly777 | 2160 |
- react-sortable-tree - and-drop sortable component for nested data and hierarchies | frontend-collective | 4606 |
- react-loadable
- classcat
- fastify
- retext-simplify
- hubdb - powered database | mapbox | 272 |
- headless-wp-starter - powered React app in one step | postlight | 4262 |
- personal-goals-cli
- nanoid - friendly, unique string ID generator for JavaScript | ai | 18608 |
- styled-system - system | 7443 |
- backpack
- node-dependencies-view
- react-flight
- react-popper - ui | 2308 |
- boundless - tested React components with infinite composability | enigma-io | 236 |
- open-bot - bot | 198 |
- feather
- spected - floor | 707 |
- ethereumbook
- freactal - like libs. | FormidableLabs | 1670 |
- naivechain
- wallet
- electron-redux
- bonsai
- found - based routing for React applications | 4Catalyzer | 771 |
- refunk
- git-exec-and-restage - fixing tools | motiz88 | 16 |
- redux-orchestrate - Simple alternative to redux-saga or redux-observable | domagojk | 115 |
- CSS-IN-JS-Benchmarks - gambit | 377 |
- maintenance-book
- eslint-plugin-flowtype-errors
- natural
- dataloader
- img2css - shadows. | javierbyte | 2409 |
- webvr-experiments - Frame experiments | nikgraf | 682 |
- glamorous
- recompact - order components utilities. Drop-in replacement for recompose. | gregberge | 419 |
- react-redux-uuid
- dribbble-effects
- redux-offline - First Apps for Web and React Native | redux-offline | 6092 |
- randexp.js
- idx
- data-driven-motion
- create-react-app-devops
- redux-logic
- docute
- conventional-changelog-standard - changelog angular preset | bcoe | 61 |
- cerebro - source productivity booster with a brain | cerebroapp | 7484 |
- redux-modules
- flow-guide
- sazerac - driven unit testing for Jasmine, Mocha, and Jest | sazeracjs | 324 |
- WikiQuiz
- redux-query
- redux-remotedev
- why-did-you-update
- subsume
- weigh
- micro-github
- holy-grail-markup
- login-with - with microservice for OAuth | lipp | 2313 |
- jsonbin
- monster-drift
- terminal-slack
- fit-commit-js - commit. | DanielaValero | 22 |
- react-truncate - line spans and adding an ellipsis. | pablosichert | 546 |
- pageres-cli
- tlapse
- konsul
- 52-technologies-in-2016
- flat-file-db - process flat file database that caches all data in memory | mafintosh | 195 |
- prettier
- ntl
- trymodule
- clean-code-javascript
- flow-runtime
- mermaid - js | 49913 |
- react-reform - io | 140 |
- redux-search - side search | bvaughn | 1403 |
- css-in-js
- fela - Driven Styling in JavaScript | robinweser | 2187 |
- webtorrent
- ZeroNet - Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and BitTorrent network | HelloZeroNet | 17597 |
- minify
- clipboard-cli
- gun
- cxs - in-js in 0.7kb | cxs-css | 1191 |
- regexgen
- react-faq
- dat - to-peer sharing & live syncronization of files via command line [ DEPRECATED - More info on active projects and modules at ] | dat-ecosystem-archive | 8219 |
- react-drag-select
- reactnative-mobile-app-base
- es-css-modules
- markdown-in-js
- react-autosuggest - ARIA compliant React autosuggest component | moroshko | 5855 |
- pixelmatch - level image comparison library | mapbox | 4945 |
- react-native-card-modal
- reline
- scrubbing-linear-calculator
- PapaParse
- Winds
- arc
- react-komposer
- plow-js
- svg-to-react-cli
- js-git
- next.js
- react-stylesheet - archive | 149 |
- tether
- hard-source-webpack-plugin
- netlify-cms - based CMS for Static Site Generators | netlify | 15703 |
- login-flow
- react-snapshot - configuration static pre-renderer for React apps | geelen | 1654 |
- ghooks - org | 1074 |
- react-track
- itsy-bitsy-data-structures
- flyd
- choo - sturdy 4kb frontend framework | choojs | 6705 |
- component-directory-webpack-plugin - it's great for importing React components. | sebastiandeutsch | 23 |
- bipio - server | 878 |
- npms-cli - io | 261 |
- - capable PokΓ©dex web site (unmaintained) | nolanlawson | 2249 |
- rollup - generation ES module bundler | rollup | 22180 |
- react-fatigue-dev-boiler - fatigue-dev, clone and you're ready to go | tj | 39 |
- js-joda - joda | 1461 |
- react-smooth
- webpack-dashboard
- stampit - org | 3031 |
- redux-scuttlebutt
- react-in-patterns
- eslint-nibble
- create-react-app
- preact
- awesome-es2015-proxy
- gifify
- gitkit-js
- react-redux-form
- logerr - break-codes | 399 |
- fast-memoize.js
- movtogif-cli - quality animated gifs | hnqlv | 58 |
- nodal
- CarteJaune
- carte-blanche
- react-clipboard
- patchwork
- react-input-enhancements
- redux-boilerplate
- udeo
- webtorrent-desktop
- deco-ide
- plop
- gatsby
- reactotron
- redux-side-effect-example - saga and redux-side-effects | tomkis | 13 |
- redux-loop - loop | 1970 |
- cash - platform Linux commands in ES6 | dthree | 7775 |
- reactive-states - kleshnin | 51 |
- functional-frontend-architecture
- recompose - order components. | acdlite | 14849 |
- fantasy-land
- redux-architecture - loop | jarvisaoieong | 267 |
- intro.js - friendly onboarding tour library | usablica | 21497 |
- eslint-plugin-immutable
- 28kb-react-redux-routing
- decko
- scalable-frontend-with-elm-or-redux
- ramda-lens
- texter
- redux-ui
- esdoc - Good Documentation for JavaScript | esdoc | 2721 |
- universal-utils - solving, event, state-management, and caching utilities. Docs: | matthiasak | 86 |
- redux-boilerplate - app-rewired, kea, recompose, emotion, flow, eslint, prettier | tonyhb | 50 |
- react-css-modules
- es6-cheatsheet
- lint-staged
- documentation
- JSVerbalExpressions
- react-router-redux - router and redux in sync | reactjs | 7902 |
- node-big-rig
- gridifier
- standard
- redux-react-router-async-example
- mostly-adequate-guide
- hjs-webpack
- flux-standard-action - friendly standard for Flux action objects. | redux-utilities | 4733 |
- voxel-life
- wt-cli - all you need is code | auth0 | 326 |
- speed-test
- react-redux-scaffold
- belle
- relax
- flux-challenge
- velocity-react - fabric | 2971 |
- katon
- jison
- styleguide
- chrome-extensions-samples
- Electron-React-Boilerplate
- reactjs_koans
- deku
- bellows - first accordion UI module for progressive disclosure on the web. | mobify | 141 |
- PWABuilder-CLI - builder | 1639 |
- sprint - like library for modern browsers. | bendc | 4270 |
- yarsk
- mesh.js
- decouple
- baobab
- notes
- buildfirst
- timesheet.js
- vivus
- flux-comparison
- shipit
- uBlock - LLC | 8088 |
- isomorphic-react-example
- turf
- overture
- wysihtml
- react-hot-loader
- hook-javascript
- mcfly
- commonjs-html-prettyprinter
- verge
- react-primer
- metalsmith
- peerflix
- oocss
- isomorphic-tutorial
- paths-js
- laverna
- Ideal-Image-Slider-JS
- modules-webmake
- node-bcat
- nprogress
- highlight - boneyard | 150 |
- mithril.js
- taunus - First. Single-Page Applications (that are also server-side rendered). Predictive Caching. Bring Your Own View Engine. | taunus | 574 |
- psi
- steady.js - query like conditions. | lafikl | 1365 |
- TopLevel
- algorithms.js - Classic algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript | felipernb | 3485 |
- pho-devstack - end developers in one tasty bowl of code. | madebysource | 964 |
- localtunnel
- noflo - based programming for JavaScript | noflo | 3293 |
- cyo
- styledocco-bootstrap-theme
- traceur-compiler - to-JavaScript-of-today compiler | google | 8175 |
- augment
- hackathon-starter
- mochify.js
- node-style-guide
- timesched
- Bumper
- webL10n - side internationalization / localization library | fabi1cazenave | 270 |
- micro-promise
- reader
- GruntStart - enabled head-start with H5BP + jQuery + Modernizr + Respond + box-sizing:border-box; | tsvensen | 278 |
- hashi
- pulldown
- component
- stream-spec
- syte
- wtwui - software | 48 |
- crud-bones
- Bootstrapper
- ospriet - archive | 407 |
- js-assessment - driven approach to assessing JS skills | rmurphey | 5143 |
- device.js - side device detection with Media Queries | borismus | 765 |
- app
- underscore-cli - line utility-belt for hacking JSON and Javascript. | ddopson | 1701 |
- console-trace
- Monorail.js
- punch
- bootstrap-wysihtml5
- mailcheck
- spine
- DOCX.js - side JavaScript. Try in Chrome | MrRio | 154 |
- jecookie
- djax
- canvasthumber
- sse.js - Sent Events made easy for node.js | einaros | 252 |
- wrapjs
- EpicEditor
- coke
- backbone-fundamentals - commons book on Backbone.js for beginners and advanced users alike | addyosmani | 9335 |
- cromagjs
- programmering-1-med-js
- servitude
- backbone-boilerplate
- uploader
- jquip
- aura - driven JavaScript architecture for developing component-based applications. | aurajs | 2951 |
- speakeasy - factor authentication for Node.js. One-time passcode generator (HOTP/TOTP) with support for Google Authenticator. | speakeasyjs | 2581 |
- jsquiz
- web-http-client - featured web based visual http client that can perform cross-domain requests ( ships with server-side proxy ) | nodeapps | 20 |
- lightningjs - party Javascript delivery | olark | 650 |
- the-guard.js
- helptext.js - field label plugin | luckydev | 12 |
- validate.js
- uikit - modern ui components for the modern web | visionmedia | 1321 |
- Notificon
- grunt
- Design-Patterns-in-Javascript
- stream.js - alone Javascript library for streams | dionyziz | 561 |
- backbone.iobind - in replacement for Backbone.sync using | noveogroup | 583 |
- nwm
- Alice - (A Lightweight Independent CSS Engine) is a micro JavaScript library. For a demo, click the link below. | blackberry | 425 |
- almond
- lb_js_scalableApp
- laconic
- lb_js_scalableApp - brechemier | 54 |
- resumable.js - tolerant and resumable/restartable uploads via the HTML5 File API. | 23 | 4465 |
- shareDesk
- jquery-boilerplate - start for jQuery plugins development | jquery-boilerplate | 2543 |
- ShareJS
- spine
- formaline
- node-express-mongoose-demo
- moment
- jquery-pjax
- Respond - width CSS3 Media Queries (for IE 6-8, and more) | scottjehl | 11447 |
- brunch
- vogue
- cli - js-libs | 794 |
- nodemon - perfect for development | remy | 24427 |
- d3
- forever
- browserify - side require() the node.js way | browserify | 14196 |
- Modernizr
- javascript-debug
- oui - app client-server framework developed as part of | rsms | 49 |
- eyes.js
- html5-boilerplate - end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites. | h5bp | 53343 |
- gm
- dox
- livereload
- WatermelonDB
- awesome-selfhosted - selfhosted | 102931 |
- awesome-earth
- fbt
- react-native-copilot - by-step walkthrough for your react native app | mohebifar | 1901 |
- nachos-ui - ui | 2048 |
- react-native-web
- tips - tips | 20445 |
- react-stateless-components-ramda
- structor - React UI Builder [DEPRECATED] | react-ui-builder | 5510 |
- mishra - end project template | TeachBoost | 7 |
- stream-handbook
- shelljs
- node-findit
- node-seq - style error handling | substack | 311 |
- faker.js
- taskbook - line habitat | klaussinani | 8544 |
- art-of-node
- stegcloak
- react-native-interactable
- netlify-cms - based CMS for Static Site Generators | netlify | 15703 |
- Diskernet - An internet on yer disk. Full text search archive from your browsing and bookmarks. Weclome! to the Diskernet: Your preferred backup solution. It's like you're still online! Disconnect with Diskernet, an internet for the post-online apocalypse. Or the airplane WiFi. Or the site goes down. Or ... You get the picture. Get Diskernet. 80s logo. Formerly 22120 (project codename) | crisdosyago | 3018 |
- 0x - command flamegraph profiling π₯ | davidmarkclements | 2654 |
- react-locky - y" β Asgardian God of Event Scoping π¦, Scroll Locking π, Silence Casting π | theKashey | 144 |
- core-decorators - 0 JavaScript decorators (aka ES2016/ES7 decorators but not accurate) inspired by languages that come with built-ins like @βoverride, @βdeprecate, @βautobind, @βmixin and more. Popular with React/Angular, but is framework agnostic. | jayphelps | 4467 |
- strapi - source headless CMS. Itβs 100% JavaScript, fully customizable and developer-first. | strapi | 47805 |
- Leaflet - friendly interactive maps πΊπ¦ | Leaflet | 35541 |
- jimp - moran | 12136 |
- react-tooltip
- draft-js
- lint-staged
- stylefmt
- picostyle
- nectarjs
- astroturf - in-JS for those that want it all. | 4Catalyzer | 2129 |
- cannercms
- 30-seconds-of-code - seconds | 102903 |
- rekit - router | rekit | 4489 |
- addon-smart-knobs - knobs but creates the knobs automatically based on PropTypes. | storybookjs | 220 |
Jupyter Notebook
- - book | 10304 |
- quilt - organizing data hub for S3 | quiltdata | 1171 |
- debugprint.nvim
- yanky.nvim
- autolist.nvim
- dirbuf.nvim
- tl - language | 1313 |
- nvim-luapad - type and watch! | rafcamlet | 331 |
- vimpeccable
- plenary.nvim - lua | 1129 |
- lua-git
- dotnvim - configured for Java, JavaScript, Typescript etc... | s1n7ax | 88 |
- dots-nightly
- paq-nvim
- gruvbox.nvim
- lazygit.nvim
- dotfiles-public
- nvim-miniyank - alike plugin for neovim and vim 8 with no default mappings | bfredl | 215 |
- vim-illuminate - (Neo)Vim plugin for automatically highlighting other uses of the word under the cursor using either LSP, Tree-sitter, or regex matching. | RRethy | 1249 |
- .dotfiles
- dotfiles - my whole world | nicknisi | 2386 |
- Algorithm-Implementations
- tldr - pages | 40268 |
- - driven effort to make digital accessibility easier. | a11yproject | 3554 |
- Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions - end related questions you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore. | h5bp | 55232 |
- spin
- brisk - platform set of tools for building native UIs with Reason/OCaml | briskml | 539 |
- rebolt-navigation
- rebind
- irmin
- one-punch-fitness - inspired workout app! | FiberJW | 65 |
- lwt-node
- cryptomon
- reReactPrimitives
- reason-react - old | 636 |
- FOTWindow
- react-native-boilerplate - Native, Alt.js, BlueBird, Lodash, Axios) | the4dpatrick | 4 |
- dwm
- system-design
- awesome-dfinity
- spark-joy - yx | 7416 |
- Awesome-Hacking - with-Github | 55908 |
- react-polymorphic-types - runtime polymorphic component definitions for React | kripod | 158 |
- awesome-lua
- todo.txt
- awesome-design-systems-jobs
- nvim-lua-guide
- awesome-reMarkable
- curated-lists - anything | 728 |
- books - anything | 3892 |
- movies - anything | 31 |
- vim-no-color-collections
- awesome-new
- awesome-maps
- unist - tree | 627 |
- post-mortems
- openautocomplete - - CLI autocomplete specification | openautocomplete | 257 |
- curated-design-tools
- managers-playbook
- browser-2020
- monego
- freelancing-in-finland - hosseini | 1193 |
- awesome-scalability - Scale Systems | binhnguyennus | 40650 |
- Awesome-Design-Tokens
- frontend-case-studies - -r | 6744 |
- mononoki
- toml - lang | 17452 |
- catj
- globbing
- Mathematics_for_Beginners
- commit-messages-guide
- comver
- theme-specification - ui | 441 |
- awesome-babel-macros
- xmobar
- awesome-layers
- awesome-styleguides
- virtual-scroller
- Awesome-UNIX - Like: Linux, BSD, macOS, Illumos, 9front, and more. | sirredbeard | 1205 |
- You-Dont-Need - dont-need | 3135 |
- your-web-app-is-bloated
- reasonml-cheat-sheet - - WIP | arecvlohe | 187 |
- design-systems
- type-o-rama
- web-performance-anecdotes
- build-your-own-x - io | 165315 |
- structured-text-tools
- package.json
- must-watch-javascript - received talks about JavaScript covering React, functional programming, performance, frameworks, debugging, tooling, leveling up, and more. | AllThingsSmitty | 6734 |
- lemonade-stand
- git-flight-rules
- Front-End-Checklist - End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers | thedaviddias | 61939 |
- personal-goals
- learn-regex
- typescript-vs-flowtype - - syntax and usability | niieani | 1710 |
- awesome-design-systems
- react-controlled-form
- real-world-react-apps
- computingcommons
- awesome-reasonml
- brand-resources
- react-bits
- factbook.json - Free Open Public Domain Data - No API Key Required ;-) | factbook | 853 |
- git-commit-message
- design-patterns-for-humans - simplified explanation to design patterns | kamranahmedse | 34951 |
- meta-knowledge
- tiny-guide-to-non-fancy-node - value Node.js things | yoshuawuyts | 738 |
- dependent-packages - registry | 32 |
- cs-video-courses - Y | 42337 |
- art-of-readme
- style-guide
- react-redux-links
- games - ons, maps, etc. hosted on GitHub. Any genre. Any platform. Any engine. | leereilly | 20012 |
- awesome-design
- awesome-react-components
- react-fiber-architecture
- structured-elm-todomvc - world apps | rogeriochaves | 73 |
- react-functional-css-protips - The Good, The Bad, and Some Protips for React.js Users | chibicode | 680 |
- demystifying-js-engines
- Office-Code-Pro
- redux-ecosystem-links - related addons, libraries, and utilities | markerikson | 5149 |
- HowToBeAProgrammer - originally published by Robert L Read | braydie | 15061 |
- awesome
- blog
- flexbugs - curated list of flexbox issues and cross-browser workarounds for them. | philipwalton | 13430 |
- clmystery - line murder mystery | veltman | 4360 |
- pacomo - based Applications | jamesknelson | 44 |
- SUCKS - import | 42 |
- css-modules - modules | css-modules | 16286 |
- react-patterns
- the-art-of-command-line
- es6-equivalents-in-es5 - ES6 Equivalents In ES5 | addyosmani | 2555 |
- You-Dont-Know-JS
- oocss-code-standards
- arch-on-air
- less-media-queries
- js
- css
- http-api-design
- awesome-minimalist
- angularjs-style-guide - driven set of best practices for AngularJS application development | mgechev | 5006 |
- best-practices
- CSS-Style
- CSS-Guidelines - level guidelines for writing manageable, maintainable CSS | csswizardry | 3644 |
- ec2-webapp - backed web apps on Amazon EC2 | rsms | 326 |
- github-cheat-sheet
- awesome-react
- awesome-productivity
- awesome-falsehood
- awesome-readme
- react-native-styling-cheat-sheet
- awesome-progressive-web-apps
- jstips
- awesome-indie
- magictools
- awesome-product-design
- computer-science - taught education in Computer Science! | ossu | 123903 |
- awesome-mobile-web-development
- awesome-jamstack
- awesome-actions
- ToolsOfTheTrade
- awesome-humane-tech - community | 2784 |
- awesome-datascience
- awesome-coins - currencies and their algos. | Zheaoli | 3610 |
- awesome-remote-job - python | lukasz-madon | 23051 |
- awesome-eslint
- awesome-dfinity
- math-as-code - sheet for mathematical notation in code form | Jam3 | 14283 |
- monica
- functional-php
- html-element
- ui-avatars
- grav - File CMS powered by PHP, Markdown, Twig, and Symfony | getgrav | 13448 |
- Shaarli - fast, database free, bookmarking service - community repo | shaarli | 2755 |
- void
- testswarm
- Aqua-Resizer
- wp-svbtle
- thematic-pjax
- wordless
- blank-wordpress-theme
- wp-backbone - Backbone JS connector.;Uses Wordpress Ajax methods and custom Backbone sync function | davidgtonge | 24 |
- WordPress-Plugin-Boilerplate
- Custom-Metaboxes-and-Fields-for-WordPress
- jQuery-File-Upload - domain, chunked and resumable file uploads. Works with any server-side platform (Google App Engine, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads. | blueimp | 31067 |
- wpalchemy
- Expose
- diff-so-fancy - lookin' diffs. Actually⦠nah⦠The best-lookin' diffs. :tada: | so-fancy | 15861 |
- blockchain-demo - based demonstration of blockchain concepts. | anders94 | 4601 |
- spotify-downloader
- pickachu - A Color, Date, and File Chooser for Vim/NeoVim using Zenity | DougBeney | 88 |
- searx - respecting metasearch engine | searx | 11937 |
- kb
- sverchok
- xxh
- diff-match-patch - performance library in multiple languages that manipulates plain text. | google | 5617 |
- cascadia-code
- edgedb - relational database with declarative schema, built-in migration system, and a next-generation query language | edgedb | 9216 |
- manim
- ArchiveBox - hosted web archiving. Takes URLs/browser history/bookmarks/Pocket/Pinboard/etc., saves HTML, JS, PDFs, media, and more... | ArchiveBox | 14128 |
- inter
- borg
- tabnine-vim - vim | codota | 661 |
- q - Run SQL directly on delimited files and multi-file sqlite databases | harelba | 9211 |
- kitty - platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal | kovidgoyal | 15983 |
- Vimpressionist
- bigchaindb
- nvim-completion-manager
- thumbor - source photo thumbnail service by | thumbor | 9121 |
- denite-git
- public-apis - apis | 209054 |
- gitmarks_2
- awesome-cheatsheet
- noteshrink
- jrnl - org | 5575 |
- terminal_velocity - taking app for the UNIX terminal | seanh | 127 |
- zulip
- git-remote-dropbox - use a Dropbox (shared) folder as a Git remote! π | anishathalye | 2925 |
- mobile-chrome-apps
- openage
- glue
- color
- oni2
- query-json
- revery - performance, cross-platform desktop apps - built with Reason! | revery-ui | 7942 |
- reason-design-patterns
- zk - line π π | sirupsen | 434 |
- switch.vim
- solidus - source eCommerce framework for industry trailblazers. | solidusio | 4416 |
- um
- brew
- localer
- mastodon - hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community | mastodon | 29939 |
- gitmodel - compliant persistence framework for Ruby that uses Git for versioning and remote syncing. | pauldowman | 535 |
- tamzen-font
- huginn
- dokku-azure
- devdocs
- algorithms
- json_resume
- desktop
- homoiconic - deprecated | 1815 |
- fresh
- nopassword
- DocumentUp
- kss
- dotfiles - The best vim,git,zsh plugins and the cleanest vimrc you've ever seen | skwp | 6872 |
- backbone-on-rails
- gitlabhq
- forge
- dotjs
- engineering-blogs
- simple-git
- Replibyte
- difftastic
- psst - platform Spotify client with native GUI | jpochyla | 6989 |
- StyLua
- helix - modern modal text editor. | helix-editor | 12662 |
- espanso - platform Text Expander written in Rust | espanso | 5760 |
- tokei
- volta - cli | 6646 |
- wasm-pack - > wasm workflow tool! | rustwasm | 4507 |
- zola - in. | getzola | 9365 |
- structopt
- rust_cmd_lib - line macros and utilities, to write shell-script like tasks in a clean, natural and rusty way | rust-shell-script | 821 |
- tools
- abstreet - b-street | 6722 |
- tauri - apps | 50293 |
- photon - odwyer | 1683 |
- leftwm - A tiling window manager for Adventurers | leftwm | 1907 |
- wtftw
- delta - highlighting pager for git, diff, and grep output | dandavison | 15093 |
- stork
- iced - platform GUI library for Rust, inspired by Elm | iced-rs | 14824 |
- neovide
- skim
- broot
- rust-crdt - tested, serializable CRDTs for Rust | rust-crdt | 967 |
- swc - based platform for the Web | swc-project | 23877 |
- vim-clap
- exa
- starship - fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell! | starship | 28573 |
- fselect - like queries | jhspetersson | 3316 |
- hermitdb - grove | 68 |
- fnm
- amp
- yew
- bat
- gifski
- alacritty - platform, OpenGL terminal emulator. | alacritty | 41753 |
- this-vs-that - end development? | phuocng | 1269 |
- protocol
- react-credit-cards
- documentation
- slate
- NES.css - style CSS Framework \| γγ‘γγ³γ³ι’¨CSSγγ¬γΌγ γ―γΌγ― | nostalgic-css | 18950 |
- Bash-Snippets
- pass-tomb
- z - fish z directory jumping | jethrokuan | 949 |
- vimv - rename files using Vim | thameera | 510 |
- neofetch - line system information tool written in bash 3.2+ | dylanaraps | 16165 |
- dot
- Tomb
- todo.txt-cli
- fzf - π-ient fish keybindings for fzf | jethrokuan | 778 |
- fisher
- git-secret - tool to store your private data inside a git repository. | sobolevn | 3021 |
- dotfiles
- reasonable-shell-script
- pi-hole - hole | 38661 |
- bashsimplecurses
- awesome-git-hooks
- the-bread-code
- asdf - vm | 15534 |
- asdf-nodejs - vm | 622 |
- fff
- dotfiles
- realworld
- git-open
- git-recent
- streisand
- FullPageOS
- dotfiles
- dotfiles
- Gogh - Co | 7203 |
- pure
- cost-of-small-modules
- Color-Scripts
- siji
- dwm-patches
- prm
- paz - source, in-house service platform with a PaaS-like workflow, built on Docker, CoreOS, Etcd and Fleet. This repository houses the documentation and installation scripts. | paz-sh | 1081 |
- aui
- nginx-init-ubuntu - got enhancements? Send a pull! | JasonGiedymin | 523 |
- wesbash
- ievms
- n
- bash-it - it | 13147 |
- dotfiles
- papers-we-love - we-love | 64361 |
- dotfiles
- react-native-paper
- rxdb - first, reactive database for JavaScript Applications | pubkey | 18036 |
- formik
- react-navigation - navigation | 21622 |
- react-native-style-tachyons - css | 662 |
- styled-components - components | 37379 |
- valita
- server - Vous | parlez-vous | 23 |
- tinybase
- hoofd - co | 311 |
- astro - gen island architecture πβ¨ | withastro | 19718 |
- async-mutex
- typescript-runtime-type-benchmarks
- neverthrow - Safe Errors for JS & TypeScript | supermacro | 1165 |
- next-mdx-remote
- tree-visit
- contentlayer - making it super easy to import MD(X) and CMS content in your app | contentlayerdev | 1253 |
- frontend-clean-architecture
- remotion - dev | 13956 |
- remeda
- trpc - to-end typesafe APIs made easy. | trpc | 12800 |
- dnd-kit
- dinero.js
- dendron
- reaflow
- twoslash
- n8n - available fair-code licensed workflow automation tool. Easily automate tasks across different services. | n8n-io | 25310 |
- orbit
- klee
- react-native-web-hooks
- colord - performance color manipulations and conversions | omgovich | 1021 |
- react-ux-form - io | 171 |
- tiptap
- twind - in-JS solution in existence. | tw-in-js | 2812 |
- twin.macro - in-js (emotion, styled-components, stitches and goober) at build time. | ben-rogerson | 6227 |
- tridactyl - like interface for Firefox, inspired by Vimperator/Pentadactyl. | tridactyl | 3894 |
- vite
- store - simple framework-agnostic modern state management library. | fabiospampinato | 222 |
- atomik-color-picker
- useAuth
- xstate-sample-kit - ts, and other libraries. | rjdestigter | 82 |
- sanity - time on structured content | sanity-io | 3657 |
- guides
- pgtyped - Typesafe SQL in TypeScript | adelsz | 1995 |
- schemats
- earthstar - first networks. | earthstar-project | 437 |
- tsdx-monorepo
- r3f-game-demo - based game with React and react-three-fiber | coldi | 533 |
- rrweb - io | 12091 |
- visx
- zustand
- headlessui
- csv2actual
- danfojs
- ts-sql
- vest
- hash-it
- jotai
- style-vendorizer
- react-nil
- fast-average-color - average-color | 774 |
- xstate-codegen - safety in XState | mattpocock | 239 |
- frontity - The React Framework for WordPress | frontity | 2763 |
- capsize - oss | 942 |
- react-handoff
- type-challenges - challenges | 24155 |
- react-three-flex - three-fiber | pmndrs | 1376 |
- foam
- teleport-code-generators
- github-script
- light-date
- react-colorful
- yup
- csf
- text-dimensions
- playwright
- figma-theme-ui
- ignite - tested React Native project boilerplate, along with a CLI, component/model generators, and more! | infinitered | 14201 |
- arwes - Fi UI Web Framework. | arwes | 5199 |
- xactor
- worker-swarm
- elderjs
- react-autocomplete-hint
- typecheck.macro
- thinking-in-types
- embla-carousel - - A lightweight carousel library with fluid motion and great swipe precision. | davidjerleke | 2634 |
- react-cool-inview
- flushout
- typed-html
- bumbag-ui
- confeature-flag
- infinite-viewer
- react-imperial-modal
- react-native-reflect
- useEffectReducer
- scena
- manypkg
- react-error-boundary
- GitShark
- ts-morph
- use-web-animations - performant and manipulable animations using Web Animations API. | wellyshen | 1156 |
- perfect-arrows
- react-spectrum
- xstate-examples - based solutions with xstate. | DevanB | 113 |
- paste - labs | 301 |
- typescript-module
- experimental-react-like-framework
- zod - first schema validation with static type inference | colinhacks | 11466 |
- FlexLayout - tab layout manager | caplin | 595 |
- shevyjs - in-JS | kyleshevlin | 311 |
- threads.js
- use-roving-index
- react-polymorphic-box
- react-layout-components - | kripod | 25 |
- react-state-tree - in replacement for useState that persists your state into a redux-like state tree | suchipi | 100 |
- fresnel
- pdsl
- codehike - hike | 2597 |
- react-hooks
- nanopop - performance, minimal footprint and maximum control over positioning behavior. | Simonwep | 549 |
- otion - in-JS with a featherweight runtime | kripod | 619 |
- hooks - tango | 70 |
- perfume.js
- type-fest
- react-circular-input
- react-hotkeys-hook
- pico
- mugshot
- ts-monorepo
- use-sx
- virtual
- typescript-fsa - safe action creator utilities | aikoven | 606 |
- results - compliant library for representing results of successful or failed operations | expo | 98 |
- io-ts
- diez
- react-flow-chart
- raam - free primitives for structure and layout. | joe-bell | 120 |
- restyle - enforced system for building UI components in React Native with TypeScript. | Shopify | 1873 |
- behavior-tree
- react-storage-hooks
- vidact - compatible codes to VanillaJS with no Virtual DOM | mohebifar | 750 |
- react-inline-edit-async
- note-link-janitor
- use-fit-text
- css-to-js
- until - draft | 147 |
- primitivo-svg
- glaze - in-JS microlibrary for making design systems approachable with React | kripod | 413 |
- ui-machines
- redwood
- cliflix
- notable - based note-taking app that doesn't suck. | notable | 20276 |
- html2canvas
- javascript-typescript-langserver
- openchakra - featured visual editor and code generator for React using Chakra UI | premieroctet | 2623 |
- fast-check
- shiki
- fzf-preview.vim - yano | 812 |
- classy-ui
- react-range
- craft.js
- use-methods
- compiled - in-JS library for React. | atlassian-labs | 1677 |
- framework - to-end multi-platform styling framework that offers a strict design system, robust atomic CSS-in-JS engine, a structural style sheet specification (SSS), a low-runtime solution, and much more! | aesthetic-suite | 199 |
- reatom
- jsx-info
- react-containers - UI) containers | zendeskgarden | 260 |
- uniforms
- trousers - first CSS-in-JS library, focused on semantics and runtime performance | danieldelcore | 300 |
- rooks
- operational-ui
- react-disable
- fonk
- utterances
- preconstruct
- swr
- migrate
- eslint-plugin-functional - functional | 537 |
- tinacms
- use-popper
- react-content-loader - Powered component to easily create skeleton loadings. | danilowoz | 12494 |
- react-data-table-component - in sorting, pagination, selection, expandable rows, and customizable styling. | jbetancur | 1602 |
- gatsby-gh-pages-action
- build-tracker
- table - React-Table, Vue-Table, Solid-Table, Svelte-Table | TanStack | 19226 |
- ts-essentials - essentials | 2572 |
- npkill
- react-figma - figma | 2091 |
- tiny-invariant
- changesets
- outline
- react-toastify
- merge-props
- onno
- react-textarea-autosize
- react-teleporter
- react-axe
- react-roving-tabindex
- match-sorter - match sorting of an array in JavaScript | kentcdodds | 3087 |
- react-tiny-virtual-list
- npx-visualize-bundle
- docsearch
- solid
- coc.nvim
- majestic
- fromfrom
- eo-locale
- refract - oss | 813 |
- fab - spec | 576 |
- react-focus-on - screen tasks, you were looking for | theKashey | 239 |
- react-smooth-dnd - dnd | kutlugsahin | 1635 |
- idb
- useDimensions
- react-use
- npm-check-updates
- trilogy
- use-events
- fannypack - focused, themeable, friendly React UI Kit. | jxom | 239 |
- react-three-fiber
- comlink
- affluent
- NativeBase - first, accessible components for React Native & Web to build consistent UI across Android, iOS and Web. | GeekyAnts | 18290 |
- hooks - native-community | 2923 |
- react-native-elements - Platform React Native UI Toolkit | react-native-elements | 22790 |
- actualtasks
- linaria - runtime CSS in JS library | callstack | 9524 |
- react-movable
- speedscope - based viewer for performance profiles. | jlfwong | 3737 |
- csstype
- devhub - Filter Issues, Activities & Notifications - Web, Mobile & Desktop with 99% code sharing between them | devhubapp | 8421 |
- typestyle
- reuse
- ink - line apps | vadimdemedes | 19110 |
- fp-ts
- baseweb
- atomic-layout
- react-jsonschema-form - team | 11871 |
- cuery
- react-native-quickpicker - native that works out of the box on both iOS and Android | AppAndFlow | 66 |
- nivo
- retoggle
- keyboardist
- playroom - oss | 4179 |
- the-platform
- split-me
- constate
- ariakit
- js-lingui
- design-system - quality websites and web apps. Maintained and used by @WorkOS. | radix-ui | 1543 |
- bit
- libreact
- stack-styled
- docz
- ky
- F2
- ui-box
- devcert
- storybook
- server
- async-sema
- patch-package
- flowgen
- react-components
- types-first-ui - lived, maintainable UI codebases | AveroLLC | 116 |
- design-system
- react-redux-typescript-guide
- marble - functional reactive Node.js framework for building server-side applications, based on TypeScript and RxJS. | marblejs | 2041 |
- rematch
- react-spring
- proton-native
- stimulus
- turbolinks
- xstate
- talk
- nact
- react-fns
- nyancss - in-JS | nyancss | 555 |
- bundle-buddy
- redux-zero - zero | 1983 |
- slate
- svgr
- design-system-utils
- pretty-algorithms
- react-skeletor
- dugite
- xreact - react | 561 |
- jsxstyle
- learn-anything - anything | 14295 |
- upterm
- reactxp - platform app development. | microsoft | 8345 |
- barba
- client
- nofux
- react-slot-fill
- redux-dag-history - acyclic-graph (DAG) as opposed to the traditional stack-based implementation. | microsoft | 301 |
- react-autosize-textarea
- date-fns - fns | 29773 |
- svelte
- styletron - oriented styling | styletron | 3288 |
- statoscope
- react-styleguidist
- router5
- react-native-express - in-one guide to React Native | dabbott | 1770 |
- source-map-explorer
- nteract
- react-tether
- Kap - source screen recorder built with web technology | wulkano | 15608 |
- kinto.js - First JavaScript Client for Kinto. | Kinto | 291 |
- sqlectron-gui
- shrinkpack
- Kakapo.js
- flatpickr
- redux-observable - observable | 7822 |
- prism
- NyaoVim - enhanced Extensible Neovim Frontend | rhysd | 2183 |
- react-components
- react-cosmos - cosmos | 7596 |
- Vorlonjs - agnostic tool for remotely debugging and testing your JavaScript. Powered by node.js and | MicrosoftDX | 2901 |
- este
- react-bootstrap - bootstrap | 21094 |
- projectz
- - io | 533 |
- midway - end/full-stack developers. Build the application for next decade. Works on AWS, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud and traditional VM/Container. Super easy integrate with React and Vue. π | midwayjs | 6043 |
- react-nodegui - platform desktop applications with native React + powerful CSS like styling.π | nodegui | 6050 |
- nest - grade server-side applications on top of TypeScript & JavaScript (ES6, ES7, ES8) π | nestjs | 50755 |
- xstyled - first CSS-in-JS framework built for React. π π©βπ€β‘οΈ | gregberge | 2031 |
- runtypes
- vanilla-extract - runtime Stylesheets-in-TypeScript | seek-oss | 6223 |
Vim script
- vim-galore
- vim-speeddating - A/CTRL-X to increment dates, times, and more | tpope | 765 |
- calendar.vim
- trailertrash.vim
- vim-quickhl
- is.vim - successor of incsearch.vim | haya14busa | 242 |
- vim-abolish
- minimap.vim - minimap written in Rust. | wfxr | 864 |
- lens.vim
- rust.vim - lang | 3219 |
- sideways.vim - by-something items) left and right. | AndrewRadev | 460 |
- vim-xtabline
- lh-vim-lib
- fogbell.vim
- vim-dirvish
- gruvbox - community maintained edition | gruvbox-community | 642 |
- vim-qf-preview
- caw.vim - operator mappings, repeatable by dot-command, 300+ filetypes | tyru | 376 |
- vim-qf
- scalpel - file word replacement for Vim | wincent | 106 |
- vim-material
- ayu-vim - theme | 1464 |
- candid.vim
- vimwiki
- traces.vim
- notational-fzf-vim
- vim-fetch
- srcery-vim - colors | 703 |
- vim-packager
- vim-crystalline
- vim-yoink
- falcon
- vim-esearch
- vim-one - light and one-dark colorschemes for Vim | rakr | 1912 |
- vim-rsi
- vim-sandwich
- vim-searchhi
- vimagit
- vim-buftabline
- dotfiles
- vim-reason-plus - editor | 154 |
- vaffle.vim - based file manager for Vim | cocopon | 283 |
- space-vim - ish Vim distribution | liuchengxu | 2832 |
- vim-solarized8 - color terminals! | lifepillar | 887 |
- vimrc.js
- gruvbox
- vim-polyglot
- neojs
- unite.vim
- MiniVim
- Dotfiles
- focus
- janus
- nord-vim - bluish clean and elegant Vim theme. | arcticicestudio | 2242 |
- gina.vim
π License
- braindump - mode and org-roam. | jethrokuan | 314 |
Vim Script
- ctrlsf.vim - Shift-F on Sublime Text 2 | dyng | 1472 |
- vim-zettel - h21 | 480 |
- everforest
- wincent - files | wincent | 1049 |
- init.nvim
- vista.vim
- edge
- vim-visual-multi
- goyo.vim - free writing in Vim | junegunn | 4177 |
- vimux
- vim-tmux-navigator
- dotfiles
- neovim - fork focused on extensibility and usability | neovim | 57705 |
- bullets.vim
- jitter - oriented binary manager for GitHub and more to come | sharpcdf | 81 |
Programming Languages
Vim script
Vim Script
Jupyter Notebook
π License
Sub Categories