An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.
:star: A curated list of my GitHub stars
Last synced: 6 days ago
JSON representation
- go-mysql-server - d | 947 |
- catsay
- beehive
- go-app - charriere | 3568 |
- wuzz
- doctl
- do-agent
- sqlboiler
- micro - based text editor | zyedidia | 12879 |
- web-dev-golang-anti-textbook
- gx
- csvq - like query language for csv | mithrandie | 652 |
- highwayhash - | minio | 576 |
- crfs
- fyne - io | 9197 |
- gods
- goworker - based background worker that runs 10 to 100,000* times faster than Ruby-based workers. | benmanns | 2369 |
- groupcache - filling library, intended as a replacement for memcached in many cases. | golang | 8552 |
- mitmengine - in-the-middle) detection tool. Used to build MALCOLM: | cloudflare | 414 |
- flyover-reverse-engineering
- intercert
- textql
- tdash
- sonobuoy - destructive manner. | vmware-tanzu | 1837 |
- ecoji - turner | 575 |
- server - time per WebSocket. (Includes a sleek web-ui) | gotify | 4637 |
- meetupchat
- mimir
- hetzner-kube
- caddy-net
- learn-go-with-tests - driven development | quii | 10531 |
- tile38 - time Geospatial and Geofencing | tidwall | 6784 |
- webpackage
- caddy - platform web server with automatic HTTPS | caddyserver | 27053 |
- sqlc
- bettercap
- vault
- roadrunner - performance PHP application server, load-balancer and process manager written in Golang | spiral | 4150 |
- gotop
- csf
- prototool
- sdk-go
- 1m-go-websockets
- gotestsum
- malice - Now with 100% more Hipster | maliceio | 1094 |
- timeliner
- dnote
- gitin
- docui
- k9s
- aresdb - powered real-time analytics storage and query engine. | uber | 2314 |
- websocketd
- task - task | 2309 |
- find-lf - Fi device (:iphone:) in your house using Raspberry Pis and FIND | schollz | 820 |
- act
- commento - free comments platform (Github mirror) | adtac | 3199 |
- grv
- terraform
- caire
- gotty
- restic
- caddy-locale - tech | 7 |
- matcha
- tidb
- crunchy
- faas - Serverless Functions Made Simple | openfaas | 17303 |
- warp
- hacker-slides
- gmailfilters
- csv123 - 2-3 - A CLI viewer for .csv files | evert | 46 |
- txqr
- fluidkeys - to-end encryption. | fluidkeys | 68 |
- terraform-provider-ohdear
- mercure - sent live updates: protocol and reference implementation | dunglas | 1916 |
- loki
- ethr
- certmagic - managed TLS certificate issuance and renewal | caddyserver | 2827 |
- cli
- firecracker-containerd - containerd enables containerd to manage containers as Firecracker microVMs | firecracker-microvm | 905 |
- firecracker-go-sdk - microvm | 185 |
- examples
- utron
- revel - stack web framework for the Go language. | revel | 11648 |
- macaron - macaron | 2957 |
- gin - like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin. | gin-gonic | 36798 |
- hugo
- lorca - platform modern desktop apps in Go + HTML5 | zserge | 5216 |
- webtty
- velero - tanzu | 3735 |
- fossa-cli - agnostic; integrates with 20+ build systems. | fossas | 789 |
- archiver
- git-lfs - lfs | 8043 |
- goboy - platform Nintendo Game Boy Color emulator written in Go | Humpheh | 2204 |
- twirp
- orchestrator
- lookout - d | 126 |
- stellar
- dive
- up
- gh-ost
- docker_practice
- antibody
- croc
- previs
- kube-plex - - dispatch transcode jobs as pods on your cluster! | munnerz | 691 |
- inbucket
- ferret
- rwtxt
- bpfd
- kubernetes - Grade Container Scheduling and Management | kubernetes | 64787 |
- cli
- 1up
- boss
- sso - on solution for securing internal services | buzzfeed | 2385 |
- lazygit
- magnetico - hosted) BitTorrent DHT search engine suite. | boramalper | 2184 |
- gokey
- cli
- audit
- certok
- pepper
- checkup - free, self-hosted health checks and status pages | sourcegraph | 2829 |
- riddler
- amicontained
- bane
- weather
- binctr - contained, containers as executable binaries. | genuinetools | 2356 |
- confd
- rclone - Google Drive, Amazon Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Cloudfiles, Google Cloud Storage, Yandex Files | rclone | 20386 |
- go
- vitess
- cilium - aware Networking and Security using eBPF and XDP | cilium | 5201 |
- embiggen-disk - disk live-resizes a filesystem after first live-resizing any necessary layers below it: an optional LVM LV and PV, and an MBR or GPT partition table | bradfitz | 415 |
- helm
- istio
- prometheus
- img - less, unprivileged Dockerfile and OCI compatible container image builder. | genuinetools | 2695 |
- viewdocs
- wtf
- mkcert - config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like. | FiloSottile | 23552 |
- usql - line interface for SQL databases | xo | 5835 |
- cadvisor
- releases
- reg
- fathom - focused website analytics. Built with Golang & Preact. | usefathom | 6339 |
- - line. | dutchcoders | 9390 |
- fsql - esque queries. | kashav | 3604 |
- ponzu - HTTPS from Let's Encrypt, HTTP/2 Server Push, and flexible server framework written in Go. | ponzu-cms | 4851 |
- teleport
- hydra - cloud native, security-first, open source API security for your infrastructure. SDKs for any language. | ory | 8288 |
- ngrok
- ctop - like interface for container metrics | bcicen | 9677 |
- mybot
- influxdb - time analytics | influxdata | 18620 |
- gammaray
- promptui - line applications | manifoldco | 3277 |
- n26
- esbuild
- cli
- ssh-chat
- certificates
- govalidate
- nsq
- dnscontrol
- charts
- ingress-nginx
- autocertdelegate - only TLS servers via a delegated server. | bradfitz | 218 |
- gon
- glow
- dnsleaktest
- php-fpm_exporter - FPM. | hipages | 143 |
- pomerium - aware access proxy. | pomerium | 1116 |
- staticgen
- bigcache
- derek
- grumpy
- chaoskube
- vulcain - driven REST APIs | dunglas | 2451 |
- tusd
- age - style composability. | FiloSottile | 3591 |
- go - performance 100% compatible drop-in replacement of "encoding/json" | json-iterator | 7408 |
- faktory - agnostic persistent background job server | contribsys | 3813 |
- muraena - transparent reverse proxy aimed at automating phishing and post-phishing activities. | muraenateam | 299 |
- rook
- pipeline - native Pipeline resource. | tektoncd | 4694 |
- go-web-app
- chaosmonkey
- tview - based UIs written in Go | rivo | 4130 |
- phpgrep - aware grep for PHP code. | quasilyte | 124 |
- Go
- jaeger
- watchtower
- caddy-tlsredis
- opa - purpose policy engine. | open-policy-agent | 3227 |
- Dragonfly
- go-astisub
- skaffold
- addlicense
- pulumi - Modern Infrastructure as Code. Any cloud, any language 🚀 | pulumi | 5002 |
- go-huebot
- heimdall
- sling
- huego
- tcpterm
- geiger
- cloud-run-button
- gcping
- gitomatic
- sftpgo
- go-systemd - Bus, and unit files | coreos | 1306 |
- stripe-cli - line tool for Stripe | stripe | 716 |
- dockle - Practice Docker Image, Easy to start | goodwithtech | 879 |
- hostyoself
- goreleaser
- sampler
- lazydocker
- securecookie
- fzf - line fuzzy finder | junegunn | 28210 |
- gofumpt
- minio
- nomad - to-use, flexible, and performant workload orchestrator that can deploy a mix of microservice, batch, containerized, and non-containerized applications. Nomad is easy to operate and scale and has native Consul and Vault integrations. | hashicorp | 5986 |
- cobra
- consul
- githubv4
- go-github
- challenge-bypass-server
- badger - value DB in Go. | dgraph-io | 7489 |
- kruise
- prm
- gosec
- gobuster
- sqlx
- squirrel
- pgzip
- drand - Go implementation | drand | 200 |
- picsum-photos
- containerd
- crossplane
- jid
- documents
- vfsgen
- sqlflow - machine-learning | 3687 |
- termdash
- linuxkit
- gfile
- gitbase - d | 1877 |
- muffet
- up
- stern
- nvm-windows
- cinema
- windspiel - less canary | edermi | 13 |
- awesome-go
- SelfCompilingExample
- lefthook
- annie
- quic-go - clemente | 3911 |
- docker-slim - slim): Don't change anything in your Docker container image and minify it by up to 30x (and for compiled languages even more) making it secure too! (free and open source) | docker-slim | 8309 |
- drone - Native, Continuous Delivery Platform | drone | 20794 |
- gitql
- goss
- slack-term
- gitleaks
- httplab
- traefik
- github-exporter
- sshcode
- space-cloud
- red
- gron
- mattermost-server - alternative in Golang and React - Mattermost | mattermost | 17949 |
- knowledge
- chain
- hub - line tool that makes git easier to use with GitHub. | github | 19362 |
- argo
- k6 - | loadimpact | 6265 |
- k3s
- iris -謝謝 \| The fastest community-driven web framework for Go. Webassembly, Automatic HTTPS with Public Domain, MVC, Sessions, Caching, Versioning API, Problem API, Websocket, Dependency Injection and more. Fully compatible with the standard library and 3rd-party middleware packages. \| \| \| | kataras | 17874 |
- sops
- illustrated-tls
- SwagThreeSixtyViewer
- js-beautify - web | 6704 |
- open-ui
- react-query
- Awesome-Design-Tools
- dat - to-peer sharing & live syncronization of files via command line | datproject | 7853 |
- lint-staged
- 30-seconds-of-interviews - seconds | 7743 |
- taskbook - line habitat | klaussinani | 7516 |
- prepack
- js-jquery
- SourceKitForSafari
- dd
- lss-manager-v3 - Manager | 24 |
- blog
- d3
- tailwind-rn
- svg-bg
- gatsby-course-starter
- css-to-js
- api-for-friendly-words - Tricks | 12 |
- cross-zip - platform .zip file creation | feross | 87 |
- gatsby-theme-terminal
- universal-tilt.js - tilt-js | 106 |
- hedron
- graphiql-explorer
- signal-promise
- just - free JavaScript functions that do just do one thing. | angus-c | 2263 |
- uid
- cabot - hosted, easily-deployable monitoring and alerts service - like a lightweight PagerDuty | arachnys | 4744 |
- patternfly-timeline
- github-trending-api
- vue-fullpage.js - fullpage/ | alvarotrigo | 1319 |
- babel-plugin-template-html-minifier - minifier | cfware | 46 |
- css-analyzer
- 11tywithgooglesheet
- nedb
- starplate
- todometer - based to-do list | cassidoo | 1119 |
- cli-diagram
- is-sponsor-label-action
- kap-playback-speed
- node-sonos-http-api
- simple-svg-placeholder
- panzoom
- htl
- serverless-plugin-canary-deployments
- aoe2techtree
- jira_clone
- focus.js
- vimeo.js
- civ6-play-by-cloud-turn-notifier
- node-ffi - ffi | 3355 |
- node-mkdirp - p`, but in node.js | isaacs | 28 |
- postcss-dark-theme-class
- playwright
- compressed-size-action
- supermaya
- one-click-apps
- lodash
- calendarize
- tidal-api
- flickity
- laravel-feedback-component
- npq
- TypeScript-Handbook
- fullcalendar - sized drag & drop event calendar | fullcalendar | 11043 |
- react-big-calendar
- uuid - compliant UUIDs in JavaScript | uuidjs | 8983 |
- reveal.js
- pull - to-date via automated PRs | wei | 845 |
- rcoil
- aud
- combokeys
- vue-testing-library - library | 317 |
- color-blind
- cli
- typical
- apicache - caching middleware for Express/Node. | kwhitley | 820 |
- sketch-map-generator
- plexiglass
- formee
- klona
- browser-compat-data
- npm-install-peers
- webpack-module-nomodule-plugin
- rainbrow
- shins - port of Slate markdown renderer to Node.js | Mermade | 233 |
- glyphhanger - ranges for you automatically. It makes julienne fries. | filamentgroup | 866 |
- mxb
- ladybug-website - podcast | 50 |
- framework-compare
- canvas-confetti - demand confetti gun | catdad | 339 |
- deck-of-cards - of-cards | 2560 |
- image-shrinker
- svgo
- extension-boilerplate
- audio-waveform-svg-path
- cloudscraper - ddos page | codemanki | 546 |
- postcss-px-to-viewport
- blog
- badgen
- react-typescript-web-extension-starter
- netflix-1080p-firefox
- isocity
- e2e-testsuite-platform
- car
- svg-to-jsx-electron
- noise-peer - to-end encrypted, secure channels using Noise Protocol Framework and libsodium secretstream | emilbayes | 125 |
- sw-cypress
- pump
- ssdeploy - in | ai | 152 |
- drive-db
- google-oauth-jwt-stream
- react-icons-kit
- parse-server - community | 17315 |
- pure-react-carousel - labs | 646 |
- tauCharts - focused charting library. Designed with passion. Flexible. | TargetProcess | 1863 |
- design-system
- webauthn-demo - branch] | fido-alliance | 298 |
- atree
- postgres - The Fastest full featured PostgreSQL client for Node.js | porsager | 1611 |
- one-click.js
- uBlock - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean. | gorhill | 19928 |
- poxi
- node-preload
- gatsby-blog-tutorial
- alpine
- totalist
- jsdom
- ffmpeg-static
- learnstorybook-design-system
- bruno-arizio
- gasp
- Villain - based comic book reader. | btzr-io | 111 |
- jelly-beats - io | 64 |
- jest-image-snapshot
- url-shim
- tXml - parser in pure javascript:zap: | TobiasNickel | 60 |
- node-extend
- worldstar
- arkit
- changelog-maker
- cheatsheets-ng - engine | rstacruz | 9 |
- flowponent - like evolving views via generators | jviide | 50 |
- tar-stream - stream is a streaming tar parser and generator. | mafintosh | 279 |
- yazl
- mkvmerge-static-linux - core-labs | 4 |
- cz-cli
- spanning-css-polyfill - devices | 36 |
- middy
- iTunes-Sniper
- unpacker-with-progress - core-labs | 5 |
- friendly-words
- c8
- elasticsearch-js
- rax
- leonardo
- onloaded
- dof-tool
- webpack-pwa-manifest
- scrying-pen
- responsive_breakpoints_generator
- ethereum-lists
- CEP-Spy - dependency CEP utility for identifying current host app, current panel, sibling extensions and more | Inventsable | 4 |
- claudia
- stmux
- dante2 - js | michelson | 741 |
- quiet-js - - Javascript binding for libquiet | quiet | 1567 |
- esrever - aware string reverser written in JavaScript. | mathiasbynens | 734 |
- lowlight - HTML things | wooorm | 202 |
- remark-highlight.js
- cross-storage
- netlify-plugin-a11y - yx | 8 |
- netlify-plugin-encrypted-files - yx | 5 |
- netlify-plugin-lighthouse - plugin-lighthouse | netlify-labs | 14 |
- netlify-plugin-no-more-404 - yx | 4 |
- netlify-plugin-sitemap - labs | 13 |
- netlify-plugin-yield-data-for-eleventy
- netlify-plugin-subfont
- netlify-plugin-hashfiles
- netlify-plugin-gatsby-cache
- netlify-plugin-fetch-feeds
- netlify-deployment-hours-plugin
- netlify-plugin-checklinks
- convert-colors
- eui
- simmerjs
- custom-select
- dear-github-2.0 - ice | 1592 |
- boomerang
- visualizing-git - school | 597 |
- media-capabilities - core-labs | 3 |
- SwiftLaTeX - based LaTeX Editor | SwiftLaTeX | 1349 |
- fuzzysearch - fast fuzzy search in JavaScript | bevacqua | 2420 |
- graphql-react
- redwood - stack to the JAMstack. | redwoodjs | 3068 |
- puppeteer-go
- color-names
- exifer - data decipher. | terkelg | 268 |
- tech-interview-handbook
- action
- blocks - based page builder for creating beautiful websites without writing code | blocks | 3112 |
- semver-diff
- css-zero - runtime CSS-in-JS | CraigCav | 101 |
- object-style
- fnv1a - 1a non-cryptographic hash function | sindresorhus | 80 |
- webglstudio.js
- lighthouse-ci
- cf-sentry
- lambda-api
- github-project-automation-plus - page | 44 |
- chessboardjs
- async-iterator-pipe
- use-climate-change-reminder
- csslint
- teenytest - config test runner for Node.js | testdouble | 70 |
- fix-es-imports - from Node-style to explicit filenames | billinghamj | 110 |
- flowy
- mirror-folder
- icons
- css-trimmer
- pown
- materials - materials-crowd-sourced | 41 |
- swagger-editor - api | 6025 |
- oas-kit
- api-spec-converter - Inc | 593 |
- zip-it-and-ship-it
- build
- js-client - API derived JS + Node.js API client for Netlify | netlify | 106 |
- es-get-iterator
- node-rcedit
- Uncanny-Forest
- node-simple-plist
- plist.js
- gunzip-maybe
- tar-fs - stream | mafintosh | 286 |
- code-syntax-block
- neo
- netlify-plugin-image-optim
- graphql-tag
- wrr
- web-ext
- postcss-sort-media-queries
- twitter-together
- bootlint
- siriwave - form replicated in a JS library. | kopiro | 988 |
- electron-builder-notarize - builder | karaggeorge | 47 |
- async-folder-walker
- made-with-webassembly
- github-action - to-end tests | cypress-io | 188 |
- abstract-cache
- rfdc
- npm-run-path
- path-key - platform | sindresorhus | 26 |
- reactime - source-labs | 638 |
- configorama
- lighthouse-ci-action
- micro-api-client
- header-pagination
- CIMonitor
- is-negative-zero - js | 10 |
- GitHubPackagesSecurityAction
- quickwords
- newman - line collection runner for Postman | postmanlabs | 4339 |
- intel-hex.js
- twitchtactoe
- react-overflow-indicator
- practical-ui-physics
- CyberChef - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis | gchq | 8487 |
- didact
- animavita - saving alerts, register animals for adoption and find the closest pet friend to adopt :dog: | animavita | 437 |
- lighthouse-ci
- codecov-action
- bypass-paywalls-chrome
- little-window
- netlify - templates | 19 |
- conf
- configstore
- paint-github
- env-paths
- which-collection - realm, without `instanceof`, and despite Symbol.toStringTag. | inspect-js | 6 |
- update-notifier
- preset-modules - env eventually) | babel | 679 |
- react-adaptive-hooks
- contentful.js
- qs
- merge-pull-request-action
- find-pull-request-action
- approve-pull-request-action
- postcss-is-pseudo-class
- is-map - realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. | inspect-js | 5 |
- git-js
- mac-screen-capture-permissions
- swagger-ui - compliant API. | swagger-api | 17397 |
- swagger-samples - api | swagger-api | 467 |
- swagger-node - api | 3648 |
- selfdefined
- clipboard.js
- del-cli
- genart
- nanochrome - core-labs | 6 |
- secret-local-storage - core-labs | 19 |
- ferrum
- request-action
- native-url - in URL API. | GoogleChromeLabs | 251 |
- geolib
- lengthy-svg
- get-node
- get-node-cli
- chrome-aws-lambda
- serverless-puppeteer-layers
- streetmix
- stopgap
- css4-color-talk
- unpkg
- marp - team | 1455 |
- hent
- lite-youtube-embed
- parse-torrent
- uptime
- codimd - Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms. | hackmdio | 5814 |
- gltf-vscode
- three.js-template
- folio-2019
- express
- hbs
- FroshCypress
- isauth - login. | spiderwebtr | 102 |
- preact-integrations
- evergarden - ui | 33 |
- React-Dropzone-Component
- WebCamera
- php-ddd-cargo-sample
- brand-colors
- is-website-vulnerable
- actions-mocks
- vue-demos
- mobile-first-animation - driven animation on the mobile web (React Conf 2019) | aholachek | 1904 |
- radialMenu
- shipjs
- proposal-uuid
- color-thief
- is-mergeable
- rollup-plugin-tagged-template
- honkify
- dot-dom
- MixrElixr
- nativescript-preact - platform iOS and Android apps using Preact. | staydecent | 89 |
- life-is-short - si | 12 |
- Fantasy-Map-Generator
- generate-function
- DEV-widget
- lighthouse-check-action - software | 51 |
- cli-spinners
- basic-algorithms
- create-xo
- kew
- adblockradio
- npx
- stargazed
- nostlan - end launcher for video game emulators! Available on Linux, macOS, and Windows! | quinton-ashley | 147 |
- appium-desktop
- movieTrivia
- npm-run-all - scripts in parallel or sequential. | mysticatea | 3371 |
- eleventyone
- virtual-lolly - prerendered with serverless API fallbacks | philhawksworth | 34 |
- react-rainbow
- geometric
- emittery
- lighthouse-monitor
- automerge - like data structure (a CRDT) that can be modified concurrently by different users, and merged again automatically. | automerge | 7902 |
- outdated-browser-rework
- psi
- javascript-action
- computer-puns - picked selection of the worst computer puns, really cringe worthy stuff. | AlexLakatos | 50 |
- cypress-file-upload
- kappa-core - to-peer database, based on kappa architecture. | kappa-db | 164 |
- mergeable
- vue-tags-input
- tracy
- is-symbol - js | 17 |
- jquery.disableAutoFill - fill and auto-complete functions. | terrylinooo | 151 |
- tailwindcss-border-gradients
- svelte-imask
- image-actions
- just-launch
- electron-stream
- nanoguard
- redux-state-sync
- cress
- client - based annotation client. | hypothesis | 317 |
- wasm-feature-detect
- github-track-followers
- tinybox
- pears - dr | 60 |
- css-colours-sorted
- specificity
- cropperjs
- promise-waitlist - based Wait List for your apps | indutny | 29 |
- flawwwless-ui
- saving-card-without-payment - samples | 28 |
- draqula
- bfwasm - optimizing Brainf_ck to WebAssembly compiler | surma | 23 |
- testing-library-docs - testing-library | testing-library | 177 |
- Larval
- regl - project | 3525 |
- browser-run
- leonsans - serif typeface made with code in 2019 by Jongmin Kim. | cmiscm | 8407 |
- remote-jobs - friendly companies in tech. | remoteintech | 12206 |
- use-reactive-state
- local-storage-proxy
- svg-to-jsx
- ignition-migrations
- react-native-website
- gestures-ml-js - Gesture recognition using hardware and Tensorflow.js | charliegerard | 61 |
- Shape-Your-Music
- array-includes - compliant polyfill | es-shims | 36 |
- parse-css - based CSS Parser | tabatkins | 271 |
- move-file-cli - line | sindresorhus | 57 |
- slang
- inclusive-menu-button
- route-manifest
- merge-release
- almy
- bundle-size-action
- sheetify
- d3-autocomplete
- WebGL-Fluid-Simulation
- contain-facebook
- math
- remote-form
- perf-tooling
- postcss-url
- bole
- tippyjs-react
- elasticlunr.js
- lunr.js
- dox
- cpx2
- react-redux
- preact-i18n
- cpx
- svelte-testing-library - library | 271 |
- svelte-inspector
- typography.js
- node-deep-equal - js | 490 |
- snippet-generator
- docdash
- docma
- esdoc - Good Documentation for JavaScript | esdoc | 2577 |
- react-doc-generator
- jsdoc
- heresy-todo
- antedate - renderer for client side applications. | terkelg | 12 |
- vhs-tape
- throttles
- code-snippets
- martini - time RTIN terrain mesh generation | mapbox | 437 |
- httpsnippet
- textbelt
- GeistMap
- funding
- empathy-driven-development
- reef - based components and UI. | cferdinandi | 494 |
- rollup-native-modules-boilerplate - browser fallbacks for legacy browsers. | philipwalton | 158 |
- sheetdown
- houdini-tabs - snap-points + ScrollTimeline + Houdini AnimationWorklet | argyleink | 8 |
- 001 - workshops | 46 |
- ccxt
- lighterhtml
- softest
- dynamic-import-polyfill - supporting browsers | GoogleChromeLabs | 168 |
- chart.xkcd
- magic-string - Harris | 731 |
- convert-source-map - map from/to different formats. | thlorenz | 109 |
- first-interaction - time contributors | actions | 38 |
- common-tags
- csjs-inject - injection of styles | rtsao | 32 |
- csjs-extractify
- babel-plugin-csjs-postcss
- source-map
- dependency-cruiser
- reconciled
- json-graphql-server
- p-temporary-directory
- csjs-injectify - inject csjs | rtsao | 8 |
- webpack-blocks
- webpack-chain
- webpack-encore
- ambrosia
- awesome-svelte-resources
- uglify-register
- is-set
- three-tube-wireframe - based wireframe geometry in ThreeJS | mattdesl | 26 |
- connected-react-socket
- paper-colors - white paper colors | mattdesl | 34 |
- crypto-storage - go | 9 |
- nve
- wtfjs
- raw-loader - contrib | 735 |
- adaptive-loading - differentially deliver fast, lighter experiences for users on slow networks & devices | GoogleChromeLabs | 180 |
- emoji-to-issue
- sqliterally
- is-nan - compliant shim for Number.isNaN - the global isNaN returns false positives. | es-shims | 11 |
- electron-dl
- nconf - line arguments, and atomic object merging. | indexzero | 3566 |
- safe-publish-latest
- is-string - realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. | inspect-js | 15 |
- markdown-it - it | 9216 |
- vuex-persistedstate
- vuex
- http-errors
- codetribute - frontend-infra | 24 |
- quasar - Build high-performance VueJS user interfaces in record time | quasarframework | 14258 |
- fuse-shared-library - platform FUSE libraries for OSX/Linux. | fuse-friends | 7 |
- hls-get
- components
- bruck
- backyourstack
- vue-gantt
- plotly.js - source JavaScript charting library behind Plotly and Dash | plotly | 11425 |
- Darkmode.js - mode / night-mode to your website in a few seconds | sandoche | 1632 |
- react-pivot - Pivot is a data-grid component with pivot-table-like functionality for data display, filtering, and exploration. | davidguttman | 882 |
- xlsx.js - and back! Please note that this library is licensed under the Microsoft Office Extensible File License - a license NOT approved by the OSI. While this license is based off of the MS-PL, which is OSI-approved, there are significant differences. | stephen-hardy | 539 |
- TableExport - to-implement library to export HTML tables to xlsx, xls, csv, and txt files. | clarketm | 720 |
- officegen - Barber | 1800 |
- node-xlsx
- timesheet.js
- sheetjs - - Spreadsheet Data Toolkit | SheetJS | 20482 |
- slate-deep-table
- nodom
- kap-gifski - Export to high-quality GIFs using Gifski | sindresorhus | 63 |
- app-exists
- js-codemod
- deck - style project & personal management tool for Nextcloud, similar to Trello | nextcloud | 437 |
- open-wc - wc | 804 |
- board
- ImageTrailEffects - following image trails that show a random series of images. | codrops | 113 |
- replicator
- webxr-polyfill - web | 191 |
- twilio-cli
- t-rex-runner - rex runner game extracted from chromium | wayou | 1132 |
- balance-text
- hyperssh
- why-did-you-render - did-you-render monkey patches React to notify you about avoidable re-renders. | welldone-software | 3005 |
- pigato - an high-performance Node.js microservices framework | prdn | 287 |
- primereact
- passport
- style-shelter
- lozad.js
- probot-weekly-radar
- gleam
- pdf.js
- gatsby-theme-jam-example
- gatsby-starter-blog-theme
- remark-lint-blank-lines-1-0-2 - lint-blank-lines-1-0-2 | vhf | 7 |
- cessie
- style-dictionary - platform styles. | amzn | 1052 |
- split-ease
- atomize - components & React JS. | proksh | 647 |
- redux-undo
- lines-per-second
- update
- action-tmate
- bitfield-db
- send - GET support | pillarjs | 647 |
- form-data - data"` streams. Can be used to submit forms and file uploads to other web applications. | form-data | 1498 |
- MidiWriterJS - track MIDI files and JSON objects. | grimmdude | 319 |
- droneWorld
- serve-static
- content-disposition - Disposition header | jshttp | 140 |
- chromotome
- docusaurus-template-no-style
- kvlly
- oauth2-client-js - stups | 169 |
- made-in-iran
- meteor
- thunderclap - value, indexed JSON, and graph database plus function oriented server designed for Cloudflare | anywhichway | 223 |
- SmoothScrollingImageEffects
- transform
- git-identity
- browserslist-ga-export - stats.json using Browserslist-GA without logging into a Google Account. | browserslist | 17 |
- text-editor
- qss
- react-rendering-strategies
- CodeSplinta - party web apps + JS library | coolandcodes | 3 |
- test-all-versions
- rubber_duck
- inky
- monopoly
- github-actions-badge
- action-badges
- worker-emscripten-template
- dimport
- json-parse-benchmark
- phtml
- detect-secrets - friendly secrets detection tool for CI and pre-commit hooks based on Yelp's detect-secrets | lirantal | 27 |
- react-ink
- rk-community-site - knowledgeable | 19 |
- hacker-scripts
- react-base-table
- postcss-selector-not
- premonish
- compression
- postcss-import-url
- next-fetch-har
- SmoothScrollAnimations
- webextensions-examples - ons created using the WebExtensions API | mdn | 2260 |
- diabloweb
- webpack-syntax-resolver-plugin
- use-context-selector - shi | 185 |
- reselect
- glamor
- slides
- sample-pie-shop - commerce site to explore PWA (Progressive Web App) use cases. | GoogleChromeLabs | 174 |
- gatsby-intro
- mapscii - enter => telnet <= on Mac and Linux, connect with PuTTY on Windows | rastapasta | 4380 |
- relog
- is-interactive
- pflames
- afd-blocker-plugin
- vue-to-react
- demoboard
- migrate-mongo
- react-to-vue
- joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. Forum: | laurent22 | 14796 |
- moji-brush
- lazytag
- nextjs-preactX
- tracium
- website
- hvbrd-sockets
- pdf-2-pod
- gridstudio - based application for data science with full integration of open source data science frameworks and languages. | ricklamers | 6927 |
- node-module-boilerplate
- node-cli-boilerplate - line tool | sindresorhus | 193 |
- eslint-config-xo-vue - config-xo | ChocPanda | 22 |
- internships
- dom-augmentor
- carbon - design-system | 2844 |
- duktape - embeddable Javascript engine with a focus on portability and compact footprint | svaarala | 4353 |
- serverless-offline
- outline
- github-do-not-ban-us
- json-schema-faker - Schema + fake data generators | json-schema-faker | 2215 |
- pr-bot
- build-your-own-radar
- challenge-bypass-extension
- sketch-plugin-convert-to-grayscale
- ogl
- sublet
- rbd-thought-sensor - beautiful-dnd, built with Epoc.js and the Emotiv Epoc sensor | charliegerard | 33 |
- fruit-genie
- prism-react-renderer
- review-fetch
- dark-mode-toggle
- darkmodejs
- windows-equalizer
- LaneChange
- js-search - side search library for JavaScript and JSON objects | bvaughn | 1325 |
- atomico - components, only using functions and hooks. | atomicojs | 348 |
- dark-mode
- svelte-virtual-list
- jest-electron-runner - atom | 142 |
- exthouse
- - for-grabs | 1648 |
- website
- build-dumb-sht
- css-triggers
- tailwindcss-accessibility - pallot | 23 |
- markeye
- noscript
- composition-api
- snake
- theme-ui - based design principles | system-ui | 2160 |
- readme-md-generator
- electron-boilerplate
- emphasize
- lowdb
- pupa
- pupa-cli
- jsdiff
- prosemirror
- yadda
- resize-observer-polyfill - etc | 1177 |
- cjs-to-es6
- https-everywhere
- shopware2vuestorefront
- replace-in-files-cli
- react-teleporter
- html5-terminal
- opencollective-frontend
- multi-download
- breaking_the_physical_limits_of_fonts
- create-react-app-lambda
- enzyme
- ladybugpodcast - podcast | 74 |
- portal-vue - rich Portal Plugin for Vuejs, for rendering DOM outside of a component, anywhere our app or the entire document. | LinusBorg | 2580 |
- tailwindcss-plugins
- details-dialog-element
- orbit-card
- csslint
- resume-schema - Schema is used here to define and validate our proposed resume json | jsonresume | 1289 |
- WebGLImageFilter
- todo
- next-hnpwa-singlefile
- d3-interpolate-path
- githubDB
- netlify-dev-plugin - on support | netlify | 185 |
- serverless - End Developers | CSS-Tricks | 342 |
- entropic - dev | 5273 |
- flappy-windows
- akismet.js
- algorithm-visualizer - visualizer | 28900 |
- zdog - friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG | metafizzy | 7563 |
- rollup-plugin-size-snapshot
- vue-instantsearch
- react-vertex - based WebGL library for React | sghall | 1219 |
- floatThead
- to-htm
- JOB - 13 barcodes in javascript. | EddieLa | 538 |
- neverland
- heresy - like Custom Elements via V1 API builtin extends. | WebReflection | 206 |
- regular-elements
- wicked-elements
- custom-elements-builtin
- talk-2019
- scar - with HTTPS, a global CDN, and custom domains. | cloudkj | 1701 |
- react-component-benchmark
- sun-moon-toggle - blend-mode` | wgao19 | 29 |
- flru
- lighthouse-plugin-field-performance
- tourist
- regexp-tree
- FroshHelpDesk
- arbitrary-image-stylization-tfjs
- tornis
- slonik
- dlv
- sinuous
- electric-io
- grommet - based framework that provides accessibility, modularity, responsiveness, and theming in a tidy package | grommet | 6154 |
- moonlight-vscode-theme
- wasm-by-example - on introduction examples and tutorials for WebAssembly (Wasm) | torch2424 | 137 |
- router
- react-daterange-picker
- my-budget - platform budgeting solution built with Electron. | reZach | 911 |
- butterchurn
- H5SC - A collection of HTML5 related XSS attack vectors | cure53 | 2299 |
- web-components-examples - US/docs/Web/Web_Components. | mdn | 1049 |
- gitfolio
- esx
- svelte
- ola
- undo
- node-apn - apn | 3996 |
- fusuma
- react-tetris
- crosstab
- dsc
- activity-box
- npm-home
- gh-home
- runpkg
- babel-plugin-wildcard
- url-polyfill
- php-server
- log-process-errors
- stop-runaway-react-effects
- grit-preact
- progressive-rendering-frameworks-samples
- stethoscope-app - related settings and makes recommendations for improvements without requiring central device management or automated reporting. | Netflix-Skunkworks | 390 |
- RPi-Monitor
- intro-to-graphql
- jfa-pwa-toolkit
- dinoql
- react-helmet
- localstorage
- jquery-modal
- dat-push
- colorme
- autocannon
- Functional-Light-JS
- pastel
- x-ray
- node-video-lib
- wouter - friendly ~1.2KB routing for React and Preact. Nothing else but HOOKS. | molefrog | 2135 |
- prebuild
- bento-starter - Stack solution to quickly build PWA applications with Vue.js and Firebase | kefranabg | 1365 |
- tasklets
- eleventy-netlify-boilerplate
- AI4Animation-js - belkhale | 201 |
- code-art
- browsershot
- datatable
- mockit
- ikonate
- criticalCSS
- javascript-fundamentals
- vue-three-shaders
- global-this
- globalThis - compliant polyfill/shim for `globalThis`. | es-shims | 101 |
- glicky - browser User Interface For JavaScript Development Workflows | alex-saunders | 841 |
- servor
- sergey
- tracery - grammar generation library for javascript | galaxykate | 1631 |
- jeelizFaceFilter
- havetheybeenpwned
- snippets
- documentation
- estimo
- joi
- loadable-components
- style-sheet
- ElGrapho
- x-ray
- combine-pagination
- graphql-hooks - first GraphQL client | nearform | 1204 |
- react-act-examples
- react-canvas-knob
- pagespeed-inslides
- bent
- webpack-plugin-serve
- Automate-Sketch
- blind-review
- travis-size-report
- CrossroadsSlideshow
- mk.js
- nanoquery - Tiny querystring module | choojs | 47 |
- pill
- complete-intro-to-react
- webpack-merge
- buble
- perflink
- react-loops
- complete-intro-to-react
- nsfwjs - side via TensorFlow.js | infinitered | 3669 |
- skaler - side image resizer. | terkelg | 72 |
- ostap
- is-thirteen
- howto-components
- coinflict-of-interest
- offscreen-canvas
- flyd
- TinyColor
- internal-nav-helper
- BackstopJS
- JSVerbalExpressions
- react-final-form-hooks - based form state management engine | final-form | 436 |
- moo - context | 306 |
- nearley
- selectize.js - feeling keyboard navigation; useful for tagging, contact lists, etc. | selectize | 12269 |
- api-explorer
- docs
- css-explain
- awesome-uses
- javascript
- library
- eslint-config-xo-typescript - config-xo | xojs | 95 |
- gatsby-docz-library
- konva
- custom-starter
- sheetrock - load data from Google Spreadsheets. | chriszarate | 749 |
- construct-js
- inertia - driven single page apps. | inertiajs | 1275 |
- form-backend-validation
- iro.js - based user interface | jaames | 594 |
- eslint-plugin-unicorn
- react-ssr-prepass
- mdx-blocks
- vue-focus
- vue-a11y-dialog - dialog | morkro | 56 |
- clipboard-copy
- p-lazy
- bird-box
- storeon - based Redux-like state manager for React, Preact, Angular, Vue, and Svelte | storeon | 1290 |
- flip - > Vue Component transpiler | SSENSE | 13 |
- csz
- argparse
- pino
- google-unlocked - to | 780 |
- three.js
- reactjs-interview-questions
- griffith - based web video player | zhihu | 1940 |
- KaTeX
- winston
- babel-plugin-tailwind-components - in-JS library | bradlc | 250 |
- luxon
- gluonjs
- webp-in-css
- nagibabel.js
- kv-storage-polyfill - storage built-in module. | GoogleChromeLabs | 130 |
- es-serve - page web apps | phaux | 84 |
- POC-ModularLegacyBuild - nomodule implementation that has grown to more than just a POC | JoviDeCroock | 19 |
- observer-util - js | 632 |
- preact-nx-observer - js/observer-util | mseddon | 14 |
- builtwithvue
- github-follow-extension
- github-issue-link-status
- send
- eslint-plugin-proper-arrows
- js-extract
- constyble
- avif.js
- replace-in-files
- Jets.js
- JournalBook - first personal journal. | trys | 494 |
- accessibility-guide
- find-a-mentor - Coach | 562 |
- accessibility-developer-tools - related testing and utility code. | GoogleChrome | 1990 |
- has-yarn-cli
- codecrumbs - language support and more. | Bogdan-Lyashenko | 2297 |
- polished - components | 5901 |
- docker-tutorial - end devs | charliegerard | 8 |
- hidden
- oy
- fast-cli
- filenamify-cli - line | sindresorhus | 38 |
- jss
- core-components
- supports-webp
- vuepress-plugin-rss
- cheerio
- use-substate - spiess | 96 |
- chromedriver
- swiss
- architect
- quickchart
- malware-jail - automatic Javascript malware analysis, deobfuscation and payload extraction. Written for Node.js | HynekPetrak | 323 |
- box-js
- hiring-without-whiteboards
- decider
- remount
- next-cookies
- appsensor - defending applications through real-time event detection and response | jtmelton | 228 |
- make-dir-cli - Like `mkdir -p`, but cross-platform | sindresorhus | 86 |
- declarative-web-components
- roast-my-deps
- vuepress-plugin-feed
- vuepress-plugin-reading-time
- spectron - userland | 1385 |
- preact_ie7
- laravel-web-tinker
- senv
- awesome-IT-films
- react-color
- js-cleanup - like files | aMarCruz | 19 |
- capture-website-cli - line | sindresorhus | 470 |
- capture-website
- goober - in-js alternative with a familiar API | cristianbote | 1122 |
- split-on-first
- Blotter
- vuepress-blog
- zero
- nanoutils - friendly JavaScript utils library | nanoutils | 156 |
- cleave.js
- textblock - co | 523 |
- applause-button - configuration medium-style button for adding applause / claps / kudos to web pages and blog posts | ColinEberhardt | 287 |
- typeit
- minisearch - text search engine for browser and Node | lucaong | 416 |
- Lemon-JS
- usehooks
- super-postcss
- benchmark-cli
- lazy-brush
- fixpack
- decktape
- twig.js
- jsmart
- deck.js
- ScrollMagic
- react-dom-confetti - lundin | 413 |
- docker-google-lighthouse-express
- Puppeteer-Service
- picture-in-picture-chrome-extension
- leon - source personal assistant. | leon-ai | 6723 |
- javascript
- react-share-button - share api and fallback modal with native intent urls | housinghq | 86 |
- fixedScrollNav
- opus-stream-decoder
- node-installed-check
- Motrix - featured download manager. | agalwood | 19835 |
- uot
- vue-router-prefetch
- certificate-monitor
- ssl
- diff
- react-hooks-helper
- FroshDataTableLayout
- react-switch - switch component for React. Check out the demo at: | markusenglund | 957 |
- quixote
- react-sortable-tree - and-drop sortable component for nested data and hierarchies | frontend-collective | 3176 |
- postcss-classes-to-mixins
- grpcc
- react-testing-library - library | 11275 |
- not-paid
- git-history
- nodeppt
- flexsearch - Generation full text search library for Browser and Node.js | nextapps-de | 6041 |
- variableFont.js
- opentype.js
- BassoonTracker - school Amiga music tracker in plain old javascript - Plays and edits Amiga Mod files and FastTracker XM files | steffest | 609 |
- animated-burgers
- import-http
- learn-react-app - there's tutorial, code snippets and exercises. The main objective of this project is to help you get off the ground with React! | tyroprogrammer | 3275 |
- x-spreadsheet - based JavaScript(canvas) spreadsheet | myliang | 8326 |
- mintable - free Mint clone for managing personal finances using publicly available APIs. | kevinschaich | 640 |
- ink - line apps | vadimdemedes | 13013 |
- hotkey
- cloudquery
- laravel-translations-loader - development | 77 |
- riot - based UI library | riot | 14165 |
- figma-to-google-slides
- node-sonos
- hls.js - dev | 7413 |
- react-docgen
- serverless-webpack - heaven | 1290 |
- circular-dependency-plugin
- BitVision
- nuclear
- shiny
- security-checklist
- obsolete-webpack-plugin - side standalone script that detects browser compatibility based on `Browserslist` and prompts website users to upgrade it. | ElemeFE | 122 |
- netlify-shortener
- vue-lazy-hydration - side rendered Vue.js components | maoberlehner | 443 |
- codelf
- css-feature-toggle-devtools-extension
- GraphQL-RethinkDB
- gov-availability
- react-preload
- funcy.js - a functional web components wrapper | michael-klein | 77 |
- administration
- globby - friendly glob matching | sindresorhus | 1380 |
- little-virtual-computer
- lowjs
- devtools-timeline-model
- merge-windows - Merge windows into the active one | sindresorhus | 163 |
- kefir
- nock
- Debucsser
- appium
- styled-vue - file components. | egoist | 420 |
- pizza-dough
- vue-tables-2
- sao
- react-graphql-starter
- grant
- stars
- yargs - themed successor to optimist. | yargs | 7502 |
- expect
- micro-mw
- gray-matter - gl, phenomic, and many others. Simple to use, and battle tested. Parses YAML by default but can also parse JSON Front Matter, Coffee Front Matter, TOML Front Matter, and has support for custom parsers. | jonschlinkert | 652 |
- lit-vue
- art-template
- unistore
- htmlnano
- clsx
- gitment
- string-similarity
- learn-json-web-tokens
- router
- svg-icon
- cf-workers
- potential-changes-for-github
- objection.js - friendly ORM for Node.js | Vincit | 5031 |
- css-modal
- pa11y-webservice
- pa11y
- learnGitBranching
- bundle-size-tracker - snc | 69 |
- campaign
- rockstar
- felony
- TNG-Hooks - inspired 'hooks' like useState(..) for stand-alone functions | getify | 861 |
- CodeBuddy - Connect with developers and find projects :dancers: | lydiahallie | 32 |
- smartcrop.js
- falling-through-code
- daydream
- workshy
- scoped-style
- Magic-Grid - oj | 2450 |
- examples
- serverless
- forgJs
- fiddly
- semantic-release - release | 9425 |
- speakeasy - factor authentication for Node.js. One-time passcode generator (HOTP/TOTP) with support for Google Authenticator. | speakeasyjs | 2156 |
- dynamodb
- coolqlcool
- useCookie - cookie 🍪 | rrudol | 31 |
- issue-label-manager-action
- release-notify-action - mails with release notes when these are created | bitoiu | 64 |
- public-ip-cli
- pushnotifications-demo
- Orca
- preload - router, similar to Sapper's preload or Nuxt.js's asyncData | badrap | 50 |
- next-optimized-images - optimized-images automatically optimizes images used in next.js projects (jpeg, png, svg, webp and gif). | cyrilwanner | 642 |
- version-badge
- pako
- tinyify
- good-first-issue
- new-github-release-url
- isomer
- simplemde-markdown-editor - in autosaving and spell checking. | sparksuite | 7539 |
- unicon
- proposal-pluggable-types
- tikzcd-editor
- cla-assistant - assistant | 661 |
- - curated list of tech conference talks, videos, slides and the like | confpad | 57 |
- framerx-react-sync - )components with a FramerX project. | zauberware | 24 |
- jison
- mermaid - js | 29195 |
- sharp
- jstz
- JSCity - ufmg | 1327 |
- clean-publish
- subfont - hosting of Google fonts and preloading | Munter | 992 |
- generator-generator
- cac - line apps. | cacjs | 517 |
- webpack
- circular-json
- progress-estimator
- react-final-form - based form state management for React | final-form | 5650 |
- litegraph.js
- cms.js - Side JavaScript Site Generator | chrisdiana | 2976 |
- StackBlur
- pngjs
- del
- vis
- styled-tools - in-JS | diegohaz | 705 |
- node-dark-mode-listener
- preducs
- dcipher
- dcipher-cli
- docsearch
- autoComplete.js
- react-use-form-state
- speed-measure-webpack-plugin
- react-suspense-polyfill - bullshit | 93 |
- CSS-Filters-Polyfill
- html-sketchapp - sketchapp | 1678 |
- ember-async-await-helper
- canvas-sketch
- node-easing - easing easing functions without the unnecessary framework cruft | rook2pawn | 27 |
- dataloader
- sw-delta
- Edge-Detection-project - Edge Detection Algorithms | bockp | 25 |
- styled-css-grid
- react-gridit - components | nem035 | 95 |
- task-worklet
- js-framework-benchmark
- clappr
- react-hooks
- passwordless
- eslint-formatter-pretty
- imba - stack language | imba | 3791 |
- DoodleMaster
- edex-ui - platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support. | GitSquared | 12576 |
- htm
- slate
- unified
- ProjectVisBug - visbug | GoogleChromeLabs | 3625 |
- PiPer
- git-functions
- Baker
- openmct
- kraken-js - based Node.js web application bootstrapping module. | krakenjs | 4831 |
- why-did-you-update
- Glider.js
- cote - configuration microservices. | dashersw | 1521 |
- api-platform - driven projects (server-side and client-side) | api-platform | 5704 |
- escape-goat
- manage-wifi-cli - Fi on and off | sindresorhus | 106 |
- inchjs
- corpora
- rewire - patching for node.js unit tests | jhnns | 2690 |
- svg-to-vue-component
- babel-blade - blade | 233 |
- node-phpfpm
- peaks.js
- rawact
- enquirer - friendly prompts. | enquirer | 5168 |
- neo-async - Async is thought to be used as a drop-in replacement for Async, it almost fully covers its functionality and runs faster | suguru03 | 538 |
- easy-peasy
- node-db-migrate - migrate | 1855 |
- color-wander
- immer
- Resemble.js
- buttercup-desktop - Multi-Platform Desktop Application | buttercup | 3231 |
- intl-tel-input
- new-github-issue-url
- humanize-url
- is-up-cli
- AwesomeXSS
- redbird
- javascript
- howler.js
- jsx-transform
- ervy
- - CSS - UX / Ruby - iOS - Android - PHP - Data - Devops | tech-conferences | 1415 |
- facon
- webscribble - fluff web scratchpad. | surma | 7 |
- vue-slides
- morphdom - steele-idem | 1952 |
- lightcase - art | 404 |
- assets-webpack-plugin
- exec-php
- glorious-demo - codes | 3076 |
- workerize-example - worker in electron | joshwnj | 14 |
- dinero.js
- OnsenUI - platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js. | OnsenUI | 7897 |
- carlo
- face-pong - Pong game with face tracking | charliegerard | 8 |
- AnimatedGridPreviews
- terser-webpack-plugin - contrib | 1226 |
- terser
- ImmortalDB - value store for the browser. | gruns | 2543 |
- travis-chrome
- js-matchdep
- learn-travis
- graphql-cost-analysis - bru | 457 |
- haunted
- react-window-communication-hook
- pennywise - platform application to open any website or media in a floating window | kamranahmedse | 3004 |
- add-asset-webpack-plugin
- simple - starters | 8 |
- stateful-functions
- repl
- spacy-js
- texme - rendering Markdown + LaTeX documents | susam | 1222 |
- call-rate-limiter
- vue-hooks
- ThreeJS-360-Panorama
- react-hooks-lib
- Black
- vue-typeahead
- swipe-listener - dependency, minimal swipe-gesture listener for the web. | umanghome | 52 |
- viperHTML
- Malvid
- Ackee - hosted, Node.js based analytics tool for those who care about privacy. | electerious | 1487 |
- fair-analytics
- react-focus-lock
- nodegit
- postcss-register-custom-props - bobrov | 20 |
- in-view
- lit-styles - css and integration with other tools and frameworks. | lit-styles | 40 |
- fix-path
- particles.js - free and responsive javascript plugin for particle backgrounds. | marcbruederlin | 1174 |
- cypress-testing-library - library | 911 |
- schnack - hosted node app for Disqus-like drop-in commenting on static websites | schn4ck | 1554 |
- lungo-cli - line | sindresorhus | 34 |
- orkl - to-peer blogging site | kodedninja | 50 |
- react-undraw-illustrations
- via.js
- vue-vscode-snippets
- Font-Awesome
- lerna
- tournamentmango
- jquery.gracket.js - A jQuery and canvas approach to creating single elimination tournament brackets. | Zettersten | 96 |
- graphpack - config GraphQL server. | glennreyes | 1939 |
- teamspeak-manager
- hyper-snazzy
- dom-testing-library - library | 1910 |
- reactions
- doiuse
- core-js
- lets-build-express
- gridsome
- cli
- 33-js-concepts
- mocha-headless-chrome - side mocha tests in the command line through headless Chrome. | direct-adv-interfaces | 94 |
- colorette
- color - | 3162 |
- react-universal-component
- graphql.js
- plex-sync
- tfjs-examples
- tmi - discover your image weight on the web | addyosmani | 1657 |
- tfjs-yolo-tiny - Browser Object Detection using Tiny YOLO on Tensorflow.js | ModelDepot | 419 |
- Blot
- cheet.js
- percollate - line tool to turn web pages into beautifully formatted PDFs | danburzo | 2937 |
- Advanced-React
- discharge
- vue-realworld-example-app - world application built with Vue.js, Vuex, axios and different other technologies. This is a good example to discover Vue for beginners. | gothinkster | 2724 |
- micro-github
- openapi-directory - guru | 1852 |
- preact-cli-express-ssr - side rendering to a newly created Preact project created with the command `preact create preactjs-templates/default preact-cli-express-ssr`. | johnhaitas | 21 |
- realworld
- filter-console
- tags-input
- siema - Lightweight and simple carousel in pure JavaScript | pawelgrzybek | 3128 |
- warpjs
- evercookie
- webpack-autoconf
- vue-observe-visibility
- dat.gui
- extra.css
- act - purpose URI tracker. | simonepri | 7 |
- ekill
- matter-js
- is-in-view
- legit
- docute
- synp - lock.json and vice versa | imsnif | 420 |
- idevice
- fastdom
- volkswagen
- skip
- smooth-ui - code | 1501 |
- node-youtube-dl - dl driver for node | przemyslawpluta | 1299 |
- neurons
- flatted
- Javascript
- create-react-library - bullshit | 3258 |
- worker-plugin
- idlize - until-urgent pattern | GoogleChromeLabs | 879 |
- lyo - The easy way | bokub | 629 |
- burn
- js-equality-game
- quick-lru
- antwar
- wwwbasic
- mongo-graphql-starter
- bellwoods
- pwa-weather
- ramjet - Harris | 5405 |
- tink
- react-ideal-image
- autopolyfiller-loader
- path-tangents
- frenet-serret-frames - Serret frames for a path of 3D points and tangents. | dmnsgn | 17 |
- DiagonalSlideshow
- preact-fluid
- generative-artistry
- svgr
- preact-routlet
- gyro
- project-explorer
- vue-directory-tree
- avl
- Library-Detector-for-Chrome
- sails
- insomnia - platform HTTP and GraphQL Client | Kong | 12821 |
- dss
- deoptigate
- web-tooling-benchmark-generator - tooling-benchmark. | alopezsanchez | 10 |
- wcag-contrast
- ky
- webpack-stats-diff-plugin
- nylas-mail
- to-fast-properties
- leven
- node-delegates
- dot-prop
- fast-levenshtein - specific collator support. | hiddentao | 468 |
- zet
- civis
- react-calendar-timeline - ee | 1019 |
- pwa
- envinfo
- progressive-tooling - built, third-party tools that can be used to improve page performance | GoogleChromeLabs | 489 |
- which-licenses-i-have
- preact-route-async
- twitter-lite - featured, flexible client / server library for the Twitter API | draftbit | 267 |
- razzle - rendered universal JavaScript applications with no configuration | jaredpalmer | 8784 |
- email-autocomplete
- remove-old-service-worker
- next-routes
- turbo-json-parse
- code-surfer
- svg-filters
- cordova-file-cache
- size-plugin
- v86
- imgcache.js
- git-tutor
- ora
- underrun
- github-release-notes - tools | 528 |
- framework7
- react-coroutine
- Subworkers
- agadoo - shakeable | Rich-Harris | 362 |
- navaid
- SpaceX-API - spacex | 3371 |
- electron-pdf
- vue-slicksort - friendly, sortable list ✌️ | Jexordexan | 818 |
- vue-draggable-resizable
- vue-dragging
- vue2-dragula - | kristianmandrup | 200 |
- vue-dragula - | Astray-git | 326 |
- Vue.Draggable - and-drop component based on Sortable.js | SortableJS | 11302 |
- maizzle-php
- deprecated
- bundlephobia
- cows
- webpack-messages
- templite
- check-links - bullshit | 295 |
- image-webpack-loader
- compost
- better-phpunit
- graphqurl - simple universal javascript GraphQL client. | hasura | 2140 |
- http2-wrapper
- run-electron
- pify - style function | sindresorhus | 1274 |
- geo-maps
- typo
- openschufa
- vscode-lintlens - Adds metadata beside each ESLint rule. | ghmcadams | 22 |
- dumper.js
- readability
- egg
- styled - components `preact-cli` template. | SaraVieira | 15 |
- virtualized-list
- apexcharts.js
- socialmanagertools-igbot - manager-tools | 633 |
- ims - an opinionated npm module installer | mafintosh | 188 |
- react-window
- thanks
- Splitting
- react-todo - in-plain-english | sunil-sandhu | 183 |
- apple-music-js
- svgurt - > SVG Vectorizing Tool - Live at: | Anemy | 109 |
- downshift - ARIA compliant enhanced input React components | downshift-js | 8131 |
- styleurl-extension - Sumner | 167 |
- chalk
- ffmpeg.js
- ffmpeg-concat - bullshit | 252 |
- puppeteer-render-text - bullshit | 35 |
- react-particle-effect-button - bullshit | 1324 |
- beaker - to-peer Web browser | beakerbrowser | 5234 |
- trends
- upash
- upash-cli
- json5
- terminalizer
- vue-auth
- hold-up
- nova-docs
- localForage
- github-dashboard
- mousetrap
- enable-npm-2fa
- avoriaz
- vue-i18n
- evergreen
- unswitch
- ok-mdx - based MDX editor | jxnblk | 655 |
- ndb
- rich-markdown-editor
- nanoid-good - gagar1n | 35 |
- rawgit
- cypress - io | 19366 |
- mdx-deck - based presentation decks | jxnblk | 8992 |
- np
- wayfarer
- nanohtml
- sheet-router - side router | yoshuawuyts | 214 |
- gitmoji
- Keyframes
- express-es6-rest-api
- lambdoku - like experience when using AWS Lambda | kubek2k | 577 |
- lazyframe - free library for lazyloading iframes | vb | 205 |
- 30daysofHelloWorld
- axios
- OctoLinker
- bankai - friendly web compiler | choojs | 1047 |
- dom-css
- oui
- png2svg
- shields
- graphql-engine
- codesandbox-client
- coolhue
- font-playground
- v8n
- term-sheets
- gogdb
- Mirror
- filepond
- Synergy - DOM projects | One-Nexus | 145 |
- LimeSurvey
- github-pages-aws-lambda-publish - publish github pages with AWS lambda | evert | 4 |
- lighthouse-thresholds - j | 70 |
- guppy
- browser-es-module-loader
- react-breakpoints
- eleventy
- weatherapp-boilerplate
- benny-hill
- re-carousel
- react-tree-walker
- strapi-examples
- funnies
- kleur
- css-doodle - doodle | 2773 |
- carbon-now-cli
- svelte
- video.js - open source HTML5 & Flash video player | videojs | 27802 |
- script-progress
- typpy
- lepto
- vue-native-core
- jeelizWeboji - time face tracking and expression detection library. Build your own emoticons animated in real time in the browser! SVG and THREE.js integration demos are provided. | jeeliz | 672 |
- logicemu
- DropIt
- vivid
- pickr - themed, responsive and hackable Color-Picker library. No dependencies, no jQuery. Compatible with all CSS Frameworks e.g. Bootstrap, Materialize. Supports alpha channel, rgba, hsla, hsva and more! | Simonwep | 2828 |
- motus
- jsconfeu-generative-visuals
- Lang.js
- release-drafter - drafter | 1040 |
- gatsby
- libmoji
- Liike
- pretty-ms
- parse-ms
- to-milliseconds
- vue-wait
- nano-nanoid-cc
- lighthousebot
- webpack-dev-server - server/. | webpack | 6137 |
- stylelint-config-wordpress - Coding-Standards | 86 |
- hocs - Order Components for React | deepsweet | 1785 |
- preact-component-console
- YouTube-Music-Desktop
- hiper
- buddy-cli - works | 69 |
- maid
- cxs - in-js in 0.7kb | cxs-css | 1053 |
- babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx
- pwa-starter-kit - featured Progressive Web Apps from web components. | Polymer | 2364 |
- rust-wasm-loader
- monaco-editor
- fortnite_challenges
- saber
- nanoJS
- dropbar
- livecode-svganimation
- css-vars-ponyfill - side support for CSS custom properties (aka "CSS variables") in legacy and modern browsers | jhildenbiddle | 837 |
- vue-toasted
- toastr
- webfontloader - face. | typekit | 8113 |
- vue-loader
- reaumur
- tabletop
- rollup-starter-app - bones example of how to create an application using Rollup | rollup | 230 |
- doctor - DEPRECATED | propellant | 226 |
- vscode-lit-html
- react-beautiful-dnd
- ansi-html
- droplr-clone
- so-pwa
- class-names - Especially useful with React | sindresorhus | 278 |
- accesslint.js
- gpu.js
- a11y
- microenvi
- mavo-snippets
- Vynchronize
- wait-for-localhost-cli - line | sindresorhus | 97 |
- html-template-es-modules - of-concept for importing HTML Templates into ES Modules | trentmwillis | 37 |
- typed-objects - objects] :beers: - polyfill of ES7 typed objects for node.js | haoxins | 36 |
- pollyjs
- threejs-app
- gatsby-style-guide-guide
- rosin - finger tap and swipe library. | estrattonbailey | 21 |
- quakejs
- webgl-rts
- font-style-matcher - heights and widths of two fonts | notwaldorf | 381 |
- chroma.js
- meleelight
- elementor - end, pixel perfect websites at record speeds. Any theme, any page, any design. | elementor | 3010 |
- ejs
- koa-router
- xmysql
- github-guesser - szabo97 | 43 |
- prettier-plugin-csharp
- easy-toggle-state
- postcss-easing-gradients - gradients that approximate easing functions. | larsenwork | 616 |
- first-input-delay
- react-ape
- stylelint-a11y
- auth-module - boilerplate authentication support for Nuxt | nuxt-community | 972 |
- iban.js
- js-resources
- strapi
- yt-player - fast YouTube Player API | feross | 521 |
- slides--why-design-systems-fail
- dvlp - nonsense dev server toolkit to help you develop quickly and easily for the web | popeindustries | 105 |
- css-typed-om
- workbox
- script-loader - contrib | 325 |
- devdocs-desktop - featured desktop app for | egoist | 2434 |
- html-critical-webpack-plugin
- penthouse
- critters - load the rest. | GoogleChromeLabs | 2342 |
- prerender-loader - rendering for Webpack. | GoogleChromeLabs | 1828 |
- inert
- handsontable
- engine
- hackathon-starter
- brusher
- tabler-vue
- Magnific-Popup
- dialog-polyfill
- regenerator - of-today. | facebook | 3196 |
- immutable-js - js | 29453 |
- prefetch-polyfill-webpack-plugin
- feature-queries-manager
- parcel-hmr-vanillas-js
- vue-googlemaps
- minipack
- spoof
- awesome-talks
- javascript-algorithms
- You-Dont-Need-Lodash-Underscore - dont-need | 10928 |
- crontab-ui
- x0
- fast-copy
- app
- Fuse - search, in JavaScript | krisk | 10141 |
- powerwalker
- css-paint-polyfill
- preact-worker-demo
- size-limit
- blockchain-in-js
- preact-ssr - side Rendered Preact app. | yomete | 41 |
- webrtc-web
- performance-analytics
- react-native-dom
- kit
- workerize-loader
- workerize
- greenlet
- stockroom
- mitt
- microbundle - configuration bundler for tiny modules. | developit | 4503 |
- preact-www
- sirv
- warriorjs
- tiny-glob - glob | terkelg | 646 |
- dayjs
- slugify
- mjml - email easy | mjmlio | 10283 |
- plyr
- openpgpjs
- fastify
- remote-browser - level browser automation framework built on top of the Web Extensions API standard. | intoli | 1389 |
- vuepress - powered static site generator | vuejs | 15973 |
- dragon-drop
- axe-core
- mailgrab - all SMTP mail server and debugging tool | PeeHaa | 86 |
- lossless-cut
- github-contributions-chart
- ga-lite
- fixed-data-table-2
- ReLaXed
- mdx - js | 8533 |
- tui.calendar
- laravel-mix-purgecss - config Purgecss for Laravel Mix | spatie | 678 |
- feed-module - community | 108 |
- glide - free JavaScript ES6 slider and carousel. It’s lightweight, flexible and fast. Designed to slide. No less, no more | glidejs | 5270 |
- whatsapp-web-reveng
- FroshMaintenance
- mern-starter - Boilerplate for getting started with MERN stack | Hashnode | 5202 |
- spectrum
- prose
- text2mindmap
- travis-buddy
- aaronson-oracle
- imaging-heap
- postcss
- stylus - rich CSS language built for nodejs | stylus | 10336 |
- svg-term-cli
- array-explorer-cli
- sympact
- lag-radar
- gun - first, graph protocol to sync the web. | amark | 11514 |
- server
- fkill-cli - platform. | sindresorhus | 6058 |
- tower_game
- PiPTool - in-Picture Functionality to YouTube, Netflix, Plex and other video broadcasting services in macOS Sierra | bfmatei | 342 |
- electron-updater-example - updater` | iffy | 348 |
- vue-content-loader
- speedo-cli
- local-cors-proxy
- date-fns - fns | 21881 |
- gestalt
- cubic-bezier - based timing functions | LeaVerou | 130 |
- php-writer
- umd
- scrollbooster - to-scroll library | ilyashubin | 652 |
- auto-py-to-exe
- bootstrap-vue - ARIA accessibility markup. | bootstrap-vue | 11193 |
- create-dmg - looking DMG for your macOS app in seconds | sindresorhus | 3029 |
- shrinktome
- driver.js - weight, no-dependency, vanilla JavaScript engine to drive the user's focus across the page | kamranahmedse | 11082 |
- turbo-ws - level WebSocket server | hugmanrique | 658 |
- node_tradfri_ifttt
- workly
- wunderbar
- FreeTube
- basicScroll
- seo
- Pilothouse - App | 98 |
- underconstruction
- open-pip-cli - pip - Open a movie url or path in macOS picture-in-picture | albinekb | 164 |
- dom-to-image
- pressure
- responsive-components
- turbo-http
- cockpit - project | 4779 |
- prism-pretty
- jump.js
- react-snap - configuration framework-agnostic static prerendering for SPAs | stereobooster | 3424 |
- headless-chrome-crawler
- sheetsee.js
- prompts - friendly interactive prompts | terkelg | 5701 |
- webpack-demos
- ethereumbook
- easy-ease
- Crowd.lab - th | 49 |
- cloudmapper - labs | 3400 |
- seeThru
- dset
- airtap
- swag-for-dev
- Rocket.Chat
- jsonlint
- spritz.js
- make-gis-great-again
- eliminate
- ProgressiveWordPress - based Progressive Web App | GoogleChromeLabs | 568 |
- paperprograms
- polacode
- gantt
- particles.js
- front-end-interview-handbook - end Job Interview Questions" which you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore | yangshun | 23783 |
- self-destroying-sw - snippets and guides on removing ServiceWorker from a websiste. | NekR | 170 |
- autobahn-js
- chat-bubble
- just-dashboard
- Inquirer.js
- hygen
- OpenSC2K - An Open Source remake of Sim City 2000 by Maxis | nicholas-ochoa | 4608 |
- oji
- front-end-handbook-2018 - end development handbook | FrontendMasters | 4174 |
- beyond-the-basics-of-image-optimization
- slaeditor
- unstated
- AlloyFinger - touch gestures library for the web. You can touch this → | AlloyTeam | 3014 |
- awesome-cheatsheets
- apollo-client-devtools
- kap - source screen recorder built with web technology | wulkano | 11985 |
- vue - adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web. | vuejs | 161038 |
- detangle
- autoEdit_2
- web-components-todo
- sockette
- tlx - paradigm front-end library supporting: template literals in place of JSX; multi-root templates in HTML, JavaScript, or remote URL references; t-for, t-foreach, t-forvalues with iterable protocol support; t-if attribute directive; custom attribute directives; optional two-way data binding; automatic or manual creation of standards compliant custom elements and components; standards compliant event handlers; a default router; extended lifecycle callbacks; automatic HTML injection protection. | anywhichway | 65 |
- untrace
- fine-uploader
- homebridge
- homebridge-weather
- node-graphql-server - ready GraphQL servers | graphql-boilerplates | 717 |
- project-guidelines
- twas
- bolt - powered JavaScript project management | boltpkg | 1697 |
- jarvis
- match-sorter - match sorting of an array in JavaScript | kentcdodds | 1741 |
- polka
- jspaint
- stylelint
- refined-twitter
- Chrome-Store-Foxified
- tui.editor
- awesomplete
- spacetime
- gitbook
- browsh - modern text-based browser, rendering to TTY and browsers | browsh-org | 11729 |
- headless-devtools
- vue-cli
- VectorScrolling
- GTAVMenuVueHtml
- uppy
- auto-like-my-gf-insta-pic
- melonJS
- forever
- docusaurus
- poi - config bundler for JavaScript applications. | egoist | 4926 |
- Checklist-Checklist
- electron-reloader - reloading for Electron apps during development | sindresorhus | 370 |
- Manta
- parcel - bundler | 35288 |
- gulp
- object-explorer
- animateplus
- server
- merchant.js
- array-explorer
- imaskjs
- broken-link-checker
- neutrino
- freeciv-web - web is an Open Source strategy game implemented in HTML5 and WebGL, which can be played online against other players, or in single player mode against AI opponents. | freeciv | 1291 |
- pliim
- showdown
- awx
- awesome-tiny-browser-libs
- webpack
- hyperform
- fractal
- comlink
- ava
- updtr
- babel-preset-env - -> | babel | 3566 |
- babel
- ghost-on-heroku - button Heroku deploy for the Ghost blogging platform. | cobyism | 682 |
- inclusive-design-checklist
- meow
- Semantic-UI - Org | 47609 |
- progress-string
- DOMPurify - a DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML and SVG. DOMPurify works with a secure default, but offers a lot of configurability and hooks. Demo: | cure53 | 4899 |
- emergence.js
- critical - path CSS in HTML pages | addyosmani | 8246 |
- burnside - Inc | 393 |
- volume-meter - detecting volume meter in Web Audio. | cwilso | 275 |
- nodebestpractices
- demopack
- heml
- google-webfonts-helper - Free Way to Self-Host Google Fonts. Get eot, ttf, svg, woff and woff2 files + CSS snippets | majodev | 6296 |
- Front-End-Checklist - End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers | thedaviddias | 38709 |
- speed-test
- draggable
- claire
- simple-push-demo
- closure-webpack-plugin - | webpack-contrib | 376 |
- charts
- node-tradfri
- persist-storage - Enable persistent storage in the browser | choojs | 20 |
- webpackmonitor
- React-Sight - Sight | 2331 |
- random-position-on-the-surface-of-a-sphere
- rest.js
- listr
- plex
- gutenberg
- litt
- mri
- react-static - static | 8516 |
- react-native-starter-kit
- Keen-UI
- sticky-sidebar
- Micromodal
- pupper-react
- pupper-example
- yepnope.js
- franz
- dredd - agnostic HTTP API Testing Tool | apiaryio | 3321 |
- slate
- bubbly-bg
- teachable-machine-v1
- epoch-timeago
- accessibilityjs
- carbon - app | 23409 |
- franchise
- src2png - highlighted images. | mplewis | 2226 |
- Iroh - Exploit, record and analyze running JavaScript | maierfelix | 844 |
- http-server - configuration command-line http server | http-party | 9319 |
- styled-system - system | 5623 |
- release-it - it | 3028 |
- prettier-eslint-cli - eslint | prettier | 404 |
- JavaScript-MD5 - side environments like node.js, module loaders like RequireJS and all web browsers. | blueimp | 3695 |
- joof
- jquery-upload-file - side platform (Google App Engine, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads. | hayageek | 625 |
- mail-for-good
- micro-medium-api
- ide-php - IDE | atom | 268 |
- front-end-guide
- react-fullstack-graphql - boilerplates | 1202 |
- nanoid - friendly, unique string ID generator for JavaScript | ai | 8983 |
- dotenv
- tetris - in color | mafintosh | 146 |
- respawn
- redash
- github-releases-slack-notifier
- speaking-jpg
- coisas - side CMS for editing GitHub Markdown (and other) files ⛺ | fiatjaf | 284 |
- compressorjs
- fitty
- spectacle
- marko - based language that makes building web apps fun | marko-js | 9457 |
- gtop
- redocx
- puppeteer
- Chart.js
- mesh
- react-desktop
- gulp-starter-env
- botui
- pell
- svgomg
- fontello
- a-blast
- vue-multiselect
- decentraleyes
- nightwatch - to-end testing framework written in Node.js and using the Webdriver API | nightwatchjs | 10126 |
- collect.js
- staticrypt
- dutier
- flubber
- kss-node - node | 1483 |
- Data-Pixels
- scs-commander
- itsy-bitsy-data-structures
- husky
- thelounge - platform, self-hosted web IRC client | thelounge | 3571 |
- feather
- mavo
- preact-cli
- react-pdf
- britecharts - side reusable Charting Library based on D3.js v5 that allows easy and intuitive use of charts and components that can be composed together creating amazing visualizations. | eventbrite | 3607 |
- alex - alex | 3442 |
- UPNG.js
- purifycss - page apps. | purifycss | 9422 |
- tamperchrome
- mrnomnom
- blessed-contrib
- Windows-universal-samples
- svg-symbols
- control-user-cursor
- tiny-care-terminal
- koa
- eruda
- what-input
- across-tabs - origin browser tabs. Simple "CORS"ing! | wingify | 1480 |
- tippyjs
- mixitup - performance, dependency-free library for animated filtering, sorting, insertion, removal and more | patrickkunka | 4283 |
- smooth-scroll
- browserslist - end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-preset-env | browserslist | 7397 |
- less-plugin-autoprefix - processed by autoprefixer | less | 171 |
- less.js
- less-plugin-clean-css - process and compress CSS using clean-css. | less | 183 |
- prettier
- tweezer.js - free, ES6 library for smooth animations. | jaxgeller | 385 |
- postcss-cssnext - cssnext` has been deprecated in favor of `postcss-preset-env`. | MoOx | 5410 |
- moon
- 1pr
- InfiniteLoopBuster
- moveTo
- node-osmosis
- uncss
- store.js - browser storage for all use cases, used across the web. | marcuswestin | 12909 |
- redom
- v2 - all microservices in a monorepo | Staffjoy | 1392 |
- the-super-tiny-compiler
- unfetch
- fast-memoize.js
- trevor
- Ghost
- vhtml
- caniuse
- yoast-components
- dom-diff
- react
- preload-webpack-plugin
- Lepton
- Is-Now-Illegal
- hyperapp
- unicorn.js
- lottie-web
- preact
- monk
- drawio
- freeCodeCamp
- front-end-handbook-2017 - end development guide | FrontendMasters | 3900 |
- gotem
- sixflix
- keycodes
- standard
- d3-layout-narrative
- parliament-svg - dom SVG | juliuste | 145 |
- electron-quick-start
- jshint
- Ghost-Desktop
- creative-portfolios
- babel-preset-stage-4
- video-to-css
- electron-lets-move
- leakage
- choo - sturdy 4kb frontend framework | choojs | 6366 |
- webgl-starter-kit
- css-in-js
- express-babel
- web-maker
- know-it-all
- WebRTC-Experiment - khan | 8287 |
- clean-code-javascript
- atom - specific icons for improved visual grepping. | file-icons | 1020 |
- PapaParse
- atom
- control-panel - lab | 134 |
- eventstop
- replace-string
- flow-runtime
- browser-autofill-phishing
- nanocomponent - create performant HTML components | choojs | 340 |
- diffyjs - free motion detection library for the browser | maniart | 257 |
- eslint-plugin-compat
- octicons
- polite-element
- node-steam
- cuckoo
- schedulebot-site
- schedulebot
- show-facebook-computer-vision-tags
- clipboard-cli
- sessions
- scribble-lab
- rapier
- mobile
- dotaconstants
- web
- core
- lighthouse
- xo
- ui
- react-native-elements - native-elements | 18343 |
- NativeBase - platform UI components for React Native | GeekyAnts | 13582 |
- dragula
- csjs
- GPGPU-threejs-demos
- unique-string
- fluidwebgl
- pixelmatch - level image comparison library | mapbox | 3475 |
- p-is-promise
- p-reflect
- p-time
- ua-string
- cash - platform Linux commands in ES6 | dthree | 7684 |
- frontend-boilerplate - react-redux-babel-autoprefixer-hmr-postcss-css-modules-rucksack-boilerplate (unmaintained, I don't use it anymore) | tj | 3006 |
- commander.js - line interfaces made easy | tj | 17524 |
- postcss-high-contrast
- postcss-grid-kiss
- gloria
- ascii-morph - | tholman | 426 |
- p-memoize - returning & async functions | sindresorhus | 122 |
- p-forever - returning & async functions repeatedly until you end it | sindresorhus | 25 |
- p-some
- write-good
- mersenne-twister
- file-url-cli
- mui
- tetris-on-a-plane
- lesspass
- js - perform massive parallel computations in your browser with GPGPU. | turbo | 2514 |
- inspire-cli
- electron-drag
- social-share-urls
- stats.js
- welcomejs
- Respond - width CSS3 Media Queries (for IE 6-8, and more) | scottjehl | 11556 |
- node-drawille
- brolly
- yarn
- roll-call
- annyang
- anatine
- electron-sample-apps
- react-game-kit
- github-map
- bad-tv-shader
- nuts - updater and GitHub as a backend | GitbookIO | 986 |
- cannon.js
- glsl-bloom
- bootstrap
- prism
- QuestionMark.js
- sorttable - side sortable tables | stuartlangridge | 75 |
- tabbed-panels - Hug | 22 |
- togglr
- 52-technologies-in-2016
- granim.js
- jquery-pjax
- instantclick
- Reddit-Enhancement-Suite
- textures
- dasher
- pokemongo-data
- grade
- ramme
- webpack-dashboard
- kaggle-talkingdata-visualization
- jumpsuit
- image-diff - archive | 2426 |
- create-react-app
- Moeditor - purpose markdown editor. | Moeditor | 3971 |
- node-steam-user
- emojify.js
- anime
- loadCSS
- yt-sanegrid
- uptime
- jszip
- headroom.js
- Steam-Card-Farmer
- embed-js
- lazysizes
- react-input-enhancements
- react-enroute
- console-dot-frog
- places
- switch
- cf-ui
- json-server
- cookieconsent
- anti-adblock-killer - Adblock Killer helps you keep your Ad-Blocker active, when you visit a website and it asks you to disable. | reek | 4445 |
- steam-pics-api
- stormdb - to-use JSON-based database for NodeJS, the browser or Electron. | TomPrograms | 351 |
- awesome-web-animation - pimenov | 729 |
- node-cross-spawn
- awesome-earth
- insert-css
- webpack-ui - ui | 26 |
- rizzo
- backend-engineer-test
- diffchecker-cli - line interface for diffchecker | wali-s | 18 |
- noop-stream
- dev-null-cli - platform `/dev/null` | sindresorhus | 86 |
- random-bytes-readable-stream - random data using `crypto.randomBytes()` | sindresorhus | 72 |
- gulp-execa
- react-storefront - commerce progressive web apps (PWAs) in record time. | moovweb | 238 |
- formal
- inertia-react
- docs
- inertia-vue
- styled-components - components | 28736 |
- wpk - cli | 232 |
- react-native-web
- faker.js
- systeminformation
- fbt
- execa
- awesome-selfhosted - as-a-Service providers | awesome-selfhosted | 43032 |
- awesome-vscode
- WatermelonDB
- web-development-template
- socialmanagertools-twbot - manager-tools | 43 |
- zoe - config ESLint toolchain with sensible defaults. | jorgegonzalez | 106 |
- tobi - source lightbox with no dependencies. | rqrauhvmra | 195 |
- emotion - in-JS library designed for high performance style composition | emotion-js | 10437 |
- length.js
- Front-End-Wizard
- awesome-mac
- minimist
- react-native
- react-simple-code-editor - frills code editor with syntax highlighting | satya164 | 466 |
- spinnies - line interface programs | jcarpanelli | 48 |
- serviceworker-cookbook
- jest-puppeteer - code | 2631 |
- netlify-cms - based CMS for Static Site Generators | netlify | 11246 |
- postgraphile - performance GraphQL API for your PostgreSQL database! | graphile | 8729 |
- nightmare - level browser automation library. | segmentio | 18217 |
- nuxt.js
- ajv - 04/06/07 | epoberezkin | 7166 |
- vector - host performance monitoring framework which exposes hand picked high resolution metrics to every engineer’s browser. | Netflix | 3354 |
- mkdirplz - plz 🙏 | terkelg | 10 |
- fx - line tool and terminal JSON viewer 🔥 | antonmedv | 9587 |
- omi - Frameworks Framework - 前端跨框架跨平台框架 | Tencent | 10919 |
- react-sortable-hoc - order components to turn any list into an animated, accessible and touch-friendly sortable list✌️ | clauderic | 7976 |
- rollup-plugin-loadz0r - named rollup plugin that makes code splitting “just work”, even with workers. | surma | 101 |
- - a JavaScript cost visualizer 💸 | GoogleChromeLabs | 99 |
- js-code-to-svg-flowchart - a visualization library to convert any JavaScript code into beautiful SVG flowchart. Learn other’s code. Design your code. Refactor code. Document code. Explain code. | Bogdan-Lyashenko | 5580 |
- tota11y
- ninetales
- popper-core
- material-ui - org | 56097 |
- react-popper
- react-router
- quill
- CodeMirror - browser code editor | codemirror | 19908 |
- laravel-mix
- qoa - line prompts | klaussinani | 1926 |
- statusfy
- next-plugins
- Fomantic-UI - UI is a community fork of Semantic-UI | fomantic | 1618 |
- generative-placeholders
- tiny-css-prefixer
- variable-type-tools
- react-tooltip
- react-syntax-highlighter
- react-spring - spring | 16556 |
- eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y
- draft-js
- asciiflow2
- tiptap - text editor for Vue.js | scrumpy | 6880 |
- juice-shop
- stylis.js
- mercury-parser
- viz.js
- jsPDF - side JavaScript PDF generation for everyone. | MrRio | 18809 |
- instantsearch.js
- eslint-plugin-import-helpers
- sentineljs
- 30-seconds-of-code - seconds | 55595 |
- axios-cache-adapter
- laxxx
- constyble
- snowpack
- decider
- amplitudejs
- contrast-ratio
- fingerprintjs2
- postcss-selector-not
- preact-ssr-prepass - in replacement for react-ssr-prepass | sventschui | 17 |
- nectarjs
- stripe-payments-demo
- postcss-responsive-type
- jexcel - based interactive tables and spreadsheets compatible with Excel or any other spreadsheet software. | paulhodel | 3493 |
- website
- react-zdog
- xstyled - components & emotion 💅👩🎤⚡️ | smooth-code | 1122 |
- mimic-fn
- FunctionScript
- tailwindcss-module - community | 327 |
- custom-forms
- javascript-fundamentals
- React95
- nord-visual-studio-code - bluish clean and elegant Visual Studio Code theme. | arcticicestudio | 604 |
- custom-starter
- effector
- openschufa
- styled-icons
- npm-check-updates
- beedle
- detect-it
- postcss-load-config - ciniawsky | 407 |
- mole
- hyperswarm
- browser-extension-template - publishing | notlmn | 139 |
- weekly-digest
- a11y-dialog
- remark-lint-no-dead-urls
- gatsby-starter-netlify-cms - templates | 1414 |
- sharec
- vanilla-js-state-management
- lazyload - the-fold images, videos and iframes to when they will enter the viewport. It's written in plain "vanilla" JavaScript, it leverages the IntersectionObserver API, it supports responsive images and enables native lazy loading. | verlok | 5153 |
- pack - pika-pack/ | pikapkg | 2044 |
- shaka-player - EME player | google | 3828 |
- supertest - agent driven library for testing node.js HTTP servers using a fluent API. | visionmedia | 9740 |
- ncc
- klaro
- bin-version-cli
- bin-version
- teston
- components
- license-generator
- astroturf - in-JS for those that want it all. | 4Catalyzer | 1641 |
- alasql - JavaScript SQL database for browser and Node.js. Handles both traditional relational tables and nested JSON data (NoSQL). Export, store, and import data from localStorage, IndexedDB, or Excel. | agershun | 4902 |
- webpackbar
- loadjs
- singlie
- lepto
- rogue.js - render React applications | alidlo | 1957 |
- fetch
- signale
- hypergit - to-peer git repositories. | noffle | 172 |
- rebound-js
- microstates.js
- unavatar
- electron-packager - specific bundles (.app, .exe, etc.) via JS or CLI | electron | 6992 |
- consola
- vue-enterprise-boilerplate - evolving, very opinionated architecture and dev environment for new Vue SPA projects using Vue CLI. | chrisvfritz | 5653 |
- vue-devtools
- - Based Games | nicolodavis | 7815 |
- scrollama
- Boostnote
- hazel
- next.js
- jsep
- ziggy
- TagUI - line tool for digital process automation (RPA) | kelaberetiv | 3482 |
- Syntax
- pkg
- planck.js
- release
- hyper-statusline
- switch
- bruno-arizio
- spanning-css-polyfill - devices | 36 |
- ninetales
- node-tap
- postcss-color-mod-function - mod() function in CSS | jonathantneal | 57 |
- netlify-plugin-a11y - yx | 8 |
- netlify-plugin-encrypted-files - yx | 5 |
- netlify-plugin-lighthouse - plugin-lighthouse | netlify-labs | 14 |
- netlify-plugin-no-more-404 - yx | 4 |
- craco - react-app | gsoft-inc | 1435 |
- cf-sentry
- cuid - resistant ids optimized for horizontal scaling and performance. | ericelliott | 2077 |
- node-simple-plist
- fathom-client - side routing | unstacked | 18 |
- picostyle
- avvio
- CIMonitor
- now-playing-printer
- selfdefined
- secret-local-storage - core-labs | 19 |
- riot-web - im | 4536 |
- bowser
- react-cropper
- payment-form-modal - samples | 51 |
- github-buttons
- wallace-cli
- devolution - > 🦖A de-evolution gun for your bundle! | theKashey | 125 |
- react-table
- star-history
- yo-yo
- picojs
- reason
- bs-preact
- bs-preact-starter
- reprocessing
- gravitron
- fastpack
- pfff - preserving source transformation. | facebookarchive | 2401 |
- google-drive-ocamlfuse
- flow
- flight - framework for PHP | mikecao | 2194 |
- browsehandsfree
- medialibrary-demo-laracon
- laravel-stubs
- flexible-presenter
- laravel-passwordless-login
- laravel-telescope-toolbar
- laravel-transactional-events
- laracasts-turbolinks
- p0wny-shell - file PHP shell | flozz | 716 |
- kasapi-php - API for PHP - manage your All-Inkl account with PHP | waza-ari | 16 |
- explicit-architecture-php
- laminas-diactoros
- mime-type-detection
- clock
- wants
- laracon-online-2020
- laravel-ide-helper
- laravel-impersonate
- laravel-invite-codes
- laravel-server-timing - Timing header information from within your Laravel apps. | beyondcode | 272 |
- LaravelResources
- laravel-jwtredis - authenticated users to be stored and management in Redis with their roles, permissions, statuses and anything you want. | sametsahindogan | 88 |
- z-engine
- FroshPlatformWebP
- laravel-mojito
- laravel-livewire-tables
- laravel-tail
- ssh
- curryable
- laravel-db-encrypter
- php-json-schema - schema based validation | swaggest | 234 |
- gutenberg-ramp - either from your theme code or from a UI | Automattic | 73 |
- nano
- SteamID.php
- tinyfilemanager
- php-openapi
- serializer
- paapi5-php-sdk
- google2fa
- sage
- laravel-populated-factory
- laravel-shared-data
- laravel-zip-validator
- weakmap-polyfill
- phpbench
- FroshPlatformMailArchive
- shlink - hosted URL shortener | shlinkio | 374 |
- nova-indicator-field - coded indicator field for Laravel Nova | inspheric | 84 |
- parser
- TwoFactorAuth
- Shopware6
- graphqlite
- examples
- soap-client
- KnpPaginatorBundle
- drivers
- laravel-backup-panel - mironchik | 190 |
- hpack - HTTP/2 header compression implementation in PHP. | amphp | 20 |
- laravel-migration-snapshot
- http-factory - 17 (HTTP Message Factories) | php-fig | 555 |
- httpful
- Negotiation
- changelog-generator
- iCal - creator for PHP | markuspoerschke | 795 |
- tuleap - based solution, project managers, developers & quality managers can easily build, deploy software projects. | Enalean | 616 |
- Better-Art-Direction
- phpat - Easy to use architectural testing tool for PHP :heavy_check_mark: | carlosas | 317 |
- laravel-exchange-rates - jc-allen | 117 |
- sentry-symfony
- valet-linux
- lumen-generator
- php-spellchecker
- extension-installer
- socket - blocking socket and TLS functionality for PHP based on Amp. | amphp | 88 |
- http-method
- polyfill-mbstring
- storefront
- flysystem-aws-s3-v3
- include-interceptor
- isemail
- FroshPlatformBunnycdnMediaStorage
- Laravel-Overflow
- sanctum
- ReflectionDocBlock
- PHP-Fuzzer
- production
- comment-analyzer
- tags
- support
- sentinel
- firevel
- stack-cors - origin resource sharing library and stack middleware. | asm89 | 879 |
- laravel-cors - Origin Resource Sharing) headers support in your Laravel application | fruitcake | 4987 |
- fast-cgi-client - FPM | hollodotme | 409 |
- redlock-php
- interceptor
- laravel-cors
- webgrind
- xhprof
- event-manager
- cache
- vatin
- ca-bundle
- stripe-laravel
- laravel-mail-css-inliner
- whoops
- hamcrest-php
- hashids - like ids from numbers. Use it when you don't want to expose your database ids to the user. | vinkla | 3815 |
- laravel-hashids
- git-wrapper
- aws-sdk-php
- pipeline
- Laravel-Lazy-Rest
- keep-a-changelog
- Laravel-Ably-Broadcaster
- persistence
- cleanup
- composer-vendor-cleaner
- pogo - PHP dependencies on the go | totten | 44 |
- Uguu
- pomf
- laravel-google-drive-demo - Demo project with Laravel 5.4 | ivanvermeyen | 239 |
- geo-timezone - Timezone PHP Library | minube | 26 |
- munus - oriented programming with the elegance of functional programming in PHP. | munusphp | 107 |
- data-models
- FroshPlatformTemplateMail
- kafka
- fuzzdb - box application fault injection and resource discovery. | fuzzdb-project | 4308 |
- laravel-trix - Houdini | 291 |
- apcu - APC User Cache | krakjoe | 804 |
- asset-packagist
- reactphp-http-middleware-twig
- path-util - platform utility for normalizing, comparing and modifying file paths. | webmozart | 364 |
- diff
- laravel-aws-sns
- promise - http | 1330 |
- socket-client - http | 49 |
- cache-plugin - 6 Cache plugin for HTTPlug | php-http | 221 |
- vcr-plugin - http | 10 |
- curl-client - http | 327 |
- HttplugBundle - http | 305 |
- client-common - http | 616 |
- safe-writer
- opentelemetry-php - telemetry | 49 |
- janephp
- github-action-next-semvers
- laravel-welcome-notification
- phpstan-banned-code
- psrcas
- php-pdftk
- php-wifi - platform PHP library for scan, connect and disconnect Wi-Fi networks. | sanchescom | 36 |
- laravel-multidomain
- php-option
- laravel-langman-gui
- blueprint - shift | 794 |
- php-github-api
- supercharge
- ip-lib
- shopwaredrivervalet
- laravel-compass
- credit-card - validation-rules | 110 |
- phone - validation-rules | 47 |
- timezone - validation-rules | 20 |
- us-state - validation-rules | 9 |
- ip - validation-rules | 13 |
- subdomain - validation-rules | 18 |
- colour - validation-rules | 15 |
- country-codes - validation-rules | 16 |
- n98-magerun2
- packages
- FroshTemplateMailMjml
- route-usage
- valet
- LaravelPostcodes
- notifiable-exception
- git-php
- PHP-Parallel-Lint
- php-defer - defer | 182 |
- pixelfed
- promises
- php-document-store - engine | 5 |
- php-watcher
- laravel-bakery - the-fly GraphQL Schema generator from Eloquent models for Laravel. | scrnhq | 65 |
- sqlout
- packagist - try if you need your own - | composer | 1374 |
- otphp - Labs | 715 |
- simple-excel
- flare-client-php
- killposer - created vendor directories that you do not need any more with a cli tool | tuqqu | 26 |
- FroshDevelopmentHelper
- php-macaroons
- php-console-spinner
- reauthenticate - enter their passwords for specific parts of your app. | mpociot | 280 |
- laravel-model-states
- geocodio-library-php
- apilogger
- flysystem-clamav
- fireable
- laravel-event-sourcing
- CssToInlineStyles - pages/files into HTML-pages/files with inline styles. This is very usefull when you're sending emails. | tijsverkoyen | 5211 |
- masked - php | 96 |
- laravel-locales
- laravel-multilingual-routes
- var-exporter
- clamav-validator - virus scanner | sunspikes | 186 |
- laravel-presets - and-play presets to scaffold your existing project. | sebastiaanluca | 2 |
- laravel-preset
- laravel-preset
- debounced-notifications
- laravel-sliding-window-limiter
- video-platforms-parser
- laravel-rate-limited-job-middleware
- Inflector
- holidayChecker - locale-aware | heiglandreas | 6 |
- classic-phpunit-bridge
- exedra
- portable-ascii - performance optimized (ascii) string functions for php. | voku | 68 |
- yang - 7 compliant JSON:API 1.1 client library for PHP | woohoolabs | 133 |
- php-scoper
- raven-php
- sql
- plus
- TrustedProxy
- laravel-cte
- dusk-updater
- anti-xss - site scripting (XSS) via PHP | voku | 326 |
- Stringy - A PHP string manipulation library with multibyte support, performance optimized | voku | 76 |
- laravel-totem
- yorn
- ignition
- guzzle-logger
- health-check
- pheanstalk
- sarb
- laravel-scout-array-driver
- laravel-hateoas
- laravel-custom-casts
- polyfill-php73
- laravel-merged-relations
- eloquent-has-many-deep
- phpsms
- courier
- diff-parser
- eloquent-hashids - the-fly hashids for Laravel Eloquent models. (🍰 Easy & ⚡ Fast) | mtvs | 136 |
- pdepend
- PHPCompatibility
- php-assumptions
- vapor-cli
- vapor-core
- Multitenancy - tenancy to Laravel | romegasoftware | 266 |
- laravel-postmark
- storageless-native-handler - sessions | 13 |
- session-encode-decode - sessions | 15 |
- tournament-generator
- aire
- feature-flags
- swoft - cloud | 4730 |
- sfughh-http-client-examples - requests in PHP | dbrumann | 5 |
- laravel-vue-i18n-generator - i18n compatible include file from your Laravel translations | martinlindhe | 287 |
- IsItMaintained
- composer-packages
- integration-tests - 6 cache implementation | php-cache | 34 |
- phpspec
- laravel-proximage
- laravel-s - of-the-box adapter between Swoole and Laravel/Lumen. | hhxsv5 | 2715 |
- nova-flexible-content
- phpstan-deprecation-rules
- psr7 - 7 implementation | Nyholm | 458 |
- iter8
- Aphplication - 2 | 25 |
- diff-match-patch - match-patch library ( | yetanotherape | 110 |
- laravel-sluggable
- mock-final-classes
- Axel - lightweight PHP autoloader with inbuilt caching | Level-2 | 15 |
- snitch
- alice
- argon2-refiner
- circuit-breaker-php
- laravel-model-settings
- geo-parser
- DoctrineExtensions
- laravel-cloud
- address-book
- laravel-scout-tntsearch-driver
- tntsearch
- Prequel
- scssphp
- core - platform | 1502 |
- scientist
- swag-docs-cart-change-price
- laravel-bref-bridge
- livewire - stack framework for Laravel that takes the pain out of building dynamic UIs. | livewire | 2849 |
- guzzle-tor
- Aura.Filter
- GUMP - alone PHP input validation class that allows you to validate any data | Wixel | 1048 |
- Validation
- Validator - php | 238 |
- State - php | 10 |
- Filter - php | 80 |
- subscribable-notifications
- TypeResolver - 5 based resolver of Class names, Types and Structural Element Names | phpDocumentor | 7673 |
- stripe
- packagist-api
- phirehose
- mongo-php-driver
- soap-client - webservices | 145 |
- gitonomy
- cron-expression
- php-ssllabs-api
- Buzz
- laravel-eloquent-uuid - in solution for providing UUID support for the IDs of your Eloquent models. | goldspecdigital | 203 |
- validation-composite - usage | illuminatech | 138 |
- laravel-jory
- mongo-php-library
- php-barcode-generator - bloated and framework independent. | picqer | 880 |
- laravel-dompdf
- phing
- phpDoc2pdf
- shortuuid-php
- turbolinks
- laravel-test-factory-helper
- FrontYAML
- laravel-blade-helper
- uuid-shortener
- laravel-media
- ProxyManager - generates and manages proxies of your objects | Ocramius | 3621 |
- phpstan-shopware
- php-enum
- lara-head - head :heart: @code4mk | code4mk | 142 |
- config
- converter - agnostic. | gocanto | 74 |
- liveprof-ui
- liveprof
- fullstack
- psr7 - 7 HTTP message library | guzzle | 6257 |
- testbench-core
- illuminate-psr-cache-bridge - 6 cache implementation that wraps Laravel's Cache component | madewithlove | 81 |
- laravel-webhook-client
- laravel-webhook-server
- test-time
- laravel-jit-loader - wiltshire | 210 |
- laravel-router
- laravel-boolean-dates
- FroshTinker
- web-php
- laravel-scout-mysql-driver
- laravel-db-snapshots
- laravel-actions
- laravel-preload
- opening-hours
- json-schema
- ui
- predaddy
- PhpTikaWrapper
- Laravel-5-Generators-Extended
- scout
- flysystem-dropbox
- dropbox-api
- PHP-Console-Color
- PHP-Console-Highlighter
- ffi-tutorial-gmp
- laravel-stripe-webhooks
- bearframework-app
- ZipStream-PHP
- coroutine
- laravel-keyable
- oooas
- constant_time_encoding - Time Character Encoding in PHP Projects | paragonie | 320 |
- gpg-mailer - encrypted emails made easy | paragonie | 89 |
- anti-csrf - Featured Anti-CSRF Library | paragonie | 226 |
- chronicle - only ledger microservice built with Slim Framework | paragonie | 416 |
- hidden-string
- multi_factor - Agnostic Two-Factor Authentication | paragonie | 133 |
- FroshPlatformAdminer
- FroshPlatformPerformance
- google-time-zone
- laravel-queues-demo-app
- laravel-resource-links
- commonmark-ext-external-link
- laravel-process-stamps
- slack-notification-channel
- Ekko
- wolff
- rector
- laravel-model-auditlog
- laravel-code-style - allan | 263 |
- phpinsights
- device-detector - org | 1640 |
- composer-bin-plugin
- spock
- SolidInvoice
- invoiceninja
- cache - 16 compatible cache library | yiisoft | 25 |
- you-are-using-it-wrong - safety downstream | Roave | 146 |
- slimdump - databases. | webfactory | 106 |
- laravel-translate
- popular-package-analysis
- router - ONLY] A framework-agnostic routing library | aphiria | 24 |
- php-sass
- core - taskman | 7 |
- travis - taskman | 1 |
- laravel-favicon-extractor
- MoneyType
- laravel-craftsman
- phunctional
- phploc
- fracker - and | 221 |
- laravel-query-cache
- larabank-projectors
- php-pdf-merge
- PDFMerger
- Tukio - 14 EventDispatcher specification. | Crell | 37 |
- mailer
- laravel-revisions
- yar-parser
- php-whois-client - level client that handles only request and raw output. | mallardduck | 8 |
- cloner
- laravel-helpers-file
- highlight.php
- sentry-laravel
- bedrock
- baum
- laravel-apidoc-generator
- laravel-search-string
- query-translator
- laravel-fixed-window-limiter
- laravel-authz - casbin | 85 |
- commonmark-ext-autolink - mentions | thephpleague | 11 |
- larabank-aggregates
- pingcrm
- inertia-laravel
- laravel-module-installer - modules into the Modules/ directory. | joshbrw | 89 |
- alt - like automatic alternative (alt) text for images using object detection with pre-trained model. | ankitpokhrel | 80 |
- commonmark-ext-table
- commonmark-attributes-extension
- Emoji
- flash
- collections
- no-leaks
- laravel-postal-code-validation
- composer-unused - unused | 459 |
- laravel-vouchers
- async
- laravel-export
- laravel-mix-preload
- bagisto
- openapi-validation-middleware - 7 and PSR-15 OpenAPI Validation Middleware | hkarlstrom | 75 |
- commonmark-ext-inlines-only
- laravel-stats
- laravel-flash
- jwt-auth
- php-compiler
- php-ast-visualizer
- guzzler
- sieve
- laracrud
- laravel-admin - featured administrative interface in ten minutes | z-song | 8272 |
- laravel-mail-editor
- rdebug
- commonmark-ext-smartpunct
- Markbench
- phpseclib
- laravel-create-user-cli - entry from cli with artisan | spresnac | 8 |
- web-frameworks - benchmarker | 3849 |
- laravel-personal-data-export
- php-coding-standard
- coding-standard
- laravel-factory-enhanced
- Fastcgi
- phpunit-arraysubset-asserts
- gitdown
- image-optimizer
- react-smtp-client
- fink
- event-loop
- - driven content aggregator | brendt | 465 |
- railt
- php-grandmaster
- snipe-migrations
- laravel-casbin - source access control library. | php-casbin | 37 |
- laravel-queueable-action
- helpers
- laravel-tinker-server
- laravel-package-tools - outside of Laravel. | beyondcode | 52 |
- CodeGenerationUtils - Parsers that ease its use when combined with Reflection | Ocramius | 85 |
- phpDocumentor
- phpunit-watcher
- laravel-options - value store in the database | appstract | 517 |
- phd
- blender
- Laravel-PHP-CS-Fixer - CS_Fixer | stechstudio | 85 |
- laravel-uptime-monitor
- rss-bridge - Bridge | 2155 |
- laravel-modules
- laravel-queue - enqueue | 121 |
- vue-pre
- server-side-rendering
- dom-crawler
- enum
- translation-sheet
- testbench
- markdown-extension
- laravel-csp
- phpjasper
- awesome-helpers - duper handy | calebporzio | 495 |
- framework - deal | 212 |
- FroshShareBasket
- laravel-favicon
- utils - 15 middlewares | middlewares | 40 |
- whoops - 15 middleware to use Whoops as error handler | middlewares | 28 |
- RuneShoppingWorldPages
- scout-extended
- concrete5
- processwire
- kirby
- pimcore
- laravel-reviewable
- media-embed
- laravel-eventsauce
- studio
- php-malware-detector
- socket
- child-process - driven library for executing child processes with ReactPHP. | reactphp | 200 |
- yii-project-template
- api-generator - code generator for Laravel framework, with complete support of JSON-API data format | SoliDry | 217 |
- foal
- typed
- php-doc-check
- narration - Empowering everyone to build reliable and loosely coupled web apps. | narration | 119 |
- laravel-mailbox
- laravel-analytics
- laravel-recaptcha
- LaravelEventSauce
- twill - end, back-end, and engineering directors: | area17 | 1868 |
- read-time
- simple-cache - fig | 7413 |
- laravel-permission
- laravel-helpers
- php-helpers
- twitch-api-php
- guzzle-rate-limiter-middleware
- PHPWord
- plex-api
- laravel-menu
- FroshHttpCacheIpExclude
- dusk-dashboard
- telegram-bot-php
- BackwardCompatibilityCheck
- Dont
- BetterReflection - in reflection API. | Roave | 744 |
- DoctrineSimpleCache - 16 Simple Cache | Roave | 53 |
- no-floaters - 754 floating point errors | Roave | 157 |
- elasticsearcher
- FroshMailArchive
- feeds
- harmony - 7, PSR-11, and PSR-15 | woohoolabs | 127 |
- swiftmailer
- guzzle6-adapter - http | 1185 |
- php-advanced-json-rpc
- web-bugs
- gson-php
- vfsStream
- php-fp-either - fp | 31 |
- FroshViewSnapshots
- KielCodingSecurityHeaders
- options-resolver
- byte-stream - blocking stream abstraction for PHP based on Amp. | amphp | 126 |
- orm
- php-cfg
- regex
- phpdotenv
- twital
- hibp
- phparse
- phpstan-webmozart-assert
- Laravel-Binput
- swap
- html-form-validator
- simple-qrcode - to-use PHP QrCode generator. | SimpleSoftwareIO | 1328 |
- corner - friendly | paragonie | 56 |
- igdb
- http-header-kit - 7 | sunrise-php | 56 |
- Honeypot
- laravel-searchable
- FroshPluginUploader
- psysh
- laravel-factory-prefill
- slack-notification-channel
- commonmark-highlighter
- period
- http-message-util - fig | 195 |
- laravel-notification
- laravel-collection-macros
- getallheaders
- php-casbin - casbin | 622 |
- laravel-gamify
- contracts
- composer-changelogs
- json-machine - to-use and fast PHP JSON stream parser | halaxa | 209 |
- laravel-websockets
- horizon
- spark-installer
- process - processes. | symfony | 6449 |
- PhpMetrics
- yii
- Organizr - Written in PHP | causefx | 2524 |
- html-sanitizer
- DeepCopy
- SwagShippingRestriction
- PHP_imap_open_exploit
- advanced-eloquent
- cloudflare-php
- FroshAMQP
- FroshIonCubeChecker
- slack-php-api
- cryptopals
- october - source, self-hosted CMS platform based on the Laravel PHP Framework. | octobercms | 9694 |
- kirby - v2 | 514 |
- php-markdown
- csrf-twig-helpers - Site Request Forgery) protection helpers for the Twig templating engine :cactus: | schnittstabil | 4 |
- html-compress-twig
- two-factor-bundle - factor authentication for Symfony applications | scheb | 348 |
- twig-php-function
- Laravel-GitLab
- Laravel-Throttle
- Laravel-Bitbucket
- Laravel-Security - xss for Laravel | GrahamCampbell | 118 |
- Laravel-GitHub
- yaml
- yaml
- Laravel-Markdown
- laravel-auto-presenter - decorating models with presenters | laravel-auto-presenter | 692 |
- Laravel-Exceptions
- Laravel-DigitalOcean
- neo4jphp
- neo4j-php-ogm
- neo4j-php-client
- NeoEloquent
- framework - tolerant PHP Framework for Distributed Applications. | kraken-php | 1121 |
- plugin-php
- migrations
- laravel-database-hashing
- finder
- laravel-initializer - web | 554 |
- laravel-queryable
- mercurius - time Messenger for Laravel | launcher-host | 293 |
- laravel-tag-helper
- SecLists
- phive - io | 330 |
- mongolid-laravel - merlin-br | 217 |
- iCalcreator
- server
- redaxo - based CMS since 2004. Both simple and flexible. | redaxo | 252 |
- zttp - experience focused HTTP client, optimized for most common use cases. | kitetail | 1641 |
- HashBin
- service-bus - subscribe pattern) implementation | php-service-bus | 249 |
- math - precision arithmetic library for PHP | brick | 361 |
- github-to-mysql
- ext-decimal - rounded, arbitrary precision decimal floating-point arithmetic in PHP 7 | php-decimal | 205 |
- functional-php
- laravel-module-loader
- telescope
- laravel-tournaments
- period
- chronos
- ShyimLanguageShopSession
- composer-patches
- data-transfer-object
- php-terminal-nes-emulator - tomoki | 626 |
- log-fake
- twirp
- laravel-validation-rules
- laravel-pwned-passwords
- Laravel-Nova-Excel
- laravel-imageup
- laravel-mail-viewer
- safe
- health
- laravel-view-models
- laratables
- larecipe - hadad | 1540 |
- easydb-cache
- laravel-blade-x
- var-packagist-search
- laravel-translatable
- nova-translatable
- ssl-certificate
- closure
- sonos-common
- sonos-cloud
- DIC - 11 container | 1ma | 17 |
- demo
- nova-tags-field
- laravel-enum
- nova-element-ui
- avatars-io-php - io-php | jjaffeux | 46 |
- Pico
- pixeler
- GitElephant
- container
- mini2
- extended-cpts
- filterus
- RingPHP
- last-wishes - Driven Design approach. It's one of the sample applications where you can check the concepts explained in the "Domain-Driven Design in PHP" book. | dddinphp | 526 |
- http-client
- PHPSandbox - based sandboxing library with a full suite of configuration and validation options. | Corveda | 139 |
- tc-lib-pdf - PHP PDF Library - | tecnickcom | 848 |
- mpdf - 8 encoded HTML | mpdf | 2559 |
- html2pdf
- laragon - to-use and easy-to-extend. | leokhoa | 1403 |
- streaming-json-encoder - php | 214 |
- instagram-php-scraper
- rsync - free wrapper library for PHP7.1+ | xobotyi | 78 |
- laravel-love
- nova-laravel-update-card
- alfred-phpdoc-search
- polyfill-intl-icu
- phpmig
- PhpSpreadsheet
- laravel-nova-localizations
- nova-vat-field
- nova-permission - permission library | vyuldashev | 237 |
- once
- skeleton-nova-tool
- nova-backup-tool
- nova-tail-tool
- Carbon
- BinaryDriver - fr | 137 |
- PHP-Vars-To-Js-Transformer
- FroshPerformance
- version - io | 6147 |
- php-censor - hosted continuous integration server for PHP projects. | php-censor | 565 |
- msgphp
- amazon-alexa-php
- Queue
- giscus
- algoliasearch-laravel-example
- utils
- PHP-PrivacyPolicy - im | 243 |
- ComposerRequireChecker
- toml
- socialite - manager | 30 |
- oauth2-client
- oauth1-client
- mail-mime-parser
- php-to-c-extension
- phpunit-snapshot-assertions
- datatables - side processing for Datatables, in a fast and simple way. | n1crack | 150 |
- zend-problem-details - 7 applications. | zendframework | 50 |
- laravel-responsecache
- laravel-handlers
- laravel-visits
- php-malware-finder
- laravel-paypal
- laravel-vue-cli-3
- zend-stratigility - 7 and PSR-15 | zendframework | 248 |
- redisearch-php
- composer-patches
- store-plugin-installer
- php-json-comment
- alfred-laravel-docs - fast Laravel docs search workflow for Alfred 3 | tillkruss | 235 |
- laravel-cookie-consent
- easydb - to-use PDO wrapper for PHP projects. | paragonie | 573 |
- sequel-pro-laravel-export
- schema-org
- php-magic-tricks - X-mas Meetup Berlin | chr-hertel | 94 |
- php-giantbomb
- laravel-view-xray
- laravel-inline-translation
- laravel-sitemap
- laravel-query-detector
- LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle
- stream-parser - format Streaming Parser | Rodenastyle | 367 |
- framework - zero | 127 |
- clockwork - php dev tools integrated to your browser - server-side component | itsgoingd | 2627 |
- php-resque
- php-amqplib - amqplib | 3391 |
- php-cron-expr
- kontrolio
- biz-framework
- Twine
- laravel-relationship-events
- laravel-dump-server - Dump Server to Laravel | beyondcode | 1197 |
- Chassis
- jikan - me | 388 |
- grocery-crud
- Payme - gateway payment platform for PHP | Shoperti | 47 |
- lawoole - performance PHP framework based on Laravel and Swoole | lawoole | 300 |
- php-mediainfo
- htmlpurifier
- phpweaver - analysis tool, that can trace parameter types | troelskn | 72 |
- framework
- idbg
- JsonRpc - RPC 2.0 server for PHP 7.1+ | 1ma | 25 |
- php-json-rpc - tested JSON-RPC 2.0 for PHP | datto | 129 |
- Numbase
- basen
- php-invert-color
- parsedown-party
- phalcon-ext
- ip
- yay
- laravel-er-diagram-generator
- laravel-self-diagnosis - Diagnosis Tests On Your Laravel Application | beyondcode | 1084 |
- eventy - like actions and filters for Laravel | tormjens | 270 |
- tenancy - domain setups. | tenancy | 729 |
- laravel-eloquent-status
- json
- laravel-localization-to-vue - bot | 168 |
- php-gui
- laravel-event-projector-demo-app - event-projector package | spatie | 41 |
- wprig
- framework - 15, PSR-7, PSR-11 lightweight modular anti-framework for REST services. | igniphp | 244 |
- avatar
- object-graph
- dephpend
- phpcpd
- buddy-works-php-api - works | 10 |
- middleman - 15 / PSR-7 middleware dispatcher | mindplay-dk | 88 |
- getopt-php - line argument processing | getopt-php | 281 |
- str
- uuid
- zend-code
- Faker
- console
- bref
- laravel-view-components
- laravel-menu
- sheets
- laravel-visual-diff
- laravel-slack
- dusk
- dbunit
- php-code-coverage
- phpcov - code-coverage | sebastianbergmann | 143 |
- PHPCoverageBadge
- tailwindo
- php-jwt
- zend-config
- zend-diactoros - 7 HTTP Message implementation | zendframework | 1576 |
- SalienCheat
- laravel-geoip
- skeleton - pds | 1432 |
- skeleton
- laravel-event-projector
- github
- FroshEnvironmentNotice
- FroshAlgolia
- emojione - toolkit. | joypixels | 4472 |
- gotenberg-php-client
- semver
- plates
- commonmark - extensible PHP Markdown parser which fully supports the CommonMark and GFM specs. | thephpleague | 1403 |
- php-ini
- cache - 6/PSR-16 compatible disk/array cache for PHP | duncan3dc | 7 |
- blade
- phan - positives and attempts to prove incorrectness rather than correctness. | phan | 4782 |
- bom-string
- object-intruder
- console
- meta-audio
- speaker
- sonos
- eloquent-sluggable
- s-flow
- laravel-confirm-email
- php-opencv-examples - opencv | 257 |
- laravel-nuxt - Nuxt starter project template. | cretueusebiu | 718 |
- tdbm
- laravel-activitylog
- laravel-schemaless-attributes
- proxy-sdk-php
- Serializard
- serialization - ONLY] A framework-agnostic serialization library | aphiria | 3 |
- serializer - )serializing data of any complexity (supports JSON, and XML) | schmittjoh | 1837 |
- ciphersweet - level encryption for PHP projects | paragonie | 277 |
- mcrypt_compat
- editorconfig-checker.php - checker | 39 |
- devilbox
- backup-manager - manager | 1466 |
- language-detection
- phpab
- laravel-https
- Mail - PHP | 164 |
- progpilot
- jsonq
- magento-amg-sentry-extension
- magento-amg-sentry-extension
- phpcs-security-audit - security-audit is a set of PHP_CodeSniffer rules that finds vulnerabilities and weaknesses related to security in PHP code | FloeDesignTechnologies | 430 |
- typed
- countries
- super_closure
- jobby
- CrontabManager
- php-crontab-manager
- dav - io | 1018 |
- tumblr.php
- mockery
- koselig
- money
- pre-plugin
- yay
- page-cache
- browsershot
- uxdm
- laravel-swoole
- lighthouse
- table-flip
- shopware-ppm
- DI
- Container
- phpbash - interactive PHP shell compressed into a single file. | Arrexel | 463 |
- bridge - ONLY] Quartz scheduler bridge | php-quartz | 2 |
- pvm
- zend-expressive - 15 middleware in minutes! | zendframework | 768 |
- auth-tests - current tests for Laravel's authentication system. Curated by the community. | DCzajkowski | 194 |
- PhpEnums
- geodesy-php - Port of some known geodesic/math functions for getting distance from a known point A to a known point B given their coordinates. It also supports conversion between units of length, Polar position to Cartesian coordinates, and different Reference Datums. | jtejido | 20 |
- tripod-php
- platform - office applications, admin panel or CMS your Laravel app. | orchidsoftware | 1591 |
- panther
- photo-blog
- kahlan
- firefly-iii - iii | 4353 |
- SPFtoolbox
- php-business-time
- Atlas.Orm
- PHP-Parser
- FroshVariantSwitch
- laravel-feed
- GraphDS - structure in PHP | algb12 | 77 |
- dusk
- php-webdriver - webdriver | php-webdriver | 3988 |
- glide - demand image manipulation library with an HTTP based API. | thephpleague | 1948 |
- cigar
- exakat
- PackageVersions
- yii2-socketio
- progress-bar-log
- climate
- phpactor
- messenger
- Centcount-Analytics - source web analytics software. Developed by PHP + MySQL + Redis, Can be easily deployed on your own server, 100% data ownership. | WMJonssen | 232 |
- yii-monolog
- wphunter
- zubr
- page-cache - in. | mmamedov | 57 |
- php-language-server
- doorman
- laravel-nestable
- FluentDOM
- atoum
- FastRoute
- iter
- ecoji-php
- phpchunkit - PHPUnit test runner with test chunking capabilities. | jwage | 247 |
- event-store
- broadway
- EventSauce
- cors - 15/Swoft/Slim/ThinkPHP) - PHP CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) middleware. | medz | 249 |
- phulp
- Fuse
- subrion - open source php content management system. | intelliants | 252 |
- laravel-deployer - downtime deployment out-of-the-box | lorisleiva | 1018 |
- lambdaphp - kumar | 447 |
- lumen-api-starter
- laravel-guzzle-throttle - advanced-throttle. | hamburgscleanest | 70 |
- parsedown
- pwned-validator
- asciitosvg
- PHPloy - Incremental Git (S)FTP deployment tool that supports multiple servers, submodules and rollbacks. | banago | 1347 |
- slopeone - based collaborative filtering scheme. | phpjuice | 66 |
- consistence - consistent approach and additions to PHP's functionality | consistence | 175 |
- framework - modern aspect-oriented framework for the new level of software development | goaop | 1380 |
- yasumi
- asset
- cache - 6 implementation for adding cache to your applications. | symfony | 2860 |
- config
- event-dispatcher
- form
- slugify
- inflector
- polyfill-php72
- security
- stopwatch
- translation
- validator - 303 Bean Validation specification. | symfony | 1895 |
- zend-eventmanager
- PHP-DI - DI | 1873 |
- laravel-shareable-models
- churn-php
- laravel-zero - zero | 2174 |
- SimplePHPEasyPlus
- nyancat-phpunit-resultprinter
- zend-crypt
- php-generator
- PHPDebugConsole
- laravel-vue-spa - router 3, Vuex 3, Axios | anindya-dhruba | 165 |
- laravel-vue-spa - Vue SPA starter project template. | cretueusebiu | 2094 |
- easy-ecc - Level Usability Wrapper for PHPECC | paragonie | 24 |
- laravel-model-status
- psalm
- amp - blocking concurrency framework for PHP applications. 🐘 | amphp | 2623 |
- incoming - typed data structures | Rican7 | 234 |
- FroshTemplateMail
- tus-php
- laravel-console-menu - school/cli-menu wrapper for Laravel/Artisan Console Commands | nunomaduro | 696 |
- prestissimo
- cli-menu - school | 1656 |
- pwned-passwords
- reactphp-stdio - driven and UTF-8 aware console input & output (STDIN, STDOUT) for truly interactive CLI applications, built on top of ReactPHP. | clue | 165 |
- reactphp-http-middleware-session
- lara-crud
- laracart
- laravel-query-builder
- storageless - less PSR-7 session support | psr7-sessions | 515 |
- composer-normalize
- portable-utf8 - 8 library - performance optimized (unicode) string functions for php. | voku | 368 |
- dbal
- password_exposed - Check if a password has been exposed in a data breach. | DivineOmega | 185 |
- guzzle
- siler - files and plain-old PHP functions rockin'on as a set of general purpose high-level abstractions. | leocavalcante | 913 |
- BinaryDriver - FFMpeg | 13 |
- numphp
- PHP-FFMpeg - FFMpeg | 3240 |
- php-meminfo
- phpunit-speedtrap - running tests in your PHPUnit test suite | johnkary | 629 |
- paratest
- FUnit
- composer
- CSP-useful
- php-cross-domain-proxy
- NetcomMigrations - Connect-GmbH | 13 |
- LineReader
- SwagPaymentPayPalUnified
- security-advisories
- hashing
- php-encryption
- xdebug
- semver
- infection
- php-pm - pm | 5992 |
- paseto - Agnostic Security Tokens | paragonie | 2407 |
- panel - source game server management panel built with PHP7, Nodejs, and Go. Designed with security in mind, Pterodactyl runs all game servers in isolated Docker containers while exposing a beautiful and intuitive UI to administrators and users. | pterodactyl | 1677 |
- phpunit-pretty-result-printer - - make your PHPUnit tests look pretty! | mikeerickson | 1178 |
- symfony
- thanks
- shopware-store-api-bridge
- laravel-medialibrary
- phpbrew
- entrust - based Permissions for Laravel 5 | Zizaco | 6177 |
- GraphQL - php | 718 |
- graphql-php
- twig-renderer
- monolog
- bolt
- pretty - CS-Fixer | mnapoli | 103 |
- envoy
- phpunit
- yii2-queue
- search-request
- ui - code Framework for Web Apps in PHP | atk4 | 276 |
- flysystem-google-drive
- flysystem-google-drive - pon | 214 |
- Porter - purpose data import library for publishing APIs and SDKs. | ScriptFUSION | 526 |
- enqueue-dev - provided by Forma-Pro | php-enqueue | 1671 |
- laravel-backup
- laravel-page-speed
- collision - line applications | nunomaduro | 3403 |
- promise
- SwagProductDiscount
- deployer
- deployer
- event
- csv
- dompdf
- laravel-log-viewer
- laravel-debugbar
- flysystem
- snappy
- pupper-php
- ShyimMigration
- swagger-php
- reactphp - driven, non-blocking I/O with PHP. | reactphp | 7341 |
- halite - level cryptography interface powered by libsodium | paragonie | 887 |
- botman
- Ratchet
- image
- laravel-blade-directives
- FroshOptimusMediaOptimizer - Plugin to optimize thumbnails with | FriendsOfShopware | 7 |
- WbmTagManager
- wp-cli - CLI framework | wp-cli | 4124 |
- ShyimPluginManager
- FroshWebP
- yii-whoops
- LaravelInstaller
- php-stub-generator - files for your php classes. | Setasign | 13 |
- sw.ext.neti_php_excel
- laravel-user-verification
- PHP_CodeSniffer
- groupgridview
- GameQ
- passport
- php-rss-writer
- jsonfeed
- EmailValidator
- php-ssh
- bouncer
- phpbu - Creates and encrypts database and file backups, syncs your backups to other servers or cloud services and assists you monitor your backup process | sebastianfeldmann | 1098 |
- yii-sentry
- mavo-php
- monica
- imdbphp
- partyline
- cms - friendly CMS for creating custom digital experiences on the web and beyond. | craftcms | 2041 |
- smarty - php | 1633 |
- FroshMailCatcher
- dota2-api
- psh - PHP shell helper | shopwareLabs | 44 |
- Baikal - io | 1626 |
- vobject - io | 459 |
- PHPPresentation
- laravel-mix-typescript-example
- jsonfeed-wp
- adminer
- redaxo_yrewrite
- Parser-PHP
- simplepie
- yii2-imagine
- giantbomb-php-api
- pinboard
- shopware-sentry
- php-semver-checker
- grumphp - quality tool | phpro | 3158 |
- Sylius
- security-checker
- Sami
- Goutte
- pickle
- yii2-eauth-demo
- yii2-eauth
- yii2-authclient
- unirest-php
- grav - File CMS | getgrav | 11874 |
- phpmd - off project of PHP Depend and aims to be a PHP equivalent of the well known Java tool PMD. PHPMD can be seen as an user friendly frontend application for the raw metrics stream measured by PHP Depend. | phpmd | 1682 |
- plugin-info
- assert - model | beberlei | 1975 |
- whoops-for-shopware
- FroshAdminer
- bugsnag-php
- php-sepa-xml - sepa-xml | 124 |
- windows-setup
- php-caddy
- graby
- FroshProfiler
- pla
- php-framework-benchmark
- cphalcon - stack PHP framework delivered as a C extension. | phalcon | 10124 |
- laravel
- tweetnest
- phpfastcache - performance backend cache system. It is intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load. Well implemented, it can drops the database load to almost nothing, yielding faster page load times for users, better resource utilization. It is simple yet powerful. | PHPSocialNetwork | 2012 |
- framework
- sw-cli-tools
- php-iban - correct and present IBAN (and IIBAN) bank account information in PHP. | globalcitizen | 319 |
- portier-php
- php-ref
- kint - a powerful and modern PHP debugging tool. | kint-php | 2395 |
- Froxlor - The official Froxlor development Git repository | Froxlor | 1140 |
- stripe-php
- shopware - For Shopware 6 visit | shopware | 1128 |
- oauth2-server
- labs
- gd-text - lined text, horizontal and vertical alignment. | stil | 304 |
- DropboxUploader
- wp-a11y-links
- safemysql
- csp-builder - Security-Policy headers from a JSON file (or build them programmatically) | paragonie | 479 |
- klein.php
- Cachet
- php-o - syntax for PHP | jsebrech | 210 |
- matomo - in. We love Pull Requests! | matomo-org | 12931 |
- directus - Proof Headless CMS & API for Custom Databases | directus | 6474 |
- ORM - Relational Mapping for PHP | DenBeke | 4 |
- PHP-CLI-Progress-Bar
- Crimp.php
- php-graph-sdk
- SteamAuth
- cron-manager - type applications | MUlt1mate | 377 |
- Core
- query-tracer
- http2img - load images using HTTP/2 Server Push | trogau | 11 |
- podcastprofile
- phpmyadmin
- ssldecoder
- php-proxy - labs | 2 |
- install-github-updater - in class to install / activate the GitHub Updater plugin | mgibbs189 | 11 |
- xml - php | 2 |
- secure-shred
- laravel-morphable
- FroshSupportLibrary
- FroshContentTypes
- php-mime-type - types lib for PHP | xobotyi | 33 |
- laraback
- Instagram-API
- eloquent-builder-macros
- router
- web
- shopware-zeit-now
- emittr
- simple-twitch-bot
- Chat-API
- php-ml - ML - Machine Learning library for PHP | php-ai | 7819 |
- yii-easyimage
- jigsaw
- deptrac - de | 1149 |
- laravel-breadcrumbs - A simple Laravel-style way to create breadcrumbs. | davejamesmiller | 2260 |
- SwagFixDeprecatedTlsInSmtp
- Laravel-Excel
- SwagFixDeprecatedTlsInSmtp
- laravel-verify-new-email
- php-stream-filter
- php-socket-raw - level sockets extension (ext-sockets) | clue | 224 |
- laravel-paddle
- crater
- laravel-trix - Houdini | 291 |
- github-updater
- tenancy
- gclib
- PhpCodeFixer
- swag-docs-cart-change-price
- skeleton-php
- symplify
- vue-pre
- goridge - performance PHP-to-Golang IPC bridge | spiral | 811 |
- concrete5
- Laravel-lang
- forge-sdk
- box
- RubixML - level machine learning and deep learning library for the PHP language. | RubixML | 788 |
- SwagShippingRestriction
- DigitalOceanV2
- freescout - hosted help desk & shared mailbox (Zendesk / Help Scout alternative) | freescout-helpdesk | 699 |
- larastan
- 30-seconds-of-php - seconds | 2329 |
- tripod-php
- server-status
- assert
- php-library-template
- SwagPaymentPayPalUnified
- SwagBrowserLanguage
- PHP-CS-Fixer
- vat-calculator
- flexible-presenter
- laravel-mail-preview
- raven-php
- tlint
- supercharge
- laravel-sign-in-with-apple
- laravel-sns-events
- laravel-translate
- giscus
- looking-glass
- platformsh-cli
- statie - ONLY] Use Symfony plugin instead → | symplify | 91 |
- Laravel-Nova-Excel
- last-wishes - Driven Design approach. It's one of the sample applications where you can check the concepts explained in the "Domain-Driven Design in PHP" book. | dddinphp | 526 |
- befriended - like features like following, blocking and filtering content based on following or blocked models. | rennokki | 463 |
- stream-parser - format Streaming Parser | Rodenastyle | 367 |
- shopware-vagrant
- DesignPatternsPHP
- php-compat-info
- wondercms - fast and small flat file CMS (5 files) | robiso | 242 |
- voyager - The Missing Laravel Admin | the-control-group | 9291 |
- clean-code-php
- laracom - Commerce Software | Laracommerce | 1112 |
- puphpeteer
- 30-seconds-of-python - seconds | 6279 |
- PHP-Internals-Book
- yapf
- dispatch - hoc things you're doing to manage incidents today, done for you, and much more! | Netflix | 1930 |
- pseudo-channel - app using the python-plex-api to control a plex-client and act like a real TV channel with show scheduling, commercial breaks, movie nights, etc. "Home-Brewed TV Channel(s) for Hackers" | justinemter | 92 |
- python-n26 - | femueller | 69 |
- clean-text
- newspaper - text, and article metadata extraction in Python 3. Advanced docs: | codelucas | 9307 |
- nixops - based cloud deployment tool | NixOS | 619 |
- trellis
- spaCy - strength Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python and Cython | explosion | 16134 |
- stylegan2 - Official TensorFlow Implementation | NVlabs | 3709 |
- Docker-Shopware
- linecache_light
- Tenma - browser reader | Tenma-Server | 184 |
- calibre-web
- textgenrnn - generating neural network of any size and complexity on any text dataset with a few lines of code. | minimaxir | 3667 |
- Serverless-Goat
- flan
- asciinema
- Plex-Trakt-Scrobbler
- - enabling YOUR network! | supersat | 44 |
- aoc-dev-resources
- sherlock - project | 11096 |
- manim
- delete-tweets
- tavern - line tool and Python library and Pytest plugin for automated testing of RESTful APIs, with a simple, concise and flexible YAML-based syntax | taverntesting | 608 |
- Corsy
- PHPFuck
- OpenDoor - web | 480 |
- LinkFinder
- glances
- localstack
- PythonPlantsVsZombies
- howdy
- spleeter
- rockstar
- image-super-resolution - scale your images and run experiments with Residual Dense and Adversarial Networks. | idealo | 1684 |
- ipwndfu - source jailbreaking tool for many iOS devices | geohot | 86 |
- Jarvis
- galaxy
- ipwndfu - source jailbreaking tool for many iOS devices | axi0mX | 5674 |
- steam-missing-covers-downloader
- kubernetes-workshop
- get-profile-data-of-repo-stargazers-graphql
- cascadia-code
- c9-python-getting-started
- ml-glossary
- deep-head-pose
- wemake-python-styleguide - services | 902 |
- DeDRM_tools
- taurus - friendly framework for Continuous Testing by | Blazemeter | 1183 |
- opendrop - lab | 4046 |
- mediasession
- wifiphisher
- cython
- tiler - faria | 4169 |
- strictyaml - safe YAML parser and validator. | crdoconnor | 648 |
- project_alias - word/sound, and once trained, Alias can take control over your home assistant by activating it for you. | bjoernkarmann | 1399 |
- Wordpress-XMLRPC-Brute-Force-Exploit
- git-revise - memory commit rebases & fixups | mystor | 422 |
- latexrun
- grapheneX
- eegsynth - time EEG into sounds, music and visual effects | eegsynth | 159 |
- video-object-removal
- dharma - based, context-free grammar fuzzer. | MozillaSecurity | 344 |
- avalanche - free grammars to generate randomized outputs for fuzz-testing. | MozillaSecurity | 26 |
- grizzly - platform browser fuzzing framework | MozillaSecurity | 202 |
- celery
- face_recognition
- pontoon
- httpx
- spotify-downloader
- - source, interactive graphing library for Python (includes Plotly Express) :sparkles: | plotly | 6369 |
- GitGot - automated, feedback-driven tool to rapidly search through troves of public data on GitHub for sensitive secrets. | BishopFox | 851 |
- glacier-vault-remove
- mkchromecast
- addons-server
- speedtest-cli
- - like syntax in plain Python | jviide | 81 |
- atomic
- anchore-engine - defined acceptance policies to allow automated container image validation and certification | anchore | 849 |
- gogapidocs
- vulnx
- DeleteFB
- mozdownload
- realtweetornotbot
- stethoscope - focused recommendations for employee information security. | Netflix-Skunkworks | 1867 |
- chainbreaker
- PySnooper - RR | 13359 |
- GitHacker - box auditing and analysis of developers' mind | WangYihang | 340 |
- python-shortcuts - akhmetov | 491 |
- starless
- uds
- stronghold
- psd-tools - tools | 525 |
- CheatSheetSeries
- papermill
- core - assistant | 32494 |
- feedparser
- automl-gs
- paper-tips-and-tricks
- eht-imaging
- nvidia-patch - grade GPUs. | keylase | 1026 |
- beagle
- pytype
- instantbox - to-go Linux box in seconds. | instantbox | 2941 |
- speedtest-tools
- wait-for-it
- wesng - Next Generation | bitsadmin | 1623 |
- neural-mmo
- Awesome-WAF - application firewalls (WAF). | 0xInfection | 2707 |
- cyber-security-framework - security | 21 |
- gpt-2
- PayloadsAllTheThings
- faceswap
- python-cheatsheet
- stylegan - Official TensorFlow Implementation | NVlabs | 9218 |
- h4cker - Art-of-Hacking | 6179 |
- clusterfuzz
- plex_autoscan
- stanza
- apprise - Push Notifications that work with just about every platform! | caronc | 2783 |
- catt
- bash-lambda-layer
- howmanypeoplearearound
- flair - of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP) | flairNLP | 8393 |
- uncaptcha2
- multiscanner
- vpn-at-home - click, self-hosted deployment of OpenVPN with DNS ad blocking sinkhole | ezaquarii | 1061 |
- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
- pytext
- wharf
- loguru
- tumblr-utils
- trio - trio | 3083 |
- DeepZine
- pixelhouse
- hall-of-fame - io | 679 |
- jellylanguage
- Dshell
- XSStrike
- Inboxen
- domato
- cipherscan
- kamerka - ciech | 1067 |
- optical-illusion-dataset
- terrain-erosion-3-ways
- wal-e - e | 3071 |
- gixy
- game-programmer
- hosts - curated sources like,,,, and potentially others. You can optionally invoke extensions to block additional sites by category. | StevenBlack | 14969 |
- ansible
- mackup
- thefuck
- Python
- macOS-Security-and-Privacy-Guide
- learn-python
- lexicon
- sentry-plugins
- laravan - machine provisioning and app deployment | jsphpl | 37 |
- trackerjacker
- T2F
- exchangeratesapi
- arxiv-vanity - vanity | 1022 |
- Raccoon
- public-apis - apis | 75624 |
- django
- pendulum
- mitmproxy - capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers. | mitmproxy | 18364 |
- vibora - io | 5557 |
- termtosvg
- openradar-mirror
- Airplayer
- inter
- learn_math_fast
- gif-for-cli
- chainer
- flask
- PathPicker - - output from git commands, grep results, searches -- pretty much anything.After parsing the input, PathPicker presents you with a nice UI to select which files you're interested in. After that you can open them in your favorite editor or execute arbitrary commands. | facebook | 4373 |
- prophet - linear growth. | facebook | 10502 |
- supervisor
- black
- SmoothLife
- monkey - An automated pentest tool | guardicore | 3123 |
- legit
- doitlive
- backintime - A simple backup tool for Linux | bit-team | 862 |
- ordered-arrowverse
- kaRdaSShian
- Pokemon-Terminal
- Crunch
- usbkill - forensic kill-switch that waits for a change on your USB ports and then immediately shuts down your computer. | hephaest0s | 2783 |
- huepy
- docker-rust
- tandem - editor, collaborative text-editing! | typeintandem | 679 |
- face-alignment
- Detectron - CNN and RetinaNet. | facebookresearch | 23075 |
- haveibeenpwned_lastpass
- tribler
- FastPhotoStyle
- Tautulli
- wtfpython
- CloudFlair - wide scan data from Censys. | christophetd | 985 |
- open-paperless
- PyBoy
- PlexConnect - think different... | iBaa | 1860 |
- datasette
- pretix
- Dragonfire - source virtual assistant for Ubuntu based Linux distributions | DragonComputer | 1001 |
- sketch-to-react-native
- zzzzz
- gitsuggest
- trytravis
- Cinema4D-Threejs-Exporter
- bumpversion - bump your software with a single command | peritus | 1308 |
- Radicale
- sentry - platform application monitoring, with a focus on error reporting. | getsentry | 24474 |
- mailinabox - in-a-Box helps individuals take back control of their email by defining a one-click, easy-to-deploy SMTP+everything else server: a mail server in a box. | mail-in-a-box | 8996 |
- himawaripy - realtime picture of Earth as your desktop background | boramalper | 1330 |
- codespell - project | 292 |
- streamlink
- scrapy - level web crawling & scraping framework for Python. | scrapy | 36652 |
- system-design-primer - scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards. | donnemartin | 88568 |
- suite - a scheduling application for hundreds of workers | Staffjoy | 800 |
- youtube-dl - line program to download videos from and other video sites | ytdl-org | 63928 |
- mycli
- FreeWifi
- fail2ban
- big-list-of-naughty-strings - input data. | minimaxir | 35546 |
- open_exoplanet_catalogue
- git-gud
- dereferer
- pelican
- cdtea
- have-fun-with-machine-learning
- slackify
- neural-enhance
- sqlmap
- flask_jsondash - end code. Use your own endpoints. JSON config only. Ready to go. | christabor | 3021 |
- weight-loss
- TopDeepLearning
- PokemonGo-DesktopMap - Map | mchristopher | 1814 |
- PS4-3.55-Code-Execution-PoC
- RocketMap
- PTCAccount
- PGO-mapscan-opt
- pynder
- smoke
- Prebake
- livestreamer - line utility that extracts streams from various services and pipes them into a video player of choice. No longer maintained, use streamlink or youtube-dl instead. | chrippa | 3740 |
- ludwig
- WPSeku - Wordpress Security Scanner | m4ll0k | 703 |
- instagram-scraper
- awesome-python
- generative_art
- instagram_bot_python
- pokemon_go_username_check
- models - trained and Reproduced Deep Learning Models (『飞桨』官方模型库,包含多种学术前沿和工业场景验证的深度学习模型) | PaddlePaddle | 4364 |
- codemod - scale codebase refactors that can be partially automated but still require human oversight and occasional intervention. Codemod was developed at Facebook and released as open source. | facebook | 3337 |
- ASCII-generator
- TensorFlow-Course - to-use tutorials for TensorFlow | machinelearningmindset | 14240 |
- toapi
- isso
- httpie - tee-tee-pie/ 🥧 Modern command line HTTP client – user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc. | jakubroztocil | 46280 |
- instabot
- Ciphey
- pyodide - project | 3613 |
- bullet
- deep-learning-roadmap - A kick-starter | machinelearningmindset | 3703 |
- DeepZine
- caddy-ansible
- ArchiveBox - hosted web archive. Takes browser history/bookmarks/Pocket/Pinboard/etc., saves HTML, JS, PDFs, media, and more... | pirate | 6220 |
- Eel - like HTML/JS GUI apps | samuelhwilliams | 3369 |
- qrcode - Python 艺术二维码生成器 (GIF动态二维码、图片二维码) | sylnsfar | 7159 |
- dangerzone
- subsync
- cyber-security-framework - security | 21 |
- octodns
- 15-minute-apps
- Cinema4D-Threejs-Exporter
- lsd
- xsv
- jwtinfo
- tauri - apps | 1642 |
- metrics - rs | 162 |
- ytop
- crossbeam - rs | 2596 |
- rust
- ruffle - rs | 1937 |
- nestur
- hypercore - only log | datrs | 182 |
- async-imap - email | 32 |
- bandwhich
- exa
- osgood
- relibc - | redox-os | 600 |
- MeiliSearch - Tolerant Search Engine | meilisearch | 3922 |
- htmlq
- lol-html - based API | cloudflare | 388 |
- icalendar-rs - for fun | hoodie | 23 |
- pathfinder
- rage - style composability. | str4d | 458 |
- orbtk - Toolkit. | redox-os | 1868 |
- delta - highlighter for git and diff output | dandavison | 1026 |
- sd
- rustagram - shine | 98 |
- sentry-cli
- imagecli
- rx
- neqo
- simple-http-server
- navi - line | denisidoro | 6945 |
- rust-shell
- spotify-tui
- grcov
- starship - fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell! | starship | 6663 |
- jilu - games | 73 |
- hyperfine - line benchmarking tool | sharkdp | 5013 |
- pinky
- smithy
- riker - rs | 492 |
- monolith
- Loop
- jsonschema-transpiler
- async-std - rs | 2120 |
- require-detective - bus-stop | 8 |
- artichoke
- nushell
- sauron-native
- femme - printer + ndjson logger for log crate. | lrlna | 98 |
- wasm-pack-issue-543 - dump | 4 |
- silicon
- rc-zip - compress | 51 |
- hunter
- wasmer
- adblock-rust - based adblock engine | brave | 258 |
- codeowners-enforcer
- ripgrep-all - Books, Office documents, zip, tar.gz, etc. | phiresky | 1565 |
- dua-cli
- quiche
- mockiato
- runebender
- drill
- convey
- context-attribute
- clog-cli - tool | 590 |
- mac-notification-sys
- sauron - apps. It is heavily inspired by elm. | ivanceras | 899 |
- zsh-yarn-autocompletions - plane | 413 |
- image - rs | 1462 |
- recap
- gameboy - platform GameBoy emulator by Rust. Forever boys!. | mohanson | 782 |
- runtime
- flashback
- rust-wasi-tutorial - | kubkon | 44 |
- neon - bindings | 4246 |
- git-rs
- oak - oak | 529 |
- sonic - less search backend. An alternative to Elasticsearch that runs on a few MBs of RAM. | valeriansaliou | 8375 |
- dodrio - allocated virtual DOM library for Rust and WebAssembly. | fitzgen | 1024 |
- ffsend
- psd
- winres
- git-absorb - -fixup, but automatic | tummychow | 523 |
- privacypass-rs - compatible implementation of Privacy Pass in Rust. | kobigurk | 10 |
- volta - cli | 1344 |
- RustPython
- enum-iterator - less enum | stephaneyfx | 7 |
- Toshi - text search engine in rust | toshi-search | 2626 |
- hexyl - line hex viewer | sharkdp | 5138 |
- gba - console | 223 |
- rust-imap
- rust-emojicons
- seed - rs | 1013 |
- pretty-env-logger - to-use logger for Rust. | seanmonstar | 153 |
- ddh
- mcfly
- sandspiel
- sugar-rs
- rust-quiz
- ratel-core - rust | 331 |
- firecracker - microvm | 11724 |
- tide - rs | 1830 |
- swc - fast typescript / javascript compiler written in rust | swc-project | 7674 |
- assert-json-diff
- typed-html
- tztail
- kubernetes-rs
- xi-editor - editor | 17526 |
- fd - friendly alternative to 'find' | sharkdp | 12883 |
- diskus - sh' | sharkdp | 557 |
- awsm-gorillas
- turtle
- power-warn
- warp - contained single binary applications | dgiagio | 1501 |
- rust-on-mobile - | 184 |
- Rust
- tokio - rs | 7750 |
- ripgrep
- show - rust | 254 |
- bat
- httper
- tower-web
- wasm-pack - > wasm workflow tool! | rustwasm | 2545 |
- signal-hook
- json5-rs - oakley | 55 |
- termcolor
- rust-security-framework
- Tickeys
- gcsf
- rust-ffi-guide - F-Bryan | 169 |
- nannou - org | 1793 |
- unrust - A pure rust based (webgl 2.0 / native) game engine | unrust | 316 |
- wasm-bindgen - level interactions between Wasm modules and JavaScript | rustwasm | 3045 |
- gutsy
- actix-remote
- shellharden
- gl-rs
- gfx - overhead Vulkan-like GPU API for Rust. | gfx-rs | 3794 |
- notify-rust
- termion - | redox-os | 1208 |
- simple-server
- spotifyd
- vigil
- rls - lang | 2903 |
- rustfmt - lang | 2881 |
- rust-clippy - lang | 4456 |
- citybound - in-progress, open-source, multi-player city simulation game. | citybound | 5932 |
- rust
- - lang | 1502 |
- cargo - lang | 5401 |
- rust - lang | 43850 |
- backtalk
- aries
- nickel-mustache
- rust-curs - la | 13 |
- tvdb-rs
- xmltree-rs
- ease
- finchers - rs | 58 |
- google-apis-rs
- rust-csrf
- yew
- sincere
- shio-rs - framework for Rust. | mehcode | 272 |
- juniper - rust | 2490 |
- stdweb - side Web | koute | 2927 |
- cargo-web - side Web | koute | 948 |
- skittles - to-use macros. | zacharygolba | 3 |
- log - lang | 748 |
- libc - lang | 767 |
- book - lang | 5138 |
- telegram-bot - rs | 414 |
- discord-rs
- doapi-rs
- rust-slack
- rust-url
- backtrace-rs - lang | 195 |
- chrono
- regex - lang | 1435 |
- names
- body-parser
- clap - rs | 3981 |
- ructe - file handling | kaj | 151 |
- askama - safe, compiled Jinja-like templates for Rust | djc | 905 |
- tera
- rustache
- handlebars-rust
- maud - time HTML templates for Rust | lambda-fairy | 742 |
- rss - syndication | 166 |
- syndication - syndication | 18 |
- disque-rs
- disqrust - level client library | seppo0010 | 2 |
- jsonway
- slog - rs | 863 |
- sentry-rust
- json - rs | 1461 |
- serde - rs | 2990 |
- gettext-rs
- multipart - agnostic extension for file uploads in HTTP libraries for Rust | abonander | 138 |
- rust-encoding
- rust-base64
- md5 - steel | 29 |
- argon2rs - Rust password hashing library running on Argon2. | bryant | 150 |
- tempfile
- pwhash
- rust-bcrypt
- rand - random | 584 |
- uuid - rs | 346 |
- sodiumoxide
- rust-crypto - Rust implementation of various cryptographic algorithms. | DaGenix | 945 |
- rust-openssl
- lightning-rs
- - org | 799 |
- reqwest
- curl-rust
- oauth2-rs - typed Rust OAuth2 client library | ramosbugs | 191 |
- cookie-rs
- rust-ftp
- rust-fastcgi
- simple-stream - blocking I/O | nathansizemore | 7 |
- ws-rs - driven WebSockets for Rust. | housleyjk | 1058 |
- hyper
- migrant
- rust-mysql-simple
- diesel - rs | 5252 |
- rust-postgres
- - org | 2710 |
- pencil
- rouille
- rustful
- rustless - like API micro-framework for Rust. Works with Iron. | rustless | 593 |
- actix-web
- gotham - rs | 1589 |
- rustup - lang | 3316 |
- genact
- sekey
- zola - in. | getzola | 3299 |
- alacritty - platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator | alacritty | 21591 |
- portier-broker
- Teleprompter - darwish | 19 |
- awesome-rust - unofficial | 14782 |
- luminal
- slug-rs
- rc-zip - compress | 51 |
- cookie-rs
- Rocket
- abstreet
- bayard - text search and indexing server written in Rust. | bayard-search | 1241 |
- bitwarden_rs - garcia | 3381 |
- rench
- rust-fragile
- ease
- gettext-rs
- zip-rs
- deno_webview - based desktop GUIs | eliassjogreen | 101 |
- azul
- canduma
- cbindgen
- wrangler
- swift-bindgen
- pista
- vector - fast tool for building observability pipelines | timberio | 3713 |
- libra
- memory-profiler
- rust-analyzer - end for IDEs | rust-analyzer | 2906 |
- tantivy - text search engine library inspired by Apache Lucene and written in Rust | tantivy-search | 3580 |
- cargo-geiger - secure-code | 463 |
- os_info
- Thruster
- queryst
- valico
- rust-ssmtp
- lit-element
- unform
- react-three-fiber - native) | react-spring | 7663 |
- bloomrpc - labs | 3429 |
- terminus
- GhostText
- hyper
- core
- daneden-og-image-generator
- jsquiz
- changed-files
- inspectpack
- components - boys | 135 |
- todo-actions
- animate-presence - re | 62 |
- a-centralized-mirror
- react-soft-slider
- browserslist-generator
- hex-engine
- almin - side DDD/CQRS for JavaScript. | almin | 436 |
- node-win32-api
- http-proxy-middleware - liner node.js http-proxy middleware for connect, express and browser-sync | chimurai | 6632 |
- filesize
- diez
- webrtc-example
- react-stripe-js
- graphql-zeus - editor | 806 |
- craft.js
- lit-mobx - element | adobe | 62 |
- gatsby-mdx-embed
- perfume.js
- excalidraw - drawn like diagrams | excalidraw | 5158 |
- reatom
- zwitterion
- ipod-classic-js
- takenote
- react-icons - icons | 4034 |
- cogo-toast
- vscode-mjml
- github-script
- vscode-ganttdown
- liquidjs
- htmdx - like markdown | michael-klein | 67 |
- namae
- github-pages-deploy-action
- source-map-explorer
- actions-hugo
- liang-barsky - Barsky line-clipping algorithm | w8r | 27 |
- wenyan - lang | 15658 |
- react-cosmos - quality user interfaces | react-cosmos | 6048 |
- wolkenkit - source CQRS and event-sourcing framework for JavaScript and Node.js. | thenativeweb | 729 |
- bunpkg
- prisma
- falco
- uniforms
- bindery
- codelift
- vscode-typescript-tslint-plugin - tslint-plugin | microsoft | 174 |
- type-graphql
- ketting
- cockatiel - fault-handling library that allows developers to express policies such as Backoff, Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, Bulkhead Isolation, and Fallback. Inspired by .NET Polly. | connor4312 | 882 |
- figma-easing-gradient
- release-github-actions - space | 34 |
- product-boilerplate - boys | 643 |
- tweakpane - tuning parameters and monitoring value changes | cocopon | 336 |
- svg2jsx
- offix
- code-settings-sync
- window-table
- preact-loadable
- figma-dominant-color-toolkit
- next-super-performance
- emitting
- portfolio
- cache
- forimmer - klein | 15 |
- phase10-backend - frontend: | eckon | 1 |
- atjson
- react-shortcuts-hook - dependencies hook for capturing keyboard shortcuts in components. | macfire10 | 90 |
- canvg
- linkinator
- qawolf
- zero
- kibana
- treat - oss | 795 |
- kactus - io | 1386 |
- gantt-schedule-timeline-calendar
- setup-go
- setup-python
- ivi
- frontend-challenge - io | 10 |
- react-easy-flip
- graphql-toolkit
- metastream
- n8n - code licensed node based Workflow Automation Tool. Easily automate tasks across different services. | n8n-io | 7017 |
- ts-strictify
- trace
- timequeue.js
- eclint
- honk-action
- workers-docs
- clippy-check - rs | 111 |
- naw
- vendure - ecommerce | 838 |
- example-github-action-commits
- doma
- labeler
- signature_pad
- design-details
- lerna-changelog - based changelog generator with monorepo support | lerna | 464 |
- toolkit
- sudden.js - level API framework built on top of express. | etienne-martin | 12 |
- Mailspring
- action-record
- typecov
- picohtml
- setup-php - coverage support and various tools like composer. | shivammathur | 617 |
- plugin-samples
- ElectroCRUD
- use-inline-memo
- eukolia
- setup-node
- npkill
- HyperMD
- vuetify
- rushstack
- prismy
- stricter - wide js-linting tool | atlassian | 102 |
- brave-ui
- useAuth
- recast - printer, and automatic source map generator | benjamn | 3027 |
- prism
- chrome-launcher
- preact-translate
- postgres-migrations - inspired PostgreSQL migration library with strict ordering and immutable migrations | ThomWright | 101 |
- node-pg-migrate
- use-immer
- react-ripples
- micro-signals - signals that uses ES2015 sets | lelandmiller | 26 |
- tofu
- jscpd
- scenejs - based animation library | daybrush | 1486 |
- utterances
- desktop
- xi-electron - end for the xi-editor built with modern web technologies. | acheronfail | 286 |
- amplify-js - amplify | 6661 |
- moveable
- etcher - io | 17419 |
- vscode-devtools
- echo
- meriyah - hosted javascript parser - | meriyah | 417 |
- gh - gh | 1662 |
- resize-observer
- re-resizable
- deno
- pasta-sourcemaps
- apollo-server
- tsdx - config CLI for TypeScript package development | jaredpalmer | 4694 |
- vscode-profile-switcher
- graphiql
- deckdeckgo
- tiny-invariant
- quilt
- lightweight-charts
- fabulous
- fresnel
- interact.js - touch gestures with inertia and snapping for modern browsers (and also IE9+) | taye | 9240 |
- vscode-torque
- zip-text-nodes
- TypeScript
- overmind - Frictionless state management | cerebral | 872 |
- vscode-peacock
- WebTemplateStudio - based UI to turn your needs into a foundation of best patterns and practices | microsoft | 1788 |
- react-lazy-hydration
- react-hotkeys-hook
- rich-text
- slider - component | 2192 |
- proxx
- apollo-link
- build-tracker
- dependency-free
- playground
- snackbar
- sql-lint
- purposefile
- berry
- verdaccio
- ui
- puppeteer-cluster
- cognitive-services-speech-sdk-js
- react-jeff
- laco
- changelogged
- browserslist-useragent-regexp
- patch-package
- editor.js - styled editor with clean JSON output | codex-team | 11352 |
- BosqueLanguage
- dupe-report
- objql
- eo-locale
- react-native-reanimated-bottom-sheet - native-reanimated and react-native-gesture-handler | osdnk | 1640 |
- perspective-viewership-extension
- Json-Function
- accessibility-insights-web
- indent-textarea - like tab-to-indent functionality to <textarea>, in a few bytes | fregante | 133 |
- web-streams-polyfill
- majestic
- pyright
- sigle
- type-fest
- get-orientation
- sucrase - fast alternative to Babel for when you can target modern JS runtimes | alangpierce | 2351 |
- hide-files-on-github - Hide nonessential files from the GitHub file browser | sindresorhus | 241 |
- vscode-remote-fs
- vetur
- abort-controller
- ohdear-js-sdk
- pinch-zoom
- typescript-plugin-styled-components - components | Igorbek | 254 |
- pageres
- frontend-bootcamp
- google-places-web - side wrapper around the Google Places Javascript API for Node (server side) | mcabs3 | 32 |
- redux-toolkit - included toolset for efficient Redux development | reduxjs | 3049 |
- rgbaster.js
- wc
- swae
- typescript-eslint - eslint | 6736 |
- preact-cli-typescript-sample - cli and all its goodies | mike-engel | 17 |
- clean-code-typescript
- constate
- react-movable
- idb
- functional-typescript - bullshit | 571 |
- fx_cast
- vscode-browser-preview
- music-web-player
- indigo-player - Dash / HLS / MPEG-4 and is built on top of the HTML5 video element. | matvp91 | 1104 |
- Musish
- postcss-background-image-auto-size - image` automatically. | JustClear | 26 |
- graphql-shield
- x-prober
- redoc - generated API Reference Documentation | Redocly | 8837 |
- actions-toolkit
- pwmetrics
- uos
- TypeScript-React-Starter
- google-complete-me
- afterframe
- auto
- preact-starter
- style-module
- notable - based note-taking app that doesn't suck. | notable | 14575 |
- ignite
- passkit-generator
- gluegun - powered command-line apps. | infinitered | 1508 |
- Anno2018
- shortcuts-js
- ace
- devhub - Filter Issues, Activities & Notifications - Web, Mobile & Desktop | devhubapp | 6644 |
- babel-plugin-transform-async-to-promises
- sapper
- tslint
- apollo-client - featured, production ready caching GraphQL client for every UI framework and GraphQL server | apollographql | 13554 |
- sonarlint-vscode
- PHPCity
- csstype
- wayne - cluster management and publishing platform | Qihoo360 | 2975 |
- model-viewer
- shumway
- pnpm
- retoggle
- squoosh - in-class codecs, right in the browser. | GoogleChromeLabs | 9675 |
- speedscope - based viewer for performance profiles. | jlfwong | 1566 |
- libRmath.js - js | 411 |
- graphql-config
- incremental-dom - place DOM diffing library | google | 3253 |
- jsQR
- library - format 1D/2D barcode image processing library, usable in JavaScript ecosystem. | zxing-js | 555 |
- html2canvas
- eva-icons
- creatability-components
- react-hanger
- react-use
- playroom - oss | 3249 |
- the-platform
- eslint-formatter-compassion
- react-tournament-bracket
- hyper-sync-settings
- angular-cli
- autogit
- perf-table
- nexe
- saas - UI, Next, MobX, WebSockets, Express, Node, Mongoose, MongoDB. Written with TypeScript. | async-labs | 1449 |
- sse-fetcher - sent events rewritten on top of fetch | jakearchibald | 14 |
- reach-ui
- ava-fast-check - check | dubzzz | 33 |
- docz-plugin-css
- microjob - to-use routines for heavy CPU loads. | wilk | 1827 |
- linaria - runtime CSS in JS library | callstack | 5115 |
- G2 - driven visualization grammar for statistical charts. | antvis | 9392 |
- superstruct
- http-timer
- animate-css-grid
- windows95
- worker-dom
- tsdoc
- reworm
- dob
- vscode-cordova
- draggable-vue-directive
- danger-js
- fiddle
- prop-types-ts - ts | gcanti | 144 |
- grafoo
- got - friendly and powerful HTTP request library for Node.js | sindresorhus | 7142 |
- BLeak - umass | 336 |
- jasper - A flexible and powerful issue reader for GitHub | jasperapp | 1086 |
- typeorm
- gts
- stencil - team | 7578 |
- blueprint - based UI toolkit for the web | palantir | 15901 |
- phenomenon - level WebGL API. | vaneenige | 1383 |
- fanny-pack - fancy, but very practical, key/value-store | LinusU | 106 |
- spin.js
- face-api.js
- vscode-babylonjs-viewer
- turbolinks
- trans-loader - less frontend with service-worker | mizchi | 101 |
- react-flip-toolkit - move library for configurable layout transitions | aholachek | 2272 |
- DefinitelyTyped
- lcdsysinfo
- bili
- botpress - in language understanding (NLU), beautiful graphical interface and Dialog Manager (DM). Easily create chatbots and AI-based virtual assistants. | botpress | 8581 |
- vscode-pull-request-github
- docz
- flipper
- magenta-js
- webpack-plugin-critical
- probot
- redux
- react-styleguidist
- storybook
- devalue - Harris | 624 |
- leasot
- csstriggers
- idb-keyval - simple-small promise-based keyval store implemented with IndexedDB | jakearchibald | 998 |
- guess - experiences on the web | guess-js | 6210 |
- react-apollo
- opticss
- css-blocks
- Memex - text search your browsing history & bookmarks. | WorldBrain | 2129 |
- oni - powered by Neovim | onivim | 11487 |
- kutt - network | 3654 |
- modern-normalize
- purgecss
- 1backend
- ant-design - design | 58388 |
- stylable - CSS for components | wix | 1044 |
- vscode-intelephense
- caprover - Heroku on Steroids | caprover | 4898 |
- vscode-cosmosdb
- mockoon
- gc-excelviewer
- tfjs-core - accelerated ML // linear algebra // automatic differentiation for JavaScript. | tensorflow | 8560 |
- fontplop
- webamp
- NativeScript
- p-progress
- talk
- pretty-algorithms
- rxjs
- manager
- vscode-phpcs
- learn-anything - anything | 11946 |
- electron-react-boilerplate - Platform Apps | electron-react-boilerplate | 14295 |
- bundle-buddy
- hint
- tinymce
- desktop
- material-components-web - components | 14090 |
- vscode
- reactxp - platform app development. | microsoft | 8103 |
- bit
- snabbdom
- ionic-conference-app - team | 3168 |
- recharts
- sweetalert
- flatpickr
- botkit
- grafana
- motion - ready animation and gesture library for React | framer | 4447 |
- now
- vue-storefront - PWA for eCommerce. 100% offline, platform agnostic, headless, Magento 2 supported. Always Open Source, MIT license. Join us as contributor ([email protected]). Check out our new blog: | DivanteLtd | 6440 |
- quicktype
- material-components-web-components - components | 1786 |
- snyk - time tool to find & fix known vulnerabilities in open-source dependencies | snyk | 1970 |
- react-hook-form - hook-form | 8923 |
- falcon - Progressive Web App library for any type of website. Fully Open Source, Platform Agnostic and headless. OSL3.0. Supports Magento 2 PWA storefront, Wordpress PWA and BigCommerce PWA Storefront. Built with ReactJS, NodeJS and GraphQL. Join our community and become a contributor at | deity-io | 465 |
- rxdb
- sketchmine
- perception-toolkit
- reaviz - oss | 1124 |
- rendertron
- react-apollo-hooks
- veonim
- formik
- react-navigation - navigation | 17845 |
- parrot - hosted Localization Management Platform built with Go and Angular | parrot-translate | 973 |
- react-nodegui - platform desktop applications with native React + powerful CSS like styling.🚀 | nodegui | 4462 |
- nest - grade server-side applications on top of TypeScript & JavaScript (ES6, ES7, ES8) 🚀 | nestjs | 25746 |
- quicktype
- refined-github
- voice-web
- changed-files
- rome
- notion-js
- shopware-pwa - API. Always Open Source, MIT license. Made with :blue_heart: by shopware AG & Vue Storefront. | DivanteLtd | 56 |
- changesets
- vue-next
- eclint
- zustand - spring | 2095 |
- design-details
- eukolia
- sigle
- avatars
- scaffdog - oss | 178 |
- webext-domain-permission-toggle - action context menu to request permission for the current tab. | fregante | 35 |
- chat - contrib | 403 |
- graphql-playground - labs | 5894 |
- mdx-deck-live-code - deck to live code in your slides. 🤯 | JReinhold | 138 |
- reakit
- react-textarea-autosize
- jest
- chrome
- chromeless - archive | 13273 |
- graphql-voyager - guru | 4849 |
- code-server
- refined-github
- ionic - team | 40670 |
- urql
- pixi.js
- rls-vscode - based plugin for VSCode | rust-lang | 978 |
- pinia
- rough - drawn, sketchy, appearance | pshihn | 13165 |
- runtypes
- solid
- stimulus
- stryker - mutator | 1438 |
- svelte-preprocess
- element-motion
- tachometer
- vscode-php-debug
- md2googleslides
- now-php - php • 🐘+ λ = ❤ | juicyfx | 171 |
- react-intl
- snap-db - value store | ClickSimply | 27 |
- worker-typescript-template
- rest-hooks
- read-pkg-up
- redux-react-hook
- postcss-background-image-auto-size - image` automatically. | JustClear | 26 |
- vscode-tailwindcss
- react-use-gesture - tied mouse/touch gestures in React | react-spring | 3275 |
- vscode-gitlens
- lit-html
- xstate
- rust-playground
- Types-for-Adobe
- sorted-queue - backed binary heap | jviide | 102 |
- open-source-flash - source-flash | 7133 |
- bootOS
- pokered
- x86-bare-metal-examples - kernel-module-cheat#userland-assembly ARM baremetal setup at: | cirosantilli | 2918 |
- Hello-World
- MS-DOS - DOS 1.25 and 2.0, for reference purposes | microsoft | 14444 |
- Apollo-11
- SecondReality
- rav1e
- collapseos - collapse technology | hsoft | 3579 |
- timescaledb - source time-series SQL database optimized for fast ingest and complex queries. Packaged as a PostgreSQL extension. | timescale | 8352 |
- undelete_jpg
- acwj
- LG-Ultrafine-Brightness
- In-Home-Switching
- ioping
- ilimit
- dumpdecrypted - o files from encrypted iPhone applications from memory to disk. This tool is necessary for security researchers to be able to look under the hood of encryption. | stefanesser | 2398 |
- phpredis
- libnx
- Impact
- chiaki
- DOOM - Software | 5201 |
- daytripper
- FreeRDP
- obs-studio - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording | obsproject | 18018 |
- jemalloc
- ctftool
- emojicode
- vlc-3.0 - 3.0 branch - All pull requests are ignored, please follow | videolan | 72 |
- stat
- lxc - Linux Containers | lxc | 2967 |
- yugabyte-db - performance distributed SQL database for global, internet-scale apps. | yugabyte | 3725 |
- tombs
- libsodium-php
- pecl-text-recode
- dsvpn
- pngquant
- minisign
- goaccess - time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal in *nix systems or through your browser. | allinurl | 10991 |
- php-memcached - memcached-dev | 931 |
- parallel
- extension-tutorial-gmp - along slides for Extension Writing (with GMP) | phplang | 1 |
- tether - ish library for Rust. | quadrupleslap | 135 |
- gb-studio
- php-ffi
- binjgb
- tini
- wrk
- axel - download-accelerator | 1371 |
- sandbox
- NintendoSwitchPkg
- pcov - CodeCoverage compatible driver for PHP | krakjoe | 320 |
- openrsync - licensed implementation of rsync | kristapsdz | 317 |
- vld
- yodaos - enabled IoT and embrace Web standards | yodaos-project | 1007 |
- noah - noah | 1771 |
- lz4
- Atmosphere - in-progress customized firmware for the Nintendo Switch. | Atmosphere-NX | 4178 |
- AirConnect
- nnn
- entr
- sslscan
- bubblewrap
- zmap - wide network surveys. | zmap | 3223 |
- postgres - we don't work with pull requests on github. To contribute, please see | postgres | 6551 |
- ish - app | 5691 |
- exploitdb - security | 5126 |
- naxsi - source, high performance, low rules maintenance WAF for NGINX | nbs-system | 3412 |
- switch-lan-play
- os-tutorial
- phpspy - overhead sampling profiler for PHP 7 | adsr | 938 |
- Bulllord-Engine
- glb-director
- RediSearch
- raylib - to-use library to enjoy videogames programming | raysan5 | 3605 |
- fluxfonts
- php-spx - to-the-point PHP profiling extension with its built-in web UI | NoiseByNorthwest | 799 |
- shc
- gravity
- ui
- raspberry-pi-os - matyukevich | 7262 |
- php-glfw - deluna | 35 |
- NetHack
- the_silver_searcher - searching tool similar to ack, but faster. | ggreer | 19882 |
- phactor
- netdata - time performance monitoring, done right! | netdata | 45872 |
- LCUI - soft | 2688 |
- cmark
- disque
- bitwise
- git - This is a publish-only repository and all pull requests are ignored. Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improvements. | git | 31948 |
- sudo - project | 103 |
- qb64
- zstd - Fast real-time compression algorithm | facebook | 11808 |
- curl
- meltdown
- SpecuCheck - 2017-5754 (Meltdown), CVE-2017-5715 (Spectre v2), CVE-2018-3260 (Foreshadow), and CVE-2018-3639 (Spectre v4) | ionescu007 | 537 |
- IOHIDeous
- VoxelSpace - macke | 4572 |
- freeciv - building strategy game inspired by the history of human civilization. Upstream repository for the standalone Freeciv client and server. Report bugs and submit patches at | freeciv | 462 |
- oss-fuzz - Fuzz - continuous fuzzing of open source software. | google | 5107 |
- naive-hashcat
- tidy-html5
- reactos - compatible Operating System | reactos | 7545 |
- mod_md
- libvips
- git - specific patches. | git-for-windows | 5088 |
- loadlibrary
- libplist
- japronto - fast Python 3.5+ HTTP toolkit integrated with pipelining HTTP server based on uvloop and picohttpparser. | squeaky-pl | 7938 |
- php-src
- ossec-hids - based Intrusion Detection System that performs log analysis, file integrity checking, policy monitoring, rootkit detection, real-time alerting and active response. | ossec | 2979 |
- glsl-directional-light
- Processing-Shader-Examples
- TouchBarServer
- idevicerestore
- linux
- openshift-iojs
- Lockpick_RCM
- infinity - gbc | 438 |
- ProcDump-for-Linux
- JohnTheRipper - jumbo" branch is based on 1.9.0-Jumbo-1 which was released on May 14, 2019. An import of the "core" version of john this jumbo was based on (or newer) is found in the "master" branch (CVS: | magnumripper | 3510 |
- yara
- LinuxFlaw
- winfile
- lc-design - ui | 115 |
- moloch
- processhacker - purpose tool that helps you monitor system resources, debug software and detect malware. | processhacker | 3150 |
- aspnetcore - platform .NET framework for building modern cloud-based web applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux. | dotnet | 16810 |
- scalar
- HostsFileEditor
- osu
- ink-unity-integration
- ink
- OpenRA - time strategy game engine for early Westwood games such as Command & Conquer: Red Alert written in C# using SDL and OpenGL. Runs on Windows, Linux, *BSD and Mac OS X. | OpenRA | 7296 |
- Rsvfx
- Aerial
- FluentTerminal
- choco - the package manager for Windows | chocolatey | 6417 |
- microservices-demo - native application with 10 microservices showcasing Kubernetes, Istio, gRPC and OpenCensus. | GoogleCloudPlatform | 7448 |
- LOIC - An open source network stress tool, written in C#. Based on Praetox's LOIC project. USE ON YOUR OWN RISK. WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. | NewEraCracker | 1371 |
- FASTER - value store, in C# and C++, from Microsoft Research. | microsoft | 3938 |
- Snip
- XB1ControllerBatteryIndicator - ish controller and gives a notification when the battery level drops to (almost) empty. | NiyaShy | 319 |
- teds-terminal - bit colour and tty compatible. | IntelOrca | 17 |
- Steam-Library-Manager
- Borderless-Gaming - tabs. | Codeusa | 2517 |
- blockchain
- DotATranslator
- WallcatWindows
- outlookcaldavsynchronizer
- Wox - launcher | 16490 |
- EdgeDeflector
- VFSForGit
- FreeSO - implementation of The Sims Online. | riperiperi | 428 |
- VisualStudio
- KinoGlitch
- SteamDesktopAuthenticator
- Hearthstone-Deck-Tracker
- trojan - gfw | 10178 |
- nghttp2 - HTTP/2 C Library and tools | nghttp2 | 3312 |
- falco
- lguf-brightness
- Unreal.js-core
- pyxel
- node-window-manager
- livekeys - Component based live-coding environment. | live-keys | 515 |
- envoy - native high-performance edge/middle/service proxy | envoyproxy | 12697 |
- carla - source simulator for autonomous driving research. | carla-simulator | 4227 |
- freeserf
- macdylibbundler
- 3d-game-shaders-for-beginners - by-step guide to implementing SSAO, depth of field, lighting, normal mapping, and more for your 3D game. | lettier | 5973 |
- s3fs-fuse - based file system backed by Amazon S3 | s3fs-fuse | 4173 |
- cppcheck
- gg
- untrunc
- nix
- emscripten - to-Web Compiler | emscripten-core | 18846 |
- flatbuffers
- hermes
- ThreatExchange
- thug
- multipass
- devilutionX
- ipasim
- stk-code
- GDevelop - source, cross-platform game engine designed to be used by everyone. | 4ian | 2075 |
- Karabiner-Elements - Elements is a powerful utility for keyboard customization on macOS Sierra (10.12) or later. | pqrs-org | 10165 |
- xbmc - winning free and open source home theater/media center software and entertainment hub for digital media. With its beautiful interface and powerful skinning engine, it's available for Android, BSD, Linux, macOS, iOS and Windows. | xbmc | 10600 |
- robotstxt
- images
- zetasql - Analyzer Framework for SQL | google | 1204 |
- wil
- PowerToys
- terminal
- SOUL - lang | 877 |
- Pengwin
- quinesnake
- tinytetris
- Maestro
- aria2 - protocol & multi-source, cross platform download utility operated in command-line. It supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent and Metalink. | aria2 | 19261 |
- azerothcore-wotlk - MMORPG Server. Based on MaNGOS -> TrinityCore -> SunwellCore | azerothcore | 950 |
- olive - source non-linear video editor | olive-editor | 3390 |
- halley
- simdjson
- tinykaboom
- tinyraytracer
- polarphp
- spectrum - side image transcoding library. | facebookincubator | 1762 |
- opencv
- PhysX-3.4
- hardware-effects
- mindforger
- katran
- Algojammer
- zopfli
- 360Controller
- LaiNESwitch
- forcefocus
- vscode-windows-process-tree
- filament - time physically based rendering engine for Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, macOS and WASM/WebGL | google | 8803 |
- oomd - of-memory killer | facebookincubator | 1189 |
- scummvm
- nanogui
- devilution - magic behind the 1996 computer game | diasurgical | 7863 |
- treadmill
- yoga - platform layout engine which implements Flexbox. Follow for updates. | facebook | 13005 |
- watchman
- Stacer - | oguzhaninan | 5351 |
- swoole-src - based concurrency library for PHP | swoole | 15392 |
- TortoiseGit
- protobuf - Google's data interchange format | protocolbuffers | 40847 |
- godot - platform 2D and 3D game engine | godotengine | 29123 |
- incubator-weex
- tensorflow
- algorithms_and_data_structures
- yuzu - emu | 9926 |
- phpdesktop
- plex-media-player
- GamePhysicsCookbook
- v8js
- recompiler - > Windows executable converter | rexdex | 1298 |
- wkhtmltopdf
- AirSim
- passenger
- cosmos
- guetzli
- pinba_engine - MySQL plugin and storage engine | tony2001 | 469 |
- albert
- g810-led
- hhvm
- server - 1.12.3 - Report all issues at | mangoszero | 493 |
- osquery
- cmder
- tinyrenderer
- ofxFX - on for that make easy to use GLSL Shaders | patriciogonzalezvivo | 301 |
- react-native-windows
- electron - platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS | electron | 81758 |
- UDPspeeder - latency Lossy Link by using Forward Error Correction,for All Traffics(TCP/UDP/ICMP) | wangyu- | 3049 |
- tinyfecVPN - in Forward Error Correction(FEC) Support. Improves your Network Quality on a High-latency Lossy Link. | wangyu- | 1547 |
- udp2raw-tunnel - | 3668 |
- box2d
- calculator
- php-ext-wasm
- DeskGap - platform desktop app framework based on Node.js and the system webview | patr0nus | 1377 |
- fluiditype
- figma-github-data
- SQLLint
- semantic-ui-sass
- svg-css-bff - css-bff | JeremiePat | 8 |
- build-process - Tricks | 4 |
- hugoDocs
- new-moon
- building-a-portfolio-with-gatsby
- webxr - web | 1703 |
- miniMinifier
- laraform
- todomvc
- a-single-div
- addchat-laravel - user chat, group permissions, customer support chat & more. | classiebit | 80 |
- postcss-preset-env
- incubator-training
- docker-curriculum
- pokrovsky - History-Vandalism-as-a-Service | pikesley | 47 |
- stacksort
- now-ui-dashboard - frontend-presets | 203 |
- figma-plugin-ds - lowry | 126 |
- saving-card-after-payment - samples | 18 |
- checkout-single-subscription - samples | 51 |
- checkout-subscription-and-add-on - samples | 71 |
- mailspring-isaac-light-theme
- twentytwenty
- issue-closing
- refined-overcast
- primeflex
- mundana-theme-jekyll
- true
- productive-twitter
- - page for the project | openfaas | 34 |
- firefox-browser-architecture
- staying_alive
- github-buttons
- github-buttons
- TextInputEffects
- fontkiko
- shepherd
- simplify
- documentation-theme-light
- nord-highlightjs - bluish clean and elegant highlight.js theme. | arcticicestudio | 36 |
- mailchute - a combination of popular tools to help designers build HTML emails quickly. | superbryntendo | 95 |
- water.css - add-css collection of styles to make simple websites just a little nicer | kognise | 4705 |
- devices.css - Modern devices in pure CSS | picturepan2 | 1744 |
- radar
- mailtolink
- flexulator
- jekyll-apple-help - Books for your Mac OS X app using this Jekyll template and build system. | chuckhoupt | 134 |
- css-animations
- monster-slayer
- stitches-template-generator
- browser-extension
- rfs
- automatic-app-landing-page
- cssremedy
- wai-tutorials
- tweet-fancy
- raster
- 12factor
- phpapprentice
- website - First Software Development | risk-first | 547 |
- picasso
- css-animation-101
- minireset.css
- framerx-build-system
- iziToast
- docs-travis-ci-com - ci | 441 |
- AlphaConsoleElectron
- operaminitips
- development
- maildrop - source, scalable, high-performance version of Mailinator. | m242 | 744 |
- koy
- minimal-mistakes
- Fork-Awesome
- css-toggle-component
- cssnano
- codrops-libre
- vapid
- tight
- paper-css
- star-history-plugin - history as a mono repo | timqian | 263 |
- ui-snippets-menu-animations - martinius | 144 |
- Event-Sourced-Task-Lists - event-projector in a simple task list application | 36864 | 8 |
- shards-dashboard
- website
- boxicons
- nerd-fonts
- tachyons - css | 9683 |
- purecss-francine - century oil painting. Hand-coded entirely in HTML & CSS. | cyanharlow | 7365 |
- dejavu
- spectre - A Lightweight, Responsive and Modern CSS Framework | picturepan2 | 10051 |
- CSS-Keylogging
- css-diner
- hacker101
- CrookedStyleSheets
- lit
- Hexi-Flexi-Grid
- Async-Await-Talk
- bulma-start
- js-mythbusters
- cheatsheets
- AlgoWiki
- solved-by-flexbox
- sparks
- cobalt2-vscode
- logodrop
- cssdb
- GameTracking-Dota2
- mocka
- expodal
- examples
- 2048
- pantone-colors
- sanitize.css - practices CSS foundation | csstools | 3923 |
- less-docs
- linting-html-with-css - html-using-css/ | chriscoyier | 39 |
- spacegrid - frills responsive grid layout to help you get started on your next project. | JonathanSpeek | 199 |
- inuitcss - based, OOCSS framework for large and long-lasting UI projects. | inuitcss | 1615 |
- duoload - side comparison of website loading behavior | LeaVerou | 126 |
- Sunglass
- fog
- scooter
- daiquiri - like image galleries as static files based on a configuration passed in as a JSON file. | pwaldhauer | 26 |
- sprite-spirit
- csspin - Modular, Customizable and Single HTML Element Code for Pure CSS Loader and Spinner | webkul | 998 |
- wenk
- shape-outside-demo - outside property and syntax | callmenick | 3 |
- SpinThatShit
- stretchy
- 800-63-3 - 63-3: Digital Authentication Guidelines | usnistgov | 631 |
- PoGoMapWebsite
- You-Dont-Need-JavaScript - dont-need | 13280 |
- a11y.css
- SpinKit
- bootstrap-brand-buttons
- wtf-forms
- open-iconic
- awesome-bootstrap-checkbox
- bulma
- form-validation-realtime
- megaboilerplate
- quiet-facebook
- Mind-Expanding-Books
- essential-image-optimization - an eBook | GoogleChrome | 1927 |
- contributor_covenant
- JSONFeed
- NES.css - style CSS Framework \| ファミコン風CSSフレームワーク | nostalgic-css | 14460 |
- zeit-style - ui | 140 |
- tailwindcss - first CSS framework for rapid UI development. | tailwindcss | 21329 |
- TypeScript-Node-Starter
- epoch
- boilerform
- just-the-docs - in search. | pmarsceill | 1395 |
- modern-css-reset - bones CSS reset for modern web development. | hankchizljaw | 1133 |
- datascript
- alda - lang | 3539 |
- nano-id-cc
- FiraCode
- klipse - side code evaluator pluggable on any web page: clojure, ruby, javascript, python, scheme, es2017, jsx, brainfuck, c++, reagent, lua, ocaml, reasonml, prolog, common lisp | viebel | 2024 |
- kaggle-cats-dogs
- uxbox - The Open-Source prototyping tool | uxbox | 837 |
- molecule
- caniuse-cmd
- pivottable - source Javascript Pivot Table (aka Pivot Grid, Pivot Chart, Cross-Tab) implementation with drag'n'drop. | nicolaskruchten | 3424 |
- zxcvbn - Budget Password Strength Estimation | dropbox | 11076 |
- pagedraw
- overleaf - based collaborative LaTeX editor | overleaf | 6547 |
- trix
- Best-Flutter-UI-Templates - in Flutter Dart. | mitesh77 | 5793 |
- flutter
- awesome-flutter
- dhall-lang - lang | 2448 |
- dockerpi
- publish-to-github-action
- - host, non-tracking, ad-free & cookie-free solution to show your IP info. Super small (< 10MB) | PeterDaveHello | 26 |
- cas-overlay-docker
- composer-action
- docker-nginx-brotli
- actions
- actions
- scratch-node
- dockerfiles
- nocode
- puppeteer
- validation - validation | 55 |
- phoenix_live_view - time user experiences with server-rendered HTML | phoenixframework | 2783 |
- phoenix
Emacs Lisp
- screenshots - services | 591 |
- fluent-rs
- Anime4K - Quality Real Time Upscaler for Anime Video | bloc97 | 11145 |
- glsl-solid-wireframe
- when-then-zen
- php-ce-2018-doctrine-tutorial
- db-command - config.php. | wp-cli | 45 |
- config-command - config.php file. | wp-cli | 28 |
- laravel-option-framework
- tiny-helpers
- monaco-editor-samples
- hit-counter
- showtime
- - assistant | 1124 |
- FroshPlatformAvatar
- interesting-essays
- docs
- - point numbers. | brazzy | 737 |
- rellax
- remark - browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool. | gnab | 10306 |
- simple-icons - icons | 8425 |
- Zepto.js
- svg-workshop
- react-zoomable - c | 3 |
- eleventail
- openmoji - gmuend | 873 |
- coreui-icons - Premium designed free icon set with marks in SVG, Webfont and raster formats | coreui | 1613 |
- svg-editor
- small
- Ud-ISDC-SelfDrivingCarSimulation - Driving Car Nanodegree Project : Joy Ride (Simple Self-Driving Car Simulation) | bcko | 7 |
- gatsby-mail
- svelte-parcel-example
- schemaorg - schemas and (appengine) software | schemaorg | 3585 |
- tiny-slider
- css-at-cds
- emojipacks
- polymer-gmail
- bulletjournal
- serial
- onpushstate
- 100k-faces
- errors
- caniemail
- kinetic
- emoji-rain
- emoji-cursor
- keep-a-changelog
- high-res-deno-logo
- animated-deno-logo
- display-locking
- svelte-grid
- svelte-content-loader
- netlify-statuskit
- mygraine
- cloud-run-hello
- xvg
- ie11CustomProperties
- traceroute-mapper
- url-cast-receiver
- favicon-checker
- pagemap
- proposal-unified-intl-numberformat
- curtainsjs
- functions
- gcping
- one-html-page-challenge
- developer-docs
- frontend-tech-list
- element-queries-spec - Style Element Query Syntax | tomhodgins | 369 |
- netlify-functions-example
- wm
- samples
- csp-generator
- DraggableImageStrip
- flickity-fade
- newdevsontheblock
- beginner-javascript
- tailwind-examples
- fastText
- header-snippets
- proposal-intl-locale
- svelte-progressbar
- awesome-modern-cpp
- proposal-numeric-separator - numeric-separator/ | tc39 | 231 |
- guides-source - learn | 122 |
- ssl-config-generator
- material-template-media
- cookie-incrementalism
- public-sans - driven, open source typeface for text or display | uswds | 3777 |
- schemaspy
- proposal-pipeline-operator - but-useful pipeline operator to JavaScript. | tc39 | 4632 |
- verify-2fa-koa - community | 1 |
- talk
- just-javascript
- TypeWriter
- dropcss - CSS cleaner | leeoniya | 2005 |
- fonts
- swagger-codegen - codegen contains a template-driven engine to generate documentation, API clients and server stubs in different languages by parsing your OpenAPI / Swagger definition. | swagger-api | 11216 |
- CVE-2019-9810-PoC
- ie3-challenge
- sketch-measure
- googlefonts-font-display-helper - display | iamakulov | 331 |
- SteamWebAPIDocumentation
- markdown-mark
- lets-get-arrested
- stisla
- learning-area
- styleguide - originated open-source projects | google | 23922 |
- Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions - end related questions you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore. | h5bp | 44044 |
- personal-website
- ImageOptim
- wpt - platform-tests | 2773 |
- construct-stylesheets
- is-input-pending
- finder
- kubernetes-failure-stories
- l5-tabler
- masonry
- 3rd-party-cpu-abuser
- dynamic-import-polyfill
- build-your-own-mint
- do-install-button
- pwa-update-available - New Update Available sample | deanhume | 187 |
- programming-principles
- quicklink - loads by prefetching in-viewport links during idle time | GoogleChromeLabs | 7986 |
- cms.js-themes
- http2priorities
- security-txt
- pleaserotate.js
- intro.js - by-step users guide for your website and project. | usablica | 19022 |
- cstate
- AR.js - 60fps on mobile! | jeromeetienne | 14859 |
- electron-api-demos
- portainer
- JavaScript30
- async-javascript-cheatsheet
- speedtest - hosted Speedtest for HTML5 and more. Easy setup, examples, configurable, mobile friendly. Supports PHP, Node, Multiple servers, and more | librespeed | 3662 |
- Email-Boilerplate
- mosaico - Responsive Email Template Editor | voidlabs | 1277 |
- travis-cookbooks - ci | 665 |
- font-level-up
- construct.css
- node-fluent-ffmpeg - ffmpeg | 4672 |
- html-imports
- sal
- magic-instruments - Play music with the world | SaraVieira | 83 |
- http-state-tokens
- html
- Dotgrid
- dom-wait
- MotionRevealSlideshow
- custom-elements
- a11y-nutrition-cards
- book
- css-grid-talk
- vscode-azurefunctions
- fetch
- csswg-drafts
- itty-bitty
- brutalist-web-design
- Publii - based CMS for Windows, Mac and Linux that makes creating static websites fast and hassle-free, even for beginners. | GetPublii | 2336 |
- fakescroll - js lightweight custom HTML scrollbar | yairEO | 285 |
- stream-ui-kit - UI Kit. A beautiful Open Source Bootstrap 4 UI Kit under MIT license for better web! | htmlstreamofficial | 317 |
- priority-nav-scroller
- pib
- kv-storage
- dillinger
- hello
- lighthouse-badge
- afieldguidetoelephpants
- mastering-modular-javascript
- tabler - source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap | tabler | 20917 |
- webdash
- vue-promise-btn - promise-btn/ | STUkh | 156 |
- areweideyet
- arewewebyet - related things. | rust-lang | 290 |
- 1-line-CSS-Framework
- evie - ready theme for your projects with a minimal style guide | anges244 | 463 |
- hostnames-and-usernames-to-reserve
- frontend
- pdfs - oriented PDF Collection (Papers, Specs, Decks, Manuals, etc) | tpn | 4735 |
- hyperHTML
- firefighter-demo
- Service-Workers-BackgroundSync
- puphpet
- html-reference
- codrops-scribbler
- Screenshot-to-code - up into a static website. | emilwallner | 12520 |
- WebFundamentals
- core
- css-grid
- iA-Fonts
- zepto - compatible API | madrobby | 14721 |
- tailwindcss - frontend-presets | 797 |
- laravel-twbs4
- bulmaswatch
- Light-Modal
- web-font-loading-recipes - webfonts/ Read more: | zachleat | 847 |
- design-blocks
- url-to-pdf-api - hosted service for rendering receipts, invoices, or any content. | alvarcarto | 6070 |
- - tutorial | 9278 |
- modulator
- YouMightNotNeedJS
- craft
- hacker-news-pwas - Hacker News readers as Progressive Web Apps 📱 | tastejs | 2260 |
- react-from-zero - is | 4618 |
- BuildYourOwnLisp
- url
- html
- phpstan - discover bugs in your code without running it! | phpstan | 8401 |
- marvelapp
- axle - like kernel + userspace | codyd51 | 375 |
- html5-animation
- docs
- css-reference
- demos
- talktalktalk - installable small chat room, with chat history. | josephernest | 251 |
- Winds
- vocalizer
- awesome-webpack - contrib | 3904 |
- - based, passwordless authentication that you can host yourself. | portier | 328 |
- text-spinners
- webgl2-fundamentals
- shower
- formcore
- html5-periodic-table
- responsive-html-email-template
- milligram
- youmightnotneedjquery
- photo-stream - hosted, super simple photo stream | maxvoltar | 1442 |
- cipherlist
- blackeye
- all-contributors - contributors | 3956 |
- socialmanagertools-gui - manager-tools | 257 |
- free-for-dev
- awesome-creative-coding
- proposal-javascript-standard-library
- - Code für | pwaldhauer | 2 |
- polyfill-service - Times | 4713 |
- netlify-plugin-search-index - yx | 14 |
- favioli
- polymer
- PactMaker
- openshift-cachet - NO LONGER MAINTAINED | CatDeployed | 10 |
- turndown
- screenfull.js - browser usage of the JavaScript Fullscreen API | sindresorhus | 5358 |
- vanilla-framework - web-and-design | 409 |
- bikeshed
- Cerberus
- pudl - based Static Site Generator — for quick static site prototyping. | MaedahBatool | 72 |
- pandoc
- gitit
- patat - based presentations using Pandoc | jaspervdj | 1327 |
- wstunnel - Static binary available | erebe | 527 |
- dhall-haskell - lang | 614 |
- write-you-a-haskell
- semantic
- haskell-trainings
- fgl
- streamly
- duckling
- shellcheck
- luna
- UpdateTool
- languagetool - org | 3516 |
- soapui - platform functional testing solution for APIs and web services. | SmartBear | 1054 |
- keycloak
- openapi-generator
- swagger-core - api | 6284 |
- mantis - effective, operations-focused applications | Netflix | 977 |
- live-transcribe-speech-engine - time captioning for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. This repository contains the Android client libraries for communicating with Google's Cloud Speech API that are used in Live Transcribe. | google | 997 |
- nacos - to-use dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications. | alibaba | 11224 |
- CROKAGE-replication-package
- bazel - language and extensible build system | bazelbuild | 14445 |
- runelite
- smile
- textidote
- sudoku-solver
- ghidra
- LeetCodeAnimation
- bytecode-viewer
- flyway
- WebGoat
- idea-php-laravel-plugin
- retrofit - safe HTTP client for Android and Java by Square, Inc. | square | 35289 |
- graal
- gg - browser multiplayer tank battle game | team142 | 16 |
- temperature-conversion
- phpinspectionsea
- zaproxy
- DependencyCheck - check is a software composition analysis utility that detects publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in application dependencies. | jeremylong | 2208 |
- asynchronousratchetingtree - to-Ends Encryption: Asynchronous Group Messaging with Strong Security Guarantees | facebookresearch | 212 |
- sonarqube
- programming
- css-validator
- VasSonic - performance Hybrid framework developed by tencent VAS team, which is intended to speed up the first screen of websites working on Android and iOS platform. | Tencent | 10701 |
- bisq - network | 3046 |
- interviews
- idea-php-shopware-plugin
- parser
- yuicompressor
- validator
- clarity
- livestreamerJGUI
- lottie-react-native - native-community | 12789 |
- wiremock
- DelegatedRecoveryReferenceImplementation
- data-transfer-project
- aet - a system that detects visual changes on web sites and performs basic page health checks | Cognifide | 89 |
Jupyter Notebook
- IMDB-Watchlist-whereToWatch
- ml-workspace - in-one web-based IDE specialized for machine learning and data science. | ml-tooling | 1081 |
- goodbooks-10k
- python-machine-learning-book-3rd-edition
- harry_potter_nlp
- fastai
- examples
- mirror-selfie
- course-v3
- tensorflow-without-a-phd
- breast_cancer_classifier
- the-craft-of-selfteaching
- nlp-tutorial
- QuaterNet
- syntax-speaker-prediction
- Me_Bot - Madan | 604 |
- DeOldify
- digital_video_introduction - on introduction to video technology: image, video, codec (av1, vp9, h265) and more (ffmpeg encoding). | leandromoreira | 9989 |
- lessons
- envelope - experiments | 137 |
- Unciv - source Android/Desktop remake of Civ V | yairm210 | 1254 |
- android-showcase
- ktor
- Hirnfick
- FA3C-Untis-Bot
- AdventOfCode2018
- iosched
- kotlin
- llvm - mirror | 4360 |
- kong - Native API Gateway | Kong | 25339 |
- VeryNginx - nginx-module( openresty ) which provide WAF, Control Panel, and Dashboards. | alexazhou | 5280 |
- MazeBase
- distant-multiplayer-start
- CQUI_Community-Edition - UI enhancements, reduce clicks and manage your empire faster! | Azurency | 369 |
- ProductionQueue
- BTS - Mod for Civilization VI | astog | 26 |
- Civ6-YnAMP
- cqui - Chao's Quick UI. Reduce clicks and manage your empire faster! | CQUI-Org | 334 |
- Gatherer
- aux-addon - addon" IMPORTANT: The Vanilla (1.12) version moved here | shirsig | 200 |
- QuestieDev
- LuaScripts
- waifu2x - Resolution for Anime-Style Art | nagadomi | 17844 |
- redox - | redox-os | 12145 |
- badges
- lc3-vm - 3 computer! | justinmeiners | 352 |
- apk-file
- ghb0t
- udict
- upmail
- sshb0t
- PostgresApp
- full-speed-python - learners | joaoventura | 2570 |
- KeepingYouAwake
- Toolbox
- Beat - a simple and elegant screenwriting app for macOS | lmparppei | 27 |
- MemojiCatalyst
- Disk-Arbitrator
- shortcuts-iosmac - together implementation of Shortcuts for macOS Catalina using system frameworks | steventroughtonsmith | 235 |
- AppleEvents
- Soundflower
- UITrackpadControl
- keycastr - source keystroke visualizer | keycastr | 4821 |
- Sloth
- SubEthaEdit
- PocketSocket - C websocket library for building things that work in realtime on iOS and OS X. | zwopple | 363 |
- VSaver
- SpriteKitWatchFace - based faux analog watch face example for watchOS | steventroughtonsmith | 1023 |
- DarkCode
- restor - friendly application to (mass) image macOS computers from a single source | google | 219 |
- YouTube-Music
- marzipanify
- play-button-itunes-patch
- spectacle
- santa
- sequelpro
- rust-webview - platform UI library for Rust that uses a webview for rendering HTML5 | alanhoff | 62 |
- macmediakeyforwarder
- AnimojiStudio
- XcodeCleaner - native-macos | waylybaye | 1400 |
- SBSAnimoji
- sketchcachecleaner - op | 426 |
- cdto
- shortcuts
- yalu102
- Dash-iOS
- TouchBarDemoApp - screen by pressing the Fn-key. | bikkelbroeders | 1646 |
- TouchBarScreenshotter
- canabalt-ios
- NSDate-Extensions - world dates | erica | 1395 |
- iPokeGo
- Plopp - C | florianalbrecht | 2 |
- Buglife-iOS
- FLEX - app debugging and exploration tool for iOS | Flipboard | 11285 |
- covid-19-data
- fork-this
- Anno - mods | 10 |
- issues
- starter-workflows
- COVID-19 - 19 Italia - Monitoraggio situazione | pcm-dpc | 3082 |
- COVID-19 - 19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE | CSSEGISandData | 19550 |
- handbook
- Fontily
- laravel-log-reader
- awesome-universal-rendering - rendering, static site generators (SSG). | brillout | 260 |
- web-dev-feeds
- photopea
- awesome-distributed-systems
- 0x4447_product_s3_email
- awesome-scanning - si | 136 |
- fritzbox-blacklist
- Unreal.js
- browser-2020
- sas-top-10
- how-to-exit-vim
- xcode-open-on-github
- signoff-commit-action
- awesome-standalones - agnostic standalone web components | davatron5000 | 290 |
- awesome-nodejs
- deploy-your-own-saas
- awesome-react-components
- policies
- nyt_crosswords
- 25-days-of-serverless
- awesome-oss-funding
- github-actions-ci-templates
- fuzz.txt
- thank-you-github - you-github | 1899 |
- so-you-graduated-whats-next
- cfps
- tamagotchiTemp
- SteamOS
- Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit
- gamedev-js - js | 67 |
- upload-artifact
- download-artifact
- distributed-consensus-reading-list
- offensive - validation-rules | 3 |
- email-validation-mailgun - validation-rules | 1 |
- exposed-password - validation-rules | 8 |
- support.Githubbers
- tus-resumable-upload-protocol
- alfred-shrugify
- established-remote
- USA-Constitution
- Altair-BASIC - Soft Altair BASIC 3.2 source | option8 | 59 |
- chef-sugar
- postcss-language
- datauri
- ECMAScript-new-features-list
- developer-portfolios
- Hacking-Security-Ebooks - Books (Free Download) | yeahhub | 2225 |
- juggler - Firefox Automation Protocol for implementing the Puppeteer API. | puppeteer | 48 |
- reverse-interview
- ama
- hosts-blocklists
- php-rfcs
- privacy-budget
- md-article-template - made setup to write articles in Markdown and be able to see live preview and export the article in HTML | lmammino | 8 |
- A-to-Z-Resources-for-Students
- Fantastic-Front-End-Toolbox - end tools, technologies, and resources for developers. | jamesctucker | 594 |
- open-funding
- markdown-cheatsheet
- javascript-testing-best-practices
- YubiKey-Guide
- backend
- eng-practices
- my-js-quizzes-1
- intro-to-bash - world examples and command-line tips | codenameyau | 8 |
- branding
- security-bulletins
- awesome-lucid-dream
- osquery-configuration
- hard-mode
- badass-conference-talks
- awesome-wasm-langs
- server-spellbook
- infra-spellbook
- ansible-role-golang
- kubernetes-network-policy-recipes
- reports - assistant | 43 |
- pest
- github-issue-templates
- - | rust-windows | 3 |
- preact-faq
- Spacewar - 6 and PDP-10 | PDP-10 | 11 |
- jquery-avoidance-techniques - best-practices | 18 |
- idiomatic-css
- Beginner-Network-Pentesting
- Cookbook
- alfred-simple
- searchable-invisible-dom
- awesome-chaos-engineering
- theme-specification - ui | 258 |
- catj
- clean-go-article
- Data-Engineering-HowTo
- awesome-swiftui
- awesome-app-ideas
- docs
- package-json - json | 275 |
- first-contributions
- SwiftUI-Cheat-Sheet
- shopee-react-knowledgeable
- ansible-role-redis - Redis | geerlingguy | 140 |
- manager-resources
- proposal-blocks
- personal-security-checklist
- APISecurityBestPractices
- jest-cheat-sheet
- enterprise-applications-patterns
- CodeStream
- std-toast
- javascript-questions
- .github
- The-Hackers-Hardware-Toolkit
- opensource-candies
- hacker-laws
- How-to-collaborate-on-github
- artwork - related logos and artwork | cncf | 145 |
- travis-ci - ci | 7947 |
- awesome-typescript - side and server-side development. Write your awesome JavaScript in TypeScript | dzharii | 1955 |
- vulnerabilitydb
- chocolatey-package-requests - community | 62 |
- swiftlint-sindre
- awesome-documentation
- ideas
- nord-terminal-app - bluish clean and elegant color theme. | arcticicestudio | 144 |
- bench-scripts
- app-ideas
- posters - research, access needs, accessibility, design. | UKHomeOffice | 2324 |
- lazyload - little | 163 |
- RE-iOS-Apps
- webpack-workshop-2018
- notes - stack web development notes. | 8483 | 1475 |
- design-inspiration
- OpenGraphic
- intro-to-vue
- night-owl-vscode-theme
- yubikey-handbook
- openaccess
- awesome-yara
- awesome-personal-blogs
- github
- awesome-compilers
- legal-notices
- hit-by-a-bus
- Nodejs-Developer-Roadmap
- 100-days-of-code-frontend - end development during #100DaysOfCode. | nas5w | 1744 |
- awesome-startup-credits
- awesome-vuepress
- creative-coding-notes
- How-To-Secure-A-Linux-Server - to guide for securing a Linux server. | imthenachoman | 10191 |
- deep-learning-drizzle
- chinese-programmer-wrong-pronunciation
- awesome-podcasts
- open-source-cs
- the-practical-linux-hardening-guide
- ethical-web-dev
- gitpod - to-code dev evironments for GitHub and GitLab | gitpod-io | 1077 |
- dad-jokes
- SecurityAdvisories
- HTMLx - org | 397 |
- awesome-female-workshop-leads
- awesome-parcel - bundler | 1153 |
- http2-prioritization-issues
- awesome-php-security
- MSEdge
- things-you-can-do-in-a-web-worker
- alfred-idealo
- webannoyances
- tsconfig
- awesome-electron
- awesome-go-storage
- design-for-developers
- SES - shim. SES (Secure EcmaScript) is a secure runtime for running third-party code safely | Agoric | 363 |
- github-drama
- awesome-vue-storefront
- awesome-wasm
- devNewbieLearningResources
- awesome-docute
- idiomatic-contributing
- tls-what-can-go-wrong - what can go wrong? | hannob | 88 |
- AD-Attack-Defense
- awesome-twig
- virtual-scroller
- mindforger-repository
- ansible-role-mysql - MySQL | geerlingguy | 723 |
- Awesome-Fuzzing - free and paid, videos, tools, tutorials and vulnerable applications to practice on ) for learning Fuzzing and initial phases of Exploit Development like root cause analysis. | secfigo | 3032 |
- People-You-Should-Follow-on-CodePen
- gitignore
- awful-ai - hoping to raise awareness | daviddao | 3017 |
- babel-handbook
- Front-End-FAQ
- ghost-lang
- macOS_headers
- React-Fiber-Architecture - code) | SaeedMalikx | 665 |
- jsx - like syntax extension to ECMAScript. | facebook | 1443 |
- awesome-react-hooks
- awesome-css-houdini
- graphql-design-tutorial
- AppleEventInviteStickerPack
- nova-issues
- privacy-policy
- vue-undraw - undraw | 29 |
- shopware-live-templates
- email-blueprints
- quickdraw-dataset
- basecs-series
- barn
- quick-SQL-cheatsheet
- microgrants
- manager-resources
- javascript-visual-explanations - concepts from JS/frontend ecosystem explained visually (pictures, diagrams, animations etc.) | hex13 | 218 |
- Algorithms-Explanation
- Awesome-UNIX - Like: Linux, BSD, macOS, Illumos, 9front, and more. | sirredbeard | 842 |
- pwc
- symfony-lts-or-current
- worker-node
- vscode-ava
- test-your-sysadmin-skills
- shopware-with-nginx
- survivingtheappstore
- NoHarm - A licence for using software for good | raisely | 283 |
- best-practices
- unmaintainable-code
- awesome-laravel-nova - awesome | 363 |
- awesome-nova
- rust-by-example - lang | 3485 |
- awesome-cold-showers
- pause-document
- toml - lang | 13200 |
- Front-End-Performance-Checklist - End Performance Checklist that runs faster than the others | thedaviddias | 12064 |
- no-framework-tutorial
- javascript-design-patterns-for-humans - simplified explanation of design patterns implemented in javascript | sohamkamani | 2077 |
- awesome-puppeteer - bullshit | 1207 |
- CS-Interview-Knowledge-Map
- zap
- dear-github - github | 5007 |
- vscode-mdx
- the-book-of-secret-knowledge - liners, cli/web tools and more. | trimstray | 31778 |
- sirishortcuts
- dev-setup - kretz | 63 |
- phpconsole
- package.json
- openlogos
- microsoft-drop-ice
- layered-apis - level features. | drufball | 269 |
- typed-objects-es7
- typed-objects-explainer
- awesome-frontend-games - Pitt | 39 |
- awesome-typography
- awesome-design-patterns
- project-based-tutorials-in-c - based tutorials in C | rby90 | 4109 |
- GLWTPL - shaon | 3756 |
- github-xp
- useractivation
- awesome-monorepo
- Front-End-Design-Checklist - End Developers | thedaviddias | 3475 |
- subliminal
- awesome-caddy - book | 24 |
- raven-rust - darwish | 6 |
- wp-functions
- rust-imap
- awesome-subreddits
- predictive-fetching
- commit-messages-guide
- how-products-got-their-name
- Win32-OpenSSH
- python3_with_pleasure
- css-cheat-sheet - A reference for CSS goodness. | AdamMarsden | 273 |
- awesome-scalability - Scale Systems | binhnguyennus | 25549 |
- awesome-developer-streams
- awesome-serverless
- must-watch-javascript - watch talks about JavaScript | AllThingsSmitty | 6118 |
- awesome-shopware - Open Source eCommerce built with PHP | shyim | 97 |
- vscode-caddyfile-syntax
- awesome-swift
- awesome-awesome-nodejs
- reverse-engineering
- learningPixi - by-step introduction to making games and interactive media with the Pixi.js rendering engine. | kittykatattack | 3183 |
- SuperTinyIcons
- awesome-design-systems
- vue-admin - bulma | 9497 |
- vue-vscode-extensionpack
- git-flight-rules
- raml-spec - org | 3594 |
- Resources-Front-End-Beginner - End beginners (🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🇨🇦 & 🇫🇷) | thedaviddias | 2581 |
- Awesome-Hacking-Resources
- html-dinbrief - 5008 letters in HTML | hennerthepenner | 9 |
- keybase-gpg-github - by-step guide on how to create a GPG key on, adding it to a local GPG setup and use it with Git and GitHub. | pstadler | 2253 |
- api-blueprint
- modern-js-cheatsheet
- fullstack-web-developer-path - stack web development | shovanch | 2807 |
- every-programmer-should-know
- Cobalt2-Alfred-Theme
- thejsway
- gridbugs
- learn-regex
- games - ons, maps, etc. hosted on GitHub. Any genre. Any platform. Any engine. | leereilly | 14130 |
- Tiny-ES6-Notebook
- my-wsl-setup
- API-Security-Checklist
- awesome-sysadmin
- shopware-with-caddy
- vscode-tips-and-tricks
- teach_yourself_demoscene_in_14_days
- awesome-gamedev
- Become-A-Full-Stack-Web-Developer
- developer-roadmap
- coding-interview-university
- lowlevelprogramming-university - level programmer | gurugio | 6122 |
- bash-guide
- security-101-for-saas-startups
- can-i-subsystem-it
- php-static-analysis-tools
- exercism - sourced code mentorship. Practice having thoughtful conversations about code. | exercism | 5907 |
- awesome-casestudy
- Public-APIs
- awesome-visualization-research
- guide-to-staying-productive
- awesome-opensource-apps - Learn, Fork, Contribute & Most Importantly Enjoy! | unicodeveloper | 1604 |
- stack-on-a-budget
- webpack-tricks
- fartscroll.js
- promise-fun
- proposal-url
- proposals
- channels - -r | 3799 |
- easy-application - delaney | 6373 |
- awesome
- machine-learning-for-software-engineers
- Projects
- fig-standards - fig | 11726 |
- debugger - devtools | 4544 |
- willitbreak
- awesome-design
- awesome-npm
- kubernetes-the-hard-way
- es6features
- LanguageLearning
- commit
- PokeScanner
- functional-programming-jargon
- api-guidelines
- security-guide-for-developers
- PokemonGo-Map
- You-Dont-Know-JS
- awesome-falsehoods
- lemonade-stand
- structured-text-tools
- the-art-of-command-line
- culture-handbook
- awesome-ponyfills - platform and cross-browser code. | Richienb | 31 |
- awesome-nix - community | 221 |
- awesome-stock-resources
- awesome-nextjs - rendered React applications) | unicodeveloper | 3432 |
- awesome-naming
- awesome-clean-tech
- awesome-remote-job - python | lukasz-madon | 17926 |
- apple-terminated-my-dev-account
- PlacesToPostYourStartup
- awesome-PICO-8 - 8 resources, carts, tools and more | pico-8 | 1506 |
- awesome-tensorflow - A curated list of dedicated resources | jtoy | 15602 |
- technology_books
- awesome-for-beginners - friendly projects. | MunGell | 18245 |
- awesome-quantum-computing
- awesome-pinned-gists
- awesome-react-hooks
- github-cheat-sheet
- game-datasets
- awesome-shell - line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos. Inspired by awesome-php. | alebcay | 19041 |
- awesome-browser-extensions-for-github
- awesome-css-learning
- awesome-cross-platform-nodejs - platform Node.js code | bcoe | 839 |
- awesome-jamstack
- computer-science - taught education in Computer Science! | ossu | 58148 |
- Consolas
- awesome-mobile-web-development
- awesome-awesome-awesome
- awesome-css - css-group | 2534 |
- now-examples
- awesome-chrome-devtools
- awesome-sre
- awesome-actions
- awesome-computer-history
- ToolsOfTheTrade
- awesome-vue
- awesome-ffmpeg - bullshit | 420 |
- awesome-jupyter
- awesome-tailwindcss
- awesome-digitalocean
- awesome-preact
- awesome-maintainers
- awesome-react
- awesome-symfony-education - articles, series and books (not Bundles) | pehapkari | 301 |
- awesome-talks
- awesome-public-datasets - centric list of HQ open datasets. | awesomedata | 38566 |
- awesome-code-review - articles, papers, tools, etc | joho | 2011 |
- css-protips
- awesome-javascript - side JavaScript libraries, resources and shiny things. | sorrycc | 19959 |
- awesome-diversity
- awesome-gbdev - source ROMs. | gbdev | 2314 |
- awesome-indie
- queries
- awesome-uncopyright
- awesome-pixel-art
- magictools
- awesome-hyper
- awesome-hacking
- awesome-falsehood
- awesome-electronics
- awesome-javascript-learning
- awesome-php
- awesome-cpp - ... stuff. | fffaraz | 24786 |
- Blockchain-stuff
- amas
- awesome-workshopper
- free-programming-books
- hyper-oh-my-zsh - My-ZSH theme based on hyper terminal default theme 😎 | willmendesneto | 25 |
- favicon-cheat-sheet
- dumb-password-rules - password-rules | 2321 |
- awesome-sysadmin
- 30-seconds-of-css - seconds | 13474 |
- math-as-code - sheet for mathematical notation in code form | Jam3 | 10351 |
- awesome-interview-questions
- build-your-own-x
- Awesome-Ethical-Hacking-Resources
- awesome-dev-podcasts - yx | 535 |
- awesome-product-design
- project-based-learning - based tutorials | tuvtran | 31218 |
- side-project-marketing - cto | 4654 |
- etiquette
- The-Documentation-Compendium - quality documentation that people want to read. | kylelobo | 3416 |
- One-Click-to-Be-Pro
- react-course
- useless-css-properties
- worker-examples
- awesome-glsl
- shopware-live-templates
- sirishortcuts
- tech-community-slacks
- blog
- Marketing-for-Engineers
- awesome-alpine
- issues
- heroicons - licensed high-quality SVG icons for UI development. | refactoringui | 4445 |
- awesome-management
- rustjs
- privacy-budget
- Win10-Initial-Setup-Script
- oh-my-posh
- Invoke-Obfuscation
- ci
- Chocolatey-Packages
- windows-dev-box-setup-scripts
- windows-development-environment
- vsonline
- scoop-extras
- scoop - line installer for Windows. | lukesampson | 10145 |
Rich Text Format
- homebrew-musl-cross - friendly musl-based GCC macOS-to-Linux cross-compilers | FiloSottile | 160 |
- homebrew-fonts-nonfree
- hypershield
- stayinghomeclub - 19 | phildini | 453 |
- next-right-now - grade boilerplate with Next.js 9, Zeit and TypeScript. Includes multiple opt-in presets using GraphQL, Analytics, CSS-in-JS, Monitoring, End-to-end testing, Internationalization, CI/CD and B2B multiple single-tenants (monorepo) support | UnlyEd | 118 |
- truncato
- wpscan - commercial use, black box WordPress Vulnerability Scanner written for security professionals and blog maintainers to test the security of their WordPress websites. | wpscanteam | 4808 |
- cli-ui
- puffing-billy
- soulmedicine - sized pieces. | chaynHQ | 8 |
- tty
- graphql-ruby
- news-sniffer
- homebrew-cask
- vagrant
- inertia-rails
- Ruby
- sorbet
- jit_preloader
- email_reply_parser
- travis.rb - ci | 1449 |
- puma
- mm-github-pages-starter
- wai-perspective-videos
- vagrant-hostmanager - machine environment. | devopsgroup-io | 1372 |
- explore - curated topic and collection pages on GitHub | github | 1612 |
- vagrant-nfs4j - centre-ouest | 8 |
- vagrant-winnfsd
- wayback_archiver
- vagrant-gatling-rsync
- css-only-chat
- inspec
- formatador
- nanoc
- serveit
- discourse
- wordmove - stage command line deploy/mirroring and task runner for Wordpress | welaika | 1674 |
- rails
- dotyaml
- seeing_is_believing
- markdownlint
- pragma
- book-build-apis-2
- suggest_rb
- dependabot-core
- github-gem
- colorls - awesome icons. :tada: | athityakumar | 2941 |
- travis-build - ci | 621 |
- knife-digital_ocean - server and knife-solo bootstrapping | derseeger | 1 |
- helpy
- anonymizer
- setup
- octobox
- pages-gem
- jekyll-seo-tag
- chef-utils
- chef-cookbooks
- taste-tester - zero instance and use it to test changes on production servers. | facebook | 121 |
- capistrano - server automation tool | capistrano | 11455 |
- facebook_data_analyzer
- chef-papertrail
- licensed
- jekyll - aware static site generator in Ruby | jekyll | 40097 |
- syllabus
- serverspec
- ci
- vagrant-digitalocean - io | 1714 |
- brew
- darrrr
- twitter-unfollow
- Scumblr - Skunkworks | 2571 |
- metasploit-framework
- amazon-account-crawler
- overcommit
- danger
- awesome-awesomeness
- linguist
- mastodon - hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community | tootsuite | 20653 |
- vagrant-hostsupdater
- awesome-vapor - related awesome projects. | Cellane | 639 |
- postal - mail | postalhq | 9603 |
- ynab-bank-importer
- vagrant-nfs4j - centre-ouest | 8 |
- adsf
- feedi
- z - jump around | rupa | 11364 |
- mac-pixel-clock-patch-V2
- asdf - vm | 7031 |
- forge-database-backups
- message-db - db | 1154 |
- prosperity-public-license
- perf-tools
- docker-bench-security - practices around deploying Docker containers in production. | docker | 5819 |
- php - library | 2471 |
- macos-improvifier
- rebase - actions | 328 |
- db
- github-action-delete-package
- linux-bench - Dev | 20 |
- cache-domains
- monolithic
- pure-sh-bible
- awesome-git-hooks
- git-blame-someone-else
- github-sync - sync | 68 |
- docker-clean
- ansible-lanparty - mo | 110 |
- ship
- - official | 16982 |
- jest-action
- ascii-emoji
- prezto - ionescu | 11100 |
- baseimage-docker - friendliness | phusion | 7708 |
- uAssets - to-use rulesets, etc. | uBlockOrigin | 1270 |
- MessageMe
- powerlevel10k
- airgeddon - use bash script for Linux systems to audit wireless networks. | v1s1t0r1sh3r3 | 2497 |
- fonts
- antigen - users | 5763 |
- macOS-Simple-KVM
- openvpn-install
- docker-alpine
- ti-83-programs - 83 Plus. | benbalter | 5 |
- dotfiles
- dotfiles
- webrtc-build-scripts
- actions-wordpress
- dotfiles
- priority-hints
- getssl
- hook-flow
- php-src-builder - src with php-build and uploads artifacts to S3 | travis-ci | 30 |
- yaml-sucks
- dotfiles
- pi-hole - hole | 21725 |
- Mac-CLI
- nginx-admins-handbook
- lambci
- git-lambda-layer
- cheatsheets - page cheatsheets, generated from Markdown using Pandoc & LaTeX | kickstartcoding | 688 |
- professional-programming - stack resources for programmers. | charlax | 14127 |
- plex-media-player-appimage
- nsfw_data_scraper
- windows-bash-ssh-agent - agent on Bash on Ubuntu on Windows | bahamas10 | 32 |
- phpenv
- lsix
- async-book - lang | 564 |
- branch-cleanup-action
- shaking-finger-action
- git-standup - ) | kamranahmedse | 6586 |
- yolo
- picture-in-picture - in-Picture (PiP) | w3c | 243 |
- generate-ssl-certs-for-local-development - signed SSL certs for local development on your Mac | kingkool68 | 1308 |
- fff
- dotfiles
- zsh-completions - users | 3377 |
- zsh-syntax-highlighting - users | 9061 |
- zsh-autosuggestions - like autosuggestions for zsh | zsh-users | 12833 |
- zsh-history-substring-search - users | 1214 |
- rbenv
- example-azure-node
- nodenv
- nginx-cache-purge
- strap
- php-build - build | 836 |
- dnsgit
- pms-docker
- formation - end development | minamarkham | 1539 |
- yonce - inspired themes for all your favs. | minamarkham | 250 |
- garie
- vscodium
- mOSL
- homestead
- timidity
- portals
- github-markdown-toc
- neofetch - line system information tool written in bash 3.2+ | dylanaraps | 8310 |
- shopware-docker
- pure-bash-bible
- git-praise - praise to find out who to thank for that magical piece of code. | ansman | 133 |
- graphql-spec
- bocker
- the-bread-code
- - hasty Docker Containers through Ansible with local or Unlimited Google HD Space! | plexguide | 1476 |
- GitTools
- bash-arg-parse
- dnsperftest
- powerlevel9k
- heroku-buildpack-rust
- fish-shell - friendly command line shell. | fish-shell | 14755 |
- nvidia-update - Dobell | 1121 |
- slackr - sync/slackfu) | a-sync | 38 |
- plexupdate
- ansible-interactive-tutorial
- n-install - L \| bash | mklement0 | 529 |
- tldr - driven man pages | tldr-pages | 26607 |
- vessel - docker | 893 |
- Command-line-text-processing
- apt-fast - fast: A shellscript wrapper for apt that speeds up downloading of packages. | ilikenwf | 1123 |
- Hack - foundry | 13235 |
- bash-it - it | 11326 |
- Bash-Snippets
- welder
- plugin-dev-tools
- wipe-modules - active projects | bntzio | 266 |
- pure
- ohmyzsh - driven (with 1500+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 200+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, php, python, etc), over 140 themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community. | ohmyzsh | 106709 |
- movies-for-hackers
- dotfiles
- static_status
- docker-gc
- streisand
- lamp-install-script
- spaceship-prompt
- awesome-zsh-plugins
- papers-we-love - we-love | 39615 |
- bakery
- awesome-home-assistant
- step-github-upload-asset
- nvm - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions | nvm-sh | 40830 |
- action-shopware
- create-dmg
- tailwindcss-figma-kit
- native-file-system
- auto-color-ls
- onpremise - Premise setup | getsentry | 2429 |
- bitbar-plugins
- composer-project
- CoronaTracker
- macos-audio-devices
- BreatheReplica
- DarkImagePublishPlugin
- Timelane
- lockdown-ios
- Plash
- SwiftUIX
- Rectangle
- macos-key-cast
- hidden - light MacOS utility that helps hide menu bar icons | dwarvesf | 2720 |
- overkill-for-mac
- Plot - safe HTML, XML and RSS in Swift. | JohnSundell | 1183 |
- Ink
- mac-focus-window
- mac-window-select
- NoiseBuddy
- action-swiftlint - nomura | 147 |
- pam-watchid
- DirectToSwiftUI
- alt-tab-macos - tab on macOS (i.e. switch between windows, not apps) | lwouis | 772 |
- CustomButton
- mac-open-with
- Clippy
- brave-ios
- Puma
- ConfettiView
- reddit-swiftui - platform Reddit client built in SwiftUI | carson-katri | 679 |
- CrashReporter
- SwiftUIExperiments
- DealStack
- xi-mac - editor mac frontend. | xi-editor | 2790 |
- SwiftWebUI
- Unshaky
- MovieSwiftUI
- SwiftUI
- TouchFart
- wwdc-downloader - no external dependency. | ohoachuck | 1496 |
- About-SwiftUI
- PullToReach - and-drop solution for adding pull-to-reach functionality to your app | quickbirdstudios | 501 |
- Identity - safe identifiers in Swift | JohnSundell | 262 |
- InAppViewDebugger - device view debugging | indragiek | 1641 |
- Amethyst
- TermiWatch
- cows
- Aerial
- Hello-Goodbye
- PanModal
- DevSwitch
- swift-log
- LogDistributedNotifications
- splash
- Workbench
- adding-deeplink-shortcuts-to-the-iOS-home-screen
- pixel-picker
- Teller-iOS
- Wendy-iOS
- AppUpdater
- Pine
- DockProgress
- Brooklyn
- ios-developer-tools
- Bagel
- swift-sh - party Swift dependencies. | mxcl | 1350 |
- ProcreateUndoGesture
- Progress.swift
- aperture-node
- Connectivity - Fi networks without Internet access. | rwbutler | 1275 |
- MagazineLayout
- Flint
- PlainPasta
- macos-wallpaper
- FloatingPanel - to-use floating panel UI component for iOS | SCENEE | 3472 |
- halloween_2018_watch_face
- CircularProgress
- SpriteKitWatchFacePlaygroundBook
- RsyncOSX
- mas - cli | 6937 |
- DeviceColor
- CloudCore
- Slope
- summon
- Splash
- HeadGazeLib
- iina
- is-it-snappy - to-output latency | chadaustin | 81 |
- Unwrap
- fluid-interfaces
- FlowLayout - directional layout framework for iOS | eonist | 170 |
- UICircularProgressRing
- GitHawk
- Aperture
- Magnet
- KeyHolder
- brisk
- LoginCritter
- Gitee
- VisualProgrammingLanguage
- Gifski - quality GIFs on your Mac | sindresorhus | 4435 |
- openterm
- TelegramSwift
- SoftU2F
- Signal-iOS
- tightloop-playgroundbook
- json2swift
- PixPic
- PrismaSimpleImagePicker - ML | 588 |
- iOS10-day-by-day
- Live
- X-Days-of-Swift
- PodcastMenu
- 15DaysofAnimationsinSwift
- UIImageColors
- CardsLayout - designed CollectionView layout | filletofish | 604 |
- AlecrimCoreData
- Differific - a fast and convenient diffing framework. | zenangst | 122 |
- SkeletonView
- SAConfettiView
- CDAlertView
- SwifterSwift
- Nuke
- open-source-mac-os-apps - londar | 21985 |
- Vaccine - Make your apps immune to recompile-disease | zenangst | 276 |
- ShadowView
- AZDialogViewController
- NetNewsWire - Software | 3176 |
- lottie-ios
- Hero
- FlagKit
- vapor - side Swift web framework. | vapor | 18408 |
- PopupDialog
- Instructions
- awesome-ios - C and Swift Projects | vsouza | 34500 |
- paper-onboarding - | Ramotion | 2917 |
- nio
- SubtleVolume
- Defaults
- Awesome-Swift-Playgrounds
- HybridCamera
- CareKit - apple | 1836 |
- SwiftFormat - line tool and Xcode Extension for formatting Swift code | nicklockwood | 3715 |
- BuildTimeAnalyzer-for-Xcode
- SnapKit
- Commander
- awesome-swift
- NSFWDetector
- SwiftShell
- Menu
- PrismaSimpleImagePicker - ML | 588 |
- PullToReach - and-drop solution for adding pull-to-reach functionality to your app | quickbirdstudios | 501 |
- sensor-visualizer-kit
- ProcreateUndoGesture
- Spotifree
- Preferences
- Pock
- Pixel
- AloeStackView
- Lona - platform UI code, Sketch files, and other artifacts. | airbnb | 7032 |
- xcodes
- ios-learning-materials - resources, tutorials and code repositories that may help you dig a little bit deeper into iOS. | jVirus | 1022 |
- awesome-ios-ui
- LaunchAtLogin
- database - tracker/mangos-zero/ | mangoszero | 74 |
- milewski-ctfp-pdf
- os01 - learner. | tuhdo | 8135 |
- Data-Science--Cheat-Sheet
- awesome-deep-learning-papers
- birdfont
- Akira
- FeedReader - based RSS accounts. | jangernert | 727 |
- peek
- timeshift
Vim script
Visual Basic
Visual Basic .NET
- laravel-schematics
- guijs
- phase10-frontend
- nova-kustomer
- headless-wp-nuxt - labs | 133 |
- timezone-converter
- keyboard-keyboard
- 2019-10-04-vuejs-london-conference-2019 - talks | 24 |
- demosify
- JAMstack-Workshop
- netlify-identity-demo-vue
- tic-tac-toe - akkaraju | 1 |
- do-not-laugh
- element
- primevue
- vue-gantt-demo
- gantt-elastic
- vue-pivot-table
- ganttlab-live - live | ganttlab | 8 |
- vue-moveable
- nuxtguide - selected collection of modules, plugins, boilerplates, tutorials, inspiration and more for Nuxt.js. | jake-101 | 47 |
- ecommerce-netlify
- OverVue - source-labs | 1607 |
- php-cs-fixer-configurator - CS-Fixer fixers and easily configure them | mlocati | 102 |
- smashing
- workcation
- create-portfolio
- bael-template - 101 | 148 |
- vue-form-wizard
- cssfx - to-copy CSS effects | jolaleye | 5523 |
- cssgridgenerator
- hyper-editor
- logoly
- nova-notification-feed
- video2gif
- vue-tailwind-examples
- svg2vue
- website - a11y community website | vue-a11y | 11 |
- gendered
- css-animations-demo - animations-demo/ | pb03 | 64 |
- formvuelar
- vue-hooks-foodapp
- PWABuilder - builder | 410 |
- nova-custom-dashboard-card
- page-transitions-travelapp - like Page Transitions | sdras | 1456 |
- nova-ohdear-tool
- buefy
- nova-translatable - translatable package. | mrmonat | 63 |
- nova-tinker-tool
- nova-route-viewer
- iban-validation
- nova-external-url
- nova-logs-tool
- vue-swing
- vddl
- vue-js-modal
- web - source tech video hub. | watch-devtube | 240 |
- vue-todo - in-plain-english | sunil-sandhu | 206 |
- vuetable-2 - - datatable component for Vue 2.x. See documentation at | ratiw | 1925 |
- vue-element-admin - element-admin | PanJiaChen | 52033 |
- vue-infinite-slide-bar
- make-frontend-shit-again
- vue-feather-icons
- craft-plugins
- profile-summary-for-github
- sample-vue-shop
- tddd
- best-resume-ever
- vuestic-admin
- muse-ui
- postwoman
- app
- wink - based publishing platform | writingink | 2028 |
- vue-auth-vuex
- vue-kinesis
- css-effects-snippets
- website - a11y community website | vue-a11y | 11 |
- wink - based publishing platform | writingink | 2028 |
- sigma-vue
- vue-pivot-table
- synclounge
📝 License
Programming Languages
Jupyter Notebook
Vim script
Rich Text Format
📝 License
Visual Basic
Visual Basic .NET
Emacs Lisp
Sub Categories